1;; new_objects - a collection of types that have been introduced that have no 2;; analogue in older policy. Thus, we do not need to map these types to 3;; previous ones. Add here to pass checkapi tests. 4(type new_objects) 5(typeattribute new_objects) 6(typeattributeset new_objects 7 ( new_objects 8 activity_task_service 9 adb_service 10 apex_data_file 11 apex_metadata_file 12 apex_mnt_dir 13 apex_service 14 apexd 15 apexd_exec 16 apexd_prop 17 apexd_tmpfs 18 appdomain_tmpfs 19 app_binding_service 20 app_prediction_service 21 app_zygote 22 app_zygote_tmpfs 23 ashmemd 24 ashmem_device_service 25 attention_service 26 biometric_service 27 bluetooth_audio_hal_prop 28 bpf_progs_loaded_prop 29 bugreport_service 30 cgroup_desc_file 31 cgroup_rc_file 32 charger_exec 33 content_capture_service 34 content_suggestions_service 35 cpu_variant_prop 36 ctl_gsid_prop 37 dev_cpu_variant 38 device_config_activity_manager_native_boot_prop 39 device_config_boot_count_prop 40 device_config_input_native_boot_prop 41 device_config_netd_native_prop 42 device_config_reset_performed_prop 43 device_config_runtime_native_boot_prop 44 device_config_runtime_native_prop 45 device_config_media_native_prop 46 device_config_service 47 dnsresolver_service 48 dynamic_system_service 49 dynamic_system_prop 50 face_service 51 face_vendor_data_file 52 sota_prop 53 fastbootd 54 flags_health_check 55 flags_health_check_exec 56 fwk_bufferhub_hwservice 57 fwk_camera_hwservice 58 fwk_stats_hwservice 59 gpuservice 60 gsi_data_file 61 gsi_metadata_file 62 gsi_service 63 gsid 64 gsid_exec 65 gsid_prop 66 color_display_service 67 external_vibrator_service 68 hal_atrace_hwservice 69 hal_face_hwservice 70 hal_graphics_composer_server_tmpfs 71 hal_health_storage_hwservice 72 hal_input_classifier_hwservice 73 hal_power_stats_hwservice 74 heapprofd 75 heapprofd_enabled_prop 76 heapprofd_exec 77 heapprofd_prop 78 heapprofd_socket 79 idmap_service 80 iris_service 81 iris_vendor_data_file 82 llkd 83 llkd_exec 84 llkd_prop 85 llkd_tmpfs 86 looper_stats_service 87 lpdumpd 88 lpdumpd_exec 89 lpdumpd_prop 90 lpdump_service 91 iorapd 92 iorapd_exec 93 iorapd_data_file 94 iorapd_service 95 iorapd_tmpfs 96 mediaswcodec 97 mediaswcodec_exec 98 mediaswcodec_tmpfs 99 mnt_product_file 100 network_stack 101 network_stack_service 102 network_stack_tmpfs 103 nnapi_ext_deny_product_prop 104 overlayfs_file 105 password_slot_metadata_file 106 permissionmgr_service 107 postinstall_apex_mnt_dir 108 recovery_socket 109 role_service 110 rollback_service 111 rs 112 rs_exec 113 rss_hwm_reset 114 rss_hwm_reset_exec 115 runas_app 116 runas_app_tmpfs 117 runtime_service 118 sdcard_block_device 119 sensor_privacy_service 120 server_configurable_flags_data_file 121 simpleperf_app_runner 122 simpleperf_app_runner_exec 123 su_tmpfs 124 super_block_device 125 sysfs_fs_f2fs 126 system_bootstrap_lib_file 127 system_event_log_tags_file 128 system_lmk_prop 129 system_suspend_hwservice 130 system_suspend_control_service 131 system_trace_prop 132 staging_data_file 133 task_profiles_file 134 testharness_service 135 test_harness_prop 136 theme_prop 137 time_prop 138 timedetector_service 139 timezonedetector_service 140 traced_lazy_prop 141 uri_grants_service 142 use_memfd_prop 143 vendor_cgroup_desc_file 144 vendor_idc_file 145 vendor_keychars_file 146 vendor_keylayout_file 147 vendor_misc_writer 148 vendor_misc_writer_exec 149 vendor_task_profiles_file 150 vrflinger_vsync_service 151 watchdogd_tmpfs)) 152