1# REQUIRES: x86 2# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj %s -o %t.obj -triple x86_64-windows-msvc 3# RUN: lld-link -entry:main -nodefaultlib %t.obj -out:%t.exe -pdb:%t.pdb -debug 4# RUN: llvm-symbolizer --obj=%t.exe --relative-address \ 5# RUN: 0x1014 0x1018 0x101c 0x1023 0x1024 \ 6# RUN: 0x1037 0x103A 0x104B 0x104E | FileCheck %s 7 8# Compiled from this cpp code, with modifications to add extra inline line and 9# file changes: 10# clang -cc1 -triple x86_64-windows-msvc -gcodeview -S test.cpp 11# 12# __attribute__((always_inline)) int inlinee_2(int x) { 13# return x + 1; 14# } 15# __attribute__((always_inline)) int inlinee_1(int x) { 16# return inlinee_2(x) + 2; 17# } 18# int main() { 19# int x = inlinee_1(33); 20# int y = inlinee_2(22); 21# int z = inlinee_2(11); 22# return x + y + z; 23# } 24 25 .text 26 .def @feat.00; 27 .scl 3; 28 .type 0; 29 .endef 30 .globl @feat.00 31.set @feat.00, 0 32 .file "test.cpp" 33 .def main; 34 .scl 2; 35 .type 32; 36 .endef 37 .globl main # -- Begin function main 38 .p2align 4, 0x90 39main: # @main 40.Lfunc_begin0: 41 .cv_func_id 0 42 .cv_file 1 "C:\\src\\test.cpp" "67680A954FC00F980188190C8D23C68E" 1 43 .cv_file 2 "C:\\src\\fakefile.cpp" "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" 1 44 .cv_loc 0 1 9 0 # test.cpp:9:0 45# %bb.0: # %entry 46 subq $32, %rsp 47 movl $0, 12(%rsp) 48 movl $33, 16(%rsp) 49.Ltmp0: 50 .cv_inline_site_id 1 within 0 inlined_at 1 10 11 51 .cv_loc 1 1 6 20 # test.cpp:6:20 52 53# CHECK: inlinee_1 54# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:6:0 55# CHECK-NEXT: main 56# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:10:11 57 movl 16(%rsp), %eax 58 59# Add a line change here. 60 .cv_loc 1 1 7 7 61 62# CHECK: inlinee_1 63# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:7:0 64# CHECK-NEXT: main 65# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:10:11 66 movl %eax, 20(%rsp) 67.Ltmp1: 68 .cv_inline_site_id 2 within 1 inlined_at 1 6 10 69 .cv_loc 2 1 2 10 # test.cpp:2:10 70 71# CHECK: inlinee_2 72# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:2:0 73# CHECK-NEXT: inlinee_1 74# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:6:0 75# CHECK-NEXT: main 76# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:10:11 77 movl 20(%rsp), %eax 78 .cv_loc 2 1 2 12 # test.cpp:2:12 79 addl $1, %eax 80 81# Add a file change. 82 .cv_loc 2 2 102 0 # fakefile.cpp:102:0 83 84# CHECK: inlinee_2 85# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\fakefile.cpp:102:0 86# CHECK-NEXT: inlinee_1 87# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:6:0 88# CHECK-NEXT: main 89# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:10:11 90 nop 91 92.Ltmp2: 93 .cv_loc 1 1 6 23 # test.cpp:6:23 94 95# CHECK: inlinee_1 96# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:6:0 97# CHECK-NEXT: main 98# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:10:11 99 addl $2, %eax 100.Ltmp3: 101 .cv_loc 0 1 10 7 # test.cpp:10:7 102 movl %eax, 8(%rsp) 103 movl $22, 28(%rsp) 104.Ltmp4: 105# Add a .cv_loc 0 so there is a gap in the inline site. 106# CHECK: main 107# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:0:0 108 109# CHECK: inlinee_2 110# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:2:0 111# CHECK-NEXT: main 112# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:11:11 113 .cv_inline_site_id 3 within 0 inlined_at 1 11 11 114 .cv_loc 3 1 2 10 # test.cpp:2:10 115 movl 28(%rsp), %eax 116 .cv_loc 0 1 0 0 117 nop 118 .cv_loc 3 1 2 12 # test.cpp:2:12 119 addl $1, %eax 120.Ltmp5: 121 .cv_loc 0 1 11 7 # test.cpp:11:7 122 movl %eax, 4(%rsp) 123 movl $11, 24(%rsp) 124.Ltmp6: 125# Same test as above but modify the .cv_inline_linetable to use an annotation 126# that clang doesn't emit. 127# CHECK-NOT: inlinee_2 128# CHECK: main 129# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:11:7 130 131# CHECK: inlinee_2 132# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:1:0 133# CHECK-NEXT: main 134# CHECK-NEXT: C:\src\test.cpp:11:7 135.cv_inline_site_id 4 within 0 inlined_at 1 0 0 136 movl 24(%rsp), %eax 137 nop 138 addl $1, %eax 139.Ltmp7: 140 .cv_loc 0 1 13 3 # test.cpp:13:3 141 addq $32, %rsp 142 retq 143.Ltmp8: 144.Lfunc_end0: 145 # -- End function 146 .section .debug$S,"dr" 147 .p2align 2 148 .long 4 # Debug section magic 149 .long 241 150 .long .Ltmp10-.Ltmp9 # Subsection size 151.Ltmp9: 152 .short .Ltmp12-.Ltmp11 # Record length 153.Ltmp11: 154 .short 4412 # Record kind: S_COMPILE3 155 .long 1 # Flags and language 156 .short 208 # CPUType 157 .short 12 # Frontend version 158 .short 0 159 .short 0 160 .short 0 161 .short 12000 # Backend version 162 .short 0 163 .short 0 164 .short 0 165 .asciz "clang version 12.0.0 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git 2ef947fe318d081b12add3d411bbb2af6373c66d)" # Null-terminated compiler version string 166 .p2align 2 167.Ltmp12: 168.Ltmp10: 169 .p2align 2 170 .long 246 # Inlinee lines subsection 171 .long .Ltmp14-.Ltmp13 # Subsection size 172.Ltmp13: 173 .long 0 # Inlinee lines signature 174 175 # Inlined function inlinee_1 starts at test.cpp:5 176 .long 4098 # Type index of inlined function 177 .cv_filechecksumoffset 1 # Offset into filechecksum table 178 .long 5 # Starting line number 179 180 # Inlined function inlinee_2 starts at test.cpp:1 181 .long 4099 # Type index of inlined function 182 .cv_filechecksumoffset 1 # Offset into filechecksum table 183 .long 1 # Starting line number 184.Ltmp14: 185 .p2align 2 186 .long 241 # Symbol subsection for main 187 .long .Ltmp16-.Ltmp15 # Subsection size 188.Ltmp15: 189 .short .Ltmp18-.Ltmp17 # Record length 190.Ltmp17: 191 .short 4423 # Record kind: S_GPROC32_ID 192 .long 0 # PtrParent 193 .long 0 # PtrEnd 194 .long 0 # PtrNext 195 .long .Lfunc_end0-main # Code size 196 .long 0 # Offset after prologue 197 .long 0 # Offset before epilogue 198 .long 4102 # Function type index 199 .secrel32 main # Function section relative address 200 .secidx main # Function section index 201 .byte 0 # Flags 202 .asciz "main" # Function name 203 .p2align 2 204.Ltmp18: 205 .short .Ltmp20-.Ltmp19 # Record length 206.Ltmp19: 207 .short 4114 # Record kind: S_FRAMEPROC 208 .long 32 # FrameSize 209 .long 0 # Padding 210 .long 0 # Offset of padding 211 .long 0 # Bytes of callee saved registers 212 .long 0 # Exception handler offset 213 .short 0 # Exception handler section 214 .long 81920 # Flags (defines frame register) 215 .p2align 2 216.Ltmp20: 217 .short .Ltmp22-.Ltmp21 # Record length 218.Ltmp21: 219 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 220 .long 116 # TypeIndex 221 .short 0 # Flags 222 .asciz "x" 223 .p2align 2 224.Ltmp22: 225 .cv_def_range .Ltmp0 .Ltmp8, frame_ptr_rel, 8 226 .short .Ltmp24-.Ltmp23 # Record length 227.Ltmp23: 228 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 229 .long 116 # TypeIndex 230 .short 0 # Flags 231 .asciz "y" 232 .p2align 2 233.Ltmp24: 234 .cv_def_range .Ltmp0 .Ltmp8, frame_ptr_rel, 4 235 .short .Ltmp26-.Ltmp25 # Record length 236.Ltmp25: 237 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 238 .long 116 # TypeIndex 239 .short 0 # Flags 240 .asciz "z" 241 .p2align 2 242.Ltmp26: 243 .cv_def_range .Ltmp0 .Ltmp8, frame_ptr_rel, 0 244 .short .Ltmp28-.Ltmp27 # Record length 245.Ltmp27: 246 .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE 247 .long 0 # PtrParent 248 .long 0 # PtrEnd 249 .long 4098 # Inlinee type index 250 .cv_inline_linetable 1 1 5 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0 251 .p2align 2 252.Ltmp28: 253 .short .Ltmp30-.Ltmp29 # Record length 254.Ltmp29: 255 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 256 .long 116 # TypeIndex 257 .short 1 # Flags 258 .asciz "x" 259 .p2align 2 260.Ltmp30: 261 .cv_def_range .Ltmp0 .Ltmp3, frame_ptr_rel, 16 262 .short .Ltmp32-.Ltmp31 # Record length 263.Ltmp31: 264 .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE 265 .long 0 # PtrParent 266 .long 0 # PtrEnd 267 .long 4099 # Inlinee type index 268 .cv_inline_linetable 2 1 1 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0 269 .p2align 2 270.Ltmp32: 271 .short .Ltmp34-.Ltmp33 # Record length 272.Ltmp33: 273 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 274 .long 116 # TypeIndex 275 .short 1 # Flags 276 .asciz "x" 277 .p2align 2 278.Ltmp34: 279 .cv_def_range .Ltmp1 .Ltmp2, frame_ptr_rel, 20 280 .short 2 # Record length 281 .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END 282 .short 2 # Record length 283 .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END 284 .short .Ltmp36-.Ltmp35 # Record length 285.Ltmp35: 286 .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE 287 .long 0 # PtrParent 288 .long 0 # PtrEnd 289 .long 4099 # Inlinee type index 290 .cv_inline_linetable 3 1 1 .Lfunc_begin0 .Lfunc_end0 291 .p2align 2 292.Ltmp36: 293 .short .Ltmp38-.Ltmp37 # Record length 294.Ltmp37: 295 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 296 .long 116 # TypeIndex 297 .short 1 # Flags 298 .asciz "x" 299 .p2align 2 300.Ltmp38: 301 .cv_def_range .Ltmp4 .Ltmp5, frame_ptr_rel, 28 302 .short 2 # Record length 303 .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END 304 .short .Ltmp40-.Ltmp39 # Record length 305.Ltmp39: 306 .short 4429 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE 307 .long 0 # PtrParent 308 .long 0 # PtrEnd 309 .long 4099 # Inlinee type index 310# Changed inline line table annotations. 311 .byte 0x0C, 0x4, 0x47 312 .byte 0x0C, 0x3, 0x5 313 .p2align 2 314.Ltmp40: 315 .short .Ltmp42-.Ltmp41 # Record length 316.Ltmp41: 317 .short 4414 # Record kind: S_LOCAL 318 .long 116 # TypeIndex 319 .short 1 # Flags 320 .asciz "x" 321 .p2align 2 322.Ltmp42: 323 .cv_def_range .Ltmp6 .Ltmp7, frame_ptr_rel, 24 324 .short 2 # Record length 325 .short 4430 # Record kind: S_INLINESITE_END 326 .short 2 # Record length 327 .short 4431 # Record kind: S_PROC_ID_END 328.Ltmp16: 329 .p2align 2 330 .cv_linetable 0, main, .Lfunc_end0 331 .cv_filechecksums # File index to string table offset subsection 332 .cv_stringtable # String table 333 .long 241 334 .long .Ltmp44-.Ltmp43 # Subsection size 335.Ltmp43: 336 .short .Ltmp46-.Ltmp45 # Record length 337.Ltmp45: 338 .short 4428 # Record kind: S_BUILDINFO 339 .long 4105 # LF_BUILDINFO index 340 .p2align 2 341.Ltmp46: 342.Ltmp44: 343 .p2align 2 344 .section .debug$T,"dr" 345 .p2align 2 346 .long 4 # Debug section magic 347 # ArgList (0x1000) 348 .short 0xa # Record length 349 .short 0x1201 # Record kind: LF_ARGLIST 350 .long 0x1 # NumArgs 351 .long 0x74 # Argument: int 352 # Procedure (0x1001) 353 .short 0xe # Record length 354 .short 0x1008 # Record kind: LF_PROCEDURE 355 .long 0x74 # ReturnType: int 356 .byte 0x0 # CallingConvention: NearC 357 .byte 0x0 # FunctionOptions 358 .short 0x1 # NumParameters 359 .long 0x1000 # ArgListType: (int) 360 # FuncId (0x1002) 361 .short 0x16 # Record length 362 .short 0x1601 # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID 363 .long 0x0 # ParentScope 364 .long 0x1001 # FunctionType: int (int) 365 .asciz "inlinee_1" # Name 366 .byte 242 367 .byte 241 368 # FuncId (0x1003) 369 .short 0x16 # Record length 370 .short 0x1601 # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID 371 .long 0x0 # ParentScope 372 .long 0x1001 # FunctionType: int (int) 373 .asciz "inlinee_2" # Name 374 .byte 242 375 .byte 241 376 # ArgList (0x1004) 377 .short 0x6 # Record length 378 .short 0x1201 # Record kind: LF_ARGLIST 379 .long 0x0 # NumArgs 380 # Procedure (0x1005) 381 .short 0xe # Record length 382 .short 0x1008 # Record kind: LF_PROCEDURE 383 .long 0x74 # ReturnType: int 384 .byte 0x0 # CallingConvention: NearC 385 .byte 0x0 # FunctionOptions 386 .short 0x0 # NumParameters 387 .long 0x1004 # ArgListType: () 388 # FuncId (0x1006) 389 .short 0x12 # Record length 390 .short 0x1601 # Record kind: LF_FUNC_ID 391 .long 0x0 # ParentScope 392 .long 0x1005 # FunctionType: int () 393 .asciz "main" # Name 394 .byte 243 395 .byte 242 396 .byte 241 397 # StringId (0x1007) 398 .short 0x2a # Record length 399 .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID 400 .long 0x0 # Id 401 .asciz "C:\\src\\tests\\symbolizer\\asm-test" # StringData 402 .byte 243 403 .byte 242 404 .byte 241 405 # StringId (0x1008) 406 .short 0xe # Record length 407 .short 0x1605 # Record kind: LF_STRING_ID 408 .long 0x0 # Id 409 .asciz "<stdin>" # StringData 410 # BuildInfo (0x1009) 411 .short 0x1a # Record length 412 .short 0x1603 # Record kind: LF_BUILDINFO 413 .short 0x5 # NumArgs 414 .long 0x1007 # Argument: C:\src 415 .long 0x0 # Argument 416 .long 0x1008 # Argument: <stdin> 417 .long 0x0 # Argument 418 .long 0x0 # Argument 419 .byte 242 420 .byte 241 421