Removes a survey from view in all user GET requests.
Retrieves information about the specified survey.
Creates a survey.
list(startIndex=None, maxResults=None, token=None)
Lists the surveys owned by the authenticated user.
Begins running a survey.
Stops a running survey.
Updates a survey. Currently the only property that can be updated is the owners property.
Removes a survey from view in all user GET requests. Args: surveyUrlId: string, External URL ID for the survey. (required) Returns: An object of the form: { "requestId": "A String", # Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests. }
Retrieves information about the specified survey. Args: surveyUrlId: string, External URL ID for the survey. (required) Returns: An object of the form: { "owners": [ "A String", ], "description": "A String", "title": "A String", "customerData": "A String", "state": "A String", "audience": { "countrySubdivision": "A String", "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", "country": "A String", "ages": [ "A String", ], "populationSource": "A String", "languages": [ "A String", ], "gender": "A String", }, "cost": { "nanos": "A String", "currencyCode": "A String", "costPerResponseNanos": "A String", "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", }, "surveyUrlId": "A String", "questions": [ { "highValueLabel": "A String", "mustPickSuggestion": True or False, "thresholdAnswers": [ "A String", ], "sentimentText": "A String", "question": "A String", "numStars": "A String", "lowValueLabel": "A String", "videoId": "A String", "answers": [ "A String", ], "lastAnswerPositionPinned": True or False, "hasOther": True or False, "unitOfMeasurementLabel": "A String", "images": [ { "url": "A String", "altText": "A String", "data": "A String", }, ], "singleLineResponse": True or False, "openTextSuggestions": [ "A String", ], "type": "A String", "answerOrder": "A String", "openTextPlaceholder": "A String", }, ], "wantedResponseCount": 42, "rejectionReason": { "explanation": "A String", "type": "A String", }, }
Creates a survey. Args: body: object, The request body. (required) The object takes the form of: { "owners": [ "A String", ], "description": "A String", "title": "A String", "customerData": "A String", "state": "A String", "audience": { "countrySubdivision": "A String", "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", "country": "A String", "ages": [ "A String", ], "populationSource": "A String", "languages": [ "A String", ], "gender": "A String", }, "cost": { "nanos": "A String", "currencyCode": "A String", "costPerResponseNanos": "A String", "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", }, "surveyUrlId": "A String", "questions": [ { "highValueLabel": "A String", "mustPickSuggestion": True or False, "thresholdAnswers": [ "A String", ], "sentimentText": "A String", "question": "A String", "numStars": "A String", "lowValueLabel": "A String", "videoId": "A String", "answers": [ "A String", ], "lastAnswerPositionPinned": True or False, "hasOther": True or False, "unitOfMeasurementLabel": "A String", "images": [ { "url": "A String", "altText": "A String", "data": "A String", }, ], "singleLineResponse": True or False, "openTextSuggestions": [ "A String", ], "type": "A String", "answerOrder": "A String", "openTextPlaceholder": "A String", }, ], "wantedResponseCount": 42, "rejectionReason": { "explanation": "A String", "type": "A String", }, } Returns: An object of the form: { "owners": [ "A String", ], "description": "A String", "title": "A String", "customerData": "A String", "state": "A String", "audience": { "countrySubdivision": "A String", "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", "country": "A String", "ages": [ "A String", ], "populationSource": "A String", "languages": [ "A String", ], "gender": "A String", }, "cost": { "nanos": "A String", "currencyCode": "A String", "costPerResponseNanos": "A String", "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", }, "surveyUrlId": "A String", "questions": [ { "highValueLabel": "A String", "mustPickSuggestion": True or False, "thresholdAnswers": [ "A String", ], "sentimentText": "A String", "question": "A String", "numStars": "A String", "lowValueLabel": "A String", "videoId": "A String", "answers": [ "A String", ], "lastAnswerPositionPinned": True or False, "hasOther": True or False, "unitOfMeasurementLabel": "A String", "images": [ { "url": "A String", "altText": "A String", "data": "A String", }, ], "singleLineResponse": True or False, "openTextSuggestions": [ "A String", ], "type": "A String", "answerOrder": "A String", "openTextPlaceholder": "A String", }, ], "wantedResponseCount": 42, "rejectionReason": { "explanation": "A String", "type": "A String", }, }
list(startIndex=None, maxResults=None, token=None)
Lists the surveys owned by the authenticated user. Args: startIndex: integer, A parameter maxResults: integer, A parameter token: string, A parameter Returns: An object of the form: { "tokenPagination": { "nextPageToken": "A String", "previousPageToken": "A String", }, "pageInfo": { "totalResults": 42, "startIndex": 42, "resultPerPage": 42, }, "resources": [ # An individual survey resource. { "owners": [ "A String", ], "description": "A String", "title": "A String", "customerData": "A String", "state": "A String", "audience": { "countrySubdivision": "A String", "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", "country": "A String", "ages": [ "A String", ], "populationSource": "A String", "languages": [ "A String", ], "gender": "A String", }, "cost": { "nanos": "A String", "currencyCode": "A String", "costPerResponseNanos": "A String", "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", }, "surveyUrlId": "A String", "questions": [ { "highValueLabel": "A String", "mustPickSuggestion": True or False, "thresholdAnswers": [ "A String", ], "sentimentText": "A String", "question": "A String", "numStars": "A String", "lowValueLabel": "A String", "videoId": "A String", "answers": [ "A String", ], "lastAnswerPositionPinned": True or False, "hasOther": True or False, "unitOfMeasurementLabel": "A String", "images": [ { "url": "A String", "altText": "A String", "data": "A String", }, ], "singleLineResponse": True or False, "openTextSuggestions": [ "A String", ], "type": "A String", "answerOrder": "A String", "openTextPlaceholder": "A String", }, ], "wantedResponseCount": 42, "rejectionReason": { "explanation": "A String", "type": "A String", }, }, ], "requestId": "A String", # Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests. }
start(resourceId, body)
Begins running a survey. Args: resourceId: string, A parameter (required) body: object, The request body. (required) The object takes the form of: { "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", # Threshold to start a survey automically if the quoted prices is less than or equal to this value. See Survey.Cost for more details. } Returns: An object of the form: { "requestId": "A String", # Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests. }
Stops a running survey. Args: resourceId: string, A parameter (required) Returns: An object of the form: { "requestId": "A String", # Unique request ID used for logging and debugging. Please include in any error reporting or troubleshooting requests. }
update(surveyUrlId, body)
Updates a survey. Currently the only property that can be updated is the owners property. Args: surveyUrlId: string, External URL ID for the survey. (required) body: object, The request body. (required) The object takes the form of: { "owners": [ "A String", ], "description": "A String", "title": "A String", "customerData": "A String", "state": "A String", "audience": { "countrySubdivision": "A String", "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", "country": "A String", "ages": [ "A String", ], "populationSource": "A String", "languages": [ "A String", ], "gender": "A String", }, "cost": { "nanos": "A String", "currencyCode": "A String", "costPerResponseNanos": "A String", "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", }, "surveyUrlId": "A String", "questions": [ { "highValueLabel": "A String", "mustPickSuggestion": True or False, "thresholdAnswers": [ "A String", ], "sentimentText": "A String", "question": "A String", "numStars": "A String", "lowValueLabel": "A String", "videoId": "A String", "answers": [ "A String", ], "lastAnswerPositionPinned": True or False, "hasOther": True or False, "unitOfMeasurementLabel": "A String", "images": [ { "url": "A String", "altText": "A String", "data": "A String", }, ], "singleLineResponse": True or False, "openTextSuggestions": [ "A String", ], "type": "A String", "answerOrder": "A String", "openTextPlaceholder": "A String", }, ], "wantedResponseCount": 42, "rejectionReason": { "explanation": "A String", "type": "A String", }, } Returns: An object of the form: { "owners": [ "A String", ], "description": "A String", "title": "A String", "customerData": "A String", "state": "A String", "audience": { "countrySubdivision": "A String", "mobileAppPanelId": "A String", "country": "A String", "ages": [ "A String", ], "populationSource": "A String", "languages": [ "A String", ], "gender": "A String", }, "cost": { "nanos": "A String", "currencyCode": "A String", "costPerResponseNanos": "A String", "maxCostPerResponseNanos": "A String", }, "surveyUrlId": "A String", "questions": [ { "highValueLabel": "A String", "mustPickSuggestion": True or False, "thresholdAnswers": [ "A String", ], "sentimentText": "A String", "question": "A String", "numStars": "A String", "lowValueLabel": "A String", "videoId": "A String", "answers": [ "A String", ], "lastAnswerPositionPinned": True or False, "hasOther": True or False, "unitOfMeasurementLabel": "A String", "images": [ { "url": "A String", "altText": "A String", "data": "A String", }, ], "singleLineResponse": True or False, "openTextSuggestions": [ "A String", ], "type": "A String", "answerOrder": "A String", "openTextPlaceholder": "A String", }, ], "wantedResponseCount": 42, "rejectionReason": { "explanation": "A String", "type": "A String", }, }