1[test](../index.md) / [The](./index.md) 2 3# The 4 5`class The` 6 7Why did the token cross the road? 8 9# Because it was Beer o'clock @ [The.bar](bar.md) 10 11## But **waz *\[sic\]* [it](isitbeeroclock.com)** really? 12 13### [The.bar](bar.md) has? [The.foo](foo.md)est drinks ever! 14 15#### *[The.kotlinz](kotlinz.md) is [The.bestests](bestests.md), [Bar.none](-bar/none.md)* 16 17##### So many lame code "puns" (in) [The.house](house.md) 18 19###### End of the?? [Bar.line](#)! - we need to go back! 20 21### Types 22 23| [Bar](-bar/index.md) | `object Bar` | 24 25### Constructors 26 27| [<init>](-init-.md) | `The()`<br>Why did the token cross the road? | 28 29### Functions 30 31| [bar](bar.md) | `fun bar(): Unit` | 32| [bestests](bestests.md) | `fun bestests(): Unit` | 33| [foo](foo.md) | `fun foo(): Unit` | 34| [house](house.md) | `fun house(): Unit` | 35| [kotlinz](kotlinz.md) | `fun kotlinz(): Unit` | 36| [line](line.md) | `fun line(): Unit` | 37 38