1--- !minidump 2Streams: 3 - Type: ThreadList 4 Threads: 5 - Thread Id: 0x00003E81 6 Context: DEAD 7 Stack: 8 Start of Memory Range: 0x00007FFCEB34A000 9 Content: DEAD 10 - Type: ModuleList 11 Modules: 12 - Base of Image: 0x0000000000400000 13 Size of Image: 0x00001000 14 Module Name: '/tmp/stack-cfi-parsing.out' 15 CodeView Record: 4C457042E35C283BC327C28762DB788BF5A4078BE2351448 16 - Type: SystemInfo 17 Processor Arch: AMD64 18 Processor Level: 6 19 Processor Revision: 15876 20 Number of Processors: 40 21 Platform ID: Linux 22 CSD Version: 'Linux 3.13.0-91-generic' 23 CPU: 24 Vendor ID: GenuineIntel 25 Version Info: 0x00000000 26 Feature Info: 0x00000000 27 - Type: LinuxProcStatus 28 Text: | 29 Name: linux-x86_64 30 State: t (tracing stop) 31 Tgid: 29917 32 Ngid: 0 33 Pid: 29917 34 PPid: 29370 35 36... 37