Admin Directory API . mobiledevices

Instance Methods

action(customerId, resourceId, body)

Take action on Mobile Device

delete(customerId, resourceId)

Delete Mobile Device

get(customerId, resourceId, projection=None)

Retrieve Mobile Device

list(customerId, orderBy=None, projection=None, pageToken=None, maxResults=None, sortOrder=None, query=None)

Retrieve all Mobile Devices of a customer (paginated)

list_next(previous_request, previous_response)

Retrieves the next page of results.

Method Details

action(customerId, resourceId, body)
Take action on Mobile Device

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  resourceId: string, Immutable ID of Mobile Device (required)
  body: object, The request body. (required)
    The object takes the form of:

{ # JSON request template for firing commands on Mobile Device in Directory Devices API.
    "action": "A String", # Action to be taken on the Mobile Device

delete(customerId, resourceId)
Delete Mobile Device

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  resourceId: string, Immutable ID of Mobile Device (required)
get(customerId, resourceId, projection=None)
Retrieve Mobile Device

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  resourceId: string, Immutable ID of Mobile Device (required)
  projection: string, Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Includes only the basic metadata fields (e.g., deviceId, model, status, type, and status)
      FULL - Includes all metadata fields

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON template for Mobile Device resource in Directory API.
    "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
    "deviceCompromisedStatus": "A String", # Mobile Device compromised status (Read-only)
    "resourceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Mobile Device (Read-only)
    "defaultLanguage": "A String", # The default locale used on the Mobile Device (Read-only)
    "hardware": "A String", # Mobile Device Hardware (Read-only)
    "userAgent": "A String", # Mobile Device user agent
    "firstSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was first synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
    "otherAccountsInfo": [ # List of accounts added on device (Read-only)
      "A String",
    "releaseVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device release version version (Read-only)
    "hardwareId": "A String", # Mobile Device Hardware Id (Read-only)
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "securityPatchLevel": "A String", # Mobile Device Security patch level (Read-only)
    "privilege": "A String", # DMAgentPermission (Read-only)
    "encryptionStatus": "A String", # Mobile Device Encryption Status (Read-only)
    "type": "A String", # The type of device (Read-only)
    "email": [ # List of owner user's email addresses (Read-only)
      "A String",
    "devicePasswordStatus": "A String", # DevicePasswordStatus (Read-only)
    "kernelVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device Kernel version (Read-only)
    "brand": "A String", # Mobile Device Brand (Read-only)
    "meid": "A String", # Mobile Device MEID number (Read-only)
    "buildNumber": "A String", # Mobile Device Build number (Read-only)
    "applications": [ # List of applications installed on Mobile Device
        "versionCode": 42, # Version code of application
        "packageName": "A String", # Package name of application
        "displayName": "A String", # Display name of application
        "versionName": "A String", # Version name of application
        "permission": [ # List of Permissions for application
          "A String",
    "deviceId": "A String", # Mobile Device serial number (Read-only)
    "imei": "A String", # Mobile Device IMEI number (Read-only)
    "adbStatus": True or False, # Adb (USB debugging) enabled or disabled on device (Read-only)
    "bootloaderVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device Bootloader version (Read-only)
    "manufacturer": "A String", # Mobile Device manufacturer (Read-only)
    "basebandVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device Baseband version (Read-only)
    "kind": "admin#directory#mobiledevice", # Kind of resource this is.
    "developerOptionsStatus": True or False, # Developer options enabled or disabled on device (Read-only)
    "name": [ # List of owner user's names (Read-only)
      "A String",
    "serialNumber": "A String", # Mobile Device SSN or Serial Number (Read-only)
    "supportsWorkProfile": True or False, # Work profile supported on device (Read-only)
    "networkOperator": "A String", # Mobile Device mobile or network operator (if available) (Read-only)
    "status": "A String", # Status of the device (Read-only)
    "unknownSourcesStatus": True or False, # Unknown sources enabled or disabled on device (Read-only)
    "managedAccountIsOnOwnerProfile": True or False, # Boolean indicating if this account is on owner/primary profile or not (Read-only)
    "model": "A String", # Name of the model of the device
    "os": "A String", # Name of the mobile operating system
    "wifiMacAddress": "A String", # Mobile Device WiFi MAC address (Read-only)
list(customerId, orderBy=None, projection=None, pageToken=None, maxResults=None, sortOrder=None, query=None)
Retrieve all Mobile Devices of a customer (paginated)

  customerId: string, Immutable ID of the G Suite account (required)
  orderBy: string, Column to use for sorting results
    Allowed values
      deviceId - Mobile Device serial number.
      email - Owner user email.
      lastSync - Last policy settings sync date time of the device.
      model - Mobile Device model.
      name - Owner user name.
      os - Mobile operating system.
      status - Status of the device.
      type - Type of the device.
  projection: string, Restrict information returned to a set of selected fields.
    Allowed values
      BASIC - Includes only the basic metadata fields (e.g., deviceId, model, status, type, and status)
      FULL - Includes all metadata fields
  pageToken: string, Token to specify next page in the list
  maxResults: integer, Maximum number of results to return. Default is 100
  sortOrder: string, Whether to return results in ascending or descending order. Only of use when orderBy is also used
    Allowed values
      ASCENDING - Ascending order.
      DESCENDING - Descending order.
  query: string, Search string in the format given at

  An object of the form:

    { # JSON response template for List Mobile Devices operation in Directory API.
    "nextPageToken": "A String", # Token used to access next page of this result.
    "kind": "admin#directory#mobiledevices", # Kind of resource this is.
    "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
    "mobiledevices": [ # List of Mobile Device objects.
      { # JSON template for Mobile Device resource in Directory API.
        "lastSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was last synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
        "deviceCompromisedStatus": "A String", # Mobile Device compromised status (Read-only)
        "resourceId": "A String", # Unique identifier of Mobile Device (Read-only)
        "defaultLanguage": "A String", # The default locale used on the Mobile Device (Read-only)
        "hardware": "A String", # Mobile Device Hardware (Read-only)
        "userAgent": "A String", # Mobile Device user agent
        "firstSync": "A String", # Date and time the device was first synchronized with the policy settings in the G Suite administrator control panel (Read-only)
        "otherAccountsInfo": [ # List of accounts added on device (Read-only)
          "A String",
        "releaseVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device release version version (Read-only)
        "hardwareId": "A String", # Mobile Device Hardware Id (Read-only)
        "etag": "A String", # ETag of the resource.
        "securityPatchLevel": "A String", # Mobile Device Security patch level (Read-only)
        "privilege": "A String", # DMAgentPermission (Read-only)
        "encryptionStatus": "A String", # Mobile Device Encryption Status (Read-only)
        "type": "A String", # The type of device (Read-only)
        "email": [ # List of owner user's email addresses (Read-only)
          "A String",
        "devicePasswordStatus": "A String", # DevicePasswordStatus (Read-only)
        "kernelVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device Kernel version (Read-only)
        "brand": "A String", # Mobile Device Brand (Read-only)
        "meid": "A String", # Mobile Device MEID number (Read-only)
        "buildNumber": "A String", # Mobile Device Build number (Read-only)
        "applications": [ # List of applications installed on Mobile Device
            "versionCode": 42, # Version code of application
            "packageName": "A String", # Package name of application
            "displayName": "A String", # Display name of application
            "versionName": "A String", # Version name of application
            "permission": [ # List of Permissions for application
              "A String",
        "deviceId": "A String", # Mobile Device serial number (Read-only)
        "imei": "A String", # Mobile Device IMEI number (Read-only)
        "adbStatus": True or False, # Adb (USB debugging) enabled or disabled on device (Read-only)
        "bootloaderVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device Bootloader version (Read-only)
        "manufacturer": "A String", # Mobile Device manufacturer (Read-only)
        "basebandVersion": "A String", # Mobile Device Baseband version (Read-only)
        "kind": "admin#directory#mobiledevice", # Kind of resource this is.
        "developerOptionsStatus": True or False, # Developer options enabled or disabled on device (Read-only)
        "name": [ # List of owner user's names (Read-only)
          "A String",
        "serialNumber": "A String", # Mobile Device SSN or Serial Number (Read-only)
        "supportsWorkProfile": True or False, # Work profile supported on device (Read-only)
        "networkOperator": "A String", # Mobile Device mobile or network operator (if available) (Read-only)
        "status": "A String", # Status of the device (Read-only)
        "unknownSourcesStatus": True or False, # Unknown sources enabled or disabled on device (Read-only)
        "managedAccountIsOnOwnerProfile": True or False, # Boolean indicating if this account is on owner/primary profile or not (Read-only)
        "model": "A String", # Name of the model of the device
        "os": "A String", # Name of the mobile operating system
        "wifiMacAddress": "A String", # Mobile Device WiFi MAC address (Read-only)
list_next(previous_request, previous_response)
Retrieves the next page of results.

  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)

  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.