1service apexd /system/bin/apexd 2 interface aidl apexservice 3 class core 4 user root 5 group system 6 oneshot 7 disabled # does not start with the core class 8 reboot_on_failure reboot,apexd-failed 9 # CAP_CHOWN, CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE, CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH required for apexdata snapshot & restore 10 # CAP_SYS_ADMIN is required to access device-mapper and to use mount syscall 11 capabilities CHOWN DAC_OVERRIDE DAC_READ_SEARCH FOWNER SYS_ADMIN 12 13service apexd-bootstrap /system/bin/apexd --bootstrap 14 user root 15 group system 16 oneshot 17 disabled 18 reboot_on_failure reboot,bootloader,bootstrap-apexd-failed 19 # CAP_SYS_ADMIN is required to access device-mapper and to use mount syscall 20 # apexd-bootstrap doesn't manage apexdata snapshot & restore, hence no need for other capabilities. 21 capabilities SYS_ADMIN 22 23service apexd-snapshotde /system/bin/apexd --snapshotde 24 user root 25 group system 26 oneshot 27 disabled 28 # CAP_CHOWN, CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE, CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH required for apexdata snapshot & restore 29 # apexd-snapshotde doesn't mount APEXes, hence no need for SYS_ADMIN capability 30 capabilities CHOWN DAC_OVERRIDE DAC_READ_SEARCH FOWNER 31