Class SimpleSerializers

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.Serializers.Base
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleSerializers
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializers, Serializable

public class SimpleSerializers
extends Serializers.Base
implements Serializable

Simple implementation Serializers which allows registration of serializers based on raw (type erased class). It can work well for basic bean and scalar type serializers, but is not a good fit for handling generic types (like Maps and Collections).

Type registrations are assumed to be general; meaning that registration of serializer for a super type will also be used for handling subtypes, unless an exact match is found first. As an example, handler for CharSequence would also be used serializing StringBuilder instances, unless a direct mapping was found.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.Serializers
Field Summary
protected  HashMap<ClassKey,JsonSerializer<?>> _classMappings
          Class-based mappings that are used both for exact and sub-class matches.
protected  HashMap<ClassKey,JsonSerializer<?>> _interfaceMappings
          Interface-based matches.
Constructor Summary
SimpleSerializers(List<JsonSerializer<?>> sers)
Method Summary
protected  JsonSerializer<?> _findInterfaceMapping(Class<?> cls, ClassKey key)
<T> void
addSerializer(Class<? extends T> type, JsonSerializer<T> ser)
 void addSerializer(JsonSerializer<?> ser)
          Method for adding given serializer for type that JsonSerializer.handledType() specifies (which MUST return a non-null class; and can NOT be Object, as a sanity check).
 void addSerializers(List<JsonSerializer<?>> sers)
 JsonSerializer<?> findArraySerializer(SerializationConfig config, ArrayType type, BeanDescription beanDesc, TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer, JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
          Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified array type.
 JsonSerializer<?> findCollectionLikeSerializer(SerializationConfig config, CollectionLikeType type, BeanDescription beanDesc, TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer, JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
          Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified "Collection-like" type (type that acts like Collection, but does not implement it).
 JsonSerializer<?> findCollectionSerializer(SerializationConfig config, CollectionType type, BeanDescription beanDesc, TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer, JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
          Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified Collection type.
 JsonSerializer<?> findMapLikeSerializer(SerializationConfig config, MapLikeType type, BeanDescription beanDesc, JsonSerializer<Object> keySerializer, TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer, JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
          Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified "Map-like" type (type that acts like Map, but does not implement it).
 JsonSerializer<?> findMapSerializer(SerializationConfig config, MapType type, BeanDescription beanDesc, JsonSerializer<Object> keySerializer, TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer, JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
          Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified Map type.
 JsonSerializer<?> findSerializer(SerializationConfig config, JavaType type, BeanDescription beanDesc)
          Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified type, which is not of a container type (for which other methods are called).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HashMap<ClassKey,JsonSerializer<?>> _classMappings
Class-based mappings that are used both for exact and sub-class matches.


protected HashMap<ClassKey,JsonSerializer<?>> _interfaceMappings
Interface-based matches.

Constructor Detail


public SimpleSerializers()


public SimpleSerializers(List<JsonSerializer<?>> sers)
Method Detail


public void addSerializer(JsonSerializer<?> ser)
Method for adding given serializer for type that JsonSerializer.handledType() specifies (which MUST return a non-null class; and can NOT be Object, as a sanity check). For serializers that do not declare handled type, use the variant that takes two arguments.

ser -


public <T> void addSerializer(Class<? extends T> type,
                              JsonSerializer<T> ser)


public void addSerializers(List<JsonSerializer<?>> sers)


public JsonSerializer<?> findSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
                                        JavaType type,
                                        BeanDescription beanDesc)
Description copied from interface: Serializers
Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified type, which is not of a container type (for which other methods are called).

Specified by:
findSerializer in interface Serializers
findSerializer in class Serializers.Base
config - Serialization configuration in use
type - Fully resolved type of instances to serialize
beanDesc - Additional information about type
Configured serializer to use for the type; or null if implementation does not recognize or support type


public JsonSerializer<?> findArraySerializer(SerializationConfig config,
                                             ArrayType type,
                                             BeanDescription beanDesc,
                                             TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer,
                                             JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
Description copied from interface: Serializers
Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified array type. Implementation should return a serializer instance if it supports specified type; or null if it does not.

Specified by:
findArraySerializer in interface Serializers
findArraySerializer in class Serializers.Base


public JsonSerializer<?> findCollectionSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
                                                  CollectionType type,
                                                  BeanDescription beanDesc,
                                                  TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer,
                                                  JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
Description copied from interface: Serializers
Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified Collection type. Implementation should return a serializer instance if it supports specified type; or null if it does not.

Specified by:
findCollectionSerializer in interface Serializers
findCollectionSerializer in class Serializers.Base


public JsonSerializer<?> findCollectionLikeSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
                                                      CollectionLikeType type,
                                                      BeanDescription beanDesc,
                                                      TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer,
                                                      JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
Description copied from interface: Serializers
Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified "Collection-like" type (type that acts like Collection, but does not implement it). Implementation should return a serializer instance if it supports specified type; or null if it does not.

Specified by:
findCollectionLikeSerializer in interface Serializers
findCollectionLikeSerializer in class Serializers.Base


public JsonSerializer<?> findMapSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
                                           MapType type,
                                           BeanDescription beanDesc,
                                           JsonSerializer<Object> keySerializer,
                                           TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer,
                                           JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
Description copied from interface: Serializers
Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified Map type. Implementation should return a serializer instance if it supports specified type; or null if it does not.

Specified by:
findMapSerializer in interface Serializers
findMapSerializer in class Serializers.Base


public JsonSerializer<?> findMapLikeSerializer(SerializationConfig config,
                                               MapLikeType type,
                                               BeanDescription beanDesc,
                                               JsonSerializer<Object> keySerializer,
                                               TypeSerializer elementTypeSerializer,
                                               JsonSerializer<Object> elementValueSerializer)
Description copied from interface: Serializers
Method called by serialization framework first time a serializer is needed for specified "Map-like" type (type that acts like Map, but does not implement it). Implementation should return a serializer instance if it supports specified type; or null if it does not.

Specified by:
findMapLikeSerializer in interface Serializers
findMapLikeSerializer in class Serializers.Base


protected JsonSerializer<?> _findInterfaceMapping(Class<?> cls,
                                                  ClassKey key)

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