#include <semanage/users_policy.h>
#include <semanage/users_local.h>
This object contains properties associated with a SELinux user. Typically many Unix users are mapped to the same SELinux user. See semanage_seuser "(3)" for overview of the Unix user API.
For details on a specific function, see its manual page.
semanage_user_create "(3)" -
create a user
semanage_user_free "(3)" -
release resources for this user
semanage_user_key_create "(3)" -
create a key, which can be used to identify a user
semanage_user_key_free "(3)" -
release resources for this user key
semanage_user_key_extract "(3)" -
create a key matching this user
semanage_user_clone "(3)" -
create an identical user (deep-copy clone)
semanage_user_compare "(3)" -
compare this user to the provided key
semanage_user_compare2 "(3)" -
compare this user to another
semanage_user_get_name "(3)" -
return the name of this user
semanage_user_set_name "(3)" -
set the name of this user
semanage_user_get_prefix "(3)" -
return the labeling prefix for this user, used to control the contexts of user directories
semanage_user_set_prefix "(3)" -
set the labeling prefix for this user
semanage_user_get_mlslevel "(3)" -
return the default MLS level, which is assigned to this user at login time
semanage_user_set_mlslevel "(3)" -
set the default MLS level
semanage_user_get_mlsrange "(3)" -
return the range of valid MLS sensitivities and categories for this user
semanage_user_set_mlsrange "(3)" -
set the range of valid MLS sensitivities and categories for this user
semanage_user_add_role "(3)" -
add a role to the user's list of valid roles
semanage_user_del_role "(3)" -
remove a role from the user's list of valid roles
semanage_user_has_role "(3)" -
check if a role is valid for this user
semanage_user_get_num_roles "(3)" -
return the number of valid roles for this user
semanage_user_get_roles "(3)" -
return an array containing the roles for this user
semanage_user_set_roles "(3)" - set the roles for this user
semanage_user_modify_local "(3)" -
add or update a user in the local store
semanage_user_del_local "(3)" -
delete a user from the local store
semanage_user_exists "(3)" -
check if a user is defined in the persistent policy
semanage_user_exists_local "(3)" -
check if a user is defined in the local store
semanage_user_query "(3)" -
query a user in the persistent policy
semanage_user_query_local "(3)" -
query a user in the local store
semanage_user_count "(3)" -
count the number of users defined in the persistent policy
semanage_user_count_local "(3)" -
count the number of users defined in the local store
semanage_user_iterate "(3)" -
execute a callback for each user in the persistent policy
semanage_user_iterate_local "(3)" -
execute a callback for each user in the local store
semanage_user_list "(3)" -
return an array containing all users in the persistent policy
semanage_user_list_local "(3)" -
return an array containing all users in the local store