Package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation

Annotations that directly depend on classes in databinding bundle (not just Jackson core) and can not be included in Jackson core annotations package (because it can not have any external dependencies).


Class Summary
JsonPOJOBuilder.Value Simple value container for containing values read from JsonPOJOBuilder annotation instance.
NoClass Marker class used with annotations to indicate "no class".

Enum Summary
JsonSerialize.Inclusion Enumeration used with JsonSerialize.include() property to define which properties of Java Beans are to be included in serialization
JsonSerialize.Typing Enumeration used with JsonSerialize.typing() property to define whether type detection is based on dynamic runtime type (DYNAMIC) or declared type (STATIC).

Annotation Types Summary
JacksonStdImpl Marker interface used to indicate implementation classes (serializers, deserializers etc) that are standard ones Jackson uses; not custom ones that application has added.
JsonDeserialize Annotation use for configuring deserialization aspects, by attaching to "setter" methods or fields, or to value classes.
JsonPOJOBuilder Annotation used to configure details of a Builder class: instances of which are used as Builders for deserialized POJO values, instead of POJOs being instantiated using constructors or factory methods.
JsonSerialize Annotation used for configuring serialization aspects, by attaching to "getter" methods or fields, or to value classes.
JsonTypeIdResolver Annotation that can be used to plug a custom type identifier handler (TypeIdResolver) to be used by TypeSerializers and TypeDeserializers for converting between java types and type id included in JSON content.
JsonTypeResolver Annotation that can be used to explicitly define custom resolver used for handling serialization and deserialization of type information, needed for handling of polymorphic types (or sometimes just for linking abstract types to concrete types)
JsonValueInstantiator Annotation that can be used to indicate a ValueInstantiator to use for creating instances of specified type.

Package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation Description

Annotations that directly depend on classes in databinding bundle (not just Jackson core) and can not be included in Jackson core annotations package (because it can not have any external dependencies).

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