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1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -O0 %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
3 extern "C" int printf(const char *, ...);
5 static int N;
6 struct S {
SS7   S()
8   __attribute__((nothrow)) { printf("%d: S()\n", ++N); }
~SS9   ~S() __attribute__((nothrow)) { printf("%d: ~S()\n", N--); }
10   int n[17];
11 };
12 // CHECK: [[struct_S:%.+]] = type { [17 x i32] }
print(int n,int a,int b,int c,int d)13 void print(int n, int a, int b, int c, int d) {
14   printf("n=%d\n,sizeof(S)=%d\nsizeof(array_t[0][0])=%d\nsizeof(array_t[0])=%d\nsizeof(array_t)=%d\n",
15          n, a, b, c, d);
16   if (n == 2)
17     throw(n);
18 }
test(int n)20 void test(int n) {
21   // CHECK: define void {{.*test.*}}(i32 [[n:%.+]]) #
22   // CHECK: [[n_addr:%.+]] = alloca
23   // CHECK-NEXT: [[saved_stack:%.+]] = alloca
24   // CHECK-NEXT: [[vla_expr:%.+]] = alloca i64, align 8
25   // CHECK-NEXT: [[vla_expr1:%.+]] = alloca i64, align 8
26   // CHECK-NEXT: [[sizeof_S:%.+]] = alloca
27   // CHECK-NEXT: [[sizeof_array_t_0_0:%.+]] = alloca
28   // CHECK-NEXT: [[sizeof_array_t_0:%.+]] = alloca
29   // CHECK-NEXT: [[sizeof_array_t:%.+]] = alloca
30   // CHECK-NEXT: [[exn_slot:%.+]] = alloca i8*
31   // CHECK-NEXT: [[ehselector_slot:%.+]] = alloca i32
32   // CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[n]], i32* [[n_addr]]
33   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t0:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[n_addr]]
34   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t1:%.+]] = zext i32 [[t0]] to i64
35   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t2:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[n_addr]]
36   // CHECK-NEXT: [[add:%.+]] = add nsw i32 [[t2]], 1
37   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t3:%.+]] = zext i32 [[add]] to i64
38   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t4:%.+]] = call i8* @llvm.stacksave()
39   // CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[t4]], i8** [[saved_stack]]
40   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t5:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 [[t1]], [[t3]]
41   // CHECK-NEXT: [[vla:%.+]] = alloca [[struct_S]], i64 [[t5]]
42   // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[t1]], i64* [[vla_expr]]
43   // CHECK-NEXT: store i64 [[t3]], i64* [[vla_expr1]]
44   // CHECK-NEXT: [[t6:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 [[t1]], [[t3]]
45   // CHECK-NEXT: [[isempty:%.+]] = icmp eq i64 [[t6]], 0
46   // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[isempty]], label %[[arrayctor_cont:.+]], label %[[new_ctorloop:.+]]
48   S array_t[n][n + 1];
50   // CHECK: [[new_ctorloop]]
51   // CHECK-NEXT: [[arrayctor_end:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[struct_S]], [[struct_S]]* [[vla]], i64 [[t6]]
52   // CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[arrayctor_loop:.+]]
54   // CHECK: [[arrayctor_loop]]
55   // CHECK-NEXT: [[arrayctor_cur:%.+]] = phi [[struct_S]]* [ [[vla]], %[[new_ctorloop]] ], [ [[arrayctor_next:%.+]], %[[arrayctor_loop]] ]
56   // CHECK-NEXT: call void [[ctor:@.+]]([[struct_S]]* {{[^,]*}} [[arrayctor_cur]])
57   // CHECK-NEXT: [[arrayctor_next]] = getelementptr inbounds [[struct_S]], [[struct_S]]* [[arrayctor_cur]], i64 1
58   // CHECK-NEXT: [[arrayctor_done:%.+]] = icmp eq [[struct_S]]* [[arrayctor_next]], [[arrayctor_end]]
59   // CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[arrayctor_done]], label %[[arrayctor_cont]], label %[[arrayctor_loop]]
61   int sizeof_S = sizeof(S);
62   int sizeof_array_t_0_0 = sizeof(array_t[0][0]);
63   int sizeof_array_t_0 = sizeof(array_t[0]);
64   int sizeof_array_t = sizeof(array_t);
65   print(n, sizeof_S, sizeof_array_t_0_0, sizeof_array_t_0, sizeof_array_t);
67   //  CHECK: [[arrayctor_cont]]
68   //  CHECK-NEXT: store i32 68, i32* [[sizeof_S]]
69   //  CHECK-NEXT: store i32 68, i32* [[sizeof_array_t_0_0]]
70   //  CHECK: [[t8:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 68, [[t3]]
71   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[conv:%.+]] = trunc i64 [[t8]] to i32
72   //  CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[conv]], i32* [[sizeof_array_t_0]]
73   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t9:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 [[t1]], [[t3]]
74   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t10:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 68, [[t9]]
75   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[conv1:%.+]] = trunc i64 [[t10]] to i32
76   //  CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[conv1]], i32* [[sizeof_array_t]]
77   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t11:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[n_addr:%.+]]
78   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t12:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[sizeof_S]]
79   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t13:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[sizeof_array_t_0_0]]
80   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t14:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[sizeof_array_t_0]]
81   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t15:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[sizeof_array_t]]
82   //  CHECK-NEXT: invoke void @{{.*print.*}}(i32 [[t11]], i32 [[t12]], i32 [[t13]], i32 [[t14]], i32 [[t15]])
83   //  CHECK-NEXT: to label %[[invoke_cont:.+]] unwind label %[[lpad:.+]]
85   //  CHECK: [[invoke_cont]]
86   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t16:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 [[t1]], [[t3]]
87   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t17:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[struct_S]], [[struct_S]]* [[vla]], i64 [[t16]]
88   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_isempty:%.+]] = icmp eq [[struct_S]]* [[vla]], [[t17]]
89   //  CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[arraydestroy_isempty]], label %[[arraydestroy_done2:.+]], label %[[arraydestroy_body:.+]]
91   //  CHECK: [[arraydestroy_body]]
92   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_elementPast:%.+]] = phi [[struct_S]]* [ [[t17]], %[[invoke_cont]] ], [ [[arraydestroy_element:%.+]], %[[arraydestroy_body]] ]
93   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_element]] = getelementptr inbounds [[struct_S]], [[struct_S]]* [[arraydestroy_elementPast]]
94   //  CHECK-NEXT: call void @[[dtor:.+]]([[struct_S]]* {{[^,]*}} [[arraydestroy_element]])
95   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_done:%.+]] = icmp eq [[struct_S]]* [[arraydestroy_element]], [[vla]]
96   //  CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[arraydestroy_done]], label %[[arraydestroy_done2]], label %[[arraydestroy_body]]
98   //  CHECK: [[arraydestroy_done2]]
99   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t17:%.+]] = load i8*, i8** [[saved_stack]]
100   //  CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.stackrestore(i8* [[t17]])
101   //  CHECK: ret void
103   //  CHECK: [[lpad]]
104   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t19:%.+]] = landingpad { i8*, i32 }
105   //  CHECK: [[t20:%.+]] = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } [[t19]], 0
106   //  CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[t20]], i8** [[exn_slot]]
107   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t21:%.+]] = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } [[t19]], 1
108   //  CHECK-NEXT: store i32 [[t21]], i32* [[ehselector_slot]]
109   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t22:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 [[t1]], [[t3]]
110   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[t23:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[struct_S]], [[struct_S]]* [[vla]], i64 [[t22]]
111   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_isempty3:%.+]] = icmp eq [[struct_S]]* [[vla]], [[t23]]
112   //  CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[arraydestroy_isempty3]], label %[[arraydestroy_done8:.+]], label %[[arraydestroy_body4:.+]]
114   //  CHECK: [[arraydestroy_body4]]
115   //  CHECK: [[arraydestroy_elementPast5:%.+]] = phi [[struct_S]]* [ [[t23]], %[[lpad]] ], [ [[arraydestroy_element6:.+]], %[[arraydestroy_body4]] ]
116   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_element6]] = getelementptr inbounds [[struct_S]], [[struct_S]]* [[arraydestroy_elementPast5]], i64 -1
117   //  CHECK-NEXT: call void @[[dtor]]([[struct_S]]* {{[^,]*}} [[arraydestroy_element6]])
118   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[arraydestroy_done7:%.+]] = icmp eq [[struct_S]]* [[arraydestroy_element6]], [[vla]]
119   //  CHECK-NEXT: br i1 [[arraydestroy_done7]], label %[[arraydestroy_done8]], label %[[arraydestroy_body4]]
121   //  CHECK: [[arraydestroy_done8]]
122   //  CHECK-NEXT: br label %[[eh_resume:.+]]
124   //  CHECK: [[eh_resume]]
125   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[exn:%.+]] = load i8*, i8** [[exn_slot]]
126   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[sel:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[ehselector_slot]]
127   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[lpad_val:%.+]] = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* [[exn]], 0
128   //  CHECK-NEXT: [[lpad_val9:%.+]] = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } [[lpad_val]], i32 [[sel]], 1
129   //  CHECK-NEXT: resume { i8*, i32 } [[lpad_val9]]
130 }
main()132 int main() {
133   try {
134     test(2);
135   } catch (int e) {
136     printf("expeption %d\n", e);
137   }
138   try {
139     test(3);
140   } catch (int e) {
141     printf("expeption %d", e);
142   }
143 }