1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s 2 f()3 void f() 4 { 5 (void)typeid(int); // expected-error {{you need to include <typeinfo> before using the 'typeid' operator}} 6 } 7 8 namespace std { 9 class type_info; 10 } 11 g()12 void g() 13 { 14 (void)typeid(int); 15 } 16 17 struct X; // expected-note 3{{forward declaration}} 18 g1(X & x)19 void g1(X &x) { 20 (void)typeid(X); // expected-error{{'typeid' of incomplete type 'X'}} 21 (void)typeid(X&); // expected-error{{'typeid' of incomplete type 'X'}} 22 (void)typeid(x); // expected-error{{'typeid' of incomplete type 'X'}} 23 } 24