1// LINT: LEGACY_NAMES 2syntax = "proto2"; 3 4package wireless.android.partner.adl.proto; 5 6option java_package = "com.google.wireless.android.partner.adl.proto"; 7option java_outer_classname = "CameraDeviceInfoProto"; 8 9// Content of this file is generated from $(ANDROID_ROOT)/system/media/camera/doc 10// Keep internal protocol buffer definition in sync with this one 11// Camera related device information 12// Next Id: 9 13message CameraDeviceInfo { 14 // Supported profiles from CamcorderProfile.hasProfile 15 optional bool profile_480p = 1; 16 optional bool profile_720p = 2; 17 optional bool profile_1080p = 3; 18 optional bool profile_cif = 4; 19 optional bool profile_qcif = 5; 20 optional bool profile_qvga = 6; 21 optional int32 num_of_camera = 7; 22 23 message PerCameraInfo { 24 message Rational { 25 optional int32 numerator = 1; 26 optional int32 denominator = 2; 27 } 28 29 message Size { 30 optional int32 width = 1; 31 optional int32 height = 2; 32 } 33 34 message SizeF { 35 optional float width = 1; 36 optional float height = 2; 37 } 38 39 message Rect { 40 optional int32 left = 1; 41 optional int32 right = 2; 42 optional int32 top = 3; 43 optional int32 bottom = 4; 44 } 45 46 message StreamConfigurations { 47 message StreamConfig { 48 optional int32 format = 1; 49 optional int32 width = 2; 50 optional int32 height = 3; 51 optional bool input = 4; 52 optional int64 minFrameDuration = 5; 53 } 54 repeated StreamConfig availableStreamConfigurations = 1; 55 } 56 57 message RangeFloat { 58 optional float lower = 1; 59 optional float upper = 2; 60 } 61 62 message RangeInt { 63 optional int32 lower = 1; 64 optional int32 upper = 2; 65 } 66 67 message RangeLong { 68 optional int64 lower = 1; 69 optional int64 upper = 2; 70 } 71 72 message ColorSpaceTransform { 73 repeated Rational elements = 1; 74 } 75 76 message BlackLevelPattern { 77 repeated int32 black_level_pattern = 1; 78 } 79 80 message MultiResolutionStreamConfigurations { 81 message MultiResolutionStreamConfig { 82 optional int32 format = 1; 83 optional int32 width = 2; 84 optional int32 height = 3; 85 optional string cameraId = 4; 86 optional bool input = 5; 87 } 88 repeated MultiResolutionStreamConfig availableMultiResolutionConfigurations = 1; 89 } 90 91 optional string cameraId = 1; 92 93 message Capability { 94 optional int32 mode = 1; 95 optional int32 maxStreamingWidth = 2; 96 optional int32 maxStreamingHeight = 3; 97 optional float minZoomRatio = 4; 98 optional float maxZoomRatio = 5; 99 } 100 101 message DynamicRangeProfiles { 102 repeated int64 dynamic_range_profiles = 1 [packed = true]; 103 } 104 105 message DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap { 106 repeated int64 elements = 1 [packed = true]; 107 } 108 109 message ColorSpaceProfiles { 110 message ColorSpaceProfile { 111 message FormatAndDynamicRangeProfiles { 112 optional int32 image_format = 1; 113 repeated int64 dynamic_range_profiles = 2 [packed = true]; 114 } 115 optional int32 color_space = 1; 116 repeated FormatAndDynamicRangeProfiles image_formats = 2; 117 } 118 repeated ColorSpaceProfile color_space_profiles = 1; 119 } 120 121 // Start of codegen fields 122 repeated int32 android_colorCorrection_availableAberrationModes = 65536; 123 repeated int32 android_control_aeAvailableAntibandingModes = 131072; 124 repeated int32 android_control_aeAvailableModes = 131073; 125 repeated RangeInt android_control_aeAvailableTargetFpsRanges = 131074; 126 optional RangeInt android_control_aeCompensationRange = 131075; 127 optional Rational android_control_aeCompensationStep = 131076; 128 repeated int32 android_control_afAvailableModes = 131077; 129 repeated int32 android_control_availableEffects = 131078; 130 repeated int32 android_control_availableSceneModes = 131079; 131 repeated int32 android_control_availableVideoStabilizationModes = 131080; 132 repeated int32 android_control_awbAvailableModes = 131081; 133 optional int32 android_control_maxRegionsAe = 131082; 134 optional int32 android_control_maxRegionsAwb = 131083; 135 optional int32 android_control_maxRegionsAf = 131084; 136 optional bool android_control_aeLockAvailable = 131085; 137 optional bool android_control_awbLockAvailable = 131086; 138 repeated int32 android_control_availableModes = 131087; 139 optional RangeInt android_control_postRawSensitivityBoostRange = 131088; 140 repeated Capability android_control_availableExtendedSceneModeCapabilities = 131089; 141 optional RangeFloat android_control_zoomRatioRange = 131090; 142 repeated int32 android_control_availableSettingsOverrides = 131091; 143 optional bool android_control_autoframingAvailable = 131092; 144 repeated int32 android_edge_availableEdgeModes = 262144; 145 optional bool android_flash_info_available = 393216; 146 optional int32 android_flash_info_strengthMaximumLevel = 393217; 147 optional int32 android_flash_info_strengthDefaultLevel = 393218; 148 repeated int32 android_hotPixel_availableHotPixelModes = 458752; 149 repeated Size android_jpeg_availableThumbnailSizes = 524288; 150 optional int32 android_lens_facing = 589824; 151 optional int32 android_lens_poseReference = 589825; 152 optional float android_lens_distortionMaximumResolution = 589826; 153 optional float android_lens_intrinsicCalibrationMaximumResolution = 589827; 154 repeated float android_lens_info_availableApertures = 655360; 155 repeated float android_lens_info_availableFilterDensities = 655361; 156 repeated float android_lens_info_availableFocalLengths = 655362; 157 repeated int32 android_lens_info_availableOpticalStabilization = 655363; 158 optional float android_lens_info_hyperfocalDistance = 655364; 159 optional float android_lens_info_minimumFocusDistance = 655365; 160 optional int32 android_lens_info_focusDistanceCalibration = 655366; 161 repeated int32 android_noiseReduction_availableNoiseReductionModes = 720896; 162 optional int32 android_request_maxNumOutputRaw = 851968; 163 optional int32 android_request_maxNumOutputProc = 851969; 164 optional int32 android_request_maxNumOutputProcStalling = 851970; 165 optional int32 android_request_maxNumInputStreams = 851971; 166 optional int32 android_request_pipelineMaxDepth = 851972; 167 optional int32 android_request_partialResultCount = 851973; 168 repeated int32 android_request_availableCapabilities = 851974; 169 optional DynamicRangeProfiles android_request_availableDynamicRangeProfiles = 851975; 170 optional int64 android_request_recommendedTenBitDynamicRangeProfile = 851976; 171 optional ColorSpaceProfiles android_request_availableColorSpaceProfiles = 851977; 172 optional float android_scaler_availableMaxDigitalZoom = 917504; 173 optional StreamConfigurations android_scaler_streamConfigurationMap = 917505; 174 optional int32 android_scaler_croppingType = 917506; 175 repeated MandatoryStreamCombination android_scaler_mandatoryStreamCombinations = 917507; 176 repeated MandatoryStreamCombination android_scaler_mandatoryConcurrentStreamCombinations = 917508; 177 repeated int32 android_scaler_availableRotateAndCropModes = 917509; 178 optional Size android_scaler_defaultSecureImageSize = 917510; 179 optional MultiResolutionStreamConfigurations android_scaler_multiResolutionStreamConfigurationMap = 917511; 180 optional StreamConfigurations android_scaler_streamConfigurationMapMaximumResolution = 917512; 181 repeated MandatoryStreamCombination android_scaler_mandatoryMaximumResolutionStreamCombinations = 917513; 182 repeated MandatoryStreamCombination android_scaler_mandatoryTenBitOutputStreamCombinations = 917514; 183 repeated MandatoryStreamCombination android_scaler_mandatoryPreviewStabilizationOutputStreamCombinations = 917515; 184 repeated int64 android_scaler_availableStreamUseCases = 917516; 185 repeated MandatoryStreamCombination android_scaler_mandatoryUseCaseStreamCombinations = 917517; 186 optional int32 android_sensor_referenceIlluminant1 = 983040; 187 optional int32 android_sensor_referenceIlluminant2 = 983041; 188 optional ColorSpaceTransform android_sensor_calibrationTransform1 = 983042; 189 optional ColorSpaceTransform android_sensor_calibrationTransform2 = 983043; 190 optional ColorSpaceTransform android_sensor_colorTransform1 = 983044; 191 optional ColorSpaceTransform android_sensor_colorTransform2 = 983045; 192 optional ColorSpaceTransform android_sensor_forwardMatrix1 = 983046; 193 optional ColorSpaceTransform android_sensor_forwardMatrix2 = 983047; 194 optional BlackLevelPattern android_sensor_blackLevelPattern = 983048; 195 optional int32 android_sensor_maxAnalogSensitivity = 983049; 196 optional int32 android_sensor_orientation = 983050; 197 repeated int32 android_sensor_availableTestPatternModes = 983051; 198 repeated Rect android_sensor_opticalBlackRegions = 983052; 199 optional int32 android_sensor_readoutTimestamp = 983053; 200 optional Rect android_sensor_info_activeArraySize = 1048576; 201 optional RangeInt android_sensor_info_sensitivityRange = 1048577; 202 optional int32 android_sensor_info_colorFilterArrangement = 1048578; 203 optional RangeLong android_sensor_info_exposureTimeRange = 1048579; 204 optional int64 android_sensor_info_maxFrameDuration = 1048580; 205 optional SizeF android_sensor_info_physicalSize = 1048581; 206 optional Size android_sensor_info_pixelArraySize = 1048582; 207 optional int32 android_sensor_info_whiteLevel = 1048583; 208 optional int32 android_sensor_info_timestampSource = 1048584; 209 optional bool android_sensor_info_lensShadingApplied = 1048585; 210 optional Rect android_sensor_info_preCorrectionActiveArraySize = 1048586; 211 optional Rect android_sensor_info_activeArraySizeMaximumResolution = 1048587; 212 optional Size android_sensor_info_pixelArraySizeMaximumResolution = 1048588; 213 optional Rect android_sensor_info_preCorrectionActiveArraySizeMaximumResolution = 1048589; 214 optional Size android_sensor_info_binningFactor = 1048590; 215 repeated int32 android_shading_availableModes = 1114112; 216 repeated int32 android_statistics_info_availableFaceDetectModes = 1245184; 217 optional int32 android_statistics_info_maxFaceCount = 1245185; 218 repeated bool android_statistics_info_availableHotPixelMapModes = 1245186; 219 repeated int32 android_statistics_info_availableLensShadingMapModes = 1245187; 220 repeated int32 android_statistics_info_availableOisDataModes = 1245188; 221 optional int32 android_tonemap_maxCurvePoints = 1310720; 222 repeated int32 android_tonemap_availableToneMapModes = 1310721; 223 optional int32 android_info_supportedHardwareLevel = 1441792; 224 optional string android_info_version = 1441793; 225 optional DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap android_info_deviceStateSensorOrientationMap = 1441794; 226 optional int32 android_sync_maxLatency = 1572864; 227 optional int32 android_reprocess_maxCaptureStall = 1638400; 228 optional bool android_depth_depthIsExclusive = 1703936; 229 optional int32 android_logicalMultiCamera_sensorSyncType = 1769472; 230 repeated int32 android_distortionCorrection_availableModes = 1835008; 231 optional int32 android_automotive_location = 2031616; 232 repeated int32 android_automotive_lens_facing = 2097152; 233 // End of codegen fields 234 } 235 236 // Per camera (front/back) informations 237 repeated PerCameraInfo per_camera_info = 8; 238} // CameraDeviceInfo 239 240