1max_vertices_0.geom 2Shader version: 330 3invocations = -1 4max_vertices = 0 5input primitive = points 6output primitive = triangle_strip 70:? Sequence 80:8 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 90:8 Function Parameters: 100:10 Sequence 110:10 EndPrimitive ( global void) 120:11 EndPrimitive ( global void) 130:? Linker Objects 140:? 'v_geom_FragColor' ( in 1-element array of 4-component vector of float) 150:? 'v_frag_FragColor' (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float) 16 17 18Linked geometry stage: 19 20 21Shader version: 330 22invocations = 1 23max_vertices = 0 24input primitive = points 25output primitive = triangle_strip 260:? Sequence 270:8 Function Definition: main( ( global void) 280:8 Function Parameters: 290:10 Sequence 300:10 EndPrimitive ( global void) 310:11 EndPrimitive ( global void) 320:? Linker Objects 330:? 'v_geom_FragColor' ( in 1-element array of 4-component vector of float) 340:? 'v_frag_FragColor' (layout( stream=0) out 4-component vector of float) 35 36