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1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright 2016 - The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""Public Device Driver APIs.
19This module provides public device driver APIs that can be called
20as a Python library.
22TODO: The following APIs have not been implemented
23  - RebootAVD(ip):
24  - RegisterSshPubKey(username, key):
25  - UnregisterSshPubKey(username, key):
26  - CleanupStaleImages():
27  - CleanupStaleDevices():
30from __future__ import print_function
31import logging
32import os
34from acloud import errors
35from acloud.public import avd
36from acloud.public import report
37from acloud.public.actions import common_operations
38from acloud.internal import constants
39from acloud.internal.lib import auth
40from acloud.internal.lib import android_build_client
41from acloud.internal.lib import android_compute_client
42from acloud.internal.lib import gstorage_client
43from acloud.internal.lib import utils
44from acloud.internal.lib.adb_tools import AdbTools
47logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
51_SSH_USER = "root"
54# pylint: disable=invalid-name
55class AndroidVirtualDevicePool():
56    """A class that manages a pool of devices."""
58    def __init__(self, cfg, devices=None):
59        self._devices = devices or []
60        self._cfg = cfg
61        credentials = auth.CreateCredentials(cfg)
62        self._build_client = android_build_client.AndroidBuildClient(
63            credentials)
64        self._storage_client = gstorage_client.StorageClient(credentials)
65        self._compute_client = android_compute_client.AndroidComputeClient(
66            cfg, credentials)
68    @utils.TimeExecute("Creating GCE image")
69    def _CreateGceImageWithBuildInfo(self, build_target, build_id):
70        """Creates a Gce image using build from Launch Control.
72        Clone avd-system.tar.gz of a build to a cache storage bucket
73        using launch control api. And then create a Gce image.
75        Args:
76            build_target: Target name, e.g. "aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug"
77            build_id: Build id, a string, e.g. "2263051", "P2804227"
79        Returns:
80            String, name of the Gce image that has been created.
81        """
82        logger.info("Creating a new gce image using build: build_id %s, "
83                    "build_target %s", build_id, build_target)
84        disk_image_id = utils.GenerateUniqueName(
85            suffix=self._cfg.disk_image_name)
86        self._build_client.CopyTo(
87            build_target,
88            build_id,
89            artifact_name=self._cfg.disk_image_name,
90            destination_bucket=self._cfg.storage_bucket_name,
91            destination_path=disk_image_id)
92        disk_image_url = self._storage_client.GetUrl(
93            self._cfg.storage_bucket_name, disk_image_id)
94        try:
95            image_name = self._compute_client.GenerateImageName(build_target,
96                                                                build_id)
97            self._compute_client.CreateImage(image_name=image_name,
98                                             source_uri=disk_image_url)
99        finally:
100            self._storage_client.Delete(self._cfg.storage_bucket_name,
101                                        disk_image_id)
102        return image_name
104    @utils.TimeExecute("Creating GCE image")
105    def _CreateGceImageWithLocalFile(self, local_disk_image):
106        """Create a Gce image with a local image file.
108        The local disk image can be either a tar.gz file or a
109        raw vmlinux image.
110        e.g.  /tmp/avd-system.tar.gz or /tmp/android_system_disk_syslinux.img
111        If a raw vmlinux image is provided, it will be archived into a tar.gz file.
113        The final tar.gz file will be uploaded to a cache bucket in storage.
115        Args:
116            local_disk_image: string, path to a local disk image,
118        Returns:
119            String, name of the Gce image that has been created.
121        Raises:
122            DriverError: if a file with an unexpected extension is given.
123        """
124        logger.info("Creating a new gce image from a local file %s",
125                    local_disk_image)
126        with utils.TempDir() as tempdir:
127            if local_disk_image.endswith(self._cfg.disk_raw_image_extension):
128                dest_tar_file = os.path.join(tempdir,
129                                             self._cfg.disk_image_name)
130                utils.MakeTarFile(
131                    src_dict={local_disk_image: self._cfg.disk_raw_image_name},
132                    dest=dest_tar_file)
133                local_disk_image = dest_tar_file
134            elif not local_disk_image.endswith(self._cfg.disk_image_extension):
135                raise errors.DriverError(
136                    "Wrong local_disk_image type, must be a *%s file or *%s file"
137                    % (self._cfg.disk_raw_image_extension,
138                       self._cfg.disk_image_extension))
140            disk_image_id = utils.GenerateUniqueName(
141                suffix=self._cfg.disk_image_name)
142            self._storage_client.Upload(
143                local_src=local_disk_image,
144                bucket_name=self._cfg.storage_bucket_name,
145                object_name=disk_image_id,
146                mime_type=self._cfg.disk_image_mime_type)
147        disk_image_url = self._storage_client.GetUrl(
148            self._cfg.storage_bucket_name, disk_image_id)
149        try:
150            image_name = self._compute_client.GenerateImageName()
151            self._compute_client.CreateImage(image_name=image_name,
152                                             source_uri=disk_image_url)
153        finally:
154            self._storage_client.Delete(self._cfg.storage_bucket_name,
155                                        disk_image_id)
156        return image_name
158    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
159    def CreateDevices(self,
160                      num,
161                      build_target=None,
162                      build_id=None,
163                      gce_image=None,
164                      local_disk_image=None,
165                      cleanup=True,
166                      extra_data_disk_size_gb=None,
167                      precreated_data_image=None,
168                      avd_spec=None,
169                      extra_scopes=None):
170        """Creates |num| devices for given build_target and build_id.
172        - If gce_image is provided, will use it to create an instance.
173        - If local_disk_image is provided, will upload it to a temporary
174          caching storage bucket which is defined by user as |storage_bucket_name|
175          And then create an gce image with it; and then create an instance.
176        - If build_target and build_id are provided, will clone the disk image
177          via launch control to the temporary caching storage bucket.
178          And then create an gce image with it; and then create an instance.
180        Args:
181            num: Number of devices to create.
182            build_target: Target name, e.g. "aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug"
183            build_id: Build id, a string, e.g. "2263051", "P2804227"
184            gce_image: string, if given, will use this image
185                       instead of creating a new one.
186                       implies cleanup=False.
187            local_disk_image: string, path to a local disk image, e.g.
188                              /tmp/avd-system.tar.gz
189            cleanup: boolean, if True clean up compute engine image after creating
190                     the instance.
191            extra_data_disk_size_gb: Integer, size of extra disk, or None.
192            precreated_data_image: A string, the image to use for the extra disk.
193            avd_spec: AVDSpec object for pass hw_property.
194            extra_scopes: A list of extra scopes given to the new instance.
196        Raises:
197            errors.DriverError: If no source is specified for image creation.
198        """
199        if gce_image:
200            # GCE image is provided, we can directly move to instance creation.
201            logger.info("Using existing gce image %s", gce_image)
202            image_name = gce_image
203            cleanup = False
204        elif local_disk_image:
205            image_name = self._CreateGceImageWithLocalFile(local_disk_image)
206        elif build_target and build_id:
207            image_name = self._CreateGceImageWithBuildInfo(build_target,
208                                                           build_id)
209        else:
210            raise errors.DriverError(
211                "Invalid image source, must specify one of the following: gce_image, "
212                "local_disk_image, or build_target and build id.")
214        # Create GCE instances.
215        try:
216            for _ in range(num):
217                instance = self._compute_client.GenerateInstanceName(
218                    build_target, build_id)
219                extra_disk_name = None
220                if extra_data_disk_size_gb > 0:
221                    extra_disk_name = self._compute_client.GetDataDiskName(
222                        instance)
223                    self._compute_client.CreateDisk(extra_disk_name,
224                                                    precreated_data_image,
225                                                    extra_data_disk_size_gb,
226                                                    disk_type=avd_spec.disk_type)
227                self._compute_client.CreateInstance(
228                    instance=instance,
229                    image_name=image_name,
230                    extra_disk_name=extra_disk_name,
231                    avd_spec=avd_spec,
232                    extra_scopes=extra_scopes)
233                ip = self._compute_client.GetInstanceIP(instance)
234                self.devices.append(avd.AndroidVirtualDevice(
235                    ip=ip, instance_name=instance))
236        finally:
237            if cleanup:
238                self._compute_client.DeleteImage(image_name)
240    def DeleteDevices(self):
241        """Deletes devices.
243        Returns:
244            A tuple, (deleted, failed, error_msgs)
245            deleted: A list of names of instances that have been deleted.
246            faild: A list of names of instances that we fail to delete.
247            error_msgs: A list of failure messages.
248        """
249        instance_names = [device.instance_name for device in self._devices]
250        return self._compute_client.DeleteInstances(instance_names,
251                                                    self._cfg.zone)
253    @utils.TimeExecute("Waiting for AVD to boot")
254    def WaitForBoot(self):
255        """Waits for all devices to boot up.
257        Returns:
258            A dictionary that contains all the failures.
259            The key is the name of the instance that fails to boot,
260            the value is an errors.DeviceBoottError object.
261        """
262        failures = {}
263        for device in self._devices:
264            try:
265                self._compute_client.WaitForBoot(device.instance_name)
266            except errors.DeviceBootError as e:
267                failures[device.instance_name] = e
268        return failures
270    @property
271    def devices(self):
272        """Returns a list of devices in the pool.
274        Returns:
275            A list of devices in the pool.
276        """
277        return self._devices
280def AddDeletionResultToReport(report_obj, deleted, failed, error_msgs,
281                              resource_name):
282    """Adds deletion result to a Report object.
284    This function will add the following to report.data.
285      "deleted": [
286         {"name": "resource_name", "type": "resource_name"},
287       ],
288      "failed": [
289         {"name": "resource_name", "type": "resource_name"},
290       ],
291    This function will append error_msgs to report.errors.
293    Args:
294        report_obj: A Report object.
295        deleted: A list of names of the resources that have been deleted.
296        failed: A list of names of the resources that we fail to delete.
297        error_msgs: A list of error message strings to be added to the report.
298        resource_name: A string, representing the name of the resource.
299    """
300    for name in deleted:
301        report_obj.AddData(key="deleted",
302                           value={"name": name,
303                                  "type": resource_name})
304    for name in failed:
305        report_obj.AddData(key="failed",
306                           value={"name": name,
307                                  "type": resource_name})
308    report_obj.AddErrors(error_msgs)
309    if failed or error_msgs:
310        report_obj.SetStatus(report.Status.FAIL)
313def _FetchSerialLogsFromDevices(compute_client, instance_names, output_file,
314                                port):
315    """Fetch serial logs from a port for a list of devices to a local file.
317    Args:
318        compute_client: An object of android_compute_client.AndroidComputeClient
319        instance_names: A list of instance names.
320        output_file: A path to a file ending with "tar.gz"
321        port: The number of serial port to read from, 0 for serial output, 1 for
322              logcat.
323    """
324    with utils.TempDir() as tempdir:
325        src_dict = {}
326        for instance_name in instance_names:
327            serial_log = compute_client.GetSerialPortOutput(
328                instance=instance_name, port=port)
329            file_name = "%s.log" % instance_name
330            file_path = os.path.join(tempdir, file_name)
331            src_dict[file_path] = file_name
332            with open(file_path, "w") as f:
333                f.write(serial_log.encode("utf-8"))
334        utils.MakeTarFile(src_dict, output_file)
337# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
338def CreateGCETypeAVD(cfg,
339                     build_target=None,
340                     build_id=None,
341                     num=1,
342                     gce_image=None,
343                     local_disk_image=None,
344                     cleanup=True,
345                     serial_log_file=None,
346                     autoconnect=False,
347                     report_internal_ip=False,
348                     avd_spec=None):
349    """Creates one or multiple gce android devices.
351    Args:
352        cfg: An AcloudConfig instance.
353        build_target: Target name, e.g. "aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug"
354        build_id: Build id, a string, e.g. "2263051", "P2804227"
355        num: Number of devices to create.
356        gce_image: string, if given, will use this gce image
357                   instead of creating a new one.
358                   implies cleanup=False.
359        local_disk_image: string, path to a local disk image, e.g.
360                          /tmp/avd-system.tar.gz
361        cleanup: boolean, if True clean up compute engine image and
362                 disk image in storage after creating the instance.
363        serial_log_file: A path to a file where serial output should
364                         be saved to.
365        autoconnect: Create ssh tunnel(s) and adb connect after device creation.
366        report_internal_ip: Boolean to report the internal ip instead of
367                            external ip.
368        avd_spec: AVDSpec object for pass hw_property.
370    Returns:
371        A Report instance.
372    """
373    r = report.Report(command="create")
374    credentials = auth.CreateCredentials(cfg)
375    compute_client = android_compute_client.AndroidComputeClient(cfg,
376                                                                 credentials)
377    try:
378        common_operations.CreateSshKeyPairIfNecessary(cfg)
379        device_pool = AndroidVirtualDevicePool(cfg)
380        device_pool.CreateDevices(
381            num,
382            build_target,
383            build_id,
384            gce_image,
385            local_disk_image,
386            cleanup,
387            extra_data_disk_size_gb=cfg.extra_data_disk_size_gb,
388            precreated_data_image=cfg.precreated_data_image_map.get(
389                cfg.extra_data_disk_size_gb),
390            avd_spec=avd_spec,
391            extra_scopes=cfg.extra_scopes)
392        failures = device_pool.WaitForBoot()
393        # Write result to report.
394        for device in device_pool.devices:
395            ip = (device.ip.internal if report_internal_ip
396                  else device.ip.external)
397            device_dict = {
398                "ip": ip,
399                "instance_name": device.instance_name
400            }
401            if autoconnect:
402                forwarded_ports = utils.AutoConnect(
403                    ip_addr=ip,
404                    rsa_key_file=cfg.ssh_private_key_path,
405                    target_vnc_port=constants.GCE_VNC_PORT,
406                    target_adb_port=constants.GCE_ADB_PORT,
407                    ssh_user=_SSH_USER,
408                    client_adb_port=avd_spec.client_adb_port,
409                    client_fastboot_port=avd_spec.client_fastboot_port,
410                    extra_args_ssh_tunnel=cfg.extra_args_ssh_tunnel)
411                device_dict[constants.VNC_PORT] = forwarded_ports.vnc_port
412                device_dict[constants.ADB_PORT] = forwarded_ports.adb_port
413                if avd_spec.unlock_screen:
414                    AdbTools(forwarded_ports.adb_port).AutoUnlockScreen()
415            if device.instance_name in failures:
416                r.AddData(key="devices_failing_boot", value=device_dict)
417                r.AddError(str(failures[device.instance_name]))
418            else:
419                r.AddData(key="devices", value=device_dict)
420        if failures:
421            r.SetStatus(report.Status.BOOT_FAIL)
422        else:
423            r.SetStatus(report.Status.SUCCESS)
425    except errors.DriverError as e:
426        r.AddError(str(e))
427        r.SetStatus(report.Status.FAIL)
428    finally:
429         # Let's do our best to obtain the serial log, even though this
430         # could fail in case of failed boots.
431        if serial_log_file:
432            instance_names=[d.instance_name for d in device_pool.devices]
433            try:
434                _FetchSerialLogsFromDevices(
435                    compute_client,
436                    instance_names=instance_names,
437                    port=constants.DEFAULT_SERIAL_PORT,
438                    output_file=serial_log_file)
439            except Exception as log_err:
440                logging.warning("Failed to obtain serial logs from %s", ", ".join(instance_names))
441    return r
444def DeleteAndroidVirtualDevices(cfg, instance_names, default_report=None):
445    """Deletes android devices.
447    Args:
448        cfg: An AcloudConfig instance.
449        instance_names: A list of names of the instances to delete.
450        default_report: A initialized Report instance.
452    Returns:
453        A Report instance.
454    """
455    # delete, failed, error_msgs are used to record result.
456    deleted = []
457    failed = []
458    error_msgs = []
460    r = default_report if default_report else report.Report(command="delete")
461    credentials = auth.CreateCredentials(cfg)
462    compute_client = android_compute_client.AndroidComputeClient(cfg,
463                                                                 credentials)
464    zone_instances = compute_client.GetZonesByInstances(instance_names)
466    try:
467        for zone, instances in zone_instances.items():
468            deleted_ins, failed_ins, error_ins = compute_client.DeleteInstances(
469                instances, zone)
470            deleted.extend(deleted_ins)
471            failed.extend(failed_ins)
472            error_msgs.extend(error_ins)
473        AddDeletionResultToReport(
474            r, deleted,
475            failed, error_msgs,
476            resource_name="instance")
477        if r.status == report.Status.UNKNOWN:
478            r.SetStatus(report.Status.SUCCESS)
479    except errors.DriverError as e:
480        r.AddError(str(e))
481        r.SetStatus(report.Status.FAIL)
482    return r
485def CheckAccess(cfg):
486    """Check if user has access.
488    Args:
489         cfg: An AcloudConfig instance.
490    """
491    credentials = auth.CreateCredentials(cfg)
492    compute_client = android_compute_client.AndroidComputeClient(
493        cfg, credentials)
494    logger.info("Checking if user has access to project %s", cfg.project)
495    if not compute_client.CheckAccess():
496        logger.error("User does not have access to project %s", cfg.project)
497        # Print here so that command line user can see it.
498        print("Looks like you do not have access to %s. " % cfg.project)
499        if cfg.project in cfg.no_project_access_msg_map:
500            print(cfg.no_project_access_msg_map[cfg.project])