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1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*
2  *  audioin.h  *
3  *                                                                           *
4  *  Copyright 2007, 2008 Nuance Communciations, Inc.                               *
5  *                                                                           *
6  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');          *
7  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         *
8  *                                                                           *
9  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  *
10  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                           *
11  *                                                                           *
12  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      *
13  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,        *
14  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
15  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      *
16  *  limitations under the License.                                           *
17  *                                                                           *
18  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 #ifndef __AUDIOIN_H__
21 #define __AUDIOIN_H__
22 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
23  |                               ScanSoft Inc.                              |
24  + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
28 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
29  | Project       : ScanSoft AudioIn component
30  | Module        : AUDIOIN
31  | File name     : audioin.h
32  | Description   : Interface definition for AUDIOIN
33  | Reference(s)  : wavein, audioin.chm, audioin.doc, audioin.hlp
34  |                 SltGl00001_audioin_gl1.doc
35  | Status        : Version 1.2
36  + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
37 /*     Oct/8/2002: Fixes for Windows 2000, and memory leaks. Version 1.1    */
38 /*  PVP   Jan/8/2004: Default audio format changed to 16kHz. Version 2.0       */
39 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 #include "audioinerr.h"
46 #if defined( __cplusplus )
47 extern "C"
48 {
49 #endif
51 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
52  |   MACROS                                                                 |
53  + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 /* none */
57 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
58  |   TYPE DEFINITIONS                                                       |
59  + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
61 typedef short audioinSample;
64 /* Type Definitions for SCANSOFT-TYPES (re-definition)*/
66 /* @type AUDIOIN_H | Handle to an audio-in component.
67  * @comm Type is declared as a void *. The actual implementation is
68  *       done by the implementation engineer. */
69 typedef void *  AUDIOIN_H;
70 #define WAVE_MAPPER 0
71 /* @enum AUDIOIN_STATUSINFO | Enumerator for the Status Information of the AudioIn component.
72  * @comm The information contained in this definition concerns not only to the status of
73  *       the FIFO but also the general status of the audio component.
74  *
75  * @xref <f lh_audioinGetSamples>(), AudioIn Diagram State */
76 typedef enum _AUDIOIN_STATUSINFO {
77   AUDIOIN_NORMAL,       /* @emem Normal state of the audio buffer. No problems detected while retrieving
78                                  samples.*/
79   AUDIOIN_TIMEOUT,      /* @emem The audio-in component timed out after no audio was received from the
80                                  audio device. The MMSystem is not providing any more samples, or the
81                                  lh_audioinGetSamples function may be called much faster than the actual
82                                  thread filling the buffer (Probable issue with the audio device). This could
83                                  be fixed by decreasing the number of samples that you want to retrieve or by
84                                  waiting till samples are available. A time out period is set internally on
85                                  the audioin implementation. Default of:
86                                  <nlpar>const DWORD GETSAMPLESTIMEOUT_PERIOD = 10000; (time in milliseconds)*/
87   AUDIOIN_HIGHWATERMARK,/* @emem The buffer has been filled out with 75% or more. A high watermark on
88                                  the audio buffer has been detected and the buffer could be close to an OVERRUN
89                                  state.*/
90   AUDIOIN_FIFOOVERRUN,  /* @emem The buffer has been overfilled with audio samples. You can still retrieve
91                                  samples from the FIFO with the lhs_audioinGetSamples function, but the audio-in
92                                  component will not buffer any new audio into the FIFO. AudioinStop must be
93                                  called to reset the audio-in component.*/
94   AUDIOIN_FLUSHED,      /* @emem The buffer has been overfilled with audio samples. You can no longer retrieve
95                                  samples from the FIFO, since you already emptied it with lhs_audioinGetSamples.
96                                  The audio-in component will not buffer any new audio into the FIFO.
97                                  lhs_audioinStop must be called in the audio-in component since
98                                  lhs_audioinGetSamples will not longer work.*/
99   AUDIOIN_HWOVERRUN,    /* @emem The buffer has been overfilled with audio samples inside the device component
100                                  (audio device). lhs_audioinStop should be called to reset the contents of the
101                                  FIFO and the codec. This state is caused by an error in the MMSystem. It is
102                                  recommended to initialize the audio-in component before retrieving samples
103                                  again.*/
107 /* @struct AUDIOIN_INFO | Structure for the AudioIn Information
108  * @comm The AUDIOIN_INFO contains information about several parts of the audio-in component.
109  *       It gives information about the FIFO buffering audio and at the same time about the audio
110  *       component.
111  *
112  * @xref <f lh_audioinGetSamples>(), AudioIn Diagram State */
113 typedef struct _AUDIOIN_INFO{
114   AUDIOIN_STATUSINFO eStatusInfo;    /* @field The state in which the audio Buffer of the audio-in component
115                                                is. This is detailed in AUDIOIN_STATUSINFO. */
116   unsigned long u32SamplesAvailable; /* @field The number of Samples still available in the audio Buffer after
117                                                lhs_audioinGetSamples is called. This value can help you to
118                                                detect over-runs in the audio buffer.*/
122 typedef enum _AUDIOIN_MSG {
123   AUDIOIN_MSG_OPEN,           // audio device was opened
124   AUDIOIN_MSG_START,          // start audio acquisition
125   AUDIOIN_MSG_DATA,           // audio samples are available
126   AUDIOIN_MSG_STOP,           // stop audio acquisition
127   AUDIOIN_MSG_CLOSE,          // audio device was closed
128   AUDIOIN_MSG_INVALID,        // bogus
131 /* callback function for "samples ready" notification */
132 typedef void (*pCallbackFunc)(AUDIOIN_H hAudioIn, AUDIOIN_MSG uMsg, void* dwInstance, void* dwParam1, void* dwParam2);
134 /* data structure passed to callback function; loosely based on Windows' WAVEHDR */
135 typedef struct {
136     void               *pData;
137     unsigned long       nBufferLength;
138     unsigned long       nBytesRecorded;
139     AUDIOIN_STATUSINFO  status;
141 #endif
143 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
144 |   EXTERNAL DATA (+ meaning)                                              |
145 + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
147 /* none */
149 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
150 |   GLOBAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES                                             |
151 + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
152 #if 0
153  LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR  lhs_audioinOpenEx (
154   unsigned long u32AudioInID,         /*@parm [in]  Audio-in device ID (ranges from 0 to a number of available
155                                                     devices on the system). You can also use the following flag
156                                                     instead of a device identifier.
157                                                     <nl><nl><bold WAVE_MAPPER> = The function selects a
158                                                     waveform-audio input device capable of recording in the
159                                                     specified format. <bold Header:> Declared in Mmsystem.h from
160                                                     the Windows Multimedia: Platform SDK.*/
161   unsigned long u32Frequency,         /*@parm [in]  Frequency of the recognition engine in Hz. */
162   unsigned long u32NbrOfFrames,       /*@parm [in]  (not used) Number of frames buffered internally */
163   unsigned long u32SamplesPerFrame,   /*@parm [in]  Size, in samples, of each individual frame. */
164   AUDIOIN_H * phAudioIn               /*@parm [out] Handle to the audio-in device */
165  );
166 #endif
168 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR  lhs_audioinOpen(
169   unsigned long u32AudioInID, /* [in] audio-in device ID (ranges from 0 to a number of available devices on the
170                                       system). You can also use the following flag instead of a device identifier.
171                                       <nl><nl><bold WAVE_MAPPER> = The function selects a waveform-audio input
172                                       device capable of recording in the specified format. <bold Header:>
173                                       Declared in Mmsystem.h from the Windows Multimedia: Platform SDK.*/
174   unsigned long u32Frequency, /* [in] Frequency of the recognition engine in Hz. */
175   AUDIOIN_H * phAudioIn       /* [out] Handle to the audio-in device */
176 );
179 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR  lhs_audioinOpenCallback(
180   unsigned long u32AudioInID,      /* [in] audio-in device ID (ranges from 0 to a number of available devices on the
181                                       system). You can also use the following flag instead of a device identifier.
182                                       <nl><nl><bold WAVE_MAPPER> = The function selects a waveform-audio input
183                                       device capable of recording in the specified format. <bold Header:>
184                                       Declared in Mmsystem.h from the Windows Multimedia: Platform SDK.*/
185   unsigned long u32Frequency,      /* [in] Frequency of the recognition engine in Hz. */
186   unsigned long u32NbrOfSamples,   /*[in] <nl><bold Input:> Number of samples requested per callback */
188   pCallbackFunc pCallback,         /* [in] callback function */
189   void         *pCallbackInstance, /* [in] callback instance */
190   AUDIOIN_H * phAudioIn            /* [out] Handle to the audio-in device */
191 );
192 #endif
194 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinClose(
195   AUDIOIN_H * phAudioIn /*[in] Pointer to the handle of the audio-in device to be closed.*/
196 );
198 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinStart(
199   AUDIOIN_H hAudioIn    /*[in] Handle of the audio-in device */
200 );
202 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinStop(
203   AUDIOIN_H hAudioIn    /*[in] Handle of the audio-in device*/
204 );
206 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinGetSamples (
207   AUDIOIN_H hAudioIn,              /*[in] Handle of the audio-in device */
208   unsigned long * u32NbrOfSamples, /*[in/out] <nl><bold Input:> The requested number of samples to be filled in
209                                               the pAudioBuffer. Note that the memory used for pBuffer should be large enough
210                                               to contain the requested number of samples, also note how the u32NbrOfSamples
211                                               is different than the Buffer size, since each frame has an specific size depending
212                                               on the audio format.
213                                               <nl><bold Output:> The actual number of recorded audio samples written in pBuffer.
214                                               If you pass 0 to this parameter then you may still retrieve the AUDIOIN_STATUSINFO
215                                               on the audio component. */
216   void * pAudioBuffer,              /*[out] Buffer that contains the recorded samples. The memory used for this
217                                             buffer is allocated by the client. So, it is the responsibility of the client to
218                                             make sure that this memory can contain the requested number of samples. The memory
219                                             for this buffer needs also to be freed by the client. */
220   AUDIOIN_INFO * pAudioInInfo       /*[out] Information about the audio internal buffer described in
221                                             AUDIOIN_INFO.*/
222 );
225 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinGetVersion(
226   unsigned long * pu32Version       /*[out] The version number of the API implementation. */
227 );
230 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinGetVolume(
231   AUDIOIN_H hAudioIn,             /*[in] Handle of the audio-in device.*/
232   unsigned long * pu32Volume      /*[out] Pointer to a variable that will be filled with the current volume
233                                           (normally range of  0 - 65535). Depending on the platform the volume
234                                           value may be set to in sizes of 16, 32 or other size, the range also
235                                           depends on the platform (Implementations of this interface may
236                                           change because of the compatibility of the internal function).*/
237 );
239 LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR lhs_audioinSetVolume(
240   AUDIOIN_H hAudioIn,         /*[in] Handle of the audio-in device.*/
241   unsigned long u32Volume     /*[in] The volume to be set (normal range 0-65535). Depending on the
242                                      platform the volume value may be set to in sizes of 16, 32 or other size,
243                                      the range also depends on the platform. (Implementations of this interface
244                                      may change because of the compatibility of the internal function)*/
245 );
248 const TCHAR * lhs_audioinErrorGetString(
249   const LHS_AUDIOIN_ERROR Error    /*[in] The Error code.*/
250 );
253 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------+
254  |   END                                                                    |
255  + -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
257 #if defined( __cplusplus )
258 }
259 #endif
262 #endif /* #ifndef __AUDIOIN_H__ */