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2 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3 /*--- User-mode execve() for ELF executables           m_ume_elf.c ---*/
4 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*
7    This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
8    framework.
10    Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Julian Seward
11       jseward@acm.org
13    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
15    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
16    License, or (at your option) any later version.
18    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
19    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21    General Public License for more details.
23    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
26    02111-1307, USA.
28    The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
29 */
31 #if defined(VGO_linux)
33 #include "pub_core_basics.h"
34 #include "pub_core_vki.h"
36 #include "pub_core_aspacemgr.h"     // various mapping fns
37 #include "pub_core_debuglog.h"
38 #include "pub_core_libcassert.h"    // VG_(exit), vg_assert
39 #include "pub_core_libcbase.h"      // VG_(memcmp), etc
40 #include "pub_core_libcprint.h"
41 #include "pub_core_libcfile.h"      // VG_(open) et al
42 #include "pub_core_machine.h"       // VG_ELF_CLASS (XXX: which should be moved)
43 #include "pub_core_mallocfree.h"    // VG_(malloc), VG_(free)
44 #include "pub_core_syscall.h"       // VG_(strerror)
45 #include "pub_core_ume.h"           // self
46 #include "pub_tool_libcproc.h"      // VG_(getenv)
48 #include "priv_ume.h"
50 /* --- !!! --- EXTERNAL HEADERS start --- !!! --- */
51 #define _GNU_SOURCE
52 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
53 /* This is for ELF types etc, and also the AT_ constants. */
54 #include <elf.h>
55 /* --- !!! --- EXTERNAL HEADERS end --- !!! --- */
58 #if     VG_WORDSIZE == 8
59 #define ESZ(x)  Elf64_##x
60 #elif   VG_WORDSIZE == 4
61 #define ESZ(x)  Elf32_##x
62 #else
63 #error VG_WORDSIZE needs to ==4 or ==8
64 #endif
66 struct elfinfo
67 {
68    ESZ(Ehdr)    e;
69    ESZ(Phdr)    *p;
70    Int          fd;
71 };
check_mmap(SysRes res,Addr base,SizeT len)73 static void check_mmap(SysRes res, Addr base, SizeT len)
74 {
75    if (sr_isError(res)) {
76       VG_(printf)("valgrind: mmap(0x%llx, %lld) failed in UME "
77                   "with error %lu (%s).\n",
78                   (ULong)base, (Long)len,
79                   sr_Err(res), VG_(strerror)(sr_Err(res)) );
80       if (sr_Err(res) == VKI_EINVAL) {
81          VG_(printf)("valgrind: this can be caused by executables with "
82                      "very large text, data or bss segments.\n");
83       }
84       VG_(exit)(1);
85    }
86 }
88 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
89 /*--- Loading ELF files                                    ---*/
90 /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
92 static
readelf(Int fd,const char * filename)93 struct elfinfo *readelf(Int fd, const char *filename)
94 {
95    SysRes sres;
96    struct elfinfo *e = VG_(malloc)("ume.re.1", sizeof(*e));
97    Int phsz;
99    vg_assert(e);
100    e->fd = fd;
102    sres = VG_(pread)(fd, &e->e, sizeof(e->e), 0);
103    if (sr_isError(sres) || sr_Res(sres) != sizeof(e->e)) {
104       VG_(printf)("valgrind: %s: can't read ELF header: %s\n",
105                   filename, VG_(strerror)(sr_Err(sres)));
106       goto bad;
107    }
109    if (VG_(memcmp)(&e->e.e_ident[0], ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0) {
110       VG_(printf)("valgrind: %s: bad ELF magic number\n", filename);
111       goto bad;
112    }
113    if (e->e.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != VG_ELF_CLASS) {
114       VG_(printf)("valgrind: wrong ELF executable class "
115                   "(eg. 32-bit instead of 64-bit)\n");
116       goto bad;
117    }
118    if (e->e.e_ident[EI_DATA] != VG_ELF_DATA2XXX) {
119       VG_(printf)("valgrind: executable has wrong endian-ness\n");
120       goto bad;
121    }
122    if (!(e->e.e_type == ET_EXEC || e->e.e_type == ET_DYN)) {
123       VG_(printf)("valgrind: this is not an executable\n");
124       goto bad;
125    }
127    if (e->e.e_machine != VG_ELF_MACHINE) {
128       VG_(printf)("valgrind: executable is not for "
129                   "this architecture\n");
130       goto bad;
131    }
133    if (e->e.e_phentsize != sizeof(ESZ(Phdr))) {
134       VG_(printf)("valgrind: sizeof ELF Phdr wrong\n");
135       goto bad;
136    }
138    phsz = sizeof(ESZ(Phdr)) * e->e.e_phnum;
139    e->p = VG_(malloc)("ume.re.2", phsz);
140    vg_assert(e->p);
142    sres = VG_(pread)(fd, e->p, phsz, e->e.e_phoff);
143    if (sr_isError(sres) || sr_Res(sres) != phsz) {
144       VG_(printf)("valgrind: can't read phdr: %s\n",
145                   VG_(strerror)(sr_Err(sres)));
146       VG_(free)(e->p);
147       goto bad;
148    }
150    return e;
152   bad:
153    VG_(free)(e);
154    return NULL;
155 }
157 /* Map an ELF file.  Returns the brk address. */
158 static
mapelf(struct elfinfo * e,ESZ (Addr)base)159 ESZ(Addr) mapelf(struct elfinfo *e, ESZ(Addr) base)
160 {
161    Int    i;
162    SysRes res;
163    ESZ(Addr) elfbrk = 0;
165    for (i = 0; i < e->e.e_phnum; i++) {
166       ESZ(Phdr) *ph = &e->p[i];
167       ESZ(Addr) addr, brkaddr;
168       ESZ(Word) memsz;
170       if (ph->p_type != PT_LOAD)
171          continue;
173       addr    = ph->p_vaddr+base;
174       memsz   = ph->p_memsz;
175       brkaddr = addr+memsz;
177       if (brkaddr > elfbrk)
178          elfbrk = brkaddr;
179    }
181    for (i = 0; i < e->e.e_phnum; i++) {
182       ESZ(Phdr) *ph = &e->p[i];
183       ESZ(Addr) addr, bss, brkaddr;
184       ESZ(Off) off;
185       ESZ(Word) filesz;
186       ESZ(Word) memsz;
187       unsigned prot = 0;
189       if (ph->p_type != PT_LOAD)
190          continue;
192       if (ph->p_flags & PF_X) prot |= VKI_PROT_EXEC;
193       if (ph->p_flags & PF_W) prot |= VKI_PROT_WRITE;
194       if (ph->p_flags & PF_R) prot |= VKI_PROT_READ;
196       addr    = ph->p_vaddr+base;
197       off     = ph->p_offset;
198       filesz  = ph->p_filesz;
199       bss     = addr+filesz;
200       memsz   = ph->p_memsz;
201       brkaddr = addr+memsz;
203       // Tom says: In the following, do what the Linux kernel does and only
204       // map the pages that are required instead of rounding everything to
205       // the specified alignment (ph->p_align).  (AMD64 doesn't work if you
206       // use ph->p_align -- part of stage2's memory gets trashed somehow.)
207       //
208       // The condition handles the case of a zero-length segment.
209       if (VG_PGROUNDUP(bss)-VG_PGROUNDDN(addr) > 0) {
210          if (0) VG_(debugLog)(0,"ume","mmap_file_fixed_client #1\n");
211          res = VG_(am_mmap_file_fixed_client)(
212                   VG_PGROUNDDN(addr),
213                   VG_PGROUNDUP(bss)-VG_PGROUNDDN(addr),
214                   prot, /*VKI_MAP_FIXED|VKI_MAP_PRIVATE, */
215                   e->fd, VG_PGROUNDDN(off)
216                );
217          if (0) VG_(am_show_nsegments)(0,"after #1");
218          check_mmap(res, VG_PGROUNDDN(addr),
219                          VG_PGROUNDUP(bss)-VG_PGROUNDDN(addr));
220       }
222       // if memsz > filesz, fill the remainder with zeroed pages
223       if (memsz > filesz) {
224          UInt bytes;
226          bytes = VG_PGROUNDUP(brkaddr)-VG_PGROUNDUP(bss);
227          if (bytes > 0) {
228             if (0) VG_(debugLog)(0,"ume","mmap_anon_fixed_client #2\n");
229             res = VG_(am_mmap_anon_fixed_client)(
230                      VG_PGROUNDUP(bss), bytes,
231                      prot
232                   );
233             if (0) VG_(am_show_nsegments)(0,"after #2");
234             check_mmap(res, VG_PGROUNDUP(bss), bytes);
235          }
237          bytes = bss & (VKI_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
239          // The 'prot' condition allows for a read-only bss
240          if ((prot & VKI_PROT_WRITE) && (bytes > 0)) {
241             bytes = VKI_PAGE_SIZE - bytes;
242             VG_(memset)((char *)bss, 0, bytes);
243          }
244       }
245    }
247    return elfbrk;
248 }
VG_(match_ELF)250 Bool VG_(match_ELF)(Char *hdr, Int len)
251 {
252    ESZ(Ehdr) *e = (ESZ(Ehdr) *)hdr;
253    return (len > sizeof(*e)) && VG_(memcmp)(&e->e_ident[0], ELFMAG, SELFMAG) == 0;
254 }
257 /* load_ELF pulls an ELF executable into the address space, prepares
258    it for execution, and writes info about it into INFO.  In
259    particular it fills in .init_eip, which is the starting point.
261    Returns zero on success, non-zero (a VKI_E.. value) on failure.
263    The sequence of activities is roughly as follows:
265    - use readelf() to extract program header info from the exe file.
267    - scan the program header, collecting info (not sure what all those
268      info-> fields are, or whether they are used, but still) and in
269      particular looking out fo the PT_INTERP header, which describes
270      the interpreter.  If such a field is found, the space needed to
271      hold the interpreter is computed into interp_size.
273    - map the executable in, by calling mapelf().  This maps in all
274      loadable sections, and I _think_ also creates any .bss areas
275      required.  mapelf() returns the address just beyond the end of
276      the furthest-along mapping it creates.  The executable is mapped
277      starting at EBASE, which is usually read from it (eg, 0x8048000
278      etc) except if it's a PIE, in which case I'm not sure what
279      happens.
281      The returned address is recorded in info->brkbase as the start
282      point of the brk (data) segment, as it is traditional to place
283      the data segment just after the executable.  Neither load_ELF nor
284      mapelf creates the brk segment, though: that is for the caller of
285      load_ELF to attend to.
287    - If the initial phdr scan didn't find any mention of an
288      interpreter (interp == NULL), this must be a statically linked
289      executable, and we're pretty much done.
291    - Otherwise, we need to use mapelf() a second time to load the
292      interpreter.  The interpreter can go anywhere, but mapelf() wants
293      to be told a specific address to put it at.  So an advisory query
294      is passed to aspacem, asking where it would put an anonymous
295      client mapping of size INTERP_SIZE.  That address is then used
296      as the mapping address for the interpreter.
298    - The entry point in INFO is set to the interpreter's entry point,
299      and we're done.  */
VG_(load_ELF)300 Int VG_(load_ELF)(Int fd, const HChar* name, /*MOD*/ExeInfo* info)
301 {
302    SysRes sres;
303    struct elfinfo *e;
304    struct elfinfo *interp = NULL;
305    ESZ(Addr) minaddr = ~0;      /* lowest mapped address */
306    ESZ(Addr) maxaddr = 0;       /* highest mapped address */
307    ESZ(Addr) interp_addr = 0;   /* interpreter (ld.so) address */
308    ESZ(Word) interp_size = 0;   /* interpreter size */
309    /* ESZ(Word) interp_align = VKI_PAGE_SIZE; */ /* UNUSED */
310    Int i;
311    void *entry;
312    ESZ(Addr) ebase = 0;
314    /* The difference between where the interpreter got mapped and
315       where it asked to be mapped.  Needed for computing the ppc64 ELF
316       entry point and initial tocptr (R2) value. */
317    ESZ(Word) interp_offset = 0;
319 #ifdef HAVE_PIE
320    ebase = info->exe_base;
321 #endif
323    e = readelf(fd, name);
325    if (e == NULL)
326       return VKI_ENOEXEC;
328    /* The kernel maps position-independent executables at TASK_SIZE*2/3;
329       duplicate this behavior as close as we can. */
330    if (e->e.e_type == ET_DYN && ebase == 0) {
331       ebase = VG_PGROUNDDN(info->exe_base
332                            + (info->exe_end - info->exe_base) * 2 / 3);
333       /* We really don't want to load PIEs at zero or too close.  It
334          works, but it's unrobust (NULL pointer reads and writes
335          become legit, which is really bad) and causes problems for
336          exp-ptrcheck, which assumes all numbers below 1MB are
337          nonpointers.  So, hackily, move it above 1MB. */
338       /* Later .. is appears ppc32-linux tries to put [vdso] at 1MB,
339          which totally screws things up, because nothing else can go
340          there.  So bump the hacky load addess along by 0x8000, to
341          0x108000. */
342       if (ebase < 0x108000)
343          ebase = 0x108000;
344    }
346    info->phnum = e->e.e_phnum;
347    info->entry = e->e.e_entry + ebase;
348    info->phdr = 0;
350    for (i = 0; i < e->e.e_phnum; i++) {
351       ESZ(Phdr) *ph = &e->p[i];
353       switch(ph->p_type) {
354       case PT_PHDR:
355          info->phdr = ph->p_vaddr + ebase;
356          break;
358       case PT_LOAD:
359          if (ph->p_vaddr < minaddr)
360             minaddr = ph->p_vaddr;
361          if (ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz > maxaddr)
362             maxaddr = ph->p_vaddr+ph->p_memsz;
363          break;
365       case PT_INTERP: {
366          HChar *buf = VG_(malloc)("ume.LE.1", ph->p_filesz+1);
367          Int j;
368          Int intfd;
369          Int baseaddr_set;
371          vg_assert(buf);
372          VG_(pread)(fd, buf, ph->p_filesz, ph->p_offset);
373          buf[ph->p_filesz] = '\0';
375          sres = VG_(open)(buf, VKI_O_RDONLY, 0);
376          if (sr_isError(sres)) {
377             VG_(printf)("valgrind: m_ume.c: can't open interpreter\n");
378             VG_(exit)(1);
379          }
380          intfd = sr_Res(sres);
382          interp = readelf(intfd, buf);
383          if (interp == NULL) {
384             VG_(printf)("valgrind: m_ume.c: can't read interpreter\n");
385             return 1;
386          }
387          VG_(free)(buf);
389          baseaddr_set = 0;
390          for (j = 0; j < interp->e.e_phnum; j++) {
391             ESZ(Phdr) *iph = &interp->p[j];
392             ESZ(Addr) end;
394             if (iph->p_type != PT_LOAD || iph->p_memsz == 0)
395                continue;
397 #ifdef ANDROID
398             // On older versions of Android, the first LOAD segment of
399             // /system/bin/linker has vaddr=0, memsz=0, but subsequent
400             // segments start at 0xb0001000.
401             //
402             // On newer versions of Android, the linker is ET_DYN and
403             // we don't have to worry about iph->p_vaddr
404             if (!baseaddr_set
405                 && (iph->p_vaddr || (interp->e.e_type == ET_DYN))) {
406 #else
407             if (!baseaddr_set) {
408 #endif
409                interp_addr  = iph->p_vaddr;
410                /* interp_align = iph->p_align; */ /* UNUSED */
411                baseaddr_set = 1;
412             }
414             /* assumes that all segments in the interp are close */
415             end = (iph->p_vaddr - interp_addr) + iph->p_memsz;
417             if (end > interp_size)
418                interp_size = end;
419          }
420          break;
422       default:
423          // do nothing
424          break;
425       }
426       }
427    }
429    if (info->phdr == 0)
430       info->phdr = minaddr + ebase + e->e.e_phoff;
432    if (info->exe_base != info->exe_end) {
433       if (minaddr >= maxaddr ||
434           (minaddr + ebase < info->exe_base ||
435            maxaddr + ebase > info->exe_end)) {
436          VG_(printf)("Executable range %p-%p is outside the\n"
437                      "acceptable range %p-%p\n",
438                      (char *)minaddr + ebase, (char *)maxaddr + ebase,
439                      (char *)info->exe_base,  (char *)info->exe_end);
440          return VKI_ENOMEM;
441       }
442    }
444    info->brkbase = mapelf(e, ebase);    /* map the executable */
446    if (info->brkbase == 0)
447       return VKI_ENOMEM;
449    if (interp != NULL) {
450       /* reserve a chunk of address space for interpreter */
451       MapRequest mreq;
452       Addr       advised;
453       Bool       ok;
455       /* Don't actually reserve the space.  Just get an advisory
456          indicating where it would be allocated, and pass that to
457          mapelf(), which in turn asks aspacem to do some fixed maps at
458          the specified address.  This is a bit of hack, but it should
459          work because there should be no intervening transactions with
460          aspacem which could cause those fixed maps to fail.
462          Placement policy is:
464          if the interpreter asks to be loaded at zero
465             ignore that and put it wherever we like (mappings at zero
466             are bad news)
467          else
468             try and put it where it asks for, but if that doesn't work,
469             just put it anywhere.
470       */
471       if (interp_addr == 0) {
472          mreq.rkind = MAny;
473          mreq.start = 0;
474          mreq.len   = interp_size;
475       } else {
476          mreq.rkind = MHint;
477          mreq.start = interp_addr;
478          mreq.len   = interp_size;
479       }
481       advised = VG_(am_get_advisory)( &mreq, True/*client*/, &ok );
483       if (!ok) {
484          /* bomb out */
485          SysRes res = VG_(mk_SysRes_Error)(VKI_EINVAL);
486          if (0) VG_(printf)("reserve for interp: failed\n");
487          check_mmap(res, (Addr)interp_addr, interp_size);
488          /*NOTREACHED*/
489       }
491       (void)mapelf(interp, (ESZ(Addr))advised - interp_addr);
493       VG_(close)(interp->fd);
495       entry = (void *)(advised - interp_addr + interp->e.e_entry);
496       info->interp_base = (ESZ(Addr))advised;
497       interp_offset = advised - interp_addr;
499       VG_(free)(interp->p);
500       VG_(free)(interp);
501    } else {
502       Char *exit_if_static = VG_(getenv)("VALGRIND_EXIT_IF_STATIC");
503       if (exit_if_static && VG_(strcmp)(exit_if_static, "0") != 0) {
504         VG_(printf)("******* You are running Valgrind on a static binary: %s\n",
505                     name);
506         VG_(printf)("******* This is not supported, exiting\n");
507         VG_(exit)(1);
508       }
509       entry = (void *)(ebase + e->e.e_entry);
510    }
512    info->exe_base = minaddr + ebase;
513    info->exe_end  = maxaddr + ebase;
515 #if defined(VGP_ppc64_linux)
516    /* On PPC64, a func ptr is represented by a TOC entry ptr.  This
517       TOC entry contains three words; the first word is the function
518       address, the second word is the TOC ptr (r2), and the third word
519       is the static chain value. */
520    info->init_ip  = ((ULong*)entry)[0];
521    info->init_toc = ((ULong*)entry)[1];
522    info->init_ip  += interp_offset;
523    info->init_toc += interp_offset;
524 #else
525    info->init_ip  = (Addr)entry;
526    info->init_toc = 0; /* meaningless on this platform */
527    (void) interp_offset; /* stop gcc complaining it is unused */
528 #endif
529    VG_(free)(e->p);
530    VG_(free)(e);
532    return 0;
533 }
535 #endif // defined(VGO_linux)
537 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
538 /*--- end                                                          ---*/
539 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/