1 // Copyright 2023 Google LLC
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::Diagnostic;
16 use codespan_reporting::files;
17 use pest::iterators::{Pair, Pairs};
18 use pest::{Parser, Token};
19 use std::iter::{Filter, Peekable};
21 pub mod ast {
22 use serde::Serialize;
24 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
25 pub struct Annotation;
27 impl crate::ast::Annotation for Annotation {
28 type FieldAnnotation = ();
29 type DeclAnnotation = ();
30 }
32 pub type Field = crate::ast::Field<Annotation>;
33 pub type Decl = crate::ast::Decl<Annotation>;
34 pub type File = crate::ast::File<Annotation>;
35 }
37 // Generate the PDL parser.
38 // TODO: use #[grammar = "pdl.pest"]
39 // currently not possible because CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR is not set
40 // in soong environment.
41 #[derive(pest_derive::Parser)]
42 #[grammar_inline = r#"
43 WHITESPACE = _{ " " | "\n" }
44 COMMENT = { block_comment | line_comment }
46 block_comment = { "/*" ~ (!"*/" ~ ANY)* ~ "*/" }
47 line_comment = { "//" ~ (!"\n" ~ ANY)* }
49 alpha = { 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' }
50 digit = { '0'..'9' }
51 hexdigit = { digit | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' }
52 alphanum = { alpha | digit | "_" }
54 identifier = @{ alpha ~ alphanum* }
55 payload_identifier = @{ "_payload_" }
56 body_identifier = @{ "_body_" }
57 intvalue = @{ digit+ }
58 hexvalue = @{ ("0x"|"0X") ~ hexdigit+ }
59 integer = @{ hexvalue | intvalue }
60 string = @{ "\"" ~ (!"\"" ~ ANY)* ~ "\"" }
61 size_modifier = @{ "+" ~ intvalue }
63 endianness_declaration = { "little_endian_packets" | "big_endian_packets" }
65 enum_value = { identifier ~ "=" ~ integer }
66 enum_value_list = { enum_value ~ ("," ~ enum_value)* ~ ","? }
67 enum_range = {
68 identifier ~ "=" ~ integer ~ ".." ~ integer ~ ("{" ~
69 enum_value_list ~
70 "}")?
71 }
72 enum_tag = { enum_range | enum_value }
73 enum_tag_list = { enum_tag ~ ("," ~ enum_tag)* ~ ","? }
74 enum_declaration = {
75 "enum" ~ identifier ~ ":" ~ integer ~ "{" ~
76 enum_tag_list ~
77 "}"
78 }
80 constraint = { identifier ~ "=" ~ (identifier|integer) }
81 constraint_list = { constraint ~ ("," ~ constraint)* }
83 checksum_field = { "_checksum_start_" ~ "(" ~ identifier ~ ")" }
84 padding_field = { "_padding_" ~ "[" ~ integer ~ "]" }
85 size_field = { "_size_" ~ "(" ~ (identifier|payload_identifier|body_identifier) ~ ")" ~ ":" ~ integer }
86 count_field = { "_count_" ~ "(" ~ identifier ~ ")" ~ ":" ~ integer }
87 elementsize_field = { "_elementsize_" ~ "(" ~ identifier ~ ")" ~ ":" ~ integer }
88 body_field = @{ "_body_" }
89 payload_field = { "_payload_" ~ (":" ~ "[" ~ size_modifier ~ "]")? }
90 fixed_field = { "_fixed_" ~ "=" ~ (
91 (integer ~ ":" ~ integer) |
92 (identifier ~ ":" ~ identifier)
93 )}
94 reserved_field = { "_reserved_" ~ ":" ~ integer }
95 array_field = { identifier ~ ":" ~ (integer|identifier) ~
96 "[" ~ (size_modifier|integer)? ~ "]"
97 }
98 scalar_field = { identifier ~ ":" ~ integer }
99 typedef_field = { identifier ~ ":" ~ identifier }
100 group_field = { identifier ~ ("{" ~ constraint_list? ~ "}")? }
102 field = _{
103 checksum_field |
104 padding_field |
105 size_field |
106 count_field |
107 elementsize_field |
108 body_field |
109 payload_field |
110 fixed_field |
111 reserved_field |
112 array_field |
113 scalar_field |
114 typedef_field |
115 group_field
116 }
117 field_list = { field ~ ("," ~ field)* ~ ","? }
119 packet_declaration = {
120 "packet" ~ identifier ~
121 (":" ~ identifier)? ~
122 ("(" ~ constraint_list ~ ")")? ~
123 "{" ~
124 field_list? ~
125 "}"
126 }
128 struct_declaration = {
129 "struct" ~ identifier ~
130 (":" ~ identifier)? ~
131 ("(" ~ constraint_list ~ ")")? ~
132 "{" ~
133 field_list? ~
134 "}"
135 }
137 group_declaration = {
138 "group" ~ identifier ~ "{" ~ field_list ~ "}"
139 }
141 checksum_declaration = {
142 "checksum" ~ identifier ~ ":" ~ integer ~ string
143 }
145 custom_field_declaration = {
146 "custom_field" ~ identifier ~ (":" ~ integer)? ~ string
147 }
149 test_case = { string }
150 test_case_list = _{ test_case ~ ("," ~ test_case)* ~ ","? }
151 test_declaration = {
152 "test" ~ identifier ~ "{" ~
153 test_case_list ~
154 "}"
155 }
157 declaration = _{
158 enum_declaration |
159 packet_declaration |
160 struct_declaration |
161 group_declaration |
162 checksum_declaration |
163 custom_field_declaration |
164 test_declaration
165 }
167 file = {
168 SOI ~
169 endianness_declaration ~
170 declaration* ~
171 EOI
172 }
173 "#]
174 pub struct PDLParser;
176 type Node<'i> = Pair<'i, Rule>;
177 type NodeIterator<'i> = Peekable<Filter<Pairs<'i, Rule>, fn(&Node<'i>) -> bool>>;
178 type Context<'a> = (crate::ast::FileId, &'a Vec<usize>);
180 trait Helpers<'i> {
children(self) -> NodeIterator<'i>181 fn children(self) -> NodeIterator<'i>;
as_loc(&self, context: &Context) -> crate::ast::SourceRange182 fn as_loc(&self, context: &Context) -> crate::ast::SourceRange;
as_string(&self) -> String183 fn as_string(&self) -> String;
as_usize(&self) -> Result<usize, String>184 fn as_usize(&self) -> Result<usize, String>;
185 }
187 impl<'i> Helpers<'i> for Node<'i> {
children(self) -> NodeIterator<'i>188 fn children(self) -> NodeIterator<'i> {
189 self.into_inner().filter((|n| n.as_rule() != Rule::COMMENT) as fn(&Self) -> bool).peekable()
190 }
as_loc(&self, context: &Context) -> crate::ast::SourceRange192 fn as_loc(&self, context: &Context) -> crate::ast::SourceRange {
193 let span = self.as_span();
194 crate::ast::SourceRange {
195 file: context.0,
196 start: crate::ast::SourceLocation::new(span.start_pos().pos(), context.1),
197 end: crate::ast::SourceLocation::new(span.end_pos().pos(), context.1),
198 }
199 }
as_string(&self) -> String201 fn as_string(&self) -> String {
202 self.as_str().to_owned()
203 }
as_usize(&self) -> Result<usize, String>205 fn as_usize(&self) -> Result<usize, String> {
206 let text = self.as_str();
207 if let Some(num) = text.strip_prefix("0x") {
208 usize::from_str_radix(num, 16)
209 .map_err(|_| format!("cannot convert '{}' to usize", self.as_str()))
210 } else {
211 #[allow(clippy::from_str_radix_10)]
212 usize::from_str_radix(text, 10)
213 .map_err(|_| format!("cannot convert '{}' to usize", self.as_str()))
214 }
215 }
216 }
err_unexpected_rule<T>(expected: Rule, found: Rule) -> Result<T, String>218 fn err_unexpected_rule<T>(expected: Rule, found: Rule) -> Result<T, String> {
219 Err(format!("expected rule {:?}, got {:?}", expected, found))
220 }
err_missing_rule<T>(expected: Rule) -> Result<T, String>222 fn err_missing_rule<T>(expected: Rule) -> Result<T, String> {
223 Err(format!("expected rule {:?}, got nothing", expected))
224 }
expect<'i>(iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = Node<'i>>, rule: Rule) -> Result<Node<'i>, String>226 fn expect<'i>(iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = Node<'i>>, rule: Rule) -> Result<Node<'i>, String> {
227 match iter.next() {
228 Some(node) if node.as_rule() == rule => Ok(node),
229 Some(node) => err_unexpected_rule(rule, node.as_rule()),
230 None => err_missing_rule(rule),
231 }
232 }
maybe<'i>(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'i>, rule: Rule) -> Option<Node<'i>>234 fn maybe<'i>(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'i>, rule: Rule) -> Option<Node<'i>> {
235 iter.next_if(|n| n.as_rule() == rule)
236 }
parse_identifier(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<String, String>238 fn parse_identifier(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<String, String> {
239 expect(iter, Rule::identifier).map(|n| n.as_string())
240 }
parse_integer(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<usize, String>242 fn parse_integer(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<usize, String> {
243 expect(iter, Rule::integer).and_then(|n| n.as_usize())
244 }
parse_identifier_opt(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<Option<String>, String>246 fn parse_identifier_opt(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<Option<String>, String> {
247 Ok(maybe(iter, Rule::identifier).map(|n| n.as_string()))
248 }
parse_integer_opt(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<Option<usize>, String>250 fn parse_integer_opt(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Result<Option<usize>, String> {
251 maybe(iter, Rule::integer).map(|n| n.as_usize()).transpose()
252 }
parse_identifier_or_integer( iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>, ) -> Result<(Option<String>, Option<usize>), String>254 fn parse_identifier_or_integer(
255 iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>,
256 ) -> Result<(Option<String>, Option<usize>), String> {
257 match iter.next() {
258 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::identifier => Ok((Some(n.as_string()), None)),
259 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::integer => Ok((None, Some(n.as_usize()?))),
260 Some(n) => Err(format!(
261 "expected rule {:?} or {:?}, got {:?}",
262 Rule::identifier,
263 Rule::integer,
264 n.as_rule()
265 )),
266 None => {
267 Err(format!("expected rule {:?} or {:?}, got nothing", Rule::identifier, Rule::integer))
268 }
269 }
270 }
parse_string<'i>(iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = Node<'i>>) -> Result<String, String>272 fn parse_string<'i>(iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = Node<'i>>) -> Result<String, String> {
273 expect(iter, Rule::string)
274 .map(|n| n.as_str())
275 .and_then(|s| s.strip_prefix('"').ok_or_else(|| "expected \" prefix".to_owned()))
276 .and_then(|s| s.strip_suffix('"').ok_or_else(|| "expected \" suffix".to_owned()))
277 .map(|s| s.to_owned())
278 }
parse_size_modifier_opt(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Option<String>280 fn parse_size_modifier_opt(iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>) -> Option<String> {
281 maybe(iter, Rule::size_modifier).map(|n| n.as_string())
282 }
parse_endianness(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::Endianness, String>284 fn parse_endianness(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::Endianness, String> {
285 if node.as_rule() != Rule::endianness_declaration {
286 err_unexpected_rule(Rule::endianness_declaration, node.as_rule())
287 } else {
288 Ok(crate::ast::Endianness {
289 loc: node.as_loc(context),
290 value: match node.as_str() {
291 "little_endian_packets" => crate::ast::EndiannessValue::LittleEndian,
292 "big_endian_packets" => crate::ast::EndiannessValue::BigEndian,
293 _ => unreachable!(),
294 },
295 })
296 }
297 }
parse_constraint(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::Constraint, String>299 fn parse_constraint(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::Constraint, String> {
300 if node.as_rule() != Rule::constraint {
301 err_unexpected_rule(Rule::constraint, node.as_rule())
302 } else {
303 let loc = node.as_loc(context);
304 let mut children = node.children();
305 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
306 let (tag_id, value) = parse_identifier_or_integer(&mut children)?;
307 Ok(crate::ast::Constraint { id, loc, value, tag_id })
308 }
309 }
parse_constraint_list_opt( iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>, context: &Context, ) -> Result<Vec<crate::ast::Constraint>, String>311 fn parse_constraint_list_opt(
312 iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>,
313 context: &Context,
314 ) -> Result<Vec<crate::ast::Constraint>, String> {
315 maybe(iter, Rule::constraint_list)
316 .map_or(Ok(vec![]), |n| n.children().map(|n| parse_constraint(n, context)).collect())
317 }
parse_enum_value(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::TagValue, String>319 fn parse_enum_value(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::TagValue, String> {
320 if node.as_rule() != Rule::enum_value {
321 err_unexpected_rule(Rule::enum_value, node.as_rule())
322 } else {
323 let loc = node.as_loc(context);
324 let mut children = node.children();
325 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
326 let value = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
327 Ok(crate::ast::TagValue { id, loc, value })
328 }
329 }
parse_enum_value_list_opt( iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>, context: &Context, ) -> Result<Vec<crate::ast::TagValue>, String>331 fn parse_enum_value_list_opt(
332 iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>,
333 context: &Context,
334 ) -> Result<Vec<crate::ast::TagValue>, String> {
335 maybe(iter, Rule::enum_value_list)
336 .map_or(Ok(vec![]), |n| n.children().map(|n| parse_enum_value(n, context)).collect())
337 }
parse_enum_range(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::TagRange, String>339 fn parse_enum_range(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::TagRange, String> {
340 if node.as_rule() != Rule::enum_range {
341 err_unexpected_rule(Rule::enum_range, node.as_rule())
342 } else {
343 let loc = node.as_loc(context);
344 let mut children = node.children();
345 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
346 let start = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
347 let end = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
348 let tags = parse_enum_value_list_opt(&mut children, context)?;
349 Ok(crate::ast::TagRange { id, loc, range: start..=end, tags })
350 }
351 }
parse_enum_tag(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::Tag, String>353 fn parse_enum_tag(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<crate::ast::Tag, String> {
354 if node.as_rule() != Rule::enum_tag {
355 err_unexpected_rule(Rule::enum_tag, node.as_rule())
356 } else {
357 match node.children().next() {
358 Some(node) if node.as_rule() == Rule::enum_value => {
359 Ok(crate::ast::Tag::Value(parse_enum_value(node, context)?))
360 }
361 Some(node) if node.as_rule() == Rule::enum_range => {
362 Ok(crate::ast::Tag::Range(parse_enum_range(node, context)?))
363 }
364 Some(node) => Err(format!(
365 "expected rule {:?} or {:?}, got {:?}",
366 Rule::enum_value,
367 Rule::enum_range,
368 node.as_rule()
369 )),
370 None => Err(format!(
371 "expected rule {:?} or {:?}, got nothing",
372 Rule::enum_value,
373 Rule::enum_range
374 )),
375 }
376 }
377 }
parse_enum_tag_list( iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>, context: &Context, ) -> Result<Vec<crate::ast::Tag>, String>379 fn parse_enum_tag_list(
380 iter: &mut NodeIterator<'_>,
381 context: &Context,
382 ) -> Result<Vec<crate::ast::Tag>, String> {
383 expect(iter, Rule::enum_tag_list)
384 .and_then(|n| n.children().map(|n| parse_enum_tag(n, context)).collect())
385 }
parse_field(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<ast::Field, String>387 fn parse_field(node: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<ast::Field, String> {
388 let loc = node.as_loc(context);
389 let rule = node.as_rule();
390 let mut children = node.children();
391 Ok(crate::ast::Field {
392 loc,
393 annot: Default::default(),
394 desc: match rule {
395 Rule::checksum_field => {
396 let field_id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
397 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Checksum { field_id }
398 }
399 Rule::padding_field => {
400 let size = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
401 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Padding { size }
402 }
403 Rule::size_field => {
404 let field_id = match children.next() {
405 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::identifier => n.as_string(),
406 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::payload_identifier => n.as_string(),
407 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::body_identifier => n.as_string(),
408 Some(n) => err_unexpected_rule(Rule::identifier, n.as_rule())?,
409 None => err_missing_rule(Rule::identifier)?,
410 };
411 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
412 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Size { field_id, width }
413 }
414 Rule::count_field => {
415 let field_id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
416 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
417 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Count { field_id, width }
418 }
419 Rule::elementsize_field => {
420 let field_id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
421 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
422 crate::ast::FieldDesc::ElementSize { field_id, width }
423 }
424 Rule::body_field => crate::ast::FieldDesc::Body,
425 Rule::payload_field => {
426 let size_modifier = parse_size_modifier_opt(&mut children);
427 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Payload { size_modifier }
428 }
429 Rule::fixed_field => match children.next() {
430 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::integer => {
431 let value = n.as_usize()?;
432 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
433 crate::ast::FieldDesc::FixedScalar { width, value }
434 }
435 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::identifier => {
436 let tag_id = n.as_string();
437 let enum_id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
438 crate::ast::FieldDesc::FixedEnum { enum_id, tag_id }
439 }
440 _ => unreachable!(),
441 },
442 Rule::reserved_field => {
443 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
444 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Reserved { width }
445 }
446 Rule::array_field => {
447 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
448 let (type_id, width) = parse_identifier_or_integer(&mut children)?;
449 let (size, size_modifier) = match children.next() {
450 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::integer => (Some(n.as_usize()?), None),
451 Some(n) if n.as_rule() == Rule::size_modifier => (None, Some(n.as_string())),
452 Some(n) => {
453 return Err(format!(
454 "expected rule {:?} or {:?}, got {:?}",
455 Rule::integer,
456 Rule::size_modifier,
457 n.as_rule()
458 ))
459 }
460 None => (None, None),
461 };
462 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Array { id, type_id, width, size, size_modifier }
463 }
464 Rule::scalar_field => {
465 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
466 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
467 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Scalar { id, width }
468 }
469 Rule::typedef_field => {
470 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
471 let type_id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
472 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Typedef { id, type_id }
473 }
474 Rule::group_field => {
475 let group_id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
476 let constraints = parse_constraint_list_opt(&mut children, context)?;
477 crate::ast::FieldDesc::Group { group_id, constraints }
478 }
479 _ => return Err(format!("expected rule *_field, got {:?}", rule)),
480 },
481 })
482 }
parse_field_list(iter: &mut NodeIterator, context: &Context) -> Result<Vec<ast::Field>, String>484 fn parse_field_list(iter: &mut NodeIterator, context: &Context) -> Result<Vec<ast::Field>, String> {
485 expect(iter, Rule::field_list)
486 .and_then(|n| n.children().map(|n| parse_field(n, context)).collect())
487 }
parse_field_list_opt( iter: &mut NodeIterator, context: &Context, ) -> Result<Vec<ast::Field>, String>489 fn parse_field_list_opt(
490 iter: &mut NodeIterator,
491 context: &Context,
492 ) -> Result<Vec<ast::Field>, String> {
493 maybe(iter, Rule::field_list)
494 .map_or(Ok(vec![]), |n| n.children().map(|n| parse_field(n, context)).collect())
495 }
parse_toplevel(root: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<ast::File, String>497 fn parse_toplevel(root: Node<'_>, context: &Context) -> Result<ast::File, String> {
498 let mut toplevel_comments = vec![];
499 let mut file = crate::ast::File::new(context.0);
501 let mut comment_start = vec![];
502 for token in root.clone().tokens() {
503 match token {
504 Token::Start { rule: Rule::COMMENT, pos } => comment_start.push(pos),
505 Token::End { rule: Rule::COMMENT, pos } => {
506 let start_pos = comment_start.pop().unwrap();
507 file.comments.push(crate::ast::Comment {
508 loc: crate::ast::SourceRange {
509 file: context.0,
510 start: crate::ast::SourceLocation::new(start_pos.pos(), context.1),
511 end: crate::ast::SourceLocation::new(pos.pos(), context.1),
512 },
513 text: start_pos.span(&pos).as_str().to_owned(),
514 })
515 }
516 _ => (),
517 }
518 }
520 for node in root.children() {
521 let loc = node.as_loc(context);
522 let rule = node.as_rule();
523 match rule {
524 Rule::endianness_declaration => file.endianness = parse_endianness(node, context)?,
525 Rule::checksum_declaration => {
526 let mut children = node.children();
527 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
528 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
529 let function = parse_string(&mut children)?;
530 file.declarations.push(crate::ast::Decl::new(
531 loc,
532 crate::ast::DeclDesc::Checksum { id, function, width },
533 ))
534 }
535 Rule::custom_field_declaration => {
536 let mut children = node.children();
537 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
538 let width = parse_integer_opt(&mut children)?;
539 let function = parse_string(&mut children)?;
540 file.declarations.push(crate::ast::Decl::new(
541 loc,
542 crate::ast::DeclDesc::CustomField { id, function, width },
543 ))
544 }
545 Rule::enum_declaration => {
546 let mut children = node.children();
547 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
548 let width = parse_integer(&mut children)?;
549 let tags = parse_enum_tag_list(&mut children, context)?;
550 file.declarations.push(crate::ast::Decl::new(
551 loc,
552 crate::ast::DeclDesc::Enum { id, width, tags },
553 ))
554 }
555 Rule::packet_declaration => {
556 let mut children = node.children();
557 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
558 let parent_id = parse_identifier_opt(&mut children)?;
559 let constraints = parse_constraint_list_opt(&mut children, context)?;
560 let fields = parse_field_list_opt(&mut children, context)?;
561 file.declarations.push(crate::ast::Decl::new(
562 loc,
563 crate::ast::DeclDesc::Packet { id, parent_id, constraints, fields },
564 ))
565 }
566 Rule::struct_declaration => {
567 let mut children = node.children();
568 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
569 let parent_id = parse_identifier_opt(&mut children)?;
570 let constraints = parse_constraint_list_opt(&mut children, context)?;
571 let fields = parse_field_list_opt(&mut children, context)?;
572 file.declarations.push(crate::ast::Decl::new(
573 loc,
574 crate::ast::DeclDesc::Struct { id, parent_id, constraints, fields },
575 ))
576 }
577 Rule::group_declaration => {
578 let mut children = node.children();
579 let id = parse_identifier(&mut children)?;
580 let fields = parse_field_list(&mut children, context)?;
581 file.declarations
582 .push(crate::ast::Decl::new(loc, crate::ast::DeclDesc::Group { id, fields }))
583 }
584 Rule::test_declaration => {}
585 Rule::EOI => (),
586 _ => unreachable!(),
587 }
588 }
589 file.comments.append(&mut toplevel_comments);
590 Ok(file)
591 }
593 /// Parse PDL source code from a string.
594 ///
595 /// The file is added to the compilation database under the provided
596 /// name.
parse_inline( sources: &mut crate::ast::SourceDatabase, name: String, source: String, ) -> Result<ast::File, Diagnostic<crate::ast::FileId>>597 pub fn parse_inline(
598 sources: &mut crate::ast::SourceDatabase,
599 name: String,
600 source: String,
601 ) -> Result<ast::File, Diagnostic<crate::ast::FileId>> {
602 let root = PDLParser::parse(Rule::file, &source)
603 .map_err(|e| {
604 Diagnostic::error()
605 .with_message(format!("failed to parse input file '{}': {}", &name, e))
606 })?
607 .next()
608 .unwrap();
609 let line_starts: Vec<_> = files::line_starts(&source).collect();
610 let file = sources.add(name, source.clone());
611 parse_toplevel(root, &(file, &line_starts)).map_err(|e| Diagnostic::error().with_message(e))
612 }
614 /// Parse a new source file.
615 ///
616 /// The source file is fully read and added to the compilation
617 /// database. Returns the constructed AST, or a descriptive error
618 /// message in case of syntax error.
parse_file( sources: &mut crate::ast::SourceDatabase, name: String, ) -> Result<ast::File, Diagnostic<crate::ast::FileId>>619 pub fn parse_file(
620 sources: &mut crate::ast::SourceDatabase,
621 name: String,
622 ) -> Result<ast::File, Diagnostic<crate::ast::FileId>> {
623 let source = std::fs::read_to_string(&name).map_err(|e| {
624 Diagnostic::error().with_message(format!("failed to read input file '{}': {}", &name, e))
625 })?;
626 parse_inline(sources, name, source)
627 }
629 #[cfg(test)]
630 mod test {
631 use super::*;
633 #[test]
endianness_is_set()634 fn endianness_is_set() {
635 // The file starts out with a placeholder little-endian value.
636 // This tests that we update it while parsing.
637 let mut db = crate::ast::SourceDatabase::new();
638 let file =
639 parse_inline(&mut db, String::from("stdin"), String::from(" big_endian_packets "))
640 .unwrap();
641 assert_eq!(file.endianness.value, crate::ast::EndiannessValue::BigEndian);
642 assert_ne!(file.endianness.loc, crate::ast::SourceRange::default());
643 }
645 #[test]
test_parse_string_bare()646 fn test_parse_string_bare() {
647 let mut pairs = PDLParser::parse(Rule::string, r#""test""#).unwrap();
649 assert_eq!(parse_string(&mut pairs).as_deref(), Ok("test"));
650 assert_eq!(pairs.next(), None, "pairs is empty");
651 }
653 #[test]
test_parse_string_space()654 fn test_parse_string_space() {
655 let mut pairs = PDLParser::parse(Rule::string, r#""test with space""#).unwrap();
657 assert_eq!(parse_string(&mut pairs).as_deref(), Ok("test with space"));
658 assert_eq!(pairs.next(), None, "pairs is empty");
659 }
661 #[test]
662 #[should_panic] /* This is not supported */
test_parse_string_escape()663 fn test_parse_string_escape() {
664 let mut pairs = PDLParser::parse(Rule::string, r#""\"test\"""#).unwrap();
666 assert_eq!(parse_string(&mut pairs).as_deref(), Ok(r#""test""#));
667 assert_eq!(pairs.next(), None, "pairs is empty");
668 }
669 }