1DEVICE_MANIFEST_FILE += device/google/gs-common/audio/aidl/manifest.xml 2 3# Audio HALs 4PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ 5 android.hardware.audio.service-aidl.aoc \ 6 vendor.google.whitechapel.audio.hal.parserservice \ 7 8# AIDL software effects. These are the effects supporting in all projects. 9# For the project-specific effects, such as haptic generator, please add them 10# to makefile in the project's device folder. 11PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ 12 libvisualizeraidl \ 13 libbundleaidl \ 14 libreverbaidl \ 15 libdynamicsprocessingaidl \ 16 libloudnessenhanceraidl \ 17 libdownmixaidl \ 18 19BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS += device/google/gs-common/audio/sepolicy/aidl 20 21include device/google/gs-common/audio/common.mk 22 23DEVICE_PRODUCT_COMPATIBILITY_MATRIX_FILE += device/google/gs-common/audio/aidl/device_framework_matrix_product.xml 24 25PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES += \ 26 vendor.audio_hal.aidl.enable=true 27