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1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
14 #include <memory>
15 #include <vector>
17 #include "api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder_factory.h"
18 #include "api/scoped_refptr.h"
19 #include "rtc_base/ref_counted_object.h"
21 namespace webrtc {
23 namespace audio_decoder_factory_template_impl {
25 template <typename... Ts>
26 struct Helper;
28 // Base case: 0 template parameters.
29 template <>
30 struct Helper<> {
31   static void AppendSupportedDecoders(std::vector<AudioCodecSpec>* specs) {}
32   static bool IsSupportedDecoder(const SdpAudioFormat& format) { return false; }
33   static std::unique_ptr<AudioDecoder> MakeAudioDecoder(
34       const SdpAudioFormat& format,
35       absl::optional<AudioCodecPairId> codec_pair_id) {
36     return nullptr;
37   }
38 };
40 // Inductive case: Called with n + 1 template parameters; calls subroutines
41 // with n template parameters.
42 template <typename T, typename... Ts>
43 struct Helper<T, Ts...> {
44   static void AppendSupportedDecoders(std::vector<AudioCodecSpec>* specs) {
45     T::AppendSupportedDecoders(specs);
46     Helper<Ts...>::AppendSupportedDecoders(specs);
47   }
48   static bool IsSupportedDecoder(const SdpAudioFormat& format) {
49     auto opt_config = T::SdpToConfig(format);
50     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(opt_config),
51                                absl::optional<typename T::Config>>::value,
52                   "T::SdpToConfig() must return a value of type "
53                   "absl::optional<T::Config>");
54     return opt_config ? true : Helper<Ts...>::IsSupportedDecoder(format);
55   }
56   static std::unique_ptr<AudioDecoder> MakeAudioDecoder(
57       const SdpAudioFormat& format,
58       absl::optional<AudioCodecPairId> codec_pair_id) {
59     auto opt_config = T::SdpToConfig(format);
60     return opt_config ? T::MakeAudioDecoder(*opt_config, codec_pair_id)
61                       : Helper<Ts...>::MakeAudioDecoder(format, codec_pair_id);
62   }
63 };
65 template <typename... Ts>
66 class AudioDecoderFactoryT : public AudioDecoderFactory {
67  public:
68   std::vector<AudioCodecSpec> GetSupportedDecoders() override {
69     std::vector<AudioCodecSpec> specs;
70     Helper<Ts...>::AppendSupportedDecoders(&specs);
71     return specs;
72   }
74   bool IsSupportedDecoder(const SdpAudioFormat& format) override {
75     return Helper<Ts...>::IsSupportedDecoder(format);
76   }
78   std::unique_ptr<AudioDecoder> MakeAudioDecoder(
79       const SdpAudioFormat& format,
80       absl::optional<AudioCodecPairId> codec_pair_id) override {
81     return Helper<Ts...>::MakeAudioDecoder(format, codec_pair_id);
82   }
83 };
85 }  // namespace audio_decoder_factory_template_impl
87 // Make an AudioDecoderFactory that can create instances of the given decoders.
88 //
89 // Each decoder type is given as a template argument to the function; it should
90 // be a struct with the following static member functions:
91 //
92 //   // Converts |audio_format| to a ConfigType instance. Returns an empty
93 //   // optional if |audio_format| doesn't correctly specify a decoder of our
94 //   // type.
95 //   absl::optional<ConfigType> SdpToConfig(const SdpAudioFormat& audio_format);
96 //
97 //   // Appends zero or more AudioCodecSpecs to the list that will be returned
98 //   // by AudioDecoderFactory::GetSupportedDecoders().
99 //   void AppendSupportedDecoders(std::vector<AudioCodecSpec>* specs);
100 //
101 //   // Creates an AudioDecoder for the specified format. Used to implement
102 //   // AudioDecoderFactory::MakeAudioDecoder().
103 //   std::unique_ptr<AudioDecoder> MakeAudioDecoder(
104 //       const ConfigType& config,
105 //       absl::optional<AudioCodecPairId> codec_pair_id);
106 //
107 // ConfigType should be a type that encapsulates all the settings needed to
108 // create an AudioDecoder. T::Config (where T is the decoder struct) should
109 // either be the config type, or an alias for it.
110 //
111 // Whenever it tries to do something, the new factory will try each of the
112 // decoder types in the order they were specified in the template argument
113 // list, stopping at the first one that claims to be able to do the job.
114 //
115 // TODO(kwiberg): Point at CreateBuiltinAudioDecoderFactory() for an example of
116 // how it is used.
117 template <typename... Ts>
118 rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory> CreateAudioDecoderFactory() {
119   // There's no technical reason we couldn't allow zero template parameters,
120   // but such a factory couldn't create any decoders, and callers can do this
121   // by mistake by simply forgetting the <> altogether. So we forbid it in
122   // order to prevent caller foot-shooting.
123   static_assert(sizeof...(Ts) >= 1,
124                 "Caller must give at least one template parameter");
126   return rtc::scoped_refptr<AudioDecoderFactory>(
127       new rtc::RefCountedObject<
128           audio_decoder_factory_template_impl::AudioDecoderFactoryT<Ts...>>());
129 }
131 }  // namespace webrtc