1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3 * 4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 6 * are met: 7 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 10 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 11 * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 12 * 13 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY 14 * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 15 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 16 * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR 17 * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, 18 * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 19 * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR 20 * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY 21 * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 22 * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE 23 * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 24 */ 25 26 // This all-in-one cpp file cuts down on template bloat to allow us to build our Windows release build. 27 28 #include "JSAbstractWorker.cpp" 29 #include "JSAttr.cpp" 30 #include "JSBarInfo.cpp" 31 #include "JSCanvasGradient.cpp" 32 #include "JSCanvasPattern.cpp" 33 #include "JSCanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp" 34 #include "JSCDATASection.cpp" 35 #include "JSCharacterData.cpp" 36 #include "JSClientRect.cpp" 37 #include "JSClientRectList.cpp" 38 #include "JSClipboard.cpp" 39 #include "JSComment.cpp" 40 #include "JSConsole.cpp" 41 #include "JSCounter.cpp" 42 #include "JSCSSCharsetRule.cpp" 43 #include "JSCSSFontFaceRule.cpp" 44 #include "JSCSSImportRule.cpp" 45 #include "JSCSSMediaRule.cpp" 46 #include "JSCSSPageRule.cpp" 47 #include "JSCSSPrimitiveValue.cpp" 48 #include "JSCSSRule.cpp" 49 #include "JSCSSRuleList.cpp" 50 #include "JSCSSStyleDeclaration.cpp" 51 #include "JSCSSStyleRule.cpp" 52 #include "JSCSSStyleSheet.cpp" 53 #include "JSCSSValue.cpp" 54 #include "JSCSSValueList.cpp" 55 #include "JSCSSVariablesDeclaration.cpp" 56 #include "JSCSSVariablesRule.cpp" 57 #include "JSDatabase.cpp" 58 #include "JSDataGridColumn.cpp" 59 #include "JSDataGridColumnList.cpp" 60 #include "JSDedicatedWorkerContext.cpp" 61 #include "JSDocument.cpp" 62 #include "JSDocumentFragment.cpp" 63 #include "JSDocumentType.cpp" 64 #include "JSDOMApplicationCache.cpp" 65 #include "JSDOMCoreException.cpp" 66 #include "JSDOMImplementation.cpp" 67 #include "JSDOMParser.cpp" 68 #include "JSDOMSelection.cpp" 69 #include "JSDOMWindow.cpp" 70 #include "JSElement.cpp" 71 #include "JSEntity.cpp" 72 #include "JSEntityReference.cpp" 73 #include "JSErrorEvent.cpp" 74 #include "JSEvent.cpp" 75 #include "JSEventException.cpp" 76 #include "JSFile.cpp" 77 #include "JSFileList.cpp" 78 #include "JSHistory.cpp" 79 #include "JSHTMLAnchorElement.cpp" 80 #include "JSHTMLAppletElement.cpp" 81 #include "JSHTMLAreaElement.cpp" 82 #include "JSHTMLAudioElement.cpp" 83 #include "JSHTMLBaseElement.cpp" 84 #include "JSHTMLBaseFontElement.cpp" 85 #include "JSHTMLBlockquoteElement.cpp" 86 #include "JSHTMLBodyElement.cpp" 87 #include "JSHTMLBRElement.cpp" 88 #include "JSHTMLButtonElement.cpp" 89 #include "JSHTMLCanvasElement.cpp" 90 #include "JSHTMLCollection.cpp" 91 #include "JSHTMLDataGridElement.cpp" 92 #include "JSHTMLDataGridCellElement.cpp" 93 #include "JSHTMLDataGridColElement.cpp" 94 #include "JSHTMLDataGridRowElement.cpp" 95 #include "JSHTMLDirectoryElement.cpp" 96 #include "JSHTMLDivElement.cpp" 97 #include "JSHTMLDListElement.cpp" 98 #include "JSHTMLDocument.cpp" 99 #include "JSHTMLElement.cpp" 100 #include "JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp" 101 #include "JSHTMLEmbedElement.cpp" 102 #include "JSHTMLFieldSetElement.cpp" 103 #include "JSHTMLFontElement.cpp" 104 #include "JSHTMLFormElement.cpp" 105 #include "JSHTMLFrameElement.cpp" 106 #include "JSHTMLFrameSetElement.cpp" 107 #include "JSHTMLHeadElement.cpp" 108 #include "JSHTMLHeadingElement.cpp" 109 #include "JSHTMLHRElement.cpp" 110 #include "JSHTMLHtmlElement.cpp" 111 #include "JSHTMLIFrameElement.cpp" 112 #include "JSHTMLImageElement.cpp" 113 #include "JSHTMLInputElement.cpp" 114 #include "JSHTMLIsIndexElement.cpp" 115 #include "JSHTMLLabelElement.cpp" 116 #include "JSHTMLLegendElement.cpp" 117 #include "JSHTMLLIElement.cpp" 118 #include "JSHTMLLinkElement.cpp" 119 #include "JSHTMLMapElement.cpp" 120 #include "JSHTMLMarqueeElement.cpp" 121 #include "JSHTMLMediaElement.cpp" 122 #include "JSHTMLMenuElement.cpp" 123 #include "JSHTMLMetaElement.cpp" 124 #include "JSHTMLModElement.cpp" 125 #include "JSHTMLObjectElement.cpp" 126 #include "JSHTMLOListElement.cpp" 127 #include "JSHTMLOptGroupElement.cpp" 128 #include "JSHTMLOptionElement.cpp" 129 #include "JSHTMLOptionsCollection.cpp" 130 #include "JSHTMLParagraphElement.cpp" 131 #include "JSHTMLParamElement.cpp" 132 #include "JSHTMLPreElement.cpp" 133 #include "JSHTMLQuoteElement.cpp" 134 #include "JSHTMLScriptElement.cpp" 135 #include "JSHTMLSelectElement.cpp" 136 #include "JSHTMLSourceElement.cpp" 137 #include "JSHTMLStyleElement.cpp" 138 #include "JSHTMLTableCaptionElement.cpp" 139 #include "JSHTMLTableCellElement.cpp" 140 #include "JSHTMLTableColElement.cpp" 141 #include "JSHTMLTableElement.cpp" 142 #include "JSHTMLTableRowElement.cpp" 143 #include "JSHTMLTableSectionElement.cpp" 144 #include "JSHTMLTextAreaElement.cpp" 145 #include "JSHTMLTitleElement.cpp" 146 #include "JSHTMLUListElement.cpp" 147 #include "JSHTMLVideoElement.cpp" 148 #include "JSImageData.cpp" 149 #include "JSJavaScriptCallFrame.cpp" 150 #include "JSKeyboardEvent.cpp" 151 #include "JSLocation.cpp" 152 #include "JSMedia.cpp" 153 #include "JSMediaError.cpp" 154 #include "JSMediaList.cpp" 155 #include "JSMessageChannel.cpp" 156 #include "JSMessageEvent.cpp" 157 #include "JSMessagePort.cpp" 158 #include "JSMimeType.cpp" 159 #include "JSMimeTypeArray.cpp" 160 #include "JSMouseEvent.cpp" 161 #include "JSMutationEvent.cpp" 162 #include "JSNamedNodeMap.cpp" 163 #include "JSNavigator.cpp" 164 #include "JSNode.cpp" 165 #include "JSNodeFilter.cpp" 166 #include "JSNodeIterator.cpp" 167 #include "JSNodeList.cpp" 168 #include "JSNotation.cpp" 169 #include "JSOverflowEvent.cpp" 170 #include "JSPlugin.cpp" 171 #include "JSPluginArray.cpp" 172 #include "JSProcessingInstruction.cpp" 173 #include "JSProgressEvent.cpp" 174 #include "JSRange.cpp" 175 #include "JSRangeException.cpp" 176 #include "JSRect.cpp" 177 #include "JSRGBColor.cpp" 178 #include "JSScreen.cpp" 179 #include "JSSharedWorker.cpp" 180 #include "JSSharedWorkerContext.cpp" 181 #include "JSSQLError.cpp" 182 #include "JSSQLResultSet.cpp" 183 #include "JSSQLResultSetRowList.cpp" 184 #include "JSSQLTransaction.cpp" 185 #include "JSStorage.cpp" 186 #include "JSStorageEvent.cpp" 187 #include "JSStyleSheet.cpp" 188 #include "JSStyleSheetList.cpp" 189 #include "JSSVGAElement.cpp" 190 #include "JSSVGAltGlyphElement.cpp" 191 #include "JSSVGAngle.cpp" 192 #include "JSSVGAnimateColorElement.cpp" 193 #include "JSSVGAnimatedAngle.cpp" 194 #include "JSSVGAnimatedBoolean.cpp" 195 #include "JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration.cpp" 196 #include "JSSVGAnimatedInteger.cpp" 197 #include "JSSVGAnimatedLength.cpp" 198 #include "JSSVGAnimatedLengthList.cpp" 199 #include "JSSVGAnimatedNumber.cpp" 200 #include "JSSVGAnimatedNumberList.cpp" 201 #include "JSSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.cpp" 202 #include "JSSVGAnimatedRect.cpp" 203 #include "JSSVGAnimatedString.cpp" 204 #include "JSSVGAnimatedTransformList.cpp" 205 #include "JSSVGAnimateElement.cpp" 206 #include "JSSVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp" 207 #include "JSSVGAnimationElement.cpp" 208 #include "JSSVGCircleElement.cpp" 209 #include "JSSVGClipPathElement.cpp" 210 #include "JSSVGColor.cpp" 211 #include "JSSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.cpp" 212 #include "JSSVGCursorElement.cpp" 213 #include "JSSVGDefinitionSrcElement.cpp" 214 #include "JSSVGDefsElement.cpp" 215 #include "JSSVGDescElement.cpp" 216 #include "JSSVGDocument.cpp" 217 #include "JSSVGElement.cpp" 218 #include "JSSVGElementInstance.cpp" 219 #include "JSSVGElementInstanceList.cpp" 220 #include "JSSVGEllipseElement.cpp" 221 #include "JSSVGException.cpp" 222 #include "JSSVGFEBlendElement.cpp" 223 #include "JSSVGFEColorMatrixElement.cpp" 224 #include "JSSVGFEComponentTransferElement.cpp" 225 #include "JSSVGFECompositeElement.cpp" 226 #include "JSSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.cpp" 227 #include "JSSVGFEDisplacementMapElement.cpp" 228 #include "JSSVGFEDistantLightElement.cpp" 229 #include "JSSVGFEFloodElement.cpp" 230 #include "JSSVGFEFuncAElement.cpp" 231 #include "JSSVGFEFuncBElement.cpp" 232 #include "JSSVGFEFuncGElement.cpp" 233 #include "JSSVGFEFuncRElement.cpp" 234 #include "JSSVGFEGaussianBlurElement.cpp" 235 #include "JSSVGFEImageElement.cpp" 236 #include "JSSVGFEMergeElement.cpp" 237 #include "JSSVGFEMergeNodeElement.cpp" 238 #include "JSSVGFEOffsetElement.cpp" 239 #include "JSSVGFEPointLightElement.cpp" 240 #include "JSSVGFESpecularLightingElement.cpp" 241 #include "JSSVGFESpotLightElement.cpp" 242 #include "JSSVGFETileElement.cpp" 243 #include "JSSVGFETurbulenceElement.cpp" 244 #include "JSSVGFilterElement.cpp" 245 #include "JSSVGFontElement.cpp" 246 #include "JSSVGFontFaceElement.cpp" 247 #include "JSSVGFontFaceFormatElement.cpp" 248 #include "JSSVGFontFaceNameElement.cpp" 249 #include "JSSVGFontFaceSrcElement.cpp" 250 #include "JSSVGFontFaceUriElement.cpp" 251 #include "JSSVGForeignObjectElement.cpp" 252 #include "JSSVGGElement.cpp" 253 #include "JSSVGGlyphElement.cpp" 254 #include "JSSVGGradientElement.cpp" 255 #include "JSSVGImageElement.cpp" 256 #include "JSSVGLength.cpp" 257 #include "JSSVGLengthList.cpp" 258 #include "JSSVGLinearGradientElement.cpp" 259 #include "JSSVGLineElement.cpp" 260 #include "JSSVGMarkerElement.cpp" 261 #include "JSSVGMaskElement.cpp" 262 #include "JSSVGMatrix.cpp" 263 #include "JSSVGMetadataElement.cpp" 264 #include "JSSVGMissingGlyphElement.cpp" 265 #include "JSSVGNumber.cpp" 266 #include "JSSVGNumberList.cpp" 267 #include "JSSVGPaint.cpp" 268 #include "JSSVGPathElement.cpp" 269 #include "JSSVGPathSeg.cpp" 270 #include "JSSVGPathSegArcAbs.cpp" 271 #include "JSSVGPathSegArcRel.cpp" 272 #include "JSSVGPathSegClosePath.cpp" 273 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.cpp" 274 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.cpp" 275 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.cpp" 276 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.cpp" 277 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.cpp" 278 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.cpp" 279 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.cpp" 280 #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.cpp" 281 #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoAbs.cpp" 282 #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.cpp" 283 #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.cpp" 284 #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoRel.cpp" 285 #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.cpp" 286 #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.cpp" 287 #include "JSSVGPathSegList.cpp" 288 #include "JSSVGPathSegMovetoAbs.cpp" 289 #include "JSSVGPathSegMovetoRel.cpp" 290 #include "JSSVGPatternElement.cpp" 291 #include "JSSVGPoint.cpp" 292 #include "JSSVGPointList.cpp" 293 #include "JSSVGPolygonElement.cpp" 294 #include "JSSVGPolylineElement.cpp" 295 #include "JSSVGPreserveAspectRatio.cpp" 296 #include "JSSVGRadialGradientElement.cpp" 297 #include "JSSVGRect.cpp" 298 #include "JSSVGRectElement.cpp" 299 #include "JSSVGRenderingIntent.cpp" 300 #include "JSSVGScriptElement.cpp" 301 #include "JSSVGSetElement.cpp" 302 #include "JSSVGStopElement.cpp" 303 #include "JSSVGStringList.cpp" 304 #include "JSSVGStyleElement.cpp" 305 #include "JSSVGSVGElement.cpp" 306 #include "JSSVGSwitchElement.cpp" 307 #include "JSSVGSymbolElement.cpp" 308 #include "JSSVGTextContentElement.cpp" 309 #include "JSSVGTextElement.cpp" 310 #include "JSSVGTextPathElement.cpp" 311 #include "JSSVGTextPositioningElement.cpp" 312 #include "JSSVGTitleElement.cpp" 313 #include "JSSVGTransform.cpp" 314 #include "JSSVGTransformList.cpp" 315 #include "JSSVGTRefElement.cpp" 316 #include "JSSVGTSpanElement.cpp" 317 #include "JSSVGUnitTypes.cpp" 318 #include "JSSVGUseElement.cpp" 319 #include "JSSVGViewElement.cpp" 320 #include "JSSVGZoomEvent.cpp" 321 #include "JSText.cpp" 322 #include "JSTextEvent.cpp" 323 #include "JSTextMetrics.cpp" 324 #include "JSTimeRanges.cpp" 325 #include "JSTreeWalker.cpp" 326 #include "JSUIEvent.cpp" 327 #include "JSValidityState.cpp" 328 #include "JSVoidCallback.cpp" 329 #include "JSWebKitAnimationEvent.cpp" 330 #include "JSWebKitCSSKeyframeRule.cpp" 331 #include "JSWebKitCSSKeyframesRule.cpp" 332 #include "JSWebKitCSSTransformValue.cpp" 333 #include "JSWebKitCSSMatrix.cpp" 334 #include "JSWebKitPoint.cpp" 335 #include "JSWebKitTransitionEvent.cpp" 336 #include "JSWheelEvent.cpp" 337 #include "JSWorker.cpp" 338 #include "JSWorkerContext.cpp" 339 #include "JSWorkerLocation.cpp" 340 #include "JSWorkerNavigator.cpp" 341 #include "JSXMLHttpRequest.cpp" 342 #include "JSXMLHttpRequestException.cpp" 343 #include "JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEvent.cpp" 344 #include "JSXMLHttpRequestUpload.cpp" 345 #include "JSXMLSerializer.cpp" 346 #include "JSXPathEvaluator.cpp" 347 #include "JSXPathException.cpp" 348 #include "JSXPathExpression.cpp" 349 #include "JSXPathNSResolver.cpp" 350 #include "JSXPathResult.cpp" 351 #include "JSXSLTProcessor.cpp" 352 #include "UserAgentStyleSheetsData.cpp" 353 354 // On MSVC, including StaticConstructors.h causes all global objects not to be 355 // automatically initialized by the C runtime. This is useful in some specific 356 // cases (e.g., the *Names.cpp files), but can be dangerous in others. We don't 357 // want StaticConstructors.h to "pollute" all the source files we #include here 358 // accidentally, so we'll throw an error whenever any file includes it. 359 #ifdef StaticConstructors_h 360 #error Do not include any file in DerivedSources.cpp that includes StaticConstructors.h 361 #endif 362