1# 2# This obfuscation dictionary contains reserved Java keywords. They can't 3# be used in Java source files, but they can be used in compiled class files. 4# Note that this hardly improves the obfuscation. Decent decompilers can 5# automatically replace reserved keywords, and the effect can fairly simply be 6# undone by obfuscating again with simpler names. 7# Usage: 8# java -jar proguard.jar ..... -obfuscationdictionary keywords.txt 9# 10 11do 12if 13for 14int 15new 16try 17byte 18case 19char 20else 21goto 22long 23this 24void 25break 26catch 27class 28const 29final 30float 31short 32super 33throw 34while 35double 36import 37native 38public 39return 40static 41switch 42throws 43boolean 44default 45extends 46finally 47package 48private 49abstract 50continue 51strictfp 52volatile 53interface 54protected 55transient 56implements 57instanceof 58synchronized 59