1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 // Test program for audio_utils FIFO library.
18 // This only tests the single-threaded aspects, not the barriers.
20 #include <errno.h>
21 #include <limits.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <audio_utils/fifo.h>
25 #include <audio_utils/sndfile.h>
27 #ifndef min
28 #define min(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
29 #endif
main(int argc,char ** argv)31 int main(int argc, char **argv)
32 {
33 size_t frameCount = 0;
34 size_t maxFramesPerRead = 0;
35 size_t maxFramesPerWrite = 0;
36 bool readerThrottlesWriter = true;
37 bool verbose = false;
38 int i;
39 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
40 char *arg = argv[i];
41 if (arg[0] != '-')
42 break;
43 switch (arg[1]) {
44 case 'f': // FIFO frame count
45 frameCount = atoi(&arg[2]);
46 break;
47 case 'r': // maximum frame count per read from FIFO
48 maxFramesPerRead = atoi(&arg[2]);
49 break;
50 case 't': // disable throttling of writer by reader
51 readerThrottlesWriter = false;
52 break;
53 case 'v': // enable verbose logging
54 verbose = true;
55 break;
56 case 'w': // maximum frame count per write to FIFO
57 maxFramesPerWrite = atoi(&arg[2]);
58 break;
59 default:
60 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option %s\n", argv[0], arg);
61 goto usage;
62 }
63 }
64 if (frameCount == 0) {
65 frameCount = 256;
66 }
67 if (maxFramesPerRead == 0) {
68 maxFramesPerRead = frameCount;
69 }
70 if (maxFramesPerWrite == 0) {
71 maxFramesPerWrite = frameCount;
72 }
74 if (argc - i != 2) {
75 usage:
76 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-f#] [-r#] [-t] [-v] [-w#] in.wav out.wav\n", argv[0]);
77 return EXIT_FAILURE;
78 }
79 char *inputFile = argv[i];
80 char *outputFile = argv[i+1];
82 SF_INFO sfinfoin;
83 memset(&sfinfoin, 0, sizeof(sfinfoin));
84 SNDFILE *sfin = sf_open(inputFile, SFM_READ, &sfinfoin);
85 if (sfin == NULL) {
86 perror(inputFile);
87 return EXIT_FAILURE;
88 }
89 switch (sfinfoin.format & (SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK | SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK)) {
92 break;
93 default:
94 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported format\n", inputFile);
95 sf_close(sfin);
96 return EXIT_FAILURE;
97 }
98 size_t frameSize = sizeof(int16_t) * sfinfoin.channels;
99 int16_t *inputBuffer = new int16_t[sfinfoin.frames * sfinfoin.channels];
100 sf_count_t actualRead = sf_readf_short(sfin, inputBuffer, sfinfoin.frames);
101 if (actualRead != sfinfoin.frames) {
102 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected EOF or error\n", inputFile);
103 sf_close(sfin);
104 return EXIT_FAILURE;
105 }
106 sf_close(sfin);
108 int16_t *outputBuffer = new int16_t[sfinfoin.frames * sfinfoin.channels];
109 size_t framesWritten = 0;
110 size_t framesRead = 0;
111 int16_t *fifoBuffer = new int16_t[frameCount * sfinfoin.channels];
112 audio_utils_fifo fifo(frameCount, frameSize, fifoBuffer, readerThrottlesWriter);
113 audio_utils_fifo_writer fifoWriter(fifo);
114 audio_utils_fifo_reader fifoReader(fifo, readerThrottlesWriter);
115 int fifoWriteCount = 0, fifoReadCount = 0;
116 int fifoFillLevel = 0, minFillLevel = INT_MAX, maxFillLevel = INT_MIN;
117 for (;;) {
118 size_t framesToWrite = sfinfoin.frames - framesWritten;
119 size_t framesToRead = sfinfoin.frames - framesRead;
120 if (framesToWrite == 0 && (framesToRead == 0 || !readerThrottlesWriter)) {
121 break;
122 }
124 if (framesToWrite > maxFramesPerWrite) {
125 framesToWrite = maxFramesPerWrite;
126 }
127 framesToWrite = rand() % (framesToWrite + 1);
128 ssize_t actualWritten = fifoWriter.write(
129 &inputBuffer[framesWritten * sfinfoin.channels], framesToWrite);
130 if (verbose) {
131 printf("wrote %d out of %d\n", (int) actualWritten, (int) framesToWrite);
132 }
133 if (actualWritten < 0 || (size_t) actualWritten > framesToWrite) {
134 fprintf(stderr, "write to FIFO failed\n");
135 break;
136 }
137 if (actualWritten < min((int) frameCount - fifoFillLevel, (int) framesToWrite)) {
138 fprintf(stderr, "only wrote %d when should have written min(%d, %d)\n",
139 (int) actualWritten, (int) frameCount - fifoFillLevel, (int) framesToWrite);
140 }
141 framesWritten += actualWritten;
142 if (actualWritten > 0) {
143 fifoWriteCount++;
144 }
145 fifoFillLevel += actualWritten;
146 if (verbose) {
147 printf("fill level after write %d\n", fifoFillLevel);
148 }
149 if (fifoFillLevel > maxFillLevel) {
150 maxFillLevel = fifoFillLevel;
151 if (maxFillLevel > (int) frameCount) {
152 if (readerThrottlesWriter) {
153 printf("maxFillLevel=%d > frameCount=%d\n", maxFillLevel, (int) frameCount);
154 abort();
155 }
156 }
157 }
159 if (framesToRead > maxFramesPerRead) {
160 framesToRead = maxFramesPerRead;
161 }
162 framesToRead = rand() % (framesToRead + 1);
163 ssize_t actualRead = fifoReader.read(
164 &outputBuffer[framesRead * sfinfoin.channels], framesToRead);
165 if (verbose) {
166 printf("read %d out of %d\n", (int) actualRead, (int) framesToRead);
167 }
168 if (actualRead < 0 || (size_t) actualRead > framesToRead) {
169 switch (actualRead) {
170 case -EIO:
171 fprintf(stderr, "read from FIFO failed: corrupted indices\n");
172 abort();
173 break;
174 case -EOVERFLOW:
175 if (readerThrottlesWriter) {
176 fprintf(stderr, "read from FIFO failed: unexpected overflow\n");
177 abort();
178 }
179 printf("warning: reader lost frames\n");
180 actualRead = 0;
181 break;
182 default:
183 if (actualRead < 0) {
184 fprintf(stderr, "read from FIFO failed: unexpected error code %d\n",
185 (int) actualRead);
186 } else {
187 fprintf(stderr, "read from FIFO failed: actualRead=%d > framesToRead=%d\n",
188 (int) actualRead, (int) framesToRead);
189 }
190 abort();
191 }
192 }
193 if (actualRead < min(fifoFillLevel, (int) framesToRead)) {
194 //fprintf(stderr, "only read %d when should have read min(%d, %d)\n",
195 // (int) actualRead, fifoFillLevel, (int) framesToRead);
196 }
197 framesRead += actualRead;
198 if (actualRead > 0) {
199 fifoReadCount++;
200 }
201 fifoFillLevel -= actualRead;
202 if (verbose) {
203 printf("fill level after read %d\n", fifoFillLevel);
204 }
205 if (fifoFillLevel < minFillLevel) {
206 minFillLevel = fifoFillLevel;
207 if (minFillLevel < 0) {
208 printf("minFillLevel=%d < 0\n", minFillLevel);
209 abort();
210 }
211 }
212 }
213 delete[] inputBuffer;
214 inputBuffer = NULL;
215 delete[] fifoBuffer;
216 fifoBuffer = NULL;
218 printf("FIFO non-empty writes: %d, non-empty reads: %d\n", fifoWriteCount, fifoReadCount);
219 printf("fill=%d, min=%d, max=%d\n", fifoFillLevel, minFillLevel, maxFillLevel);
221 printf("writing output\n");
222 SF_INFO sfinfoout;
223 memset(&sfinfoout, 0, sizeof(sfinfoout));
224 sfinfoout.samplerate = sfinfoin.samplerate;
225 sfinfoout.channels = sfinfoin.channels;
226 sfinfoout.format = sfinfoin.format;
227 SNDFILE *sfout = sf_open(outputFile, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfoout);
228 if (sfout == NULL) {
229 perror(outputFile);
230 return EXIT_FAILURE;
231 }
232 sf_count_t actualWritten = sf_writef_short(sfout, outputBuffer, framesRead);
233 delete[] outputBuffer;
234 outputBuffer = NULL;
236 if (actualWritten != (sf_count_t) framesRead) {
237 fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected error\n", outputFile);
238 sf_close(sfout);
239 return EXIT_FAILURE;
240 }
241 sf_close(sfout);
242 printf("done\n");
244 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
245 }