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1 // Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/ref_counted.h"
12 #include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "base/waitable_event.h"
14 #include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
15 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
16 #include "net/proxy/proxy_server.h"
17 #include "net/proxy/proxy_info.h"
18 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h"
20 class GURL;
21 class MessageLoop;
22 class URLRequestContext;
24 namespace net {
26 class InitProxyResolver;
27 class LoadLog;
28 class ProxyConfigService;
29 class ProxyResolver;
30 class ProxyScriptFetcher;
32 // This class can be used to resolve the proxy server to use when loading a
33 // HTTP(S) URL.  It uses the given ProxyResolver to handle the actual proxy
34 // resolution.  See ProxyResolverV8 for example.
35 class ProxyService : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ProxyService>,
36                      public NetworkChangeNotifier::Observer {
37  public:
38   // The instance takes ownership of |config_service| and |resolver|.
39   // If |network_change_notifier| is non-NULL, the proxy service will register
40   // with it to detect when the network setup has changed. This is used to
41   // decide when to re-configure the proxy discovery.
42   ProxyService(ProxyConfigService* config_service, ProxyResolver* resolver,
43                NetworkChangeNotifier* network_change_notifier);
45   // Used internally to handle PAC queries.
46   // TODO(eroman): consider naming this simply "Request".
47   class PacRequest;
49   // Returns ERR_IO_PENDING if the proxy information could not be provided
50   // synchronously, to indicate that the result will be available when the
51   // callback is run.  The callback is run on the thread that calls
52   // ResolveProxy.
53   //
54   // The caller is responsible for ensuring that |results| and |callback|
55   // remain valid until the callback is run or until |pac_request| is cancelled
56   // via CancelPacRequest.  |pac_request| is only valid while the completion
57   // callback is still pending. NULL can be passed for |pac_request| if
58   // the caller will not need to cancel the request.
59   //
60   // We use the three possible proxy access types in the following order,
61   // doing fallback if one doesn't work.  See "init_proxy_resolver.h"
62   // for the specifics.
63   //   1.  WPAD auto-detection
64   //   2.  PAC URL
65   //   3.  named proxy
66   //
67   // Profiling information for the request is saved to |load_log| if non-NULL.
68   int ResolveProxy(const GURL& url,
69                    ProxyInfo* results,
70                    CompletionCallback* callback,
71                    PacRequest** pac_request,
72                    LoadLog* load_log);
74   // This method is called after a failure to connect or resolve a host name.
75   // It gives the proxy service an opportunity to reconsider the proxy to use.
76   // The |results| parameter contains the results returned by an earlier call
77   // to ResolveProxy.  The semantics of this call are otherwise similar to
78   // ResolveProxy.
79   //
80   // NULL can be passed for |pac_request| if the caller will not need to
81   // cancel the request.
82   //
83   // Returns ERR_FAILED if there is not another proxy config to try.
84   //
85   // Profiling information for the request is saved to |load_log| if non-NULL.
86   int ReconsiderProxyAfterError(const GURL& url,
87                                 ProxyInfo* results,
88                                 CompletionCallback* callback,
89                                 PacRequest** pac_request,
90                                 LoadLog* load_log);
92   // Call this method with a non-null |pac_request| to cancel the PAC request.
93   void CancelPacRequest(PacRequest* pac_request);
95   // Sets the ProxyScriptFetcher dependency. This is needed if the ProxyResolver
96   // is of type ProxyResolverWithoutFetch. ProxyService takes ownership of
97   // |proxy_script_fetcher|.
98   void SetProxyScriptFetcher(ProxyScriptFetcher* proxy_script_fetcher);
99   ProxyScriptFetcher* GetProxyScriptFetcher() const;
101   // Tells this ProxyService to start using a new ProxyConfigService to
102   // retrieve its ProxyConfig from. The new ProxyConfigService will immediately
103   // be queried for new config info which will be used for all subsequent
104   // ResolveProxy calls. ProxyService takes ownership of
105   // |new_proxy_config_service|.
106   void ResetConfigService(ProxyConfigService* new_proxy_config_service);
108   // Tells the resolver to purge any memory it does not need.
109   void PurgeMemory();
111   // Returns the log for the most recent WPAD + PAC initialization.
112   // (This shows how much time was spent downloading and parsing the
113   // PAC scripts for the current configuration).
init_proxy_resolver_log()114   LoadLog* init_proxy_resolver_log() const {
115     return init_proxy_resolver_log_;
116   }
118   // Returns true if we have called UpdateConfig() at least once.
config_has_been_initialized()119   bool config_has_been_initialized() const {
120     return config_.id() != ProxyConfig::INVALID_ID;
121   }
123   // Returns the last configuration fetched from ProxyConfigService.
config()124   const ProxyConfig& config() {
125     return config_;
126   }
128   // Returns the map of proxies which have been marked as "bad".
proxy_retry_info()129   const ProxyRetryInfoMap& proxy_retry_info() const {
130     return proxy_retry_info_;
131   }
133   // Clears the list of bad proxy servers that has been cached.
ClearBadProxiesCache()134   void ClearBadProxiesCache() {
135     proxy_retry_info_.clear();
136   }
138   // Forces refetching the proxy configuration, and applying it.
139   // This re-does everything from fetching the system configuration,
140   // to downloading and testing the PAC files.
141   void ForceReloadProxyConfig();
143   // Creates a proxy service that polls |proxy_config_service| to notice when
144   // the proxy settings change. We take ownership of |proxy_config_service|.
145   // Iff |use_v8_resolver| is true, then the V8 implementation is
146   // used.
147   // |url_request_context| is only used when use_v8_resolver is true:
148   // it specifies the URL request context that will be used if a PAC
149   // script needs to be fetched.
150   // |network_change_notifier| may be NULL. Otherwise it will be used to
151   // signal the ProxyService when the network setup has changed.
152   // |io_loop| points to the IO thread's message loop. It is only used
153   // when pc is NULL.
154   // ##########################################################################
155   // # See the warnings in net/proxy/proxy_resolver_v8.h describing the
156   // # multi-threading model. In order for this to be safe to use, *ALL* the
157   // # other V8's running in the process must use v8::Locker.
158   // ##########################################################################
159   static ProxyService* Create(
160       ProxyConfigService* proxy_config_service,
161       bool use_v8_resolver,
162       URLRequestContext* url_request_context,
163       NetworkChangeNotifier* network_change_notifier,
164       MessageLoop* io_loop);
166   // Convenience method that creates a proxy service using the
167   // specified fixed settings. |pc| must not be NULL.
168   static ProxyService* CreateFixed(const ProxyConfig& pc);
170   // Creates a proxy service that always fails to fetch the proxy configuration,
171   // so it falls back to direct connect.
172   static ProxyService* CreateNull();
174   // Creates a config service appropriate for this platform that fetches the
175   // system proxy settings.
176   static ProxyConfigService* CreateSystemProxyConfigService(
177       MessageLoop* io_loop, MessageLoop* file_loop);
179  private:
180   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ProxyService>;
181   FRIEND_TEST(ProxyServiceTest, IsLocalName);
182   FRIEND_TEST(ProxyServiceTest, UpdateConfigAfterFailedAutodetect);
183   FRIEND_TEST(ProxyServiceTest, UpdateConfigFromPACToDirect);
184   friend class PacRequest;
186   // TODO(eroman): change this to a std::set. Note that this requires updating
187   // some tests in proxy_service_unittest.cc such as:
188   //   ProxyServiceTest.InitialPACScriptDownload
189   // which expects requests to finish in the order they were added.
190   typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<PacRequest> > PendingRequests;
192   ~ProxyService();
194   // Creates a proxy resolver appropriate for this platform that doesn't rely
195   // on V8.
196   static ProxyResolver* CreateNonV8ProxyResolver();
198   // Identifies the proxy configuration.
config_id()199   ProxyConfig::ID config_id() const { return config_.id(); }
201   // Checks to see if the proxy configuration changed, and then updates config_
202   // to reference the new configuration.
203   void UpdateConfig(LoadLog* load_log);
205   // Assign |config| as the current configuration.
206   void SetConfig(const ProxyConfig& config);
208   // Starts downloading and testing the various PAC choices.
209   // Calls OnInitProxyResolverComplete() when completed.
210   void StartInitProxyResolver();
212   // Tries to update the configuration if it hasn't been checked in a while.
213   void UpdateConfigIfOld(LoadLog* load_log);
215   // Returns true if the proxy resolver is being initialized for PAC
216   // (downloading PAC script(s) + testing).
217   // Resolve requests will be frozen until the initialization has completed.
IsInitializingProxyResolver()218   bool IsInitializingProxyResolver() const {
219     return init_proxy_resolver_.get() != NULL;
220   }
222   // Callback for when the proxy resolver has been initialized with a
223   // PAC script.
224   void OnInitProxyResolverComplete(int result);
226   // Returns ERR_IO_PENDING if the request cannot be completed synchronously.
227   // Otherwise it fills |result| with the proxy information for |url|.
228   // Completing synchronously means we don't need to query ProxyResolver.
229   int TryToCompleteSynchronously(const GURL& url, ProxyInfo* result);
231   // Set |result| with the proxy to use for |url|, based on |rules|.
232   void ApplyProxyRules(const GURL& url,
233                        const ProxyConfig::ProxyRules& rules,
234                        ProxyInfo* result);
236   // Cancel all of the requests sent to the ProxyResolver. These will be
237   // restarted when calling ResumeAllPendingRequests().
238   void SuspendAllPendingRequests();
240   // Sends all the unstarted pending requests off to the resolver.
241   void ResumeAllPendingRequests();
243   // Returns true if |pending_requests_| contains |req|.
244   bool ContainsPendingRequest(PacRequest* req);
246   // Removes |req| from the list of pending requests.
247   void RemovePendingRequest(PacRequest* req);
249   // Called when proxy resolution has completed (either synchronously or
250   // asynchronously). Handles logging the result, and cleaning out
251   // bad entries from the results list.
252   int DidFinishResolvingProxy(ProxyInfo* result,
253                               int result_code,
254                               LoadLog* load_log);
256   // Returns true if the URL passed in should not go through the proxy server.
257   // 1. If the proxy settings say to bypass local names, and |IsLocalName(url)|.
258   // 2. The URL matches one of the entities in the proxy bypass list.
259   bool ShouldBypassProxyForURL(const GURL& url);
261   // Returns true if |url| is to an intranet site (using non-FQDN as the
262   // heuristic).
263   static bool IsLocalName(const GURL& url);
265   // NetworkChangeNotifier::Observer methods:
266   virtual void OnIPAddressChanged();
268   scoped_ptr<ProxyConfigService> config_service_;
269   scoped_ptr<ProxyResolver> resolver_;
271   // We store the proxy config and a counter (ID) that is incremented each time
272   // the config changes.
273   ProxyConfig config_;
275   // Increasing ID to give to the next ProxyConfig that we set.
276   int next_config_id_;
278   // Indicates whether the ProxyResolver should be sent requests.
279   bool should_use_proxy_resolver_;
281   // The time when the proxy configuration was last read from the system.
282   base::TimeTicks config_last_update_time_;
284   // Map of the known bad proxies and the information about the retry time.
285   ProxyRetryInfoMap proxy_retry_info_;
287   // Set of pending/inprogress requests.
288   PendingRequests pending_requests_;
290   // The fetcher to use when downloading PAC scripts for the ProxyResolver.
291   // This dependency can be NULL if our ProxyResolver has no need for
292   // external PAC script fetching.
293   scoped_ptr<ProxyScriptFetcher> proxy_script_fetcher_;
295   // Callback for when |init_proxy_resolver_| is done.
296   CompletionCallbackImpl<ProxyService> init_proxy_resolver_callback_;
298   // Helper to download the PAC script (wpad + custom) and apply fallback rules.
299   //
300   // Note that the declaration is important here: |proxy_script_fetcher_| and
301   // |proxy_resolver_| must outlive |init_proxy_resolver_|.
302   scoped_ptr<InitProxyResolver> init_proxy_resolver_;
304   // Log from the *last* time |init_proxy_resolver_.Init()| was called, or NULL.
305   scoped_refptr<LoadLog> init_proxy_resolver_log_;
307   // The (possibly NULL) network change notifier that we use to decide when
308   // to refetch PAC scripts or re-run WPAD.
309   NetworkChangeNotifier* const network_change_notifier_;
312 };
314 // Wrapper for invoking methods on a ProxyService synchronously.
315 class SyncProxyServiceHelper
316     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SyncProxyServiceHelper> {
317  public:
318   SyncProxyServiceHelper(MessageLoop* io_message_loop,
319                          ProxyService* proxy_service);
321   int ResolveProxy(const GURL& url, ProxyInfo* proxy_info, LoadLog* load_log);
322   int ReconsiderProxyAfterError(const GURL& url,
323                                 ProxyInfo* proxy_info, LoadLog* load_log);
325  private:
326   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SyncProxyServiceHelper>;
~SyncProxyServiceHelper()328   ~SyncProxyServiceHelper() {}
330   void StartAsyncResolve(const GURL& url, LoadLog* load_log);
331   void StartAsyncReconsider(const GURL& url, LoadLog* load_log);
333   void OnCompletion(int result);
335   MessageLoop* io_message_loop_;
336   ProxyService* proxy_service_;
338   base::WaitableEvent event_;
339   CompletionCallbackImpl<SyncProxyServiceHelper> callback_;
340   ProxyInfo proxy_info_;
341   int result_;
342 };
344 }  // namespace net