1The packages/experimental/ directory is for NON-SHIPPING code that is 2not included with any flavor of the device, the SDK, or any other kind 3of public release, but which might be useful for someone as a test 4harness, development tool, or general fun times. 5 6>> Every package under this directory must have a README file << 7 8Official SDK development samples should NOT go here, they should go in 9development/samples/ instead. 10 11Unlike the rest of the tree, code in experimental/ is NOT built by 12default, and may be arbitrarily broken. Caveat user! Individual 13packages must be built directly with "mmm" or equivalent: 14 15 mmm packages/experimental/BugReportSender 16 17Like a communal fridge, this directory will be cleaned periodically. 18Every major release, we intend to remove and archive any package that 19does not have an active owner and users. 20