1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 /*
18 * Dalvik interpreter public definitions.
19 */
23 /*
24 * Stash the dalvik PC in the frame. Called during interpretation.
25 */
dvmExportPC(const u2 * pc,const u4 * fp)26 INLINE void dvmExportPC(const u2* pc, const u4* fp)
27 {
28 SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->xtra.currentPc = pc;
29 }
31 /*
32 * Extract the Dalvik opcode
33 */
34 #define GET_OPCODE(_inst) (((_inst & 0xff) == OP_DISPATCH_FF) ? \
35 (0x100 + ((_inst >> 8) & 0xff)) : (_inst & 0xff))
37 /*
38 * Interpreter entry point. Call here after setting up the interpreted
39 * stack (most code will want to get here via dvmCallMethod().)
40 */
41 void dvmInterpret(Thread* thread, const Method* method, JValue* pResult);
43 /*
44 * Throw an exception for a problem detected by the verifier.
45 *
46 * This is called from the handler for the throw-verification-error
47 * instruction. "method" is the method currently being executed.
48 */
49 extern "C" void dvmThrowVerificationError(const Method* method,
50 int kind, int ref);
52 /*
53 * One-time initialization and shutdown.
54 */
55 bool dvmBreakpointStartup(void);
56 void dvmBreakpointShutdown(void);
57 void dvmInitInterpreterState(Thread* self);
59 /*
60 * Breakpoint implementation.
61 */
62 void dvmInitBreakpoints();
63 void dvmAddBreakAddr(Method* method, unsigned int instrOffset);
64 void dvmClearBreakAddr(Method* method, unsigned int instrOffset);
65 bool dvmAddSingleStep(Thread* thread, int size, int depth);
66 void dvmClearSingleStep(Thread* thread);
68 /*
69 * Recover the opcode that was replaced by a breakpoint.
70 */
71 extern "C" u1 dvmGetOriginalOpcode(const u2* addr);
73 /*
74 * Flush any breakpoints associated with methods in "clazz".
75 */
76 void dvmFlushBreakpoints(ClassObject* clazz);
78 /*
79 * Debugger support
80 */
81 extern "C" void dvmCheckBefore(const u2 *dPC, u4 *fp, Thread* self);
82 extern "C" void dvmReportExceptionThrow(Thread* self, Object* exception);
83 extern "C" void dvmReportPreNativeInvoke(const Method* methodToCall, Thread* self, u4* fp);
84 extern "C" void dvmReportPostNativeInvoke(const Method* methodToCall, Thread* self, u4* fp);
85 extern "C" void dvmReportInvoke(Thread* self, const Method* methodToCall);
86 extern "C" void dvmReportReturn(Thread* self);
88 /*
89 * InterpBreak & subMode control
90 */
91 void dvmDisableSubMode(Thread* thread, ExecutionSubModes subMode);
92 extern "C" void dvmEnableSubMode(Thread* thread, ExecutionSubModes subMode);
93 void dvmDisableAllSubMode(ExecutionSubModes subMode);
94 void dvmEnableAllSubMode(ExecutionSubModes subMode);
95 void dvmAddToSuspendCounts(Thread* thread, int delta, int dbgDelta);
96 void dvmCheckInterpStateConsistency();
97 void dvmInitializeInterpBreak(Thread* thread);
99 /*
100 * Register a callback to occur at the next safe point for a single thread.
101 * If funct is NULL, the previous registration is cancelled.
102 *
103 * The callback prototype is:
104 * bool funct(Thread* thread, void* arg)
105 *
106 * If funct returns false, the callback will be disarmed. If true,
107 * it will stay in effect.
108 */
109 void dvmArmSafePointCallback(Thread* thread, SafePointCallback funct,
110 void* arg);
113 #ifndef DVM_NO_ASM_INTERP
114 extern void* dvmAsmInstructionStart[];
115 extern void* dvmAsmAltInstructionStart[];
116 #endif