1 /*
<lambda>null2 * Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
3 */
5 package kotlinx.coroutines.rx2
7 import io.reactivex.*
8 import io.reactivex.exceptions.*
9 import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
10 import kotlinx.coroutines.*
11 import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.*
12 import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
13 import kotlinx.coroutines.selects.*
14 import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.*
15 import kotlin.coroutines.*
17 /**
18 * Creates cold [observable][Observable] that will run a given [block] in a coroutine.
19 * Every time the returned observable is subscribed, it starts a new coroutine.
20 *
21 * Coroutine emits ([ObservableEmitter.onNext]) values with `send`, completes ([ObservableEmitter.onComplete])
22 * when the coroutine completes or channel is explicitly closed and emits error ([ObservableEmitter.onError])
23 * if coroutine throws an exception or closes channel with a cause.
24 * Unsubscribing cancels running coroutine.
25 *
26 * Invocations of `send` are suspended appropriately to ensure that `onNext` is not invoked concurrently.
27 * Note that Rx 2.x [Observable] **does not support backpressure**.
28 *
29 * Coroutine context can be specified with [context] argument.
30 * If the context does not have any dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor], then [Dispatchers.Default] is used.
31 * Method throws [IllegalArgumentException] if provided [context] contains a [Job] instance.
32 */
33 public fun <T : Any> rxObservable(
34 context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
35 @BuilderInference block: suspend ProducerScope<T>.() -> Unit
36 ): Observable<T> {
37 require(context[Job] === null) { "Observable context cannot contain job in it." +
38 "Its lifecycle should be managed via Disposable handle. Had $context" }
39 return rxObservableInternal(GlobalScope, context, block)
40 }
rxObservableInternalnull42 private fun <T : Any> rxObservableInternal(
43 scope: CoroutineScope, // support for legacy rxObservable in scope
44 context: CoroutineContext,
45 block: suspend ProducerScope<T>.() -> Unit
46 ): Observable<T> = Observable.create { subscriber ->
47 val newContext = scope.newCoroutineContext(context)
48 val coroutine = RxObservableCoroutine(newContext, subscriber)
49 subscriber.setCancellable(RxCancellable(coroutine)) // do it first (before starting coroutine), to await unnecessary suspensions
50 coroutine.start(CoroutineStart.DEFAULT, coroutine, block)
51 }
53 private const val OPEN = 0 // open channel, still working
54 private const val CLOSED = -1 // closed, but have not signalled onCompleted/onError yet
55 private const val SIGNALLED = -2 // already signalled subscriber onCompleted/onError
57 private class RxObservableCoroutine<T : Any>(
58 parentContext: CoroutineContext,
59 private val subscriber: ObservableEmitter<T>
60 ) : AbstractCoroutine<Unit>(parentContext, false, true), ProducerScope<T> {
61 override val channel: SendChannel<T> get() = this
63 private val _signal = atomic(OPEN)
65 override val isClosedForSend: Boolean get() = !isActive
closenull66 override fun close(cause: Throwable?): Boolean = cancelCoroutine(cause)
67 override fun invokeOnClose(handler: (Throwable?) -> Unit) =
68 throw UnsupportedOperationException("RxObservableCoroutine doesn't support invokeOnClose")
70 // Mutex is locked when either nRequested == 0 or while subscriber.onXXX is being invoked
71 private val mutex: Mutex = Mutex()
74 override val onSend: SelectClause2<T, SendChannel<T>> get() = SelectClause2Impl(
75 clauseObject = this,
76 regFunc = RxObservableCoroutine<*>::registerSelectForSend as RegistrationFunction,
77 processResFunc = RxObservableCoroutine<*>::processResultSelectSend as ProcessResultFunction
78 )
80 @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER")
81 private fun registerSelectForSend(select: SelectInstance<*>, element: Any?) {
82 // Try to acquire the mutex and complete in the registration phase.
83 if (mutex.tryLock()) {
84 select.selectInRegistrationPhase(Unit)
85 return
86 }
87 // Start a new coroutine that waits for the mutex, invoking `trySelect(..)` after that.
88 // Please note that at the point of the `trySelect(..)` invocation the corresponding
89 // `select` can still be in the registration phase, making this `trySelect(..)` bound to fail.
90 // In this case, the `onSend` clause will be re-registered, which alongside with the mutex
91 // manipulation makes the resulting solution obstruction-free.
92 launch {
93 mutex.lock()
94 if (!select.trySelect(this@RxObservableCoroutine, Unit)) {
95 mutex.unlock()
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 @Suppress("RedundantNullableReturnType", "UNUSED_PARAMETER", "UNCHECKED_CAST")
processResultSelectSendnull101 private fun processResultSelectSend(element: Any?, selectResult: Any?): Any? {
102 doLockedNext(element as T)?.let { throw it }
103 return this@RxObservableCoroutine
104 }
trySendnull106 override fun trySend(element: T): ChannelResult<Unit> =
107 if (!mutex.tryLock()) {
108 ChannelResult.failure()
109 } else {
throwablenull110 when (val throwable = doLockedNext(element)) {
111 null -> ChannelResult.success(Unit)
112 else -> ChannelResult.closed(throwable)
113 }
114 }
sendnull116 override suspend fun send(element: T) {
117 mutex.lock()
118 doLockedNext(element)?.let { throw it }
119 }
121 // assert: mutex.isLocked()
doLockedNextnull122 private fun doLockedNext(elem: T): Throwable? {
123 // check if already closed for send
124 if (!isActive) {
125 doLockedSignalCompleted(completionCause, completionCauseHandled)
126 return getCancellationException()
127 }
128 // notify subscriber
129 try {
130 subscriber.onNext(elem)
131 } catch (e: Throwable) {
132 val cause = UndeliverableException(e)
133 val causeDelivered = close(cause)
134 unlockAndCheckCompleted()
135 return if (causeDelivered) {
136 // `cause` is the reason this channel is closed
137 cause
138 } else {
139 // Someone else closed the channel during `onNext`. We report `cause` as an undeliverable exception.
140 handleUndeliverableException(cause, context)
141 getCancellationException()
142 }
143 }
144 /*
145 * There is no sense to check for `isActive` before doing `unlock`, because cancellation/completion might
146 * happen after this check and before `unlock` (see signalCompleted that does not do anything
147 * if it fails to acquire the lock that we are still holding).
148 * We have to recheck `isCompleted` after `unlock` anyway.
149 */
150 unlockAndCheckCompleted()
151 return null
152 }
unlockAndCheckCompletednull154 private fun unlockAndCheckCompleted() {
155 mutex.unlock()
156 // recheck isActive
157 if (!isActive && mutex.tryLock())
158 doLockedSignalCompleted(completionCause, completionCauseHandled)
159 }
161 // assert: mutex.isLocked()
doLockedSignalCompletednull162 private fun doLockedSignalCompleted(cause: Throwable?, handled: Boolean) {
163 // cancellation failures
164 try {
165 if (_signal.value == SIGNALLED)
166 return
167 _signal.value = SIGNALLED // we'll signal onError/onCompleted (that the final state -- no CAS needed)
168 @Suppress("INVISIBLE_MEMBER")
169 val unwrappedCause = cause?.let { unwrap(it) }
170 if (unwrappedCause == null) {
171 try {
172 subscriber.onComplete()
173 } catch (e: Exception) {
174 handleUndeliverableException(e, context)
175 }
176 } else if (unwrappedCause is UndeliverableException && !handled) {
177 /** Such exceptions are not reported to `onError`, as, according to the reactive specifications,
178 * exceptions thrown from the Subscriber methods must be treated as if the Subscriber was already
179 * cancelled. */
180 handleUndeliverableException(cause, context)
181 } else if (unwrappedCause !== getCancellationException() || !subscriber.isDisposed) {
182 try {
183 /** If the subscriber is already in a terminal state, the error will be signalled to
184 * `RxJavaPlugins.onError`. */
185 subscriber.onError(cause)
186 } catch (e: Exception) {
187 cause.addSuppressed(e)
188 handleUndeliverableException(cause, context)
189 }
190 }
191 } finally {
192 mutex.unlock()
193 }
194 }
signalCompletednull196 private fun signalCompleted(cause: Throwable?, handled: Boolean) {
197 if (!_signal.compareAndSet(OPEN, CLOSED)) return // abort, other thread invoked doLockedSignalCompleted
198 if (mutex.tryLock()) // if we can acquire the lock
199 doLockedSignalCompleted(cause, handled)
200 }
onCompletednull202 override fun onCompleted(value: Unit) {
203 signalCompleted(null, false)
204 }
onCancellednull206 override fun onCancelled(cause: Throwable, handled: Boolean) {
207 signalCompleted(cause, handled)
208 }
209 }
211 /** @suppress */
212 @Deprecated(
213 message = "CoroutineScope.rxObservable is deprecated in favour of top-level rxObservable",
214 level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
215 replaceWith = ReplaceWith("rxObservable(context, block)")
216 ) // Since 1.3.0, will be error in 1.3.1 and hidden in 1.4.0
rxObservablenull217 public fun <T : Any> CoroutineScope.rxObservable(
218 context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
219 @BuilderInference block: suspend ProducerScope<T>.() -> Unit
220 ): Observable<T> = rxObservableInternal(this, context, block)