1 package { 2 // See: http://go/android-license-faq 3 // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import 4 // all of the 'license_kinds' from "frameworks_native_license" 5 // to get the below license kinds: 6 // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 7 default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_native_license"], 8 } 9 10 cc_library_headers { 11 name: "libpdx_headers", 12 export_include_dirs: ["private"], 13 vendor_available: true, 14 min_sdk_version: "29", 15 } 16 17 cc_library_static { 18 name: "libpdx", 19 cflags: [ 20 "-Wall", 21 "-Wextra", 22 "-Werror", 23 "-DLOG_TAG=\"libpdx\"", 24 "-DTRACE=0", 25 ], 26 header_libs: ["libpdx_headers"], 27 export_header_lib_headers: ["libpdx_headers"], 28 srcs: [ 29 "client.cpp", 30 "service.cpp", 31 "service_dispatcher.cpp", 32 "status.cpp", 33 ], 34 shared_libs: [ 35 "libbinder", 36 "libcutils", 37 "libutils", 38 "liblog", 39 ], 40 } 41 42 cc_test { 43 name: "pdx_tests", 44 cflags: [ 45 "-Wall", 46 "-Wextra", 47 "-Werror", 48 ], 49 srcs: [ 50 "client_tests.cpp", 51 "mock_tests.cpp", 52 "serialization_tests.cpp", 53 "service_tests.cpp", 54 "status_tests.cpp", 55 "thread_local_buffer_tests.cpp", 56 "variant_tests.cpp", 57 ], 58 static_libs: [ 59 "libcutils", 60 "libgmock", 61 "libpdx", 62 "liblog", 63 "libutils", 64 ], 65 shared_libs: [ 66 "libvndksupport", 67 ], 68 } 69 70 // Code analysis target. 71 cc_test { 72 name: "pdx_encoder_performance_test", 73 cflags: [ 74 "-Wall", 75 "-Wextra", 76 "-Werror", 77 "-O2", 78 ], 79 srcs: [ 80 "encoder_performance_test.cpp", 81 ], 82 static_libs: [ 83 "libpdx", 84 ], 85 } 86