Package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util

Utility classes for Mapper package.


Interface Summary
Annotations Interface that defines interface for accessing contents of a collection of annotations.
Converter<IN,OUT> Helper interface for things that convert Objects of one type to another.
Named Simple tag interface mostly to allow sorting by name.
Provider<T> Simple helper class used for decoupling instantiation of optionally loaded handlers, like deserializers and deserializers for libraries that are only present on some platforms.
Setter Mix-in interface exposed by things that expose a single property whose value can be set.

Class Summary
ArrayBuilders Helper class that contains set of distinct builders for different arrays of primitive values.
BeanUtil Helper class that contains functionality needed by both serialization and deserialization side.
Comparators Helper class for constructing objects for comparing content values
EnumResolver<T extends Enum<T>> Helper class used to resolve String values (either JSON Object field names or regular String values) into Java Enum instances.
EnumValues Helper class used for storing String serializations of enumerations.
ISO8601DateFormat Provide a fast thread-safe formatter/parser DateFormat for ISO8601 dates ONLY.
ISO8601Utils Utilities methods for manipulating dates in iso8601 format.
JSONPObject Container class that can be used to wrap any Object instances (including nulls), and will serialize embedded in JSONP wrapping.
JSONWrappedObject General-purpose wrapper class that can be used to decorate serialized value with arbitrary literal prefix and suffix.
LinkedNode<T> Node of a forward-only linked list.
LRUMap<K,V> Helper for simple bounded LRU maps used for reusing lookup values.
NameTransformer Helper class used to encapsulate details of name mangling, transforming of names using different strategies (prefixes, suffixes).
ObjectBuffer Helper class to use for constructing Object arrays by appending entries to create arrays of various lengths (length that is not known a priori).
ObjectIdMap Map used during serialization, to keep track of referable Objects along with lazily evaluated ids.
PrimitiveArrayBuilder<T> Base class for specialized primitive array builders.
RootNameLookup Helper class for caching resolved root names.
SimpleBeanPropertyDefinition Simple immutable BeanPropertyDefinition implementation that can be wrapped around a AnnotatedMember that is a simple accessor (getter) or mutator (setter, constructor parameter) (or both, for fields).
StdDateFormat Default DateFormat implementation used by standard Date serializers and deserializers.
TokenBuffer Utility class used for efficient storage of JsonToken sequences, needed for temporary buffering.
TokenBuffer.Segment Individual segment of TokenBuffer that can store up to 16 tokens (limited by 4 bits per token type marker requirement).
ViewMatcher Helper class used for checking whether a property is visible in the active view

Package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util Description

Utility classes for Mapper package.

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