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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18This scripts compiles Java files which are needed to execute run-tests.
19It is intended to be used only from soong genrule.
22import argparse
23import functools
24import glob
25import os
26import pathlib
27import shlex
28import shutil
29import subprocess
30import sys
31import zipfile
33from argparse import ArgumentParser
34from fcntl import lockf, LOCK_EX, LOCK_NB
35from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
36from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
37from os import environ, getcwd, chdir, cpu_count, chmod
38from os.path import relpath
39from pathlib import Path
40from pprint import pprint
41from re import match
42from shutil import copytree, rmtree
43from subprocess import run
44from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory, NamedTemporaryFile
45from typing import Dict, List, Union, Set, Optional
47USE_RBE = 100  # Percentage of tests that can use RBE (between 0 and 100)
49lock_file = None  # Keep alive as long as this process is alive.
52  "952-invoke-custom",        # b/228312861: RBE uses wrong inputs.
53  "979-const-method-handle",  # b/228312861: RBE uses wrong inputs.
56class BuildTestContext:
57  def __init__(self, args, android_build_top, test_dir):
58    self.android_build_top = android_build_top.absolute()
59    self.bootclasspath = args.bootclasspath.absolute()
60    self.test_name = test_dir.name
61    self.test_dir = test_dir.absolute()
62    self.mode = args.mode
63    self.jvm = (self.mode == "jvm")
64    self.host = (self.mode == "host")
65    self.target = (self.mode == "target")
66    assert self.jvm or self.host or self.target
68    self.java_home = Path(os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")).absolute()
69    self.java_path = self.java_home / "bin/java"
70    self.javac_path = self.java_home / "bin/javac"
71    self.javac_args = "-g -Xlint:-options -source 1.8 -target 1.8"
73    # Helper functions to execute tools.
74    self.d8 = functools.partial(self.run, args.d8.absolute())
75    self.jasmin = functools.partial(self.run, args.jasmin.absolute())
76    self.javac = functools.partial(self.run, self.javac_path)
77    self.smali = functools.partial(self.run, args.smali.absolute())
78    self.soong_zip = functools.partial(self.run, args.soong_zip.absolute())
79    self.zipalign = functools.partial(self.run, args.zipalign.absolute())
80    if args.hiddenapi:
81      self.hiddenapi = functools.partial(self.run, args.hiddenapi.absolute())
83    # RBE wrapper for some of the tools.
84    if "RBE_server_address" in os.environ and USE_RBE > (hash(self.test_name) % 100):
85      self.rbe_exec_root = os.environ.get("RBE_exec_root")
86      self.rbe_rewrapper = self.android_build_top / "prebuilts/remoteexecution-client/live/rewrapper"
87      if self.test_name not in RBE_D8_DISABLED_FOR:
88        self.d8 = functools.partial(self.rbe_d8, args.d8.absolute())
89      self.javac = functools.partial(self.rbe_javac, self.javac_path)
90      self.smali = functools.partial(self.rbe_smali, args.smali.absolute())
92    # Minimal environment needed for bash commands that we execute.
93    self.bash_env = {
94      "ANDROID_BUILD_TOP": self.android_build_top,
95      "D8": args.d8.absolute(),
96      "JAVA": self.java_path,
97      "JAVAC": self.javac_path,
98      "JAVAC_ARGS": self.javac_args,
99      "JAVA_HOME": self.java_home,
100      "PATH": os.environ["PATH"],
102      "SMALI": args.smali.absolute(),
103      "SOONG_ZIP": args.soong_zip.absolute(),
104      "TEST_NAME": self.test_name,
105    }
107  def bash(self, cmd):
108    return subprocess.run(cmd,
109                          shell=True,
110                          cwd=self.test_dir,
111                          env=self.bash_env,
112                          check=True)
114  def run(self, executable: pathlib.Path, args: List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]):
115    assert isinstance(executable, pathlib.Path), executable
116    cmd: List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] = []
117    if executable.suffix == ".sh":
118      cmd += ["/bin/bash"]
119    cmd += [executable]
120    cmd += args
121    env = self.bash_env
122    env.update({k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k.startswith("RBE_")})
123    # Make paths relative as otherwise we could create too long command line.
124    for i, arg in enumerate(cmd):
125      if isinstance(arg, pathlib.Path):
126        assert arg.absolute(), arg
127        cmd[i] = relpath(arg, self.test_dir)
128      elif isinstance(arg, list):
129        assert all(p.absolute() for p in arg), arg
130        cmd[i] = ":".join(relpath(p, self.test_dir) for p in arg)
131      else:
132        assert isinstance(arg, str), arg
133    p = subprocess.run(cmd,
134                       encoding=sys.stdout.encoding,
135                       cwd=self.test_dir,
136                       env=self.bash_env,
137                       stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
138                       stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
139    if p.returncode != 0:
140      raise Exception("Command failed with exit code {}\n$ {}\n{}".format(
141                      p.returncode, " ".join(map(str, cmd)), p.stdout))
142    return p
144  def rbe_wrap(self, args, inputs: Set[pathlib.Path]=None):
145    with NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+t") as input_list:
146      inputs = inputs or set()
147      for i, arg in enumerate(args):
148        if isinstance(arg, pathlib.Path):
149          assert arg.absolute(), arg
150          inputs.add(arg)
151        elif isinstance(arg, list):
152          assert all(p.absolute() for p in arg), arg
153          inputs.update(arg)
154      input_list.writelines([relpath(i, self.rbe_exec_root)+"\n" for i in inputs])
155      input_list.flush()
156      return self.run(self.rbe_rewrapper, [
157        "--platform=" + os.environ["RBE_platform"],
158        "--input_list_paths=" + input_list.name,
159      ] + args)
161  def rbe_javac(self, javac_path:Path, args):
162    output = relpath(Path(args[args.index("-d") + 1]), self.rbe_exec_root)
163    return self.rbe_wrap(["--output_directories", output, javac_path] + args)
165  def rbe_d8(self, d8_path:Path, args):
166    inputs = set([d8_path.parent.parent / "framework/d8.jar"])
167    output = relpath(Path(args[args.index("--output") + 1]), self.rbe_exec_root)
168    return self.rbe_wrap([
169      "--output_files" if output.endswith(".jar") else "--output_directories", output,
170      "--toolchain_inputs=prebuilts/jdk/jdk17/linux-x86/bin/java",
171      d8_path] + args, inputs)
173  def rbe_smali(self, smali_path:Path, args):
174    inputs = set([smali_path.parent.parent / "framework/smali.jar"])
175    output = relpath(Path(args[args.index("--output") + 1]), self.rbe_exec_root)
176    return self.rbe_wrap([
177      "--output_files", output,
178      "--toolchain_inputs=prebuilts/jdk/jdk17/linux-x86/bin/java",
179      smali_path] + args, inputs)
181  def build(self) -> None:
182    script = self.test_dir / "build.py"
183    if script.exists():
184      module = SourceFileLoader("build_" + self.test_name,
185                                str(script)).load_module()
186      module.build(self)
187    else:
188      self.default_build()
190  def default_build(
191      self,
192      use_desugar=True,
193      use_hiddenapi=True,
194      need_dex=None,
195      zip_compression_method="deflate",
196      zip_align_bytes=None,
197      api_level:Union[int, str]=26,  # Can also be named alias (string).
198      javac_args=[],
199      javac_classpath: List[Path]=[],
200      d8_flags=[],
201      smali_args=[],
202      use_smali=True,
203      use_jasmin=True,
204    ):
205    javac_classpath = javac_classpath.copy()  # Do not modify default value.
207    # Wrap "pathlib.Path" with our own version that ensures all paths are absolute.
208    # Plain filenames are assumed to be relative to self.test_dir and made absolute.
209    class Path(pathlib.Path):
210      def __new__(cls, filename: str):
211        path = pathlib.Path(filename)
212        return path if path.is_absolute() else (self.test_dir / path)
214    need_dex = (self.host or self.target) if need_dex is None else need_dex
216    if self.jvm:
217      # No desugaring on jvm because it supports the latest functionality.
218      use_desugar = False
220    # Set API level for smali and d8.
221    if isinstance(api_level, str):
222      API_LEVEL = {
223        "default-methods": 24,
224        "parameter-annotations": 25,
225        "agents": 26,
226        "method-handles": 26,
227        "var-handles": 28,
228      }
229      api_level = API_LEVEL[api_level]
230    assert isinstance(api_level, int), api_level
232    def zip(zip_target: Path, *files: Path):
233      zip_args = ["-o", zip_target, "-C", zip_target.parent]
234      if zip_compression_method == "store":
235        zip_args.extend(["-L", "0"])
236      for f in files:
237        zip_args.extend(["-f", f])
238      self.soong_zip(zip_args)
240      if zip_align_bytes:
241        # zipalign does not operate in-place, so write results to a temp file.
242        with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
243          tmp_file = Path(tmp_dir) / "aligned.zip"
244          self.zipalign(["-f", str(zip_align_bytes), zip_target, tmp_file])
245          # replace original zip target with our temp file.
246          tmp_file.rename(zip_target)
249    def make_jasmin(dst_dir: Path, src_dir: Path) -> Optional[Path]:
250      if not use_jasmin or not src_dir.exists():
251        return None  # No sources to compile.
252      dst_dir.mkdir()
253      self.jasmin(["-d", dst_dir] + sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.j")))
254      return dst_dir
256    def make_smali(dst_dex: Path, src_dir: Path) -> Optional[Path]:
257      if not use_smali or not src_dir.exists():
258        return None  # No sources to compile.
259      self.smali(["-JXmx512m", "assemble"] + smali_args + ["--api", str(api_level)] +
260                 ["--output", dst_dex] + sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.smali")))
261      return dst_dex
263    def make_java(dst_dir: Path, *src_dirs: Path) -> Optional[Path]:
264      if not any(src_dir.exists() for src_dir in src_dirs):
265        return None  # No sources to compile.
266      dst_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
267      args = self.javac_args.split(" ") + javac_args
268      args += ["-implicit:none", "-encoding", "utf8", "-d", dst_dir]
269      if not self.jvm:
270        args += ["-bootclasspath", self.bootclasspath]
271      if javac_classpath:
272        args += ["-classpath", javac_classpath]
273      for src_dir in src_dirs:
274        args += sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.java"))
275      self.javac(args)
276      javac_post = Path("javac_post.sh")
277      if javac_post.exists():
278        self.run(javac_post, [dst_dir])
279      return dst_dir
282    # Make a "dex" file given a directory of classes. This will be
283    # packaged in a jar file.
284    def make_dex(src_dir: Path):
285      dst_jar = Path(src_dir.name + ".jar")
286      args = d8_flags + ["--min-api", str(api_level), "--output", dst_jar]
287      args += ["--lib", self.bootclasspath] if use_desugar else ["--no-desugaring"]
288      args += sorted(src_dir.glob("**/*.class"))
289      self.d8(args)
291      # D8 outputs to JAR files today rather than DEX files as DX used
292      # to. To compensate, we extract the DEX from d8's output to meet the
293      # expectations of make_dex callers.
294      dst_dex = Path(src_dir.name + ".dex")
295      with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
296        zipfile.ZipFile(dst_jar, "r").extractall(tmp_dir)
297        (Path(tmp_dir) / "classes.dex").rename(dst_dex)
299    # Merge all the dex files.
300    # Skip non-existing files, but at least 1 file must exist.
301    def make_dexmerge(dst_dex: Path, *src_dexs: Path):
302      # Include destination. Skip any non-existing files.
303      srcs = [f for f in [dst_dex] + list(src_dexs) if f.exists()]
305      # NB: We merge even if there is just single input.
306      # It is useful to normalize non-deterministic smali output.
307      tmp_dir = self.test_dir / "dexmerge"
308      tmp_dir.mkdir()
309      self.d8(["--min-api", str(api_level), "--output", tmp_dir] + srcs)
310      assert not (tmp_dir / "classes2.dex").exists()
311      for src_file in srcs:
312        src_file.unlink()
313      (tmp_dir / "classes.dex").rename(dst_dex)
314      tmp_dir.rmdir()
317    def make_hiddenapi(*dex_files: Path):
318      if not use_hiddenapi or not Path("hiddenapi-flags.csv").exists():
319        return  # Nothing to do.
320      args: List[Union[str, Path]] = ["encode"]
321      for dex_file in dex_files:
322        args.extend(["--input-dex=" + str(dex_file), "--output-dex=" + str(dex_file)])
323      args.append("--api-flags=hiddenapi-flags.csv")
324      args.append("--no-force-assign-all")
325      self.hiddenapi(args)
328    if Path("classes.dex").exists():
329      zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dex"))
330      return
332    if Path("classes.dm").exists():
333      zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dm"))
334      return
336    if make_jasmin(Path("jasmin_classes"), Path("jasmin")):
337      javac_classpath.append(Path("jasmin_classes"))
339    if make_jasmin(Path("jasmin_classes2"), Path("jasmin-multidex")):
340      javac_classpath.append(Path("jasmin_classes2"))
342    # To allow circular references, compile src/, src-multidex/, src-aotex/,
343    # src-bcpex/, src-ex/ together and pass the output as class path argument.
344    # Replacement sources in src-art/, src2/ and src-ex2/ can replace symbols
345    # used by the other src-* sources we compile here but everything needed to
346    # compile the other src-* sources should be present in src/ (and jasmin*/).
347    extra_srcs = ["src-multidex", "src-aotex", "src-bcpex", "src-ex"]
348    replacement_srcs = ["src2", "src-ex2"] + ([] if self.jvm else ["src-art"])
349    if (Path("src").exists() and
350        any(Path(p).exists() for p in extra_srcs + replacement_srcs)):
351      make_java(Path("classes-tmp-all"), Path("src"), *map(Path, extra_srcs))
352      javac_classpath.append(Path("classes-tmp-all"))
354    if make_java(Path("classes-aotex"), Path("src-aotex")) and need_dex:
355      make_dex(Path("classes-aotex"))
356      # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file.
357      Path("classes-aotex.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex"))
358      zip(Path(self.test_name + "-aotex.jar"), Path("classes.dex"))
360    if make_java(Path("classes-bcpex"), Path("src-bcpex")) and need_dex:
361      make_dex(Path("classes-bcpex"))
362      # rename it so it shows up as "classes.dex" in the zip file.
363      Path("classes-bcpex.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex"))
364      zip(Path(self.test_name + "-bcpex.jar"), Path("classes.dex"))
366    make_java(Path("classes"), Path("src"))
368    if not self.jvm:
369      # Do not attempt to build src-art directories on jvm,
370      # since it would fail without libcore.
371      make_java(Path("classes"), Path("src-art"))
373    if make_java(Path("classes2"), Path("src-multidex")) and need_dex:
374      make_dex(Path("classes2"))
376    make_java(Path("classes"), Path("src2"))
378    # If the classes directory is not-empty, package classes in a DEX file.
379    # NB: some tests provide classes rather than java files.
380    if any(Path("classes").glob("*")) and need_dex:
381      make_dex(Path("classes"))
383    if Path("jasmin_classes").exists():
384      # Compile Jasmin classes as if they were part of the classes.dex file.
385      if need_dex:
386        make_dex(Path("jasmin_classes"))
387        make_dexmerge(Path("classes.dex"), Path("jasmin_classes.dex"))
388      else:
389        # Move jasmin classes into classes directory so that they are picked up
390        # with -cp classes.
391        Path("classes").mkdir(exist_ok=True)
392        copytree(Path("jasmin_classes"), Path("classes"), dirs_exist_ok=True)
394    if need_dex and make_smali(Path("smali_classes.dex"), Path("smali")):
395      # Merge smali files into classes.dex,
396      # this takes priority over any jasmin files.
397      make_dexmerge(Path("classes.dex"), Path("smali_classes.dex"))
399    # Compile Jasmin classes in jasmin-multidex as if they were part of
400    # the classes2.jar
401    if Path("jasmin-multidex").exists():
402      if need_dex:
403        make_dex(Path("jasmin_classes2"))
404        make_dexmerge(Path("classes2.dex"), Path("jasmin_classes2.dex"))
405      else:
406        # Move jasmin classes into classes2 directory so that
407        # they are picked up with -cp classes2.
408        Path("classes2").mkdir()
409        copytree(Path("jasmin_classes2"), Path("classes2"), dirs_exist_ok=True)
410        rmtree(Path("jasmin_classes2"))
412    if need_dex and make_smali(Path("smali_classes2.dex"), Path("smali-multidex")):
413      # Merge smali_classes2.dex into classes2.dex
414      make_dexmerge(Path("classes2.dex"), Path("smali_classes2.dex"))
416    make_java(Path("classes-ex"), Path("src-ex"))
418    make_java(Path("classes-ex"), Path("src-ex2"))
420    if Path("classes-ex").exists() and need_dex:
421      make_dex(Path("classes-ex"))
423    if need_dex and make_smali(Path("smali_classes-ex.dex"), Path("smali-ex")):
424      # Merge smali files into classes-ex.dex.
425      make_dexmerge(Path("classes-ex.dex"), Path("smali_classes-ex.dex"))
427    if Path("classes-ex.dex").exists():
428      # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s).
429      make_hiddenapi(Path("classes-ex.dex"))
431      # quick shuffle so that the stored name is "classes.dex"
432      Path("classes.dex").rename(Path("classes-1.dex"))
433      Path("classes-ex.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex"))
434      zip(Path(self.test_name + "-ex.jar"), Path("classes.dex"))
435      Path("classes.dex").rename(Path("classes-ex.dex"))
436      Path("classes-1.dex").rename(Path("classes.dex"))
438    # Apply hiddenapi on the dex files if the test has API list file(s).
439    if need_dex:
440      if any(Path(".").glob("*-multidex")):
441        make_hiddenapi(Path("classes.dex"), Path("classes2.dex"))
442      else:
443        make_hiddenapi(Path("classes.dex"))
445    # Create a single dex jar with two dex files for multidex.
446    if need_dex:
447      if Path("classes2.dex").exists():
448        zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dex"), Path("classes2.dex"))
449      else:
450        zip(Path(self.test_name + ".jar"), Path("classes.dex"))
453# If we build just individual shard, we want to split the work among all the cores,
454# but if the build system builds all shards, we don't want to overload the machine.
455# We don't know which situation we are in, so as simple work-around, we use a lock
456# file to allow only one shard to use multiprocessing at the same time.
457def use_multiprocessing(mode: str) -> bool:
458  if "RBE_server_address" in os.environ:
459    return True
460  global lock_file
461  lock_path = Path(environ["TMPDIR"]) / ("art-test-run-test-build-py-" + mode)
462  lock_file = open(lock_path, "w")
463  try:
464    lockf(lock_file, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)
465    return True  # We are the only instance of this script in the build system.
466  except BlockingIOError:
467    return False  # Some other instance is already running.
470def main() -> None:
471  parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
472  parser.add_argument("--out", type=Path, help="Final zip file")
473  parser.add_argument("--mode", choices=["host", "jvm", "target"])
474  parser.add_argument("--bootclasspath", type=Path)
475  parser.add_argument("--d8", type=Path)
476  parser.add_argument("--hiddenapi", type=Path)
477  parser.add_argument("--jasmin", type=Path)
478  parser.add_argument("--smali", type=Path)
479  parser.add_argument("--soong_zip", type=Path)
480  parser.add_argument("--zipalign", type=Path)
481  parser.add_argument("srcs", nargs="+", type=Path)
482  args = parser.parse_args()
484  android_build_top = Path(getcwd()).absolute()
485  ziproot = args.out.absolute().parent / "zip"
486  srcdirs = set(s.parents[-4].absolute() for s in args.srcs)
488  # Special hidden-api shard: If the --hiddenapi flag is provided, build only
489  # hiddenapi tests. Otherwise exclude all hiddenapi tests from normal shards.
490  def filter_by_hiddenapi(srcdir: Path) -> bool:
491    return (args.hiddenapi != None) == ("hiddenapi" in srcdir.name)
493  # Initialize the test objects.
494  # We need to do this before we change the working directory below.
495  tests: List[BuildTestContext] = []
496  for srcdir in filter(filter_by_hiddenapi, srcdirs):
497    dstdir = ziproot / args.mode / srcdir.name
498    copytree(srcdir, dstdir)
499    tests.append(BuildTestContext(args, android_build_top, dstdir))
501  # We can not change the working directory per each thread since they all run in parallel.
502  # Create invalid read-only directory to catch accidental use of current working directory.
503  with TemporaryDirectory("-do-not-use-cwd") as invalid_tmpdir:
504    os.chdir(invalid_tmpdir)
505    os.chmod(invalid_tmpdir, 0)
506    with ThreadPoolExecutor(cpu_count() if use_multiprocessing(args.mode) else 1) as pool:
507      jobs = {}
508      for ctx in tests:
509        jobs[ctx.test_name] = pool.submit(ctx.build)
510      for test_name, job in jobs.items():
511        try:
512          job.result()
513        except Exception as e:
514          raise Exception("Failed to build " + test_name) from e
516  # Create the final zip file which contains the content of the temporary directory.
517  proc = run([android_build_top / args.soong_zip, "-o", android_build_top / args.out,
518              "-C", ziproot, "-D", ziproot], check=True)
521if __name__ == "__main__":
522  main()