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20<div class="chapter" title="11.�Ptrcheck: an experimental heap, stack and global array overrun detector">
21<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
22<a name="pc-manual"></a>11.�Ptrcheck: an experimental heap, stack and global array overrun detector</h2></div></div></div>
23<div class="toc">
24<p><b>Table of Contents</b></p>
26<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.overview">11.1. Overview</a></span></dt>
27<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.options">11.2. Ptrcheck Command-line Options</a></span></dt>
28<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.how-works.heap-checks">11.3. How Ptrcheck Works: Heap Checks</a></span></dt>
29<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.how-works.sg-checks">11.4. How Ptrcheck Works: Stack and Global Checks</a></span></dt>
30<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.cmp-w-memcheck">11.5. Comparison with Memcheck</a></span></dt>
31<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.limitations">11.6. Limitations</a></span></dt>
32<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.todo-user-visible">11.7. Still To Do: User-visible Functionality</a></span></dt>
33<dt><span class="sect1"><a href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.todo-implementation">11.8. Still To Do: Implementation Tidying</a></span></dt>
36<p>To use this tool, you must specify
37<code class="option">--tool=exp-ptrcheck</code> on the Valgrind
38command line.</p>
39<div class="sect1" title="11.1.�Overview">
40<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
41<a name="pc-manual.overview"></a>11.1.�Overview</h2></div></div></div>
42<p>Ptrcheck is a tool for finding overruns of heap, stack
43and global arrays.  Its functionality overlaps somewhat with
44Memcheck's, but it is able to catch invalid accesses in a number of
45cases that Memcheck would miss.  A detailed comparison against
46Memcheck is presented below.</p>
47<p>Ptrcheck is composed of two almost completely independent tools
48that have been glued together.  One part,
49in <code class="computeroutput">h_main.[ch]</code>, checks accesses
50through heap-derived pointers.  The other part, in
51<code class="computeroutput">sg_main.[ch]</code>, checks accesses to
52stack and global arrays.  The remaining
53files <code class="computeroutput">pc_{common,main}.[ch]</code>, provide
54common error-management and coordination functions, so as to make it
55appear as a single tool.</p>
56<p>The heap-check part is an extensively-hacked (largely rewritten)
57version of the experimental "Annelid" tool developed and described by
58Nicholas Nethercote and Jeremy Fitzhardinge.  The stack- and global-
59check part uses a heuristic approach derived from an observation about
60the likely forms of stack and global array accesses, and, as far as is
61known, is entirely novel.</p>
63<div class="sect1" title="11.2.�Ptrcheck Command-line Options">
64<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
65<a name="pc-manual.options"></a>11.2.�Ptrcheck Command-line Options</h2></div></div></div>
66<p>Ptrcheck-specific command-line options are:</p>
67<div class="variablelist">
68<a name="pc.opts.list"></a><dl>
70<a name="opt.enable-sg-checks"></a><span class="term">
71      <code class="option">--enable-sg-checks=no|yes
72      [default: yes] </code>
73    </span>
75<dd><p>By default, Ptrcheck checks for overruns of stack, global
76       and heap arrays.
77       With <code class="varname">--enable-sg-checks=no</code>, the stack and
78       global array checks are omitted, and only heap checking is
79       performed.  This can be useful because the stack and global
80       checks are quite expensive, so omitting them speeds Ptrcheck up
81       a lot.
82      </p></dd>
84<a name="opt.partial-loads-ok"></a><span class="term">
85      <code class="option">--partial-loads-ok=&lt;yes|no&gt; [default: no] </code>
86    </span>
89<p>This option has the same meaning as it does for
90      Memcheck.</p>
91<p>Controls how Ptrcheck handles word-sized, word-aligned
92      loads which partially overlap the end of heap blocks -- that is,
93      some of the bytes in the word are validly addressable, but
94      others are not.  When <code class="varname">yes</code>, such loads do not
95      produce an address error.  When <code class="varname">no</code> (the
96      default), loads from partially invalid addresses are treated the
97      same as loads from completely invalid addresses: an illegal heap
98      access error is issued.
99      </p>
100<p>Note that code that behaves in this way is in violation of
101      the the ISO C/C++ standards, and should be considered broken.  If
102      at all possible, such code should be fixed.  This option should be
103      used only as a last resort.</p>
108<div class="sect1" title="11.3.�How Ptrcheck Works: Heap Checks">
109<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
110<a name="pc-manual.how-works.heap-checks"></a>11.3.�How Ptrcheck Works: Heap Checks</h2></div></div></div>
111<p>Ptrcheck can check for invalid uses of heap pointers, including
112out of range accesses and accesses to freed memory.  The mechanism is
113however completely different from Memcheck's, and the checking is more
115<p>For each pointer in the program, Ptrcheck keeps track of which
116heap block (if any) it was derived from.  Then, when an access is made
117through that pointer, Ptrcheck compares the access address with the
118bounds of the associated block, and reports an error if the address is
119out of bounds, or if the block has been freed.</p>
120<p>Of course it is rarely the case that one wants to access a block
121only at the exact address returned by <code class="function">malloc</code> et al.
122Ptrcheck understands that adding or subtracting offsets from a pointer to a
123block results in a pointer to the same block.</p>
124<p>At a fundamental level, this scheme works because a correct
125program cannot make assumptions about the addresses returned by
126<code class="function">malloc</code> et al.  In particular it cannot make any
127assumptions about the differences in addresses returned by subsequent calls
128to <code class="function">malloc</code> et al.  Hence there are very few ways to take
129an address returned by <code class="function">malloc</code>, modify it, and still
130have a valid address.  In short, the only allowable operations are adding
131and subtracting other non-pointer values.  Almost all other operations
132produce a value which cannot possibly be a valid pointer.</p>
134<div class="sect1" title="11.4.�How Ptrcheck Works: Stack and Global Checks">
135<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
136<a name="pc-manual.how-works.sg-checks"></a>11.4.�How Ptrcheck Works: Stack and Global Checks</h2></div></div></div>
137<p>When a source file is compiled
138with <code class="option">-g</code>, the compiler attaches DWARF3
139debugging information which describes the location of all stack and
140global arrays in the file.</p>
141<p>Checking of accesses to such arrays would then be relatively
142simple, if the compiler could also tell us which array (if any) each
143memory referencing instruction was supposed to access.  Unfortunately
144the DWARF3 debugging format does not provide a way to represent such
145information, so we have to resort to a heuristic technique to
146approximate the same information.  The key observation is that
147   <span class="emphasis"><em>
148   if a memory referencing instruction accesses inside a stack or
149   global array once, then it is highly likely to always access that
150   same array</em></span>.</p>
151<p>To see how this might be useful, consider the following buggy
153<pre class="programlisting">
154   { int i, a[10];  // both are auto vars
155     for (i = 0; i &lt;= 10; i++)
156        a[i] = 42;
157   }
159<p>At run time we will know the precise address
160of <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code> on the stack, and so we can
161observe that the first store resulting from <code class="computeroutput">a[i] =
16242</code> writes <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code>, and
163we will (correctly) assume that that instruction is intended always to
164access <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code>.  Then, on the 11th
165iteration, it accesses somewhere else, possibly a different local,
166possibly an un-accounted for area of the stack (eg, spill slot), so
167Ptrcheck reports an error.</p>
168<p>There is an important caveat.</p>
169<p>Imagine a function such as <code class="function">memcpy</code>, which is used
170to read and write many different areas of memory over the lifetime of the
171program.  If we insist that the read and write instructions in its memory
172copying loop only ever access one particular stack or global variable, we
173will be flooded with errors resulting from calls to
174<code class="function">memcpy</code>.</p>
175<p>To avoid this problem, Ptrcheck instantiates fresh likely-target
176records for each entry to a function, and discards them on exit.  This
177allows detection of cases where (e.g.) <code class="function">memcpy</code> overflows
178its source or destination buffers for any specific call, but does not carry
179any restriction from one call to the next.  Indeed, multiple threads may be
180multiple simultaneous calls to (e.g.) <code class="function">memcpy</code> without
181mutual interference.</p>
183<div class="sect1" title="11.5.�Comparison with Memcheck">
184<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
185<a name="pc-manual.cmp-w-memcheck"></a>11.5.�Comparison with Memcheck</h2></div></div></div>
186<p>Memcheck does not do any access checks for stack or global arrays, so
187the presence of those in Ptrcheck is a straight win.  (But see
188"Limitations" below).</p>
189<p>Memcheck and Ptrcheck use different approaches for checking heap
190accesses.  Memcheck maintains bitmaps telling it which areas of memory
191are accessible and which are not.  If a memory access falls in an
192unaccessible area, it reports an error.  By marking the 16 bytes
193before and after an allocated block unaccessible, Memcheck is able to
194detect small over- and underruns of the block.  Similarly, by marking
195freed memory as unaccessible, Memcheck can detect all accesses to
196freed memory.</p>
197<p>Memcheck's approach is simple.  But it's also weak.  It can't
198catch block overruns beyond 16 bytes.  And, more generally, because it
199focusses only on the question "is the target address accessible", it
200fails to detect invalid accesses which just happen to fall within some
201other valid area.  This is not improbable, especially in crowded areas
202of the process' address space.</p>
203<p>Ptrcheck's approach is to keep track of pointers derived from
204heap blocks.  It tracks pointers which are derived directly from calls
205to <code class="function">malloc</code> et al, but also ones derived indirectly, by
206adding or subtracting offsets from the directly-derived pointers.  When a
207pointer is finally used to access memory, Ptrcheck compares the access
208address with that of the block it was originally derived from, and
209reports an error if the access address is not within the block
211<p>Consequently Ptrcheck can detect any out of bounds access
212through a heap-derived pointer, no matter how far from the original
213block it is.</p>
214<p>A second advantage is that Ptrcheck is better at detecting
215accesses to blocks freed very far in the past.  Memcheck can detect
216these too, but only for blocks freed relatively recently.  To detect
217accesses to a freed block, Memcheck must make it inaccessible, hence
218requiring a space overhead proportional to the size of the block.  If
219the blocks are large, Memcheck will have to make them available for
220re-allocation relatively quickly, thereby losing the ability to detect
221invalid accesses to them.</p>
222<p>By contrast, Ptrcheck has a constant per-block space requirement
223of four machine words, for detection of accesses to freed blocks.  A
224freed block can be reallocated immediately, yet Ptrcheck can still
225detect all invalid accesses through any pointers derived from the old
226allocation, providing only that the four-word descriptor for the old
227allocation is stored.  For example, on a 64-bit machine, to detect
228accesses in any of the most recently freed 10 million blocks, Ptrcheck
229will require only 320MB of extra storage.  Achieving the same level of
230detection with Memcheck is close to impossible and would likely
231involve several gigabytes of extra storage.</p>
232<p>Having said all that, remember that Memcheck performs uninitialised
233value checking, invalid and mismatched free checking, overlap checking, and
234leak checking, none of which Ptrcheck do.  Memcheck has also benefitted from
235years of refinement, tuning, and experience with production-level usage, and
236so is much faster than Ptrcheck as it currently stands.
238<p>Consequently we recommend you first make your programs run Memcheck
239clean.  Once that's done, try Ptrcheck to see if you can shake out any
240further heap, global or stack errors.</p>
242<div class="sect1" title="11.6.�Limitations">
243<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
244<a name="pc-manual.limitations"></a>11.6.�Limitations</h2></div></div></div>
245<p>This is an experimental tool, which relies rather too heavily on some
246not-as-robust-as-I-would-like assumptions on the behaviour of correct
247programs.  There are a number of limitations which you should be aware
249<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
250<li class="listitem"><p>Heap checks: Ptrcheck can occasionally lose track of, or
251   become confused about, which heap block a given pointer has been
252   derived from.  This can cause it to falsely report errors, or to
253   miss some errors.  This is not believed to be a serious
254   problem.</p></li>
255<li class="listitem"><p>Heap checks: Ptrcheck only tracks pointers that are stored
256   properly aligned in memory.  If a pointer is stored at a misaligned
257   address, and then later read again, Ptrcheck will lose track of
258   what it points at.  Similar problem if a pointer is split into
259   pieces and later reconsitituted.</p></li>
260<li class="listitem"><p>Heap checks: Ptrcheck needs to "understand" which system
261   calls return pointers and which don't.  Many, but not all system
262   calls are handled.  If an unhandled one is encountered, Ptrcheck will
263   abort.  Fortunately, adding support for a new syscall is very
264   easy.</p></li>
265<li class="listitem"><p>Stack checks: It follows from the description above (<a class="xref" href="pc-manual.html#pc-manual.how-works.sg-checks" title="11.4.�How Ptrcheck Works: Stack and Global Checks">How Ptrcheck Works: Stack and Global Checks</a>) that the first access by a
266   memory referencing instruction to a stack or global array creates an
267   association between that instruction and the array, which is checked on
268   subsequent accesses by that instruction, until the containing function
269   exits.  Hence, the first access by an instruction to an array (in any
270   given function instantiation) is not checked for overrun, since Ptrcheck
271   uses that as the "example" of how subsequent accesses should
272   behave.</p></li>
273<li class="listitem">
274<p>Stack checks: Similarly, and more serious, it is clearly
275   possible to write legitimate pieces of code which break the basic
276   assumption upon which the stack/global checking rests.  For
277   example:</p>
278<pre class="programlisting">
279  { int a[10], b[10], *p, i;
280    for (i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++) {
281       p = /* arbitrary condition */  ? &amp;a[i]  : &amp;b[i];
282       *p = 42;
283    }
284  }
286<p>In this case the store sometimes
287   accesses <code class="computeroutput">a[]</code> and
288   sometimes <code class="computeroutput">b[]</code>, but in no cases is
289   the addressed array overrun.  Nevertheless the change in target
290   will cause an error to be reported.</p>
291<p>It is hard to see how to get around this problem.  The only
292   mitigating factor is that such constructions appear very rare, at
293   least judging from the results using the tool so far.  Such a
294   construction appears only once in the Valgrind sources (running
295   Valgrind on Valgrind) and perhaps two or three times for a start
296   and exit of Firefox.  The best that can be done is to suppress the
297   errors.</p>
299<li class="listitem"><p>Performance: the stack/global checks require reading all of
300   the DWARF3 type and variable information on the executable and its
301   shared objects.  This is computationally expensive and makes
302   startup quite slow.  You can expect debuginfo reading time to be in
303   the region of a minute for an OpenOffice sized application, on a
304   2.4 GHz Core 2 machine.  Reading this information also requires a
305   lot of memory.  To make it viable, Ptrcheck goes to considerable
306   trouble to compress the in-memory representation of the DWARF3
307   data, which is why the process of reading it appears slow.</p></li>
308<li class="listitem"><p>Performance: Ptrcheck runs slower than Memcheck.  This is
309   partly due to a lack of tuning, but partly due to algorithmic
310   difficulties.  The heap-check side is potentially quite fast.  The
311   stack and global checks can sometimes require a number of range
312   checks per memory access, and these are difficult to short-circuit
313   (despite considerable efforts having been made).
314   </p></li>
315<li class="listitem">
316<p>Coverage: the heap checking is relatively robust, requiring
317   only that Ptrcheck can see calls to <code class="function">malloc</code> et al.
318   In that sense it has debug-info requirements comparable with Memcheck,
319   and is able to heap-check programs even with no debugging information
320   attached.</p>
321<p>Stack/global checking is much more fragile.  If a shared
322   object does not have debug information attached, then Ptrcheck will
323   not be able to determine the bounds of any stack or global arrays
324   defined within that shared object, and so will not be able to check
325   accesses to them.  This is true even when those arrays are accessed
326   from some other shared object which was compiled with debug
327   info.</p>
328<p>At the moment Ptrcheck accepts objects lacking debuginfo
329   without comment.  This is dangerous as it causes Ptrcheck to
330   silently skip stack and global checking for such objects.  It would
331   be better to print a warning in such circumstances.</p>
333<li class="listitem"><p>Coverage: Ptrcheck checks that the areas read or written by
334   system calls do not overrun heap blocks.  But it doesn't currently
335   check them for overruns stack and global arrays.  This would be
336   easy to add.</p></li>
337<li class="listitem"><p>Platforms: the stack/global checks won't work properly on any
338   PowerPC platforms, only on x86 and amd64 targets.  That's because
339   the stack and global checking requires tracking function calls and
340   exits reliably, and there's no obvious way to do it with the PPC
341   ABIs.  (In comparison, with the x86 and amd64 ABIs this is relatively
342   straightforward.)</p></li>
343<li class="listitem"><p>Robustness: related to the previous point.  Function
344   call/exit tracking for x86/amd64 is believed to work properly even
345   in the presence of longjmps within the same stack (although this
346   has not been tested).  However, code which switches stacks is
347   likely to cause breakage/chaos.</p></li>
350<div class="sect1" title="11.7.�Still To Do: User-visible Functionality">
351<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
352<a name="pc-manual.todo-user-visible"></a>11.7.�Still To Do: User-visible Functionality</h2></div></div></div>
353<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
354<li class="listitem"><p>Extend system call checking to work on stack and global arrays.</p></li>
355<li class="listitem"><p>Print a warning if a shared object does not have debug info
356   attached, or if, for whatever reason, debug info could not be
357   found, or read.</p></li>
360<div class="sect1" title="11.8.�Still To Do: Implementation Tidying">
361<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
362<a name="pc-manual.todo-implementation"></a>11.8.�Still To Do: Implementation Tidying</h2></div></div></div>
363<p>Items marked CRITICAL are considered important for correctness:
364non-fixage of them is liable to lead to crashes or assertion failures
365in real use.</p>
366<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
367<li class="listitem"><p>h_main.c: make N_FREED_SEGS command-line configurable.</p></li>
368<li class="listitem"><p> sg_main.c: Improve the performance of the stack / global
369   checks by doing some up-front filtering to ignore references in
370   areas which "obviously" can't be stack or globals.  This will
371   require using information that m_aspacemgr knows about the address
372   space layout.</p></li>
373<li class="listitem"><p>h_main.c: get rid of the last_seg_added hack; add suitable
374   plumbing to the core/tool interface to do this cleanly.</p></li>
375<li class="listitem"><p>h_main.c: move vast amounts of arch-dependent ugliness
376   (get_IntRegInfo et al) to its own source file, a la
377   mc_machine.c.</p></li>
378<li class="listitem"><p>h_main.c: make the lossage-check stuff work again, as a way
379   of doing quality assurance on the implementation.</p></li>
380<li class="listitem"><p>h_main.c: schemeEw_Atom: don't generate a call to
381   nonptr_or_unknown, this is really stupid, since it could be done at
382   translation time instead.</p></li>
383<li class="listitem"><p>CRITICAL: h_main.c: h_instrument (main instrumentation fn):
384   generate shadows for word-sized temps defined in the block's
385   preamble.  (Why does this work at all, as it stands?)</p></li>
386<li class="listitem"><p>sg_main.c: fix compute_II_hash to make it a bit more sensible
387   for ppc32/64 targets (except that sg_ doesn't work on ppc32/64
388   targets, so this is a bit academic at the moment).</p></li>
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