1// Copyright 2023 The Khronos Group Inc. 2// 3// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 4 5// Core versions and extensions to enable 6// Must be included before the header and attribs.adoc 7include::{generated}/specattribs.adoc[] 8 9// Define titles and title logos for either Vulkan or Vulkan SC 10:DocTitle: Test^®^ {revnumber} - {apititle} 11:SC: 12:VulkanLogo: test-build.svg 13:LogoDir: vulkan 14 15= {DocTitle} 16:regtitle: pass:q,r[^®^] 17The Khronos{regtitle} Vulkan Working Group 18:data-uri: 19:icons: font 20:toc2: 21:toclevels: 2 22:numbered: 23:source-highlighter: rouge 24:rouge-style: github 25:title-logo-image: image:{images}/{VulkanLogo}[top="25%"] 26:attribute-missing: warn 27:last-update-label!: 28 29// Various special / math symbols. This is easier to edit with than Unicode. 30include::{config}/attribs.adoc[] 31 32// Table of contents is inserted here 33toc::[] 34 35:leveloffset: 1 36 37<<<< 38 39// Preamble "chapter" 40 41include::{chapters}/preamble.adoc[] 42 43// Actual chapters 44 45include::{chapters}/lorem.adoc[] 46 47ifdef::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] 48include::{chapters}/ipsum.adoc[] 49endif::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] 50 51// Appendices 52:numbered!: 53 54[[extensions]] 55= Layers & Extensions (Informative) 56 57Cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar. 58 59== Extension Dependencies 60 61Id diam vel quam elementum 62 63ifdef::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] 64include::{appendices}/test.adoc[] 65endif::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] 66