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2// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
17package {
18    // See: http://go/android-license-faq
19    // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
20    // all of the 'license_kinds' from "art_license"
21    // to get the below license kinds:
22    //   SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
23    default_applicable_licenses: ["art_license"],
26cc_defaults {
27    name: "libprofile_defaults",
28    defaults: ["art_defaults"],
29    host_supported: true,
30    srcs: [
31        "profile/profile_boot_info.cc",
32        "profile/profile_compilation_info.cc",
33    ],
34    target: {
35        android: {
36            shared_libs: [
37                "libartpalette",
38                "libbase",
39                "libz",
40            ],
41            static_libs: [
42                "libmodules-utils-build",
43                // ZipArchive support, the order matters here to get all symbols.
44                "libziparchive",
45            ],
46            export_shared_lib_headers: ["libbase"], // ART's macros.h depends on libbase's macros.h.
47        },
48        not_windows: {
49            shared_libs: [
50                "libartpalette",
51                "libziparchive",
52                "libz",
53                "libbase",
54            ],
55            export_shared_lib_headers: ["libbase"], // ART's macros.h depends on libbase's macros.h.
56        },
57        windows: {
58            cflags: ["-Wno-thread-safety"],
59            static_libs: [
60                "libartpalette",
61                "libziparchive",
62                "libz",
63                "libbase",
64            ],
65            export_static_lib_headers: ["libbase"], // ART's macros.h depends on libbase's macros.h.
66        },
67        darwin: {
68            enabled: true,
69        },
70    },
71    //generated_sources: ["art_libartbase_operator_srcs"],
72    export_include_dirs: ["."],
75cc_defaults {
76    name: "libprofile_static_base_defaults",
77    whole_static_libs: [
78        "libbase",
79        "libz",
80        "libziparchive",
81    ],
84cc_defaults {
85    name: "libprofile_static_defaults",
86    defaults: [
87        "libprofile_static_base_defaults",
88        "libartbase_static_defaults",
89        "libdexfile_static_defaults",
90    ],
91    whole_static_libs: ["libprofile"],
94cc_defaults {
95    name: "libprofiled_static_defaults",
96    defaults: [
97        "libprofile_static_base_defaults",
98        "libartbased_static_defaults",
99        "libdexfiled_static_defaults",
100    ],
101    whole_static_libs: ["libprofiled"],
104art_cc_library {
105    name: "libprofile",
106    defaults: [
107        "libprofile_defaults",
108        "libart_nativeunwind_defaults",
109    ],
110    target: {
111        android: {
112            shared_libs: [
113                "libartbase",
114                "libdexfile",
115            ],
116        },
117        not_windows: {
118            shared_libs: [
119                "libartbase",
120                "libdexfile",
121            ],
122        },
123        windows: {
124            enabled: true,
125            shared: {
126                enabled: false,
127            },
128            static_libs: [
129                "libartbase",
130                "libdexfile",
131            ],
132        },
133    },
134    apex_available: [
135        "com.android.art",
136        "com.android.art.debug",
137        "test_broken_com.android.art",
138    ],
141art_cc_library {
142    name: "libprofiled",
143    defaults: [
144        "art_debug_defaults",
145        "libprofile_defaults",
146    ],
147    target: {
148        android: {
149            shared_libs: [
150                "libartbased",
151                "libdexfiled",
152            ],
153        },
154        not_windows: {
155            shared_libs: [
156                "libartbased",
157                "libdexfiled",
158            ],
159        },
160        windows: {
161            static_libs: [
162                "libartbased",
163                "libdexfiled",
164            ],
165        },
166    },
167    apex_available: [
168        "com.android.art.debug",
169        // TODO(b/183882457): This lib doesn't go into com.android.art, but
170        // apex_available lists need to be the same for internal libs to avoid
171        // stubs, and libartd depends on this.
172        "com.android.art",
173        "test_broken_com.android.art",
174    ],
177// For now many of these tests still use CommonRuntimeTest, almost universally because of
178// ScratchFile and related.
179// TODO: Remove CommonRuntimeTest dependency from these tests.
180art_cc_defaults {
181    name: "art_libprofile_tests_defaults",
182    data: [
183        ":art-gtest-jars-ManyMethods",
184        ":art-gtest-jars-MultiDex",
185        ":art-gtest-jars-ProfileTestMultiDex",
186    ],
187    srcs: [
188        "profile/profile_boot_info_test.cc",
189        "profile/profile_compilation_info_test.cc",
190    ],
191    static_libs: [
192        "libziparchive",
193    ],
194    shared_libs: [
195        "libz", // libziparchive dependency; must be repeated here since it's a static lib.
196    ],
199// Version of ART gtest `art_libprofile_tests` bundled with the ART APEX on target.
200// TODO(b/192274705): Remove this module when the migration to standalone ART gtests is complete.
201art_cc_test {
202    name: "art_libprofile_tests",
203    defaults: [
204        "art_gtest_defaults",
205        "art_libprofile_tests_defaults",
206    ],
207    shared_libs: [
208        "libartbased",
209        "libdexfiled",
210    ],
213// Standalone version of ART gtest `art_libprofile_tests`, not bundled with the ART APEX on target.
214art_cc_test {
215    name: "art_standalone_libprofile_tests",
216    defaults: [
217        "art_standalone_gtest_defaults",
218        "art_libprofile_tests_defaults",
219    ],
220    shared_libs: [
221        "libartbase",
222        "libdexfile",
223    ],
224    test_config: "art_standalone_libprofile_tests.xml",