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1 // Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 //! Command to run a VM.
17 use crate::create_partition::command_create_partition;
18 use android_system_virtualizationservice::aidl::android::system::virtualizationservice::{
19     CpuTopology::CpuTopology,
20     IVirtualizationService::IVirtualizationService,
21     PartitionType::PartitionType,
22     VirtualMachineAppConfig::{DebugLevel::DebugLevel, Payload::Payload, VirtualMachineAppConfig},
23     VirtualMachineConfig::VirtualMachineConfig,
24     VirtualMachinePayloadConfig::VirtualMachinePayloadConfig,
25     VirtualMachineState::VirtualMachineState,
26 };
27 use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error};
28 use binder::ParcelFileDescriptor;
29 use glob::glob;
30 use microdroid_payload_config::VmPayloadConfig;
31 use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng};
32 use std::fs;
33 use std::fs::File;
34 use std::io;
35 use std::num::NonZeroU16;
36 use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd};
37 use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
38 use vmclient::{ErrorCode, VmInstance};
39 use vmconfig::{open_parcel_file, VmConfig};
40 use zip::ZipArchive;
42 /// Run a VM from the given APK, idsig, and config.
43 #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
command_run_app( name: Option<String>, service: &dyn IVirtualizationService, apk: &Path, idsig: &Path, instance: &Path, storage: Option<&Path>, storage_size: Option<u64>, config_path: Option<String>, payload_binary_name: Option<String>, console_path: Option<&Path>, log_path: Option<&Path>, debug_level: DebugLevel, protected: bool, mem: Option<u32>, cpu_topology: CpuTopology, task_profiles: Vec<String>, extra_idsigs: &[PathBuf], gdb: Option<NonZeroU16>, ) -> Result<(), Error>44 pub fn command_run_app(
45     name: Option<String>,
46     service: &dyn IVirtualizationService,
47     apk: &Path,
48     idsig: &Path,
49     instance: &Path,
50     storage: Option<&Path>,
51     storage_size: Option<u64>,
52     config_path: Option<String>,
53     payload_binary_name: Option<String>,
54     console_path: Option<&Path>,
55     log_path: Option<&Path>,
56     debug_level: DebugLevel,
57     protected: bool,
58     mem: Option<u32>,
59     cpu_topology: CpuTopology,
60     task_profiles: Vec<String>,
61     extra_idsigs: &[PathBuf],
62     gdb: Option<NonZeroU16>,
63 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
64     let apk_file = File::open(apk).context("Failed to open APK file")?;
66     let extra_apks = match config_path.as_deref() {
67         Some(path) => parse_extra_apk_list(apk, path)?,
68         None => vec![],
69     };
71     if extra_apks.len() != extra_idsigs.len() {
72         bail!(
73             "Found {} extra apks, but there are {} extra idsigs",
74             extra_apks.len(),
75             extra_idsigs.len()
76         )
77     }
79     for i in 0..extra_apks.len() {
80         let extra_apk_fd = ParcelFileDescriptor::new(File::open(&extra_apks[i])?);
81         let extra_idsig_fd = ParcelFileDescriptor::new(File::create(&extra_idsigs[i])?);
82         service.createOrUpdateIdsigFile(&extra_apk_fd, &extra_idsig_fd)?;
83     }
85     let idsig_file = File::create(idsig).context("Failed to create idsig file")?;
87     let apk_fd = ParcelFileDescriptor::new(apk_file);
88     let idsig_fd = ParcelFileDescriptor::new(idsig_file);
89     service.createOrUpdateIdsigFile(&apk_fd, &idsig_fd)?;
91     let idsig_file = File::open(idsig).context("Failed to open idsig file")?;
92     let idsig_fd = ParcelFileDescriptor::new(idsig_file);
94     if !instance.exists() {
95         const INSTANCE_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
96         command_create_partition(
97             service,
98             instance,
99             INSTANCE_FILE_SIZE,
100             PartitionType::ANDROID_VM_INSTANCE,
101         )?;
102     }
104     let storage = if let Some(path) = storage {
105         if !path.exists() {
106             command_create_partition(
107                 service,
108                 path,
109                 storage_size.unwrap_or(10 * 1024 * 1024),
110                 PartitionType::ENCRYPTEDSTORE,
111             )?;
112         }
113         Some(open_parcel_file(path, true)?)
114     } else {
115         None
116     };
118     let extra_idsig_files: Result<Vec<File>, _> = extra_idsigs.iter().map(File::open).collect();
119     let extra_idsig_fds = extra_idsig_files?.into_iter().map(ParcelFileDescriptor::new).collect();
121     let payload = if let Some(config_path) = config_path {
122         if payload_binary_name.is_some() {
123             bail!("Only one of --config-path or --payload-binary-name can be defined")
124         }
125         Payload::ConfigPath(config_path)
126     } else if let Some(payload_binary_name) = payload_binary_name {
127         Payload::PayloadConfig(VirtualMachinePayloadConfig {
128             payloadBinaryName: payload_binary_name,
129         })
130     } else {
131         bail!("Either --config-path or --payload-binary-name must be defined")
132     };
134     let payload_config_str = format!("{:?}!{:?}", apk, payload);
136     let config = VirtualMachineConfig::AppConfig(VirtualMachineAppConfig {
137         name: name.unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("VmRunApp")),
138         apk: apk_fd.into(),
139         idsig: idsig_fd.into(),
140         extraIdsigs: extra_idsig_fds,
141         instanceImage: open_parcel_file(instance, true /* writable */)?.into(),
142         encryptedStorageImage: storage,
143         payload,
144         debugLevel: debug_level,
145         protectedVm: protected,
146         memoryMib: mem.unwrap_or(0) as i32, // 0 means use the VM default
147         cpuTopology: cpu_topology,
148         taskProfiles: task_profiles,
149         gdbPort: gdb.map(u16::from).unwrap_or(0) as i32, // 0 means no gdb
150     });
151     run(service, &config, &payload_config_str, console_path, log_path)
152 }
find_empty_payload_apk_path() -> Result<PathBuf, Error>154 fn find_empty_payload_apk_path() -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
155     const GLOB_PATTERN: &str = "/apex/com.android.virt/app/**/EmptyPayloadApp*.apk";
156     let mut entries: Vec<PathBuf> =
157         glob(GLOB_PATTERN).context("failed to glob")?.filter_map(|e| e.ok()).collect();
158     if entries.len() > 1 {
159         return Err(anyhow!("Found more than one apk matching {}", GLOB_PATTERN));
160     }
161     match entries.pop() {
162         Some(path) => Ok(path),
163         None => Err(anyhow!("No apks match {}", GLOB_PATTERN)),
164     }
165 }
create_work_dir() -> Result<PathBuf, Error>167 fn create_work_dir() -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
168     let s: String =
169         rand::thread_rng().sample_iter(&Alphanumeric).take(17).map(char::from).collect();
170     let work_dir = PathBuf::from("/data/local/tmp/microdroid").join(s);
171     println!("creating work dir {}", work_dir.display());
172     fs::create_dir_all(&work_dir).context("failed to mkdir")?;
173     Ok(work_dir)
174 }
176 /// Run a VM with Microdroid
177 #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
command_run_microdroid( name: Option<String>, service: &dyn IVirtualizationService, work_dir: Option<PathBuf>, storage: Option<&Path>, storage_size: Option<u64>, console_path: Option<&Path>, log_path: Option<&Path>, debug_level: DebugLevel, protected: bool, mem: Option<u32>, cpu_topology: CpuTopology, task_profiles: Vec<String>, gdb: Option<NonZeroU16>, ) -> Result<(), Error>178 pub fn command_run_microdroid(
179     name: Option<String>,
180     service: &dyn IVirtualizationService,
181     work_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
182     storage: Option<&Path>,
183     storage_size: Option<u64>,
184     console_path: Option<&Path>,
185     log_path: Option<&Path>,
186     debug_level: DebugLevel,
187     protected: bool,
188     mem: Option<u32>,
189     cpu_topology: CpuTopology,
190     task_profiles: Vec<String>,
191     gdb: Option<NonZeroU16>,
192 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
193     let apk = find_empty_payload_apk_path()?;
194     println!("found path {}", apk.display());
196     let work_dir = work_dir.unwrap_or(create_work_dir()?);
197     let idsig = work_dir.join("apk.idsig");
198     println!("apk.idsig path: {}", idsig.display());
199     let instance_img = work_dir.join("instance.img");
200     println!("instance.img path: {}", instance_img.display());
202     let payload_binary_name = "MicrodroidEmptyPayloadJniLib.so";
203     let extra_sig = [];
204     command_run_app(
205         name,
206         service,
207         &apk,
208         &idsig,
209         &instance_img,
210         storage,
211         storage_size,
212         /* config_path= */ None,
213         Some(payload_binary_name.to_owned()),
214         console_path,
215         log_path,
216         debug_level,
217         protected,
218         mem,
219         cpu_topology,
220         task_profiles,
221         &extra_sig,
222         gdb,
223     )
224 }
226 /// Run a VM from the given configuration file.
227 #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
command_run( name: Option<String>, service: &dyn IVirtualizationService, config_path: &Path, console_path: Option<&Path>, log_path: Option<&Path>, mem: Option<u32>, cpu_topology: CpuTopology, task_profiles: Vec<String>, gdb: Option<NonZeroU16>, ) -> Result<(), Error>228 pub fn command_run(
229     name: Option<String>,
230     service: &dyn IVirtualizationService,
231     config_path: &Path,
232     console_path: Option<&Path>,
233     log_path: Option<&Path>,
234     mem: Option<u32>,
235     cpu_topology: CpuTopology,
236     task_profiles: Vec<String>,
237     gdb: Option<NonZeroU16>,
238 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
239     let config_file = File::open(config_path).context("Failed to open config file")?;
240     let mut config =
241         VmConfig::load(&config_file).context("Failed to parse config file")?.to_parcelable()?;
242     if let Some(mem) = mem {
243         config.memoryMib = mem as i32;
244     }
245     if let Some(name) = name {
246         config.name = name;
247     } else {
248         config.name = String::from("VmRun");
249     }
250     if let Some(gdb) = gdb {
251         config.gdbPort = gdb.get() as i32;
252     }
253     config.cpuTopology = cpu_topology;
254     config.taskProfiles = task_profiles;
255     run(
256         service,
257         &VirtualMachineConfig::RawConfig(config),
258         &format!("{:?}", config_path),
259         console_path,
260         log_path,
261     )
262 }
state_to_str(vm_state: VirtualMachineState) -> &'static str264 fn state_to_str(vm_state: VirtualMachineState) -> &'static str {
265     match vm_state {
266         VirtualMachineState::NOT_STARTED => "NOT_STARTED",
267         VirtualMachineState::STARTING => "STARTING",
268         VirtualMachineState::STARTED => "STARTED",
269         VirtualMachineState::READY => "READY",
270         VirtualMachineState::FINISHED => "FINISHED",
271         VirtualMachineState::DEAD => "DEAD",
272         _ => "(invalid state)",
273     }
274 }
run( service: &dyn IVirtualizationService, config: &VirtualMachineConfig, payload_config: &str, console_path: Option<&Path>, log_path: Option<&Path>, ) -> Result<(), Error>276 fn run(
277     service: &dyn IVirtualizationService,
278     config: &VirtualMachineConfig,
279     payload_config: &str,
280     console_path: Option<&Path>,
281     log_path: Option<&Path>,
282 ) -> Result<(), Error> {
283     let console = if let Some(console_path) = console_path {
284         Some(
285             File::create(console_path)
286                 .with_context(|| format!("Failed to open console file {:?}", console_path))?,
287         )
288     } else {
289         Some(duplicate_stdout()?)
290     };
291     let log = if let Some(log_path) = log_path {
292         Some(
293             File::create(log_path)
294                 .with_context(|| format!("Failed to open log file {:?}", log_path))?,
295         )
296     } else {
297         Some(duplicate_stdout()?)
298     };
300     let callback = Box::new(Callback {});
301     let vm = VmInstance::create(service, config, console, log, Some(callback))
302         .context("Failed to create VM")?;
303     vm.start().context("Failed to start VM")?;
305     println!(
306         "Created VM from {} with CID {}, state is {}.",
307         payload_config,
308         vm.cid(),
309         state_to_str(vm.state()?)
310     );
312     // Wait until the VM or VirtualizationService dies. If we just returned immediately then the
313     // IVirtualMachine Binder object would be dropped and the VM would be killed.
314     let death_reason = vm.wait_for_death();
315     println!("VM ended: {:?}", death_reason);
316     Ok(())
317 }
parse_extra_apk_list(apk: &Path, config_path: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error>319 fn parse_extra_apk_list(apk: &Path, config_path: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
320     let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(File::open(apk)?)?;
321     let config_file = archive.by_name(config_path)?;
322     let config: VmPayloadConfig = serde_json::from_reader(config_file)?;
323     Ok(config.extra_apks.into_iter().map(|x| x.path).collect())
324 }
326 struct Callback {}
328 impl vmclient::VmCallback for Callback {
on_payload_started(&self, _cid: i32)329     fn on_payload_started(&self, _cid: i32) {
330         eprintln!("payload started");
331     }
on_payload_ready(&self, _cid: i32)333     fn on_payload_ready(&self, _cid: i32) {
334         eprintln!("payload is ready");
335     }
on_payload_finished(&self, _cid: i32, exit_code: i32)337     fn on_payload_finished(&self, _cid: i32, exit_code: i32) {
338         eprintln!("payload finished with exit code {}", exit_code);
339     }
on_error(&self, _cid: i32, error_code: ErrorCode, message: &str)341     fn on_error(&self, _cid: i32, error_code: ErrorCode, message: &str) {
342         eprintln!("VM encountered an error: code={:?}, message={}", error_code, message);
343     }
344 }
346 /// Safely duplicate the standard output file descriptor.
duplicate_stdout() -> io::Result<File>347 fn duplicate_stdout() -> io::Result<File> {
348     let stdout_fd = io::stdout().as_raw_fd();
349     // Safe because this just duplicates a file descriptor which we know to be valid, and we check
350     // for an error.
351     let dup_fd = unsafe { libc::dup(stdout_fd) };
352     if dup_fd < 0 {
353         Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
354     } else {
355         // Safe because we have just duplicated the file descriptor so we own it, and `from_raw_fd`
356         // takes ownership of it.
357         Ok(unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(dup_fd) })
358     }
359 }