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4Native Activities and Applications:
7I. Overview
9The Android SDK provides a helper class, NativeActivity, that allows you to write a completely
10native activity. With a native activity, it is possible to write a completely native application.
11NativeActivity handles the communication between the Android framework and your
12native code, so you do not have to subclass it or call its methods. All you need to do is declare
13your application to be native in your AndroidManifest.xml file and begin creating your native
16Native activities do not change the fact that Android applications still run in their own virtual
17machine, sandboxed from other applications. Because of this, you can still access Android framework
18APIs through the JNI. There are, however, native interfaces to access things such as sensors, input
19events, and assets that you can use. For more information about what is supported, see the
22If you are developing a native activity, you should still create your projects with Eclipse or the
23"android create project" command. You still build and package native applications with the usual
24Android build tools, so the build system can only build Android projects that have the correct
25structure. Using the android tool or Eclipse helps ensure that.
27The Android NDK provides you with two choices to implement your native activity:
29  - The native_activity.h header defines the native version of the NativeActivity class. It
30    contains the callback interface and data structures that you need to create your native
31    activity. Because the main thread of your application handles the callbacks, your callback
32    implementations must not be blocking. If they block, you might receive ANR (Application Not
33    Responding) errors because your main thread will be unresponsive until the callback returns.
34    Read the comments in the
35    &lt;ndk_root&gt;/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/usr/include/android/native_activity.h file for
36    more information.
38  - The android_native_app_glue.h file defines a static helper library built on top of the
39    native_activity.h interface. It spawns another thread to handle things such as callbacks or
40    input events. This prevents any callbacks from blocking your main thread and adds some
41    flexibility in how you implement the callbacks, so you might find this programming model a bit
42    easier to implement. The &lt;ndk_root&gt;/sources/android/native_app_glue/android_native_app_glue.c
43    source is also available to you, so you can modify the implementation if you need. Read the
44    comments in the &lt;ndk_root&gt;/sources/android/native_app_glue/android_native_app_glue.h file
45    for more information.
47II. Using the native-activity.h interface:
49You can use the native-activity.h interface to implement a completely native activity. If you use
50this interface you must ensure that your callback implementations do not block the main UI thread.
51For more information on how to use this interface, see
54You might find it easier to use the native_app_glue static helper library that handles the
55callbacks in an event loop in another thread. See the native-activity sample application for more
56information on how to use this static library.
58To implement a native activity with the native-activity.h interface:
60  1/ Create a project with the "android create project" command or from Eclipse. Create a jni/
61     directory in the project's root directory. This directory stores all of your native code.
63  2/ Declare your native activity in the AndroidManifest.xml file. An example is shown below:
65      &lt;manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
66        package="com.example.native_activity"
67        android:versionCode="1"
68        android:versionName="1.0"&gt;
70        &lt;uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" /&gt;
72        &lt;application android:label="@string/app_name" android:hasCode="false"&gt;
74          &lt;activity android:name="android.app.NativeActivity"
75            android:label="@string/app_name"
76            android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden"&gt;
78          &lt;meta-data android:name="android.app.lib_name"
79            android:value="native-activity" /&gt;
80            &lt;intent-filter&gt;
81              &lt;action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /&gt;
82              &lt;category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /&gt;
83            &lt;/intent-filter&gt;
84          &lt;/activity&gt;
85        &lt;/application&gt;
86      &lt;/manifest&gt;
88    The main things to note are:
90      - The android:name attribute of the activity tag must be set to android.app.NativeActivity.
91        It is possible to subclass the NativeActivity, however, so if you do, specify the name of
92        that class instead.
93      - The android:name attribute of the meta-data tag must be in the form of android.app.lib_name
94        where lib_name is the name of the module without the lib prefix and .so suffix.
96  3/ Create a file for your native activity and implement the ANativeActivity_onCreate() function,
97     which is called when your native activity starts. This function receives a pointer to an
98     ANativeActivity structure, which contains function pointers to the various callback
99     implementations that you need to write. Set the applicable callback function pointers in
100     ANativeActivity-&gt;callbacks to the implementations of your callbacks.
102  4/ Set the ANativeActivity-&gt;instance field to the address of any instance specific data that
103     you want to use.
105  5/ Implement any other things that you want your activity to do upon starting.
107  6/ Implement the rest of the callbacks that you set in ANativeActivity-&gt;callbacks. For more
108     information on when the callbacks are called, see the SDK documentation for Activity
109     Lifecycles. Remember that your callback implementations must not be blocking, or you might get
110     ANR (Application Not Responding) errors because the main UI thread is waiting for the callbacks
111     to return.
113  7/ Develop the rest of your application.
115  8/ Create an Android.mk file in the jni/ directory of your project to describe your native module
116     to the build system. An Android.mk file is essentially a snippet of a GNU Make file. For
117     example:
119       LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
120       include $(CLEAR_VARS)
121       LOCAL_MODULE    := my_native_module
122       LOCAL_SRC_FILES := my_native_code.c
123       include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
125     For more information on how to create an Android.mk file and what the variables mean,
126     see the &lt;ndk_root&gt;/docs/ANDROID-MK.TXT file.
128  9/ Once you have an Android.mk file, compile your native code using the "ndk-build" command.
130       cd path/to/project
131       &lt;ndk_root&gt;/ndk-build
133 10/ Build and install your Android project as usual, using Ant or Eclipse. The build automatically
134     packages your native code into the .apk file if it is present in the jni/ directory.
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