1Test the DOM Storage quota code. 2 3On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". 4 5 6Testing sessionStorage 7storage.clear() 8PASS storage.length is 0 9Creating 'data' which contains 64K of data 10PASS data.length is 65536 11Putting 'data' into 39 sessionStorage buckets. 12Putting 'data' into another bucket.h 13PASS Insertion worked. 14 15 16Testing localStorage 17storage.clear() 18PASS storage.length is 0 19Creating 'data' which contains 64K of data 20PASS data.length is 65536 21Putting 'data' into 39 localStorage buckets. 22Putting 'data' into another bucket.h 23PASS Hit exception as expected 24Verify that data was never inserted. 25PASS storage.getItem(39) is null 26Removing bucket 38. 27Adding 'Hello!' into a new bucket. 28PASS Insertion worked. 29PASS successfullyParsed is true 30 31TEST COMPLETE 32 33