1Tests that accessing Attr after its Element has been destroyed works without crashing. 2 3On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". 4 5 6PASS attributes.length is 1 7PASS attributes[0] is attributes.item(0) 8PASS attributes.getNamedItem('a') is attributes.item(0) 9PASS attributes.item(0).name is 'a' 10PASS attributes.item(0).specified is true 11PASS attributes.item(0).value is 'b' 12PASS attributes.item(0).ownerElement.tagName is 'P' 13PASS attributes.item(0).value is 'c' 14PASS attributes.length is 0 15PASS attr.name is 'a' 16PASS attr.specified is true 17PASS attr.value is 'b' 18PASS attr.ownerElement.tagName is 'P' 19PASS attr.value is 'c' 20PASS successfullyParsed is true 21 22TEST COMPLETE 23 24