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_ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm2pcEv _ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm2spEv _ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm6set_pcEy _ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm6set_spEy _ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_17__hash_value_typeIjjEENS_22__unordered_map_hasherIjS2_NS_4hashIjEELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equalIjS2_NS_8equal_toIjEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE25__emplace_unique_key_argsIjJRKNS_21piecewise_construct_tENS_5tupleIJRKjEEENSI_IJEEEEEENS_4pairINS_15__hash_iteratorIPNS_11__hash_nodeIS2_PvEEEEbEERKT_DpOT0_ _ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_17__hash_value_typeIjjEENS_22__unordered_map_hasherIjS2_NS_4hashIjEELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equalIjS2_NS_8equal_toIjEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE6rehashEj _ZNSt3__112__hash_tableINS_17__hash_value_typeIjjEENS_22__unordered_map_hasherIjS2_NS_4hashIjEELb1EEENS_21__unordered_map_equalIjS2_NS_8equal_toIjEELb1EEENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE8__rehashEj _ZNSt3__16vectorIjNS_9allocatorIjEEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKjEEvOT_ _ZTVN11unwindstack14ElfInterface32E _ZTVN11unwindstack15ElfInterfaceArmE _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface11GetLoadBiasI9elf32_hdr10elf32_phdrEExPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface11GetLoadBiasI9elf64_hdr10elf64_phdrEExPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface11ReadBuildIDI10elf64_noteEENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEv _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface14ReadAllHeadersI9elf64_hdr10elf64_phdr10elf64_shdrEEbPx _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface21GetSonameWithTemplateI9Elf64_DynEENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEv _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface23InitHeadersWithTemplateIyEEvv _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface24CreateGnuDebugdataMemoryEv _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface27GetFunctionNameWithTemplateI9elf64_symEEbyPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack12ElfInterface29GetGlobalVariableWithTemplateI9elf64_symEEbRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZTVN11unwindstack14ElfInterface64E __strlen_chk _ZN11unwindstack3Elf12GetLastErrorEPNS_9ErrorDataE _ZN11unwindstack3Elf15GetFunctionNameEyPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack3Elf16GetLastErrorCodeEv _ZN11unwindstack3Elf19GetLastErrorAddressEv _ZN11unwindstack3Elf19StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_4RegsEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack3Elf23GetGlobalVariableOffsetERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack3Elf4InitEv _ZN11unwindstack3Elf4StepEyPNS_4RegsEPNS_6MemoryEPbS5_ _ZN11unwindstack3Elf8GetRelPcEyPKNS_7MapInfoE _ZN11unwindstack3Elf9GetSonameEv _ZN11unwindstack3Elf9IsValidPcEy _ZNKSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE5rfindEcj _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEC1ERKS5_jjRKS4_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIhNS_9allocatorIhEEE8__appendEj __open_2 __read_chk _ZN11unwindstack8JitDebug6GetElfEPNS_4MapsEy _ZN11unwindstack8JitDebugC1ERNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6MemoryEEE _ZN11unwindstack8JitDebugC1ERNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6MemoryEEERNS1_6vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENSA_ISC_EEEE _ZN11unwindstack18LocalUpdatableMaps7ReparseEv _ZN11unwindstack4Maps5ParseEv _ZN7android4base17WriteStringToFileERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEES9_b _ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEElsEt _ZTVN11unwindstack18LocalUpdatableMapsE _ZN7android4base13StringAppendVEPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPKcPc _ZNSt3__19to_stringEi __android_log_buf_write __android_log_print __android_log_vprint android_log_processBinaryLogBuffer android_logger_list_free android_logger_list_open android_logger_list_read android_name_to_log_id android_openEventTagMap _ZN11unwindstack4Maps3AddEyyyyRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEy _ZN11unwindstack4Maps4FindEy _ZN11unwindstack6Memory9ReadFullyEyPvj _ZN11unwindstack7MapInfo12CreateMemoryERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6MemoryEEE _ZN7android4base9ReadFullyENS0_11borrowed_fdEPvj _ZN11unwindstack7MapInfo10GetBuildIDEv _ZN11unwindstack7MapInfo19GetPrintableBuildIDEv _ZNSt3__115__thread_structC1Ev _ZNSt3__115__thread_structD1Ev _ZNSt3__119__thread_local_dataEv _ZNSt3__120__throw_system_errorEiPKc _ZNSt3__16thread4joinEv _ZNSt3__16threadD1Ev pthread_create _ZN11unwindstack7MapInfo11GetLoadBiasERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6MemoryEEE _ZN11unwindstack7MapInfo15GetFunctionNameEyPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack10BufferMaps5ParseEv _ZN7android4base17WriteStringToFileERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEES9_tjjb _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE6insertEjPKc _ZNSt3__1plIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEENS_12basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EERKS9_S6_ _ZNSt3__1plIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEENS_12basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EES6_RKS9_ getgid getuid _ZN11unwindstack12MemoryBuffer6GetPtrEj _ZTVN11unwindstack12MemoryBufferE realloc _ZTVN11unwindstack11MemoryCacheE _ZN11unwindstack18MemoryFileAtOffset4InitERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEyy _ZN11unwindstack18MemoryFileAtOffsetD1Ev _ZN7android4base15WriteStringToFdERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS0_11borrowed_fdE _ZTVN11unwindstack18MemoryFileAtOffsetE getpagesize mmap mprotect munmap _ZN11unwindstack19MemoryOfflineBuffer5ResetEPKhyy _ZN11unwindstack19MemoryOfflineBufferC1EPKhyy _ZN11unwindstack13MemoryOffline4InitERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEy _ZNSt3__16vectorIcNS_9allocatorIcEEE8__appendEj _ZTVN11unwindstack13MemoryOfflineE _ZN11unwindstack11MemoryRange4ReadEyPvj _ZN11unwindstack11MemoryRangeC1ERKNSt3__110shared_ptrINS_6MemoryEEEyyy _ZTVN11unwindstack11MemoryRangeE _ZN11unwindstack12MemoryRanges6InsertEPNS_11MemoryRangeE _ZTVN11unwindstack12MemoryRangesE _ZN11unwindstack12MemoryRemote4ReadEyPvj _ZTVN11unwindstack12MemoryRemoteE fork kill ptrace usleep waitpid _ZN11unwindstack10RegsMips6416IterateRegistersENSt3__18functionIFvPKcyEEE _ZN11unwindstack10RegsMips64C1Ev _ZN11unwindstack10RegsX86_6416IterateRegistersENSt3__18functionIFvPKcyEEE _ZN11unwindstack10RegsX86_64C1Ev _ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm16IterateRegistersENSt3__18functionIFvPKcyEEE _ZN11unwindstack7RegsX8616IterateRegistersENSt3__18functionIFvPKcyEEE _ZN11unwindstack7RegsX86C1Ev _ZN11unwindstack8RegsMips16IterateRegistersENSt3__18functionIFvPKcyEEE _ZN11unwindstack8RegsMipsC1Ev _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm6416IterateRegistersENSt3__18functionIFvPKcyEEE _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm64C1Ev _ZN11unwindstack10RegsMips6419StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_3ElfEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack10RegsMips642pcEv _ZN11unwindstack10RegsMips642spEv _ZN11unwindstack10RegsX86_6419StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_3ElfEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack10RegsX86_642pcEv _ZN11unwindstack10RegsX86_642spEv _ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm19StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_3ElfEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack7RegsX8619StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_3ElfEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack7RegsX862pcEv _ZN11unwindstack7RegsX862spEv _ZN11unwindstack8RegsMips19StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_3ElfEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack8RegsMips2pcEv _ZN11unwindstack8RegsMips2spEv _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm6419StepIfSignalHandlerEyPNS_3ElfEPNS_6MemoryE _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm642pcEv _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm642spEv _ZN11unwindstack10RegsMips644ArchEv _ZN11unwindstack10RegsX86_644ArchEv _ZN11unwindstack15GetPcAdjustmentEyPNS_3ElfENS_8ArchEnumE _ZN11unwindstack7RegsArm4ArchEv _ZN11unwindstack7RegsX864ArchEv _ZN11unwindstack8RegsMips4ArchEv _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm6410SetPACMaskEy _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm6417SetPseudoRegisterEty _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm644ArchEv _ZN11unwindstack9RegsArm646set_pcEy _ZNSt3__120__shared_ptr_pointerIPN11unwindstack3ElfENS_14default_deleteIS2_EENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE16__on_zero_sharedEv _ZNSt3__120__shared_ptr_pointerIPN11unwindstack3ElfENS_14default_deleteIS2_EENS_9allocatorIS2_EEE21__on_zero_shared_weakEv _ZTVNSt3__120__shared_ptr_pointerIPN11unwindstack3ElfENS_14default_deleteIS2_EENS_9allocatorIS2_EEEE _ZN11unwindstack7Symbols7GetNameI9elf32_symEEbyPNS_6MemoryEPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack7Symbols7GetNameI9elf64_symEEbyPNS_6MemoryEPNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack7Symbols9GetGlobalI9elf32_symEEbPNS_6MemoryERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack7Symbols9GetGlobalI9elf64_symEEbPNS_6MemoryERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS5_11char_traitsIcEENS5_9allocatorIcEEEEPy _ZN11unwindstack7SymbolsC1Eyyyyy _ZTVN11unwindstack7SymbolsE _ZN11unwindstack4Maps4SortEv _ZN11unwindstack8JitDebugD1Ev _ZN11unwindstack8Unwinder11SetJitDebugEPNS_8JitDebugE _ZN11unwindstack8Unwinder6UnwindEPKNSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEESC_ _ZN7android4base16ReadFileToStringERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEPS7_b _ZNK11unwindstack8Unwinder11FormatFrameEj _ZTVN11unwindstack18MemoryOfflinePartsE _ZTVN11unwindstack8UnwinderE __getcwd_chk chdir fclose feof fopen free fscanf getcwd stat AsmGetRegs _ZN11unwindstack4Regs11CurrentArchEv _ZN11unwindstack4Regs15CreateFromLocalEv _ZN11unwindstack4Regs18CreateFromUcontextENS_8ArchEnumEPv _ZN11unwindstack4Regs9RemoteGetEi _ZN11unwindstack6Memory19CreateProcessMemoryEi _ZNK11unwindstack10RemoteMaps11GetMapsFileEv _ZTVN11unwindstack10RemoteMapsE _ZTVN11unwindstack15UnwinderFromPidE _ZTVN11unwindstack9LocalMapsE exit getpid printf sigaction sleep strerror syscall tgkill _ZN11unwindstack15UnwinderFromPid4InitEv _ZN11unwindstack8DexFilesD1Ev _ZN11unwindstack8Unwinder11SetDexFilesEPNS_8DexFilesE _ZN11unwindstack8Unwinder20BuildFrameFromPcOnlyEy _ZNK11unwindstack8Unwinder11FormatFrameERKNS_9FrameDataE _ZN11unwindstack15UnwinderFromPid6UnwindEPKNSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEESC_ _ZN11unwindstack6Memory16CreateFileMemoryERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEy __gnu_basename _ZN11unwindstack13LocalUnwinder4InitEv _ZN11unwindstack13LocalUnwinder6UnwindEPNSt3__16vectorINS_14LocalFrameDataENS1_9allocatorIS3_EEEEj dlclose dlopen dlsym raise _ZNKSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE4findEcj _ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_out_of_rangeEv _ZNKSt3__16locale9has_facetERNS0_2idE _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE7reserveEj _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEED2Ev _ZNSt3__113basic_istreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE6sentryC1ERS3_b _ZNSt3__113basic_istreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEED2Ev _ZNSt3__113basic_istreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEErsERj _ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEE5writeEPKci _ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEED2Ev _ZNSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEElsEd _ZNSt3__14coutE _ZNSt3__16chrono12system_clock11from_time_tEl _ZNSt3__16chrono12system_clock3nowEv _ZNSt3__16localeC1ERKS0_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIjNS_9allocatorIjEEE21__push_back_slow_pathIjEEvOT_ _ZNSt3__17codecvtIcc9mbstate_tE2idE _ZTCNSt3__119basic_ostringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE0_NS_13basic_ostreamIcS2_EE _ZTINSt3__113basic_istreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE _ZTINSt3__113basic_ostreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE _ZTINSt3__115basic_streambufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE _ZTINSt3__119__shared_weak_countE _ZTTNSt3__119basic_ostringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE _ZTVNSt3__119basic_ostringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE _ZdaPv _Znaj __cxa_guard_acquire __cxa_guard_release __dynamic_cast __vsnprintf_chk _exit access clone connect dup dup2 execv fcntl fdopen fileno fputc fputs fread freeaddrinfo fseek fseeko ftell ftello fwrite gai_strerror getaddrinfo getenv isatty localtime_r memchr memmove mkdir mkstemp pipe pthread_key_create pthread_key_delete pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutex_init putchar puts read regcomp regexec regfree remove sigemptyset socket stdout strcasecmp strcmp strdup strncmp strrchr strstr strtol strtoull vprintf write _ZNSt3__16vectorIcNS_9allocatorIcEEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKcEEvOT_ getppid readlink _ZNKSt3__123__match_any_but_newlineIcE6__execERNS_7__stateIcEE _ZNKSt3__16locale4nameEv _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEaSEc _ZNSt3__115__get_classnameEPKcb _ZNSt3__120__get_collation_nameEPKc _ZNSt3__16localeC1Ev _ZNSt3__17collateIcE2idE _ZNSt3__16chrono12steady_clock3nowEv _ZNKSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE7compareEjjPKc _ZNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE6appendEjc _ZNSt3__19to_stringEy getline localtime pclose pipe2 poll popen signal strsignal time unsetenv vsnprintf log2f sysconf libc.so LIBC LIBC_N libm.so libdl.so libbase.so liblog.so liblzma.so libunwindstack.so libdexfile_support.so libc++.so
"4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 8 0xff00U "4 unwind pop {r4-r7, r14}\n" 0x43U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 3147776\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16]\n" pop_mmx_wcgr external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h ArmExidxExtractTest 0x60 0x08 sizeof(kDexData) - 1 method /system/lib/libart.so 0x123U maps_->Parse() cfa_register 4 unwind DW_CFA_nop 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 0x81234578 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x10 0xff 0x01 0x82 0x01 static_cast<uint64_t>(-8) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4000, 0x4002, &loc_regs) 0x205U 0x274U 0x72U 20U 0x203U 60U GetCieFromOffset32_version1 GetCieFromOffset64_version5 0x820cU fde_encoding cie->augmentation_string[2] 0x100U GetFdeCieFromOffset64 0x6808U this->eh_frame_->EhFrameInit(0x1300, 0x300, 0) 0xe000000000000000ULL op_deref op_skip op_regx this->op_->Eval(0, 4) 0xabU 2147483647U 0xa80U .WillRepeatedly() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL(). Eval_pseudo_register_invalid FindEntry_start_zero 0x8000U FindEntry_last_check_multiple_entries 0x8010U many_phdrs_64 init_headers_debug_frame_32 init_section_headers_malformed_64 eh_frame_positive_section_bias_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x1000) get_load_bias_exec_negative_64 load_data.offset "fake_soname.so" elf.debug_frame() == nullptr elf_arm64 gnu_debugdata_init32 is_valid_pc_elf_invalid is too big, increase buffer size. android::base::WriteFully(elf_at_1000_.fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) multiple_thread_elf_exists system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest.cpp 0xaU 00-00 rwxp 00 00:00 0/fake a000-e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/ f000-f100 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/does_not_exist f100-f200 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/ashmem/does_not_exist f200-f300 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /devsomething/does_not_exist 0x7b2f0000U Failed at map std::vector<uint8_t>(kMaxCachedSize, 0x50) 3 dst[i] < in_memory x18 r21 r30 ra regs[X86_REG_EIP] 0x040U no_symbol symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "global_0", &offset) unwinder.frames()[14].sp 0xffeb69b0U unwinder.frames()[32].pc unwinder.frames()[35].sp 0xffeb7680U unwinder.frames()[62].sp 0xff85dfd0U 0xff85e1e0U 0xff85edc0U 0xf744a275U eh_frame_hdr_begin_x86_64/ " #00 pc 0000000000000a80 unwind_test64 (calling3)\n" " #01 pc 0000000000000dd9 unwind_test64 (calling2+633)\n" " #02 pc 000000000000121e unwind_test64 (calling1+638)\n" " #03 pc 00000000000013ed unwind_test64 (main+13)\n" " #04 pc 00000000000202b0 libc.so\n" 0x561550b1821eU Expected: Init("art_quick_osr_stub_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xcd4ff298U 0xe49e71ddU 0x2e562d9U #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28) #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128) #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn) #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172) #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36) #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk!libfeature_support_angle.so (offset 0x4000) (ANGLEGetUtilityAPI+56) #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init) 0x7dabf3db60ULL 0x7112cb99bcULL Expected: Init("signal_load_bias_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. " #00 pc 0029ef9e libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalInnerFunction+10)\n" " #01 pc 0029efa7 libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2)\n" " #02 pc 0029efaf libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalOuterFunction+2)\n" " #03 pc 002a280b libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, " "siginfo*, void*)+10)\n" " #04 pc 00058bd4 libc.so (__restore)\n" " #05 pc 0029f01e libunwindstack_unit_test (InnerFunction+106)\n" " #06 pc 0029f633 libunwindstack_unit_test (MiddleFunction+16)\n" " #07 pc 0029f64b libunwindstack_unit_test (OuterFunction+16)\n" " #08 pc 002a1711 libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned " "int)+260)\n" " #09 pc 002a1603 libunwindstack_unit_test " "(unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+10)\n" " #10 pc 002c8fe3 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::Test::Run()+130)\n" " #11 pc 002c9b25 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+184)\n" " #12 pc 002c9e27 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+202)\n" " #13 pc 002d193d libunwindstack_unit_test " "(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+660)\n" " #14 pc 002d160b libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+134)\n" " #15 pc 002de035 libunwindstack_unit_test (IsolateMain+680)\n" " #16 pc 00058155 libc.so (__libc_init+68)\n" 0xb6955fa7ULL 0xf23febd4ULL 0x72a01dd44cU SignalMiddleFunction remote_check_for_leaks sigaction(signal, &act, &oldact) 0x8500U 0x24000U sp_in_device_stops_unwind 0xa3400U 0xc1000U #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function) "FakeJitFunction" +%lld is defined via REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P, but never instantiated via INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P. None of the test cases will run. Ideally, TYPED_TEST_P definitions should only ever be included as part of binaries that intend to use them. (As opposed to, for example, being placed in a library that may be linked in to get other utilities.) To suppress this error for this test suite, insert the following line (in a non-header) in the namespace it is definedin in: GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST( probably rename one of the classes to put the tests into different SetUpTestSuite() Google Test SUITE value_param status SKIPPED ", Environment variable Condition typeid(*base) == typeid(Derived) failed. time="%.3lf"> from actions specified in MockObject() must not be called before RegisterOwner() or SetOwnerAndName() has been called. The invocation lower bound must be >= 0, "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x23U (*exidx_->regs())[12] 0x71U 0x12U 0x2U "4 unwind Spare\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 2048\n" 0x1004cU 4 unwind pop {wR2-wR7} "4 unwind Unsupported wCGR register display\n" from different generators. vs data_->at(3) 0x5004U 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xa8 0xb0 0xb0 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x22 0x33 0xb0 DexFileFromFile::Create(0, "/file/does/not/exist") == nullptr DexFileFromFile::Create(0, tf.path) == nullptr lseek(tf.fd, 0x500, 0) map_info != nullptr 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended register(129) 2306 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 0x81 0x01 0x82 0x12 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5007) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa02) 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended register(257) 255 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2f 0x81 0x02 0xff 0x01 0x128U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x287, &loc_regs) GetFdeFromPc_overlap 0x1500U return_address 0x800U value 0xffffffffffffe100ULL dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0xc3, &value) compare_opcode_stack_error expected[i + 3] The current thread is not holding the mutex @ returning default value. tried expectation # ... elf100_2->valid() elf200_1->valid() FindEntry_last_check_single_entry 0xa020U init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_zero_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_negative_64 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_positive_32 elf->gnu_build_id_offset() elf_invalid static_cast<uint32_t>(62) GetGlobalVariable(global, ::testing::_) get_global_vaddr_with_tagged_pointer 0x880000000000a080U static_cast<size_t>(bytes) jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2300) only_add_maps memory->ReadFully(0, e_ident, SELFMAG) memory->ReadFully(0x1000, e_ident, 1) 0xab get_function_name 1000UL 00-00 ---p 0 0:0 Failed verifying overlap1 name .so no_cache_read expected_str.c_str() memory_.Init(tf_->path, 2 * pagesize + 10) memory_.ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 100, buffer.data(), 200) read 0xFF range.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), dst.size()) overflow->ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 10, buffer.data(), 100) mprotect(mapping + getpagesize(), getpagesize(), 0x0) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src) + pagesize - 1, dst.data(), 1) memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 300) 0x460U regs[X86_REG_ESP] regs[X86_REG_EDX] GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) GetPcAdjustment(0x104, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) mips64_verify_sp_pc unwinder.frames()[2].pc " #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64) (BuildId: 2dd0d4ba881322a0edabeed94808048c)\n" " #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6) (BuildId: " "ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd)\n" " #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748) (BuildId: " "ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd)\n" " #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so\n" 0xf6f73552U 0xee75be03U unwinder.frames()[18].pc unwinder.frames()[22].pc 0xffeb6dd0U unwinder.frames()[39].pc unwinder.frames()[65].sp 0xff85d290U 0xe27a6aa7U 0xff85eb08U 0xff85ec90U unwinder.frames()[71].pc 0x7fdd1419c0U 0x565986d7U 0x565986f7U 25U 0xcd8365b0U 19U 0x8d1cc21U 0xffd4a6e8U shared_lib_in_apk_arm64/ 0x7cbe0b5e18ULL #00 pc 00aa7508 invalid.apk (offset 0x12e4000) 0xc898f508 0x7ffd224153c8ULL 0x7ffd22415a10ULL 0x7fdd4a4070ULL Expected: Init("eh_frame_bias_x86/", ARCH_X86) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xb6980e27ULL ptrace(17, pid, 0, 0) tgkill(getpid(), tid.load(), 10) UnwinderTest 0x1100U /fake/fake_load_bias.so "/fake/fake.apk" no_frames_after_finished /fake/compressed.so /fake/unreadable.so " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so" " #01 pc 00001000 <anonymous:3000>" 0x60eU is instantiated via INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P, but no tests are defined via TEST_P . No test cases will run. Ideally, INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P should only ever be invoked from code that always depend on code that provides TEST_P. Failing to do so is often an indication of dead code, e.g. the last TEST_P was removed but the rest got left behind. Repeating all tests (iteration %d) . . . [ SKIPPED ] %s.%s %s from %s ran. </skipped> "failure": " WARNING: unrecognized output format " posix::Write(write_fd(), &status_ch, 1) waitpid(child_pid_, &status_value, 0) Unknown death test style " Unknown result type event=TestEnd&passed= --help Global test environment tear-down system/testing/gtest_extras/Isolate.cpp %s:%d] Unexpected failure from fcntl: %s [ PASSED ] env[%s] %s value is not formatted as a numeric value ( Actual function call count doesn't match (used in test 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4 "4 unwind cfa = r14\n" 0x91U 0xa1U n = 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r2 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1028\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 1028]\n" 0x10404U vsp_incr pop_registers_under_mask eval_pc_set / exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x5000) 0x01 DexFileFromFile::Create(0, tf.path) != nullptr dex_file == nullptr get_method cfa_state this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x503) 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc2 772 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x03 0x04 0x03 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x2304 4 unwind DW_CFA_remember_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0a 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0f 0x81 0x01 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x16 0x83 0x10 0xa8 0x01 0x554U location->second.values[1] 0x15a0U GetCieFde32 GetCieFromOffset64_version4 GetFdeFromOffset64_lsda_address cie->personality_handler 0x5504U 0x200U 16U 0x6818U this->eh_frame_->LastErrorCode() this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(pc + 1, &fde_offset) GetEncodedSize_data2 ReadEncodedValue_data1_uint32_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x30, &value) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0e, &value) op_rot this->op_->StackAt(3) offset - 3 op - 0x30U The call matches the expectation. returning directly. pthread_setspecific(key_, holder_base) Eval_cfa_register_from_value this->section_->Eval(&cie, &this->memory_, loc_regs, ®s, &finished) 0x55U info200_1.elf_offset elf200_1 FindEntry_multiple_entries_odd iterate ERROR_NONE init_headers_eh_frame_64 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_negative_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x10000) elf->IsValidPc(0x2900) function_one elf.interface() == nullptr elf32_invalid_machine step_in_signal_map_non_zero_load_bias get_global_invalid_elf 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so 4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so 8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 map_info.name 7ffff7dda000-7ffff7dfd7ffff7ff3000-7ffff7ff4000 ---p 0000f000 fc:02 44171565 0xfabcdef8UL "/dev/does_not_exist" "/system/lib/fake5.so" system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryBufferTest.cpp 128 + i system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryOfflineBufferTest.cpp Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 0, 10) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. read_past_end 2000UL memory.ReadString(107, &dst_name, 10) info.IsSaved(1) ebx r26 GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x6, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x105, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) function_three symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5004, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) "function_1" #00 pc 0006dc49 libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+80) #01 pc 0006dce5 libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc(int (*)(void*), void*, char const*, int, unsigned int, void**)) unwinder.frames()[33].sp 0xffeb71f0U unwinder.frames()[54].sp 0xed75c175U 0xed3b97a9U 0xff85d4b0U 0xff85d970U 0xff85e990U 0xff85e9c8U unwinder.frames()[72].pc " #00 pc 0000000000000550 waiter64\n" " #01 pc 0000000000000568 waiter64\n" " #02 pc 000000000000057c waiter64\n" " #03 pc 0000000000000590 waiter64\n" " #04 pc 00000000000a8e98 libc.so (__libc_init+88)\n" #00 pc 00000685 waiter (call_level3+53) #01 pc 000006b7 waiter (call_level2+23) #02 pc 000006d7 waiter (call_level1+23) #03 pc 000006f7 waiter (main+23) #04 pc 00018275 libc.so 0xd025c788U 0xcd4ff4c0U 0xffcc1060U 0x2e83f4fU 0xffd4a650U Expected: Init("shared_lib_in_apk_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7be5f7cad0ULL 0x7cbe11406cULL 0x7ffd22415b70ULL 0x7fdd4a3ff0ULL 0x7fdd4a4130ULL 0xffe67ad8ULL 0xffe67b18ULL 0xf23fe155ULL maps.txt stack chdir(cwd_) frame->map_exact_offset 0xa7500U speculative_frame_removed 0x33500U #01 pc 0000000000001000 <unknown> __libc_init is not last frame. Expected: VerifyReturnAddress(frame) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest.cc . the two classes are from different namespaces or translation TERM >. TEST_PREMATURE_EXIT_FILE gtest_streaming_protocol_version=1.0 [JOB_COUNT] system/testing/gtest_extras/Test.cpp re %s <testcase name="%s" status="run" time="%.3lf" classname="%s" </testsuites> called any number of times 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 8 "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 256\n" 4 unwind cfa = r0 1U 0x40U 0x5aU "4 unwind cfa = r13\n" x, y = "4 unwind pop {wR10-wR15}\n" "4 unwind pop {d31-d46}\n" 4 unwind pop {d15-d30} data_->at(2) 0x05 lseek(tf.fd, 0, 0) DexFile::Create(start, &memory, &info) == nullptr cfa_def_cfa_register this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x203) loc_regs.size() DWARF_LOCATION_UNDEFINED loc_regs.find(7) static_cast<TypeParam>(-80) 0xaadU GetFdeFromPc32_not_in_section 0x5200U fdes[2]->pc_start fdes[2]->lsda_address fdes[2]->cie != nullptr fdes[3]->cfa_instructions_end 0x5524U 0x9100U 0xf00dU fde->cie->cfa_instructions_end 0x8024U 'L' system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfEhFrameWithHdrTest.cpp this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(pc, &fde_offset) dwarf_mem_->ReadULEB128(&value) 0xfffffffffffff209ULL GetEncodedSize_data8 dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x14, &value) DW_OP_const1u 3 not_implemented decode, eval, illegal_opcode, not_implemented, op_addr, op_deref, op_deref_size, const_unsigned, const_signed, const_uleb, const_sleb, op_dup, op_drop, op_over, op_pick, op_swap, op_rot, op_abs, op_and, op_div, op_minus, op_mod, op_mul, op_neg, op_not, op_or, op_plus, op_plus_uconst, op_shl, op_shr, op_shra, op_xor, op_bra, compare_opcode_stack_error, compare_opcodes, op_skip, op_lit, op_reg, op_regx, op_breg, op_breg_invalid_register, op_bregx, op_nop, is_dex_pc 0xbaa99887UL Op: 0x Mock function called more times than expected - GetFdeFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache Eval_ignore_large_reg_loc Eval_reg_expr 0x2200U elf100_1->valid() elf300_2->arch() interface.StepExidx(0x7000, nullptr, nullptr, &finished) eh_frame_negative_section_bias_32 "function_one" something jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1500) == nullptr maps_.TestGetSavedMaps().size() android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so\n" "4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n" "7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so\n" "8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) map_info->prev_real_map maps_.Get(4) maps_.Parse() /only/in/memory.apk 0x1000 info.GetBuildID() map_info_->GetBuildID() "\xFA\xAB\x12\x2" static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(".note.gnu.build-id")) write(fd, ".note.gnu.build-id", sizeof(".note.gnu.build-id")) map_info.elf_offset maps.end() read_for_cache_fail_cross memory_.Init(tf_->path, 0) local.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src.data()), dst.data(), 1024) memcmp(src.data(), dst.data(), 1024) memory_->ReadFully(0x12000, buffer.data(), 100) memory->Read(offset, buf.data(), buf.size()) 100UL MemoryRemoteTest munmap(mapping + 3 * getpagesize(), getpagesize()) ®s[1] r2 r11 edx esi 0x70U GetPcAdjustment(0x8, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "global_1", &offset) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/TestUtils.cpp #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64) (BuildId: 2dd0d4ba881322a0edabeed94808048c) #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6) (BuildId: ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd) #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748) (BuildId: ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd) #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so unwinder.frames()[8].sp unwinder.frames()[23].sp 0xffeb6960U unwinder.frames()[39].sp unwinder.frames()[44].sp 0xffeb7c50U 0xf7363275U 0xff85d2e8U 0xed528935U 0xff85de08U 0xff85e718U 0xcd4ff640U 0xffcc14c0U 0xffcc1510U 0x8d1cb77U " #00 pc 00000000000e9dd4 libc.so (__write+20)\n" " #01 pc 000000000007ab9c libc.so (_IO_file_write+44)\n" " #02 pc 0000000000079f3e libc.so\n" " #03 pc 000000000007bce8 libc.so (_IO_do_write+24)\n" " #04 pc 000000000007b26e libc.so (_IO_file_xsputn+270)\n" " #05 pc 000000000004f7f9 libc.so (_IO_vfprintf+1945)\n" " #06 pc 0000000000057cb5 libc.so (_IO_printf+165)\n" " #07 pc 0000000000ed1796 perfetto_unittests " "(testing::internal::PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest " "const&, int)+374)\n" " #08 pc 0000000000ed30fd perfetto_unittests " "(testing::internal::TestEventRepeater::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest const&, " "int)+125)\n" " #09 pc 0000000000ed5e25 perfetto_unittests " "(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+581)\n" " #10 pc 0000000000ef63f3 perfetto_unittests " "(bool " "testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, " "bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char " "const*)+131)\n" " #11 pc 0000000000ee2a21 perfetto_unittests " "(bool " "testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, " "bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char " "const*)+113)\n" " #12 pc 0000000000ed5bb9 perfetto_unittests (testing::UnitTest::Run()+185)\n" " #13 pc 0000000000e900f0 perfetto_unittests (RUN_ALL_TESTS()+16)\n" " #14 pc 0000000000e900d8 perfetto_unittests (main+56)\n" " #15 pc 000000000002352a libc.so (__libc_start_main+234)\n" " #16 pc 0000000000919029 perfetto_unittests (_start+41)\n" 0xed5bb9ULL 0xfffe1b30ULL InnerFunction remote_unwind_for_pid_check_for_leaks 0xa8000U verify_frames_skipped "/fake/compressed.so" 0x33000U elf_from_memory_not_file 0xc0000U /memfd:/jit-cache frame.pc 0x100310U 0x100000U frame.function_name system/core/libunwindstack/tests/VerifyBionicTerminationTest.cpp unwinder->Unwind(&frame_info, 256) unwinder_->Init() Parameterized test suite Which is: tmux t SUPPRESSED { IMPORTANT NOTICE - DO NOT IGNORE: This test program did NOT call testing::InitGoogleTest() before calling RUN_ALL_TESTS(). This is INVALID. Soon Google Test will start to enforce the valid usage. Please fix it ASAP, or IT WILL START TO FAIL. is_valid_ Skipped - must be in [1, Terminated by signal for capturing stream. \x -j (^|\n)[^\n]+:\(\d+\) Skipped\n [ RUN ] %s:%d] Unexpected failure from popen: %s </failure> test_details.xml satisfied exidx_->Decode() "" (*exidx_->regs())[1] "4 unwind pop {wR0}\n" "4 unwind pop {wCGR0}\n" "4 unwind pop {wCGR1, wCGR3}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind finish\n" expect_truncated 0x50 data_->at(7) data_->at(12) 0x55 0x510cU /file/does/not/exist dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x102, &method, &method_offset) dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x98, &method, &method_offset) get_method_information_invalid cfa_restore_extended this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1a00, 0x1a03) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression 129 fdes[1]->cfa_instructions_end fde->cie_offset fde->cie != nullptr fde->cie->fde_address_encoding 0xf104U cie->segment_size cie->cfa_instructions_offset fdes.empty() dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint64_t>(0x00, &value) 0x2100U 0xe0U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfOpLogTest.cpp Raw Data: 0x27 op_breg Failed at size 0x1223344556677889ULL 0x1c this->op_->Eval(0, 6) Condition has_owner_ && pthread_equal(owner_, pthread_self()) failed. s are system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfCacheTest.cpp elf0_2 elf300_2 caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero_never_read_at_zero FindEntry_single_entry_negative_value soname_32 init_headers_debug_frame_64 init_section_headers_malformed_symdata_64 init_section_headers_offsets_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x2000) get_load_bias_exec_zero_64 interface.CreateGnuDebugdataMemory() == nullptr name_offset "function_two" invalid_memory 13U step_in_interface File elf_2 /fake/lib1.so 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 buffer[i] 0x4000UL android::base::WriteFully(elf_at_1000_.fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) from_elf_no_sign_extension 454c465f4255494c444944 system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoGetElfTest.cpp valid32 valid64 00-00 maps.Get(5) == nullptr 0x7b29b000U large_file /system/lib/fake2.so local.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 1) read_after_reset memory_->Read(0x13000 - 50, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) memory.Read64(0, &data) expected_str x22 0x470U GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) x86_64.sp() mips.pc() register_values[i] symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3005, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/UnwindOfflineTest.cpp 0xf31ea9f8U " #00 pc 0000000000429fd8 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+24)\n" " #01 pc 000000000042a078 libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+8)\n" " #02 pc 000000000042a08c libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+8)\n" " #03 pc 000000000042d8fc libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+20)\n" " #04 pc 000000000042d8d8 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+32)\n" " #05 pc 0000000000455d70 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+392)\n" 0x64d09d508cU jit_debug_x86/ 0xffeb6580U unwinder.frames()[48].sp 0xffeb76f0U unwinder.frames()[52].sp unwinder.frames()[57].pc 0xff85d370U 0xff85d3d8U unwinder.frames()[70].sp 0xf0be238cU 0x5f739f2ffcULL 0x5f739f2d9cULL 0xb697ffe3ULL 0x7ffb6c0f30U TestQuiescePid(pid) ucontext != nullptr "/fake/fake_load_bias.so" 0x1000 + i * 0x100 #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) GoogleTestVerification Unknown type parameterized test suit ' class. However, in test suite from different namespaces and have the same name. You should test suites. yes Note: Randomizing tests' orders with a seed of %d . %2d FAILED %s T ]]> "type": "" xml _ No test named for more explanation and suggested solutions, especially if this is the last message you see before your test times out. munmap(stack, stack_size) != -1 Failed to open tmp file \" Don't use isolation mode, run all tests in a single process. If the test seems to be running in a debugger (based on the parent's name) this will be automatically set. If this behavior is not desired use the '--force_isolate' flag below. %s %s:%d] Unexpected failure from fork: %s %s, listed below: %4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d Invalid environment variables: we require 0 <= GTEST_SHARD_INDEX < GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS, but you have GTEST_SHARD_INDEX=%lld, GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS=%lld active 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 256 0x10014U 0x4aU 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 2048 0x10800U 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 3147776 "4 unwind Unsupported DX register display\n" exidx_->Eval() 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024 4 unwind finish pop_mmx_wr eval_vsp_sub_after_pop Test can not provide both TearDownTestSuite and TearDownTestCase, please make sure there is only one present at Expected: ( cant_unwind 0xa2 second_read_compact_personality_1_2 data_->at(20) static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, 10)) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, 10)); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) from_memory_fail_too_small_for_data create_using_memory_file_does_not_exist get_method_information_64 fail cfa_advance_loc cfa_state_cfa_offset_restore cfa_def_cfa_offset_sf 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset register(3) 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x83 0x04 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1500, 0x1505) 0x05 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x400, 0x405) 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset register(290) 692 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x14 0xa2 0x02 0xb4 0x05 DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x102, &loc_regs) 5U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfDebugFrameTest.cpp GetFdeInfoFromIndex_cached 0x1a02U GetEncodedSize_data4 0xc434U 0xe000U DW_OP_xor op_not this->op_->Eval(0, 8) 0x0102030405060708ULL expected[i + 2] *section_ Eval_pc_zero DWARF_ERROR_CFA_NOT_DEFINED regs[8] 0x12345U elf200_2->valid() 0x2000U interface.FindEntry(0x7004, &entry_offset) init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_zero_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x1fff) build_id_64 build_id_section_too_small_for_header_32 get_load_bias_exec_zero_32 elf_x86_64 0x8cU elf.interface()->gnu_debugdata_size() elf.GetLastErrorAddress() Step get_elf_invalid jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2000) != nullptr get_elf_search_libs LocalUpdatableMapsTest android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) /fake/lib3.so memcmp(e_ident, "\177ELF", 4) 0x43 memcmp(&ehdr, &ehdr_mem, sizeof(ehdr)) == 0 info.GetPrintableBuildID() "454c465f4255494c444944" system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapsTest.cpp 0x1 00 -00 rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00 rwxp 00 00 :00 0 00-00 --- 7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0 /fake.so 7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so 7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 /fake3.so 0xb0000000U "/fake3.so" android::base::WriteStringToFile(file_data, tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) memory_->GetPtr(0) i memory_->ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 100, buffer.data(), 200) 0123456789 read_hole memory_->ReadFully(kStart, buffer.data(), 100) (start_value + i) % 189 range.Read(400, dst.data(), dst.size()) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src.data()), dst.data(), 1024) sizeof(value) r0 r5 r6 x29 r25 0xc0U x86_64_step_if_signal_handler 0xf0000000U + i GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) GetPcAdjustment(0x100, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) GetPcAdjustment(0x101, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1700, &map_info) mips.sp() mips64_regs.Arch() symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) "third_entry" 0xe9c86730U #00 pc 0000000000429fd8 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+24) #01 pc 000000000042a078 libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+8) #02 pc 000000000042a08c libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+8) #03 pc 000000000042d8fc libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+20) #04 pc 000000000042d8d8 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+32) #05 pc 0000000000455d70 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+392) 0x7fe0d840f0U unwinder.frames()[7].sp unwinder.frames()[14].pc unwinder.frames()[31].sp 0xffeb6fb0U unwinder.frames()[49].sp unwinder.frames()[55].sp unwinder.frames()[58].sp " #00 pc 00018a5e libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+866)\n" " #01 pc 0000212d 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, " "boolean)+92)\n" " #02 pc 00011cb1 anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+72)\n" " #03 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #04 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #05 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #06 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #07 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #08 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #09 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #10 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #11 pc 00011c31 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+64)\n" " #12 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #13 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #14 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #15 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #16 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #17 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #18 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #19 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #20 pc 00011b77 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, " "java.lang.Object)+118)\n" " #21 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #22 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #23 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #24 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #25 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #26 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #27 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #28 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #29 pc 00011a29 anonymous:e2796000 (int " "java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, " "java.util.Comparator)+304)\n" " #30 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #31 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226)\n" " #32 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+882)\n" " #33 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #34 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #35 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #36 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #37 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #38 pc 0001139b anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.foo()+178)\n" " #39 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #40 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #41 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #42 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #43 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #44 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #45 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #46 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #47 pc 00010aa7 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.runPrimary()+70)\n" " #48 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #49 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #50 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #51 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #52 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #53 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #54 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #55 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #56 pc 0000ba99 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+144)\n" " #57 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #58 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226)\n" " #59 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+882)\n" " #60 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #61 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #62 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #63 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #64 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #65 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #66 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226)\n" " #67 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+882)\n" " #68 pc 003b292d libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+52)\n" " #69 pc 003b26c3 libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, " "_jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+210)\n" " #70 pc 00308411 libartd.so " "(art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+76)\n" " #71 pc 000e6a9f libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, " "std::__va_list, art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1486)\n" " #72 pc 000e19b9 libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+40)\n" " #73 pc 0000159f dalvikvm32 " "(_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+30)\n" " #74 pc 00001349 dalvikvm32 (main+896)\n" " #75 pc 000850c9 libc.so\n" 0xe27a7cb1U 0xff85d820U 0xff85da48U 0xff85e5d8U 0xff85eab8U 0xff85ef48U 0xcd4ff850U 0xe7df3925U jit_map_arm 0xf43d2cccU 0x2e59ed3U 0x2e58547U 0xffd4a6b0U 0x7dabc405b4ULL Expected: Init("load_bias_ro_rx_x86_64/", ARCH_X86_64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x5f739edd80ULL 0xeb5333edULL 0xf2790cf8ULL 0x72a02203a4U remote 0x23000U pc_without_map 0x41000U elf_from_memory_but_from_memfd " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100)" X86 %s &#x failures Bad --gtest_internal_run_death_test flag: " with error &message= : must be in range [0, /? gtest_internal_ [ SKIPPED ] C [ SLOW ] [==========] <testsuites tests="%zu" failures="%zu" disabled="0" errors="0" Note: Google Test filter = %s requires an argument. -j requires an argument. never called objects 4U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 4]\n" "4 unwind pop {r4, r14}\n" 4 unwind pop {r0} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind finish Test can not provide both SetUpTestSuite and SetUpTestCase, please make sure there is only one present at bad_alignment 0xd0 24U from_memory_fail_too_small_for_header create_using_memory_size_too_small Main.<init> 0x124U cfa_register_override this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x505) 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(2) register(1) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0x02 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4305) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x301) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf 35 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x13 0x23 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x284) 0x7fU 0x284U 0x105U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x306, &loc_regs) DwarfDebugFrameTest GetFdeFromOffset32_augment fdes[1]->cfa_instructions_offset fdes[2]->cfa_instructions_offset cie->code_alignment_factor DW_EH_PE_textrel | DW_EH_PE_udata2 'z' cie->augmentation_string[1] 0x4600U 0x5100U GetFdeOffsetFromPc_index_fail 0x10700U GetEncodedSize_absptr_uint64_t 8U AdjustEncodedValue_pcrel op_swap op_and 0x3a22U 0x27 op Step_cache_not_in_pc not ( GetCieFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache, GetFdeFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache, Eval_cfa_expr_eval_fail, Eval_cfa_expr_no_stack, Eval_cfa_expr_is_register, Eval_cfa_expr, Eval_cfa_val_expr, Eval_bad_regs, Eval_no_cfa, Eval_cfa_bad, Eval_cfa_register_prev, Eval_cfa_register_from_value, Eval_double_indirection, Eval_register_reference_chain, Eval_dex_pc, Eval_invalid_register, Eval_different_reg_locations, Eval_return_address_undefined, Eval_pc_zero, Eval_return_address, Eval_ignore_large_reg_loc, Eval_reg_expr, Eval_reg_val_expr, Eval_pseudo_register_invalid, Eval_pseudo_register, GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_not_cached, GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_cached, Log elf1 elf200_2->arch() no_caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero elf400_2->valid() 40U elf->GetFunctionName(0x90010, &name, &name_offset) elf->eh_frame_hdr_section_bias() elf.GetSoname() elf_x86 get_global_valid_not_in_interface get_global_vaddr_in_no_sections get_global_vaddr_in_dynamic_section get_global_vaddr_without_tagged_pointer error_code_not_valid elf 1000-4000 ---s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf1 4000-6000 r--s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf1 6000-8000 -wxs 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf1 a000-c000 --xp 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 c000-f000 rw-p 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 f000-11000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 11000-12000 rw-p 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 12000-14000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 100000-110000 rw-p 00ee000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 200000-210000 rw-p 01ee000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 maps_.Get(2) "/fake/lib2.so" end_le_start /dev/something process_memory 0x2000UL 0xa000UL android::base::ReadFully(elf_at_1000_.fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) Thread MapInfoGetElfTest elf->memory()->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) map_info.elf.get() == nullptr info->elf_offset "/fake/name" 00-00 - 0x0 a000-e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so e000-f000 rw-p 00a12345 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so start + i * 4096 maps.Find(0x500) == nullptr init_offset_pagesize_aligned_plus_extra memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize + 0x100, pagesize * 2) 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz MemoryLocalTest munmap(mapping, 3 * 4096) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryRangesTest.cpp read_across_ranges read_mprotect_hole RegsInfoTest ®s[3] info.IsSaved(i) contains doesn't r27 regs[MIPS_REG_PC] system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsTest.cpp GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x600U, invalid_elf, ARCH_ARM64) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1900, &map_info) arm64_strip_pac_mask 0x64d0a00d70U 0xffeb5ce0U 0xffeb5d80U 0xf6f7df0dU unwinder.frames()[6].pc unwinder.frames()[17].pc unwinder.frames()[23].pc 0xffeb67a0U unwinder.frames()[28].sp 0xffeb72c0U unwinder.frames()[48].pc 0xf6d5df06U 0xdfe66a5eU 0xff85e5a0U 0xe4a60427U jit_map_arm/ 0x2e56c4fU 0xffcc1438U shared_lib_in_apk_memory_only_arm64/ 0x7be4f07840ULL 0x7be4f07ce0ULL 0x7ffd22415450ULL 0x7ffd22415da0ULL 0x7fdd4a3fe0ULL 0x7fdd4a4170ULL 0xb695980bULL android::base::ReadFileToString((dir_ + "maps.txt"), &data) completed from_context sigaction(10, &act, &oldact) sigaction(10, &oldact, nullptr) kill(pid, 10) map_ignore_suffixes [vdso] "/memfd:/jit-cache" " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100)" " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (func())" 0xeU 0x%llx-0x%llx offset 0x%llx ". = Death test count ( TESTBRIDGE_TEST_RUNNER_FAIL_FAST , where Z Send() can be called only when there is a connection. --no_isolate Reading of done process did not finish after 2 seconds. Internal error: Erasing test_index %zu from running_by_pid_ incorrect TEST external/googletest/googlemock/src/gmock-spec-builders.cc system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ArmExidxDecodeTest.cpp false "4 unwind pop {r4}\n" 0x10020U 4 unwind pop {wR10-wR15} "4 unwind pop {d17-d21}\n" 2U 0x20 data_->at(8) 0x80 second_read_not_compact raw_data_non_compact from_file_open_non_exist system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DexFileTest.cpp DexFile::Create(0x600, &memory, &info) != nullptr get_method_empty cfa_illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x%02x 4 unwind PC 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_register register(4217) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0d 0xf9 0x20 this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2001, &loc_regs) 4 unwind Warning: PC is moving backwards: old loc_regs.count(127) 0x301U 0x2006U 0x600eU this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x203, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x400, 0x405, &loc_regs) fdes[0]->cie_offset fdes[2]->pc_end cie != nullptr 'P' GetFdeCieFromOffset32, GetFdeCieFromOffset64 0x100aU 0x340U info->pc op_xor this->op_->StackSize() 0xfeeddccbbaa99887ULL 0x12233445U 0x1122U 0x16 0x17 section_->Step(0x600, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Unexpected mock function call - pre-requisite # Expected arg # EXPECT_CALL( invoked Eval_pseudo_register finished regs.dex_pc() no_caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero_never_read_at_zero ERROR_UNWIND_INFO StepExidx_pc_zero multiple_executable_pt_loads_64 arm32 soname_missing_map_32 eh_frame_negative_section_bias_64 .eh_frame GNU WRONG "4 unwind 32 bit elf that is neither arm nor x86 nor mips: e_machine = 20\n\n" fd buf.size() maps_.Total() same_map_new_name 0x1600UL elf_exists_in_memory 00-00 rwx- 00 00:00 0 /fake maps.Parse() "/system/lib/fake.so" file_no_map_name memory_cache_->ReadFully(0x8000 + i, buffer.data(), i) memory_.ReadFully(4999, buffer.data(), 1) 1024U munmap(static_cast<char*>(mapping) + 2 * page_size, page_size) MemoryTest memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 256) x26 ecx rsp r18 RegsStepIfSignalHandlerTest mips_step_if_signal_handler_rt 0x170U regs32[i] 0xa0ab0cd0U regs32.sp() regs64[i] GetPcAdjustment(0x7, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) symtab_value_out_of_bounds "first_entry" symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "function_1", &offset) UnwindOfflineTest 0xd8fe6958U Expected: Init("straddle_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7fe0d84040U unwinder.frames()[5].pc 0xf72945bdU unwinder.frames()[10].sp unwinder.frames()[17].sp 0xffeb7400U 0xffeb76d0U unwinder.frames()[63].pc 0xffeb7e70U 0xff85d470U 0xe27a7c31U unwinder.frames()[74].sp 0x7fdd1419a0U " #00 pc 0000c788 <anonymous:d0250000> " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000)\n" " #01 pc 0000cdd5 <anonymous:d0250000> " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60)\n" " #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42)\n" " #03 pc 002657a5 libart.so " "(art::jit::Jit::MaybeDoOnStackReplacement(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, unsigned int, int, " "art::JValue*)+876)\n" " #04 pc 004021a7 libart.so (MterpMaybeDoOnStackReplacement+86)\n" " #05 pc 00412474 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+66164)\n" " #06 pc cd8365b0 <unknown>\n" " #07 pc 001d7f1b libart.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374)\n" " #08 pc 001dc593 libart.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, " "art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+154)\n" " #09 pc 001f4d01 libart.so " "(bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+732)\n" " #10 pc 003fe427 libart.so (MterpInvokeInterface+1354)\n" " #11 pc 00405b94 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+14740)\n" " #12 pc 7004873e <unknown>\n" " #13 pc 001d7f1b libart.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374)\n" " #14 pc 001dc4d5 libart.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+92)\n" " #15 pc 003f25ab libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+970)\n" " #16 pc 00417aff libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #17 pc 00413575 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #18 pc 00418531 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+236)\n" " #19 pc 000b468d libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned " "int, art::JValue*, char const*)+136)\n" " #20 pc 00362f49 libart.so " "(art::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable " "const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::(anonymous namespace)::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+52)\n" " #21 pc 00363cd9 libart.so " "(art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, " "_jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)+332)\n" " #22 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868)\n" " #23 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22)\n" " #24 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24)\n" 0xcd4ff160U 0xcd4ff8e8U 0xcd4ff958U #00 pc 00000000 jit_map0.so (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000) #01 pc 0000003d jit_map1.so (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60) #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42) #03 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868) #04 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22) #05 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24) 0x2e55fa0U 0xf43d2d10U 0xffcc0ee0U 0xffd4a700U load_bias_different_section_bias_arm64/ 0xb6955f9eULL 0xb6956633ULL multiple_frames 0x33400U dex_pc_in_map_non_zero_offset #00 pc 0000000000001300 /system/fake/libc.so (Frame0+10) frame.map_exact_offset 0x101000U auto \0 class, so mixing TEST_F and TEST in the same test suite is illegal. In test suite is defined using TEST_F but - NOTRUN pipe(pipe_fd) != -1 WARNING: You forgot to list test s : must be in range [ -? --gtest_color= %s:%d] Unexpected failure from localtime: %s gtest_shard_index many exidx_->cfa() 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8 "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 36 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 36] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 32] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 28] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 24] 4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind pop {r1, r3} "4 unwind pop {d8-d10}\n" 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8 4 unwind finish allocator<T>::allocate(size_t n) 'n' exceeds maximum supported size NULL system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ArmExidxExtractTest.cpp ARM_STATUS_INVALID_PERSONALITY data_->at(13) static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 1)) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 1)); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) sizeof(kDexData) DexFile::Create(0x400, &memory, &info) != nullptr "Main.main" get_method_information_32 4 unwind DW_CFA_undefined register(9) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x07 0x09 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(2) register(1) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0x02 0x01 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(2) register(4) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0x02 0x04 this->cfa_->LastErrorCode() this->fde_.pc_start + 0xc10U 0x505U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4305, &loc_regs) 0x4305U loc_regs.find(5) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600d, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3004, &loc_regs) "4 unwind Attempt to set new register, but cfa is not already set to a register.\n" 0x90U 168U 0x306U 0x3500U fdes[3]->cfa_instructions_offset 0x4500U 0x12345678U 0x300U 0xa00U Init_non_zero_load_bias GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_datarel this->eh_frame_->TestGetTableEncoding() 0x6800U 0x1d008U byte 0xffU ReadULEB128 0xffffffffffffffe0ULL const_sleb 0x8978675645342312UL 0xff010203U 0x05060708U 0x03U GetCfaLocationInfo(0x600, &fde1, ::testing::_, ::testing::_) times, but only this->section_->GetCfaLocationInfo(0x100, &fde, &loc_regs, ARCH_UNKNOWN) entry->second.type entry->second.values[0] system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfInterfaceTest.cpp build_id_section_too_small_for_desc_64 build_id_section_too_small_for_header_64 get_load_bias_exec_positive_32 expected_bias ElfTest rel_pc 0xa080U elf32.xz get_multiple_jit_debug_descriptors_valid jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2000) == nullptr 0xA000U info.memory_backed_elf "FAKE_BUILD_ID" map_info_->GetPrintableBuildID() android::base::WriteFully(elf_.fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) "function" maps.Total() 0x4 std::vector<uint8_t>(i, 0xab) init_offset_non_zero memory_.ReadFully(5000, buffer.data(), 10) memory_->ReadFully(kStart + 555, buffer.data(), 40) mprotect(static_cast<char*>(mapping) + page_size, page_size, 0x0) dst_name "in_memory" memory.ReadString(0, &dst_name, 100) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsInfoTest.cpp r8 x8 regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x5000, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) regs[X86_REG_EBP] 0xf0U GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0xff, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) 0x23450000U ARCH_MIPS "fake_function" 0xfU first_entry "function_0" 0x7fe0d84070U unwinder.frames()[6].sp unwinder.frames()[9].sp 0xffeb6250U 0xffeb6be0U unwinder.frames()[35].pc unwinder.frames()[59].sp 0xff85d788U 0xff85db38U 0xff85dd20U 0xff85e110U 0xff85e530U 0x561550b183edU 0x2e56c81U 0x2e58d99U 0x2b6c02fU 0x7e7eec7e68ULL 0x7be4f07aa0ULL 0x7be5f7cb64ULL 0x7f93269e8b9cULL 0x7f93269bd7f9ULL 11U 0xfffe1d40ULL signal_load_bias_arm/ 0xf2790cf0ULL 0xffe67798ULL 0xb698893dULL entry != name_to_reg.end() regs.get() != nullptr multiple_frames_dont_resolve_names non_zero_load_bias /fake/fake_offset.oat 0xa7000U non_zero_map_offset sp_pc_do_not_change #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100) " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so" rxvt-unicode-256color cygwin %s from %s > " type=""> [m event=TestCaseEnd&passed= Invalid shuffle range start [JOB_COUNT] gtest_print_time gtest_extras DISABLED TEST external/googletest/googlemock/src/gmock-cardinalities.cc exidx_->pc_set() 0x26U 0x33U "4 unwind [Reserved]\n" (*exidx_->regs())[2] 4 unwind pop {d4-d12} "4 unwind pop {wR2-wR7}\n" 4 unwind pop {wCGR1, wCGR3} finish Condition BaseGenerator() == other.BaseGenerator() failed. data_->at(0) 0xf4 0x44 exidx_->status_address() 0x5108U malformed Failed in loop this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4000, 0x4002) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x600, 0x603) 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended register(8) 16 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2f 0x08 0x10 DWARF_LOCATION_OFFSET this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2100, 0x2103, &loc_regs) 4 unwind Attempt to set new register, but cfa is not already set to a register. this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5004, &loc_regs) DWARF_LOCATION_PSEUDO_REGISTER GetCieFde64 0x5110U fde->cie->data_alignment_factor 0x5000U + start_offset cie->augmentation_string[3] GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_pcrel this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(pc + 0xfff, &fde_offset) static_cast<int32_t>(3000000000) ReadSLEB128 ReadEncodedValue_omit_uint64_t const_unsigned op_dup static_cast<TypeParam>(-16580095) 0x26 expectations, but none matched specified - Log elf100_2 elf400_2 0xf0002000U 0x1008U interface.FindEntry(0x9100, &entry_offset) entries.size() 0x9018U StepExidx_cant_unwind get_load_bias_non_zero_64 load_data.table_offset elf->debug_frame_offset() 0xa000U elf->eh_frame_hdr_offset() elf.StepIfSignalHandler(0, nullptr, nullptr) elf64_invalid_machine 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4 real_elf map_info.GetPrintableBuildID() 6df0590c4920f4c7b9f34fe833f37d54 load_bias_cached_from_elf info.name 00-00 r 00-00 ---p 0 0:0 parse_permissions pagesize > 0x100 0x4cU android::base::WriteFully(temp_file.fd, &offset, sizeof(offset)) android::base::WriteFully(temp_file.fd, data.data(), data.size()) read_fully ranges_->Read(5000, dst.data(), dst.size()) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryRemoteTest.cpp info.Get(3) ®s[i] regs[i] lr x1 x16 regs[X86_64_REG_RSP] RegsTest Failed comparing register GetPcAdjustment(0x5, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) regs->total_regs() symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5008, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x1000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5001, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x1003, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) 0xf3367147U 0x64d09d88d8U 0x7fe0d84110U unwinder.frames()[28].pc unwinder.frames()[33].pc unwinder.frames()[41].sp unwinder.frames()[65].pc 0xff85d720U 0xff85f0c0U unwind_offline_check_for_leaks Expected: Init("bad_eh_frame_hdr_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x60a9fdf57cU 0x7ffcc8596cf0U 0xe4a67b94U 0xe49c4f49U jit_map0.so #00 pc 0032bfa0 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+40) #01 pc 0032bfeb libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2) #02 pc 0032bff3 libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+2) #03 pc 0032fed3 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)+26) #04 pc 0002652c libc.so (__restore) #05 pc 00000000 <unknown> #06 pc 0032c2d9 libunwindstack_test (InnerFunction+736) #07 pc 0032cc4f libunwindstack_test (MiddleFunction+42) #08 pc 0032cc81 libunwindstack_test (OuterFunction+42) #09 pc 0032e547 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+270) #10 pc 0032ed99 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func_Test::TestBody()+16) #11 pc 00354453 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+154) #12 pc 00354de7 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+194) #13 pc 00355105 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestCase::Run()+180) #14 pc 0035a215 libunwindstack_test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+664) #15 pc 00359f4f libunwindstack_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+110) #16 pc 0034d3db libunwindstack_test (main+38) #17 pc 00092c0d libc.so (__libc_init+48) #18 pc 0004202f libunwindstack_test (_start_main+38) 0xffd4a718U " #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 " "(__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128)\n" " #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn)\n" " #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172)\n" " #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36)\n" " #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk (offset 0x21d5000)\n" " #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init)\n" #00 pc 00000000000e9dd4 libc.so (__write+20) #01 pc 000000000007ab9c libc.so (_IO_file_write+44) #02 pc 0000000000079f3e libc.so #03 pc 000000000007bce8 libc.so (_IO_do_write+24) #04 pc 000000000007b26e libc.so (_IO_file_xsputn+270) #05 pc 000000000004f7f9 libc.so (_IO_vfprintf+1945) #06 pc 0000000000057cb5 libc.so (_IO_printf+165) #07 pc 0000000000ed1796 perfetto_unittests (testing::internal::PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest const&, int)+374) #08 pc 0000000000ed30fd perfetto_unittests (testing::internal::TestEventRepeater::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest const&, int)+125) #09 pc 0000000000ed5e25 perfetto_unittests (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+581) #10 pc 0000000000ef63f3 perfetto_unittests (bool testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char const*)+131) #11 pc 0000000000ee2a21 perfetto_unittests (bool testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char const*)+113) #12 pc 0000000000ed5bb9 perfetto_unittests (testing::UnitTest::Run()+185) #13 pc 0000000000e900f0 perfetto_unittests (RUN_ALL_TESTS()+16) #14 pc 0000000000e900d8 perfetto_unittests (main+56) #15 pc 000000000002352a libc.so (__libc_start_main+234) #16 pc 0000000000919029 perfetto_unittests (_start+41) 0xe900f0ULL #00 pc ffffe430 vdso.so (__kernel_vsyscall+16) #01 pc 00082a4b libc.so (__epoll_pwait+43) #02 pc 000303a3 libc.so (epoll_pwait+115) #03 pc 000303ed libc.so (epoll_wait+45) #04 pc 00010ea2 tombstoned (epoll_dispatch+226) #05 pc 0000c5e7 tombstoned (event_base_loop+1095) #06 pc 0000c193 tombstoned (event_base_dispatch+35) #07 pc 00005c77 tombstoned (main+884) #08 pc 00015f66 libc.so (__libc_init+102) #09 pc 0000360e tombstoned (_start+98) #10 pc 00000001 <unknown> 0x5d478af3b0U tid.load() unwinder.warnings() "Frame1" 0x1d000U 0x21000U " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100)" " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function)" frame.rel_pc Unknown local_terminate SignalLocalOuterFunction Expected: LocalOuterFunction(unwinder_.get(), false) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. With diff: tmux-256color [----------] <skipped message=" Could not write to the test shard status file "%s" specified by the %s environment variable. sigaction(SIGPROF, &saved_sigprof_action, nullptr) Test running longer than Unit Test Options: (%lld ms) Internal error: Erasing pid %d from running_by_pid_ incorrect %s:(%d) Failure in test %s.%s %s slow_threshold_ms Cannot find expectation. times 0x10008U "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 4\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 48\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 48]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 44]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 40]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 36]\n" "4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 32]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 28]\n" "4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 24]\n" "4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r13 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x22U (*exidx_->regs())[14] "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 32]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 28]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 24]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x1aU 0x1000cU "4 unwind pop {d2-d5}\n" vsp_decr refuse_unwind 0x02 0x0b create_using_file_non_zero_start last_allocated_bytes cfa_undefined 32U 2306U 0x3003U 0x4002U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x202, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4301, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2005, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2006, &loc_regs) loc_regs.find(9) static_cast<uint64_t>(-255) fdes[3]->pc_start fde->lsda_address cie->data_alignment_factor DW_EH_PE_udata2 0x6608U Init GetEncodedSize_absptr_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data4_uint64_t ReadEncodedValue_high_bit_set_uint64_t AdjustEncodedValue_textrel test value 0x DW_OP_const2u 4128 this->op_->StackAt(4) 0x19 0x1f 0x25 .WillByDefault() must appear exactly once in an ON_CALL(). Eval_cfa_register_prev Eval_register_reference_chain regs.pc() 0x234U elf0_1->arch() info0_1.elf_offset elf300_1 interface.FindEntry(0x7ff0, &entry_offset) interface.StepExidx(0x7000, ®s, &process_memory_, &finished) elf->IsValidPc(0x29ff) elf->gnu_debugdata_size() 4 unwind 32 bit elf that is neither arm nor x86 nor mips: e_machine = 20 add_map_prev_real_name_updated buffer[0] memory->ReadFully(0, &ehdr_mem, sizeof(ehdr_mem)) 46414b455f4255494c445f4944 prev_map_elf_not_set map_info.prev_map maps.Get(3) == nullptr /dev/ file_smoke /system/lib/fake5.so memory_->ReadFully(99, buffer.data(), 1) memory_.ReadFully(4990, buffer.data(), 11) Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 10, 100) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. range.ReadFully(1024, dst.data(), 1024) src memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 100) match r13 regs[MIPS64_REG_PC] rel_pc_arm GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) 0x1200000000U 0x4900000000U multiple_entries symtab_read_cached symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x500f, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) unwinder.frames()[4].pc 0xffeb6180U 0xffeb6680U unwinder.frames()[24].pc unwinder.frames()[27].sp unwinder.frames()[38].pc unwinder.frames()[40].sp unwinder.frames()[46].sp unwinder.frames()[50].pc unwinder.frames()[60].sp 0xffeb7df0U 0xffeb7e40U unwinder.frames()[73].sp unwinder.frames()[74].pc bad_eh_frame_hdr_arm64 0x56598685U #00 pc 0000000000000a80 unwind_test64 (calling3) #01 pc 0000000000000dd9 unwind_test64 (calling2+633) #02 pc 000000000000121e unwind_test64 (calling1+638) #03 pc 00000000000013ed unwind_test64 (main+13) #04 pc 00000000000202b0 libc.so art_quick_osr_stub_arm 0xe4a75575U 0x7e82b5726cULL 0x7be6715e9cULL 0xed1796ULL 0x7ffd22415d40ULL 0x5f739dc9fcULL 0x5f739dd4e4ULL " #00 pc ffffe430 vdso.so (__kernel_vsyscall+16)\n" " #01 pc 00082a4b libc.so (__epoll_pwait+43)\n" " #02 pc 000303a3 libc.so (epoll_pwait+115)\n" " #03 pc 000303ed libc.so (epoll_wait+45)\n" " #04 pc 00010ea2 tombstoned (epoll_dispatch+226)\n" " #05 pc 0000c5e7 tombstoned (event_base_loop+1095)\n" " #06 pc 0000c193 tombstoned (event_base_dispatch+35)\n" " #07 pc 00005c77 tombstoned (main+884)\n" " #08 pc 00015f66 libc.so (__libc_init+102)\n" " #09 pc 0000360e tombstoned (_start+98)\n" " #10 pc 00000001 <unknown>\n" 0xfffe1c00ULL 0xeb83460eULL 0xfffe1d74ULL 0xffe67bb0ULL #00 pc 00000000000963a4 libc.so (__ioctl+4) #01 pc 000000000005344c libc.so (ioctl+140) #02 pc 0000000000050ce4 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+308) #03 pc 0000000000050e98 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+24) #04 pc 00000000000516ac libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60) #05 pc 00000000000443b0 netd (main+1056) #06 pc 0000000000045594 libc.so (__libc_init+108) SignalOuterFunction ptrace detach failed with unexpected error: Unwind data: "/system/fake/libc.so" 0xa6000U #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (func()) /dev/fake_device LocalMiddleFunction Expected: LocalOuterFunction(unwinder_.get(), true) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. TestlibLevel3 #%02zu pc 0x%llx rel_pc 0x%llx Attempted redefinition of test suite <![CDATA[ testcase COMPLETED %s. , Unrecognized xml_element provided: detected Failed to create tmp file , 0x [0;33m "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 8\n" (*exidx_->regs())[8] 4 unwind pop {r4-r11, r14} ARM_STATUS_SPARE "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" "4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind pop {wR10-wR12} "4 unwind pop {wCGR0, wCGR1, wCGR2, wCGR3}\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa + 4]\n" Condition IsValidParamName(param_name) failed. data_->at(4) size_t{10} static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 10)) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 10)); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) Main.main cfa_def_cfa_offset cfa_expression 0x2002U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x505, &loc_regs) 0x600cU 0x17fU static_cast<TypeParam>(loc_regs[CFA_REG].values[1]) 0x405U GetCieFromOffset32_version3 GetCieFromOffset64_version3 0x5300U 0x5410U this->debug_frame_->Init(0x5000, 0x500, 0) 0x5424U version cie->fde_address_encoding 0x5000U + end_offset 0xb00U DwarfEhFrameTest 0x5700U 0x7700U Failed at index 0xd018U AdjustEncodedValue_funcrel 0x75234U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0a, &value) 0xffffffffffffe000ULL 0xe000000000002000ULL this->op_->StackAt(2) static_cast<TypeParam>(-1) static_cast<TypeParam>(-5) op - 0x50U this->op_->Eval(offset, offset + 2) Step_fail_cfa_location expectation, but it didn't match is equal to Eval_cfa_bad regs[4] GetPrel32Addr interface.start_offset() interface.LastErrorAddress() elf->IsValidPc(0x2100) build_id_two_notes_64 0x1001 elf->GetSoname() name static_cast<uint32_t>(40) elf.class_type() step_in_signal_map Cannot open system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfTestUtils.cpp get_elf_invalid_descriptor_first_entry system/core/libunwindstack/tests/LocalUpdatableMapsTest.cpp map_info->offset /fake/lib.so maps_.Get(1) 0x1000UL static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(ehdr)) elf->memory()->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 0x1000) elf_exists verify_parse_line x-00 rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00 rwxp 00 00:000 00-00 ---p 0 0: 0x1 | 0x2 (*it)->end android::base::WriteStringToFile("7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0\n" "7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so\n" "7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 \n", tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) Failed verifying index (i + 1) * 4096 "/system/lib/fake4.so" element != nullptr write_read "0123456789" init_offset_non_zero_larger_than_pagesize memory_.ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 8) memory_.Init(tf_->path, file_size + 2 * pagesize) memory_.ReadFully(4999, buffer.data(), 2) memory_->ReadFully(0xfff, buffer.data(), 1) MemoryOfflineTest read32 all matches r3 x7 edi rip actual 0xb0U regs32.total_regs() GetPcAdjustment(0x511U, invalid_elf, ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x900U, invalid_elf, ARCH_MIPS) arm64.sp() mips_regs.Arch() func_offset global_0 function_1 Expected: Init("gnu_debugdata_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffeb5d60U 0xffeb5ec0U unwinder.frames()[10].pc unwinder.frames()[16].pc unwinder.frames()[30].sp 0xffeb72a0U 0xf718bb5aU unwinder.frames()[66].pc unwinder.frames()[67].pc unwinder.frames()[68].sp 0xe044712dU 0xff85d660U 0xff85e660U 0xed3db9b9U 0xe4a641a7U 0xe4a74474U 0xe483e4d5U 0xffcc1448U 0x7df8ca3da0ULL 0x7f93269e926eULL 0x7ffd22415bb0ULL 0xfffe1bd0ULL 0xeb836c77ULL 0xffe67ae8ULL empty_arm64/ stack_memory->Init((dir_ + "stack.data").c_str(), 0) frame->map_name /system/fake/libc.so frame->map_elf_start_offset non_zero_elf_offset ERROR_MAX_FRAMES_EXCEEDED Failed at frame 0x10060U ERROR_INVALID_MAP unwinder32.FormatFrame(frame) set_jit_debug_error Condition range <= kMaxRange failed. is defined via TEST_P, but never instantiated. None of the test cases will run. Either no INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P is provided or the only ones provided expand to nothing. Ideally, TEST_P definitions should only ever be included as part of binaries that intend to use them. (As opposed to, for example, being placed in a library that may be linked in to get other utilities.) All tests in the same test suite must use the same test fixture [ FAILED ] Invalid environment variables: you have unset. CHECK failed: File posix::Close(read_fd()) gtest_ " encountered /proc/ is listed more than once. event=TestProgramEnd&passed= Exited with exit status ") failed: gtest- test suite Terminating due to signal... only (*exidx_->regs())[4] 15U 0x50U 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 20 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind finish 0x65U "4 unwind pop {wR10-wR12}\n" 3U data_->at(1) 0xa0 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(255) register(511) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0xff 0x01 0xff 0x03 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_expression register(5) 2 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x16 0x05 0x02 0xb0 0xb1 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xb0 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xb1 this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x503, &loc_regs) 0x102U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xaad, &loc_regs) GetFdes32_after_GetFdeFromPc GetCieFromOffset32_cie_cached fdes[0]->lsda_address fdes[1]->pc_start fde->pc_end inst_offset 0x53b6U 0x5208U 0x1000U info->offset this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(0x100, &fde_offset) 0xd318U 0xfffe1ffU GetEncodedSize_data1 dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint64_t>(0x50, &value) ReadEncodedValue_non_zero_adjust_uint32_t eval illegal_opcode this->op_->Decode() this->op_->LastErrorAddress() 0x96U static_cast<TypeParam>(-464456) offset + 16 Step_fail_cie_null Called GetCfaLocationInfo Eval_cfa_val_expr entry FindEntry_no_entries HandleUnknownType_arm_exidx init_section_headers_offsets_32 build_id_two_notes_32 4 unwind 64 bit elf that is neither aarch64 nor x86_64 nor mips64: e_machine = 21 0x101U is_valid_pc_from_gnu_debugdata get_elf_no_global_variable elf_2 != nullptr map_info->prev_map memcmp(&ehdr, buffer.data(), sizeof(ehdr)) mismatched. elf->machine_type() elf->memory()->ReadFully(0x1000, buffer.data(), 1) elf_in_threads[i] 3UL info.flags index /system/lib/fake3.so memory_->GetPtr(1) != nullptr memory_->ReadFully(99, buffer.data(), 2) memory_.Init(tf_->path, 2 * pagesize + pagesize / 2 + pagesize / 4) MemoryRangesTest ranges_->Read(1000, dst.data(), dst.size()) ranges_->Read(8000, dst.data(), dst.size()) remote.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 1) munmap(mapping, 3 * page_size) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryTest.cpp read_string info.Get(1) i * 0x100 contain r1 r9 x24 0x370U regs[MIPS_REG_SP] regs[MIPS64_REG_SP] GetPcAdjustment(0x2505, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x500U, invalid_elf, ARCH_ARM) 0x900U x86_verify_sp_pc 0xf1f6dc49U 0x64d09d88fcU 0x7fe0d84090U 69U unwinder.frames()[40].pc unwinder.frames()[46].pc 0xffeb7360U unwinder.frames()[61].sp 0xffeb7d10U 0xff85e180U 0xff85eb90U 0xffcf9e70U art_quick_osr_stub_arm/ 0xe4a755bbU 0xe48c77a5U 0xe4a7a531U 0xe49c5cd9U 0x2e55febU 0xf43d2cf0U 0x7be6704f60ULL 0x7ffd22415e90ULL 0x71115a6a34ULL empty_arm64 0x729f759e98U WARNING_NONE frame->function_name speculative_frame_check_with_no_frames 0x34000U 0xa3000U 0xd0400U FakeJitFunction Elf ) was requested, ' " case. using two different test fixture classes. This can happen if SetUp() xterm %s from %s (%s ms total) line \f ] Result: threw an exception. [ ERROR ] @@ Condition false failed. value overflows ( GetFakeLogPrint() 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 256 "4 unwind Refuse to unwind\n" (*exidx_->regs())[7] 0x51U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4]\n" "4 unwind pop {r1, r3}\n" 0x54U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1024\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 3147776\n" 4 unwind pop {wR15-wR30} "4 unwind pop {d15-d30}\n" "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind finish\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1028 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 1028] "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind finish\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16] spare pop_vfp_vpush eval_vsp_add_large_after_pop GetParam() can only be called inside a value-parameterized test ( 0xc0 second_read_compact_personality_illegal 7U 0x0d 0x5104U 0 static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData))) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData))); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) DexFileFromMemory::Create(0x1000, &memory, "", sizeof(kDexData)) != nullptr from_memory_no_leak "Main.<init>" get_method_information_not_first_entry_64 get_method_information_cached cfa_offset_extended cfa_restore Libunwindstack 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0f 0x04 0x01 0x02 0x04 0x05 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x01 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x02 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x04 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 DWARF_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1500, 0x1505, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x301, &loc_regs) 0xa05U GetFdes32, GetFdes32_after_GetFdeFromPc, GetFdes32_not_in_section, GetFdeFromPc32, GetFdeFromPc32_reverse, GetFdeFromPc32_not_in_section, GetFdes64, GetFdes64_after_GetFdeFromPc, GetFdes64_not_in_section, GetFdeFromPc64, GetFdeFromPc64_reverse, GetFdeFromPc64_not_in_section, GetCieFde32, GetCieFde64, GetCieFromOffset32_cie_cached, GetCieFromOffset64_cie_cached, GetCieFromOffset32_version1, GetCieFromOffset64_version1, GetCieFromOffset32_version3, GetCieFromOffset64_version3, GetCieFromOffset32_version4, GetCieFromOffset64_version4, GetCieFromOffset32_version5, GetCieFromOffset64_version5, GetCieFromOffset_version_invalid, GetCieFromOffset32_augment, GetCieFromOffset64_augment, GetFdeFromOffset32_augment, GetFdeFromOffset64_augment, GetFdeFromOffset32_lsda_address, GetFdeFromOffset64_lsda_address, GetFdeFromPc_interleaved, GetFdeFromPc_overlap fdes[1]->cie != nullptr 0xa0U 0x150U GetFdeCieFromOffset32 this->eh_frame_->LastErrorAddress() 0xfeU ReadEncodedValue_overflow_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x10, &value) dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x20, &value) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0xff, &value) DwarfOpLogTest Raw Data: 0x08 0x03 op_neg op_plus_uconst this->op_->Eval(3, 7) Step_fail_fde system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfSectionTest.cpp external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h FindEntry_multiple_entries_even interface.StepExidx(0x8000, ®s, &process_memory_, &finished) single_pt_load_32 multiple_executable_pt_loads_increments_not_size_of_phdr_64 elf_arm.Init(&load_bias) elf->IsValidPc(0x5000) elf->IsValidPc(0x2a00) get_load_bias_zero_64 0xf00U elf->GetBuildID() elf.GetLastErrorCode() 0xc080U elf.IsValidPc(0x1500) 3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 android::base::WriteStringToFile("1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) maps_.Get(3) MapInfoCreateMemoryTest buffer[4] elf->valid() android::base::WriteFully(elf_.fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) info->start "/fake/name/again" 00- rwxp 00 00:00 0 /fake.so read_for_cache_fail buffer.data() memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize, pagesize * 2) memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize + 0x100, UINT64_MAX) memory_->ReadFully(kStart + kLength - 105, buffer.data(), 105) data.back() read_values range.ReadFully(1020, dst.data(), 4) read_fully_overflow i / getpagesize() info.Total() eax r14 rdi system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsStepIfSignalHandlerTest.cpp arm_step_if_signal_handler_non_rt 0x600U GetPcAdjustment(0x6, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x10, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) arm.sp() arm64_verify_sp_pc mips_verify_sp_pc pc_straddle_arm Expected: Init("straddle_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xe9c86778U .data 0xeb89af00U 0xf7265362U 0xffeb63e0U unwinder.frames()[26].sp unwinder.frames()[29].pc unwinder.frames()[47].pc 0xffeb77b0U 0xff85dd90U unwinder.frames()[73].pc 0xff85f038U 0x60a9fdf550U 0x60a9fdf568U 0x60a9fdf590U 0xffcc1540U debug_frame_load_bias_arm/ shared_lib_in_apk_arm64 #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28) #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128) #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn) #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172) #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36) #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk (offset 0x21d5000) #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init) 0x7f93269c5cb5ULL 0xed5e25ULL 0x7fdd4a4010ULL 0x5f739ee558ULL #00 pc 0029ef9e libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalInnerFunction+10) #01 pc 0029efa7 libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2) #02 pc 0029efaf libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalOuterFunction+2) #03 pc 002a280b libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)+10) #04 pc 00058bd4 libc.so (__restore) #05 pc 0029f01e libunwindstack_unit_test (InnerFunction+106) #06 pc 0029f633 libunwindstack_unit_test (MiddleFunction+16) #07 pc 0029f64b libunwindstack_unit_test (OuterFunction+16) #08 pc 002a1711 libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+260) #09 pc 002a1603 libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+10) #10 pc 002c8fe3 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::Test::Run()+130) #11 pc 002c9b25 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+184) #12 pc 002c9e27 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+202) #13 pc 002d193d libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+660) #14 pc 002d160b libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+134) #15 pc 002de035 libunwindstack_unit_test (IsolateMain+680) #16 pc 00058155 libc.so (__libc_init+68) 0xffe67d10ULL 0x72a01cf594U Unwind completed without finding all frames Looking for function: Timed out waiting for remote process to be in signal handler. /fake/fake.apk!lib_fake.so 0x23100U elf_from_memory_but_no_valid_file_with_bracket "[vdso]" 0xc2000U " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100)" " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (func())" #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) (BuildId: 46414b45) /fake/jit.so Unable to find libc.so:__libc_init frame libunwindstack_local.so SUITES > ; is not allowed for element < \b unrecognized streaming target " unexpected status byte ( DeathTest::Passed somehow called before conclusion of test ) somehow exceeded expected maximum ( Test %s %s Failed to get the current working directory. event=TestStart&name= &line= close(args->close_fd) \\ -j gdbserver will be called slow. Only valid in isolation mode. Default slow threshold is 2000 ms. %s:%d] Unexpected failure from pclose: %s %s:(%d) Skipped Cannot open xml file '%s': %s %s:%d] Disabling SIGINT handler failed: %s unsatisfied 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 256 0x21U "4 unwind vsp = r14\n" 4 unwind pop {r0, r1, r2, r3} "4 unwind pop {d16}\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16] pop_vfp16_vpush no_logging Condition !test_case_fp || !test_suite_fp failed. 0x40 0x33 data_->at(17) data_->at(21) from_file_open_too_small from_file_open DexFile::Create(0x4000, &memory, &info) != nullptr create_using_local_memory_size_too_small system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DexFilesTest.cpp get_method_information_global_skip_zero_32 cfa_same <type> 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset register(2) 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x82 0x04 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2 Raw Data: 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x102) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x303) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa register(383) 628 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0c 0xff 0x02 0xf4 0x04 location->second.values[0] 0x503U 0x202U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x303, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600f, &loc_regs) 0x3004U DWARF_LOCATION_EXPRESSION 0x5210U fde->pc_start fde->cie->code_alignment_factor this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x8000) == nullptr cie->augmentation_string[4] GetFdeFromPc_fde_not_found DWARF_ERROR_NO_FDES ReadSigned_check static_cast<int64_t>(-2000000000000) dwarf_mem_->ReadSLEB128(&value) ReadEncodedValue_data8_uint32_t const_signed const_uleb op_bra op_bregx 0x4010U 0x1e 0xfcU 0x1f1U Failed op: 0x op - 0x70 + 10 - 2 section_->Step(0x1000, ®s_, nullptr, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Actual: @ GetCieOffsetFromFde32 GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_not_cached regs[2] 4 unwind DW_CFA_nop 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2 info0_2.elf_offset info300_1.elf_offset static_cast<uint64_t>(lseek(tf->fd, offset, 0)) init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_positive_32 eh_frame_zero_section_bias_32 elf->IsValidPc(0x27ff) fake_soname.so .note.gnu.build-id system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfTest.cpp "4 unwind 64 bit elf that is neither aarch64 nor x86_64 nor mips64: e_machine = 21\n\n" elf.gnu_debugdata_interface() != nullptr > 3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 android::base::WriteFully(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) multiple_thread_get_elf 01-02 rwxp 03 04:05 06 /fake/name/again 00-00 ryxp 00 00:00 0 /fake 00- 00-00 0x7b29f000U 0xa0000000U overlap1_name maps.Find(0x2000) == nullptr /system/lib/fake4.so memory_->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) Read failed at size init_reinit local.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&value), dst.data(), SIZE_MAX) MemoryOfflineBufferTest data.front() read_fail string_in_memory short info.Get(i) x13 GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) function_bounds_check, no_symbol, multiple_entries, multiple_entries_nonstandard_size, symtab_value_out_of_bounds, symtab_read_cached, get_global symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "function_0", &offset) 0xeb89bfb8U unwinder.frames()[20].pc 0xffeb6a20U 0xffeb7030U 0xffeb7b90U 0xf706b3ddU unwinder.frames()[66].sp Expected: Init("jit_debug_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xff85d9e0U 0xff85e7a0U unwinder.frames()[75].pc #00 pc 0000c788 <anonymous:d0250000> (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000) #01 pc 0000cdd5 <anonymous:d0250000> (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60) #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42) #03 pc 002657a5 libart.so (art::jit::Jit::MaybeDoOnStackReplacement(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, unsigned int, int, art::JValue*)+876) #04 pc 004021a7 libart.so (MterpMaybeDoOnStackReplacement+86) #05 pc 00412474 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+66164) #06 pc cd8365b0 <unknown> #07 pc 001d7f1b libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374) #08 pc 001dc593 libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+154) #09 pc 001f4d01 libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+732) #10 pc 003fe427 libart.so (MterpInvokeInterface+1354) #11 pc 00405b94 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+14740) #12 pc 7004873e <unknown> #13 pc 001d7f1b libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374) #14 pc 001dc4d5 libart.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+92) #15 pc 003f25ab libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+970) #16 pc 00417aff libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #17 pc 00413575 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #18 pc 00418531 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+236) #19 pc 000b468d libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+136) #20 pc 00362f49 libart.so (art::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::(anonymous namespace)::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+52) #21 pc 00363cd9 libart.so (art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)+332) #22 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868) #23 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22) #24 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24) 0xcd4ff2e0U 0xffcc1528U 0x7e82c4fcbcULL 0x7df8ca3bf0ULL 0xeb841ea2ULL signal_load_bias_arm 0xb6955fafULL 0x729f75a6acU 0x7ffb6c0d40U OuterFunction SignalInnerFunction sp_not_in_map speculative_frame_not_removed_pc_bad 0xd1000U 0x50000U 0xc2050U build_frame_pc_in_jit libc.so found TestlibLevel4 Actual: [==========] ' ]]>]]><![CDATA[ suppressed timestamp \r \u00 } ] } w Death test: ^(%s)$ Invalid random seed ... pthread_key_delete(key_) or %s:%d] Found process not spawned by the isolation framework exited with exitcode %s:%d] Test result is TEST_NONE, this should not be possible job true 4 unwind vsp = r3 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 32] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 28] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 24] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 4] "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 20\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x10028U eval_vsp_add_after_pop compact_non_zero_personality 0x13 DexFileTest dex_file != nullptr nothing libart.so cfa_def_cfa_expression 4 unwind DW_CFA_same_value register(255) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x08 0xff 0x01 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x%02x 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_args_size 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2e 0x04 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x306) 4 unwind restore while processing cie 0x51 + sizeof(TypeParam) 0x4301U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x6011, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x105, &loc_regs) GetFdes64 GetFdeFromPc64 fdes[0]->cfa_instructions_end fdes[0]->cie != nullptr fde->cie->version 8 this->eh_frame_->Init(0x1000, 0x100, 0) dwarf_mem_->ReadBytes(&byte, 1) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int8_t>(&value) ReadEncodedValue_data4_uint32_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x00, &value) 0xb134U dwarf_mem_->GetEncodedSize<AddressType>(encoding) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x50, &value) lines ... 0x1a 0x21 Expected args: Eval Eval_no_cfa Eval_return_address this->section_->LastErrorCode() regs[5] FindEntry_ip_before_first 0x20000U init_section_headers_64 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_negative_32 build_id_section_too_small_for_name_32 get_load_bias_exec_negative_32 huge_gnu_debugdata_size elf_mips static_cast<uint32_t>(8) elf.StepIfSignalHandler(0x3000 + load_bias, ®s, &process_memory) get_elf_x86 0x34 offline/empty_arm64/libc.so static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(shdr)) thread constructor failed info.elf == nullptr "map" info.end 00-00 -- maps.Get(2) == nullptr (*it)->start /fake2.so Failed verifying overlap2 name android::base::WriteStringToFile( "7ffff7dda000-7ffff7dfd7ffff7ff3000-7ffff7ff4000 ---p 0000f000 fc:02 44171565\n", tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) /fake 1000-2000 r--p 00000010 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake1.so 3000-4000 -w-p 00000020 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake2.so 6000-8000 --xp 00000030 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake3.so a000-b000 rw-p 00000040 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake4.so e000-f000 rwxp 00000050 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake5.so %08zx-%08zx rwxp 0000 00:00 0 cached_read memory_.ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 10) memory_.Init(tf_->path, 10) init_offset_greater_than_filesize android::base::WriteFully(tf_->fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) memory_.ReadFully(0, read_buffer.data(), pagesize * 9 - 0x100) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryRangeTest.cpp read_non_zero_offset munmap(mapping, 3 * getpagesize()) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src) + pagesize, dst.data(), 1) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src) + pagesize - 4, dst.data(), 8) failed. pc x15 esp rdx rbp r20 x86_step_if_signal_handler_no_siginfo 30U GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) multiple_entries_nonstandard_size symbols_end_at_100.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x2002, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) unwinder.frames()[16].sp 0xee75bd3bU unwinder.frames()[22].sp unwinder.frames()[25].sp unwinder.frames()[34].sp unwinder.frames()[37].sp unwinder.frames()[49].pc 0xffeb7a80U unwinder.frames()[67].sp descriptor1.data 0xff85e960U 0xed3e0a9fU 0xe483e593U 0x2e7ede7U 0x7be6715f5cULL 0x7be4f07d00ULL 0xed30fdULL 0xef63f3ULL 0xfffe1ab0ULL 0x7ffb6c0b50U Timed out waiting for remote process to be ready. Error: frame->map_load_bias 0x10050U 0xc4000U Condition range > 0 failed. ); Type parameterized test suite to define a test using a fixture class different from the one (%s ms) XML output file may not be null testsuites </ " is not allowed for value " ": Error msg: stderr has value " event=TestCaseStart&name= &elapsed_time= -byte object < pthread_key_create(&key, &DeleteThreadLocalValue) Invalid shuffle range finish Global test environment set-up. Run each test in no longer than %s:%d] Unexpected failure from waitpid: %s killed because of timeout at ^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$ ^\s*$ Unexpected argument '%s' saturated Function call: The invocation upper bound ( "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 256\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 48 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 48] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 44] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 40] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 36] 4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 32] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 28] 4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 24] 4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r13 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4] (*exidx_->regs())[13] 4 unwind vsp = r0 0x41U 0x10024U 0x8aU 0x32U x y = 0x pop_vfp8_fstmfdx register_logging Duplicate parameterized test name ' 0x03 0x12 create_using_memory_empty_file create_using_memory_file_is_malformed dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x118, &method, &method_offset) get_method_information_search_libs DwarfCfaLogTest cfa_offset_extended_sf %s Test %s must be defined before REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(%s, ...). 0x8123456712345678 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x287) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2d this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x50, 0x51 + sizeof(TypeParam), &loc_regs) new this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa02, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x6010, &loc_regs) static_cast<uint64_t>(-48) 0x59U DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_EXPRESSION 0x2a0U GetFdeFromOffset64_augment 0x5600U fde->cie->segment_size cie->lsda_encoding cie->return_address_register DWARF_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x6000) == nullptr inst_end ReadEncodedValue_aligned_uint64_t ReadEncodedValue_non_zero_adjust_uint64_t AdjustEncodedValue_absptr op_deref_size op_over static_cast<TypeParam>(-499868564803501823LL) 0x34U offset - 5 external/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h Eval_return_address_undefined no_caching elf200_1->arch() ElfInterfaceArmTest multiple_executable_pt_loads_32 multiple_executable_pt_loads_increments_not_size_of_phdr_32 soname_missing_map_64 init_section_headers_non_std_entry_size_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_positive_64 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_positive_64 0x7000U ERROR_INVALID_ELF error.address elf == nullptr get_elf_no_valid_code_entry elf != nullptr map_info->elf_start_offset MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest map_info.start 01-02 rwxp 03 04:05 06 00-00 rwxp 00 :00 0 00-00 xxxx 00 00:00 0 /fake 0x7b2b0000U abcdefgh memory_.ReadFully(10000, buffer.data(), 10) pagesize > 100 (reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1)) 0xfcfcfcfcU invalid_register x11 x12 r12 rsi 0xd0U 0xf0120340U GetPcAdjustment(0x10, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x2005, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1800, &map_info) x86_64_regs.Arch() unwinder.frames()[2].sp unwinder.frames()[3].pc 0xffeb5e20U 0xffeb6720U 0xffeb6ac0U 0xffeb74f0U unwinder.frames()[53].pc 0xffeb78d0U 0xffeb7ef0U 0xff85e368U 0xff85eb50U 0x7fdd1419d0U 0xd025cdd5U 0xe4a545abU " #00 pc 0032bfa0 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+40)\n" " #01 pc 0032bfeb libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2)\n" " #02 pc 0032bff3 libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+2)\n" " #03 pc 0032fed3 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)+26)\n" " #04 pc 0002652c libc.so (__restore)\n" " #05 pc 00000000 <unknown>\n" " #06 pc 0032c2d9 libunwindstack_test (InnerFunction+736)\n" " #07 pc 0032cc4f libunwindstack_test (MiddleFunction+42)\n" " #08 pc 0032cc81 libunwindstack_test (OuterFunction+42)\n" " #09 pc 0032e547 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+270)\n" " #10 pc 0032ed99 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func_Test::TestBody()+16)\n" " #11 pc 00354453 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+154)\n" " #12 pc 00354de7 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+194)\n" " #13 pc 00355105 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestCase::Run()+180)\n" " #14 pc 0035a215 libunwindstack_test " "(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+664)\n" " #15 pc 00359f4f libunwindstack_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+110)\n" " #16 pc 0034d3db libunwindstack_test (main+38)\n" " #17 pc 00092c0d libc.so (__libc_init+48)\n" " #18 pc 0004202f libunwindstack_test (_start_main+38)\n" 0xc2044218 load_bias_ro_rx_x86_64/ 0x7ffd22415dd0ULL 0x919029ULL 0x7fdd4a4100ULL 0xb6958603ULL offline/ 0x50020U oat dex_pc_in_map 0xa4000U 0xc3050U frame.map_elf_start_offset frame.map_end frame.map_load_bias frame.function_offset [stack] used earlier. This can happen if the two fixture classes are rxvt-unicode [ RUN ] " classname "> testsuite errors stream_result_to: getaddrinfo() failed: " ignored. , but have left The value of environment variable The default value %s is used. XML_OUTPUT_FILE ]. --no_isolate time. Only valid in isolation mode. Default deadline is 90000 ms. YOU HAVE %s Unable to read data from file %s should be deleted but never is. Its address is @ found at program exit. Expectations on a mock object are verified when the object is destructed. Leaking a mock means that its expectations aren't verified, which is usually a test bug. If you really intend to leak a mock, you can suppress this error using testing::Mock::AllowLeak(mock_object), or you may use a fake or stub instead of a mock. ARM_STATUS_NO_UNWIND 0x27U 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind pop {wCGR0} 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind finish -- did you intend to write TEST_P instead of TEST_F? Parameterized test name ' exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x534) 0x0c "4 unwind Raw Data: 0xa8 0xb0 0xb0\n" from_file_no_leak "nothing" cfa_set_loc 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf register(134) -1 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x86 0x01 0xff 0x7f this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x202) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3004) 0x%02x 4 unwind DW_CFA_expression register(255) 130 0x600dU loc_regs[CFA_REG].values[0] 0x1079U GetCieFromOffset32_version5 GetCieFromOffset64_augment this->debug_frame_->Init(0x5000, 0x600, 0) fdes[0]->pc_start DWARF_ERROR_NONE cie->augmentation_string.size() cie->augmentation_string[0] 0x0U 0x6618U this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(0x1000, &fde_offset) this->eh_frame_->GetFdeFromPc(0x800) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int16_t>(&value) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int32_t>(&value) encoding 0x op_lit op_nop static_cast<TypeParam>(-4521264810949884LL) 0xedU 0x44U 0x28 failed Step_pass The mock function has no default action set, and its return type has no default value set. external/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h never matches this->section_->LastErrorAddress() FindEntry_two_entries init_section_headers_malformed_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_zero_32 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_positive_64 elf->debug_frame_section_bias() BUILDID elf.Step(0, nullptr, nullptr, &finished, &is_signal_frame) elf.interface() != nullptr 2 elf64.xz add_map_prev_name_updated memory->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 1024) rosegment_from_file MapInfoGetBuildIDTest system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoGetBuildIDTest.cpp from_memory write(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) invalid /not/present map_info.end maps_constructor_string map_info.GetFunctionName(1000, &name, &offset) 0x7b2a0000U "/fake2.so" 256U memory_->GetPtr(0) != nullptr android::base::WriteStringToFd(large_string, tf_->fd) map_partial_offset_unaligned read_out_of_bounds buf remote.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 100) 20 info.Save(RegsInfo<uint64_t>::MAX_REGISTERS) x25 system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsIterateTest.cpp regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x8000, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x7000, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) mips_step_if_signal_handler_non_rt 0x220U mips64_step_if_signal_handler GetPcAdjustment(0x100, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) 0xf6f7499aU unwinder.frames()[12].pc unwinder.frames()[12].sp unwinder.frames()[18].sp unwinder.frames()[32].sp 0xf718bc95U unwinder.frames()[63].sp 0xffeb7d70U 0xff85e320U 0xff85eeb8U 0xedb0d0c9U 0xe4856d01U 0x7ffd22415490ULL 0x7ffd22415af0ULL 0xfffe1ae0ULL Unknown arch (*__errno()) remote_through_signal expected_function_names.empty() "/fake/fake.vdex" #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (func()) #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so " #01 pc 0000000000001000 <anonymous:3000>" #00 pc 00001300 /system/fake/libc.so (Frame0+10) unwinder.SetDexFiles(&dex_files) /fake/global.so local_signal Expected equality of these values: , want to change the TEST to TEST_F or move it to another test units and have the same name. You should probably rename one notrun = Invalid environment variables: we require 0 <= Read from death test child process failed: " is not a valid POSIX Extended regular expression. /data/local/tmp %02X \a --force_isolate [ OK ] FAILED TIMEOUT gtest_flagfile gtest_break_on_failure "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8\n" 4 unwind pop {r15} 0x2bU 0x11U 0x30U 0xb1U (*exidx_->regs())[3] "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024\n" 0x10044U 4 unwind Unsupported wRX register display 0x Condition test_param_names.count(param_name) == 0 failed. data_->at(5) data_->at(9) raw_data_compact from_file_open_non_zero_offset method_name cfa_offset cfa_gnu_negative_offset_extended expected this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x201) 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc1 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x02 0x04 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x2004 511U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x205, &loc_regs) 0xa3U 4 unwind Attempt to set offset, but cfa is not set to a register. this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x106, &loc_regs) static_cast<uint64_t>(-512) 0x1700U fdes[1]->cie_offset 0x2800U fdes[1]->lsda_address fdes[3]->pc_end 0x6a00U this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(0x800, &fde_offset) static_cast<int8_t>(-10) static_cast<int16_t>(50100) ReadEncodedValue_data1_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0b, &value) decode op_addr op_pick op_minus compare_opcodes DWARF_ERROR_STACK_INDEX_NOT_VALID 0x28d0U 0x1ffffffffffffffeULL 0x2f this->op_->Eval(7, 12) this->op_->dex_pc_set() : Mock function call matches AdjustPcFromFde isn't equal to ARCH_ARM elf0_2->arch() elf0_1 offset single_pt_load_64 elf->eh_frame_size() elf.Init() elf.GetRelPc(0x1101, &map_info) elf.Step(0x1000, ®s, &process_memory, &finished, &is_signal_frame) *gnu_interface tests/files/ jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1700) map_info->start info.elf_offset file_backed_non_zero_offset_partial_file memory->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 0x100) memory->ReadFully(0x100, buffer.data(), 1) check_device_maps map_info->memory_backed_elf 0xb000UL from_elf info1.GetElf(process_memory_, ARCH_ARM) expected_load_bias map map_add fake_map fake_map2 0xbU 00-00 ---p 0 1000-2000 ---s 00000000 00:00 0 2000-3000 r--s 00000000 00:00 0 3000-4000 -w-s 00000000 00:00 0 4000-5000 --xp 00000000 00:00 0 5000-6000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 0x2 0xc0000000U overlap2_name "/system/lib/fake2.so" empty memory_->GetPtr(256) == nullptr std::vector<uint8_t>(i, 0xff) "abcdefghij" memory_.Init(tf_->path, 2 * pagesize) memory_.ReadFully(4990, buffer.data(), 10) read_past_file_within_mapping map_partial_offset_aligned memory_.ReadFully(pagesize * 2, read_buffer.data(), 1) read_overflow Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), kLength - 105, 105) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 0x1000 - 50 + 10, 50) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. memory != nullptr MemoryRangeTest memory.ReadString(107, &dst_name, 100) i * 0x1000 + 0x100 r7 r10 regs[ARM64_REG_SP] regs[X86_REG_EAX] regs64 0xf123456780102030UL GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x103, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) x86_regs.Arch() function_bounds_check symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3008, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols_end_at_100.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) third_entry Unwind: gnu_debugdata_arm/ 0xffeb5f40U 0xffeb62f0U 0xffeb6f10U unwinder.frames()[51].sp unwinder.frames()[64].sp 0xff85d200U 0xed52971dU 0xff85d860U 0xff85da10U 0xff85db88U 0xff85e2d0U 0xff85e760U 0xff85ed00U 0xff85ed38U 0xed6ac6c3U 0xff85ef90U unwinder.frames()[72].sp 0x7542d68e98U " #00 pc 00000685 waiter (call_level3+53)\n" " #01 pc 000006b7 waiter (call_level2+23)\n" " #02 pc 000006d7 waiter (call_level1+23)\n" " #03 pc 000006f7 waiter (main+23)\n" " #04 pc 00018275 libc.so\n" 0xffcf9e50U 0xcd4ff498U 0x2e7f105U shared_lib_in_apk_memory_only_arm64 Expected: Init("shared_lib_in_apk_memory_only_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. shared_lib_in_apk_single_map_arm64 " #00 pc 00aa7508 invalid.apk (offset 0x12e4000)\n" 0xee2a21ULL 0x7112c394e8ULL eh_frame_bias_x86 0xb695601eULL 0xffe67ac8ULL No stack data files found. fp != nullptr %s %llx memory->Init(file_name.c_str(), 0) local_use_from_pid remote_through_signal_sa_siginfo_with_invalid_func unwinder.LastErrorCode() frame->pc 0xa5000U WARNING_DEX_PC_NOT_IN_MAP elf_from_memory_but_empty_filename 0xc3000U _ZN4funcEv build_frame_pc_only_errors SignalLocalMiddleFunction unwind_after_dlopen TestlibLevel1 UninstantiatedParameterizedTestSuite< =" name=" %s Cannot run a death test outside of a TEST or TEST_F construct Regular expression " Success + test suites , ...) in --deadline_threshold_ms= Force the use of isolation mode, even if it looks like we are running in a debugger. --gtest_list_tests test <testsuite name="%s" tests="%zu" failures="%zu" disabled="0" errors="0" (%llu ms, exceeded %llu ms) List of current running tests: is only supported as an environment variable. over-saturated ERROR: this mock object "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 256\n" 0x24U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 12\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x10040U "4 unwind cfa = r0\n" 4 unwind pop {r4-r11} "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r2 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind pop {d8-d11} ARM_STATUS_READ_FAILED pop_vfp8_vpush 0x22 0x06 data_->at(19) read_failures DexFileFromFile::Create(0x100, tf.path) != nullptr DexFileFromMemory::Create(0x1000, &memory, "", sizeof(kDexData)) == nullptr sizeof(kDexData) - 10 __dex_debug_descriptor cfa_advance_loc2 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset register(3) 132 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x83 0x84 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x50, 0x51 + sizeof(TypeParam)) 4 unwind Raw Data: DWARF_ERROR_ILLEGAL_STATE this->cfa_->cur_pc() 0x1a03U GetFdes32 GetCieFromOffset_version_invalid GetFdeFromPc_interleaved 0x6019U segment_size this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x5000) == nullptr 'R' 0x500dU GetFdes this->eh_frame_->TestGetFdeCount() 0x4700U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfMemoryTest.cpp static_cast<int32_t>(value) 0x1234U 0x14234U op_or op_breg_invalid_register this->op_->StackAt(1) 4398046511105UL static_cast<TypeParam>(-4) GetFdeFromPc(0x600) Expected: all pre-requisites are satisfied (end of pre-requisites) is system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfSectionImplTest.cpp GetCieFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache Eval_cfa_expr elf0_2->valid() ARCH_X86 ARCH_X86_64 info200_2.elf_offset elf400_1 interface.GetPrel31Addr(0x1000, &value) ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_negative_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_negative_32 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_zero_32 elf->IsValidPc(0xffff) .debug_frame elf->IsValidPc(0x20ff) elf->IsValidPc(0x2200) build_id_section_too_small_for_desc_32 .eh_frame_hdr elf.valid() -1 get_elf_64 1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 memory.get() != nullptr lseek(elf_at_1000_.fd, 0x1000, 0) no_elf_and_no_valid_elf_in_memory invalid_arch_mismatch 00-00 rwp 00 00:00 0 parse_offset "/system/lib/fake3.so" memory_->GetPtr(1) buffer MemoryFileTest memory_.Init(tf_->path, file_size) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryLocalTest.cpp mapping local.Read(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(mapping + getpagesize() - 1024), dst.data(), 4096) 4096U memory_->ReadFully(0x3001, buffer.data(), 1) memory->Read(offset + data.size(), &buf, 1) "string_in_memory" "short" 10 x27 x28 regs[X86_REG_ECX] GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1600, &map_info) x86_64.pc() 0x0000007214bb3a04ULL &clone_values[i] symbols_end_at_200.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) second_entry 0xe9c86728U 0x64d09d4fd8U descriptor.data stack.data 0xf6d27ab5U unwinder.frames()[20].sp unwinder.frames()[24].sp unwinder.frames()[37].pc 0xffeb70a0U unwinder.frames()[64].pc 0xcd4ff330U 0x7004873eU 0xcd4ff538U 0xcd4ff770U Expected: Init("jit_map_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 17U 0x7f9326a57dd4ULL 0x7f93269e9ce8ULL 0xffffe430ULL 0xfffe1a30ULL 0xeb83d193ULL 0xffe67bd0ULL r The pid is %d Frame1 0xa5500U libanother.so "/fake/libanother.so" format_frame #01 pc 0000000000001000 <anonymous:3000> " #01 pc 00001000 <unknown>" format_frame_by_arch Mismatch of frame format for regs arch is not valid. ). Ignoring case xterm-color <failure message=" \t ": " trace: [WARNING] TESTBRIDGE_TEST_ONLY Unable to open file " Condition sockfd_ != -1 failed. for test; does the test have access to the /tmp directory? read_fd_ == -1 should have failed Argument: %s is not allowed in flag file. Too few Expected to be NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googlemock/docs/cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect for details. but is actually called at most (*exidx_->regs())[11] 0x14U 4 unwind pop {r4-r7} 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 4] Unwindstack eval_multiple_decodes The program attempted to compare iterators ARM_STATUS_INVALID_ALIGNMENT 0xa3 0x0a ARM_STATUS_MALFORMED 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 4 unwind [cantunwind] /does/not/exist this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2100, 0x2103) 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x44 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x2010 expected + op_string 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset_sf register(255) -64 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x15 0xff 0x01 0xc0 0x7f loc_regs.end() "4 unwind restore while processing cie\n" 0x6010U "4 unwind Attempt to set offset, but cfa is not set to a register.\n" 130U 0x5500U fdes[3]->cie_offset fde->cie->lsda_encoding 0x550cU 0x5392U 0x4520U 126U static_cast<int16_t>(-1000) 14U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint32_t>(0x00, &value) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0c, &value) opcode_buffer[i] expected_value static_cast<TypeParam>(-72) 0x338U 0x92 section_->Step(0x700, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Expected: the expectation is active this->section_->GetCieFromOffset(0x4000) == nullptr 0x3000U pseudo_value caching_invalid_elf interface.FindEntry(0x9008, &entry_offset) init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_zero_64 get_load_bias_non_zero_32 pt_loads.size() elf.eh_frame() == nullptr "BUILDID" elf.machine_type() Step(0x1000, ®s, &process_memory, &finished, &is_signal_frame) elf.IsValidPc(0x100) --slow_threshold_ms=90000 jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1500) != nullptr elf_1 != nullptr elf_1 jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x16ff) same_map maps_.Get(0) file_backed_non_zero_offset_full_file Failed at byte 0x5d FAKE_BUILD_ID "faab1202" faab1202 ELF_BUILDID static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(note_section)) read_only_followed_by_empty_then_read_exec_share_elf "fake_map" maps2.Total() /fake/name 00-00 ---p 0 0 it 0x7b2e0000U /fake3.so munmap(mapping, 2 * getpagesize()) memory->Init(temp_file.path, 0) read_partial read_string_error memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 255) r17 regs[ARM64_REG_PC] GetPcAdjustment(0x7, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) arm.pc() 0xc200000000U symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x4fff, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) last_allocated_bytes - first_allocated_bytes #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64) #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6) #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748) #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so 0xf2da0a1bU unwinder.frames()[1].pc pc_in_gnu_debugdata_arm straddle_arm64/ 0x7fe0d84080U 0xffeb6160U unwinder.frames()[19].sp unwinder.frames()[21].pc 0xffeb6e70U unwinder.frames()[45].pc 0xffeb7710U unwinder.frames()[55].pc 0xffeb7850U 0xffeb7af0U 0xe27a7a29U 0xe27a739bU 0xff85ee28U 0x7fdd141990U 0xffcf9e38U 0xffcf9e80U Expected: Init("eh_frame_hdr_begin_x86_64/", ARCH_X86_64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7ffcc8596ce8U 0xe7daee39U 0xf41a2c0dU 0x7e7eeccad4ULL 0x7be4f078f0ULL 0xe900d8ULL 0x7112bdbda0ULL 0xffe67b48ULL regs.txt local_check_for_leak local_use_from_pid_check_for_leak ptrace attach failed with unexpected error: Frame4 0x10070U pc_in_device_stops_unwind 0x10030eU VerifyBionicTermination i + 1 SignalLocalInnerFunction Value of: of the classes to put the tests into different test suites. test %s, listed below: & skipped time The value of flag -- Actual msg: child_pid != -1 /stat has value event=TestIterationStart&iteration= event=TestIterationEnd&passed= ... stack != MAP_FAILED -h gdbserver32 (%s) timestamp="%s" time="%.3lf" name="AllTests"> </testsuite> deadline_threshold_ms (stopped at %llu ms) gtest_throw_on_failure retired ERROR: 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8 4 unwind [Reserved] "4 unwind pop {r4-r7}\n" 0x4U 0x10000U "4 unwind pop {wR15-wR30}\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16]\n" pop_registers pop_vfp_fstmfdx 6U 0x0e create_using_local_memory dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x100000, &method, &method_offset) cfa_nop cfa_illegal, cfa_nop, cfa_offset, cfa_offset_extended, cfa_offset_extended_sf, cfa_restore, cfa_restore_extended, cfa_set_loc, cfa_advance_loc, cfa_advance_loc1, cfa_advance_loc2, cfa_advance_loc4, cfa_undefined, cfa_same, cfa_register, cfa_state, cfa_state_cfa_offset_restore, cfa_def_cfa, cfa_def_cfa_sf, cfa_def_cfa_register, cfa_def_cfa_offset, cfa_def_cfa_offset_sf, cfa_def_cfa_expression, cfa_expression, cfa_val_offset, cfa_val_offset_sf, cfa_val_expression, cfa_gnu_args_size, cfa_gnu_negative_offset_extended, cfa_register_override, cfa_aarch64_negate_ra_state Failed to get code location for test %s.%s at %s. 0x78 0x45 0x23 0x81 4 unwind DW_CFA_set_loc 4 unwind DW_CFA_undefined register(129) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x07 0x81 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4301) 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0b 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa register(127) 116 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0c 0x7f 0x74 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x105) 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset register(69) 84 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x14 0x45 0x54 0x80U loc_regs.count(255) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600c, &loc_regs) 100U 0x74U GetFdes32_not_in_section GetFdeFromPc32_reverse GetFdes64_after_GetFdeFromPc GetFdeFromPc64_reverse fdes[0]->cfa_instructions_offset 0x3900U 0x5510U 0x14010U GetFdes_with_empty_fde info != nullptr 0x18U 0xe0000000U this->op_->StackAt(0) 0x45342312U 0x79101c305080c101ULL 0x120U offset + 0x102 this->op_->Eval(1, 4) GetCfaLocationInfo(0x1000, &fde0, ::testing::_, ::testing::_) pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_) Uninteresting mock function call - Actual: don't match DwarfSectionImplTest Eval_cfa_expr_eval_fail regs.sp() regs[9] elf400_1->valid() info400_1.elf_offset entry_offset interface.FindEntry(0x7000, &entry_offset) regs[ARM_REG_PC] StepExidx_pc_set is_valid_pc_from_pt_load_non_zero_load_bias 0x2000 elf->IsValidPc(0x2300) 0x10002U elf->debug_frame_size() .gnu_debugdata elf->gnu_build_id_size() static_load_bias elf->Init(&init_load_bias) 1 jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1500) 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 memory->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) something_else system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoTest.cpp 1UL map_info.load_bias 0a-0b ---s 0c 0d:0e 06 /fake/name -00 rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00 rwxp 00 00: 00 0 00-00 ---p verify_large_values 0xf0305070UL i * 4096 file_should_fail maps.Find(0x5010) == nullptr maps.Find(0x9a00) == nullptr /system/lib/fake1.so memory_->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 1) 128U cached_read_across_caches memory_cache_->ReadFully(0xa010, buffer.data(), kMaxCachedSize) 0xCC munmap(reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src) + pagesize), pagesize) munmap(static_cast<char*>(mapping) + page_size, page_size) ip x19 r16 0x130U regs64[8] GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) arm64.pc() x86.sp() ARCH_MIPS64 clone "function_three" unwinder.frames()[0].pc " #00 pc 00068fb8 libarttestd.so (art::CauseSegfault()+72)\n" " #01 pc 00067f00 libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+10032)\n" " #02 pc 000021a8 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, " "boolean)+136)\n" " #03 pc 0000fe80 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+64)\n" " #04 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #05 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #06 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #07 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #08 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #09 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #10 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #11 pc 0000fe03 anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+51)\n" " #12 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #13 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #14 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #15 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #16 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #17 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #18 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #19 pc 0000fd3b anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, " "java.lang.Object)+107)\n" " #20 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #21 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #22 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #23 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #24 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #25 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #26 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #27 pc 0000fbdb anonymous:ee74c000 (int " "java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, " "java.util.Comparator)+331)\n" " #28 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418)\n" " #29 pc 00146acb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+907)\n" " #30 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #31 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #32 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #33 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #34 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #35 pc 0000f624 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.foo()+164)\n" " #36 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #37 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #38 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #39 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #40 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #41 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #42 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #43 pc 0000eedb anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.runPrimary()+59)\n" " #44 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #45 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #46 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #47 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #48 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #49 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #50 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #51 pc 0000ac21 anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+97)\n" " #52 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418)\n" " #53 pc 00146acb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+907)\n" " #54 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #55 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #56 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #57 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #58 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #59 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418)\n" " #60 pc 00146acb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+907)\n" " #61 pc 005aac95 libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+85)\n" " #62 pc 005aab5a libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, " "_jmethodID*, char*)+362)\n" " #63 pc 0048a3dd libartd.so " "(art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+125)\n" " #64 pc 0018448c libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*, " "art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1964)\n" " #65 pc 0017cf06 libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+70)\n" " #66 pc 00001d8c dalvikvm32 " "(_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+60)\n" " #67 pc 00001a80 dalvikvm32 (main+1312)\n" " #68 pc 00018275 libc.so\n" 0xffeb52a0U unwinder.frames()[11].pc unwinder.frames()[13].sp unwinder.frames()[21].sp 0xffeb6810U unwinder.frames()[30].pc 0xee75b624U 0xee756c21U 0xff85d180U 0xff85d7d8U 0xff85dad0U 0xff85dbd0U 0xed3b97bbU 0xff85e3a8U unwinder.frames()[69].sp 0xcd4ff6b0U 0xcd4ff6e8U 0xf0bb240fU Expected: Init("shared_lib_in_apk_single_map_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7f93269e7f3eULL 0xfffe1d00ULL i != 0 Unknown register named MiddleFunction frame->num 0x22000U /fake/libfake.so unwinder_from_pid_init_error LocalOuterFunction , you tried the test fixture's destructor linux TESTS </failure> stream_result_to: failed to connect to static_cast<size_t>(stack_size) > kMaxStackAlignment && reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_top) % kMaxStackAlignment == 0 %s (elapsed time %lld ms) %s %s, listed below: ) must be >= the invocation lower bound ( 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 4 (*exidx_->regs())[6] "4 unwind vsp = r0\n" 4 unwind pop {r4} 0x61U 0x7aU 0x9aU "4 unwind pop {d4-d12}\n" 0x10030U 4 unwind pop {d16} "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024\n" "4 unwind finish\n" ' is invalid, in ', in != exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x1001) compact data_->at(14) DexFile::Create(0x500, &memory, &info) != nullptr create_using_file_non_zero_offset first_allocated_bytes system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfCfaLogTest.cpp 4 unwind 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_register register(114) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0d 0x72 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset_sf register(86) 18 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x15 0x56 0x12 DwarfCfaTest 0x5007U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x600, 0x603, &loc_regs) 0x6011U GetCieFromOffset32_version4 GetFdeFromOffset32_lsda_address fdes.size() fdes[2]->cie_offset fde->cfa_instructions_end 0x9000U cie->version GetFdeOffsetFromPc_search this->eh_frame_->TestGetVersion() static_cast<int8_t>(200) static_cast<int64_t>(5000000000000) GetEncodedSize_unknown ReadEncodedValue_absptr_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_absptr_uint64_t AdjustEncodedValue_datarel 0x9101c305080c101ULL 0x15U 0x23 this->op_->Eval(0, 15) Eval(&cie, &process, ::testing::_, ®s_, ::testing::_) elf100_1 elf400_2->arch() 0x400U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfInterfaceArmTest.cpp interface.FindEntry(0x8100, &entry_offset) entries[0] interface.LastErrorCode() soname_after_dt_null_64 init_program_headers_malformed_64 is_valid_pc_from_debug_frame build_id_32 elf->GetFunctionName(0xd0020, &name, &name_offset) error.code error_code_valid bytes system/core/libunwindstack/tests/JitDebugTest.cpp jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2700) same_map_new_perms file_backed_non_zero_offset_partial_file_whole_elf64 memcmp(buffer.data(), &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) MapInfoTest &prev_map 00-00 rwxp 0000:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so device maps.Find(0xf010) == nullptr MemoryCacheTest local.Read(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mapping), dst.data(), 4096 * 3) memory->Read(offset - 1, &buf, 1) data remote.ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 100, dst.data(), 200) read_size read64 memory.ReadString(107, &dst_name, 9) single_uint32_t x4 regs32.pc() 0xf123456780000000U + i GetPcAdjustment(0xa00U, invalid_elf, ARCH_MIPS64) mips64.sp() arm_regs.Arch() "second_entry" straddle_arm/ unwinder.frames()[3].sp 0xffeb5d30U 0xffeb5fb0U 0xffeb61b0U unwinder.frames()[25].pc 0xf728e6a2U 0xf6d27acbU unwinder.frames()[42].sp unwinder.frames()[43].pc unwinder.frames()[44].pc unwinder.frames()[45].sp unwinder.frames()[51].pc unwinder.frames()[52].pc unwinder.frames()[53].sp unwinder.frames()[62].pc 76U 0xed541833U 0xff85d640U 0xff85ea50U Expected: Init("debug_frame_first_x86/", ARCH_X86) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xe4839f1bU 0xcd4ff430U 0xcd4ff7c8U Expected: Init("offset_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffe67890ULL 0x7ffb6c0c50U Frame0 "Frame0" "/fake/fake.apk!lib_fake.so" 0x10000 + 0x10 * i map_info->elf == nullptr /fake/fake.vdex " #01 pc 0000000000001000 <unknown>" unwinder.Init() Running %s from %s. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Key " Result: failed to die. external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h stream_result_to: failed to stream to (core dumped) --gtest_filter= terminated by signal: ms. xml: %s %s - and a WillRepeatedly() object GetFakeLogBuf() 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 256 0x25U 0x10010U 0x81U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 36\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 36]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 32]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 28]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 24]\n" "4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind Spare "4 unwind pop {r0}\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8\n" "4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1024 4 unwind pop {d0} "4 unwind pop {d8-d11}\n" 0x10080U verify_no_truncated exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x1000) data_->at(10) data_->at(15) data_->at(23) deque from_memory_open 0x500 <= cfa_def_cfa_sf 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf register(163) -6 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x12 0xa3 0x01 0xfa 0x7f 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 1364 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0e 0xd4 0x0a 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_args_size 65572 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2e 0xa4 0x80 0x04 loc_regs[CFA_REG].type 0x287U GetFdeFromPc64_not_in_section 0x5000U DW_EH_PE_omit 0x6000U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfEhFrameTest.cpp this->eh_frame_->Init(0x1000, 0x100, 0x2000) 0x5000 + i * 0x20 ReadBytes 0xffffffffffffffc0ULL dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x02, &value) Raw Data: 0x12 op_mod op_mul is_dex_pc DWARF_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x01020304U this->op_->Eval(0, 3) taking default action specified at: call_count() is <= 0 when GetCurrentAction() is called - this should never happen. regs[1] caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero elf400_1->arch() info400_2.elf_offset entries[4] non_executable_pt_loads_64 soname_size_64 init_section_headers_malformed_symdata_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_positive_32 is_valid_pc_from_pt_load build_id_section_too_small_for_name_64 load_data.table_size function_two static_cast<uint32_t>(183) elf.IsValidPc(0x200) 0xB000U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoCreateMemoryTest.cpp "ELF_BUILDID" elf->class_type() maps_constructor_const_char MapsTest info->flags 00 f2345678-fabcdef8 rwxp f0305070 00:00 0 7b29b000-7b29e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7b29e000-7b29f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so 7b29f000-7b2a0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/ashmem/does_not_exist android::base::WriteStringToFile("7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0 /fake.so\n" "7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so\n" "7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 /fake3.so\n", tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) maps.Find(0xf000) == nullptr memory_->Read(128, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryFileTest.cpp read_buffer[i] memory_->ReadFully(0x3000, buffer.data(), 1) memory->Read(offset + data.size() - 1, &buf, 1) range.ReadFully(1020, dst.data(), 5) mprotect(static_cast<char*>(mapping), page_size, 0x0) memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, sizeof(kLongString)) x2 eip GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) 0xabcd0000U arm64_regs.Arch() fake_function symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x12004, &this->memory_, &name, &offset) pc_straddle_arm64 Expected: Init("jit_debug_x86/", ARCH_X86) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffeb6370U unwinder.frames()[42].pc unwinder.frames()[43].sp 0xffeb7480U unwinder.frames()[57].sp 0xffeb7ad0U eh_frame_hdr_begin_x86_64 0x561550b17a80U 0x7ffcc8597190U 0xcd4ff2b8U 0xcd4ff380U Expected: Init("debug_frame_load_bias_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffd4a638U shared_lib_in_apk_single_map_arm64/ 0x7cbe0b14bcULL 0x7be4f07910ULL 0x7be5f7b024ULL 0x7be4f07d20ULL load_bias_different_section_bias_arm64 0x71115ab3e8ULL 0x7fdd4a3f00ULL 0xf2790ce8ULL Expected: Init("empty_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. system/core/libunwindstack/tests/UnwinderTest.cpp frame->sp Frame3 0x63000U speculative_frame dex_pc_multiple_frames "/fake/unreadable.so" #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100) #01 pc 00001000 <unknown> unwinder.FormatFrame(0) "/fake/jit.so" handle != nullptr screen-256color } ". can be found in this test suite. couldn't detect the number of threads. failed: capturer can exist at a time. Condition 0 <= begin && begin <= size failed. [TIME_IN_MS] is not compatible with isolation runs. does not take an argument. 0xfffcU (*exidx_->regs())[15] 4 unwind pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15} 0x29U (*exidx_->regs())[5] "4 unwind pop {r7, r9, r12}\n" 4 unwind cfa = r14 4 unwind pop {r4-r7, r14} 0x3aU "4 unwind finish\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8 4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4] 0x10018U external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h Condition parameter_ != nullptr failed. (null) exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x4000) data_->at(11) 0x66 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf register(5) 16 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x05 0x10 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x103) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf register(48) 37 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x12 0x30 0x25 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 89 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0e 0x59 4 unwind Illegal (Only valid on aarch64) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfCfaTest.cpp address DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_OFFSET GetFdeFromPc32 fdes[3]->lsda_address '\0' fde->cie->personality_handler 0x5019U GetFdeOffsetFromPc_verify GetFdeOffsetFromPc_fail_fde_count 0x1b this->eh_frame_->EhFrameInit(0x1300, 0x200, 0x1000) static_cast<int16_t>(value) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int64_t>(&value) 10U ReadEncodedValue_omit_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data2_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data8_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x03, &value) DW_OP_dup op_div op_shra DWARF_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS 0x3221U static_cast<TypeParam>(-1502) 0x04U section_->Step(0x1000, nullptr, nullptr, &finished, &is_signal_frame) ( : GetFdeFromPc GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_cached 0x80000000U regs[0] 0x12345678abcdef00ULL ElfCacheTest 0x7008U soname_64 init_section_headers_32 eh_frame_zero_section_bias_64 elf.GetFunctionName(0, &name, &func_offset) IsValidPc .shstrtab get_elf_no_valid_descriptor_in_memory map_info->IsBlank() memcmp(buffer.data(), ELFMAG, SELFMAG) == 0 file_backed_non_zero_offset_partial_file_whole_elf32 mem.get() != nullptr valid_rosegment_non_zero_offset build_id_values[i] map_info.offset map_info.flags "string_map" info.start 00-0 00-00 rwx 00-00 ---s 0 0x7b29e000U %llx-%llx r-xp 1000 00:0 0 /fake%zu.so no_cached_read_after_clear "abcdefgh" memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize) range.Read(1020, dst.data(), dst.size()) read_large reg x14 x20 rbx 0x350U arm64_step_if_signal_handler regs64.sp() GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0x100, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1500, &map_info) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5010, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) jit_debug_x86 0xffeb5280U 0xf728e4d2U unwinder.frames()[31].pc unwinder.frames()[47].sp unwinder.frames()[59].pc 0xff85f050U 0x7ffcc8596f40U 0xcd4ff140U 0xe471668dU 0xf43d2ce0U 0xf413652cU 0xffcc1078U 0x2e7e453U " #00 pc 0005138c libc.so (__ioctl+8)\n" " #01 pc 0002140f libc.so (ioctl+30)\n" " #02 pc 00039535 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+204)\n" " #03 pc 00039633 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+10)\n" " #04 pc 00039b57 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38)\n" " #05 pc 00000c21 mediaserver (main+104)\n" " #06 pc 00084b89 libc.so (__libc_init+48)\n" " #07 pc 00000b77 mediaserver (_start_main+38)\n" 0x7dabf3dc40ULL lib_mem.data 0x7be4f07880ULL load_bias_ro_rx_x86_64 0x7f932699152aULL #00 pc 00000000000d59bc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28) #01 pc 00000000000554e8 linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1148) #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso (__kernel_rt_sigreturn) #03 pc 000000000007f3e8 libc.so (abort+168) #04 pc 00000000000459fc test (std::__ndk1::__throw_bad_cast()+4) #05 pc 0000000000056d80 test (testing::Test::Run()+88) #06 pc 000000000005724c test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+112) #07 pc 0000000000057558 test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+116) #08 pc 000000000005bffc test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+464) #09 pc 000000000005bd9c test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+116) #10 pc 00000000000464e4 test (main+144) #11 pc 000000000007aa34 libc.so (__libc_init+108) 0xeb83d5e7ULL 0xb698860bULL 0xb6995035ULL 0x7ffb6c0d10U fscanf(fp, "%s %" "ll""x" "\n", reg_name, &value) UnwindTest Waiting for process to quiesce failed: unwind_from_pid_remote frame->function_offset frame->map_start "Frame2" "Frame" + std::to_string(i) 0xc1050U format_frame_build_id unwinder.FormatFrame(frame) unwinder.SetJitDebug(&jit_debug) Arm64 xterm-256color run </testcase> { json , but you have # %s = close(pipe_fd[1]) [ INFO ] CloseConnection() can be called only when there is a connection. ms \' [TIME_IN_MS] --gtest_list_tests [0;31m %s:%d] Unexpected failure from read: %s %s:%d] Unexpected failure from pipe: %s Running gtest_death_test_style Unknown argument: %s --%s %s "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 256\n" 0xfff8U "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" 0x10U "4 unwind pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15}\n" 4 unwind cfa = r3 ARM_STATUS_RESERVED 0x45U "4 unwind pop {d8-d15}\n" 4 unwind pop {d8-d15} 4 unwind pop {wR0} set_vsp_from_register pop_registers_with_r14 data_->at(6) 0x0f DexFile::Create(start, &memory, &info) != nullptr method_offset DexFilesTest cfa_advance_loc1 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2001) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x205) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xaad) this->dmem_->cur_offset() loc_regs.find(6) fdes[1]->pc_end fdes[2]->cfa_instructions_end 0x53a2U 0xb50U DwarfEhFrameWithHdrTest this->eh_frame_->TestGetHdrEntriesOffset() 0x3340U nullptr dwarf_mem_->cur_offset() ReadEncodedValue_aligned_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data2_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x40, &value) DwarfOpTest this->op_->Eval(0, 2) 0x01U Step_cache Returns: Actual: the following immediate pre-requisites Eval_cfa_expr_no_stack Eval_dex_pc regs[3] info100_1.elf_offset elf300_2->valid() elf_arm.start_offset() init_program_headers_malformed_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_zero_64 gnu_debugdata_init64 get_global_vaddr_in_data_section JitDebugTest maps_.Reparse() info.elf_start_offset "46414b455f4255494c445f4944" info.GetLoadBias(process_memory_) const_iterate "/devsomething/does_not_exist" find memory_->ReadFully(101, buffer.data(), 2) read_failure_overflow read_illegal memory_->ReadFully(kStart, buffer.data(), 10) 50U TestAttach(pid) TestDetach(pid) read_munmap_hole sp x3 x9 x23 pst RegsIterateTest x86_step_if_signal_handler_siginfo GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x5, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x5, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1a00, &map_info) ARCH_ARM64 get_global symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x10002, &this->memory_, &name, &offset) frame_info unwinder.frames()[0].sp 0xf1f6dce5U unwinder.frames()[8].pc 0xffeb65b0U unwinder.frames()[27].pc 0xffeb6e50U unwinder.frames()[50].sp unwinder.frames()[56].sp 0x56574d8cU 0xff85d428U 0xff85df48U unwinder.frames()[71].sp 0xab0d4349U 0xffcf9e60U 0xcd4ff190U 0x2e55ff3U 0xf0c15b89U 0x7be4f077d0ULL 12U 0xffe678a0ULL remote_through_signal_sa_siginfo remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func disable_embedded_soname dex_pc_not_in_map Failed to init elf object from LocalUnwinderTest Cannot generate a number in the range [0, 0). Generation of a number in [0, %s: SetUpTestSuite or TearDownTestSuite < disabled ": [ threadsafe Result: died but not with expected error. | Condition !original_working_dir_.IsEmpty() failed. threads. gdbserver64 Stack trace: 0x28U 0x3U 0x6aU ARM_STATUS_FINISH , "4 unwind pop {r0, r1, r2, r3}\n" 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024 "4 unwind pop {wR10}\n" 4 unwind pop {wR10} line 0x30 0x70 cant_unwind_log lseek(tf.fd, 0x100, 0) get_method_information_not_first_entry_32 get_method_information_global_skip_zero_64 1000-4000 ---s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf 4000-6000 r--s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf 6000-8000 -wxs 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf a000-c000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 c000-f000 rw-p 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 f000-11000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 100000-110000 rw-p 00f1000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 200000-210000 rw-p 0002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 300000-400000 rw-p 0003000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 500000-501000 r--p 0000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 501000-502000 ---p 0000000 00:00 0 503000-510000 rw-p 0003000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 510000-520000 rw-p 0010000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 cfa_def_cfa cfa_val_expression cfa_gnu_args_size 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended register(3) 2 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 0x03 0x02 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_extended register(8) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x06 0x08 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf -10 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x13 0xf6 0x7f 4 unwind DW_CFA_expression register(4) 2 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x10 0x04 0x02 0xc0 0xc1 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc0 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc1 location->second.type 0x2103U 0xa02U 0x2005U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600e, &loc_regs) DW_EH_PE_sdata4 fde->cie->augmentation_string[0] fde->cie->return_address_register 0x700U this->eh_frame_->EhFrameInit(0x1300, 0x200, 0x2000) 0x1d108U static_cast<int64_t>(value) 0x1200U 0x5e3e1f9U ReadEncodedValue_overflow_uint32_t op_plus this->op_->Eval(0, 1) this->op_->is_register() this->op_->Eval(0, 5) opcode expected[i + 1] op - 0x70 + 10 + 0x12 Actual: it is retired Eval_cfa_expr_is_register elf0_1->valid() info300_2.elf_offset type == EM_ARM || type == EM_386 || type == EM_X86_64 android::base::WriteFully(tf->fd, ptr, ehdr_size) 0x231000U interface.FindEntry(0x1000, &entry_offset) StepExidx_refuse_unwind init_section_headers_non_std_entry_size_64 0x10001U elf->eh_frame_section_bias() get_elf_invalid_descriptor_version 0x1 | 0x4 memory->ReadFully(1024, buffer.data(), 1) map_info->elf_offset multiple_thread_elf_exists_in_memory "6df0590c4920f4c7b9f34fe833f37d54" read_only_followed_by_read_exec_share_elf info->name map_move /fake/name/again 00-00 rwxp0 00 00:00 0 00-00 ywxp 00 00:00 0 /fake 00-00 rwyp 00 00:00 0 /fake 0xf2345678UL /devsomething/does_not_exist file_buffer_cross memory_.ReadFully(buffer.size() + i, &value, 1) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src.data()), dst.data(), src.size()) x21 rax rcx regs[X86_REG_EBX] 0x140U GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x8, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0x700U, invalid_elf, ARCH_X86) x86_64_verify_sp_pc mips64.pc() machine_type system/core/libunwindstack/tests/SymbolsTest.cpp SymbolsTest symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x2000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x6000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) global_1 0xd8fe6930U 0x64d09d5078U jit unwinder.frames()[7].pc unwinder.frames()[11].sp 0xffeb6530U unwinder.frames()[29].sp 0xffeb6c50U unwinder.frames()[54].pc unwinder.frames()[58].pc unwinder.frames()[61].pc jit_debug_arm 0xed7606ffU 0xff85ddc0U 0xed76122fU 0xff85e1b0U 0xff85e8f0U unwinder.frames()[69].pc 0xff85f008U 0x7fdd1419b0U 0x565986b7U 0x7f4de62162b0U offset_arm 0xffcc1090U 0x2e773dbU #00 pc 0005138c libc.so (__ioctl+8) #01 pc 0002140f libc.so (ioctl+30) #02 pc 00039535 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+204) #03 pc 00039633 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+10) #04 pc 00039b57 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38) #05 pc 00000c21 mediaserver (main+104) #06 pc 00084b89 libc.so (__libc_init+48) #07 pc 00000b77 mediaserver (_start_main+38) 0xf1a75b57U 0xffd4a6d0U 0x7e82b018c0ULL 0x7be4f07800ULL eh_frame_bias_x86/ " #00 pc 00000000000963a4 libc.so (__ioctl+4)\n" " #01 pc 000000000005344c libc.so (ioctl+140)\n" " #02 pc 0000000000050ce4 libbinder.so " "(android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+308)\n" " #03 pc 0000000000050e98 libbinder.so " "(android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+24)\n" " #04 pc 00000000000516ac libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60)\n" " #05 pc 00000000000443b0 netd (main+1056)\n" " #06 pc 0000000000045594 libc.so (__libc_init+108)\n" Timed out waiting for thread to respond to signal. 0x43000U frame.map_name frame.map_start LocalInnerFunction local_multiple is defined using TEST. You probably Condition std::find(allowed_names.begin(), allowed_names.end(), name) != allowed_names.end() failed. </ value=" /> < is expected to be a 32-bit integer, but actually , which overflows. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/advanced.md#death-tests-and-threads As Text: " [0;32m SHOULD HAVE FAILED [ TIMEOUT ] %s from %s ran. (%lld ms total) You are using DoDefault() inside a composite action like DoAll() or WithArgs(). This is not supported for technical reasons. Please instead spell out the default action, or assign the default action to an Action variable and use the variable in various places. 0x10004U 0x10100U 4 unwind Refuse to unwind "4 unwind vsp = r3\n" 0x1U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 2048\n" "4 unwind pop {d0}\n" "4 unwind Unsupported wRX register display\n" 4 unwind pop {wCGR0, wCGR1, wCGR2, wCGR3} 4 unwind pop {d2-d5} "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8\n" "4 unwind finish\n" pop_up_to_12 logging ), actual: 0xf3 0x10 0x09 data_->at(16) data_->at(18) 0x100 "fail" get_method_information_with_empty_map 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended register(258) 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 0x82 0x02 0x04 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_extended register(258) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x06 0x82 0x02 0x1505U 0x603U 0x600fU fde->cfa_instructions_offset 0x14024U DW_EH_PE_sdata8 0x500U GetFdeFromPc_wtih_empty_fde DWARF_ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID static_cast<int8_t>(value) 0x12345678f1f2f3f4ULL ReadEncodedValue_all_uint32_t 0x3234U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x04, &value) 0x1245U this->op_->Eval(i, i + 1) this->op_->Eval(2, 5) GetCfaLocationInfo(0x1000, &fde, ::testing::_, ::testing::_) section_->Step(0x1500, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_) GetCieOffsetFromFde64 Eval_invalid_register this->section_->Log(2, 0x1000, &fde, ARCH_UNKNOWN) interface.total_entries() regs[ARM_REG_SP] ElfInterfaceTest non_executable_pt_loads_32 0x3008U elf->IsValidPc(0x22ff) is_valid_pc_from_eh_frame elf->IsValidPc(0x2800) get_load_bias_zero_32 elf->eh_frame_hdr_size() IsValidPc(0x1500) ELF --deadline_threshold_ms=120000 map_info->name.empty() function 00-x rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00x rwxp 00 00:00 0 0 0xa12345U /dev/does_not_exist "/system/lib/fake1.so" android::base::WriteStringToFd(data, tf_->fd) pid info.IsSaved(3) regular expression x6 ebp r24 regs32 regs32[32] regs64.total_regs() GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x800U, invalid_elf, ARCH_X86_64) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0xa011, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) " #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64)\n" " #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6)\n" " #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748)\n" " #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so\n" 0xee75be80U 0xffeb6110U 0xffeb65e0U 0xffeb6e20U 0xee75aedbU 0x56574a80U #00 pc 00018a5e libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+866) #01 pc 0000212d 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, boolean)+92) #02 pc 00011cb1 anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+72) #03 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #04 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #05 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #06 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #07 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #08 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #09 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #10 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #11 pc 00011c31 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+64) #12 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #13 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #14 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #15 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #16 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #17 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #18 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #19 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #20 pc 00011b77 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)+118) #21 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #22 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #23 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #24 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #25 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #26 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #27 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #28 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #29 pc 00011a29 anonymous:e2796000 (int java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, java.util.Comparator)+304) #30 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #31 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226) #32 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+882) #33 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #34 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #35 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #36 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #37 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #38 pc 0001139b anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.foo()+178) #39 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #40 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #41 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #42 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #43 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #44 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #45 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #46 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #47 pc 00010aa7 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.runPrimary()+70) #48 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #49 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #50 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #51 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #52 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #53 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #54 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #55 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #56 pc 0000ba99 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+144) #57 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #58 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226) #59 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+882) #60 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #61 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #62 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #63 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #64 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #65 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #66 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226) #67 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+882) #68 pc 003b292d libartd.so (art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+52) #69 pc 003b26c3 libartd.so (art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+210) #70 pc 00308411 libartd.so (art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+76) #71 pc 000e6a9f libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list, art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1486) #72 pc 000e19b9 libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+40) #73 pc 0000159f dalvikvm32 (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+30) #74 pc 00001349 dalvikvm32 (main+896) #75 pc 000850c9 libc.so 0xff85d2b0U 0xe27a1a99U 0xed602411U #00 pc 0000000000000550 waiter64 #01 pc 0000000000000568 waiter64 #02 pc 000000000000057c waiter64 #03 pc 0000000000000590 waiter64 #04 pc 00000000000a8e98 libc.so (__libc_init+88) debug_frame_first_x86/ 0xf43d2ce8U 0x2e84215U " #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 " "(__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128)\n" " #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn)\n" " #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172)\n" " #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36)\n" " #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk!libfeature_support_angle.so (offset 0x4000) " "(ANGLEGetUtilityAPI+56)\n" " #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init)\n" 0x7dabf3dc70ULL 0x7be6715d70ULL 0x7be6716408ULL 0x7be4f07860ULL Expected: Init("invalid_elf_offset_arm/", ARCH_ARM, false) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7ffd22415400ULL " #00 pc 00000000000d59bc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 00000000000554e8 linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1148)\n" " #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso (__kernel_rt_sigreturn)\n" " #03 pc 000000000007f3e8 libc.so (abort+168)\n" " #04 pc 00000000000459fc test (std::__ndk1::__throw_bad_cast()+4)\n" " #05 pc 0000000000056d80 test (testing::Test::Run()+88)\n" " #06 pc 000000000005724c test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+112)\n" " #07 pc 0000000000057558 test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+116)\n" " #08 pc 000000000005bffc test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+464)\n" " #09 pc 000000000005bd9c test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+116)\n" " #10 pc 00000000000464e4 test (main+144)\n" " #11 pc 000000000007aa34 libc.so (__libc_init+108)\n" 0x5f739ee24cULL 0xeb585a4bULL 0xeb5333a3ULL 0xb695664bULL 0x7ffb6c0ce0U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/UnwindTest.cpp local unwinder.elf_from_memory_not_file() frame->rel_pc frame->map_flags "/fake/fake_offset.oat" /system/fake/libunwind.so 0x43400U 0xd0000U dex_pc_max_frames /fake/fake.oat UninstantiatedTypeParameterizedTestSuite< test Failed screen (%s ms total) %s. Attribute <testcase RUN Death test child process reported Expected: external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest-port.cc [ FATAL ] pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, nullptr) pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_) [0;3%sm Failure event=TestProgramStart Death tests use fork(), which is unsafe particularly in a threaded context. For this test, SLOW %s. %s:%d] Disabling SIGQUIT handler failed: %s gtest_random_seed , but has called at least 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4] (*exidx_->regs())[10] 0x2aU 4 unwind pop {r7, r9, r12} "4 unwind cfa = r3\n" "4 unwind pop {r4-r11, r14}\n" 0x310800U 4 unwind Unsupported DX register display 4 unwind Unsupported wCGR register display 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4 4 unwind r15 = [cfa + 4] vsp_large_incr pop_mmx_wr10 0xa8 0x90 second_read_offset_is_negative 0x11 0x14 0U kMaxAllowedLeakBytes this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x106) 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_expression register(2051) 168 4 unwind DW_CFA_AARCH64_negate_ra_state this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2002, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5007, &loc_regs) this->fde_.pc_start + 0x10 this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa05, &loc_regs) GetCieFromOffset32_augment 0x4a00U fde->cie->augmentation_string.size() cie->cfa_instructions_end 0x550U static_cast<uint64_t>(value) 0xfffffffffbfde1bfULL dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint32_t>(0x50, &value) ReadEncodedValue_leb128_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_leb128_uint64_t 0x8224U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x09, &value) op_shr static_cast<TypeParam>(-248) 0x1ffffffeU offset + 0x2010 ) .WillOnce() cannot appear after .WillRepeatedly() or .RetiresOnSaturation(). Eval_bad_regs "4 unwind DW_CFA_nop\n" "4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00\n" "4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2)\n" "4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2\n" elf1->valid() elf2->valid() FindEntry_no_valid_memory 0x1010U entries[3] elf_arm.total_entries() soname_size_32 get_load_bias_exec_positive_64 0x1acU *interface elf.GetGlobalVariableOffset(global, &offset) jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x26ff) android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) all_new_maps android::base::WriteStringToFile("1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) /fake/lib2.so memory->ReadFully(buffer.size(), buffer.data(), 1) valid_rosegment_zero_offset map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_) (9223372036854775807LL) info.offset "/dev/" /fake/name/is/long/on/purpose memory_->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 101) std::vector<uint8_t>(kMaxCachedSize, 0xff) memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize + 15) Should have failed at value local.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 100) page_size memory.Read32(0, &data) kLongString memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 257) r15 x86.pc() clone_values[i] 0xee75bbdbU 0xffeb6b60U unwinder.frames()[36].pc 0xf6d6548cU unwinder.frames()[68].pc 0xff85d698U 0xff85de90U 0xff85e6c8U bad_eh_frame_hdr_arm64/ 0xcd4ff510U 0xe4a79affU offset_arm/ 0x7e7eecc6f4ULL 0xeb518f66ULL 0xffe678b0ULL 0x44000U /fake/fake.apk libunwind.so dex_pc_not_in_map_valid_dex_files #01 pc 00001000 <anonymous:3000> set_dex_files_error FAKE TestlibLevel2 To suppress this error for this test suite, insert the following line (in a non-header) in the namespace it is defined in: GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST( Expected: and Note: This is test shard %d of %s. type_param result < -- /data/local/tmp/ sigaction( SIGPROF, &ignore_sigprof_action, &saved_sigprof_action) " --force_isolate /exe In isolation mode, you can send SIGQUIT to the parent process to show the current running tests, or send SIGINT to the parent process to stop all running tests. COLORTERM GTEST_FILTER expected failure gtest_also_run_disabled_tests %s:%d] Setting up SIGQUIT handler failed: %s called between y = 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 2048 4 unwind pop {d31-d46} ARM_STATUS_TRUNCATED external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h data_->empty() data_->size() 0x04 0x07 tf.fd != -1 cfa_val_offset cfa_val_offset_sf 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12 0x67 0x45 0x23 0x81 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc4 16909060 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x04 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x1022304 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa05) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1a00, 0x1a03, &loc_regs) static_cast<uint64_t>(-16) fdes[3]->cie != nullptr 0x5224U fde->cie->cfa_instructions_offset 0x610cU this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x7000) == nullptr 0x4300U fde_offset ReadEncodedValue_high_bit_set_uint32_t 0x1230U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x01, &value) op_shl this->op_->LastErrorCode() this->mem_->cur_offset() 0x56677889ULL 0x1d 0x24 static_cast<TypeParam>(-2) offset - 4 this->op_->Eval(2, 4) 0x96 Function call: are not satisfied: WillOnce() this->section_->GetFdeFromOffset(0x4000) == nullptr regs.GetPseudoRegister(11, &pseudo_value) elf100_1->arch() info100_2.elf_offset elf200_2 0x1004U load_bias init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_negative_64 elf->Init(&load_bias) GetGlobalVariable get_elf_32 elf2 != nullptr get_elf_multiple_entries android::base::WriteStringToFile(GetDefaultMapString(), tf.path) map_info->end "/fake/lib3.so" /only/in/memory.so expected_build_id lseek(fd, offset, 0) elf->memory()->ReadFully(buffer.size(), buffer.data(), 1) r_info.GetElf(process_memory_, ARCH_ARM) elf_exists_in_memory_cached 0xcU 00-00 rw 00-00 ---s info->flags & 0x8000 "/dev/ashmem/does_not_exist" memory_->GetPtr(255) != nullptr memory_cache_->ReadFully(0x9ff0, buffer.data(), 32) memory_.ReadFully(0, read_buffer.data(), pagesize * 2) 4 memory_.ReadFully(0, read_buffer.data(), pagesize) Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 0, 100) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryOfflineTest.cpp 0x37U munmap(src, pagesize) single_uint64_t r19 r23 r28 GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) unwinder.NumFrames() 0xe9c866f8U unwinder.frames()[1].sp unwinder.frames()[4].sp unwinder.frames()[5].sp 0xec6061a8U unwinder.frames()[26].pc unwinder.frames()[41].pc 0xffeb7240U unwinder.frames()[60].pc 0xff85dc10U unwinder.frames()[70].pc unwinder.frames()[75].sp 0x561550b17dd9U " #00 pc 00000000 jit_map0.so " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000)\n" " #01 pc 0000003d jit_map1.so " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60)\n" " #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42)\n" " #03 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868)\n" " #04 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22)\n" " #05 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24)\n" 0xffcc1458U 0xffcc1490U 0xf1a75633U #00 pc 00000000000814bc libc.so (syscall+28) #01 pc 00000000008cdf5c test.apk (offset 0x5000) #02 pc 00000000008cde9c test.apk (offset 0x5000) #03 pc 00000000008cdd70 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #04 pc 00000000008ce408 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #05 pc 00000000008ce8d8 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #06 pc 00000000008ce814 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #07 pc 00000000008bcf60 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #08 pc 0000000000133024 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #09 pc 0000000000134ad0 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #10 pc 0000000000134b64 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #11 pc 00000000000e406c libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36) #12 pc 0000000000085e18 libc.so (__start_thread+64) invalid_elf_offset_arm/ 0x7ffd224153d0ULL 0x7ffd22415440ULL 0x7ffd22415cc0ULL 0x7112bdbbf0ULL 0x7fdd4a4040ULL 0xfffe1a40ULL 0xf2790d10ULL 0xb6980b25ULL frame->map_end "/system/fake/libunwind.so" unwinder64.FormatFrame(frame) " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function)" #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so build_frame_pc_valid_elf Arm X86_64 install_failure_signal_handler the test body . , where %s = %s [ OK ] TEST [ PASSED ] JSON output file may not be null MakeConnection() can't be called when there is already a connection. != -1 fcntl(pipe_fd[1], F_SETFD, 0) != -1 () %s = %s Failed to remove premature exit filepath " [ [ DEATH ] gtest_captured_stream.XXXXXX Run up to JOB_COUNT tests in parallel. Use isolation mode, Run each test in a separate process. If JOB_COUNT is not given, it is set to the count of available processors. %s [ FAILED ] gtest_list_tests requires a number greater than zero. called Name() must not be called before SetOwnerAndName() has been called. leaked mock "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 8\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4\n" (*exidx_->regs())[9] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 12 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind vsp = r14 "4 unwind pop {r4-r11}\n" 4 unwind pop {r4, r14} 0x5U (*exidx_->regs())[0] 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 3147776 "4 unwind pop {d8}\n" 4 unwind pop {d8} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind finish ArmExidxDecodeTest : 0xb0 data_->at(22) "4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x22 0x33 0xb0\n" cfa_advance_loc4 cfa_illegal, cfa_nop, cfa_offset, cfa_offset_extended, cfa_offset_extended_sf, cfa_restore, cfa_restore_extended, cfa_set_loc, cfa_advance_loc1, cfa_advance_loc2, cfa_advance_loc4, cfa_undefined, cfa_same, cfa_register, cfa_state, cfa_state_cfa_offset_restore, cfa_def_cfa, cfa_def_cfa_sf, cfa_def_cfa_register, cfa_def_cfa_offset, cfa_def_cfa_offset_sf, cfa_def_cfa_expression, cfa_expression, cfa_val_offset, cfa_val_offset_sf, cfa_val_expression, cfa_gnu_args_size, cfa_gnu_negative_offset_extended, cfa_register_override, cfa_aarch64_negate_ra_state this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x103, &loc_regs) 0x103U GetFdes64_not_in_section GetCieFromOffset64_version1 fdes[0]->pc_end 0x2500U fde == nullptr 0x5124U Init_non_zero_load_bias_different_from_eh_frame_bias this->eh_frame_->TestGetTableEntrySize() static_cast<int32_t>(-1000000000) 0x9234U 0xffffffffe0000000ULL multiple_ops Raw Data: 0x0a 0x20 0x10 op_drop 0x94 0x5080c101U 0x02U DwarfSectionTest GetFdeFromPc(0x1000) section_->Step(0x1000, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Google Mock tried the following Actions ran out in is anything .WillRepeatedly() cannot appear after .RetiresOnSaturation(). Eval_reg_val_expr 0x4000U elf100_2->arch() elf300_1->valid() elf300_1->arch() entries[2] soname_after_dt_null_32 init_headers_eh_frame_32 eh_frame_positive_section_bias_32 elf->IsValidPc(0x11fff) 0xb000U static_cast<uint32_t>(3) elf_mips64 elf.interface()->gnu_debugdata_offset() is_valid_pc_interface __jit_debug_descriptor map_info->flags map_info->name "/fake/lib1.so" 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so 4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so 8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib2.so a000-b000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib3.so android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so\n" "4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n" "7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so\n" "8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n" "9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib2.so\n" "a000-b000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib3.so\n", tf.path) i % 256 write(fd, note_section, sizeof(note_section)) elf->gnu_debugdata_interface() != nullptr elf->memory() != nullptr 2UL string_map 00-00 rwxp 00 00:00 7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0 7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so 7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 5000U MemoryBufferTest Read abcdefghij 012345678901234abcdefgh init_offset_pagesize_aligned read_error map_overflow android::base::WriteStringToFd("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz", tf_->fd) Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 555, 40) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. range.ReadFully(1024, dst.data(), 1) munmap(mapping, page_size) read_choose_correctly munmap(mapping, 2 * page_size) read_string_long x0 x17 regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x4100, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) Failed reading register regs64.pc() 0xa123456780a0b0c0UL GetPcAdjustment(0x10, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) arm_verify_sp_pc clone->total_regs() ®ister_values[i] symbols_end_at_200.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) 0xf2da1441U " #00 pc 0006dc49 libandroid_runtime.so " "(android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+80)\n" " #01 pc 0006dce5 libandroid_runtime.so " "(android::AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc(int (*)(void*), void*, char const*, int, " "unsigned int, void**))\n" #00 pc 00068fb8 libarttestd.so (art::CauseSegfault()+72) #01 pc 00067f00 libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+10032) #02 pc 000021a8 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, boolean)+136) #03 pc 0000fe80 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+64) #04 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #05 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #06 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #07 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #08 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #09 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #10 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #11 pc 0000fe03 anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+51) #12 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #13 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #14 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #15 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #16 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #17 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #18 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #19 pc 0000fd3b anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)+107) #20 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #21 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #22 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #23 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #24 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #25 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #26 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #27 pc 0000fbdb anonymous:ee74c000 (int java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, java.util.Comparator)+331) #28 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) #29 pc 00146acb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+907) #30 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #31 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #32 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #33 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #34 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #35 pc 0000f624 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.foo()+164) #36 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #37 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #38 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #39 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #40 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #41 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #42 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #43 pc 0000eedb anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.runPrimary()+59) #44 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #45 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #46 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #47 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #48 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #49 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #50 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #51 pc 0000ac21 anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+97) #52 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) #53 pc 00146acb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+907) #54 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #55 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #56 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #57 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #58 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #59 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) #60 pc 00146acb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+907) #61 pc 005aac95 libartd.so (art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+85) #62 pc 005aab5a libartd.so (art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, char*)+362) #63 pc 0048a3dd libartd.so (art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+125) #64 pc 0018448c libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*, art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1964) #65 pc 0017cf06 libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+70) #66 pc 00001d8c dalvikvm32 (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+60) #67 pc 00001a80 dalvikvm32 (main+1312) #68 pc 00018275 libc.so unwinder.frames()[9].pc unwinder.frames()[36].sp unwinder.frames()[38].sp 0xe27a7b77U 0xff85def8U 0xff85df90U 0xff85e268U 0x7ffcc85971a0U 0xcd4ff960U debug_frame_load_bias_arm 0xf1a75535U " #00 pc 00000000000814bc libc.so (syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 00000000008cdf5c test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #02 pc 00000000008cde9c test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #03 pc 00000000008cdd70 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #04 pc 00000000008ce408 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #05 pc 00000000008ce8d8 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #06 pc 00000000008ce814 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #07 pc 00000000008bcf60 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #08 pc 0000000000133024 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #09 pc 0000000000134ad0 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #10 pc 0000000000134b64 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #11 pc 00000000000e406c libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36)\n" " #12 pc 0000000000085e18 libc.so (__start_thread+64)\n" 0x7be67168d8ULL 0x7be6716814ULL 0x7ffd22415d90ULL Expected: Init("load_bias_different_section_bias_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7112be28c0ULL 0xfffe1a60ULL 0xb6958711ULL chdir(dir_.c_str()) maps->Parse() multiple_threads_unwind_same_map Frame2 0x13000U ERROR_REPEATED_FRAME " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) (BuildId: 46414b45)" lib_fake.so __libc_init system/core/libunwindstack/tests/LocalUnwinderTest.cpp dlclose(handle) but this can only generate numbers in [0, you defined test and test TearDown() TearDownTestSuite() YOU HAVE %d DISABLED %s file /> Condition sockfd_ == -1 failed. , line close(pipe_fd[0]) @@ Error while reading death test internal: \v --slow_threshold_ms= <failure message="%s" type=""> Note: This is test shard %lld of %lld only supports an xml output file. requires a file name after xml: GMOCK WARNING: Expected: to be The invocation upper bound must be >= 0, exidx_->status() 0x20U 0x10400U 4 unwind pop {d17-d21} 4 unwind pop {d8-d10} reserved_prefix ) 0xa1 "4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01\n" "4 unwind [cantunwind]\n" Expected: CheckForLeak(i, &first_allocated_bytes, &last_allocated_bytes) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. create_using_file *last_allocated_bytes - *first_allocated_bytes cfa_aarch64_negate_ra_state Condition it != registered_tests_.end() failed. this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2002) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3003) 4 unwind 4 unwind DW_CFA_same_value register(127) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x08 0x7f 4 unwind DW_CFA_remember_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0a 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 64 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0e 0x40 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0b 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5004) 0x2001U location 1056U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3003, &loc_regs) this->fde_.pc_start + 0x4080c10 0x303U loc_regs[CFA_REG].values[1] 0x118U 0x106U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x284, &loc_regs) GetCieFromOffset64_cie_cached fde != nullptr 0xf000U this->debug_frame_->LastErrorCode() 0x53a6U GetFdeInfoFromIndex_expect_cache_fail Init, Init_non_zero_load_bias, Init_non_zero_load_bias_different_from_eh_frame_bias, GetFdeFromPc_wtih_empty_fde, GetFdes_with_empty_fde, GetFdes, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_expect_cache_fail, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_pcrel, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_datarel, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_cached, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_verify, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_index_fail, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_fail_fde_count, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_search, GetCieFde32, GetCieFde64, GetFdeFromPc_fde_not_found this->eh_frame_->TestGetHdrEntriesDataOffset() 0x4800U 0x7900U this->eh_frame_->GetFdeInfoFromIndex(0) == nullptr DwarfMemoryTest ReadEncodedValue_all_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0d, &value) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfOpTest.cpp op_abs op_reg this->op_->cur_op() 0x15 failed with error Eval_double_indirection Eval_different_reg_locations elf2 entries[1] StepExidx many_phdrs_32 elf->IsValidPc(0) elf->IsValidPc(0x12000) elf->gnu_debugdata_offset() elf->eh_frame_offset() init_load_bias elf_arm saved_maps.size() android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) "/fake/lib.so" memory.get() == nullptr android::base::WriteFully(elf_.fd, buffer.data(), 1024) write(fd, &shdr, sizeof(shdr)) load_bias_values[i] 4UL 0UL info->end info->load_bias.load() parse_name "/fake.so" start + (i + 1) * 4096 Failed on: memory_->Size() memory_->ReadFully(100, buffer.data(), 1) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryCacheTest.cpp memory_cache_->ReadFully(0x8ff0, buffer.data(), 32) expect init_offset_0 memory_.ReadFully(pagesize * 9 - 0x100 + 1, read_buffer.data(), 1) memory_->ReadFully(0xfff, buffer.data(), 2) memory_->Read(kStart + kLength - 100, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) read_boundaries memory->Read(offset, &buf, 1) data.size() read_fully_near_limit remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src), dst.data(), pagesize) Reg r4 x5 x10 r22 arm_step_if_signal_handler_rt regs[X86_64_REG_RIP] GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x102, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) 0xb100000000U symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0xa01a, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) function_0 unwinder.frames()[13].pc unwinder.frames()[15].pc unwinder.frames()[15].sp unwinder.frames()[19].pc 0xffeb69f0U unwinder.frames()[34].pc unwinder.frames()[56].pc 0xffeb7940U jit_debug_arm/ 0xed761129U 0xed73c865U 0xff85d5d0U 0xff85e4c0U 0xed6ac92dU 0xab0d459fU debug_frame_first_x86 jit_map1.so 0xffcc1558U 0x7dabf3dc50ULL 0x7be4f07950ULL invalid_elf_offset_arm 0x7ffd22415c60ULL 0x00000001ULL 0x729f759ce4U frames[i] Failed for thread max_frames Frame /fake/libanother.so 0xc0050U #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function) frame.map_flags 0x100cU unwind_function != nullptr Note: %s filter = %s tests %2d FAILED TEST %s \n % external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest-death-test.cc Result: illegal return in test statement. Result: died but not with expected exit code: test suite event=TestPartResult&file= Condition 1 <= seed && seed <= kMaxRandomSeed failed. Only one Condition begin <= end && end <= size failed. cygwing Unexpected output from test listing. Command: %s Line: %s --gtest_filter= gtest_total_shards %s:%d] Setting up SIGINT handler failed: %s gtest_catch_exceptions gtest_stream_result_to cannot get absolute pathname, getcwd() is failing: dex 038 : t [ p xV4 p 0 " * 2 F Q T X m ~ s p x <init> LMain; Ljava/lang/Object; Main.java V VL [Ljava/lang/String; main p " s ~ r Z| ? .A ? 0C MbP?dex 038 : t [ p xV4 p 0 " * 2 F Q T X m ~ s p x <init> LMain; Ljava/lang/Object; Main.java V VL [Ljava/lang/String; main p " s ~ zLPR " xV4 zLPR " xV4 zLPR " xV4 zLPR " xV4 E #4E E #4E !2 E4# xgVE4# !2 E4# xgVE4# " " t y " " t y " " t " " t | | | | ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) * + , - . ) * + , - . one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eightteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-size forty-seven forty-eight forty-nine fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four fifty-five fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fifty-nine sixty sixty-one sixty-two sixty-three sixty-four sixty-five sixty-six sixty-seven sixty-eight sixty-nine seventy seventy-one seventy-two seventy-three seventy-four seventy-five seventy-six seventy-seven seventy-eight seventy-nine eighty l m m Cn 0C 0E 0C 0E " w :C C C C C B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C JC C C C C C C C C C C C C JC ^Z Z Z Z Z Z Z xZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ] )] )] )] )] )] )] D] ] e] p] ] O] Z] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] ] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] {] < < < < < < c & 1 n y < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Stack trace: fail_fast also_run_disabled_tests break_on_failure catch_exceptions color filter output brief print_time print_utf8 random_seed repeat shuffle stack_trace_depth stream_result_to throw_on_failure flagfile * GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS GTEST_SHARD_INDEX TypeParam *DeathTest:*DeathTest/* GTEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE DISABLED_*:*/DISABLED_* GetParam() death_test_style death_test_use_fork internal_run_death_test fast ./ unknown file N7testing8internal18OsStackTraceGetterE N7testing8internal27OsStackTraceGetterInterfaceE N7testing31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceE N7testing8internal35DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporterE N7testing8internal38DefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporterE N7testing4TestE N7testing9TestSuiteE N7testing8internal27PrettyUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing17TestEventListenerE N7testing8internal26BriefUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing8internal17TestEventRepeaterE N7testing8internal24XmlUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing22EmptyTestEventListenerE N7testing8internal25JsonUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing8UnitTestE N7testing8internal23DefaultDeathTestFactoryE N7testing8internal16DeathTestFactoryE N7testing8internal12UnitTestImplE N7testing8internal13DeathTestImplE N7testing8internal9DeathTestE N7testing8internal16ForkingDeathTestE N7testing8internal15NoExecDeathTestE N7testing8internal13ExecDeathTestE N7testing8internal24HasNewFatalFailureHelperE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalINSt3__16vectorINS0_9TraceInfoENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEEE11ValueHolderE N7testing8internal26ThreadLocalValueHolderBaseE N7testing8internal17StreamingListenerE N7testing8internal17StreamingListener12SocketWriterE N7testing8internal17StreamingListener20AbstractSocketWriterE NSt3__119basic_ostringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE ZN7testing12RegisterTestIJEZNS_8internal23InsertSyntheticTestCaseERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEENS1_12CodeLocationEbE3$_0EEPNS_8TestInfoEPKcSG_SG_SG_SG_iT0_E11FactoryImpl N7testing8internal15TestFactoryBaseE N7testing8internal12_GLOBAL__N_111FailureTestE ZN7testing12RegisterTestIJEZNS_8internal34TypeParameterizedTestSuiteRegistry22CheckForInstantiationsEvE3$_1EEPNS_8TestInfoEPKcS7_S7_S7_S7_iT0_E11FactoryImpl N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceEE11ValueHolderE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceEE26InstanceValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceEE18ValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalINSt3__16vectorINS0_9TraceInfoENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEEE25DefaultValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalINSt3__16vectorINS0_9TraceInfoENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEEE18ValueHolderFactoryE This program contains tests written using Google Test. You can use the following command line flags to control its behavior: Test Selection: @G--gtest_list_tests@D List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name of TEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar". @G--gtest_filter=@YPOSTIVE_PATTERNS[@G-@YNEGATIVE_PATTERNS]@D Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns but none of the negative patterns. '?' matches any single character; '*' matches any substring; ':' separates two patterns. @G--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests@D Run all disabled tests too. Test Execution: @G--gtest_repeat=@Y[COUNT]@D Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever. @G--gtest_shuffle@D Randomize tests' orders on every iteration. @G--gtest_random_seed=@Y[NUMBER]@D Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and 99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time). Test Output: @G--gtest_color=@Y(@Gyes@Y|@Gno@Y|@Gauto@Y)@D Enable/disable colored output. The default is @Gauto@D. @G--gtest_brief=1@D Only print test failures. @G--gtest_print_time=0@D Don't print the elapsed time of each test. @G--gtest_output=@Y(@Gjson@Y|@Gxml@Y)[@G:@YDIRECTORY_PATH@G/@Y|@G:@YFILE_PATH]@D Generate a JSON or XML report in the given directory or with the given file name. @YFILE_PATH@D defaults to @Gtest_detail.xml@D. @G--gtest_stream_result_to=@YHOST@G:@YPORT@D Stream test results to the given server. Assertion Behavior: @G--gtest_death_test_style=@Y(@Gfast@Y|@Gthreadsafe@Y)@D Set the default death test style. @G--gtest_break_on_failure@D Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points. @G--gtest_throw_on_failure@D Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions for use by an external test framework. @G--gtest_catch_exceptions=0@D Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them to crash the program or throw a pop-up (on Windows). Except for @G--gtest_list_tests@D, you can alternatively set the corresponding environment variable of a flag (all letters in upper-case). For example, to disable colored text output, you can either specify @G--gtest_color=no@D or set the @GGTEST_COLOR@D environment variable to @Gno@D. For more information, please read the Google Test documentation at @Ghttps://github.com/google/googletest/@D. If you find a bug in Google Test (not one in your own code or tests), please report it to @G<googletestframework@@googlegroups.com>@D. list_tests N7testing8internal14ComparisonBaseINS0_9EqMatcherINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEEES9_NS0_5AnyEqEE4ImplIRKS9_S9_EE N7testing16MatcherInterfaceIRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEEE N7testing25MatcherDescriberInterfaceE NSt3__114basic_ifstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE NSt3__113basic_filebufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE g* P, i, i, P, P, * P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, i, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, * + > oA oA oA oA +> +> > ? +> K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 2M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N dM N N N M N N N N N N N N N N N N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N eN O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O MO O O )O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ;O O O O oP x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y x x x x cy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy cy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy cy vy vy vy vy y y vy vy vy z vy vy vy vy vy vy vy y vy vy vy z vy %z vy z X x x x X X X X x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X # : h h h h d & - 6 ? DISABLED_ B d ' @B ; T vH rN @z Z ~ o # ]xEc d # d ' @B ; info error N7testing8internal15ExpectationBaseE N7testing8internal25UntypedFunctionMockerBaseE N7testing12_GLOBAL__N_122BetweenCardinalityImplE N7testing20CardinalityInterfaceE NSt3__120__shared_ptr_pointerIPKN7testing20CardinalityInterfaceENS_14default_deleteIS3_EENS_9allocatorIS3_EEEE NSt3__114default_deleteIKN7testing20CardinalityInterfaceEEE N7testing8internal25GoogleTestFailureReporterE N7testing8internal24FailureReporterInterfaceE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_8SequenceEE25DefaultValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_8SequenceEE18ValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_8SequenceEE11ValueHolderE
g . vI G! @ E_ @ K= 0 R= P p gI
.preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .text .got .note.android.ident .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .dynstr .eh_frame_hdr .gnu.version_r .interp .data.rel.ro .relr.dyn .rel.dyn .gnu.version .dynsym .gnu.hash .eh_frame .note.gnu.build-id .dynamic .shstrtab .rodata .gnu_debugdata .data
"4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 8 0xff00U "4 unwind pop {r4-r7, r14}\n" 0x43U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 3147776\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16]\n" pop_mmx_wcgr external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-param-util.h ArmExidxExtractTest 0x60 0x08 sizeof(kDexData) - 1 method /system/lib/libart.so 0x123U maps_->Parse() cfa_register 4 unwind DW_CFA_nop 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 0x81234578 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x10 0xff 0x01 0x82 0x01 static_cast<uint64_t>(-8) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4000, 0x4002, &loc_regs) 0x205U 0x274U 0x72U 20U 0x203U 60U GetCieFromOffset32_version1 GetCieFromOffset64_version5 0x820cU fde_encoding cie->augmentation_string[2] 0x100U GetFdeCieFromOffset64 0x6808U this->eh_frame_->EhFrameInit(0x1300, 0x300, 0) 0xe000000000000000ULL op_deref op_skip op_regx this->op_->Eval(0, 4) 0xabU 2147483647U 0xa80U .WillRepeatedly() cannot appear more than once in an EXPECT_CALL(). Eval_pseudo_register_invalid FindEntry_start_zero 0x8000U FindEntry_last_check_multiple_entries 0x8010U many_phdrs_64 init_headers_debug_frame_32 init_section_headers_malformed_64 eh_frame_positive_section_bias_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x1000) get_load_bias_exec_negative_64 load_data.offset "fake_soname.so" elf.debug_frame() == nullptr elf_arm64 gnu_debugdata_init32 is_valid_pc_elf_invalid is too big, increase buffer size. android::base::WriteFully(elf_at_1000_.fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) multiple_thread_elf_exists system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest.cpp 0xaU 00-00 rwxp 00 00:00 0/fake a000-e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/ f000-f100 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/does_not_exist f100-f200 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/ashmem/does_not_exist f200-f300 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /devsomething/does_not_exist 0x7b2f0000U Failed at map std::vector<uint8_t>(kMaxCachedSize, 0x50) 3 dst[i] < in_memory x18 r21 r30 ra regs[X86_REG_EIP] 0x040U no_symbol symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "global_0", &offset) unwinder.frames()[14].sp 0xffeb69b0U unwinder.frames()[32].pc unwinder.frames()[35].sp 0xffeb7680U unwinder.frames()[62].sp 0xff85dfd0U 0xff85e1e0U 0xff85edc0U 0xf744a275U eh_frame_hdr_begin_x86_64/ " #00 pc 0000000000000a80 unwind_test64 (calling3)\n" " #01 pc 0000000000000dd9 unwind_test64 (calling2+633)\n" " #02 pc 000000000000121e unwind_test64 (calling1+638)\n" " #03 pc 00000000000013ed unwind_test64 (main+13)\n" " #04 pc 00000000000202b0 libc.so\n" 0x561550b1821eU Expected: Init("art_quick_osr_stub_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xcd4ff298U 0xe49e71ddU 0x2e562d9U #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28) #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128) #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn) #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172) #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36) #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk!libfeature_support_angle.so (offset 0x4000) (ANGLEGetUtilityAPI+56) #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init) 0x7dabf3db60ULL 0x7112cb99bcULL Expected: Init("signal_load_bias_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. " #00 pc 0029ef9e libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalInnerFunction+10)\n" " #01 pc 0029efa7 libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2)\n" " #02 pc 0029efaf libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalOuterFunction+2)\n" " #03 pc 002a280b libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, " "siginfo*, void*)+10)\n" " #04 pc 00058bd4 libc.so (__restore)\n" " #05 pc 0029f01e libunwindstack_unit_test (InnerFunction+106)\n" " #06 pc 0029f633 libunwindstack_unit_test (MiddleFunction+16)\n" " #07 pc 0029f64b libunwindstack_unit_test (OuterFunction+16)\n" " #08 pc 002a1711 libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned " "int)+260)\n" " #09 pc 002a1603 libunwindstack_unit_test " "(unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+10)\n" " #10 pc 002c8fe3 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::Test::Run()+130)\n" " #11 pc 002c9b25 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+184)\n" " #12 pc 002c9e27 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+202)\n" " #13 pc 002d193d libunwindstack_unit_test " "(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+660)\n" " #14 pc 002d160b libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+134)\n" " #15 pc 002de035 libunwindstack_unit_test (IsolateMain+680)\n" " #16 pc 00058155 libc.so (__libc_init+68)\n" 0xb6955fa7ULL 0xf23febd4ULL 0x72a01dd44cU SignalMiddleFunction remote_check_for_leaks sigaction(signal, &act, &oldact) 0x8500U 0x24000U sp_in_device_stops_unwind 0xa3400U 0xc1000U #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function) "FakeJitFunction" +%lld is defined via REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P, but never instantiated via INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P. None of the test cases will run. Ideally, TYPED_TEST_P definitions should only ever be included as part of binaries that intend to use them. (As opposed to, for example, being placed in a library that may be linked in to get other utilities.) To suppress this error for this test suite, insert the following line (in a non-header) in the namespace it is definedin in: GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST( probably rename one of the classes to put the tests into different SetUpTestSuite() Google Test SUITE value_param status SKIPPED ", Environment variable Condition typeid(*base) == typeid(Derived) failed. time="%.3lf"> from actions specified in MockObject() must not be called before RegisterOwner() or SetOwnerAndName() has been called. The invocation lower bound must be >= 0, "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x23U (*exidx_->regs())[12] 0x71U 0x12U 0x2U "4 unwind Spare\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 2048\n" 0x1004cU 4 unwind pop {wR2-wR7} "4 unwind Unsupported wCGR register display\n" from different generators. vs data_->at(3) 0x5004U 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xa8 0xb0 0xb0 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x22 0x33 0xb0 DexFileFromFile::Create(0, "/file/does/not/exist") == nullptr DexFileFromFile::Create(0, tf.path) == nullptr lseek(tf.fd, 0x500, 0) map_info != nullptr 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended register(129) 2306 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 0x81 0x01 0x82 0x12 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5007) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa02) 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended register(257) 255 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2f 0x81 0x02 0xff 0x01 0x128U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x287, &loc_regs) GetFdeFromPc_overlap 0x1500U return_address 0x800U value 0xffffffffffffe100ULL dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0xc3, &value) compare_opcode_stack_error expected[i + 3] The current thread is not holding the mutex @ returning default value. tried expectation # ... elf100_2->valid() elf200_1->valid() FindEntry_last_check_single_entry 0xa020U init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_zero_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_negative_64 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_positive_32 elf->gnu_build_id_offset() elf_invalid static_cast<uint32_t>(62) GetGlobalVariable(global, ::testing::_) get_global_vaddr_with_tagged_pointer 0x880000000000a080U static_cast<size_t>(bytes) jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2300) only_add_maps memory->ReadFully(0, e_ident, SELFMAG) memory->ReadFully(0x1000, e_ident, 1) 0xab get_function_name 1000UL 00-00 ---p 0 0:0 Failed verifying overlap1 name .so no_cache_read expected_str.c_str() memory_.Init(tf_->path, 2 * pagesize + 10) memory_.ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 100, buffer.data(), 200) read 0xFF range.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), dst.size()) overflow->ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 10, buffer.data(), 100) mprotect(mapping + getpagesize(), getpagesize(), 0x0) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src) + pagesize - 1, dst.data(), 1) memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 300) 0x460U regs[X86_REG_ESP] regs[X86_REG_EDX] GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) GetPcAdjustment(0x104, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) mips64_verify_sp_pc unwinder.frames()[2].pc " #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64) (BuildId: 2dd0d4ba881322a0edabeed94808048c)\n" " #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6) (BuildId: " "ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd)\n" " #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748) (BuildId: " "ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd)\n" " #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so\n" 0xf6f73552U 0xee75be03U unwinder.frames()[18].pc unwinder.frames()[22].pc 0xffeb6dd0U unwinder.frames()[39].pc unwinder.frames()[65].sp 0xff85d290U 0xe27a6aa7U 0xff85eb08U 0xff85ec90U unwinder.frames()[71].pc 0x7fdd1419c0U 0x565986d7U 0x565986f7U 25U 0xcd8365b0U 19U 0x8d1cc21U 0xffd4a6e8U shared_lib_in_apk_arm64/ 0x7cbe0b5e18ULL #00 pc 00aa7508 invalid.apk (offset 0x12e4000) 0xc898f508 0x7ffd224153c8ULL 0x7ffd22415a10ULL 0x7fdd4a4070ULL Expected: Init("eh_frame_bias_x86/", ARCH_X86) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xb6980e27ULL ptrace(17, pid, 0, 0) tgkill(getpid(), tid.load(), 10) UnwinderTest 0x1100U /fake/fake_load_bias.so "/fake/fake.apk" no_frames_after_finished /fake/compressed.so /fake/unreadable.so " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so" " #01 pc 00001000 <anonymous:3000>" 0x60eU is instantiated via INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P, but no tests are defined via TEST_P . No test cases will run. Ideally, INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P should only ever be invoked from code that always depend on code that provides TEST_P. Failing to do so is often an indication of dead code, e.g. the last TEST_P was removed but the rest got left behind. Repeating all tests (iteration %d) . . . [ SKIPPED ] %s.%s %s from %s ran. </skipped> "failure": " WARNING: unrecognized output format " posix::Write(write_fd(), &status_ch, 1) waitpid(child_pid_, &status_value, 0) Unknown death test style " Unknown result type event=TestEnd&passed= --help Global test environment tear-down system/testing/gtest_extras/Isolate.cpp %s:%d] Unexpected failure from fcntl: %s [ PASSED ] env[%s] %s value is not formatted as a numeric value ( Actual function call count doesn't match (used in test 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4 "4 unwind cfa = r14\n" 0x91U 0xa1U n = 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r2 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1028\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 1028]\n" 0x10404U vsp_incr pop_registers_under_mask eval_pc_set / exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x5000) 0x01 DexFileFromFile::Create(0, tf.path) != nullptr dex_file == nullptr get_method cfa_state this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x503) 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc2 772 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x03 0x04 0x03 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x2304 4 unwind DW_CFA_remember_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0a 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0f 0x81 0x01 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x16 0x83 0x10 0xa8 0x01 0x554U location->second.values[1] 0x15a0U GetCieFde32 GetCieFromOffset64_version4 GetFdeFromOffset64_lsda_address cie->personality_handler 0x5504U 0x200U 16U 0x6818U this->eh_frame_->LastErrorCode() this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(pc + 1, &fde_offset) GetEncodedSize_data2 ReadEncodedValue_data1_uint32_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x30, &value) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0e, &value) op_rot this->op_->StackAt(3) offset - 3 op - 0x30U The call matches the expectation. returning directly. pthread_setspecific(key_, holder_base) Eval_cfa_register_from_value this->section_->Eval(&cie, &this->memory_, loc_regs, ®s, &finished) 0x55U info200_1.elf_offset elf200_1 FindEntry_multiple_entries_odd iterate ERROR_NONE init_headers_eh_frame_64 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_negative_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x10000) elf->IsValidPc(0x2900) function_one elf.interface() == nullptr elf32_invalid_machine step_in_signal_map_non_zero_load_bias get_global_invalid_elf 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so 4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so 8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 map_info.name 7ffff7dda000-7ffff7dfd7ffff7ff3000-7ffff7ff4000 ---p 0000f000 fc:02 44171565 0xfabcdef8UL "/dev/does_not_exist" "/system/lib/fake5.so" system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryBufferTest.cpp 128 + i system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryOfflineBufferTest.cpp Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 0, 10) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. read_past_end 2000UL memory.ReadString(107, &dst_name, 10) info.IsSaved(1) ebx r26 GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x6, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x105, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) function_three symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5004, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) "function_1" #00 pc 0006dc49 libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+80) #01 pc 0006dce5 libandroid_runtime.so (android::AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc(int (*)(void*), void*, char const*, int, unsigned int, void**)) unwinder.frames()[33].sp 0xffeb71f0U unwinder.frames()[54].sp 0xed75c175U 0xed3b97a9U 0xff85d4b0U 0xff85d970U 0xff85e990U 0xff85e9c8U unwinder.frames()[72].pc " #00 pc 0000000000000550 waiter64\n" " #01 pc 0000000000000568 waiter64\n" " #02 pc 000000000000057c waiter64\n" " #03 pc 0000000000000590 waiter64\n" " #04 pc 00000000000a8e98 libc.so (__libc_init+88)\n" #00 pc 00000685 waiter (call_level3+53) #01 pc 000006b7 waiter (call_level2+23) #02 pc 000006d7 waiter (call_level1+23) #03 pc 000006f7 waiter (main+23) #04 pc 00018275 libc.so 0xd025c788U 0xcd4ff4c0U 0xffcc1060U 0x2e83f4fU 0xffd4a650U Expected: Init("shared_lib_in_apk_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7be5f7cad0ULL 0x7cbe11406cULL 0x7ffd22415b70ULL 0x7fdd4a3ff0ULL 0x7fdd4a4130ULL 0xffe67ad8ULL 0xffe67b18ULL 0xf23fe155ULL maps.txt stack chdir(cwd_) frame->map_exact_offset 0xa7500U speculative_frame_removed 0x33500U #01 pc 0000000000001000 <unknown> __libc_init is not last frame. Expected: VerifyReturnAddress(frame) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest.cc . the two classes are from different namespaces or translation TERM >. TEST_PREMATURE_EXIT_FILE gtest_streaming_protocol_version=1.0 [JOB_COUNT] system/testing/gtest_extras/Test.cpp re %s <testcase name="%s" status="run" time="%.3lf" classname="%s" </testsuites> called any number of times 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 8 "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 256\n" 4 unwind cfa = r0 1U 0x40U 0x5aU "4 unwind cfa = r13\n" x, y = "4 unwind pop {wR10-wR15}\n" "4 unwind pop {d31-d46}\n" 4 unwind pop {d15-d30} data_->at(2) 0x05 lseek(tf.fd, 0, 0) DexFile::Create(start, &memory, &info) == nullptr cfa_def_cfa_register this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x203) loc_regs.size() DWARF_LOCATION_UNDEFINED loc_regs.find(7) static_cast<TypeParam>(-80) 0xaadU GetFdeFromPc32_not_in_section 0x5200U fdes[2]->pc_start fdes[2]->lsda_address fdes[2]->cie != nullptr fdes[3]->cfa_instructions_end 0x5524U 0x9100U 0xf00dU fde->cie->cfa_instructions_end 0x8024U 'L' system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfEhFrameWithHdrTest.cpp this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(pc, &fde_offset) dwarf_mem_->ReadULEB128(&value) 0xfffffffffffff209ULL GetEncodedSize_data8 dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x14, &value) DW_OP_const1u 3 not_implemented decode, eval, illegal_opcode, not_implemented, op_addr, op_deref, op_deref_size, const_unsigned, const_signed, const_uleb, const_sleb, op_dup, op_drop, op_over, op_pick, op_swap, op_rot, op_abs, op_and, op_div, op_minus, op_mod, op_mul, op_neg, op_not, op_or, op_plus, op_plus_uconst, op_shl, op_shr, op_shra, op_xor, op_bra, compare_opcode_stack_error, compare_opcodes, op_skip, op_lit, op_reg, op_regx, op_breg, op_breg_invalid_register, op_bregx, op_nop, is_dex_pc 0xbaa99887UL Op: 0x Mock function called more times than expected - GetFdeFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache Eval_ignore_large_reg_loc Eval_reg_expr 0x2200U elf100_1->valid() elf300_2->arch() interface.StepExidx(0x7000, nullptr, nullptr, &finished) eh_frame_negative_section_bias_32 "function_one" something jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1500) == nullptr maps_.TestGetSavedMaps().size() android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so\n" "4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n" "7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so\n" "8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) map_info->prev_real_map maps_.Get(4) maps_.Parse() /only/in/memory.apk 0x1000 info.GetBuildID() map_info_->GetBuildID() "\xFA\xAB\x12\x2" static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(".note.gnu.build-id")) write(fd, ".note.gnu.build-id", sizeof(".note.gnu.build-id")) map_info.elf_offset maps.end() read_for_cache_fail_cross memory_.Init(tf_->path, 0) local.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src.data()), dst.data(), 1024) memcmp(src.data(), dst.data(), 1024) memory_->ReadFully(0x12000, buffer.data(), 100) memory->Read(offset, buf.data(), buf.size()) 100UL MemoryRemoteTest munmap(mapping + 3 * getpagesize(), getpagesize()) ®s[1] r2 r11 edx esi 0x70U GetPcAdjustment(0x8, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "global_1", &offset) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/TestUtils.cpp #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64) (BuildId: 2dd0d4ba881322a0edabeed94808048c) #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6) (BuildId: ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd) #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748) (BuildId: ed43842c239cac1a618e600ea91c4cbd) #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so unwinder.frames()[8].sp unwinder.frames()[23].sp 0xffeb6960U unwinder.frames()[39].sp unwinder.frames()[44].sp 0xffeb7c50U 0xf7363275U 0xff85d2e8U 0xed528935U 0xff85de08U 0xff85e718U 0xcd4ff640U 0xffcc14c0U 0xffcc1510U 0x8d1cb77U " #00 pc 00000000000e9dd4 libc.so (__write+20)\n" " #01 pc 000000000007ab9c libc.so (_IO_file_write+44)\n" " #02 pc 0000000000079f3e libc.so\n" " #03 pc 000000000007bce8 libc.so (_IO_do_write+24)\n" " #04 pc 000000000007b26e libc.so (_IO_file_xsputn+270)\n" " #05 pc 000000000004f7f9 libc.so (_IO_vfprintf+1945)\n" " #06 pc 0000000000057cb5 libc.so (_IO_printf+165)\n" " #07 pc 0000000000ed1796 perfetto_unittests " "(testing::internal::PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest " "const&, int)+374)\n" " #08 pc 0000000000ed30fd perfetto_unittests " "(testing::internal::TestEventRepeater::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest const&, " "int)+125)\n" " #09 pc 0000000000ed5e25 perfetto_unittests " "(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+581)\n" " #10 pc 0000000000ef63f3 perfetto_unittests " "(bool " "testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, " "bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char " "const*)+131)\n" " #11 pc 0000000000ee2a21 perfetto_unittests " "(bool " "testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, " "bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char " "const*)+113)\n" " #12 pc 0000000000ed5bb9 perfetto_unittests (testing::UnitTest::Run()+185)\n" " #13 pc 0000000000e900f0 perfetto_unittests (RUN_ALL_TESTS()+16)\n" " #14 pc 0000000000e900d8 perfetto_unittests (main+56)\n" " #15 pc 000000000002352a libc.so (__libc_start_main+234)\n" " #16 pc 0000000000919029 perfetto_unittests (_start+41)\n" 0xed5bb9ULL 0xfffe1b30ULL InnerFunction remote_unwind_for_pid_check_for_leaks 0xa8000U verify_frames_skipped "/fake/compressed.so" 0x33000U elf_from_memory_not_file 0xc0000U /memfd:/jit-cache frame.pc 0x100310U 0x100000U frame.function_name system/core/libunwindstack/tests/VerifyBionicTerminationTest.cpp unwinder->Unwind(&frame_info, 256) unwinder_->Init() Parameterized test suite Which is: tmux t SUPPRESSED { IMPORTANT NOTICE - DO NOT IGNORE: This test program did NOT call testing::InitGoogleTest() before calling RUN_ALL_TESTS(). This is INVALID. Soon Google Test will start to enforce the valid usage. Please fix it ASAP, or IT WILL START TO FAIL. is_valid_ Skipped - must be in [1, Terminated by signal for capturing stream. \x -j (^|\n)[^\n]+:\(\d+\) Skipped\n [ RUN ] %s:%d] Unexpected failure from popen: %s </failure> test_details.xml satisfied exidx_->Decode() "" (*exidx_->regs())[1] "4 unwind pop {wR0}\n" "4 unwind pop {wCGR0}\n" "4 unwind pop {wCGR1, wCGR3}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind finish\n" expect_truncated 0x50 data_->at(7) data_->at(12) 0x55 0x510cU /file/does/not/exist dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x102, &method, &method_offset) dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x98, &method, &method_offset) get_method_information_invalid cfa_restore_extended this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1a00, 0x1a03) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression 129 fdes[1]->cfa_instructions_end fde->cie_offset fde->cie != nullptr fde->cie->fde_address_encoding 0xf104U cie->segment_size cie->cfa_instructions_offset fdes.empty() dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint64_t>(0x00, &value) 0x2100U 0xe0U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfOpLogTest.cpp Raw Data: 0x27 op_breg Failed at size 0x1223344556677889ULL 0x1c this->op_->Eval(0, 6) Condition has_owner_ && pthread_equal(owner_, pthread_self()) failed. s are system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfCacheTest.cpp elf0_2 elf300_2 caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero_never_read_at_zero FindEntry_single_entry_negative_value soname_32 init_headers_debug_frame_64 init_section_headers_malformed_symdata_64 init_section_headers_offsets_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x2000) get_load_bias_exec_zero_64 interface.CreateGnuDebugdataMemory() == nullptr name_offset "function_two" invalid_memory 13U step_in_interface File elf_2 /fake/lib1.so 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 buffer[i] 0x4000UL android::base::WriteFully(elf_at_1000_.fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) from_elf_no_sign_extension 454c465f4255494c444944 system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoGetElfTest.cpp valid32 valid64 00-00 maps.Get(5) == nullptr 0x7b29b000U large_file /system/lib/fake2.so local.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 1) read_after_reset memory_->Read(0x13000 - 50, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) memory.Read64(0, &data) expected_str x22 0x470U GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) x86_64.sp() mips.pc() register_values[i] symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3005, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/UnwindOfflineTest.cpp 0xf31ea9f8U " #00 pc 0000000000429fd8 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+24)\n" " #01 pc 000000000042a078 libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+8)\n" " #02 pc 000000000042a08c libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+8)\n" " #03 pc 000000000042d8fc libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+20)\n" " #04 pc 000000000042d8d8 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+32)\n" " #05 pc 0000000000455d70 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+392)\n" 0x64d09d508cU jit_debug_x86/ 0xffeb6580U unwinder.frames()[48].sp 0xffeb76f0U unwinder.frames()[52].sp unwinder.frames()[57].pc 0xff85d370U 0xff85d3d8U unwinder.frames()[70].sp 0xf0be238cU 0x5f739f2ffcULL 0x5f739f2d9cULL 0xb697ffe3ULL 0x7ffb6c0f30U TestQuiescePid(pid) ucontext != nullptr "/fake/fake_load_bias.so" 0x1000 + i * 0x100 #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) GoogleTestVerification Unknown type parameterized test suit ' class. However, in test suite from different namespaces and have the same name. You should test suites. yes Note: Randomizing tests' orders with a seed of %d . %2d FAILED %s T ]]> "type": "" xml _ No test named for more explanation and suggested solutions, especially if this is the last message you see before your test times out. munmap(stack, stack_size) != -1 Failed to open tmp file \" Don't use isolation mode, run all tests in a single process. If the test seems to be running in a debugger (based on the parent's name) this will be automatically set. If this behavior is not desired use the '--force_isolate' flag below. %s %s:%d] Unexpected failure from fork: %s %s, listed below: %4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d Invalid environment variables: we require 0 <= GTEST_SHARD_INDEX < GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS, but you have GTEST_SHARD_INDEX=%lld, GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS=%lld active 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 256 0x10014U 0x4aU 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 2048 0x10800U 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 3147776 "4 unwind Unsupported DX register display\n" exidx_->Eval() 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024 4 unwind finish pop_mmx_wr eval_vsp_sub_after_pop Test can not provide both TearDownTestSuite and TearDownTestCase, please make sure there is only one present at Expected: ( cant_unwind 0xa2 second_read_compact_personality_1_2 data_->at(20) static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, 10)) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, 10)); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) from_memory_fail_too_small_for_data create_using_memory_file_does_not_exist get_method_information_64 fail cfa_advance_loc cfa_state_cfa_offset_restore cfa_def_cfa_offset_sf 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset register(3) 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x83 0x04 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1500, 0x1505) 0x05 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x400, 0x405) 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset register(290) 692 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x14 0xa2 0x02 0xb4 0x05 DWARF_LOCATION_REGISTER this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x102, &loc_regs) 5U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfDebugFrameTest.cpp GetFdeInfoFromIndex_cached 0x1a02U GetEncodedSize_data4 0xc434U 0xe000U DW_OP_xor op_not this->op_->Eval(0, 8) 0x0102030405060708ULL expected[i + 2] *section_ Eval_pc_zero DWARF_ERROR_CFA_NOT_DEFINED regs[8] 0x12345U elf200_2->valid() 0x2000U interface.FindEntry(0x7004, &entry_offset) init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_zero_64 elf->IsValidPc(0x1fff) build_id_64 build_id_section_too_small_for_header_32 get_load_bias_exec_zero_32 elf_x86_64 0x8cU elf.interface()->gnu_debugdata_size() elf.GetLastErrorAddress() Step get_elf_invalid jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2000) != nullptr get_elf_search_libs LocalUpdatableMapsTest android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) /fake/lib3.so memcmp(e_ident, "\177ELF", 4) 0x43 memcmp(&ehdr, &ehdr_mem, sizeof(ehdr)) == 0 info.GetPrintableBuildID() "454c465f4255494c444944" system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapsTest.cpp 0x1 00 -00 rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00 rwxp 00 00 :00 0 00-00 --- 7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0 /fake.so 7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so 7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 /fake3.so 0xb0000000U "/fake3.so" android::base::WriteStringToFile(file_data, tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) memory_->GetPtr(0) i memory_->ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 100, buffer.data(), 200) 0123456789 read_hole memory_->ReadFully(kStart, buffer.data(), 100) (start_value + i) % 189 range.Read(400, dst.data(), dst.size()) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src.data()), dst.data(), 1024) sizeof(value) r0 r5 r6 x29 r25 0xc0U x86_64_step_if_signal_handler 0xf0000000U + i GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) GetPcAdjustment(0x100, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) GetPcAdjustment(0x101, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1700, &map_info) mips.sp() mips64_regs.Arch() symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) "third_entry" 0xe9c86730U #00 pc 0000000000429fd8 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+24) #01 pc 000000000042a078 libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+8) #02 pc 000000000042a08c libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+8) #03 pc 000000000042d8fc libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+20) #04 pc 000000000042d8d8 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+32) #05 pc 0000000000455d70 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+392) 0x7fe0d840f0U unwinder.frames()[7].sp unwinder.frames()[14].pc unwinder.frames()[31].sp 0xffeb6fb0U unwinder.frames()[49].sp unwinder.frames()[55].sp unwinder.frames()[58].sp " #00 pc 00018a5e libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+866)\n" " #01 pc 0000212d 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, " "boolean)+92)\n" " #02 pc 00011cb1 anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+72)\n" " #03 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #04 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #05 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #06 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #07 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #08 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #09 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #10 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #11 pc 00011c31 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+64)\n" " #12 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #13 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #14 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #15 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #16 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #17 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #18 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #19 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #20 pc 00011b77 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, " "java.lang.Object)+118)\n" " #21 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #22 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #23 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #24 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #25 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #26 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #27 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #28 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #29 pc 00011a29 anonymous:e2796000 (int " "java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, " "java.util.Comparator)+304)\n" " #30 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #31 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226)\n" " #32 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+882)\n" " #33 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #34 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #35 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #36 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #37 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #38 pc 0001139b anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.foo()+178)\n" " #39 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #40 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #41 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #42 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #43 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #44 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #45 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #46 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #47 pc 00010aa7 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.runPrimary()+70)\n" " #48 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #49 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228)\n" " #50 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+864)\n" " #51 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #52 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #53 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #54 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #55 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #56 pc 0000ba99 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+144)\n" " #57 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #58 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226)\n" " #59 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+882)\n" " #60 pc 00247833 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382)\n" " #61 pc 0022e935 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244)\n" " #62 pc 0022f71d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128)\n" " #63 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796)\n" " #64 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #65 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #66 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226)\n" " #67 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+882)\n" " #68 pc 003b292d libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+52)\n" " #69 pc 003b26c3 libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, " "_jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+210)\n" " #70 pc 00308411 libartd.so " "(art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+76)\n" " #71 pc 000e6a9f libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, " "std::__va_list, art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1486)\n" " #72 pc 000e19b9 libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+40)\n" " #73 pc 0000159f dalvikvm32 " "(_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+30)\n" " #74 pc 00001349 dalvikvm32 (main+896)\n" " #75 pc 000850c9 libc.so\n" 0xe27a7cb1U 0xff85d820U 0xff85da48U 0xff85e5d8U 0xff85eab8U 0xff85ef48U 0xcd4ff850U 0xe7df3925U jit_map_arm 0xf43d2cccU 0x2e59ed3U 0x2e58547U 0xffd4a6b0U 0x7dabc405b4ULL Expected: Init("load_bias_ro_rx_x86_64/", ARCH_X86_64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x5f739edd80ULL 0xeb5333edULL 0xf2790cf8ULL 0x72a02203a4U remote 0x23000U pc_without_map 0x41000U elf_from_memory_but_from_memfd " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100)" X86 %s &#x failures Bad --gtest_internal_run_death_test flag: " with error &message= : must be in range [0, /? gtest_internal_ [ SKIPPED ] C [ SLOW ] [==========] <testsuites tests="%zu" failures="%zu" disabled="0" errors="0" Note: Google Test filter = %s requires an argument. -j requires an argument. never called objects 4U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 4]\n" "4 unwind pop {r4, r14}\n" 4 unwind pop {r0} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind finish Test can not provide both SetUpTestSuite and SetUpTestCase, please make sure there is only one present at bad_alignment 0xd0 24U from_memory_fail_too_small_for_header create_using_memory_size_too_small Main.<init> 0x124U cfa_register_override this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x505) 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(2) register(1) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0x02 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4305) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x301) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf 35 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x13 0x23 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x284) 0x7fU 0x284U 0x105U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x306, &loc_regs) DwarfDebugFrameTest GetFdeFromOffset32_augment fdes[1]->cfa_instructions_offset fdes[2]->cfa_instructions_offset cie->code_alignment_factor DW_EH_PE_textrel | DW_EH_PE_udata2 'z' cie->augmentation_string[1] 0x4600U 0x5100U GetFdeOffsetFromPc_index_fail 0x10700U GetEncodedSize_absptr_uint64_t 8U AdjustEncodedValue_pcrel op_swap op_and 0x3a22U 0x27 op Step_cache_not_in_pc not ( GetCieFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache, GetFdeFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache, Eval_cfa_expr_eval_fail, Eval_cfa_expr_no_stack, Eval_cfa_expr_is_register, Eval_cfa_expr, Eval_cfa_val_expr, Eval_bad_regs, Eval_no_cfa, Eval_cfa_bad, Eval_cfa_register_prev, Eval_cfa_register_from_value, Eval_double_indirection, Eval_register_reference_chain, Eval_dex_pc, Eval_invalid_register, Eval_different_reg_locations, Eval_return_address_undefined, Eval_pc_zero, Eval_return_address, Eval_ignore_large_reg_loc, Eval_reg_expr, Eval_reg_val_expr, Eval_pseudo_register_invalid, Eval_pseudo_register, GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_not_cached, GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_cached, Log elf1 elf200_2->arch() no_caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero elf400_2->valid() 40U elf->GetFunctionName(0x90010, &name, &name_offset) elf->eh_frame_hdr_section_bias() elf.GetSoname() elf_x86 get_global_valid_not_in_interface get_global_vaddr_in_no_sections get_global_vaddr_in_dynamic_section get_global_vaddr_without_tagged_pointer error_code_not_valid elf 1000-4000 ---s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf1 4000-6000 r--s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf1 6000-8000 -wxs 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf1 a000-c000 --xp 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 c000-f000 rw-p 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 f000-11000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 11000-12000 rw-p 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 12000-14000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 100000-110000 rw-p 00ee000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 200000-210000 rw-p 01ee000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 maps_.Get(2) "/fake/lib2.so" end_le_start /dev/something process_memory 0x2000UL 0xa000UL android::base::ReadFully(elf_at_1000_.fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) Thread MapInfoGetElfTest elf->memory()->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) map_info.elf.get() == nullptr info->elf_offset "/fake/name" 00-00 - 0x0 a000-e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so e000-f000 rw-p 00a12345 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so start + i * 4096 maps.Find(0x500) == nullptr init_offset_pagesize_aligned_plus_extra memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize + 0x100, pagesize * 2) 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz MemoryLocalTest munmap(mapping, 3 * 4096) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryRangesTest.cpp read_across_ranges read_mprotect_hole RegsInfoTest ®s[3] info.IsSaved(i) contains doesn't r27 regs[MIPS_REG_PC] system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsTest.cpp GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x600U, invalid_elf, ARCH_ARM64) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1900, &map_info) arm64_strip_pac_mask 0x64d0a00d70U 0xffeb5ce0U 0xffeb5d80U 0xf6f7df0dU unwinder.frames()[6].pc unwinder.frames()[17].pc unwinder.frames()[23].pc 0xffeb67a0U unwinder.frames()[28].sp 0xffeb72c0U unwinder.frames()[48].pc 0xf6d5df06U 0xdfe66a5eU 0xff85e5a0U 0xe4a60427U jit_map_arm/ 0x2e56c4fU 0xffcc1438U shared_lib_in_apk_memory_only_arm64/ 0x7be4f07840ULL 0x7be4f07ce0ULL 0x7ffd22415450ULL 0x7ffd22415da0ULL 0x7fdd4a3fe0ULL 0x7fdd4a4170ULL 0xb695980bULL android::base::ReadFileToString((dir_ + "maps.txt"), &data) completed from_context sigaction(10, &act, &oldact) sigaction(10, &oldact, nullptr) kill(pid, 10) map_ignore_suffixes [vdso] "/memfd:/jit-cache" " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100)" " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (func())" 0xeU 0x%llx-0x%llx offset 0x%llx ". = Death test count ( TESTBRIDGE_TEST_RUNNER_FAIL_FAST , where Z Send() can be called only when there is a connection. --no_isolate Reading of done process did not finish after 2 seconds. Internal error: Erasing test_index %zu from running_by_pid_ incorrect TEST external/googletest/googlemock/src/gmock-spec-builders.cc system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ArmExidxDecodeTest.cpp false "4 unwind pop {r4}\n" 0x10020U 4 unwind pop {wR10-wR15} "4 unwind pop {d17-d21}\n" 2U 0x20 data_->at(8) 0x80 second_read_not_compact raw_data_non_compact from_file_open_non_exist system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DexFileTest.cpp DexFile::Create(0x600, &memory, &info) != nullptr get_method_empty cfa_illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x%02x 4 unwind PC 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_register register(4217) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0d 0xf9 0x20 this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2001, &loc_regs) 4 unwind Warning: PC is moving backwards: old loc_regs.count(127) 0x301U 0x2006U 0x600eU this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x203, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x400, 0x405, &loc_regs) fdes[0]->cie_offset fdes[2]->pc_end cie != nullptr 'P' GetFdeCieFromOffset32, GetFdeCieFromOffset64 0x100aU 0x340U info->pc op_xor this->op_->StackSize() 0xfeeddccbbaa99887ULL 0x12233445U 0x1122U 0x16 0x17 section_->Step(0x600, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Unexpected mock function call - pre-requisite # Expected arg # EXPECT_CALL( invoked Eval_pseudo_register finished regs.dex_pc() no_caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero_never_read_at_zero ERROR_UNWIND_INFO StepExidx_pc_zero multiple_executable_pt_loads_64 arm32 soname_missing_map_32 eh_frame_negative_section_bias_64 .eh_frame GNU WRONG "4 unwind 32 bit elf that is neither arm nor x86 nor mips: e_machine = 20\n\n" fd buf.size() maps_.Total() same_map_new_name 0x1600UL elf_exists_in_memory 00-00 rwx- 00 00:00 0 /fake maps.Parse() "/system/lib/fake.so" file_no_map_name memory_cache_->ReadFully(0x8000 + i, buffer.data(), i) memory_.ReadFully(4999, buffer.data(), 1) 1024U munmap(static_cast<char*>(mapping) + 2 * page_size, page_size) MemoryTest memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 256) x26 ecx rsp r18 RegsStepIfSignalHandlerTest mips_step_if_signal_handler_rt 0x170U regs32[i] 0xa0ab0cd0U regs32.sp() regs64[i] GetPcAdjustment(0x7, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) symtab_value_out_of_bounds "first_entry" symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "function_1", &offset) UnwindOfflineTest 0xd8fe6958U Expected: Init("straddle_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7fe0d84040U unwinder.frames()[5].pc 0xf72945bdU unwinder.frames()[10].sp unwinder.frames()[17].sp 0xffeb7400U 0xffeb76d0U unwinder.frames()[63].pc 0xffeb7e70U 0xff85d470U 0xe27a7c31U unwinder.frames()[74].sp 0x7fdd1419a0U " #00 pc 0000c788 <anonymous:d0250000> " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000)\n" " #01 pc 0000cdd5 <anonymous:d0250000> " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60)\n" " #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42)\n" " #03 pc 002657a5 libart.so " "(art::jit::Jit::MaybeDoOnStackReplacement(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, unsigned int, int, " "art::JValue*)+876)\n" " #04 pc 004021a7 libart.so (MterpMaybeDoOnStackReplacement+86)\n" " #05 pc 00412474 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+66164)\n" " #06 pc cd8365b0 <unknown>\n" " #07 pc 001d7f1b libart.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374)\n" " #08 pc 001dc593 libart.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, " "art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+154)\n" " #09 pc 001f4d01 libart.so " "(bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+732)\n" " #10 pc 003fe427 libart.so (MterpInvokeInterface+1354)\n" " #11 pc 00405b94 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+14740)\n" " #12 pc 7004873e <unknown>\n" " #13 pc 001d7f1b libart.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374)\n" " #14 pc 001dc4d5 libart.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+92)\n" " #15 pc 003f25ab libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+970)\n" " #16 pc 00417aff libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30)\n" " #17 pc 00413575 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)\n" " #18 pc 00418531 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+236)\n" " #19 pc 000b468d libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned " "int, art::JValue*, char const*)+136)\n" " #20 pc 00362f49 libart.so " "(art::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable " "const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::(anonymous namespace)::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+52)\n" " #21 pc 00363cd9 libart.so " "(art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, " "_jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)+332)\n" " #22 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868)\n" " #23 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22)\n" " #24 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24)\n" 0xcd4ff160U 0xcd4ff8e8U 0xcd4ff958U #00 pc 00000000 jit_map0.so (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000) #01 pc 0000003d jit_map1.so (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60) #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42) #03 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868) #04 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22) #05 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24) 0x2e55fa0U 0xf43d2d10U 0xffcc0ee0U 0xffd4a700U load_bias_different_section_bias_arm64/ 0xb6955f9eULL 0xb6956633ULL multiple_frames 0x33400U dex_pc_in_map_non_zero_offset #00 pc 0000000000001300 /system/fake/libc.so (Frame0+10) frame.map_exact_offset 0x101000U auto \0 class, so mixing TEST_F and TEST in the same test suite is illegal. In test suite is defined using TEST_F but - NOTRUN pipe(pipe_fd) != -1 WARNING: You forgot to list test s : must be in range [ -? --gtest_color= %s:%d] Unexpected failure from localtime: %s gtest_shard_index many exidx_->cfa() 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8 "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 36 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 36] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 32] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 28] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 24] 4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind pop {r1, r3} "4 unwind pop {d8-d10}\n" 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8 4 unwind finish allocator<T>::allocate(size_t n) 'n' exceeds maximum supported size NULL system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ArmExidxExtractTest.cpp ARM_STATUS_INVALID_PERSONALITY data_->at(13) static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 1)) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 1)); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) sizeof(kDexData) DexFile::Create(0x400, &memory, &info) != nullptr "Main.main" get_method_information_32 4 unwind DW_CFA_undefined register(9) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x07 0x09 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(2) register(1) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0x02 0x01 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(2) register(4) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0x02 0x04 this->cfa_->LastErrorCode() this->fde_.pc_start + 0xc10U 0x505U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4305, &loc_regs) 0x4305U loc_regs.find(5) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600d, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3004, &loc_regs) "4 unwind Attempt to set new register, but cfa is not already set to a register.\n" 0x90U 168U 0x306U 0x3500U fdes[3]->cfa_instructions_offset 0x4500U 0x12345678U 0x300U 0xa00U Init_non_zero_load_bias GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_datarel this->eh_frame_->TestGetTableEncoding() 0x6800U 0x1d008U byte 0xffU ReadULEB128 0xffffffffffffffe0ULL const_sleb 0x8978675645342312UL 0xff010203U 0x05060708U 0x03U GetCfaLocationInfo(0x600, &fde1, ::testing::_, ::testing::_) times, but only this->section_->GetCfaLocationInfo(0x100, &fde, &loc_regs, ARCH_UNKNOWN) entry->second.type entry->second.values[0] system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfInterfaceTest.cpp build_id_section_too_small_for_desc_64 build_id_section_too_small_for_header_64 get_load_bias_exec_positive_32 expected_bias ElfTest rel_pc 0xa080U elf32.xz get_multiple_jit_debug_descriptors_valid jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2000) == nullptr 0xA000U info.memory_backed_elf "FAKE_BUILD_ID" map_info_->GetPrintableBuildID() android::base::WriteFully(elf_.fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) "function" maps.Total() 0x4 std::vector<uint8_t>(i, 0xab) init_offset_non_zero memory_.ReadFully(5000, buffer.data(), 10) memory_->ReadFully(kStart + 555, buffer.data(), 40) mprotect(static_cast<char*>(mapping) + page_size, page_size, 0x0) dst_name "in_memory" memory.ReadString(0, &dst_name, 100) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsInfoTest.cpp r8 x8 regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x5000, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) regs[X86_REG_EBP] 0xf0U GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0xff, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) 0x23450000U ARCH_MIPS "fake_function" 0xfU first_entry "function_0" 0x7fe0d84070U unwinder.frames()[6].sp unwinder.frames()[9].sp 0xffeb6250U 0xffeb6be0U unwinder.frames()[35].pc unwinder.frames()[59].sp 0xff85d788U 0xff85db38U 0xff85dd20U 0xff85e110U 0xff85e530U 0x561550b183edU 0x2e56c81U 0x2e58d99U 0x2b6c02fU 0x7e7eec7e68ULL 0x7be4f07aa0ULL 0x7be5f7cb64ULL 0x7f93269e8b9cULL 0x7f93269bd7f9ULL 11U 0xfffe1d40ULL signal_load_bias_arm/ 0xf2790cf0ULL 0xffe67798ULL 0xb698893dULL entry != name_to_reg.end() regs.get() != nullptr multiple_frames_dont_resolve_names non_zero_load_bias /fake/fake_offset.oat 0xa7000U non_zero_map_offset sp_pc_do_not_change #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100) " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so" rxvt-unicode-256color cygwin %s from %s > " type=""> [m event=TestCaseEnd&passed= Invalid shuffle range start [JOB_COUNT] gtest_print_time gtest_extras DISABLED TEST external/googletest/googlemock/src/gmock-cardinalities.cc exidx_->pc_set() 0x26U 0x33U "4 unwind [Reserved]\n" (*exidx_->regs())[2] 4 unwind pop {d4-d12} "4 unwind pop {wR2-wR7}\n" 4 unwind pop {wCGR1, wCGR3} finish Condition BaseGenerator() == other.BaseGenerator() failed. data_->at(0) 0xf4 0x44 exidx_->status_address() 0x5108U malformed Failed in loop this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4000, 0x4002) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x600, 0x603) 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended register(8) 16 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2f 0x08 0x10 DWARF_LOCATION_OFFSET this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2100, 0x2103, &loc_regs) 4 unwind Attempt to set new register, but cfa is not already set to a register. this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5004, &loc_regs) DWARF_LOCATION_PSEUDO_REGISTER GetCieFde64 0x5110U fde->cie->data_alignment_factor 0x5000U + start_offset cie->augmentation_string[3] GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_pcrel this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(pc + 0xfff, &fde_offset) static_cast<int32_t>(3000000000) ReadSLEB128 ReadEncodedValue_omit_uint64_t const_unsigned op_dup static_cast<TypeParam>(-16580095) 0x26 expectations, but none matched specified - Log elf100_2 elf400_2 0xf0002000U 0x1008U interface.FindEntry(0x9100, &entry_offset) entries.size() 0x9018U StepExidx_cant_unwind get_load_bias_non_zero_64 load_data.table_offset elf->debug_frame_offset() 0xa000U elf->eh_frame_hdr_offset() elf.StepIfSignalHandler(0, nullptr, nullptr) elf64_invalid_machine 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4 real_elf map_info.GetPrintableBuildID() 6df0590c4920f4c7b9f34fe833f37d54 load_bias_cached_from_elf info.name 00-00 r 00-00 ---p 0 0:0 parse_permissions pagesize > 0x100 0x4cU android::base::WriteFully(temp_file.fd, &offset, sizeof(offset)) android::base::WriteFully(temp_file.fd, data.data(), data.size()) read_fully ranges_->Read(5000, dst.data(), dst.size()) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryRemoteTest.cpp info.Get(3) ®s[i] regs[i] lr x1 x16 regs[X86_64_REG_RSP] RegsTest Failed comparing register GetPcAdjustment(0x5, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) regs->total_regs() symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5008, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x1000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5001, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x1003, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) 0xf3367147U 0x64d09d88d8U 0x7fe0d84110U unwinder.frames()[28].pc unwinder.frames()[33].pc unwinder.frames()[41].sp unwinder.frames()[65].pc 0xff85d720U 0xff85f0c0U unwind_offline_check_for_leaks Expected: Init("bad_eh_frame_hdr_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x60a9fdf57cU 0x7ffcc8596cf0U 0xe4a67b94U 0xe49c4f49U jit_map0.so #00 pc 0032bfa0 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+40) #01 pc 0032bfeb libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2) #02 pc 0032bff3 libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+2) #03 pc 0032fed3 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)+26) #04 pc 0002652c libc.so (__restore) #05 pc 00000000 <unknown> #06 pc 0032c2d9 libunwindstack_test (InnerFunction+736) #07 pc 0032cc4f libunwindstack_test (MiddleFunction+42) #08 pc 0032cc81 libunwindstack_test (OuterFunction+42) #09 pc 0032e547 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+270) #10 pc 0032ed99 libunwindstack_test (unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func_Test::TestBody()+16) #11 pc 00354453 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+154) #12 pc 00354de7 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+194) #13 pc 00355105 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestCase::Run()+180) #14 pc 0035a215 libunwindstack_test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+664) #15 pc 00359f4f libunwindstack_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+110) #16 pc 0034d3db libunwindstack_test (main+38) #17 pc 00092c0d libc.so (__libc_init+48) #18 pc 0004202f libunwindstack_test (_start_main+38) 0xffd4a718U " #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 " "(__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128)\n" " #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn)\n" " #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172)\n" " #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36)\n" " #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk (offset 0x21d5000)\n" " #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init)\n" #00 pc 00000000000e9dd4 libc.so (__write+20) #01 pc 000000000007ab9c libc.so (_IO_file_write+44) #02 pc 0000000000079f3e libc.so #03 pc 000000000007bce8 libc.so (_IO_do_write+24) #04 pc 000000000007b26e libc.so (_IO_file_xsputn+270) #05 pc 000000000004f7f9 libc.so (_IO_vfprintf+1945) #06 pc 0000000000057cb5 libc.so (_IO_printf+165) #07 pc 0000000000ed1796 perfetto_unittests (testing::internal::PrettyUnitTestResultPrinter::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest const&, int)+374) #08 pc 0000000000ed30fd perfetto_unittests (testing::internal::TestEventRepeater::OnTestIterationStart(testing::UnitTest const&, int)+125) #09 pc 0000000000ed5e25 perfetto_unittests (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+581) #10 pc 0000000000ef63f3 perfetto_unittests (bool testing::internal::HandleSehExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char const*)+131) #11 pc 0000000000ee2a21 perfetto_unittests (bool testing::internal::HandleExceptionsInMethodIfSupported<testing::internal::UnitTestImpl, bool>(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl*, bool (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::*)(), char const*)+113) #12 pc 0000000000ed5bb9 perfetto_unittests (testing::UnitTest::Run()+185) #13 pc 0000000000e900f0 perfetto_unittests (RUN_ALL_TESTS()+16) #14 pc 0000000000e900d8 perfetto_unittests (main+56) #15 pc 000000000002352a libc.so (__libc_start_main+234) #16 pc 0000000000919029 perfetto_unittests (_start+41) 0xe900f0ULL #00 pc ffffe430 vdso.so (__kernel_vsyscall+16) #01 pc 00082a4b libc.so (__epoll_pwait+43) #02 pc 000303a3 libc.so (epoll_pwait+115) #03 pc 000303ed libc.so (epoll_wait+45) #04 pc 00010ea2 tombstoned (epoll_dispatch+226) #05 pc 0000c5e7 tombstoned (event_base_loop+1095) #06 pc 0000c193 tombstoned (event_base_dispatch+35) #07 pc 00005c77 tombstoned (main+884) #08 pc 00015f66 libc.so (__libc_init+102) #09 pc 0000360e tombstoned (_start+98) #10 pc 00000001 <unknown> 0x5d478af3b0U tid.load() unwinder.warnings() "Frame1" 0x1d000U 0x21000U " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100)" " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function)" frame.rel_pc Unknown local_terminate SignalLocalOuterFunction Expected: LocalOuterFunction(unwinder_.get(), false) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. With diff: tmux-256color [----------] <skipped message=" Could not write to the test shard status file "%s" specified by the %s environment variable. sigaction(SIGPROF, &saved_sigprof_action, nullptr) Test running longer than Unit Test Options: (%lld ms) Internal error: Erasing pid %d from running_by_pid_ incorrect %s:(%d) Failure in test %s.%s %s slow_threshold_ms Cannot find expectation. times 0x10008U "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 4\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 48\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 48]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 44]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 40]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 36]\n" "4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 32]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 28]\n" "4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 24]\n" "4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r13 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x22U (*exidx_->regs())[14] "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 32]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 28]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 24]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x1aU 0x1000cU "4 unwind pop {d2-d5}\n" vsp_decr refuse_unwind 0x02 0x0b create_using_file_non_zero_start last_allocated_bytes cfa_undefined 32U 2306U 0x3003U 0x4002U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x202, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4301, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2005, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2006, &loc_regs) loc_regs.find(9) static_cast<uint64_t>(-255) fdes[3]->pc_start fde->lsda_address cie->data_alignment_factor DW_EH_PE_udata2 0x6608U Init GetEncodedSize_absptr_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data4_uint64_t ReadEncodedValue_high_bit_set_uint64_t AdjustEncodedValue_textrel test value 0x DW_OP_const2u 4128 this->op_->StackAt(4) 0x19 0x1f 0x25 .WillByDefault() must appear exactly once in an ON_CALL(). Eval_cfa_register_prev Eval_register_reference_chain regs.pc() 0x234U elf0_1->arch() info0_1.elf_offset elf300_1 interface.FindEntry(0x7ff0, &entry_offset) interface.StepExidx(0x7000, ®s, &process_memory_, &finished) elf->IsValidPc(0x29ff) elf->gnu_debugdata_size() 4 unwind 32 bit elf that is neither arm nor x86 nor mips: e_machine = 20 add_map_prev_real_name_updated buffer[0] memory->ReadFully(0, &ehdr_mem, sizeof(ehdr_mem)) 46414b455f4255494c445f4944 prev_map_elf_not_set map_info.prev_map maps.Get(3) == nullptr /dev/ file_smoke /system/lib/fake5.so memory_->ReadFully(99, buffer.data(), 1) memory_.ReadFully(4990, buffer.data(), 11) Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 10, 100) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. range.ReadFully(1024, dst.data(), 1024) src memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 100) match r13 regs[MIPS64_REG_PC] rel_pc_arm GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) 0x1200000000U 0x4900000000U multiple_entries symtab_read_cached symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x500f, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) unwinder.frames()[4].pc 0xffeb6180U 0xffeb6680U unwinder.frames()[24].pc unwinder.frames()[27].sp unwinder.frames()[38].pc unwinder.frames()[40].sp unwinder.frames()[46].sp unwinder.frames()[50].pc unwinder.frames()[60].sp 0xffeb7df0U 0xffeb7e40U unwinder.frames()[73].sp unwinder.frames()[74].pc bad_eh_frame_hdr_arm64 0x56598685U #00 pc 0000000000000a80 unwind_test64 (calling3) #01 pc 0000000000000dd9 unwind_test64 (calling2+633) #02 pc 000000000000121e unwind_test64 (calling1+638) #03 pc 00000000000013ed unwind_test64 (main+13) #04 pc 00000000000202b0 libc.so art_quick_osr_stub_arm 0xe4a75575U 0x7e82b5726cULL 0x7be6715e9cULL 0xed1796ULL 0x7ffd22415d40ULL 0x5f739dc9fcULL 0x5f739dd4e4ULL " #00 pc ffffe430 vdso.so (__kernel_vsyscall+16)\n" " #01 pc 00082a4b libc.so (__epoll_pwait+43)\n" " #02 pc 000303a3 libc.so (epoll_pwait+115)\n" " #03 pc 000303ed libc.so (epoll_wait+45)\n" " #04 pc 00010ea2 tombstoned (epoll_dispatch+226)\n" " #05 pc 0000c5e7 tombstoned (event_base_loop+1095)\n" " #06 pc 0000c193 tombstoned (event_base_dispatch+35)\n" " #07 pc 00005c77 tombstoned (main+884)\n" " #08 pc 00015f66 libc.so (__libc_init+102)\n" " #09 pc 0000360e tombstoned (_start+98)\n" " #10 pc 00000001 <unknown>\n" 0xfffe1c00ULL 0xeb83460eULL 0xfffe1d74ULL 0xffe67bb0ULL #00 pc 00000000000963a4 libc.so (__ioctl+4) #01 pc 000000000005344c libc.so (ioctl+140) #02 pc 0000000000050ce4 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+308) #03 pc 0000000000050e98 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+24) #04 pc 00000000000516ac libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60) #05 pc 00000000000443b0 netd (main+1056) #06 pc 0000000000045594 libc.so (__libc_init+108) SignalOuterFunction ptrace detach failed with unexpected error: Unwind data: "/system/fake/libc.so" 0xa6000U #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (func()) /dev/fake_device LocalMiddleFunction Expected: LocalOuterFunction(unwinder_.get(), true) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. TestlibLevel3 #%02zu pc 0x%llx rel_pc 0x%llx Attempted redefinition of test suite <![CDATA[ testcase COMPLETED %s. , Unrecognized xml_element provided: detected Failed to create tmp file , 0x [0;33m "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 8\n" (*exidx_->regs())[8] 4 unwind pop {r4-r11, r14} ARM_STATUS_SPARE "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4\n" "4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind pop {wR10-wR12} "4 unwind pop {wCGR0, wCGR1, wCGR2, wCGR3}\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa + 4]\n" Condition IsValidParamName(param_name) failed. data_->at(4) size_t{10} static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 10)) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData) - 10)); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) Main.main cfa_def_cfa_offset cfa_expression 0x2002U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x505, &loc_regs) 0x600cU 0x17fU static_cast<TypeParam>(loc_regs[CFA_REG].values[1]) 0x405U GetCieFromOffset32_version3 GetCieFromOffset64_version3 0x5300U 0x5410U this->debug_frame_->Init(0x5000, 0x500, 0) 0x5424U version cie->fde_address_encoding 0x5000U + end_offset 0xb00U DwarfEhFrameTest 0x5700U 0x7700U Failed at index 0xd018U AdjustEncodedValue_funcrel 0x75234U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0a, &value) 0xffffffffffffe000ULL 0xe000000000002000ULL this->op_->StackAt(2) static_cast<TypeParam>(-1) static_cast<TypeParam>(-5) op - 0x50U this->op_->Eval(offset, offset + 2) Step_fail_cfa_location expectation, but it didn't match is equal to Eval_cfa_bad regs[4] GetPrel32Addr interface.start_offset() interface.LastErrorAddress() elf->IsValidPc(0x2100) build_id_two_notes_64 0x1001 elf->GetSoname() name static_cast<uint32_t>(40) elf.class_type() step_in_signal_map Cannot open system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfTestUtils.cpp get_elf_invalid_descriptor_first_entry system/core/libunwindstack/tests/LocalUpdatableMapsTest.cpp map_info->offset /fake/lib.so maps_.Get(1) 0x1000UL static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(ehdr)) elf->memory()->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 0x1000) elf_exists verify_parse_line x-00 rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00 rwxp 00 00:000 00-00 ---p 0 0: 0x1 | 0x2 (*it)->end android::base::WriteStringToFile("7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0\n" "7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so\n" "7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 \n", tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) Failed verifying index (i + 1) * 4096 "/system/lib/fake4.so" element != nullptr write_read "0123456789" init_offset_non_zero_larger_than_pagesize memory_.ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 8) memory_.Init(tf_->path, file_size + 2 * pagesize) memory_.ReadFully(4999, buffer.data(), 2) memory_->ReadFully(0xfff, buffer.data(), 1) MemoryOfflineTest read32 all matches r3 x7 edi rip actual 0xb0U regs32.total_regs() GetPcAdjustment(0x511U, invalid_elf, ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x900U, invalid_elf, ARCH_MIPS) arm64.sp() mips_regs.Arch() func_offset global_0 function_1 Expected: Init("gnu_debugdata_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffeb5d60U 0xffeb5ec0U unwinder.frames()[10].pc unwinder.frames()[16].pc unwinder.frames()[30].sp 0xffeb72a0U 0xf718bb5aU unwinder.frames()[66].pc unwinder.frames()[67].pc unwinder.frames()[68].sp 0xe044712dU 0xff85d660U 0xff85e660U 0xed3db9b9U 0xe4a641a7U 0xe4a74474U 0xe483e4d5U 0xffcc1448U 0x7df8ca3da0ULL 0x7f93269e926eULL 0x7ffd22415bb0ULL 0xfffe1bd0ULL 0xeb836c77ULL 0xffe67ae8ULL empty_arm64/ stack_memory->Init((dir_ + "stack.data").c_str(), 0) frame->map_name /system/fake/libc.so frame->map_elf_start_offset non_zero_elf_offset ERROR_MAX_FRAMES_EXCEEDED Failed at frame 0x10060U ERROR_INVALID_MAP unwinder32.FormatFrame(frame) set_jit_debug_error Condition range <= kMaxRange failed. is defined via TEST_P, but never instantiated. None of the test cases will run. Either no INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P is provided or the only ones provided expand to nothing. Ideally, TEST_P definitions should only ever be included as part of binaries that intend to use them. (As opposed to, for example, being placed in a library that may be linked in to get other utilities.) All tests in the same test suite must use the same test fixture [ FAILED ] Invalid environment variables: you have unset. CHECK failed: File posix::Close(read_fd()) gtest_ " encountered /proc/ is listed more than once. event=TestProgramEnd&passed= Exited with exit status ") failed: gtest- test suite Terminating due to signal... only (*exidx_->regs())[4] 15U 0x50U 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 20 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind finish 0x65U "4 unwind pop {wR10-wR12}\n" 3U data_->at(1) 0xa0 4 unwind DW_CFA_register register(255) register(511) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x09 0xff 0x01 0xff 0x03 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_expression register(5) 2 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x16 0x05 0x02 0xb0 0xb1 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xb0 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xb1 this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x500, 0x503, &loc_regs) 0x102U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xaad, &loc_regs) GetFdes32_after_GetFdeFromPc GetCieFromOffset32_cie_cached fdes[0]->lsda_address fdes[1]->pc_start fde->pc_end inst_offset 0x53b6U 0x5208U 0x1000U info->offset this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(0x100, &fde_offset) 0xd318U 0xfffe1ffU GetEncodedSize_data1 dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint64_t>(0x50, &value) ReadEncodedValue_non_zero_adjust_uint32_t eval illegal_opcode this->op_->Decode() this->op_->LastErrorAddress() 0x96U static_cast<TypeParam>(-464456) offset + 16 Step_fail_cie_null Called GetCfaLocationInfo Eval_cfa_val_expr entry FindEntry_no_entries HandleUnknownType_arm_exidx init_section_headers_offsets_32 build_id_two_notes_32 4 unwind 64 bit elf that is neither aarch64 nor x86_64 nor mips64: e_machine = 21 0x101U is_valid_pc_from_gnu_debugdata get_elf_no_global_variable elf_2 != nullptr map_info->prev_map memcmp(&ehdr, buffer.data(), sizeof(ehdr)) mismatched. elf->machine_type() elf->memory()->ReadFully(0x1000, buffer.data(), 1) elf_in_threads[i] 3UL info.flags index /system/lib/fake3.so memory_->GetPtr(1) != nullptr memory_->ReadFully(99, buffer.data(), 2) memory_.Init(tf_->path, 2 * pagesize + pagesize / 2 + pagesize / 4) MemoryRangesTest ranges_->Read(1000, dst.data(), dst.size()) ranges_->Read(8000, dst.data(), dst.size()) remote.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 1) munmap(mapping, 3 * page_size) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryTest.cpp read_string info.Get(1) i * 0x100 contain r1 r9 x24 0x370U regs[MIPS_REG_SP] regs[MIPS64_REG_SP] GetPcAdjustment(0x2505, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x500U, invalid_elf, ARCH_ARM) 0x900U x86_verify_sp_pc 0xf1f6dc49U 0x64d09d88fcU 0x7fe0d84090U 69U unwinder.frames()[40].pc unwinder.frames()[46].pc 0xffeb7360U unwinder.frames()[61].sp 0xffeb7d10U 0xff85e180U 0xff85eb90U 0xffcf9e70U art_quick_osr_stub_arm/ 0xe4a755bbU 0xe48c77a5U 0xe4a7a531U 0xe49c5cd9U 0x2e55febU 0xf43d2cf0U 0x7be6704f60ULL 0x7ffd22415e90ULL 0x71115a6a34ULL empty_arm64 0x729f759e98U WARNING_NONE frame->function_name speculative_frame_check_with_no_frames 0x34000U 0xa3000U 0xd0400U FakeJitFunction Elf ) was requested, ' " case. using two different test fixture classes. This can happen if SetUp() xterm %s from %s (%s ms total) line \f ] Result: threw an exception. [ ERROR ] @@ Condition false failed. value overflows ( GetFakeLogPrint() 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 256 "4 unwind Refuse to unwind\n" (*exidx_->regs())[7] 0x51U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4]\n" "4 unwind pop {r1, r3}\n" 0x54U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1024\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 3147776\n" 4 unwind pop {wR15-wR30} "4 unwind pop {d15-d30}\n" "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind finish\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1028 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 1028] "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12\n" "4 unwind finish\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16] spare pop_vfp_vpush eval_vsp_add_large_after_pop GetParam() can only be called inside a value-parameterized test ( 0xc0 second_read_compact_personality_illegal 7U 0x0d 0x5104U 0 static_cast<size_t>(({ __typeof__(write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData))) _rc; do { _rc = (write(tf.fd, kDexData, sizeof(kDexData))); } while (_rc == -1 && (*__errno()) == 4); _rc; })) DexFileFromMemory::Create(0x1000, &memory, "", sizeof(kDexData)) != nullptr from_memory_no_leak "Main.<init>" get_method_information_not_first_entry_64 get_method_information_cached cfa_offset_extended cfa_restore Libunwindstack 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0f 0x04 0x01 0x02 0x04 0x05 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x01 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x02 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x04 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 DWARF_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1500, 0x1505, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x301, &loc_regs) 0xa05U GetFdes32, GetFdes32_after_GetFdeFromPc, GetFdes32_not_in_section, GetFdeFromPc32, GetFdeFromPc32_reverse, GetFdeFromPc32_not_in_section, GetFdes64, GetFdes64_after_GetFdeFromPc, GetFdes64_not_in_section, GetFdeFromPc64, GetFdeFromPc64_reverse, GetFdeFromPc64_not_in_section, GetCieFde32, GetCieFde64, GetCieFromOffset32_cie_cached, GetCieFromOffset64_cie_cached, GetCieFromOffset32_version1, GetCieFromOffset64_version1, GetCieFromOffset32_version3, GetCieFromOffset64_version3, GetCieFromOffset32_version4, GetCieFromOffset64_version4, GetCieFromOffset32_version5, GetCieFromOffset64_version5, GetCieFromOffset_version_invalid, GetCieFromOffset32_augment, GetCieFromOffset64_augment, GetFdeFromOffset32_augment, GetFdeFromOffset64_augment, GetFdeFromOffset32_lsda_address, GetFdeFromOffset64_lsda_address, GetFdeFromPc_interleaved, GetFdeFromPc_overlap fdes[1]->cie != nullptr 0xa0U 0x150U GetFdeCieFromOffset32 this->eh_frame_->LastErrorAddress() 0xfeU ReadEncodedValue_overflow_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x10, &value) dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x20, &value) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0xff, &value) DwarfOpLogTest Raw Data: 0x08 0x03 op_neg op_plus_uconst this->op_->Eval(3, 7) Step_fail_fde system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfSectionTest.cpp external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-port.h FindEntry_multiple_entries_even interface.StepExidx(0x8000, ®s, &process_memory_, &finished) single_pt_load_32 multiple_executable_pt_loads_increments_not_size_of_phdr_64 elf_arm.Init(&load_bias) elf->IsValidPc(0x5000) elf->IsValidPc(0x2a00) get_load_bias_zero_64 0xf00U elf->GetBuildID() elf.GetLastErrorCode() 0xc080U elf.IsValidPc(0x1500) 3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 android::base::WriteStringToFile("1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) maps_.Get(3) MapInfoCreateMemoryTest buffer[4] elf->valid() android::base::WriteFully(elf_.fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) info->start "/fake/name/again" 00- rwxp 00 00:00 0 /fake.so read_for_cache_fail buffer.data() memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize, pagesize * 2) memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize + 0x100, UINT64_MAX) memory_->ReadFully(kStart + kLength - 105, buffer.data(), 105) data.back() read_values range.ReadFully(1020, dst.data(), 4) read_fully_overflow i / getpagesize() info.Total() eax r14 rdi system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsStepIfSignalHandlerTest.cpp arm_step_if_signal_handler_non_rt 0x600U GetPcAdjustment(0x6, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x10, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) arm.sp() arm64_verify_sp_pc mips_verify_sp_pc pc_straddle_arm Expected: Init("straddle_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xe9c86778U .data 0xeb89af00U 0xf7265362U 0xffeb63e0U unwinder.frames()[26].sp unwinder.frames()[29].pc unwinder.frames()[47].pc 0xffeb77b0U 0xff85dd90U unwinder.frames()[73].pc 0xff85f038U 0x60a9fdf550U 0x60a9fdf568U 0x60a9fdf590U 0xffcc1540U debug_frame_load_bias_arm/ shared_lib_in_apk_arm64 #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28) #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128) #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn) #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172) #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36) #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk (offset 0x21d5000) #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init) 0x7f93269c5cb5ULL 0xed5e25ULL 0x7fdd4a4010ULL 0x5f739ee558ULL #00 pc 0029ef9e libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalInnerFunction+10) #01 pc 0029efa7 libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2) #02 pc 0029efaf libunwindstack_unit_test (SignalOuterFunction+2) #03 pc 002a280b libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)+10) #04 pc 00058bd4 libc.so (__restore) #05 pc 0029f01e libunwindstack_unit_test (InnerFunction+106) #06 pc 0029f633 libunwindstack_unit_test (MiddleFunction+16) #07 pc 0029f64b libunwindstack_unit_test (OuterFunction+16) #08 pc 002a1711 libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+260) #09 pc 002a1603 libunwindstack_unit_test (unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_Test::TestBody()+10) #10 pc 002c8fe3 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::Test::Run()+130) #11 pc 002c9b25 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+184) #12 pc 002c9e27 libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+202) #13 pc 002d193d libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+660) #14 pc 002d160b libunwindstack_unit_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+134) #15 pc 002de035 libunwindstack_unit_test (IsolateMain+680) #16 pc 00058155 libc.so (__libc_init+68) 0xffe67d10ULL 0x72a01cf594U Unwind completed without finding all frames Looking for function: Timed out waiting for remote process to be in signal handler. /fake/fake.apk!lib_fake.so 0x23100U elf_from_memory_but_no_valid_file_with_bracket "[vdso]" 0xc2000U " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100)" " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (func())" #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) (BuildId: 46414b45) /fake/jit.so Unable to find libc.so:__libc_init frame libunwindstack_local.so SUITES > ; is not allowed for element < \b unrecognized streaming target " unexpected status byte ( DeathTest::Passed somehow called before conclusion of test ) somehow exceeded expected maximum ( Test %s %s Failed to get the current working directory. event=TestStart&name= &line= close(args->close_fd) \\ -j gdbserver will be called slow. Only valid in isolation mode. Default slow threshold is 2000 ms. %s:%d] Unexpected failure from pclose: %s %s:(%d) Skipped Cannot open xml file '%s': %s %s:%d] Disabling SIGINT handler failed: %s unsatisfied 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 256 0x21U "4 unwind vsp = r14\n" 4 unwind pop {r0, r1, r2, r3} "4 unwind pop {d16}\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16] pop_vfp16_vpush no_logging Condition !test_case_fp || !test_suite_fp failed. 0x40 0x33 data_->at(17) data_->at(21) from_file_open_too_small from_file_open DexFile::Create(0x4000, &memory, &info) != nullptr create_using_local_memory_size_too_small system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DexFilesTest.cpp get_method_information_global_skip_zero_32 cfa_same <type> 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset register(2) 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x82 0x04 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2 Raw Data: 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x102) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x303) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa register(383) 628 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0c 0xff 0x02 0xf4 0x04 location->second.values[0] 0x503U 0x202U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x303, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600f, &loc_regs) 0x3004U DWARF_LOCATION_EXPRESSION 0x5210U fde->pc_start fde->cie->code_alignment_factor this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x8000) == nullptr cie->augmentation_string[4] GetFdeFromPc_fde_not_found DWARF_ERROR_NO_FDES ReadSigned_check static_cast<int64_t>(-2000000000000) dwarf_mem_->ReadSLEB128(&value) ReadEncodedValue_data8_uint32_t const_signed const_uleb op_bra op_bregx 0x4010U 0x1e 0xfcU 0x1f1U Failed op: 0x op - 0x70 + 10 - 2 section_->Step(0x1000, ®s_, nullptr, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Actual: @ GetCieOffsetFromFde32 GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_not_cached regs[2] 4 unwind DW_CFA_nop 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2 info0_2.elf_offset info300_1.elf_offset static_cast<uint64_t>(lseek(tf->fd, offset, 0)) init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_positive_32 eh_frame_zero_section_bias_32 elf->IsValidPc(0x27ff) fake_soname.so .note.gnu.build-id system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfTest.cpp "4 unwind 64 bit elf that is neither aarch64 nor x86_64 nor mips64: e_machine = 21\n\n" elf.gnu_debugdata_interface() != nullptr > 3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 android::base::WriteFully(fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) multiple_thread_get_elf 01-02 rwxp 03 04:05 06 /fake/name/again 00-00 ryxp 00 00:00 0 /fake 00- 00-00 0x7b29f000U 0xa0000000U overlap1_name maps.Find(0x2000) == nullptr /system/lib/fake4.so memory_->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) Read failed at size init_reinit local.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(&value), dst.data(), SIZE_MAX) MemoryOfflineBufferTest data.front() read_fail string_in_memory short info.Get(i) x13 GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) function_bounds_check, no_symbol, multiple_entries, multiple_entries_nonstandard_size, symtab_value_out_of_bounds, symtab_read_cached, get_global symbols.GetGlobal<TypeParam>(&this->memory_, "function_0", &offset) 0xeb89bfb8U unwinder.frames()[20].pc 0xffeb6a20U 0xffeb7030U 0xffeb7b90U 0xf706b3ddU unwinder.frames()[66].sp Expected: Init("jit_debug_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xff85d9e0U 0xff85e7a0U unwinder.frames()[75].pc #00 pc 0000c788 <anonymous:d0250000> (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000) #01 pc 0000cdd5 <anonymous:d0250000> (com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60) #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42) #03 pc 002657a5 libart.so (art::jit::Jit::MaybeDoOnStackReplacement(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, unsigned int, int, art::JValue*)+876) #04 pc 004021a7 libart.so (MterpMaybeDoOnStackReplacement+86) #05 pc 00412474 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+66164) #06 pc cd8365b0 <unknown> #07 pc 001d7f1b libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374) #08 pc 001dc593 libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+154) #09 pc 001f4d01 libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+732) #10 pc 003fe427 libart.so (MterpInvokeInterface+1354) #11 pc 00405b94 libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+14740) #12 pc 7004873e <unknown> #13 pc 001d7f1b libart.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+374) #14 pc 001dc4d5 libart.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+92) #15 pc 003f25ab libart.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+970) #16 pc 00417aff libart.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #17 pc 00413575 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #18 pc 00418531 libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+236) #19 pc 000b468d libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+136) #20 pc 00362f49 libart.so (art::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::(anonymous namespace)::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+52) #21 pc 00363cd9 libart.so (art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)+332) #22 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868) #23 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22) #24 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24) 0xcd4ff2e0U 0xffcc1528U 0x7e82c4fcbcULL 0x7df8ca3bf0ULL 0xeb841ea2ULL signal_load_bias_arm 0xb6955fafULL 0x729f75a6acU 0x7ffb6c0d40U OuterFunction SignalInnerFunction sp_not_in_map speculative_frame_not_removed_pc_bad 0xd1000U 0x50000U 0xc2050U build_frame_pc_in_jit libc.so found TestlibLevel4 Actual: [==========] ' ]]>]]><![CDATA[ suppressed timestamp \r \u00 } ] } w Death test: ^(%s)$ Invalid random seed ... pthread_key_delete(key_) or %s:%d] Found process not spawned by the isolation framework exited with exitcode %s:%d] Test result is TEST_NONE, this should not be possible job true 4 unwind vsp = r3 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 32] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 28] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 24] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 4] "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 20\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x10028U eval_vsp_add_after_pop compact_non_zero_personality 0x13 DexFileTest dex_file != nullptr nothing libart.so cfa_def_cfa_expression 4 unwind DW_CFA_same_value register(255) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x08 0xff 0x01 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x%02x 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_args_size 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2e 0x04 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x300, 0x306) 4 unwind restore while processing cie 0x51 + sizeof(TypeParam) 0x4301U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x6011, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x105, &loc_regs) GetFdes64 GetFdeFromPc64 fdes[0]->cfa_instructions_end fdes[0]->cie != nullptr fde->cie->version 8 this->eh_frame_->Init(0x1000, 0x100, 0) dwarf_mem_->ReadBytes(&byte, 1) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int8_t>(&value) ReadEncodedValue_data4_uint32_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x00, &value) 0xb134U dwarf_mem_->GetEncodedSize<AddressType>(encoding) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x50, &value) lines ... 0x1a 0x21 Expected args: Eval Eval_no_cfa Eval_return_address this->section_->LastErrorCode() regs[5] FindEntry_ip_before_first 0x20000U init_section_headers_64 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_negative_32 build_id_section_too_small_for_name_32 get_load_bias_exec_negative_32 huge_gnu_debugdata_size elf_mips static_cast<uint32_t>(8) elf.StepIfSignalHandler(0x3000 + load_bias, ®s, &process_memory) get_elf_x86 0x34 offline/empty_arm64/libc.so static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(shdr)) thread constructor failed info.elf == nullptr "map" info.end 00-00 -- maps.Get(2) == nullptr (*it)->start /fake2.so Failed verifying overlap2 name android::base::WriteStringToFile( "7ffff7dda000-7ffff7dfd7ffff7ff3000-7ffff7ff4000 ---p 0000f000 fc:02 44171565\n", tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) /fake 1000-2000 r--p 00000010 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake1.so 3000-4000 -w-p 00000020 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake2.so 6000-8000 --xp 00000030 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake3.so a000-b000 rw-p 00000040 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake4.so e000-f000 rwxp 00000050 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake5.so %08zx-%08zx rwxp 0000 00:00 0 cached_read memory_.ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 10) memory_.Init(tf_->path, 10) init_offset_greater_than_filesize android::base::WriteFully(tf_->fd, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) memory_.ReadFully(0, read_buffer.data(), pagesize * 9 - 0x100) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryRangeTest.cpp read_non_zero_offset munmap(mapping, 3 * getpagesize()) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src) + pagesize, dst.data(), 1) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src) + pagesize - 4, dst.data(), 8) failed. pc x15 esp rdx rbp r20 x86_step_if_signal_handler_no_siginfo 30U GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) multiple_entries_nonstandard_size symbols_end_at_100.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x2002, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) unwinder.frames()[16].sp 0xee75bd3bU unwinder.frames()[22].sp unwinder.frames()[25].sp unwinder.frames()[34].sp unwinder.frames()[37].sp unwinder.frames()[49].pc 0xffeb7a80U unwinder.frames()[67].sp descriptor1.data 0xff85e960U 0xed3e0a9fU 0xe483e593U 0x2e7ede7U 0x7be6715f5cULL 0x7be4f07d00ULL 0xed30fdULL 0xef63f3ULL 0xfffe1ab0ULL 0x7ffb6c0b50U Timed out waiting for remote process to be ready. Error: frame->map_load_bias 0x10050U 0xc4000U Condition range > 0 failed. ); Type parameterized test suite to define a test using a fixture class different from the one (%s ms) XML output file may not be null testsuites </ " is not allowed for value " ": Error msg: stderr has value " event=TestCaseStart&name= &elapsed_time= -byte object < pthread_key_create(&key, &DeleteThreadLocalValue) Invalid shuffle range finish Global test environment set-up. Run each test in no longer than %s:%d] Unexpected failure from waitpid: %s killed because of timeout at ^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$ ^\s*$ Unexpected argument '%s' saturated Function call: The invocation upper bound ( "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 256\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 48 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 48] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 44] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 40] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 36] 4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 32] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 28] 4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 24] 4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 20] 4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r13 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4] (*exidx_->regs())[13] 4 unwind vsp = r0 0x41U 0x10024U 0x8aU 0x32U x y = 0x pop_vfp8_fstmfdx register_logging Duplicate parameterized test name ' 0x03 0x12 create_using_memory_empty_file create_using_memory_file_is_malformed dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x118, &method, &method_offset) get_method_information_search_libs DwarfCfaLogTest cfa_offset_extended_sf %s Test %s must be defined before REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_SUITE_P(%s, ...). 0x8123456712345678 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x287) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2d this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x50, 0x51 + sizeof(TypeParam), &loc_regs) new this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa02, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x6010, &loc_regs) static_cast<uint64_t>(-48) 0x59U DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_EXPRESSION 0x2a0U GetFdeFromOffset64_augment 0x5600U fde->cie->segment_size cie->lsda_encoding cie->return_address_register DWARF_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x6000) == nullptr inst_end ReadEncodedValue_aligned_uint64_t ReadEncodedValue_non_zero_adjust_uint64_t AdjustEncodedValue_absptr op_deref_size op_over static_cast<TypeParam>(-499868564803501823LL) 0x34U offset - 5 external/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-spec-builders.h Eval_return_address_undefined no_caching elf200_1->arch() ElfInterfaceArmTest multiple_executable_pt_loads_32 multiple_executable_pt_loads_increments_not_size_of_phdr_32 soname_missing_map_64 init_section_headers_non_std_entry_size_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_positive_64 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_positive_64 0x7000U ERROR_INVALID_ELF error.address elf == nullptr get_elf_no_valid_code_entry elf != nullptr map_info->elf_start_offset MapInfoGetLoadBiasTest map_info.start 01-02 rwxp 03 04:05 06 00-00 rwxp 00 :00 0 00-00 xxxx 00 00:00 0 /fake 0x7b2b0000U abcdefgh memory_.ReadFully(10000, buffer.data(), 10) pagesize > 100 (reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1)) 0xfcfcfcfcU invalid_register x11 x12 r12 rsi 0xd0U 0xf0120340U GetPcAdjustment(0x10, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x2005, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1800, &map_info) x86_64_regs.Arch() unwinder.frames()[2].sp unwinder.frames()[3].pc 0xffeb5e20U 0xffeb6720U 0xffeb6ac0U 0xffeb74f0U unwinder.frames()[53].pc 0xffeb78d0U 0xffeb7ef0U 0xff85e368U 0xff85eb50U 0x7fdd1419d0U 0xd025cdd5U 0xe4a545abU " #00 pc 0032bfa0 libunwindstack_test (SignalInnerFunction+40)\n" " #01 pc 0032bfeb libunwindstack_test (SignalMiddleFunction+2)\n" " #02 pc 0032bff3 libunwindstack_test (SignalOuterFunction+2)\n" " #03 pc 0032fed3 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::SignalCallerHandler(int, siginfo*, void*)+26)\n" " #04 pc 0002652c libc.so (__restore)\n" " #05 pc 00000000 <unknown>\n" " #06 pc 0032c2d9 libunwindstack_test (InnerFunction+736)\n" " #07 pc 0032cc4f libunwindstack_test (MiddleFunction+42)\n" " #08 pc 0032cc81 libunwindstack_test (OuterFunction+42)\n" " #09 pc 0032e547 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::RemoteThroughSignal(int, unsigned int)+270)\n" " #10 pc 0032ed99 libunwindstack_test " "(unwindstack::UnwindTest_remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func_Test::TestBody()+16)\n" " #11 pc 00354453 libunwindstack_test (testing::Test::Run()+154)\n" " #12 pc 00354de7 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+194)\n" " #13 pc 00355105 libunwindstack_test (testing::TestCase::Run()+180)\n" " #14 pc 0035a215 libunwindstack_test " "(testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+664)\n" " #15 pc 00359f4f libunwindstack_test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+110)\n" " #16 pc 0034d3db libunwindstack_test (main+38)\n" " #17 pc 00092c0d libc.so (__libc_init+48)\n" " #18 pc 0004202f libunwindstack_test (_start_main+38)\n" 0xc2044218 load_bias_ro_rx_x86_64/ 0x7ffd22415dd0ULL 0x919029ULL 0x7fdd4a4100ULL 0xb6958603ULL offline/ 0x50020U oat dex_pc_in_map 0xa4000U 0xc3050U frame.map_elf_start_offset frame.map_end frame.map_load_bias frame.function_offset [stack] used earlier. This can happen if the two fixture classes are rxvt-unicode [ RUN ] " classname "> testsuite errors stream_result_to: getaddrinfo() failed: " ignored. , but have left The value of environment variable The default value %s is used. XML_OUTPUT_FILE ]. --no_isolate time. Only valid in isolation mode. Default deadline is 90000 ms. YOU HAVE %s Unable to read data from file %s should be deleted but never is. Its address is @ found at program exit. Expectations on a mock object are verified when the object is destructed. Leaking a mock means that its expectations aren't verified, which is usually a test bug. If you really intend to leak a mock, you can suppress this error using testing::Mock::AllowLeak(mock_object), or you may use a fake or stub instead of a mock. ARM_STATUS_NO_UNWIND 0x27U 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind pop {wCGR0} 4 unwind pop {r15} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind finish -- did you intend to write TEST_P instead of TEST_F? Parameterized test name ' exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x534) 0x0c "4 unwind Raw Data: 0xa8 0xb0 0xb0\n" from_file_no_leak "nothing" cfa_set_loc 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf register(134) -1 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x86 0x01 0xff 0x7f this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x202) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3004) 0x%02x 4 unwind DW_CFA_expression register(255) 130 0x600dU loc_regs[CFA_REG].values[0] 0x1079U GetCieFromOffset32_version5 GetCieFromOffset64_augment this->debug_frame_->Init(0x5000, 0x600, 0) fdes[0]->pc_start DWARF_ERROR_NONE cie->augmentation_string.size() cie->augmentation_string[0] 0x0U 0x6618U this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(0x1000, &fde_offset) this->eh_frame_->GetFdeFromPc(0x800) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int16_t>(&value) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int32_t>(&value) encoding 0x op_lit op_nop static_cast<TypeParam>(-4521264810949884LL) 0xedU 0x44U 0x28 failed Step_pass The mock function has no default action set, and its return type has no default value set. external/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h never matches this->section_->LastErrorAddress() FindEntry_two_entries init_section_headers_malformed_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_zero_32 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_positive_64 elf->debug_frame_section_bias() BUILDID elf.Step(0, nullptr, nullptr, &finished, &is_signal_frame) elf.interface() != nullptr 2 elf64.xz add_map_prev_name_updated memory->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 1024) rosegment_from_file MapInfoGetBuildIDTest system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoGetBuildIDTest.cpp from_memory write(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) invalid /not/present map_info.end maps_constructor_string map_info.GetFunctionName(1000, &name, &offset) 0x7b2a0000U "/fake2.so" 256U memory_->GetPtr(0) != nullptr android::base::WriteStringToFd(large_string, tf_->fd) map_partial_offset_unaligned read_out_of_bounds buf remote.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 100) 20 info.Save(RegsInfo<uint64_t>::MAX_REGISTERS) x25 system/core/libunwindstack/tests/RegsIterateTest.cpp regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x8000, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x7000, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) mips_step_if_signal_handler_non_rt 0x220U mips64_step_if_signal_handler GetPcAdjustment(0x100, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) 0xf6f7499aU unwinder.frames()[12].pc unwinder.frames()[12].sp unwinder.frames()[18].sp unwinder.frames()[32].sp 0xf718bc95U unwinder.frames()[63].sp 0xffeb7d70U 0xff85e320U 0xff85eeb8U 0xedb0d0c9U 0xe4856d01U 0x7ffd22415490ULL 0x7ffd22415af0ULL 0xfffe1ae0ULL Unknown arch (*__errno()) remote_through_signal expected_function_names.empty() "/fake/fake.vdex" #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (func()) #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so " #01 pc 0000000000001000 <anonymous:3000>" #00 pc 00001300 /system/fake/libc.so (Frame0+10) unwinder.SetDexFiles(&dex_files) /fake/global.so local_signal Expected equality of these values: , want to change the TEST to TEST_F or move it to another test units and have the same name. You should probably rename one notrun = Invalid environment variables: we require 0 <= Read from death test child process failed: " is not a valid POSIX Extended regular expression. /data/local/tmp %02X \a --force_isolate [ OK ] FAILED TIMEOUT gtest_flagfile gtest_break_on_failure "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8\n" 4 unwind pop {r15} 0x2bU 0x11U 0x30U 0xb1U (*exidx_->regs())[3] "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024\n" 0x10044U 4 unwind Unsupported wRX register display 0x Condition test_param_names.count(param_name) == 0 failed. data_->at(5) data_->at(9) raw_data_compact from_file_open_non_zero_offset method_name cfa_offset cfa_gnu_negative_offset_extended expected this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x201) 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc1 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x02 0x04 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x2004 511U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x205, &loc_regs) 0xa3U 4 unwind Attempt to set offset, but cfa is not set to a register. this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x106, &loc_regs) static_cast<uint64_t>(-512) 0x1700U fdes[1]->cie_offset 0x2800U fdes[1]->lsda_address fdes[3]->pc_end 0x6a00U this->eh_frame_->GetFdeOffsetFromPc(0x800, &fde_offset) static_cast<int8_t>(-10) static_cast<int16_t>(50100) ReadEncodedValue_data1_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0b, &value) decode op_addr op_pick op_minus compare_opcodes DWARF_ERROR_STACK_INDEX_NOT_VALID 0x28d0U 0x1ffffffffffffffeULL 0x2f this->op_->Eval(7, 12) this->op_->dex_pc_set() : Mock function call matches AdjustPcFromFde isn't equal to ARCH_ARM elf0_2->arch() elf0_1 offset single_pt_load_64 elf->eh_frame_size() elf.Init() elf.GetRelPc(0x1101, &map_info) elf.Step(0x1000, ®s, &process_memory, &finished, &is_signal_frame) *gnu_interface tests/files/ jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1700) map_info->start info.elf_offset file_backed_non_zero_offset_partial_file memory->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 0x100) memory->ReadFully(0x100, buffer.data(), 1) check_device_maps map_info->memory_backed_elf 0xb000UL from_elf info1.GetElf(process_memory_, ARCH_ARM) expected_load_bias map map_add fake_map fake_map2 0xbU 00-00 ---p 0 1000-2000 ---s 00000000 00:00 0 2000-3000 r--s 00000000 00:00 0 3000-4000 -w-s 00000000 00:00 0 4000-5000 --xp 00000000 00:00 0 5000-6000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 0x2 0xc0000000U overlap2_name "/system/lib/fake2.so" empty memory_->GetPtr(256) == nullptr std::vector<uint8_t>(i, 0xff) "abcdefghij" memory_.Init(tf_->path, 2 * pagesize) memory_.ReadFully(4990, buffer.data(), 10) read_past_file_within_mapping map_partial_offset_aligned memory_.ReadFully(pagesize * 2, read_buffer.data(), 1) read_overflow Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), kLength - 105, 105) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 0x1000 - 50 + 10, 50) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. memory != nullptr MemoryRangeTest memory.ReadString(107, &dst_name, 100) i * 0x1000 + 0x100 r7 r10 regs[ARM64_REG_SP] regs[X86_REG_EAX] regs64 0xf123456780102030UL GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x103, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) x86_regs.Arch() function_bounds_check symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3008, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols_end_at_100.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) third_entry Unwind: gnu_debugdata_arm/ 0xffeb5f40U 0xffeb62f0U 0xffeb6f10U unwinder.frames()[51].sp unwinder.frames()[64].sp 0xff85d200U 0xed52971dU 0xff85d860U 0xff85da10U 0xff85db88U 0xff85e2d0U 0xff85e760U 0xff85ed00U 0xff85ed38U 0xed6ac6c3U 0xff85ef90U unwinder.frames()[72].sp 0x7542d68e98U " #00 pc 00000685 waiter (call_level3+53)\n" " #01 pc 000006b7 waiter (call_level2+23)\n" " #02 pc 000006d7 waiter (call_level1+23)\n" " #03 pc 000006f7 waiter (main+23)\n" " #04 pc 00018275 libc.so\n" 0xffcf9e50U 0xcd4ff498U 0x2e7f105U shared_lib_in_apk_memory_only_arm64 Expected: Init("shared_lib_in_apk_memory_only_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. shared_lib_in_apk_single_map_arm64 " #00 pc 00aa7508 invalid.apk (offset 0x12e4000)\n" 0xee2a21ULL 0x7112c394e8ULL eh_frame_bias_x86 0xb695601eULL 0xffe67ac8ULL No stack data files found. fp != nullptr %s %llx memory->Init(file_name.c_str(), 0) local_use_from_pid remote_through_signal_sa_siginfo_with_invalid_func unwinder.LastErrorCode() frame->pc 0xa5000U WARNING_DEX_PC_NOT_IN_MAP elf_from_memory_but_empty_filename 0xc3000U _ZN4funcEv build_frame_pc_only_errors SignalLocalMiddleFunction unwind_after_dlopen TestlibLevel1 UninstantiatedParameterizedTestSuite< =" name=" %s Cannot run a death test outside of a TEST or TEST_F construct Regular expression " Success + test suites , ...) in --deadline_threshold_ms= Force the use of isolation mode, even if it looks like we are running in a debugger. --gtest_list_tests test <testsuite name="%s" tests="%zu" failures="%zu" disabled="0" errors="0" (%llu ms, exceeded %llu ms) List of current running tests: is only supported as an environment variable. over-saturated ERROR: this mock object "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 256\n" 0x24U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 12\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 4]\n" 0x10040U "4 unwind cfa = r0\n" 4 unwind pop {r4-r11} "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16\n" "4 unwind r0 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r2 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind pop {d8-d11} ARM_STATUS_READ_FAILED pop_vfp8_vpush 0x22 0x06 data_->at(19) read_failures DexFileFromFile::Create(0x100, tf.path) != nullptr DexFileFromMemory::Create(0x1000, &memory, "", sizeof(kDexData)) == nullptr sizeof(kDexData) - 10 __dex_debug_descriptor cfa_advance_loc2 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset register(3) 132 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x83 0x84 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x50, 0x51 + sizeof(TypeParam)) 4 unwind Raw Data: DWARF_ERROR_ILLEGAL_STATE this->cfa_->cur_pc() 0x1a03U GetFdes32 GetCieFromOffset_version_invalid GetFdeFromPc_interleaved 0x6019U segment_size this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x5000) == nullptr 'R' 0x500dU GetFdes this->eh_frame_->TestGetFdeCount() 0x4700U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfMemoryTest.cpp static_cast<int32_t>(value) 0x1234U 0x14234U op_or op_breg_invalid_register this->op_->StackAt(1) 4398046511105UL static_cast<TypeParam>(-4) GetFdeFromPc(0x600) Expected: all pre-requisites are satisfied (end of pre-requisites) is system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfSectionImplTest.cpp GetCieFromOffset_fail_should_not_cache Eval_cfa_expr elf0_2->valid() ARCH_X86 ARCH_X86_64 info200_2.elf_offset elf400_1 interface.GetPrel31Addr(0x1000, &value) ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_negative_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_negative_32 init_section_headers_offsets_debug_frame_section_bias_zero_32 elf->IsValidPc(0xffff) .debug_frame elf->IsValidPc(0x20ff) elf->IsValidPc(0x2200) build_id_section_too_small_for_desc_32 .eh_frame_hdr elf.valid() -1 get_elf_64 1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 memory.get() != nullptr lseek(elf_at_1000_.fd, 0x1000, 0) no_elf_and_no_valid_elf_in_memory invalid_arch_mismatch 00-00 rwp 00 00:00 0 parse_offset "/system/lib/fake3.so" memory_->GetPtr(1) buffer MemoryFileTest memory_.Init(tf_->path, file_size) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryLocalTest.cpp mapping local.Read(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(mapping + getpagesize() - 1024), dst.data(), 4096) 4096U memory_->ReadFully(0x3001, buffer.data(), 1) memory->Read(offset + data.size(), &buf, 1) "string_in_memory" "short" 10 x27 x28 regs[X86_REG_ECX] GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1600, &map_info) x86_64.pc() 0x0000007214bb3a04ULL &clone_values[i] symbols_end_at_200.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) second_entry 0xe9c86728U 0x64d09d4fd8U descriptor.data stack.data 0xf6d27ab5U unwinder.frames()[20].sp unwinder.frames()[24].sp unwinder.frames()[37].pc 0xffeb70a0U unwinder.frames()[64].pc 0xcd4ff330U 0x7004873eU 0xcd4ff538U 0xcd4ff770U Expected: Init("jit_map_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 17U 0x7f9326a57dd4ULL 0x7f93269e9ce8ULL 0xffffe430ULL 0xfffe1a30ULL 0xeb83d193ULL 0xffe67bd0ULL r The pid is %d Frame1 0xa5500U libanother.so "/fake/libanother.so" format_frame #01 pc 0000000000001000 <anonymous:3000> " #01 pc 00001000 <unknown>" format_frame_by_arch Mismatch of frame format for regs arch is not valid. ). Ignoring case xterm-color <failure message=" \t ": " trace: [WARNING] TESTBRIDGE_TEST_ONLY Unable to open file " Condition sockfd_ != -1 failed. for test; does the test have access to the /tmp directory? read_fd_ == -1 should have failed Argument: %s is not allowed in flag file. Too few Expected to be NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googlemock/docs/cook_book.md#knowing-when-to-expect for details. but is actually called at most (*exidx_->regs())[11] 0x14U 4 unwind pop {r4-r7} 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 16 4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 16] 4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 4] Unwindstack eval_multiple_decodes The program attempted to compare iterators ARM_STATUS_INVALID_ALIGNMENT 0xa3 0x0a ARM_STATUS_MALFORMED 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 4 unwind [cantunwind] /does/not/exist this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2100, 0x2103) 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x44 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x2010 expected + op_string 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset_sf register(255) -64 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x15 0xff 0x01 0xc0 0x7f loc_regs.end() "4 unwind restore while processing cie\n" 0x6010U "4 unwind Attempt to set offset, but cfa is not set to a register.\n" 130U 0x5500U fdes[3]->cie_offset fde->cie->lsda_encoding 0x550cU 0x5392U 0x4520U 126U static_cast<int16_t>(-1000) 14U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint32_t>(0x00, &value) dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0c, &value) opcode_buffer[i] expected_value static_cast<TypeParam>(-72) 0x338U 0x92 section_->Step(0x700, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Expected: the expectation is active this->section_->GetCieFromOffset(0x4000) == nullptr 0x3000U pseudo_value caching_invalid_elf interface.FindEntry(0x9008, &entry_offset) init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_hdr_section_bias_zero_64 get_load_bias_non_zero_32 pt_loads.size() elf.eh_frame() == nullptr "BUILDID" elf.machine_type() Step(0x1000, ®s, &process_memory, &finished, &is_signal_frame) elf.IsValidPc(0x100) --slow_threshold_ms=90000 jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1500) != nullptr elf_1 != nullptr elf_1 jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x16ff) same_map maps_.Get(0) file_backed_non_zero_offset_full_file Failed at byte 0x5d FAKE_BUILD_ID "faab1202" faab1202 ELF_BUILDID static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(note_section)) read_only_followed_by_empty_then_read_exec_share_elf "fake_map" maps2.Total() /fake/name 00-00 ---p 0 0 it 0x7b2e0000U /fake3.so munmap(mapping, 2 * getpagesize()) memory->Init(temp_file.path, 0) read_partial read_string_error memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 255) r17 regs[ARM64_REG_PC] GetPcAdjustment(0x7, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) arm.pc() 0xc200000000U symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x4fff, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) last_allocated_bytes - first_allocated_bytes #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64) #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6) #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748) #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so 0xf2da0a1bU unwinder.frames()[1].pc pc_in_gnu_debugdata_arm straddle_arm64/ 0x7fe0d84080U 0xffeb6160U unwinder.frames()[19].sp unwinder.frames()[21].pc 0xffeb6e70U unwinder.frames()[45].pc 0xffeb7710U unwinder.frames()[55].pc 0xffeb7850U 0xffeb7af0U 0xe27a7a29U 0xe27a739bU 0xff85ee28U 0x7fdd141990U 0xffcf9e38U 0xffcf9e80U Expected: Init("eh_frame_hdr_begin_x86_64/", ARCH_X86_64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7ffcc8596ce8U 0xe7daee39U 0xf41a2c0dU 0x7e7eeccad4ULL 0x7be4f078f0ULL 0xe900d8ULL 0x7112bdbda0ULL 0xffe67b48ULL regs.txt local_check_for_leak local_use_from_pid_check_for_leak ptrace attach failed with unexpected error: Frame4 0x10070U pc_in_device_stops_unwind 0x10030eU VerifyBionicTermination i + 1 SignalLocalInnerFunction Value of: of the classes to put the tests into different test suites. test %s, listed below: & skipped time The value of flag -- Actual msg: child_pid != -1 /stat has value event=TestIterationStart&iteration= event=TestIterationEnd&passed= ... stack != MAP_FAILED -h gdbserver32 (%s) timestamp="%s" time="%.3lf" name="AllTests"> </testsuite> deadline_threshold_ms (stopped at %llu ms) gtest_throw_on_failure retired ERROR: 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8 4 unwind [Reserved] "4 unwind pop {r4-r7}\n" 0x4U 0x10000U "4 unwind pop {wR15-wR30}\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 32\n" "4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 16]\n" pop_registers pop_vfp_fstmfdx 6U 0x0e create_using_local_memory dex_file->GetMethodInformation(0x100000, &method, &method_offset) cfa_nop cfa_illegal, cfa_nop, cfa_offset, cfa_offset_extended, cfa_offset_extended_sf, cfa_restore, cfa_restore_extended, cfa_set_loc, cfa_advance_loc, cfa_advance_loc1, cfa_advance_loc2, cfa_advance_loc4, cfa_undefined, cfa_same, cfa_register, cfa_state, cfa_state_cfa_offset_restore, cfa_def_cfa, cfa_def_cfa_sf, cfa_def_cfa_register, cfa_def_cfa_offset, cfa_def_cfa_offset_sf, cfa_def_cfa_expression, cfa_expression, cfa_val_offset, cfa_val_offset_sf, cfa_val_expression, cfa_gnu_args_size, cfa_gnu_negative_offset_extended, cfa_register_override, cfa_aarch64_negate_ra_state Failed to get code location for test %s.%s at %s. 0x78 0x45 0x23 0x81 4 unwind DW_CFA_set_loc 4 unwind DW_CFA_undefined register(129) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x07 0x81 0x01 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x4300, 0x4301) 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0b 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa register(127) 116 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0c 0x7f 0x74 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x105) 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset register(69) 84 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x14 0x45 0x54 0x80U loc_regs.count(255) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600c, &loc_regs) 100U 0x74U GetFdes32_not_in_section GetFdeFromPc32_reverse GetFdes64_after_GetFdeFromPc GetFdeFromPc64_reverse fdes[0]->cfa_instructions_offset 0x3900U 0x5510U 0x14010U GetFdes_with_empty_fde info != nullptr 0x18U 0xe0000000U this->op_->StackAt(0) 0x45342312U 0x79101c305080c101ULL 0x120U offset + 0x102 this->op_->Eval(1, 4) GetCfaLocationInfo(0x1000, &fde0, ::testing::_, ::testing::_) pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_) Uninteresting mock function call - Actual: don't match DwarfSectionImplTest Eval_cfa_expr_eval_fail regs.sp() regs[9] elf400_1->valid() info400_1.elf_offset entry_offset interface.FindEntry(0x7000, &entry_offset) regs[ARM_REG_PC] StepExidx_pc_set is_valid_pc_from_pt_load_non_zero_load_bias 0x2000 elf->IsValidPc(0x2300) 0x10002U elf->debug_frame_size() .gnu_debugdata elf->gnu_build_id_size() static_load_bias elf->Init(&init_load_bias) 1 jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x1500) 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so 8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 memory->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) something_else system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoTest.cpp 1UL map_info.load_bias 0a-0b ---s 0c 0d:0e 06 /fake/name -00 rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00 rwxp 00 00: 00 0 00-00 ---p verify_large_values 0xf0305070UL i * 4096 file_should_fail maps.Find(0x5010) == nullptr maps.Find(0x9a00) == nullptr /system/lib/fake1.so memory_->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 1) 128U cached_read_across_caches memory_cache_->ReadFully(0xa010, buffer.data(), kMaxCachedSize) 0xCC munmap(reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src) + pagesize), pagesize) munmap(static_cast<char*>(mapping) + page_size, page_size) ip x19 r16 0x130U regs64[8] GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) GetPcAdjustment(0x0, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) arm64.pc() x86.sp() ARCH_MIPS64 clone "function_three" unwinder.frames()[0].pc " #00 pc 00068fb8 libarttestd.so (art::CauseSegfault()+72)\n" " #01 pc 00067f00 libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+10032)\n" " #02 pc 000021a8 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, " "boolean)+136)\n" " #03 pc 0000fe80 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+64)\n" " #04 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #05 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #06 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #07 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #08 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #09 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #10 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #11 pc 0000fe03 anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+51)\n" " #12 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #13 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #14 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #15 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #16 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #17 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #18 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #19 pc 0000fd3b anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, " "java.lang.Object)+107)\n" " #20 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #21 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #22 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #23 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #24 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #25 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #26 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #27 pc 0000fbdb anonymous:ee74c000 (int " "java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, " "java.util.Comparator)+331)\n" " #28 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418)\n" " #29 pc 00146acb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+907)\n" " #30 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #31 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #32 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #33 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #34 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #35 pc 0000f624 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.foo()+164)\n" " #36 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #37 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #38 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #39 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #40 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #41 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #42 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #43 pc 0000eedb anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.runPrimary()+59)\n" " #44 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338)\n" " #45 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+885)\n" " #46 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #47 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #48 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #49 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #50 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #51 pc 0000ac21 anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+97)\n" " #52 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418)\n" " #53 pc 00146acb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+907)\n" " #54 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653)\n" " #55 pc 00392552 libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, " "art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354)\n" " #56 pc 0039399a libartd.so " "(art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor " "const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234)\n" " #57 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058)\n" " #58 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77)\n" " #59 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418)\n" " #60 pc 00146acb libartd.so " "(art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char " "const*)+907)\n" " #61 pc 005aac95 libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, " "art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+85)\n" " #62 pc 005aab5a libartd.so " "(art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, " "_jmethodID*, char*)+362)\n" " #63 pc 0048a3dd libartd.so " "(art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+125)\n" " #64 pc 0018448c libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*, " "art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1964)\n" " #65 pc 0017cf06 libartd.so " "(art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+70)\n" " #66 pc 00001d8c dalvikvm32 " "(_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+60)\n" " #67 pc 00001a80 dalvikvm32 (main+1312)\n" " #68 pc 00018275 libc.so\n" 0xffeb52a0U unwinder.frames()[11].pc unwinder.frames()[13].sp unwinder.frames()[21].sp 0xffeb6810U unwinder.frames()[30].pc 0xee75b624U 0xee756c21U 0xff85d180U 0xff85d7d8U 0xff85dad0U 0xff85dbd0U 0xed3b97bbU 0xff85e3a8U unwinder.frames()[69].sp 0xcd4ff6b0U 0xcd4ff6e8U 0xf0bb240fU Expected: Init("shared_lib_in_apk_single_map_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7f93269e7f3eULL 0xfffe1d00ULL i != 0 Unknown register named MiddleFunction frame->num 0x22000U /fake/libfake.so unwinder_from_pid_init_error LocalOuterFunction , you tried the test fixture's destructor linux TESTS </failure> stream_result_to: failed to connect to static_cast<size_t>(stack_size) > kMaxStackAlignment && reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack_top) % kMaxStackAlignment == 0 %s (elapsed time %lld ms) %s %s, listed below: ) must be >= the invocation lower bound ( 4 unwind vsp = vsp - 4 (*exidx_->regs())[6] "4 unwind vsp = r0\n" 4 unwind pop {r4} 0x61U 0x7aU 0x9aU "4 unwind pop {d4-d12}\n" 0x10030U 4 unwind pop {d16} "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024\n" "4 unwind finish\n" ' is invalid, in ', in != exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x1001) compact data_->at(14) DexFile::Create(0x500, &memory, &info) != nullptr create_using_file_non_zero_offset first_allocated_bytes system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfCfaLogTest.cpp 4 unwind 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_register register(114) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0d 0x72 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_offset_sf register(86) 18 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x15 0x56 0x12 DwarfCfaTest 0x5007U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x600, 0x603, &loc_regs) 0x6011U GetCieFromOffset32_version4 GetFdeFromOffset32_lsda_address fdes.size() fdes[2]->cie_offset fde->cfa_instructions_end 0x9000U cie->version GetFdeOffsetFromPc_search this->eh_frame_->TestGetVersion() static_cast<int8_t>(200) static_cast<int64_t>(5000000000000) GetEncodedSize_unknown ReadEncodedValue_absptr_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_absptr_uint64_t AdjustEncodedValue_datarel 0x9101c305080c101ULL 0x15U 0x23 this->op_->Eval(0, 15) Eval(&cie, &process, ::testing::_, ®s_, ::testing::_) elf100_1 elf400_2->arch() 0x400U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/ElfInterfaceArmTest.cpp interface.FindEntry(0x8100, &entry_offset) entries[0] interface.LastErrorCode() soname_after_dt_null_64 init_program_headers_malformed_64 is_valid_pc_from_debug_frame build_id_32 elf->GetFunctionName(0xd0020, &name, &name_offset) error.code error_code_valid bytes system/core/libunwindstack/tests/JitDebugTest.cpp jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x2700) same_map_new_perms file_backed_non_zero_offset_partial_file_whole_elf64 memcmp(buffer.data(), &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) MapInfoTest &prev_map 00-00 rwxp 0000:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so device maps.Find(0xf010) == nullptr MemoryCacheTest local.Read(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mapping), dst.data(), 4096 * 3) memory->Read(offset - 1, &buf, 1) data remote.ReadFully(UINT64_MAX - 100, dst.data(), 200) read_size read64 memory.ReadString(107, &dst_name, 9) single_uint32_t x4 regs32.pc() 0xf123456780000000U + i GetPcAdjustment(0xa00U, invalid_elf, ARCH_MIPS64) mips64.sp() arm_regs.Arch() "second_entry" straddle_arm/ unwinder.frames()[3].sp 0xffeb5d30U 0xffeb5fb0U 0xffeb61b0U unwinder.frames()[25].pc 0xf728e6a2U 0xf6d27acbU unwinder.frames()[42].sp unwinder.frames()[43].pc unwinder.frames()[44].pc unwinder.frames()[45].sp unwinder.frames()[51].pc unwinder.frames()[52].pc unwinder.frames()[53].sp unwinder.frames()[62].pc 76U 0xed541833U 0xff85d640U 0xff85ea50U Expected: Init("debug_frame_first_x86/", ARCH_X86) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xe4839f1bU 0xcd4ff430U 0xcd4ff7c8U Expected: Init("offset_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffe67890ULL 0x7ffb6c0c50U Frame0 "Frame0" "/fake/fake.apk!lib_fake.so" 0x10000 + 0x10 * i map_info->elf == nullptr /fake/fake.vdex " #01 pc 0000000000001000 <unknown>" unwinder.Init() Running %s from %s. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Key " Result: failed to die. external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest-internal-inl.h stream_result_to: failed to stream to (core dumped) --gtest_filter= terminated by signal: ms. xml: %s %s - and a WillRepeatedly() object GetFakeLogBuf() 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 256 0x25U 0x10010U 0x81U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 36\n" "4 unwind r4 = [cfa - 36]\n" "4 unwind r5 = [cfa - 32]\n" "4 unwind r6 = [cfa - 28]\n" "4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 24]\n" "4 unwind r8 = [cfa - 20]\n" "4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 16]\n" "4 unwind r10 = [cfa - 12]\n" "4 unwind r11 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r14 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind Spare "4 unwind pop {r0}\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8\n" "4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 8]\n" "4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4]\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 1024 4 unwind pop {d0} "4 unwind pop {d8-d11}\n" 0x10080U verify_no_truncated exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x1000) data_->at(10) data_->at(15) data_->at(23) deque from_memory_open 0x500 <= cfa_def_cfa_sf 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf register(163) -6 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x12 0xa3 0x01 0xfa 0x7f 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 1364 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0e 0xd4 0x0a 4 unwind DW_CFA_GNU_args_size 65572 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x2e 0xa4 0x80 0x04 loc_regs[CFA_REG].type 0x287U GetFdeFromPc64_not_in_section 0x5000U DW_EH_PE_omit 0x6000U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfEhFrameTest.cpp this->eh_frame_->Init(0x1000, 0x100, 0x2000) 0x5000 + i * 0x20 ReadBytes 0xffffffffffffffc0ULL dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x02, &value) Raw Data: 0x12 op_mod op_mul is_dex_pc DWARF_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 0x01020304U this->op_->Eval(0, 3) taking default action specified at: call_count() is <= 0 when GetCurrentAction() is called - this should never happen. regs[1] caching_valid_elf_offset_non_zero elf400_1->arch() info400_2.elf_offset entries[4] non_executable_pt_loads_64 soname_size_64 init_section_headers_malformed_symdata_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_positive_32 is_valid_pc_from_pt_load build_id_section_too_small_for_name_64 load_data.table_size function_two static_cast<uint32_t>(183) elf.IsValidPc(0x200) 0xB000U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MapInfoCreateMemoryTest.cpp "ELF_BUILDID" elf->class_type() maps_constructor_const_char MapsTest info->flags 00 f2345678-fabcdef8 rwxp f0305070 00:00 0 7b29b000-7b29e000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 7b29e000-7b29f000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /system/lib/fake.so 7b29f000-7b2a0000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 /dev/ashmem/does_not_exist android::base::WriteStringToFile("7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0 /fake.so\n" "7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so\n" "7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 /fake3.so\n", tf.path, 0660, getuid(), getgid()) maps.Find(0xf000) == nullptr memory_->Read(128, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryFileTest.cpp read_buffer[i] memory_->ReadFully(0x3000, buffer.data(), 1) memory->Read(offset + data.size() - 1, &buf, 1) range.ReadFully(1020, dst.data(), 5) mprotect(static_cast<char*>(mapping), page_size, 0x0) memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, sizeof(kLongString)) x2 eip GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86_64) 0xabcd0000U arm64_regs.Arch() fake_function symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x12004, &this->memory_, &name, &offset) pc_straddle_arm64 Expected: Init("jit_debug_x86/", ARCH_X86) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffeb6370U unwinder.frames()[42].pc unwinder.frames()[43].sp 0xffeb7480U unwinder.frames()[57].sp 0xffeb7ad0U eh_frame_hdr_begin_x86_64 0x561550b17a80U 0x7ffcc8597190U 0xcd4ff2b8U 0xcd4ff380U Expected: Init("debug_frame_load_bias_arm/", ARCH_ARM) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0xffd4a638U shared_lib_in_apk_single_map_arm64/ 0x7cbe0b14bcULL 0x7be4f07910ULL 0x7be5f7b024ULL 0x7be4f07d20ULL load_bias_different_section_bias_arm64 0x71115ab3e8ULL 0x7fdd4a3f00ULL 0xf2790ce8ULL Expected: Init("empty_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. system/core/libunwindstack/tests/UnwinderTest.cpp frame->sp Frame3 0x63000U speculative_frame dex_pc_multiple_frames "/fake/unreadable.so" #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (offset 0x2000) (function+100) #01 pc 00001000 <unknown> unwinder.FormatFrame(0) "/fake/jit.so" handle != nullptr screen-256color } ". can be found in this test suite. couldn't detect the number of threads. failed: capturer can exist at a time. Condition 0 <= begin && begin <= size failed. [TIME_IN_MS] is not compatible with isolation runs. does not take an argument. 0xfffcU (*exidx_->regs())[15] 4 unwind pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15} 0x29U (*exidx_->regs())[5] "4 unwind pop {r7, r9, r12}\n" 4 unwind cfa = r14 4 unwind pop {r4-r7, r14} 0x3aU "4 unwind finish\n" 4 unwind cfa = r13 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 8 4 unwind r1 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r3 = [cfa - 4] 0x10018U external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h Condition parameter_ != nullptr failed. (null) exidx_->ExtractEntryData(0x4000) data_->at(11) 0x66 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf register(5) 16 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x05 0x10 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x103) 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf register(48) 37 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x12 0x30 0x25 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 89 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0e 0x59 4 unwind Illegal (Only valid on aarch64) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfCfaTest.cpp address DWARF_LOCATION_VAL_OFFSET GetFdeFromPc32 fdes[3]->lsda_address '\0' fde->cie->personality_handler 0x5019U GetFdeOffsetFromPc_verify GetFdeOffsetFromPc_fail_fde_count 0x1b this->eh_frame_->EhFrameInit(0x1300, 0x200, 0x1000) static_cast<int16_t>(value) dwarf_mem_->ReadSigned<int64_t>(&value) 10U ReadEncodedValue_omit_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data2_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data8_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x03, &value) DW_OP_dup op_div op_shra DWARF_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS 0x3221U static_cast<TypeParam>(-1502) 0x04U section_->Step(0x1000, nullptr, nullptr, &finished, &is_signal_frame) ( : GetFdeFromPc GetCfaLocationInfo_cie_cached 0x80000000U regs[0] 0x12345678abcdef00ULL ElfCacheTest 0x7008U soname_64 init_section_headers_32 eh_frame_zero_section_bias_64 elf.GetFunctionName(0, &name, &func_offset) IsValidPc .shstrtab get_elf_no_valid_descriptor_in_memory map_info->IsBlank() memcmp(buffer.data(), ELFMAG, SELFMAG) == 0 file_backed_non_zero_offset_partial_file_whole_elf32 mem.get() != nullptr valid_rosegment_non_zero_offset build_id_values[i] map_info.offset map_info.flags "string_map" info.start 00-0 00-00 rwx 00-00 ---s 0 0x7b29e000U %llx-%llx r-xp 1000 00:0 0 /fake%zu.so no_cached_read_after_clear "abcdefgh" memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize) range.Read(1020, dst.data(), dst.size()) read_large reg x14 x20 rbx 0x350U arm64_step_if_signal_handler regs64.sp() GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0x100, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1500, &map_info) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x5010, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) jit_debug_x86 0xffeb5280U 0xf728e4d2U unwinder.frames()[31].pc unwinder.frames()[47].sp unwinder.frames()[59].pc 0xff85f050U 0x7ffcc8596f40U 0xcd4ff140U 0xe471668dU 0xf43d2ce0U 0xf413652cU 0xffcc1078U 0x2e7e453U " #00 pc 0005138c libc.so (__ioctl+8)\n" " #01 pc 0002140f libc.so (ioctl+30)\n" " #02 pc 00039535 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+204)\n" " #03 pc 00039633 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+10)\n" " #04 pc 00039b57 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38)\n" " #05 pc 00000c21 mediaserver (main+104)\n" " #06 pc 00084b89 libc.so (__libc_init+48)\n" " #07 pc 00000b77 mediaserver (_start_main+38)\n" 0x7dabf3dc40ULL lib_mem.data 0x7be4f07880ULL load_bias_ro_rx_x86_64 0x7f932699152aULL #00 pc 00000000000d59bc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28) #01 pc 00000000000554e8 linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1148) #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso (__kernel_rt_sigreturn) #03 pc 000000000007f3e8 libc.so (abort+168) #04 pc 00000000000459fc test (std::__ndk1::__throw_bad_cast()+4) #05 pc 0000000000056d80 test (testing::Test::Run()+88) #06 pc 000000000005724c test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+112) #07 pc 0000000000057558 test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+116) #08 pc 000000000005bffc test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+464) #09 pc 000000000005bd9c test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+116) #10 pc 00000000000464e4 test (main+144) #11 pc 000000000007aa34 libc.so (__libc_init+108) 0xeb83d5e7ULL 0xb698860bULL 0xb6995035ULL 0x7ffb6c0d10U fscanf(fp, "%s %" "ll""x" "\n", reg_name, &value) UnwindTest Waiting for process to quiesce failed: unwind_from_pid_remote frame->function_offset frame->map_start "Frame2" "Frame" + std::to_string(i) 0xc1050U format_frame_build_id unwinder.FormatFrame(frame) unwinder.SetJitDebug(&jit_debug) Arm64 xterm-256color run </testcase> { json , but you have # %s = close(pipe_fd[1]) [ INFO ] CloseConnection() can be called only when there is a connection. ms \' [TIME_IN_MS] --gtest_list_tests [0;31m %s:%d] Unexpected failure from read: %s %s:%d] Unexpected failure from pipe: %s Running gtest_death_test_style Unknown argument: %s --%s %s "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 256\n" 0xfff8U "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" 0x10U "4 unwind pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15}\n" 4 unwind cfa = r3 ARM_STATUS_RESERVED 0x45U "4 unwind pop {d8-d15}\n" 4 unwind pop {d8-d15} 4 unwind pop {wR0} set_vsp_from_register pop_registers_with_r14 data_->at(6) 0x0f DexFile::Create(start, &memory, &info) != nullptr method_offset DexFilesTest cfa_advance_loc1 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2001) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x205) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xaad) this->dmem_->cur_offset() loc_regs.find(6) fdes[1]->pc_end fdes[2]->cfa_instructions_end 0x53a2U 0xb50U DwarfEhFrameWithHdrTest this->eh_frame_->TestGetHdrEntriesOffset() 0x3340U nullptr dwarf_mem_->cur_offset() ReadEncodedValue_aligned_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_data2_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->AdjustEncodedValue(0x40, &value) DwarfOpTest this->op_->Eval(0, 2) 0x01U Step_cache Returns: Actual: the following immediate pre-requisites Eval_cfa_expr_no_stack Eval_dex_pc regs[3] info100_1.elf_offset elf300_2->valid() elf_arm.start_offset() init_program_headers_malformed_32 init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_zero_64 gnu_debugdata_init64 get_global_vaddr_in_data_section JitDebugTest maps_.Reparse() info.elf_start_offset "46414b455f4255494c445f4944" info.GetLoadBias(process_memory_) const_iterate "/devsomething/does_not_exist" find memory_->ReadFully(101, buffer.data(), 2) read_failure_overflow read_illegal memory_->ReadFully(kStart, buffer.data(), 10) 50U TestAttach(pid) TestDetach(pid) read_munmap_hole sp x3 x9 x23 pst RegsIterateTest x86_step_if_signal_handler_siginfo GetPcAdjustment(0x4, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x5, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x5, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) invalid_elf->GetRelPc(0x1a00, &map_info) ARCH_ARM64 get_global symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x10002, &this->memory_, &name, &offset) frame_info unwinder.frames()[0].sp 0xf1f6dce5U unwinder.frames()[8].pc 0xffeb65b0U unwinder.frames()[27].pc 0xffeb6e50U unwinder.frames()[50].sp unwinder.frames()[56].sp 0x56574d8cU 0xff85d428U 0xff85df48U unwinder.frames()[71].sp 0xab0d4349U 0xffcf9e60U 0xcd4ff190U 0x2e55ff3U 0xf0c15b89U 0x7be4f077d0ULL 12U 0xffe678a0ULL remote_through_signal_sa_siginfo remote_through_signal_with_invalid_func disable_embedded_soname dex_pc_not_in_map Failed to init elf object from LocalUnwinderTest Cannot generate a number in the range [0, 0). Generation of a number in [0, %s: SetUpTestSuite or TearDownTestSuite < disabled ": [ threadsafe Result: died but not with expected error. | Condition !original_working_dir_.IsEmpty() failed. threads. gdbserver64 Stack trace: 0x28U 0x3U 0x6aU ARM_STATUS_FINISH , "4 unwind pop {r0, r1, r2, r3}\n" 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 1024 "4 unwind pop {wR10}\n" 4 unwind pop {wR10} line 0x30 0x70 cant_unwind_log lseek(tf.fd, 0x100, 0) get_method_information_not_first_entry_32 get_method_information_global_skip_zero_64 1000-4000 ---s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf 4000-6000 r--s 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf 6000-8000 -wxs 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf a000-c000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 c000-f000 rw-p 00002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf2 f000-11000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 100000-110000 rw-p 00f1000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 200000-210000 rw-p 0002000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 300000-400000 rw-p 0003000 00:00 0 /fake/elf3 500000-501000 r--p 0000000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 501000-502000 ---p 0000000 00:00 0 503000-510000 rw-p 0003000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 510000-520000 rw-p 0010000 00:00 0 /fake/elf4 cfa_def_cfa cfa_val_expression cfa_gnu_args_size 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended register(3) 2 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 0x03 0x02 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_extended register(8) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x06 0x08 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf -10 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x13 0xf6 0x7f 4 unwind DW_CFA_expression register(4) 2 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x10 0x04 0x02 0xc0 0xc1 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc0 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc1 location->second.type 0x2103U 0xa02U 0x2005U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x6000, 0x600e, &loc_regs) DW_EH_PE_sdata4 fde->cie->augmentation_string[0] fde->cie->return_address_register 0x700U this->eh_frame_->EhFrameInit(0x1300, 0x200, 0x2000) 0x1d108U static_cast<int64_t>(value) 0x1200U 0x5e3e1f9U ReadEncodedValue_overflow_uint32_t op_plus this->op_->Eval(0, 1) this->op_->is_register() this->op_->Eval(0, 5) opcode expected[i + 1] op - 0x70 + 10 + 0x12 Actual: it is retired Eval_cfa_expr_is_register elf0_1->valid() info300_2.elf_offset type == EM_ARM || type == EM_386 || type == EM_X86_64 android::base::WriteFully(tf->fd, ptr, ehdr_size) 0x231000U interface.FindEntry(0x1000, &entry_offset) StepExidx_refuse_unwind init_section_headers_non_std_entry_size_64 0x10001U elf->eh_frame_section_bias() get_elf_invalid_descriptor_version 0x1 | 0x4 memory->ReadFully(1024, buffer.data(), 1) map_info->elf_offset multiple_thread_elf_exists_in_memory "6df0590c4920f4c7b9f34fe833f37d54" read_only_followed_by_read_exec_share_elf info->name map_move /fake/name/again 00-00 rwxp0 00 00:00 0 00-00 ywxp 00 00:00 0 /fake 00-00 rwyp 00 00:00 0 /fake 0xf2345678UL /devsomething/does_not_exist file_buffer_cross memory_.ReadFully(buffer.size() + i, &value, 1) remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src.data()), dst.data(), src.size()) x21 rax rcx regs[X86_REG_EBX] 0x140U GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) GetPcAdjustment(0x8, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS64) GetPcAdjustment(0x700U, invalid_elf, ARCH_X86) x86_64_verify_sp_pc mips64.pc() machine_type system/core/libunwindstack/tests/SymbolsTest.cpp SymbolsTest symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x2000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0x6000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) global_1 0xd8fe6930U 0x64d09d5078U jit unwinder.frames()[7].pc unwinder.frames()[11].sp 0xffeb6530U unwinder.frames()[29].sp 0xffeb6c50U unwinder.frames()[54].pc unwinder.frames()[58].pc unwinder.frames()[61].pc jit_debug_arm 0xed7606ffU 0xff85ddc0U 0xed76122fU 0xff85e1b0U 0xff85e8f0U unwinder.frames()[69].pc 0xff85f008U 0x7fdd1419b0U 0x565986b7U 0x7f4de62162b0U offset_arm 0xffcc1090U 0x2e773dbU #00 pc 0005138c libc.so (__ioctl+8) #01 pc 0002140f libc.so (ioctl+30) #02 pc 00039535 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+204) #03 pc 00039633 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+10) #04 pc 00039b57 libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+38) #05 pc 00000c21 mediaserver (main+104) #06 pc 00084b89 libc.so (__libc_init+48) #07 pc 00000b77 mediaserver (_start_main+38) 0xf1a75b57U 0xffd4a6d0U 0x7e82b018c0ULL 0x7be4f07800ULL eh_frame_bias_x86/ " #00 pc 00000000000963a4 libc.so (__ioctl+4)\n" " #01 pc 000000000005344c libc.so (ioctl+140)\n" " #02 pc 0000000000050ce4 libbinder.so " "(android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+308)\n" " #03 pc 0000000000050e98 libbinder.so " "(android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+24)\n" " #04 pc 00000000000516ac libbinder.so (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60)\n" " #05 pc 00000000000443b0 netd (main+1056)\n" " #06 pc 0000000000045594 libc.so (__libc_init+108)\n" Timed out waiting for thread to respond to signal. 0x43000U frame.map_name frame.map_start LocalInnerFunction local_multiple is defined using TEST. You probably Condition std::find(allowed_names.begin(), allowed_names.end(), name) != allowed_names.end() failed. </ value=" /> < is expected to be a 32-bit integer, but actually , which overflows. See https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/advanced.md#death-tests-and-threads As Text: " [0;32m SHOULD HAVE FAILED [ TIMEOUT ] %s from %s ran. (%lld ms total) You are using DoDefault() inside a composite action like DoAll() or WithArgs(). This is not supported for technical reasons. Please instead spell out the default action, or assign the default action to an Action variable and use the variable in various places. 0x10004U 0x10100U 4 unwind Refuse to unwind "4 unwind vsp = r3\n" 0x1U "4 unwind cfa = r13 + 2048\n" "4 unwind pop {d0}\n" "4 unwind Unsupported wRX register display\n" 4 unwind pop {wCGR0, wCGR1, wCGR2, wCGR3} 4 unwind pop {d2-d5} "4 unwind pop {r15}\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp - 8\n" "4 unwind finish\n" pop_up_to_12 logging ), actual: 0xf3 0x10 0x09 data_->at(16) data_->at(18) 0x100 "fail" get_method_information_with_empty_map 4 unwind DW_CFA_offset_extended register(258) 4 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 0x82 0x02 0x04 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_extended register(258) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x06 0x82 0x02 0x1505U 0x603U 0x600fU fde->cfa_instructions_offset 0x14024U DW_EH_PE_sdata8 0x500U GetFdeFromPc_wtih_empty_fde DWARF_ERROR_MEMORY_INVALID static_cast<int8_t>(value) 0x12345678f1f2f3f4ULL ReadEncodedValue_all_uint32_t 0x3234U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x04, &value) 0x1245U this->op_->Eval(i, i + 1) this->op_->Eval(2, 5) GetCfaLocationInfo(0x1000, &fde, ::testing::_, ::testing::_) section_->Step(0x1500, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_) GetCieOffsetFromFde64 Eval_invalid_register this->section_->Log(2, 0x1000, &fde, ARCH_UNKNOWN) interface.total_entries() regs[ARM_REG_SP] ElfInterfaceTest non_executable_pt_loads_32 0x3008U elf->IsValidPc(0x22ff) is_valid_pc_from_eh_frame elf->IsValidPc(0x2800) get_load_bias_zero_32 elf->eh_frame_hdr_size() IsValidPc(0x1500) ELF --deadline_threshold_ms=120000 map_info->name.empty() function 00-x rwxp 00 00:00 0 00-00x rwxp 00 00:00 0 0 0xa12345U /dev/does_not_exist "/system/lib/fake1.so" android::base::WriteStringToFd(data, tf_->fd) pid info.IsSaved(3) regular expression x6 ebp r24 regs32 regs32[32] regs64.total_regs() GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) GetPcAdjustment(0x800U, invalid_elf, ARCH_X86_64) symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0xa011, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) " #00 pc 0001a9f8 libc.so (abort+64)\n" " #01 pc 00006a1b libbase.so (android::base::DefaultAborter(char const*)+6)\n" " #02 pc 00007441 libbase.so (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+748)\n" " #03 pc 00015147 /does/not/exist/libhidlbase.so\n" 0xee75be80U 0xffeb6110U 0xffeb65e0U 0xffeb6e20U 0xee75aedbU 0x56574a80U #00 pc 00018a5e libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+866) #01 pc 0000212d 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, boolean)+92) #02 pc 00011cb1 anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+72) #03 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #04 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #05 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #06 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #07 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #08 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #09 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #10 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #11 pc 00011c31 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+64) #12 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #13 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #14 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #15 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #16 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #17 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #18 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #19 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #20 pc 00011b77 anonymous:e2796000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)+118) #21 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #22 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #23 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #24 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #25 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #26 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #27 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #28 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #29 pc 00011a29 anonymous:e2796000 (int java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, java.util.Comparator)+304) #30 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #31 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226) #32 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+882) #33 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #34 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #35 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #36 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #37 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #38 pc 0001139b anonymous:e2796000 (boolean Main.foo()+178) #39 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #40 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #41 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #42 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #43 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #44 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #45 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #46 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #47 pc 00010aa7 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.runPrimary()+70) #48 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #49 pc 00467129 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+228) #50 pc 000bf7a9 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+864) #51 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #52 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #53 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #54 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #55 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #56 pc 0000ba99 anonymous:e2796000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+144) #57 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #58 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226) #59 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+882) #60 pc 00247833 libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+382) #61 pc 0022e935 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+244) #62 pc 0022f71d libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+128) #63 pc 00442865 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+796) #64 pc 004666ff libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+30) #65 pc 00462175 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68) #66 pc 0046722f libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+226) #67 pc 000bf7bb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+882) #68 pc 003b292d libartd.so (art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+52) #69 pc 003b26c3 libartd.so (art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+210) #70 pc 00308411 libartd.so (art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+76) #71 pc 000e6a9f libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list, art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1486) #72 pc 000e19b9 libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, std::__va_list)+40) #73 pc 0000159f dalvikvm32 (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+30) #74 pc 00001349 dalvikvm32 (main+896) #75 pc 000850c9 libc.so 0xff85d2b0U 0xe27a1a99U 0xed602411U #00 pc 0000000000000550 waiter64 #01 pc 0000000000000568 waiter64 #02 pc 000000000000057c waiter64 #03 pc 0000000000000590 waiter64 #04 pc 00000000000a8e98 libc.so (__libc_init+88) debug_frame_first_x86/ 0xf43d2ce8U 0x2e84215U " #00 pc 000000000014ccbc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 000000000005426c linker64 " "(__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1128)\n" " #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso.so (__kernel_rt_sigreturn)\n" " #03 pc 00000000000846f4 libc.so (abort+172)\n" " #04 pc 0000000000084ad4 libc.so (__assert2+36)\n" " #05 pc 000000000003d5b4 ANGLEPrebuilt.apk!libfeature_support_angle.so (offset 0x4000) " "(ANGLEGetUtilityAPI+56)\n" " #06 pc 000000000007fe68 libc.so (__libc_init)\n" 0x7dabf3dc70ULL 0x7be6715d70ULL 0x7be6716408ULL 0x7be4f07860ULL Expected: Init("invalid_elf_offset_arm/", ARCH_ARM, false) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7ffd22415400ULL " #00 pc 00000000000d59bc linker64 (__dl_syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 00000000000554e8 linker64 (__dl__ZL24debuggerd_signal_handleriP7siginfoPv+1148)\n" " #02 pc 00000000000008c0 vdso (__kernel_rt_sigreturn)\n" " #03 pc 000000000007f3e8 libc.so (abort+168)\n" " #04 pc 00000000000459fc test (std::__ndk1::__throw_bad_cast()+4)\n" " #05 pc 0000000000056d80 test (testing::Test::Run()+88)\n" " #06 pc 000000000005724c test (testing::TestInfo::Run()+112)\n" " #07 pc 0000000000057558 test (testing::TestSuite::Run()+116)\n" " #08 pc 000000000005bffc test (testing::internal::UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests()+464)\n" " #09 pc 000000000005bd9c test (testing::UnitTest::Run()+116)\n" " #10 pc 00000000000464e4 test (main+144)\n" " #11 pc 000000000007aa34 libc.so (__libc_init+108)\n" 0x5f739ee24cULL 0xeb585a4bULL 0xeb5333a3ULL 0xb695664bULL 0x7ffb6c0ce0U system/core/libunwindstack/tests/UnwindTest.cpp local unwinder.elf_from_memory_not_file() frame->rel_pc frame->map_flags "/fake/fake_offset.oat" /system/fake/libunwind.so 0x43400U 0xd0000U dex_pc_max_frames /fake/fake.oat UninstantiatedTypeParameterizedTestSuite< test Failed screen (%s ms total) %s. Attribute <testcase RUN Death test child process reported Expected: external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest-port.cc [ FATAL ] pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, nullptr) pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_) [0;3%sm Failure event=TestProgramStart Death tests use fork(), which is unsafe particularly in a threaded context. For this test, SLOW %s. %s:%d] Disabling SIGQUIT handler failed: %s gtest_random_seed , but has called at least 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 4 4 unwind r15 = [cfa - 4] (*exidx_->regs())[10] 0x2aU 4 unwind pop {r7, r9, r12} "4 unwind cfa = r3\n" "4 unwind pop {r4-r11, r14}\n" 0x310800U 4 unwind Unsupported DX register display 4 unwind Unsupported wCGR register display 4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4 4 unwind r15 = [cfa + 4] vsp_large_incr pop_mmx_wr10 0xa8 0x90 second_read_offset_is_negative 0x11 0x14 0U kMaxAllowedLeakBytes this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x106) 4 unwind DW_CFA_val_expression register(2051) 168 4 unwind DW_CFA_AARCH64_negate_ra_state this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2002, &loc_regs) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5007, &loc_regs) this->fde_.pc_start + 0x10 this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa05, &loc_regs) GetCieFromOffset32_augment 0x4a00U fde->cie->augmentation_string.size() cie->cfa_instructions_end 0x550U static_cast<uint64_t>(value) 0xfffffffffbfde1bfULL dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<uint32_t>(0x50, &value) ReadEncodedValue_leb128_uint32_t ReadEncodedValue_leb128_uint64_t 0x8224U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x09, &value) op_shr static_cast<TypeParam>(-248) 0x1ffffffeU offset + 0x2010 ) .WillOnce() cannot appear after .WillRepeatedly() or .RetiresOnSaturation(). Eval_bad_regs "4 unwind DW_CFA_nop\n" "4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00\n" "4 unwind DW_CFA_restore register(2)\n" "4 unwind Raw Data: 0xc2\n" elf1->valid() elf2->valid() FindEntry_no_valid_memory 0x1010U entries[3] elf_arm.total_entries() soname_size_32 get_load_bias_exec_positive_64 0x1acU *interface elf.GetGlobalVariableOffset(global, &offset) jit_debug_->GetElf(maps_.get(), 0x26ff) android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 rwxp 00000 00:00 0\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) all_new_maps android::base::WriteStringToFile("1000-2000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n" "a000-f000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) /fake/lib2.so memory->ReadFully(buffer.size(), buffer.data(), 1) valid_rosegment_zero_offset map_info_->GetLoadBias(process_memory_) (9223372036854775807LL) info.offset "/dev/" /fake/name/is/long/on/purpose memory_->ReadFully(0, buffer.data(), 101) std::vector<uint8_t>(kMaxCachedSize, 0xff) memory_.Init(tf_->path, pagesize + 15) Should have failed at value local.ReadFully(0, dst.data(), 100) page_size memory.Read32(0, &data) kLongString memory.ReadString(100, &dst_name, 257) r15 x86.pc() clone_values[i] 0xee75bbdbU 0xffeb6b60U unwinder.frames()[36].pc 0xf6d6548cU unwinder.frames()[68].pc 0xff85d698U 0xff85de90U 0xff85e6c8U bad_eh_frame_hdr_arm64/ 0xcd4ff510U 0xe4a79affU offset_arm/ 0x7e7eecc6f4ULL 0xeb518f66ULL 0xffe678b0ULL 0x44000U /fake/fake.apk libunwind.so dex_pc_not_in_map_valid_dex_files #01 pc 00001000 <anonymous:3000> set_dex_files_error FAKE TestlibLevel2 To suppress this error for this test suite, insert the following line (in a non-header) in the namespace it is defined in: GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST( Expected: and Note: This is test shard %d of %s. type_param result < -- /data/local/tmp/ sigaction( SIGPROF, &ignore_sigprof_action, &saved_sigprof_action) " --force_isolate /exe In isolation mode, you can send SIGQUIT to the parent process to show the current running tests, or send SIGINT to the parent process to stop all running tests. COLORTERM GTEST_FILTER expected failure gtest_also_run_disabled_tests %s:%d] Setting up SIGQUIT handler failed: %s called between y = 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 2048 4 unwind pop {d31-d46} ARM_STATUS_TRUNCATED external/googletest/googletest/include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h data_->empty() data_->size() 0x04 0x07 tf.fd != -1 cfa_val_offset cfa_val_offset_sf 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12 0x67 0x45 0x23 0x81 4 unwind DW_CFA_advance_loc4 16909060 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x04 0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01 4 unwind 4 unwind PC 0x1022304 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0xa00, 0xa05) this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x1a00, 0x1a03, &loc_regs) static_cast<uint64_t>(-16) fdes[3]->cie != nullptr 0x5224U fde->cie->cfa_instructions_offset 0x610cU this->debug_frame_->GetCieFromOffset(0x7000) == nullptr 0x4300U fde_offset ReadEncodedValue_high_bit_set_uint32_t 0x1230U dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x01, &value) op_shl this->op_->LastErrorCode() this->mem_->cur_offset() 0x56677889ULL 0x1d 0x24 static_cast<TypeParam>(-2) offset - 4 this->op_->Eval(2, 4) 0x96 Function call: are not satisfied: WillOnce() this->section_->GetFdeFromOffset(0x4000) == nullptr regs.GetPseudoRegister(11, &pseudo_value) elf100_1->arch() info100_2.elf_offset elf200_2 0x1004U load_bias init_section_headers_offsets_eh_frame_section_bias_negative_64 elf->Init(&load_bias) GetGlobalVariable get_elf_32 elf2 != nullptr get_elf_multiple_entries android::base::WriteStringToFile(GetDefaultMapString(), tf.path) map_info->end "/fake/lib3.so" /only/in/memory.so expected_build_id lseek(fd, offset, 0) elf->memory()->ReadFully(buffer.size(), buffer.data(), 1) r_info.GetElf(process_memory_, ARCH_ARM) elf_exists_in_memory_cached 0xcU 00-00 rw 00-00 ---s info->flags & 0x8000 "/dev/ashmem/does_not_exist" memory_->GetPtr(255) != nullptr memory_cache_->ReadFully(0x9ff0, buffer.data(), 32) memory_.ReadFully(0, read_buffer.data(), pagesize * 2) 4 memory_.ReadFully(0, read_buffer.data(), pagesize) Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 0, 100) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryOfflineTest.cpp 0x37U munmap(src, pagesize) single_uint64_t r19 r23 r28 GetPcAdjustment(0x2, elf_.get(), ARCH_X86) GetPcAdjustment(0x3, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) unwinder.NumFrames() 0xe9c866f8U unwinder.frames()[1].sp unwinder.frames()[4].sp unwinder.frames()[5].sp 0xec6061a8U unwinder.frames()[26].pc unwinder.frames()[41].pc 0xffeb7240U unwinder.frames()[60].pc 0xff85dc10U unwinder.frames()[70].pc unwinder.frames()[75].sp 0x561550b17dd9U " #00 pc 00000000 jit_map0.so " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity.access$000)\n" " #01 pc 0000003d jit_map1.so " "(com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative.MixActivity$1.run+60)\n" " #02 pc 004135bb libart.so (art_quick_osr_stub+42)\n" " #03 pc 003851dd libart.so (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+868)\n" " #04 pc 00062925 libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+22)\n" " #05 pc 0001de39 libc.so (__start_thread+24)\n" 0xffcc1458U 0xffcc1490U 0xf1a75633U #00 pc 00000000000814bc libc.so (syscall+28) #01 pc 00000000008cdf5c test.apk (offset 0x5000) #02 pc 00000000008cde9c test.apk (offset 0x5000) #03 pc 00000000008cdd70 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #04 pc 00000000008ce408 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #05 pc 00000000008ce8d8 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #06 pc 00000000008ce814 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #07 pc 00000000008bcf60 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #08 pc 0000000000133024 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #09 pc 0000000000134ad0 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #10 pc 0000000000134b64 test.apk (offset 0x5000) #11 pc 00000000000e406c libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36) #12 pc 0000000000085e18 libc.so (__start_thread+64) invalid_elf_offset_arm/ 0x7ffd224153d0ULL 0x7ffd22415440ULL 0x7ffd22415cc0ULL 0x7112bdbbf0ULL 0x7fdd4a4040ULL 0xfffe1a40ULL 0xf2790d10ULL 0xb6980b25ULL frame->map_end "/system/fake/libunwind.so" unwinder64.FormatFrame(frame) " #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function)" #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so build_frame_pc_valid_elf Arm X86_64 install_failure_signal_handler the test body . , where %s = %s [ OK ] TEST [ PASSED ] JSON output file may not be null MakeConnection() can't be called when there is already a connection. != -1 fcntl(pipe_fd[1], F_SETFD, 0) != -1 () %s = %s Failed to remove premature exit filepath " [ [ DEATH ] gtest_captured_stream.XXXXXX Run up to JOB_COUNT tests in parallel. Use isolation mode, Run each test in a separate process. If JOB_COUNT is not given, it is set to the count of available processors. %s [ FAILED ] gtest_list_tests requires a number greater than zero. called Name() must not be called before SetOwnerAndName() has been called. leaked mock "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4\n" "4 unwind vsp = vsp + 8\n" "4 unwind cfa = r13 - 4\n" (*exidx_->regs())[9] 4 unwind cfa = r13 + 12 4 unwind r7 = [cfa - 12] 4 unwind r9 = [cfa - 8] 4 unwind r12 = [cfa - 4] 4 unwind vsp = r14 "4 unwind pop {r4-r11}\n" 4 unwind pop {r4, r14} 0x5U (*exidx_->regs())[0] 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 3147776 "4 unwind pop {d8}\n" 4 unwind pop {d8} 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 4 4 unwind vsp = vsp + 12 4 unwind finish ArmExidxDecodeTest : 0xb0 data_->at(22) "4 unwind Raw Data: 0x11 0x22 0x33 0xb0\n" cfa_advance_loc4 cfa_illegal, cfa_nop, cfa_offset, cfa_offset_extended, cfa_offset_extended_sf, cfa_restore, cfa_restore_extended, cfa_set_loc, cfa_advance_loc1, cfa_advance_loc2, cfa_advance_loc4, cfa_undefined, cfa_same, cfa_register, cfa_state, cfa_state_cfa_offset_restore, cfa_def_cfa, cfa_def_cfa_sf, cfa_def_cfa_register, cfa_def_cfa_offset, cfa_def_cfa_offset_sf, cfa_def_cfa_expression, cfa_expression, cfa_val_offset, cfa_val_offset_sf, cfa_val_expression, cfa_gnu_args_size, cfa_gnu_negative_offset_extended, cfa_register_override, cfa_aarch64_negate_ra_state this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x100, 0x103, &loc_regs) 0x103U GetFdes64_not_in_section GetCieFromOffset64_version1 fdes[0]->pc_end 0x2500U fde == nullptr 0x5124U Init_non_zero_load_bias_different_from_eh_frame_bias this->eh_frame_->TestGetTableEntrySize() static_cast<int32_t>(-1000000000) 0x9234U 0xffffffffe0000000ULL multiple_ops Raw Data: 0x0a 0x20 0x10 op_drop 0x94 0x5080c101U 0x02U DwarfSectionTest GetFdeFromPc(0x1000) section_->Step(0x1000, ®s_, &process, &finished, &is_signal_frame) Google Mock tried the following Actions ran out in is anything .WillRepeatedly() cannot appear after .RetiresOnSaturation(). Eval_reg_val_expr 0x4000U elf100_2->arch() elf300_1->valid() elf300_1->arch() entries[2] soname_after_dt_null_32 init_headers_eh_frame_32 eh_frame_positive_section_bias_32 elf->IsValidPc(0x11fff) 0xb000U static_cast<uint32_t>(3) elf_mips64 elf.interface()->gnu_debugdata_offset() is_valid_pc_interface __jit_debug_descriptor map_info->flags map_info->name "/fake/lib1.so" 3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so 4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so 8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0 9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib2.so a000-b000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib3.so android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so\n" "4000-5000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n" "7000-8000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib1.so\n" "8000-9000 ---p 00000 00:00 0\n" "9000-a000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib2.so\n" "a000-b000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib3.so\n", tf.path) i % 256 write(fd, note_section, sizeof(note_section)) elf->gnu_debugdata_interface() != nullptr elf->memory() != nullptr 2UL string_map 00-00 rwxp 00 00:00 7b29b000-7b29e000 r-xp a0000000 00:00 0 7b2b0000-7b2e0000 r-xp b0000000 00:00 0 /fake2.so 7b2e0000-7b2f0000 r-xp c0000000 00:00 0 5000U MemoryBufferTest Read abcdefghij 012345678901234abcdefgh init_offset_pagesize_aligned read_error map_overflow android::base::WriteStringToFd("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz", tf_->fd) Expected: VerifyBuffer(buffer.data(), 555, 40) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. range.ReadFully(1024, dst.data(), 1) munmap(mapping, page_size) read_choose_correctly munmap(mapping, 2 * page_size) read_string_long x0 x17 regs.StepIfSignalHandler(0x4100, elf_.get(), &process_memory_) Failed reading register regs64.pc() 0xa123456780a0b0c0UL GetPcAdjustment(0x10, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM64) arm_verify_sp_pc clone->total_regs() ®ister_values[i] symbols_end_at_200.GetName<TypeParam>(0x3000, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) 0xf2da1441U " #00 pc 0006dc49 libandroid_runtime.so " "(android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+80)\n" " #01 pc 0006dce5 libandroid_runtime.so " "(android::AndroidRuntime::javaCreateThreadEtc(int (*)(void*), void*, char const*, int, " "unsigned int, void**))\n" #00 pc 00068fb8 libarttestd.so (art::CauseSegfault()+72) #01 pc 00067f00 libarttestd.so (Java_Main_unwindInProcess+10032) #02 pc 000021a8 137-cfi.odex (boolean Main.unwindInProcess(boolean, int, boolean)+136) #03 pc 0000fe80 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.bar(boolean)+64) #04 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #05 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #06 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #07 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #08 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #09 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #10 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #11 pc 0000fe03 anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(Main, Main)+51) #12 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #13 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #14 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #15 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #16 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #17 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #18 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #19 pc 0000fd3b anonymous:ee74c000 (int Main.compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)+107) #20 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #21 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #22 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #23 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #24 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #25 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #26 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #27 pc 0000fbdb anonymous:ee74c000 (int java.util.Arrays.binarySearch0(java.lang.Object[], int, int, java.lang.Object, java.util.Comparator)+331) #28 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) #29 pc 00146acb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+907) #30 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #31 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #32 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #33 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #34 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #35 pc 0000f624 anonymous:ee74c000 (boolean Main.foo()+164) #36 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #37 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #38 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #39 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #40 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #41 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #42 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #43 pc 0000eedb anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.runPrimary()+59) #44 pc 006ad4d2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+338) #45 pc 00146ab5 libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+885) #46 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #47 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #48 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #49 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #50 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #51 pc 0000ac21 anonymous:ee74c000 (void Main.main(java.lang.String[])+97) #52 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) #53 pc 00146acb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+907) #54 pc 0039cf0d libartd.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+653) #55 pc 00392552 libartd.so (art::interpreter::Execute(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame&, art::JValue, bool)+354) #56 pc 0039399a libartd.so (art::interpreter::EnterInterpreterFromEntryPoint(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*)+234) #57 pc 00684362 libartd.so (artQuickToInterpreterBridge+1058) #58 pc 006b35bd libartd.so (art_quick_to_interpreter_bridge+77) #59 pc 006ad6a2 libartd.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+418) #60 pc 00146acb libartd.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+907) #61 pc 005aac95 libartd.so (art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)+85) #62 pc 005aab5a libartd.so (art::InvokeWithVarArgs(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, char*)+362) #63 pc 0048a3dd libartd.so (art::JNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+125) #64 pc 0018448c libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallMethodV(char const*, _JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*, art::Primitive::Type, art::InvokeType)+1964) #65 pc 0017cf06 libartd.so (art::CheckJNI::CallStaticVoidMethodV(_JNIEnv*, _jclass*, _jmethodID*, char*)+70) #66 pc 00001d8c dalvikvm32 (_JNIEnv::CallStaticVoidMethod(_jclass*, _jmethodID*, ...)+60) #67 pc 00001a80 dalvikvm32 (main+1312) #68 pc 00018275 libc.so unwinder.frames()[9].pc unwinder.frames()[36].sp unwinder.frames()[38].sp 0xe27a7b77U 0xff85def8U 0xff85df90U 0xff85e268U 0x7ffcc85971a0U 0xcd4ff960U debug_frame_load_bias_arm 0xf1a75535U " #00 pc 00000000000814bc libc.so (syscall+28)\n" " #01 pc 00000000008cdf5c test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #02 pc 00000000008cde9c test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #03 pc 00000000008cdd70 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #04 pc 00000000008ce408 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #05 pc 00000000008ce8d8 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #06 pc 00000000008ce814 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #07 pc 00000000008bcf60 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #08 pc 0000000000133024 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #09 pc 0000000000134ad0 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #10 pc 0000000000134b64 test.apk (offset 0x5000)\n" " #11 pc 00000000000e406c libc.so (__pthread_start(void*)+36)\n" " #12 pc 0000000000085e18 libc.so (__start_thread+64)\n" 0x7be67168d8ULL 0x7be6716814ULL 0x7ffd22415d90ULL Expected: Init("load_bias_different_section_bias_arm64/", ARCH_ARM64) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. 0x7112be28c0ULL 0xfffe1a60ULL 0xb6958711ULL chdir(dir_.c_str()) maps->Parse() multiple_threads_unwind_same_map Frame2 0x13000U ERROR_REPEATED_FRAME " #01 pc 00001000 /fake/libfake.so (function+100) (BuildId: 46414b45)" lib_fake.so __libc_init system/core/libunwindstack/tests/LocalUnwinderTest.cpp dlclose(handle) but this can only generate numbers in [0, you defined test and test TearDown() TearDownTestSuite() YOU HAVE %d DISABLED %s file /> Condition sockfd_ == -1 failed. , line close(pipe_fd[0]) @@ Error while reading death test internal: \v --slow_threshold_ms= <failure message="%s" type=""> Note: This is test shard %lld of %lld only supports an xml output file. requires a file name after xml: GMOCK WARNING: Expected: to be The invocation upper bound must be >= 0, exidx_->status() 0x20U 0x10400U 4 unwind pop {d17-d21} 4 unwind pop {d8-d10} reserved_prefix ) 0xa1 "4 unwind Raw Data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01\n" "4 unwind [cantunwind]\n" Expected: CheckForLeak(i, &first_allocated_bytes, &last_allocated_bytes) doesn't generate new fatal failures in the current thread. Actual: it does. create_using_file *last_allocated_bytes - *first_allocated_bytes cfa_aarch64_negate_ra_state Condition it != registered_tests_.end() failed. this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x2000, 0x2002) this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3003) 4 unwind 4 unwind DW_CFA_same_value register(127) 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x08 0x7f 4 unwind DW_CFA_remember_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0a 4 unwind DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 64 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0e 0x40 4 unwind DW_CFA_restore_state 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x0b 4 unwind Illegal 4 unwind Raw Data: 0x05 this->cfa_->Log(0, this->fde_.pc_start, 0x5000, 0x5004) 0x2001U location 1056U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x3000, 0x3003, &loc_regs) this->fde_.pc_start + 0x4080c10 0x303U loc_regs[CFA_REG].values[1] 0x118U 0x106U this->cfa_->GetLocationInfo(this->fde_.pc_start, 0x200, 0x284, &loc_regs) GetCieFromOffset64_cie_cached fde != nullptr 0xf000U this->debug_frame_->LastErrorCode() 0x53a6U GetFdeInfoFromIndex_expect_cache_fail Init, Init_non_zero_load_bias, Init_non_zero_load_bias_different_from_eh_frame_bias, GetFdeFromPc_wtih_empty_fde, GetFdes_with_empty_fde, GetFdes, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_expect_cache_fail, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_pcrel, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_read_datarel, GetFdeInfoFromIndex_cached, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_verify, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_index_fail, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_fail_fde_count, GetFdeOffsetFromPc_search, GetCieFde32, GetCieFde64, GetFdeFromPc_fde_not_found this->eh_frame_->TestGetHdrEntriesDataOffset() 0x4800U 0x7900U this->eh_frame_->GetFdeInfoFromIndex(0) == nullptr DwarfMemoryTest ReadEncodedValue_all_uint64_t dwarf_mem_->ReadEncodedValue<AddressType>(0x0d, &value) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/DwarfOpTest.cpp op_abs op_reg this->op_->cur_op() 0x15 failed with error Eval_double_indirection Eval_different_reg_locations elf2 entries[1] StepExidx many_phdrs_32 elf->IsValidPc(0) elf->IsValidPc(0x12000) elf->gnu_debugdata_offset() elf->eh_frame_offset() init_load_bias elf_arm saved_maps.size() android::base::WriteStringToFile("3000-4000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0 /fake/lib.so\n" "8000-9000 r-xp 00000 00:00 0\n", tf.path) "/fake/lib.so" memory.get() == nullptr android::base::WriteFully(elf_.fd, buffer.data(), 1024) write(fd, &shdr, sizeof(shdr)) load_bias_values[i] 4UL 0UL info->end info->load_bias.load() parse_name "/fake.so" start + (i + 1) * 4096 Failed on: memory_->Size() memory_->ReadFully(100, buffer.data(), 1) system/core/libunwindstack/tests/MemoryCacheTest.cpp memory_cache_->ReadFully(0x8ff0, buffer.data(), 32) expect init_offset_0 memory_.ReadFully(pagesize * 9 - 0x100 + 1, read_buffer.data(), 1) memory_->ReadFully(0xfff, buffer.data(), 2) memory_->Read(kStart + kLength - 100, buffer.data(), buffer.size()) read_boundaries memory->Read(offset, &buf, 1) data.size() read_fully_near_limit remote.ReadFully(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(src), dst.data(), pagesize) Reg r4 x5 x10 r22 arm_step_if_signal_handler_rt regs[X86_64_REG_RIP] GetPcAdjustment(0x1, elf_.get(), ARCH_MIPS) GetPcAdjustment(0x102, elf_.get(), ARCH_ARM) 0xb100000000U symbols.GetName<TypeParam>(0xa01a, &this->memory_, &name, &func_offset) function_0 unwinder.frames()[13].pc unwinder.frames()[15].pc unwinder.frames()[15].sp unwinder.frames()[19].pc 0xffeb69f0U unwinder.frames()[34].pc unwinder.frames()[56].pc 0xffeb7940U jit_debug_arm/ 0xed761129U 0xed73c865U 0xff85d5d0U 0xff85e4c0U 0xed6ac92dU 0xab0d459fU debug_frame_first_x86 jit_map1.so 0xffcc1558U 0x7dabf3dc50ULL 0x7be4f07950ULL invalid_elf_offset_arm 0x7ffd22415c60ULL 0x00000001ULL 0x729f759ce4U frames[i] Failed for thread max_frames Frame /fake/libanother.so 0xc0050U #01 pc 0000000000001000 /fake/libfake.so (function) frame.map_flags 0x100cU unwind_function != nullptr Note: %s filter = %s tests %2d FAILED TEST %s \n % external/googletest/googletest/src/gtest-death-test.cc Result: illegal return in test statement. Result: died but not with expected exit code: test suite event=TestPartResult&file= Condition 1 <= seed && seed <= kMaxRandomSeed failed. Only one Condition begin <= end && end <= size failed. cygwing Unexpected output from test listing. Command: %s Line: %s --gtest_filter= gtest_total_shards %s:%d] Setting up SIGINT handler failed: %s gtest_catch_exceptions gtest_stream_result_to cannot get absolute pathname, getcwd() is failing: dex 038 : t [ p xV4 p 0 " * 2 F Q T X m ~ s p x <init> LMain; Ljava/lang/Object; Main.java V VL [Ljava/lang/String; main p " s ~ r Z| ? .A ? 0C MbP?dex 038 : t [ p xV4 p 0 " * 2 F Q T X m ~ s p x <init> LMain; Ljava/lang/Object; Main.java V VL [Ljava/lang/String; main p " s ~ zLPR " xV4 zLPR " xV4 zLPR " xV4 zLPR " xV4 E #4E E #4E !2 E4# xgVE4# !2 E4# xgVE4# " " t y " " t y " " t " " t | | | | ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) * + , - . ) * + , - . one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eightteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-size forty-seven forty-eight forty-nine fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four fifty-five fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fifty-nine sixty sixty-one sixty-two sixty-three sixty-four sixty-five sixty-six sixty-seven sixty-eight sixty-nine seventy seventy-one seventy-two seventy-three seventy-four seventy-five seventy-six seventy-seven seventy-eight seventy-nine eighty l m m Cn 0C 0E 0C 0E " w :C C C C C B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C JC C C C C C C C C C C C C JC ^Z Z Z Z Z Z Z xZ Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ] )] )] )] )] )] )] D] ] e] p] ] O] Z] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] ] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] )] {] < < < < < < c & 1 n y < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Stack trace: fail_fast also_run_disabled_tests break_on_failure catch_exceptions color filter output brief print_time print_utf8 random_seed repeat shuffle stack_trace_depth stream_result_to throw_on_failure flagfile * GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS GTEST_SHARD_INDEX TypeParam *DeathTest:*DeathTest/* GTEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE DISABLED_*:*/DISABLED_* GetParam() death_test_style death_test_use_fork internal_run_death_test fast ./ unknown file N7testing8internal18OsStackTraceGetterE N7testing8internal27OsStackTraceGetterInterfaceE N7testing31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceE N7testing8internal35DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporterE N7testing8internal38DefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporterE N7testing4TestE N7testing9TestSuiteE N7testing8internal27PrettyUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing17TestEventListenerE N7testing8internal26BriefUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing8internal17TestEventRepeaterE N7testing8internal24XmlUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing22EmptyTestEventListenerE N7testing8internal25JsonUnitTestResultPrinterE N7testing8UnitTestE N7testing8internal23DefaultDeathTestFactoryE N7testing8internal16DeathTestFactoryE N7testing8internal12UnitTestImplE N7testing8internal13DeathTestImplE N7testing8internal9DeathTestE N7testing8internal16ForkingDeathTestE N7testing8internal15NoExecDeathTestE N7testing8internal13ExecDeathTestE N7testing8internal24HasNewFatalFailureHelperE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalINSt3__16vectorINS0_9TraceInfoENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEEE11ValueHolderE N7testing8internal26ThreadLocalValueHolderBaseE N7testing8internal17StreamingListenerE N7testing8internal17StreamingListener12SocketWriterE N7testing8internal17StreamingListener20AbstractSocketWriterE NSt3__119basic_ostringstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE ZN7testing12RegisterTestIJEZNS_8internal23InsertSyntheticTestCaseERKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS2_11char_traitsIcEENS2_9allocatorIcEEEENS1_12CodeLocationEbE3$_0EEPNS_8TestInfoEPKcSG_SG_SG_SG_iT0_E11FactoryImpl N7testing8internal15TestFactoryBaseE N7testing8internal12_GLOBAL__N_111FailureTestE ZN7testing12RegisterTestIJEZNS_8internal34TypeParameterizedTestSuiteRegistry22CheckForInstantiationsEvE3$_1EEPNS_8TestInfoEPKcS7_S7_S7_S7_iT0_E11FactoryImpl N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceEE11ValueHolderE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceEE26InstanceValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_31TestPartResultReporterInterfaceEE18ValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalINSt3__16vectorINS0_9TraceInfoENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEEE25DefaultValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalINSt3__16vectorINS0_9TraceInfoENS2_9allocatorIS4_EEEEE18ValueHolderFactoryE This program contains tests written using Google Test. You can use the following command line flags to control its behavior: Test Selection: @G--gtest_list_tests@D List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name of TEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar". @G--gtest_filter=@YPOSTIVE_PATTERNS[@G-@YNEGATIVE_PATTERNS]@D Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns but none of the negative patterns. '?' matches any single character; '*' matches any substring; ':' separates two patterns. @G--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests@D Run all disabled tests too. Test Execution: @G--gtest_repeat=@Y[COUNT]@D Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever. @G--gtest_shuffle@D Randomize tests' orders on every iteration. @G--gtest_random_seed=@Y[NUMBER]@D Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and 99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time). Test Output: @G--gtest_color=@Y(@Gyes@Y|@Gno@Y|@Gauto@Y)@D Enable/disable colored output. The default is @Gauto@D. @G--gtest_brief=1@D Only print test failures. @G--gtest_print_time=0@D Don't print the elapsed time of each test. @G--gtest_output=@Y(@Gjson@Y|@Gxml@Y)[@G:@YDIRECTORY_PATH@G/@Y|@G:@YFILE_PATH]@D Generate a JSON or XML report in the given directory or with the given file name. @YFILE_PATH@D defaults to @Gtest_detail.xml@D. @G--gtest_stream_result_to=@YHOST@G:@YPORT@D Stream test results to the given server. Assertion Behavior: @G--gtest_death_test_style=@Y(@Gfast@Y|@Gthreadsafe@Y)@D Set the default death test style. @G--gtest_break_on_failure@D Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points. @G--gtest_throw_on_failure@D Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions for use by an external test framework. @G--gtest_catch_exceptions=0@D Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them to crash the program or throw a pop-up (on Windows). Except for @G--gtest_list_tests@D, you can alternatively set the corresponding environment variable of a flag (all letters in upper-case). For example, to disable colored text output, you can either specify @G--gtest_color=no@D or set the @GGTEST_COLOR@D environment variable to @Gno@D. For more information, please read the Google Test documentation at @Ghttps://github.com/google/googletest/@D. If you find a bug in Google Test (not one in your own code or tests), please report it to @G<googletestframework@@googlegroups.com>@D. list_tests N7testing8internal14ComparisonBaseINS0_9EqMatcherINSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEEES9_NS0_5AnyEqEE4ImplIRKS9_S9_EE N7testing16MatcherInterfaceIRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEEEE N7testing25MatcherDescriberInterfaceE NSt3__114basic_ifstreamIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE NSt3__113basic_filebufIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE g* P, i, i, P, P, * P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, i, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, * + > oA oA oA oA +> +> > ? +> K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K 2M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N dM N N N M N N N N N N N N N N N N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N eN O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O MO O O )O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ;O O O O oP x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y x x x x cy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy cy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy vy cy vy vy vy vy y y vy vy vy z vy vy vy vy vy vy vy y vy vy vy z vy %z vy z X x x x X X X X x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X X # : h h h h d & - 6 ? DISABLED_ B d ' @B ; T vH rN @z Z ~ o # ]xEc d # d ' @B ; info error N7testing8internal15ExpectationBaseE N7testing8internal25UntypedFunctionMockerBaseE N7testing12_GLOBAL__N_122BetweenCardinalityImplE N7testing20CardinalityInterfaceE NSt3__120__shared_ptr_pointerIPKN7testing20CardinalityInterfaceENS_14default_deleteIS3_EENS_9allocatorIS3_EEEE NSt3__114default_deleteIKN7testing20CardinalityInterfaceEEE N7testing8internal25GoogleTestFailureReporterE N7testing8internal24FailureReporterInterfaceE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_8SequenceEE25DefaultValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_8SequenceEE18ValueHolderFactoryE N7testing8internal11ThreadLocalIPNS_8SequenceEE11ValueHolderE
g . vI G! @ E_ @ K= 0 R= P p gI
.preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .text .got .note.android.ident .got.plt .rel.plt .bss .dynstr .eh_frame_hdr .gnu.version_r .interp .data.rel.ro .relr.dyn .rel.dyn .gnu.version .dynsym .gnu.hash .eh_frame .note.gnu.build-id .dynamic .shstrtab .rodata .gnu_debugdata .data