1cc_library_headers { 2 name: "libnetd_client_headers", 3 export_include_dirs: ["include"], 4} 5 6cc_library_headers { 7 name: "libnetdbinder_utils_headers", 8 export_include_dirs: ["include/binder_utils"], 9 apex_available: [ 10 "//apex_available:platform", 11 "com.android.resolv", 12 ], 13 min_sdk_version: "29", 14} 15 16cc_defaults { 17 name: "netd_defaults", 18 cflags: [ 19 "-Wall", 20 "-Werror", 21 // Override -Wno-error=implicit-fallthrough from soong 22 "-Werror=implicit-fallthrough", 23 "-Werror=sometimes-uninitialized", 24 "-Werror=conditional-uninitialized", 25 "-Wnullable-to-nonnull-conversion", 26 "-Wsign-compare", 27 "-Wthread-safety", 28 "-Wunused-parameter", 29 "-Wuninitialized", 30 ], 31 tidy: true, 32 cpp_std: "experimental", 33 tidy_checks: [ 34 "android-*", 35 "bugprone-*", 36 "cert-*", 37 "clang-analyzer-security*", 38 "google-*", 39 "misc-*", 40 "performance-*", 41 "-bugprone-narrowing-conversions", // lots of unsigned -> int conversions 42 "-cert-err34-c", // TODO: re-enable after removing atoi() and sscanf() calls 43 "-google-readability-*", // Too pedantic 44 "-google-runtime-int", // Too many unavoidable warnings due to strtol() 45 "-google-runtime-references", // Grandfathered usage of pass by non-const reference 46 "-misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes", // Also complains about structs 47 ], 48 tidy_flags: [ 49 "-warnings-as-errors=" 50 + "android-*," 51 + "bugprone-*," 52 + "cert-*," 53 + "clang-analyzer-security*," 54 + "google-*," 55 + "misc-*," 56 + "performance-*" 57 ], 58} 59