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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""stack symbolizes native crash dumps."""
19import collections
20import functools
21import os
22import pathlib
23import re
24import subprocess
25import symbol
26import tempfile
27import unittest
29import example_crashes
31def ConvertTrace(lines):
32  tracer = TraceConverter()
33  print("Reading symbols from", symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR)
34  tracer.ConvertTrace(lines)
36class TraceConverter:
37  process_info_line = re.compile(r"(pid: [0-9]+, tid: [0-9]+.*)")
38  revision_line = re.compile(r"(Revision: '(.*)')")
39  signal_line = re.compile(r"(signal [0-9]+ \(.*\).*)")
40  abort_message_line = re.compile(r"(Abort message: '.*')")
41  thread_line = re.compile(r"(.*)(--- ){15}---")
42  dalvik_jni_thread_line = re.compile("(\".*\" prio=[0-9]+ tid=[0-9]+ NATIVE.*)")
43  dalvik_native_thread_line = re.compile("(\".*\" sysTid=[0-9]+ nice=[0-9]+.*)")
44  register_line = re.compile("$a")
45  trace_line = re.compile("$a")
46  sanitizer_trace_line = re.compile("$a")
47  value_line = re.compile("$a")
48  code_line = re.compile("$a")
49  zipinfo_central_directory_line = re.compile(r"Central\s+directory\s+entry")
50  zipinfo_central_info_match = re.compile(
51      r"^\s*(\S+)$\s*offset of local header from start of archive:\s*(\d+)"
52      r".*^\s*compressed size:\s+(\d+)", re.M | re.S)
53  unreachable_line = re.compile(r"((\d+ bytes in \d+ unreachable allocations)|"
54                                r"(\d+ bytes unreachable at [0-9a-f]+)|"
55                                r"(referencing \d+ unreachable bytes in \d+ allocation(s)?)|"
56                                r"(and \d+ similar unreachable bytes in \d+ allocation(s)?))")
57  trace_lines = []
58  value_lines = []
59  last_frame = -1
60  width = "{8}"
61  spacing = ""
62  apk_info = dict()
63  lib_to_path = dict()
65  # We use the "file" command line tool to extract BuildId from ELF files.
66  ElfInfo = collections.namedtuple("ElfInfo", ["bitness", "build_id"])
67  readelf_output = re.compile(r"Class:\s*ELF(?P<bitness>32|64).*"
68                              r"Build ID:\s*(?P<build_id>[0-9a-f]+)",
69                              flags=re.DOTALL)
71  def UpdateBitnessRegexes(self):
72    if symbol.ARCH_IS_32BIT:
73      self.width = "{8}"
74      self.spacing = ""
75    else:
76      self.width = "{16}"
77      self.spacing = "        "
78    self.register_line = re.compile("    (([ ]*\\b(\S*)\\b +[0-9a-f]" + self.width + "){1,5}$)")
80    # Note that both trace and value line matching allow for variable amounts of
81    # whitespace (e.g. \t). This is because the we want to allow for the stack
82    # tool to operate on AndroidFeedback provided system logs. AndroidFeedback
83    # strips out double spaces that are found in tombsone files and logcat output.
84    #
85    # Examples of matched trace lines include lines from tombstone files like:
86    #   #00  pc 001cf42e  /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so
87    #
88    # Or lines from AndroidFeedback crash report system logs like:
89    #   03-25 00:51:05.520 I/DEBUG ( 65): #00 pc 001cf42e /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so
90    # Please note the spacing differences.
91    self.trace_line = re.compile(
92        r".*"                                                 # Random start stuff.
93        r"\#(?P<frame>[0-9]+)"                                # Frame number.
94        r"[ \t]+..[ \t]+"                                     # (space)pc(space).
95        r"(?P<offset>[0-9a-f]" + self.width + ")[ \t]+"       # Offset (hex number given without
96                                                              #         0x prefix).
97        r"(?P<dso>\[[^\]]+\]|[^\r\n \t]*)"                    # Library name.
98        r"( \(offset (?P<so_offset>0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\))?"       # Offset into the file to find the start of the shared so.
99        r"(?P<symbolpresent> \((?P<symbol>.*?)\))?"           # Is the symbol there? (non-greedy)
100        r"( \(BuildId: (?P<build_id>.*)\))?"                  # Optional build-id of the ELF file.
101        r"[ \t]*$")                                           # End of line (to expand non-greedy match).
102                                                              # pylint: disable-msg=C6310
103    # Sanitizer output. This is different from debuggerd output, and it is easier to handle this as
104    # its own regex. Example:
105    # 08-19 05:29:26.283   397   403 I         :     #0 0xb6a15237  (/system/lib/libclang_rt.asan-arm-android.so+0x4f237)
106    self.sanitizer_trace_line = re.compile(
107        r".*"                                                 # Random start stuff.
108        r"\#(?P<frame>[0-9]+)"                                # Frame number.
109        r"[ \t]+0x[0-9a-f]+[ \t]+"                            # PC, not interesting to us.
110        r"\("                                                 # Opening paren.
111        r"(?P<dso>[^+]+)"                                     # Library name.
112        r"\+"                                                 # '+'
113        r"0x(?P<offset>[0-9a-f]+)"                            # Offset (hex number given with
114                                                              #         0x prefix).
115        r"\)")                                                # Closing paren.
116                                                              # pylint: disable-msg=C6310
117    # Examples of matched value lines include:
118    #   bea4170c  8018e4e9  /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so
119    #   bea4170c  8018e4e9  /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so (symbol)
120    #   03-25 00:51:05.530 I/DEBUG ( 65): bea4170c 8018e4e9 /data/data/com.my.project/lib/libmyproject.so
121    # Again, note the spacing differences.
122    self.value_line = re.compile(r"(.*)([0-9a-f]" + self.width + r")[ \t]+([0-9a-f]" + self.width + r")[ \t]+([^\r\n \t]*)( \((.*)\))?")
123    # Lines from 'code around' sections of the output will be matched before
124    # value lines because otheriwse the 'code around' sections will be confused as
125    # value lines.
126    #
127    # Examples include:
128    #   801cf40c ffffc4cc 00b2f2c5 00b2f1c7 00c1e1a8
129    #   03-25 00:51:05.530 I/DEBUG ( 65): 801cf40c ffffc4cc 00b2f2c5 00b2f1c7 00c1e1a8
130    self.code_line = re.compile(r"(.*)[ \t]*[a-f0-9]" + self.width +
131                                r"[ \t]*[a-f0-9]" + self.width +
132                                r"[ \t]*[a-f0-9]" + self.width +
133                                r"[ \t]*[a-f0-9]" + self.width +
134                                r"[ \t]*[a-f0-9]" + self.width +
135                                r"[ \t]*[ \r\n]")  # pylint: disable-msg=C6310
137  def CleanLine(self, ln):
138    # AndroidFeedback adds zero width spaces into its crash reports. These
139    # should be removed or the regular expresssions will fail to match.
140    return ln.encode().decode(encoding='utf8', errors='ignore')
142  def PrintTraceLines(self, trace_lines):
143    """Print back trace."""
144    maxlen = max(len(tl[1]) for tl in trace_lines)
145    print("\nStack Trace:")
146    print("  RELADDR   " + self.spacing + "FUNCTION".ljust(maxlen) + "  FILE:LINE")
147    for tl in self.trace_lines:
148      (addr, symbol_with_offset, location) = tl
149      print("  %8s  %s  %s" % (addr, symbol_with_offset.ljust(maxlen), location))
151  def PrintValueLines(self, value_lines):
152    """Print stack data values."""
153    maxlen = max(len(tl[2]) for tl in self.value_lines)
154    print("\nStack Data:")
155    print("  ADDR      " + self.spacing + "VALUE     " + "FUNCTION".ljust(maxlen) + "  FILE:LINE")
156    for vl in self.value_lines:
157      (addr, value, symbol_with_offset, location) = vl
158      print("  %8s  %8s  %s  %s" % (addr, value, symbol_with_offset.ljust(maxlen), location))
160  def PrintOutput(self, trace_lines, value_lines):
161    if self.trace_lines:
162      self.PrintTraceLines(self.trace_lines)
163    if self.value_lines:
164      self.PrintValueLines(self.value_lines)
166  def PrintDivider(self):
167    print("\n-----------------------------------------------------\n")
169  def DeleteApkTmpFiles(self):
170    for _, _, tmp_files in self.apk_info.values():
171      for tmp_file in tmp_files.values():
172        os.unlink(tmp_file)
174  def ConvertTrace(self, lines):
175    lines = [self.CleanLine(line) for line in lines]
176    try:
177      if symbol.ARCH_IS_32BIT is None:
178        symbol.SetBitness(lines)
179      self.UpdateBitnessRegexes()
180      for line in lines:
181        self.ProcessLine(line)
182      self.PrintOutput(self.trace_lines, self.value_lines)
183    finally:
184      # Delete any temporary files created while processing the lines.
185      self.DeleteApkTmpFiles()
187  def MatchTraceLine(self, line):
188    match = self.trace_line.match(line)
189    if match:
190      return {"frame": match.group("frame"),
191              "offset": match.group("offset"),
192              "so_offset": match.group("so_offset"),
193              "dso": match.group("dso"),
194              "symbol_present": bool(match.group("symbolpresent")),
195              "symbol_name": match.group("symbol"),
196              "build_id": match.group("build_id")}
197    match = self.sanitizer_trace_line.match(line)
198    if match:
199      return {"frame": match.group("frame"),
200              "offset": match.group("offset"),
201              "so_offset": None,
202              "dso": match.group("dso"),
203              "symbol_present": False,
204              "symbol_name": None,
205              "build_id": None}
206    return None
208  def ExtractLibFromApk(self, apk, shared_lib_name):
209    # Create a temporary file containing the shared library from the apk.
210    tmp_file = None
211    try:
212      tmp_fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
213      if subprocess.call(["unzip", "-p", apk, shared_lib_name], stdout=tmp_fd) == 0:
214        os.close(tmp_fd)
215        shared_file = tmp_file
216        tmp_file = None
217        return shared_file
218    finally:
219      if tmp_file:
220        os.close(tmp_fd)
221        os.unlink(tmp_file)
222    return None
224  def ProcessCentralInfo(self, offset_list, central_info):
225    match = self.zipinfo_central_info_match.search(central_info)
226    if not match:
227      raise Exception("Cannot find all info from zipinfo\n" + central_info)
228    name = match.group(1)
229    start = int(match.group(2))
230    end = start + int(match.group(3))
232    offset_list.append([name, start, end])
233    return name, start, end
235  def GetLibFromApk(self, apk, offset):
236    # Convert the string to hex.
237    offset = int(offset, 16)
239    # Check if we already have information about this offset.
240    if apk in self.apk_info:
241      apk_full_path, offset_list, tmp_files = self.apk_info[apk]
242      for file_name, start, end in offset_list:
243        if offset >= start and offset < end:
244          if file_name in tmp_files:
245            return file_name, tmp_files[file_name]
246          tmp_file = self.ExtractLibFromApk(apk_full_path, file_name)
247          if tmp_file:
248            tmp_files[file_name] = tmp_file
249            return file_name, tmp_file
250          break
251      return None, None
253    if not "ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT" in os.environ:
254      print("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT environment variable not set.")
255      return None, None
256    out_dir = os.environ["ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT"]
257    if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
258      print("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT", out_dir, "does not exist.")
259      return None, None
260    if apk.startswith("/"):
261      apk_full_path = out_dir + apk
262    else:
263      apk_full_path = os.path.join(out_dir, apk)
264    if not os.path.exists(apk_full_path):
265      print("Cannot find apk", apk)
266      return None, None
268    cmd = subprocess.Popen(["zipinfo", "-v", apk_full_path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
269                           encoding='utf8')
270    # Find the first central info marker.
271    for line in cmd.stdout:
272      if self.zipinfo_central_directory_line.search(line):
273        break
275    central_info = ""
276    file_name = None
277    offset_list = []
278    for line in cmd.stdout:
279      match = self.zipinfo_central_directory_line.search(line)
280      if match:
281        cur_name, start, end = self.ProcessCentralInfo(offset_list, central_info)
282        if not file_name and offset >= start and offset < end:
283          file_name = cur_name
284        central_info = ""
285      else:
286        central_info += line
287    if central_info:
288      cur_name, start, end = self.ProcessCentralInfo(offset_list, central_info)
289      if not file_name and offset >= start and offset < end:
290        file_name = cur_name
292    # Make sure the offset_list is sorted, the zip file does not guarantee
293    # that the entries are in order.
294    offset_list = sorted(offset_list, key=lambda entry: entry[1])
296    # Save the information from the zip.
297    tmp_files = dict()
298    self.apk_info[apk] = [apk_full_path, offset_list, tmp_files]
299    if not file_name:
300      return None, None
301    tmp_shared_lib = self.ExtractLibFromApk(apk_full_path, file_name)
302    if tmp_shared_lib:
303      tmp_files[file_name] = tmp_shared_lib
304      return file_name, tmp_shared_lib
305    return None, None
307  # Find all files in the symbols directory and group them by basename (without directory).
308  @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
309  def GlobSymbolsDir(self, symbols_dir):
310    files_by_basename = {}
311    for path in sorted(pathlib.Path(symbols_dir).glob("**/*")):
312      if os.path.isfile(path):
313        files_by_basename.setdefault(path.name, []).append(path)
314    return files_by_basename
316  # Use the "file" command line tool to find the bitness and build_id of given ELF file.
317  @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
318  def GetLibraryInfo(self, lib):
319    stdout = subprocess.check_output([symbol.ToolPath("llvm-readelf"), "-h", "-n", lib], text=True)
320    match = self.readelf_output.search(stdout)
321    if match:
322      return self.ElfInfo(bitness=match.group("bitness"), build_id=match.group("build_id"))
323    return None
325  # Search for a library with the given basename and build_id anywhere in the symbols directory.
326  @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
327  def GetLibraryByBuildId(self, symbols_dir, basename, build_id):
328    for candidate in self.GlobSymbolsDir(symbols_dir).get(basename, []):
329      info = self.GetLibraryInfo(candidate)
330      if info and info.build_id == build_id:
331        return "/" + str(candidate.relative_to(symbols_dir))
332    return None
334  def GetLibPath(self, lib):
335    if lib in self.lib_to_path:
336      return self.lib_to_path[lib]
338    lib_path = self.FindLibPath(lib)
339    self.lib_to_path[lib] = lib_path
340    return lib_path
342  def FindLibPath(self, lib):
343    symbol_dir = symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR
344    if os.path.isfile(symbol_dir + lib):
345      return lib
347    # Try and rewrite any apex files if not found in symbols.
348    # For some reason, the directory in symbols does not match
349    # the path on system.
350    # The path is com.android.<directory> on device, but
351    # com.google.android.<directory> in symbols.
352    new_lib = lib.replace("/com.android.", "/com.google.android.")
353    if os.path.isfile(symbol_dir + new_lib):
354      return new_lib
356    # When using atest, test paths are different between the out/ directory
357    # and device. Apply fixups.
358    if not lib.startswith("/data/local/tests/") and not lib.startswith("/data/local/tmp/"):
359      print("WARNING: Cannot find %s in symbol directory" % lib)
360      return lib
362    test_name = lib.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
363    test_dir = "/data/nativetest"
364    test_dir_bitness = ""
365    if symbol.ARCH_IS_32BIT:
366      bitness = "32"
367    else:
368      bitness = "64"
369      test_dir_bitness = "64"
371    # Unfortunately, the location of the real symbol file is not
372    # standardized, so we need to go hunting for it.
374    # This is in vendor, look for the value in:
375    #   /data/nativetest{64}/vendor/test_name/test_name
376    if lib.startswith("/data/local/tests/vendor/"):
377      lib_path = os.path.join(test_dir + test_dir_bitness, "vendor", test_name, test_name)
378      if os.path.isfile(symbol_dir + lib_path):
379        return lib_path
381    # Look for the path in:
382    #   /data/nativetest{64}/test_name/test_name
383    lib_path = os.path.join(test_dir + test_dir_bitness, test_name, test_name)
384    if os.path.isfile(symbol_dir + lib_path):
385      return lib_path
387    # CtsXXX tests are in really non-standard locations try:
388    #  /data/nativetest/{test_name}
389    lib_path = os.path.join(test_dir, test_name)
390    if os.path.isfile(symbol_dir + lib_path):
391      return lib_path
392    # Try:
393    #   /data/nativetest/{test_name}{32|64}
394    lib_path += bitness
395    if os.path.isfile(symbol_dir + lib_path):
396      return lib_path
398    # Cannot find location, give up and return the original path
399    print("WARNING: Cannot find %s in symbol directory" % lib)
400    return lib
403  def ProcessLine(self, line):
404    ret = False
405    process_header = self.process_info_line.search(line)
406    signal_header = self.signal_line.search(line)
407    abort_message_header = self.abort_message_line.search(line)
408    thread_header = self.thread_line.search(line)
409    register_header = self.register_line.search(line)
410    revision_header = self.revision_line.search(line)
411    dalvik_jni_thread_header = self.dalvik_jni_thread_line.search(line)
412    dalvik_native_thread_header = self.dalvik_native_thread_line.search(line)
413    unreachable_header = self.unreachable_line.search(line)
414    if process_header or signal_header or abort_message_header or thread_header or \
415        register_header or dalvik_jni_thread_header or dalvik_native_thread_header or \
416        revision_header or unreachable_header:
417      ret = True
418      if self.trace_lines or self.value_lines:
419        self.PrintOutput(self.trace_lines, self.value_lines)
420        self.PrintDivider()
421        self.trace_lines = []
422        self.value_lines = []
423        self.last_frame = -1
424      if process_header:
425        print(process_header.group(1))
426      if signal_header:
427        print(signal_header.group(1))
428      if abort_message_header:
429        print(abort_message_header.group(1))
430      if register_header:
431        print(register_header.group(1))
432      if thread_header:
433        print(thread_header.group(1))
434      if dalvik_jni_thread_header:
435        print(dalvik_jni_thread_header.group(1))
436      if dalvik_native_thread_header:
437        print(dalvik_native_thread_header.group(1))
438      if revision_header:
439        print(revision_header.group(1))
440      if unreachable_header:
441        print(unreachable_header.group(1))
442      return True
443    trace_line_dict = self.MatchTraceLine(line)
444    if trace_line_dict is not None:
445      ret = True
446      frame = int(trace_line_dict["frame"])
447      code_addr = trace_line_dict["offset"]
448      area = trace_line_dict["dso"]
449      so_offset = trace_line_dict["so_offset"]
450      symbol_present = trace_line_dict["symbol_present"]
451      symbol_name = trace_line_dict["symbol_name"]
452      build_id = trace_line_dict["build_id"]
454      if frame <= self.last_frame and (self.trace_lines or self.value_lines):
455        self.PrintOutput(self.trace_lines, self.value_lines)
456        self.PrintDivider()
457        self.trace_lines = []
458        self.value_lines = []
459      self.last_frame = frame
461      if area == "<unknown>" or area == "[heap]" or area == "[stack]":
462        self.trace_lines.append((code_addr, "", area))
463      else:
464        # If this is an apk, it usually means that there is actually
465        # a shared so that was loaded directly out of it. In that case,
466        # extract the shared library and the name of the shared library.
467        lib = None
468        # The format of the map name:
469        #   Some.apk!libshared.so
470        # or
471        #   Some.apk
472        if so_offset:
473          # If it ends in apk, we are done.
474          apk = None
475          if area.endswith(".apk"):
476            apk = area
477          else:
478            index = area.rfind(".so!")
479            if index != -1:
480              # Sometimes we'll see something like:
481              #   #01 pc abcd  libart.so!libart.so (offset 0x134000)
482              # Remove everything after the ! and zero the offset value.
483              area = area[0:index + 3]
484              so_offset = 0
485            else:
486              index = area.rfind(".apk!")
487              if index != -1:
488                apk = area[0:index + 4]
489          if apk:
490            lib_name, lib = self.GetLibFromApk(apk, so_offset)
491        else:
492          # Sometimes we'll see something like:
493          #   #01 pc abcd  libart.so!libart.so
494          # Remove everything after the !.
495          index = area.rfind(".so!")
496          if index != -1:
497            area = area[0:index + 3]
498        if not lib:
499          lib = area
500          lib_name = None
502        if build_id:
503          # If we have the build_id, do a brute-force search of the symbols directory.
504          basename = os.path.basename(lib).split("!")[-1]
505          lib = self.GetLibraryByBuildId(symbol.SYMBOLS_DIR, basename, build_id)
506          if not lib:
507            print("WARNING: Cannot find {} with build id {} in symbols directory."
508                  .format(basename, build_id))
509        else:
510          # When using atest, test paths are different between the out/ directory
511          # and device. Apply fixups.
512          lib = self.GetLibPath(lib)
514        # If a calls b which further calls c and c is inlined to b, we want to
515        # display "a -> b -> c" in the stack trace instead of just "a -> c"
516        info = symbol.SymbolInformation(lib, code_addr)
517        nest_count = len(info) - 1
518        for (source_symbol, source_location, symbol_with_offset) in info:
519          if not source_symbol:
520            if symbol_present:
521              source_symbol = symbol.CallCppFilt(symbol_name)
522            else:
523              source_symbol = "<unknown>"
524          if not symbol.VERBOSE:
525            source_symbol = symbol.FormatSymbolWithoutParameters(source_symbol)
526            symbol_with_offset = symbol.FormatSymbolWithoutParameters(symbol_with_offset)
527          if not source_location:
528            source_location = area
529            if lib_name:
530              source_location += "(" + lib_name + ")"
531          if nest_count > 0:
532            nest_count = nest_count - 1
533            arrow = "v------>"
534            if not symbol.ARCH_IS_32BIT:
535              arrow = "v-------------->"
536            self.trace_lines.append((arrow, source_symbol, source_location))
537          else:
538            if not symbol_with_offset:
539              symbol_with_offset = source_symbol
540            self.trace_lines.append((code_addr, symbol_with_offset, source_location))
541    if self.code_line.match(line):
542      # Code lines should be ignored. If this were exluded the 'code around'
543      # sections would trigger value_line matches.
544      return ret
545    if self.value_line.match(line):
546      ret = True
547      match = self.value_line.match(line)
548      (unused_, addr, value, area, symbol_present, symbol_name) = match.groups()
549      if area == "<unknown>" or area == "[heap]" or area == "[stack]" or not area:
550        self.value_lines.append((addr, value, "", area))
551      else:
552        info = symbol.SymbolInformation(area, value)
553        (source_symbol, source_location, object_symbol_with_offset) = info.pop()
554        # If there is no information, skip this.
555        if source_symbol or source_location or object_symbol_with_offset:
556          if not source_symbol:
557            if symbol_present:
558              source_symbol = symbol.CallCppFilt(symbol_name)
559            else:
560              source_symbol = "<unknown>"
561          if not source_location:
562            source_location = area
563          if not object_symbol_with_offset:
564            object_symbol_with_offset = source_symbol
565          self.value_lines.append((addr,
566                                   value,
567                                   object_symbol_with_offset,
568                                   source_location))
570    return ret
573class RegisterPatternTests(unittest.TestCase):
574  def assert_register_matches(self, abi, example_crash, stupid_pattern):
575    tc = TraceConverter()
576    lines = example_crash.split('\n')
577    symbol.SetBitness(lines)
578    tc.UpdateBitnessRegexes()
579    for line in lines:
580      tc.ProcessLine(line)
581      is_register = (re.search(stupid_pattern, line) is not None)
582      matched = (tc.register_line.search(line) is not None)
583      self.assertEqual(matched, is_register, line)
584    tc.PrintOutput(tc.trace_lines, tc.value_lines)
586  def test_arm_registers(self):
587    self.assert_register_matches("arm", example_crashes.arm, '\\b(r0|r4|r8|ip|scr)\\b')
589  def test_arm64_registers(self):
590    self.assert_register_matches("arm64", example_crashes.arm64, '\\b(x0|x4|x8|x12|x16|x20|x24|x28|sp|v[1-3]?[0-9])\\b')
592  def test_x86_registers(self):
593    self.assert_register_matches("x86", example_crashes.x86, '\\b(eax|esi|xcs|eip)\\b')
595  def test_x86_64_registers(self):
596    self.assert_register_matches("x86_64", example_crashes.x86_64, '\\b(rax|rsi|r8|r12|cs|rip)\\b')
598  def test_riscv64_registers(self):
599    self.assert_register_matches("riscv64", example_crashes.riscv64, '\\b(gp|t2|t6|s3|s7|s11|a3|a7|sp)\\b')
601class LibmemunreachablePatternTests(unittest.TestCase):
602  def test_libmemunreachable(self):
603    tc = TraceConverter()
604    lines = example_crashes.libmemunreachable.split('\n')
606    symbol.SetBitness(lines)
607    self.assertTrue(symbol.ARCH_IS_32BIT)
608    tc.UpdateBitnessRegexes()
609    header_lines = 0
610    trace_lines = 0
611    for line in lines:
612      tc.ProcessLine(line)
613      if re.search(tc.unreachable_line, line) is not None:
614        header_lines += 1
615      if tc.MatchTraceLine(line) is not None:
616        trace_lines += 1
617    self.assertEqual(header_lines, 3)
618    self.assertEqual(trace_lines, 2)
619    tc.PrintOutput(tc.trace_lines, tc.value_lines)
621class LongASANStackTests(unittest.TestCase):
622  # Test that a long ASAN-style (non-padded frame numbers) stack trace is not split into two
623  # when the frame number becomes two digits. This happened before as the frame number was
624  # handled as a string and not converted to an integral.
625  def test_long_asan_crash(self):
626    tc = TraceConverter()
627    lines = example_crashes.long_asan_crash.splitlines()
628    symbol.SetBitness(lines)
629    tc.UpdateBitnessRegexes()
630    # Test by making sure trace_line_count is monotonically non-decreasing. If the stack trace
631    # is split, a separator is printed and trace_lines is flushed.
632    trace_line_count = 0
633    for line in lines:
634      tc.ProcessLine(line)
635      self.assertLessEqual(trace_line_count, len(tc.trace_lines))
636      trace_line_count = len(tc.trace_lines)
637    # The split happened at transition of frame #9 -> #10. Make sure we have parsed (and stored)
638    # more than ten frames.
639    self.assertGreater(trace_line_count, 10)
640    tc.PrintOutput(tc.trace_lines, tc.value_lines)
642class ValueLinesTest(unittest.TestCase):
643  def test_value_line_skipped(self):
644    tc = TraceConverter()
645    symbol.ARCH_IS_32BIT = True
646    tc.UpdateBitnessRegexes()
647    tc.ProcessLine("    12345678  00001000  .")
648    self.assertEqual([], tc.value_lines)
650if __name__ == '__main__':
651    unittest.main(verbosity=2)