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1# Copyright 2019 - The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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14"""Tests for pull."""
15import unittest
17import os
18import tempfile
20from unittest import mock
22from acloud import errors
23from acloud.internal import constants
24from acloud.internal.lib import driver_test_lib
25from acloud.internal.lib import ssh
26from acloud.internal.lib import utils
27from acloud.list import list as list_instances
28from acloud.public import config
29from acloud.pull import pull
32class PullTest(driver_test_lib.BaseDriverTest):
33    """Test pull."""
35    # pylint: disable=no-member
36    def testPullFileFromInstance(self):
37        """test PullFileFromInstance."""
38        cfg = mock.MagicMock()
39        cfg.ssh_private_key_path = "fake_ssh_path"
40        cfg.extra_args_ssh_tunnel = ""
41        instance = mock.MagicMock()
42        instance.ip = ""
43        # Multiple selected files case.
44        selected_files = ["file1.log", "file2.log"]
45        self.Patch(pull, "SelectLogFileToPull", return_value=selected_files)
46        self.Patch(pull, "PullLogs")
47        self.Patch(pull, "DisplayLog")
48        pull.PullFileFromInstance(cfg, instance)
49        self.assertEqual(pull.DisplayLog.call_count, 0)
51        # Only one file selected case.
52        selected_files = ["file1.log"]
53        self.Patch(pull, "SelectLogFileToPull", return_value=selected_files)
54        pull.PullFileFromInstance(cfg, instance)
55        self.assertEqual(pull.DisplayLog.call_count, 1)
57    def testPullLogs(self):
58        """test PullLogs."""
59        self.Patch(tempfile, "gettempdir", return_value="/tmp")
60        self.Patch(os.path, "exists", return_value=False)
61        mock_makedirs = self.Patch(os, "makedirs")
62        _ssh = mock.MagicMock()
63        self.Patch(utils, "PrintColorString")
65        log_files = ["file1.log", "file2.log"]
66        download_folder = pull.PullLogs(_ssh, log_files, "instance")
67        self.assertEqual(download_folder, "/tmp/instance")
68        mock_makedirs.assert_called_once_with("/tmp/instance")
69        self.assertEqual(_ssh.ScpPullFile.call_count, 2)
70        utils.PrintColorString.assert_called_once()
72    @mock.patch.object(ssh.Ssh, "Run")
73    def testDisplayLog(self, mock_ssh_run):
74        """Test DisplayLog."""
75        fake_ip = ssh.IP(external="", internal="")
76        _ssh = ssh.Ssh(ip=fake_ip,
77                       user=constants.GCE_USER,
78                       ssh_private_key_path="/fake/acloud_rea")
79        self.Patch(utils, "GetUserAnswerYes", return_value="Y")
80        log_file = "file1.log"
81        pull.DisplayLog(_ssh, log_file)
82        expected_cmd = "tail -f -n +1 %s" % log_file
83        mock_ssh_run.assert_has_calls([
84            mock.call(expected_cmd, show_output=True)])
86    def testSelectLogFileToPull(self):
87        """test choose log files from the remote instance."""
88        _ssh = mock.MagicMock()
90        # Test only one log file case
91        log_files = ["file1.log"]
92        self.Patch(pull, "GetAllLogFilePaths", return_value=log_files)
93        expected_result = ["file1.log"]
94        self.assertEqual(pull.SelectLogFileToPull(_ssh), expected_result)
96        # Test no log files case
97        self.Patch(pull, "GetAllLogFilePaths", return_value=[])
98        with self.assertRaises(errors.CheckPathError):
99            pull.SelectLogFileToPull(_ssh)
101        # Test two log files case.
102        log_files = ["file1.log", "file2.log"]
103        choose_log = ["file2.log"]
104        self.Patch(pull, "GetAllLogFilePaths", return_value=log_files)
105        self.Patch(utils, "GetAnswerFromList", return_value=choose_log)
106        expected_result = ["file2.log"]
107        self.assertEqual(pull.SelectLogFileToPull(_ssh), expected_result)
109        # Test user provided file name exist.
110        log_files = ["cuttlefish_runtime/file1.log",
111                     "cuttlefish_runtime/file2.log"]
112        input_file = "file1.log"
113        self.Patch(pull, "GetAllLogFilePaths", return_value=log_files)
114        expected_result = ["cuttlefish_runtime/file1.log"]
115        self.assertEqual(pull.SelectLogFileToPull(_ssh, input_file), expected_result)
117        # Test user provided file name not exist.
118        log_files = ["cuttlefish_runtime/file1.log",
119                     "cuttlefish_runtime/file2.log"]
120        input_file = "not_exist.log"
121        self.Patch(pull, "GetAllLogFilePaths", return_value=log_files)
122        with self.assertRaises(errors.CheckPathError):
123            pull.SelectLogFileToPull(_ssh, input_file)
125    def testGetAllLogFilePaths(self):
126        """test that GetAllLogFilePaths can filter logs."""
127        mock_find = self.Patch(utils, "FindRemoteFiles",
128                               return_value=["kernel.log", "logcat", "kernel"])
129        # Filter out file name is "kernel".
130        expected_result = ["kernel.log", "logcat"]
131        self.assertEqual(pull.GetAllLogFilePaths(mock.Mock(), "unit/test"),
132                         expected_result)
133        mock_find.assert_called_with(mock.ANY, ["unit/test"])
135        # Filter out file extension is ".img".
136        mock_find.return_value = ["kernel.log", "system.img", "userdata.img",
137                                  "launcher.log"]
138        expected_result = ["kernel.log", "launcher.log"]
139        self.assertEqual(pull.GetAllLogFilePaths(mock.Mock(), "unit/test"),
140                         expected_result)
142    @mock.patch.object(pull, "PullFileFromInstance")
143    def testRun(self, mock_pull_file):
144        """test Run."""
145        cfg = mock.MagicMock()
146        args = mock.MagicMock()
147        instance_obj = mock.MagicMock()
148        # Test case with provided instance name.
149        args.instance_name = "instance_1"
150        args.file_name = "file1.log"
151        args.no_prompt = True
152        self.Patch(config, "GetAcloudConfig", return_value=cfg)
153        self.Patch(list_instances, "GetInstancesFromInstanceNames",
154                   return_value=[instance_obj])
155        pull.Run(args)
156        mock_pull_file.assert_has_calls([
157            mock.call(cfg, instance_obj, args.file_name, args.no_prompt)])
159        # Test case for user select one instance to pull log.
160        selected_instance = mock.MagicMock()
161        self.Patch(list_instances, "ChooseOneRemoteInstance",
162                   return_value=selected_instance)
163        args.instance_name = None
164        pull.Run(args)
165        mock_pull_file.assert_has_calls([
166            mock.call(cfg, selected_instance, args.file_name, args.no_prompt)])
169if __name__ == '__main__':
170    unittest.main()