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1%verify "executed"
2%verify "null object"
3%verify "class cast exception thrown, with correct class name"
4%verify "class cast exception not thrown on same class"
5%verify "class cast exception not thrown on subclass"
6%verify "class not resolved"
7%verify "class already resolved"
8    /*
9     * Check to see if a cast from one class to another is allowed.
10     */
11    /* check-cast vAA, class@BBBB */
12    mov     r3, rINST, lsr #8           @ r3<- AA
13    FETCH(r2, 1)                        @ r2<- BBBB
14    GET_VREG(r9, r3)                    @ r9<- object
15    ldr     r0, [rSELF, #offThread_methodClassDex]    @ r0<- pDvmDex
16    cmp     r9, #0                      @ is object null?
17    ldr     r0, [r0, #offDvmDex_pResClasses]    @ r0<- pDvmDex->pResClasses
18    beq     .L${opcode}_okay            @ null obj, cast always succeeds
19    ldr     r1, [r0, r2, lsl #2]        @ r1<- resolved class
20    ldr     r0, [r9, #offObject_clazz]  @ r0<- obj->clazz
21    cmp     r1, #0                      @ have we resolved this before?
22    beq     .L${opcode}_resolve         @ not resolved, do it now
24    cmp     r0, r1                      @ same class (trivial success)?
25    bne     .L${opcode}_fullcheck       @ no, do full check
27    FETCH_ADVANCE_INST(2)               @ advance rPC, load rINST
28    GET_INST_OPCODE(ip)                 @ extract opcode from rINST
29    GOTO_OPCODE(ip)                     @ jump to next instruction
32    /*
33     * Trivial test failed, need to perform full check.  This is common.
34     *  r0 holds obj->clazz
35     *  r1 holds desired class resolved from BBBB
36     *  r9 holds object
37     */
39    mov     r10, r1                     @ avoid ClassObject getting clobbered
40    bl      dvmInstanceofNonTrivial     @ r0<- boolean result
41    cmp     r0, #0                      @ failed?
42    bne     .L${opcode}_okay            @ no, success
44    @ A cast has failed.  We need to throw a ClassCastException.
45    EXPORT_PC()                         @ about to throw
46    ldr     r0, [r9, #offObject_clazz]  @ r0<- obj->clazz (actual class)
47    mov     r1, r10                     @ r1<- desired class
48    bl      dvmThrowClassCastException
49    b       common_exceptionThrown
51    /*
52     * Resolution required.  This is the least-likely path.
53     *
54     *  r2 holds BBBB
55     *  r9 holds object
56     */
58    EXPORT_PC()                         @ resolve() could throw
59    ldr     r3, [rSELF, #offThread_method] @ r3<- self->method
60    mov     r1, r2                      @ r1<- BBBB
61    mov     r2, #0                      @ r2<- false
62    ldr     r0, [r3, #offMethod_clazz]  @ r0<- method->clazz
63    bl      dvmResolveClass             @ r0<- resolved ClassObject ptr
64    cmp     r0, #0                      @ got null?
65    beq     common_exceptionThrown      @ yes, handle exception
66    mov     r1, r0                      @ r1<- class resolved from BBB
67    ldr     r0, [r9, #offObject_clazz]  @ r0<- obj->clazz
68    b       .L${opcode}_resolved        @ pick up where we left off