1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2<!-- 3 * Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4 --> 5<configuration description="Runs WindowManager Shell Flicker Tests"> 6 <option name="test-tag" value="FlickerTests" /> 7 <target_preparer class="com.android.tradefed.targetprep.DeviceSetup"> 8 <!-- keeps the screen on during tests --> 9 <option name="screen-always-on" value="on" /> 10 <!-- prevents the phone from restarting --> 11 <option name="force-skip-system-props" value="true" /> 12 <!-- set WM tracing verbose level to all --> 13 <option name="run-command" value="cmd window tracing level all" /> 14 <!-- set WM tracing to frame (avoid incomplete states) --> 15 <option name="run-command" value="cmd window tracing frame" /> 16 <!-- restart launcher to activate TAPL --> 17 <option name="run-command" value="setprop ro.test_harness 1 ; am force-stop com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher" /> 18 </target_preparer> 19 <target_preparer class="com.android.tradefed.targetprep.DeviceCleaner"> 20 <!-- reboot the device to teardown any crashed tests --> 21 <option name="cleanup-action" value="REBOOT" /> 22 </target_preparer> 23 <target_preparer class="com.android.tradefed.targetprep.suite.SuiteApkInstaller"> 24 <option name="cleanup-apks" value="true"/> 25 <option name="test-file-name" value="WMShellFlickerTests.apk"/> 26 <option name="test-file-name" value="WMShellFlickerTestApp.apk" /> 27 </target_preparer> 28 <test class="com.android.tradefed.testtype.AndroidJUnitTest"> 29 <option name="package" value="com.android.wm.shell.flicker"/> 30 <option name="shell-timeout" value="6600s" /> 31 <option name="test-timeout" value="6000s" /> 32 <option name="hidden-api-checks" value="false" /> 33 </test> 34 <metrics_collector class="com.android.tradefed.device.metric.FilePullerLogCollector"> 35 <option name="directory-keys" value="/sdcard/flicker" /> 36 <option name="collect-on-run-ended-only" value="true" /> 37 <option name="clean-up" value="true" /> 38 </metrics_collector> 39</configuration>