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1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "base/condition_variable.h"
7 #include <stack>
9 #include "base/lock.h"
10 #include "base/logging.h"
11 #include "base/time.h"
13 using base::TimeDelta;
ConditionVariable(Lock * user_lock)15 ConditionVariable::ConditionVariable(Lock* user_lock)
16   : user_lock_(*user_lock),
17     run_state_(RUNNING),
18     allocation_counter_(0),
19     recycling_list_size_(0) {
20   DCHECK(user_lock);
21 }
~ConditionVariable()23 ConditionVariable::~ConditionVariable() {
24   AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
25   run_state_ = SHUTDOWN;  // Prevent any more waiting.
27   DCHECK_EQ(recycling_list_size_, allocation_counter_);
28   if (recycling_list_size_ != allocation_counter_) {  // Rare shutdown problem.
29     // There are threads of execution still in this->TimedWait() and yet the
30     // caller has instigated the destruction of this instance :-/.
31     // A common reason for such "overly hasty" destruction is that the caller
32     // was not willing to wait for all the threads to terminate.  Such hasty
33     // actions are a violation of our usage contract, but we'll give the
34     // waiting thread(s) one last chance to exit gracefully (prior to our
35     // destruction).
36     // Note: waiting_list_ *might* be empty, but recycling is still pending.
37     AutoUnlock auto_unlock(internal_lock_);
38     Broadcast();  // Make sure all waiting threads have been signaled.
39     Sleep(10);  // Give threads a chance to grab internal_lock_.
40     // All contained threads should be blocked on user_lock_ by now :-).
41   }  // Reacquire internal_lock_.
43   DCHECK_EQ(recycling_list_size_, allocation_counter_);
44 }
Wait()46 void ConditionVariable::Wait() {
47   // Default to "wait forever" timing, which means have to get a Signal()
48   // or Broadcast() to come out of this wait state.
49   TimedWait(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(INFINITE));
50 }
TimedWait(const TimeDelta & max_time)52 void ConditionVariable::TimedWait(const TimeDelta& max_time) {
53   Event* waiting_event;
54   HANDLE handle;
55   {
56     AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
57     if (RUNNING != run_state_) return;  // Destruction in progress.
58     waiting_event = GetEventForWaiting();
59     handle = waiting_event->handle();
60     DCHECK(handle);
61   }  // Release internal_lock.
63   {
64     AutoUnlock unlock(user_lock_);  // Release caller's lock
65     WaitForSingleObject(handle, static_cast<DWORD>(max_time.InMilliseconds()));
66     // Minimize spurious signal creation window by recycling asap.
67     AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
68     RecycleEvent(waiting_event);
69     // Release internal_lock_
70   }  // Reacquire callers lock to depth at entry.
71 }
73 // Broadcast() is guaranteed to signal all threads that were waiting (i.e., had
74 // a cv_event internally allocated for them) before Broadcast() was called.
Broadcast()75 void ConditionVariable::Broadcast() {
76   std::stack<HANDLE> handles;  // See FAQ-question-10.
77   {
78     AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
79     if (waiting_list_.IsEmpty())
80       return;
81     while (!waiting_list_.IsEmpty())
82       // This is not a leak from waiting_list_.  See FAQ-question 12.
83       handles.push(waiting_list_.PopBack()->handle());
84   }  // Release internal_lock_.
85   while (!handles.empty()) {
86     SetEvent(handles.top());
87     handles.pop();
88   }
89 }
91 // Signal() will select one of the waiting threads, and signal it (signal its
92 // cv_event).  For better performance we signal the thread that went to sleep
93 // most recently (LIFO).  If we want fairness, then we wake the thread that has
94 // been sleeping the longest (FIFO).
Signal()95 void ConditionVariable::Signal() {
96   HANDLE handle;
97   {
98     AutoLock auto_lock(internal_lock_);
99     if (waiting_list_.IsEmpty())
100       return;  // No one to signal.
101     // Only performance option should be used.
102     // This is not a leak from waiting_list.  See FAQ-question 12.
103      handle = waiting_list_.PopBack()->handle();  // LIFO.
104   }  // Release internal_lock_.
105   SetEvent(handle);
106 }
108 // GetEventForWaiting() provides a unique cv_event for any caller that needs to
109 // wait.  This means that (worst case) we may over time create as many cv_event
110 // objects as there are threads simultaneously using this instance's Wait()
111 // functionality.
GetEventForWaiting()112 ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::GetEventForWaiting() {
113   // We hold internal_lock, courtesy of Wait().
114   Event* cv_event;
115   if (0 == recycling_list_size_) {
116     DCHECK(recycling_list_.IsEmpty());
117     cv_event = new Event();
118     cv_event->InitListElement();
119     allocation_counter_++;
120     // CHECK_NE is not defined in our codebase, so we have to use CHECK
121     CHECK(cv_event->handle());
122   } else {
123     cv_event = recycling_list_.PopFront();
124     recycling_list_size_--;
125   }
126   waiting_list_.PushBack(cv_event);
127   return cv_event;
128 }
130 // RecycleEvent() takes a cv_event that was previously used for Wait()ing, and
131 // recycles it for use in future Wait() calls for this or other threads.
132 // Note that there is a tiny chance that the cv_event is still signaled when we
133 // obtain it, and that can cause spurious signals (if/when we re-use the
134 // cv_event), but such is quite rare (see FAQ-question-5).
RecycleEvent(Event * used_event)135 void ConditionVariable::RecycleEvent(Event* used_event) {
136   // We hold internal_lock, courtesy of Wait().
137   // If the cv_event timed out, then it is necessary to remove it from
138   // waiting_list_.  If it was selected by Broadcast() or Signal(), then it is
139   // already gone.
140   used_event->Extract();  // Possibly redundant
141   recycling_list_.PushBack(used_event);
142   recycling_list_size_++;
143 }
144 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 // The next section provides the implementation for the private Event class.
146 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 // Event provides a doubly-linked-list of events for use exclusively by the
149 // ConditionVariable class.
151 // This custom container was crafted because no simple combination of STL
152 // classes appeared to support the functionality required.  The specific
153 // unusual requirement for a linked-list-class is support for the Extract()
154 // method, which can remove an element from a list, potentially for insertion
155 // into a second list.  Most critically, the Extract() method is idempotent,
156 // turning the indicated element into an extracted singleton whether it was
157 // contained in a list or not.  This functionality allows one (or more) of
158 // threads to do the extraction.  The iterator that identifies this extractable
159 // element (in this case, a pointer to the list element) can be used after
160 // arbitrary manipulation of the (possibly) enclosing list container.  In
161 // general, STL containers do not provide iterators that can be used across
162 // modifications (insertions/extractions) of the enclosing containers, and
163 // certainly don't provide iterators that can be used if the identified
164 // element is *deleted* (removed) from the container.
166 // It is possible to use multiple redundant containers, such as an STL list,
167 // and an STL map, to achieve similar container semantics.  This container has
168 // only O(1) methods, while the corresponding (multiple) STL container approach
169 // would have more complex O(log(N)) methods (yeah... N isn't that large).
170 // Multiple containers also makes correctness more difficult to assert, as
171 // data is redundantly stored and maintained, which is generally evil.
Event()173 ConditionVariable::Event::Event() : handle_(0) {
174   next_ = prev_ = this;  // Self referencing circular.
175 }
~Event()177 ConditionVariable::Event::~Event() {
178   if (0 == handle_) {
179     // This is the list holder
180     while (!IsEmpty()) {
181       Event* cv_event = PopFront();
182       DCHECK(cv_event->ValidateAsItem());
183       delete cv_event;
184     }
185   }
186   DCHECK(IsSingleton());
187   if (0 != handle_) {
188     int ret_val = CloseHandle(handle_);
189     DCHECK(ret_val);
190   }
191 }
193 // Change a container instance permanently into an element of a list.
InitListElement()194 void ConditionVariable::Event::InitListElement() {
195   DCHECK(!handle_);
196   handle_ = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
197   CHECK(handle_);
198 }
200 // Methods for use on lists.
IsEmpty() const201 bool ConditionVariable::Event::IsEmpty() const {
202   DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
203   return IsSingleton();
204 }
PushBack(Event * other)206 void ConditionVariable::Event::PushBack(Event* other) {
207   DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
208   DCHECK(other->ValidateAsItem());
209   DCHECK(other->IsSingleton());
210   // Prepare other for insertion.
211   other->prev_ = prev_;
212   other->next_ = this;
213   // Cut into list.
214   prev_->next_ = other;
215   prev_ = other;
216   DCHECK(ValidateAsDistinct(other));
217 }
PopFront()219 ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::Event::PopFront() {
220   DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
221   DCHECK(!IsSingleton());
222   return next_->Extract();
223 }
PopBack()225 ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::Event::PopBack() {
226   DCHECK(ValidateAsList());
227   DCHECK(!IsSingleton());
228   return prev_->Extract();
229 }
231 // Methods for use on list elements.
232 // Accessor method.
handle() const233 HANDLE ConditionVariable::Event::handle() const {
234   DCHECK(ValidateAsItem());
235   return handle_;
236 }
238 // Pull an element from a list (if it's in one).
Extract()239 ConditionVariable::Event* ConditionVariable::Event::Extract() {
240   DCHECK(ValidateAsItem());
241   if (!IsSingleton()) {
242     // Stitch neighbors together.
243     next_->prev_ = prev_;
244     prev_->next_ = next_;
245     // Make extractee into a singleton.
246     prev_ = next_ = this;
247   }
248   DCHECK(IsSingleton());
249   return this;
250 }
252 // Method for use on a list element or on a list.
IsSingleton() const253 bool ConditionVariable::Event::IsSingleton() const {
254   DCHECK(ValidateLinks());
255   return next_ == this;
256 }
258 // Provide pre/post conditions to validate correct manipulations.
ValidateAsDistinct(Event * other) const259 bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateAsDistinct(Event* other) const {
260   return ValidateLinks() && other->ValidateLinks() && (this != other);
261 }
ValidateAsItem() const263 bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateAsItem() const {
264   return (0 != handle_) && ValidateLinks();
265 }
ValidateAsList() const267 bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateAsList() const {
268   return (0 == handle_) && ValidateLinks();
269 }
ValidateLinks() const271 bool ConditionVariable::Event::ValidateLinks() const {
272   // Make sure both of our neighbors have links that point back to us.
273   // We don't do the O(n) check and traverse the whole loop, and instead only
274   // do a local check to (and returning from) our immediate neighbors.
275   return (next_->prev_ == this) && (prev_->next_ == this);
276 }
279 /*
280 FAQ On subtle implementation details:
282 1) What makes this problem subtle?  Please take a look at "Strategies
283 for Implementing POSIX Condition Variables on Win32" by Douglas
284 C. Schmidt and Irfan Pyarali.
285 http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/win32-cv-1.html It includes
286 discussions of numerous flawed strategies for implementing this
287 functionality.  I'm not convinced that even the final proposed
288 implementation has semantics that are as nice as this implementation
289 (especially with regard to Broadcast() and the impact on threads that
290 try to Wait() after a Broadcast() has been called, but before all the
291 original waiting threads have been signaled).
293 2) Why can't you use a single wait_event for all threads that call
294 Wait()?  See FAQ-question-1, or consider the following: If a single
295 event were used, then numerous threads calling Wait() could release
296 their cs locks, and be preempted just before calling
297 WaitForSingleObject().  If a call to Broadcast() was then presented on
298 a second thread, it would be impossible to actually signal all
299 waiting(?) threads.  Some number of SetEvent() calls *could* be made,
300 but there could be no guarantee that those led to to more than one
301 signaled thread (SetEvent()'s may be discarded after the first!), and
302 there could be no guarantee that the SetEvent() calls didn't just
303 awaken "other" threads that hadn't even started waiting yet (oops).
304 Without any limit on the number of requisite SetEvent() calls, the
305 system would be forced to do many such calls, allowing many new waits
306 to receive spurious signals.
308 3) How does this implementation cause spurious signal events?  The
309 cause in this implementation involves a race between a signal via
310 time-out and a signal via Signal() or Broadcast().  The series of
311 actions leading to this are:
313 a) Timer fires, and a waiting thread exits the line of code:
315     WaitForSingleObject(waiting_event, max_time.InMilliseconds());
317 b) That thread (in (a)) is randomly pre-empted after the above line,
318 leaving the waiting_event reset (unsignaled) and still in the
319 waiting_list_.
321 c) A call to Signal() (or Broadcast()) on a second thread proceeds, and
322 selects the waiting cv_event (identified in step (b)) as the event to revive
323 via a call to SetEvent().
325 d) The Signal() method (step c) calls SetEvent() on waiting_event (step b).
327 e) The waiting cv_event (step b) is now signaled, but no thread is
328 waiting on it.
330 f) When that waiting_event (step b) is reused, it will immediately
331 be signaled (spuriously).
334 4) Why do you recycle events, and cause spurious signals?  First off,
335 the spurious events are very rare.  They can only (I think) appear
336 when the race described in FAQ-question-3 takes place.  This should be
337 very rare.  Most(?)  uses will involve only timer expiration, or only
338 Signal/Broadcast() actions.  When both are used, it will be rare that
339 the race will appear, and it would require MANY Wait() and signaling
340 activities.  If this implementation did not recycle events, then it
341 would have to create and destroy events for every call to Wait().
342 That allocation/deallocation and associated construction/destruction
343 would be costly (per wait), and would only be a rare benefit (when the
344 race was "lost" and a spurious signal took place). That would be bad
345 (IMO) optimization trade-off.  Finally, such spurious events are
346 allowed by the specification of condition variables (such as
347 implemented in Vista), and hence it is better if any user accommodates
348 such spurious events (see usage note in condition_variable.h).
350 5) Why don't you reset events when you are about to recycle them, or
351 about to reuse them, so that the spurious signals don't take place?
352 The thread described in FAQ-question-3 step c may be pre-empted for an
353 arbitrary length of time before proceeding to step d.  As a result,
354 the wait_event may actually be re-used *before* step (e) is reached.
355 As a result, calling reset would not help significantly.
357 6) How is it that the callers lock is released atomically with the
358 entry into a wait state?  We commit to the wait activity when we
359 allocate the wait_event for use in a given call to Wait().  This
360 allocation takes place before the caller's lock is released (and
361 actually before our internal_lock_ is released).  That allocation is
362 the defining moment when "the wait state has been entered," as that
363 thread *can* now be signaled by a call to Broadcast() or Signal().
364 Hence we actually "commit to wait" before releasing the lock, making
365 the pair effectively atomic.
367 8) Why do you need to lock your data structures during waiting, as the
368 caller is already in possession of a lock?  We need to Acquire() and
369 Release() our internal lock during Signal() and Broadcast().  If we tried
370 to use a callers lock for this purpose, we might conflict with their
371 external use of the lock.  For example, the caller may use to consistently
372 hold a lock on one thread while calling Signal() on another, and that would
373 block Signal().
375 9) Couldn't a more efficient implementation be provided if you
376 preclude using more than one external lock in conjunction with a
377 single ConditionVariable instance?  Yes, at least it could be viewed
378 as a simpler API (since you don't have to reiterate the lock argument
379 in each Wait() call).  One of the constructors now takes a specific
380 lock as an argument, and a there are corresponding Wait() calls that
381 don't specify a lock now.  It turns that the resulting implmentation
382 can't be made more efficient, as the internal lock needs to be used by
383 Signal() and Broadcast(), to access internal data structures.  As a
384 result, I was not able to utilize the user supplied lock (which is
385 being used by the user elsewhere presumably) to protect the private
386 member access.
388 9) Since you have a second lock, how can be be sure that there is no
389 possible deadlock scenario?  Our internal_lock_ is always the last
390 lock acquired, and the first one released, and hence a deadlock (due
391 to critical section problems) is impossible as a consequence of our
392 lock.
394 10) When doing a Broadcast(), why did you copy all the events into
395 an STL queue, rather than making a linked-loop, and iterating over it?
396 The iterating during Broadcast() is done so outside the protection
397 of the internal lock. As a result, other threads, such as the thread
398 wherein a related event is waiting, could asynchronously manipulate
399 the links around a cv_event.  As a result, the link structure cannot
400 be used outside a lock.  Broadcast() could iterate over waiting
401 events by cycling in-and-out of the protection of the internal_lock,
402 but that appears more expensive than copying the list into an STL
403 stack.
405 11) Why did the lock.h file need to be modified so much for this
406 change?  Central to a Condition Variable is the atomic release of a
407 lock during a Wait().  This places Wait() functionality exactly
408 mid-way between the two classes, Lock and Condition Variable.  Given
409 that there can be nested Acquire()'s of locks, and Wait() had to
410 Release() completely a held lock, it was necessary to augment the Lock
411 class with a recursion counter. Even more subtle is the fact that the
412 recursion counter (in a Lock) must be protected, as many threads can
413 access it asynchronously.  As a positive fallout of this, there are
414 now some DCHECKS to be sure no one Release()s a Lock more than they
415 Acquire()ed it, and there is ifdef'ed functionality that can detect
416 nested locks (legal under windows, but not under Posix).
418 12) Why is it that the cv_events removed from list in Broadcast() and Signal()
419 are not leaked?  How are they recovered??  The cv_events that appear to leak are
420 taken from the waiting_list_.  For each element in that list, there is currently
421 a thread in or around the WaitForSingleObject() call of Wait(), and those
422 threads have references to these otherwise leaked events. They are passed as
423 arguments to be recycled just aftre returning from WaitForSingleObject().
425 13) Why did you use a custom container class (the linked list), when STL has
426 perfectly good containers, such as an STL list?  The STL list, as with any
427 container, does not guarantee the utility of an iterator across manipulation
428 (such as insertions and deletions) of the underlying container.  The custom
429 double-linked-list container provided that assurance.  I don't believe any
430 combination of STL containers provided the services that were needed at the same
431 O(1) efficiency as the custom linked list.  The unusual requirement
432 for the container class is that a reference to an item within a container (an
433 iterator) needed to be maintained across an arbitrary manipulation of the
434 container.  This requirement exposes itself in the Wait() method, where a
435 waiting_event must be selected prior to the WaitForSingleObject(), and then it
436 must be used as part of recycling to remove the related instance from the
437 waiting_list.  A hash table (STL map) could be used, but I was embarrased to
438 use a complex and relatively low efficiency container when a doubly linked list
439 provided O(1) performance in all required operations.  Since other operations
440 to provide performance-and/or-fairness required queue (FIFO) and list (LIFO)
441 containers, I would also have needed to use an STL list/queue as well as an STL
442 map.  In the end I decided it would be "fun" to just do it right, and I
443 put so many assertions (DCHECKs) into the container class that it is trivial to
444 code review and validate its correctness.
446 */