1// RUN: rm -rf %t 2// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -objcmt-migrate-readwrite-property -objcmt-migrate-readonly-property -objcmt-atomic-property -mt-migrate-directory %t %s -x objective-c -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -fobjc-arc -triple x86_64-apple-darwin11 3// RUN: c-arcmt-test -mt-migrate-directory %t | arcmt-test -verify-transformed-files %s.result 4// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -fsyntax-only -x objective-c -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -fobjc-arc %s.result 5 6#define WEBKIT_OBJC_METHOD_ANNOTATION(ANNOTATION) ANNOTATION 7#define WEAK_IMPORT_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable)) 8#define AVAILABLE_WEBKIT_VERSION_3_0_AND_LATER 9#define DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) 10 11typedef char BOOL; 12@class NSString; 13@protocol NSCopying @end 14 15@interface NSObject <NSCopying> 16@end 17 18@interface NSDictionary : NSObject 19@end 20 21@interface I : NSObject { 22 int ivarVal; 23} 24@property (weak) NSString *WeakProp; 25 26@property (strong) NSString *StrongProp; 27 28@property (strong) NSString *UnavailProp __attribute__((unavailable)); 29- (void) setUnavailProp : (NSString *)Val; 30 31@property (strong) NSString *UnavailProp1 __attribute__((unavailable)); 32 33@property (strong) NSString *UnavailProp2; 34- (void) setUnavailProp2 : (NSString *)Val __attribute__((unavailable)); 35 36@property (copy) NSDictionary *undoAction; 37@end 38 39@implementation I 40@end 41 42@class NSArray; 43 44@interface MyClass2 { 45@private 46 NSArray *_names1; 47 NSArray *_names2; 48 NSArray *_names3; 49 NSArray *_names4; 50} 51@property (strong) NSArray *names2; 52@property (strong) NSArray *names3; 53@property (strong) NSArray *names4; 54@property (strong) NSArray *names1; 55@end 56 57// Properties that contain the name "delegate" or "dataSource", 58// or have exact name "target" have unsafe_unretained attribute. 59@interface NSInvocation 60@property (assign) id target; 61 62@property (assign) id dataSource; 63 64@property (assign) id xxxdelegateYYY; 65 66 67@property (strong) id MYtarget; 68 69@property (strong) id targetX; 70 71@property int value; 72 73@property (getter=isContinuous) BOOL continuous; 74 75- (id) isAnObject; 76- (void)setAnObject : (id) object; 77 78@property (getter=isinValid, readonly) BOOL inValid; 79- (void) setInValid : (BOOL) arg; 80 81- (void) Nothing; 82@property (readonly) int Length; 83@property (readonly, strong) id object; 84+ (double) D; 85@property (readonly) void *JSObject WEBKIT_OBJC_METHOD_ANNOTATION(AVAILABLE_WEBKIT_VERSION_3_0_AND_LATER); 86@property (getter=isIgnoringInteractionEvents, readonly) BOOL ignoringInteractionEvents; 87 88@property (getter=getStringValue, strong) NSString *stringValue; 89@property (getter=getCounterValue, readonly) BOOL counterValue; 90@property (getter=getns_dixtionary, readonly, copy) NSDictionary *ns_dixtionary; 91 92- (BOOL)is3bar; // watch out 93- (NSString *)get3foo; // watch out 94 95@property (getter=getM, readonly) BOOL m; 96@property (getter=getMA, readonly) BOOL MA; 97@property (getter=getALL, readonly) BOOL ALL; 98@property (getter=getMANY, readonly) BOOL MANY; 99@property (getter=getSome, readonly) BOOL some; 100@end 101 102 103@interface NSInvocation(CAT) 104@property (assign) id target; 105 106@property (assign) id dataSource; 107 108@property (assign) id xxxdelegateYYY; 109 110 111@property (strong) id MYtarget; 112 113@property (strong) id targetX; 114 115@property int value; 116 117@property (getter=isContinuous) BOOL continuous; 118 119- (id) isAnObject; 120- (void)setAnObject : (id) object; 121 122@property (getter=isinValid, readonly) BOOL inValid; 123- (void) setInValid : (BOOL) arg; 124 125- (void) Nothing; 126@property (readonly) int Length; 127@property (readonly, strong) id object; 128+ (double) D; 129 130- (BOOL)is3bar; // watch out 131- (NSString *)get3foo; // watch out 132 133@property (getter=getM, readonly) BOOL m; 134@property (getter=getMA, readonly) BOOL MA; 135@property (getter=getALL, readonly) BOOL ALL; 136@property (getter=getMANY, readonly) BOOL MANY; 137@property (getter=getSome, readonly) BOOL some; 138@end 139 140DEPRECATED 141@interface I_DEP 142- (BOOL) isinValid; 143- (void) setInValid : (BOOL) arg; 144@end 145 146@interface AnotherOne 147- (BOOL) isinValid DEPRECATED; 148- (void) setInValid : (BOOL) arg; 149- (id)MYtarget; 150- (void)setMYtarget: (id)target DEPRECATED; 151- (BOOL) getM DEPRECATED; 152 153- (id)xxxdelegateYYY DEPRECATED; 154- (void)setXxxdelegateYYY:(id)delegate DEPRECATED; 155@end 156 157// rdar://14987909 158#define NS_AVAILABLE __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.0))) 159#define NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn)) 160#define ALIGNED __attribute__((aligned(16))) 161 162@interface NSURL 163// Do not infer a property. 164@property (strong) NSURL *appStoreReceiptURL NS_AVAILABLE; 165- (void) setAppStoreReceiptURL : (NSURL *)object; 166 167@property (strong) NSURL *appStoreReceiptURLX NS_AVAILABLE; 168 169// Do not infer a property. 170@property (strong) NSURL *appStoreReceiptURLY ; 171- (void) setAppStoreReceiptURLY : (NSURL *)object NS_AVAILABLE; 172 173@property (readonly, strong) id OkToInfer NS_AVAILABLE; 174 175// Do not infer a property. 176@property (strong) NSURL *appStoreReceiptURLZ ; 177- (void) setAppStoreReceiptURLZ : (NSURL *)object NS_AVAILABLE; 178 179// Do not infer a property. 180- (id) t1 NORETURN NS_AVAILABLE; 181- (void) setT1 : (id) arg NS_AVAILABLE; 182 183@property (strong) id method1 ALIGNED NS_AVAILABLE; 184 185- (NSURL *)init; // No Change 186+ (id)alloc; // No Change 187 188- (BOOL)is1stClass; // Not a valid property 189@property (getter=isClass, readonly) BOOL class; // This is a valid property 'class' is not a keyword in ObjC 190- (BOOL)isDouble; // Not a valid property 191 192@end 193 194// rdar://15082818 195@class NSMutableDictionary; 196 197@interface NSArray 198@property (readonly, copy) id (^expressionBlock)(id, NSArray *, NSMutableDictionary *); 199@property (copy) id (^MyBlock)(id, NSArray *, NSMutableDictionary *); 200@property (readonly) id (*expressionFuncptr)(id, NSArray *, NSMutableDictionary *); 201@property id (*MyFuncptr)(id, NSArray *, NSMutableDictionary *); 202@end 203