1 #!/usr/bin/perl 2 3 # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. 4 # Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (ap@nypop.com) 5 # Copyright (C) 2007 Matt Lilek (pewtermoose@gmail.com) 6 # Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel <eric@webkit.org> 7 # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 8 # Copyright (C) 2009 Andras Becsi (becsi.andras@stud.u-szeged.hu), University of Szeged 9 # 10 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 11 # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 12 # are met: 13 # 14 # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 15 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 16 # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 17 # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the 18 # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 19 # 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of 20 # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 21 # from this software without specific prior written permission. 22 # 23 # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY 24 # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED 25 # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE 26 # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY 27 # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES 28 # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 29 # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND 30 # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT 31 # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF 32 # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 33 34 # Script to run the WebKit Open Source Project layout tests. 35 36 # Run all the tests passed in on the command line. 37 # If no tests are passed, find all the .html, .shtml, .xml, .xhtml, .xhtmlmp, .pl, .php (and svg) files in the test directory. 38 39 # Run each text. 40 # Compare against the existing file xxx-expected.txt. 41 # If there is a mismatch, generate xxx-actual.txt and xxx-diffs.txt. 42 43 # At the end, report: 44 # the number of tests that got the expected results 45 # the number of tests that ran, but did not get the expected results 46 # the number of tests that failed to run 47 # the number of tests that were run but had no expected results to compare against 48 49 use strict; 50 use warnings; 51 52 use CGI; 53 use Config; 54 use Cwd; 55 use Data::Dumper; 56 use Fcntl qw(F_GETFL F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK); 57 use File::Basename; 58 use File::Copy; 59 use File::Find; 60 use File::Path; 61 use File::Spec; 62 use File::Spec::Functions; 63 use File::Temp; 64 use FindBin; 65 use Getopt::Long; 66 use IPC::Open2; 67 use IPC::Open3; 68 use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep); 69 70 use List::Util 'shuffle'; 71 72 use lib $FindBin::Bin; 73 use webkitperl::features; 74 use webkitperl::httpd; 75 use webkitdirs; 76 use VCSUtils; 77 use POSIX; 78 79 sub buildPlatformResultHierarchy(); 80 sub buildPlatformTestHierarchy(@); 81 sub captureSavedCrashLog($$); 82 sub checkPythonVersion(); 83 sub closeCygpaths(); 84 sub closeDumpTool(); 85 sub closeWebSocketServer(); 86 sub configureAndOpenHTTPDIfNeeded(); 87 sub countAndPrintLeaks($$$); 88 sub countFinishedTest($$$$); 89 sub deleteExpectedAndActualResults($); 90 sub dumpToolDidCrash(); 91 sub epiloguesAndPrologues($$); 92 sub expectedDirectoryForTest($;$;$); 93 sub fileNameWithNumber($$); 94 sub findNewestFileMatchingGlob($); 95 sub htmlForResultsSection(\@$&); 96 sub isTextOnlyTest($); 97 sub launchWithEnv(\@\%); 98 sub resolveAndMakeTestResultsDirectory(); 99 sub numericcmp($$); 100 sub openDiffTool(); 101 sub buildDumpTool($); 102 sub openDumpTool(); 103 sub parseLeaksandPrintUniqueLeaks(); 104 sub openWebSocketServerIfNeeded(); 105 sub pathcmp($$); 106 sub printFailureMessageForTest($$); 107 sub processIgnoreTests($$); 108 sub readChecksumFromPng($); 109 sub readFromDumpToolWithTimer(**); 110 sub readSkippedFiles($); 111 sub recordActualResultsAndDiff($$); 112 sub sampleDumpTool(); 113 sub setFileHandleNonBlocking(*$); 114 sub setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving(); 115 sub slowestcmp($$); 116 sub splitpath($); 117 sub stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded(); 118 sub stripExtension($); 119 sub stripMetrics($$); 120 sub testCrashedOrTimedOut($$$$$$); 121 sub toCygwinPath($); 122 sub toURL($); 123 sub toWindowsPath($); 124 sub validateSkippedArg($$;$); 125 sub writeToFile($$); 126 127 # Argument handling 128 my $addPlatformExceptions = 0; 129 my @additionalPlatformDirectories = (); 130 my $complexText = 0; 131 my $exitAfterNFailures = 0; 132 my $exitAfterNCrashesOrTimeouts = 0; 133 my $generateNewResults = isAppleMacWebKit() ? 1 : 0; 134 my $guardMalloc = ''; 135 # FIXME: Dynamic HTTP-port configuration in this file is wrong. The various 136 # apache config files in LayoutTests/http/config govern the port numbers. 137 # Dynamic configuration as-written will also cause random failures in 138 # an IPv6 environment. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37104. 139 my $httpdPort = 8000; 140 my $httpdSSLPort = 8443; 141 my $ignoreMetrics = 0; 142 my $webSocketPort = 8880; 143 # wss is disabled until all platforms support pyOpenSSL. 144 # my $webSocketSecurePort = 9323; 145 my @ignoreTests; 146 my $iterations = 1; 147 my $launchSafari = 1; 148 my $mergeDepth; 149 my $pixelTests = ''; 150 my $platform; 151 my $quiet = ''; 152 my $randomizeTests = 0; 153 my $repeatEach = 1; 154 my $report10Slowest = 0; 155 my $resetResults = 0; 156 my $reverseTests = 0; 157 my $root; 158 my $runSample = 1; 159 my $shouldCheckLeaks = 0; 160 my $showHelp = 0; 161 my $stripEditingCallbacks; 162 my $testHTTP = 1; 163 my $testWebSocket = 1; 164 my $testMedia = 1; 165 my $tmpDir = "/tmp"; 166 my $testResultsDirectory = File::Spec->catdir($tmpDir, "layout-test-results"); 167 my $testsPerDumpTool = 1000; 168 my $threaded = 0; 169 # DumpRenderTree has an internal timeout of 30 seconds, so this must be > 30. 170 my $timeoutSeconds = 35; 171 my $tolerance = 0; 172 my $treatSkipped = "default"; 173 my $useRemoteLinksToTests = 0; 174 my $useValgrind = 0; 175 my $verbose = 0; 176 my $shouldWaitForHTTPD = 0; 177 my $useWebKitTestRunner = 0; 178 my $noBuildDumpTool = 0; 179 180 my @leaksFilenames; 181 182 if (isWindows() || isMsys()) { 183 print "This script has to be run under Cygwin to function correctly.\n"; 184 exit 1; 185 } 186 187 # Default to --no-http for wx for now. 188 $testHTTP = 0 if (isWx()); 189 190 my $perlInterpreter = "perl"; 191 192 my $expectedTag = "expected"; 193 my $mismatchTag = "mismatch"; 194 my $actualTag = "actual"; 195 my $prettyDiffTag = "pretty-diff"; 196 my $diffsTag = "diffs"; 197 my $errorTag = "stderr"; 198 my $crashLogTag = "crash-log"; 199 200 my $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix = "CrashLog"; 201 202 # These are defined here instead of closer to where they are used so that they 203 # will always be accessible from the END block that uses them, even if the user 204 # presses Ctrl-C before Perl has finished evaluating this whole file. 205 my $windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey = "/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug"; 206 my %previousWindowsPostMortemDebuggerValues; 207 208 my $realPlatform; 209 210 my @macPlatforms = ("mac-tiger", "mac-leopard", "mac-snowleopard", "mac"); 211 my @winPlatforms = ("win-xp", "win-vista", "win-7", "win"); 212 213 if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { 214 if (isTiger()) { 215 $platform = "mac-tiger"; 216 $tolerance = 1.0; 217 } elsif (isLeopard()) { 218 $platform = "mac-leopard"; 219 $tolerance = 0.1; 220 } elsif (isSnowLeopard()) { 221 $platform = "mac-snowleopard"; 222 $tolerance = 0.1; 223 } else { 224 $platform = "mac"; 225 } 226 } elsif (isQt()) { 227 if (isDarwin()) { 228 $platform = "qt-mac"; 229 } elsif (isLinux()) { 230 $platform = "qt-linux"; 231 } elsif (isWindows() || isCygwin()) { 232 $platform = "qt-win"; 233 } else { 234 $platform = "qt"; 235 } 236 } elsif (isGtk()) { 237 $platform = "gtk"; 238 } elsif (isWx()) { 239 $platform = "wx"; 240 } elsif (isCygwin() || isWindows()) { 241 if (isWindowsXP()) { 242 $platform = "win-xp"; 243 } elsif (isWindowsVista()) { 244 $platform = "win-vista"; 245 } elsif (isWindows7()) { 246 $platform = "win-7"; 247 } else { 248 $platform = "win"; 249 } 250 } 251 252 if (isQt() || isAppleWinWebKit()) { 253 my $testfontPath = $ENV{"WEBKIT_TESTFONTS"}; 254 if (!$testfontPath || !-d "$testfontPath") { 255 print "The WEBKIT_TESTFONTS environment variable is not defined or not set properly\n"; 256 print "You must set it before running the tests.\n"; 257 print "Use git to grab the actual fonts from http://gitorious.org/qtwebkit/testfonts\n"; 258 exit 1; 259 } 260 } 261 262 if (!defined($platform)) { 263 print "WARNING: Your platform is not recognized. Any platform-specific results will be generated in platform/undefined.\n"; 264 $platform = "undefined"; 265 } 266 267 if (!checkPythonVersion()) { 268 print "WARNING: Your platform does not have Python 2.5+, which is required to run websocket server, so disabling websocket/tests.\n"; 269 $testWebSocket = 0; 270 } 271 272 my $programName = basename($0); 273 my $launchSafariDefault = $launchSafari ? "launch" : "do not launch"; 274 my $httpDefault = $testHTTP ? "run" : "do not run"; 275 my $sampleDefault = $runSample ? "run" : "do not run"; 276 277 my $usage = <<EOF; 278 Usage: $programName [options] [testdir|testpath ...] 279 --add-platform-exceptions Put new results for non-platform-specific failing tests into the platform-specific results directory 280 --additional-platform-directory path/to/directory 281 Look in the specified directory before looking in any of the default platform-specific directories 282 --complex-text Use the complex text code path for all text (Mac OS X and Windows only) 283 -c|--configuration config Set DumpRenderTree build configuration 284 -g|--guard-malloc Enable malloc guard 285 --exit-after-n-failures N Exit after the first N failures (includes crashes) instead of running all tests 286 --exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts N 287 Exit after the first N crashes instead of running all tests 288 -h|--help Show this help message 289 --[no-]http Run (or do not run) http tests (default: $httpDefault) 290 --[no-]wait-for-httpd Wait for httpd if some other test session is using it already (same as WEBKIT_WAIT_FOR_HTTPD=1). (default: $shouldWaitForHTTPD) 291 -i|--ignore-tests Comma-separated list of directories or tests to ignore 292 --iterations n Number of times to run the set of tests (e.g. ABCABCABC) 293 --[no-]launch-safari Launch (or do not launch) Safari to display test results (default: $launchSafariDefault) 294 -l|--leaks Enable leaks checking 295 --[no-]new-test-results Generate results for new tests 296 --nthly n Restart DumpRenderTree every n tests (default: $testsPerDumpTool) 297 -p|--pixel-tests Enable pixel tests 298 --tolerance t Ignore image differences less than this percentage (default: $tolerance) 299 --platform Override the detected platform to use for tests and results (default: $platform) 300 --port Web server port to use with http tests 301 -q|--quiet Less verbose output 302 --reset-results Reset ALL results (including pixel tests if --pixel-tests is set) 303 -o|--results-directory Output results directory (default: $testResultsDirectory) 304 --random Run the tests in a random order 305 --repeat-each n Number of times to run each test (e.g. AAABBBCCC) 306 --reverse Run the tests in reverse alphabetical order 307 --root Path to root tools build 308 --[no-]sample-on-timeout Run sample on timeout (default: $sampleDefault) (Mac OS X only) 309 -1|--singly Isolate each test case run (implies --nthly 1 --verbose) 310 --skipped=[default|ignore|only] Specifies how to treat the Skipped file 311 default: Tests/directories listed in the Skipped file are not tested 312 ignore: The Skipped file is ignored 313 only: Only those tests/directories listed in the Skipped file will be run 314 --slowest Report the 10 slowest tests 315 --ignore-metrics Ignore metrics in tests 316 --[no-]strip-editing-callbacks Remove editing callbacks from expected results 317 -t|--threaded Run a concurrent JavaScript thead with each test 318 --timeout t Sets the number of seconds before a test times out (default: $timeoutSeconds) 319 --valgrind Run DumpRenderTree inside valgrind (Qt/Linux only) 320 -v|--verbose More verbose output (overrides --quiet) 321 -m|--merge-leak-depth arg Merges leak callStacks and prints the number of unique leaks beneath a callstack depth of arg. Defaults to 5. 322 --use-remote-links-to-tests Link to test files within the SVN repository in the results. 323 -2|--webkit-test-runner Use WebKitTestRunner rather than DumpRenderTree. 324 EOF 325 326 setConfiguration(); 327 328 my $getOptionsResult = GetOptions( 329 'add-platform-exceptions' => \$addPlatformExceptions, 330 'additional-platform-directory=s' => \@additionalPlatformDirectories, 331 'complex-text' => \$complexText, 332 'exit-after-n-failures=i' => \$exitAfterNFailures, 333 'exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts=i' => \$exitAfterNCrashesOrTimeouts, 334 'guard-malloc|g' => \$guardMalloc, 335 'help|h' => \$showHelp, 336 'http!' => \$testHTTP, 337 'wait-for-httpd!' => \$shouldWaitForHTTPD, 338 'ignore-metrics!' => \$ignoreMetrics, 339 'ignore-tests|i=s' => \@ignoreTests, 340 'iterations=i' => \$iterations, 341 'launch-safari!' => \$launchSafari, 342 'leaks|l' => \$shouldCheckLeaks, 343 'merge-leak-depth|m:5' => \$mergeDepth, 344 'new-test-results!' => \$generateNewResults, 345 'no-build' => \$noBuildDumpTool, 346 'nthly=i' => \$testsPerDumpTool, 347 'pixel-tests|p' => \$pixelTests, 348 'platform=s' => \$platform, 349 'port=i' => \$httpdPort, 350 'quiet|q' => \$quiet, 351 'random' => \$randomizeTests, 352 'repeat-each=i' => \$repeatEach, 353 'reset-results' => \$resetResults, 354 'results-directory|o=s' => \$testResultsDirectory, 355 'reverse' => \$reverseTests, 356 'root=s' => \$root, 357 'sample-on-timeout!' => \$runSample, 358 'singly|1' => sub { $testsPerDumpTool = 1; }, 359 'skipped=s' => \&validateSkippedArg, 360 'slowest' => \$report10Slowest, 361 'strip-editing-callbacks!' => \$stripEditingCallbacks, 362 'threaded|t' => \$threaded, 363 'timeout=i' => \$timeoutSeconds, 364 'tolerance=f' => \$tolerance, 365 'use-remote-links-to-tests' => \$useRemoteLinksToTests, 366 'valgrind' => \$useValgrind, 367 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, 368 'webkit-test-runner|2' => \$useWebKitTestRunner, 369 ); 370 371 if (!$getOptionsResult || $showHelp) { 372 print STDERR $usage; 373 exit 1; 374 } 375 376 if ($useWebKitTestRunner) { 377 if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { 378 $realPlatform = $platform; 379 $platform = "mac-wk2"; 380 } elsif (isAppleWinWebKit()) { 381 $stripEditingCallbacks = 0 unless defined $stripEditingCallbacks; 382 $realPlatform = $platform; 383 $platform = "win-wk2"; 384 } elsif (isQt()) { 385 $realPlatform = $platform; 386 $platform = "qt-wk2"; 387 } 388 } 389 390 $timeoutSeconds *= 10 if $guardMalloc; 391 392 $stripEditingCallbacks = isCygwin() unless defined $stripEditingCallbacks; 393 394 my $ignoreSkipped = $treatSkipped eq "ignore"; 395 my $skippedOnly = $treatSkipped eq "only"; 396 397 my $configuration = configuration(); 398 399 # We need an environment variable to be able to enable the feature per-slave 400 $shouldWaitForHTTPD = $ENV{"WEBKIT_WAIT_FOR_HTTPD"} unless ($shouldWaitForHTTPD); 401 $verbose = 1 if $testsPerDumpTool == 1; 402 403 if ($shouldCheckLeaks && $testsPerDumpTool > 1000) { 404 print STDERR "\nWARNING: Running more than 1000 tests at a time with MallocStackLogging enabled may cause a crash.\n\n"; 405 } 406 407 # Stack logging does not play well with QuickTime on Tiger (rdar://problem/5537157) 408 $testMedia = 0 if $shouldCheckLeaks && isTiger(); 409 410 # Generating remote links causes a lot of unnecessary spew on GTK build bot 411 $useRemoteLinksToTests = 0 if isGtk(); 412 413 setConfigurationProductDir(Cwd::abs_path($root)) if (defined($root)); 414 my $productDir = productDir(); 415 $productDir .= "/bin" if isQt(); 416 $productDir .= "/Programs" if isGtk(); 417 418 chdirWebKit(); 419 420 if (!defined($root) && !$noBuildDumpTool) { 421 # FIXME: We build both DumpRenderTree and WebKitTestRunner for 422 # WebKitTestRunner runs becuase DumpRenderTree still includes 423 # the DumpRenderTreeSupport module and the TestNetscapePlugin. 424 # These two projects should be factored out into their own 425 # projects. 426 buildDumpTool("DumpRenderTree"); 427 buildDumpTool("WebKitTestRunner") if $useWebKitTestRunner; 428 } 429 430 my $dumpToolName = $useWebKitTestRunner ? "WebKitTestRunner" : "DumpRenderTree"; 431 432 if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { 433 $dumpToolName .= "_debug" if configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_All"; 434 $dumpToolName .= "_debug" if configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_Cairo_CFLite"; 435 $dumpToolName .= $Config{_exe}; 436 } 437 my $dumpTool = File::Spec->catfile($productDir, $dumpToolName); 438 die "can't find executable $dumpToolName (looked in $productDir)\n" unless -x $dumpTool; 439 440 my $imageDiffTool = "$productDir/ImageDiff"; 441 $imageDiffTool .= "_debug" if isCygwin() && configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_All"; 442 $imageDiffTool .= "_debug" if isCygwin() && configurationForVisualStudio() eq "Debug_Cairo_CFLite"; 443 die "can't find executable $imageDiffTool (looked in $productDir)\n" if $pixelTests && !-x $imageDiffTool; 444 445 checkFrameworks() unless isCygwin(); 446 447 if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { 448 push @INC, $productDir; 449 require DumpRenderTreeSupport; 450 } 451 452 my $layoutTestsName = "LayoutTests"; 453 my $testDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs($layoutTestsName); 454 my $expectedDirectory = $testDirectory; 455 my $platformBaseDirectory = catdir($testDirectory, "platform"); 456 my $platformTestDirectory = catdir($platformBaseDirectory, $platform); 457 my @platformResultHierarchy = buildPlatformResultHierarchy(); 458 my @platformTestHierarchy = buildPlatformTestHierarchy(@platformResultHierarchy); 459 460 $expectedDirectory = $ENV{"WebKitExpectedTestResultsDirectory"} if $ENV{"WebKitExpectedTestResultsDirectory"}; 461 462 $testResultsDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs($testResultsDirectory); 463 # $testResultsDirectory must be empty before testing. 464 rmtree $testResultsDirectory; 465 my $testResults = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "results.html"); 466 467 if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { 468 print STDERR "Compiling Java tests\n"; 469 my $javaTestsDirectory = catdir($testDirectory, "java"); 470 471 if (system("/usr/bin/make", "-C", "$javaTestsDirectory")) { 472 exit 1; 473 } 474 } elsif (isCygwin()) { 475 setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving(); 476 } 477 478 print "Running tests from $testDirectory\n"; 479 if ($pixelTests) { 480 print "Enabling pixel tests with a tolerance of $tolerance%\n"; 481 if (isDarwin()) { 482 if (!$useWebKitTestRunner) { 483 print "WARNING: Temporarily changing the main display color profile:\n"; 484 print "\tThe colors on your screen will change for the duration of the testing.\n"; 485 print "\tThis allows the pixel tests to have consistent color values across all machines.\n"; 486 } 487 488 if (isPerianInstalled()) { 489 print "WARNING: Perian's QuickTime component is installed and this may affect pixel test results!\n"; 490 print "\tYou should avoid generating new pixel results in this environment.\n"; 491 print "\tSee https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22615 for details.\n"; 492 } 493 } 494 } 495 496 system "ln", "-s", $testDirectory, "/tmp/LayoutTests" unless -x "/tmp/LayoutTests"; 497 498 my %ignoredFiles = ( "results.html" => 1 ); 499 my %ignoredDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(platform); 500 my %ignoredLocalDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(.svn _svn resources script-tests); 501 my %supportedFileExtensions = map { $_ => 1 } qw(html shtml xml xhtml xhtmlmp pl php); 502 503 if (!checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("MathML", 0)) { 504 $ignoredDirectories{'mathml'} = 1; 505 } 506 507 # FIXME: We should fix webkitperl/features.pm:hasFeature() to do the correct feature detection for Cygwin. 508 if (checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("SVG", 0)) { 509 $supportedFileExtensions{'svg'} = 1; 510 } elsif (isCygwin()) { 511 $supportedFileExtensions{'svg'} = 1; 512 } else { 513 $ignoredLocalDirectories{'svg'} = 1; 514 } 515 516 if (!$testHTTP) { 517 $ignoredDirectories{'http'} = 1; 518 $ignoredDirectories{'websocket'} = 1; 519 } 520 if (!$testWebSocket) { 521 $ignoredDirectories{'websocket'} = 1; 522 } 523 524 if (!$testMedia) { 525 $ignoredDirectories{'media'} = 1; 526 $ignoredDirectories{'http/tests/media'} = 1; 527 } 528 529 my $supportedFeaturesResult = ""; 530 531 if (isCygwin()) { 532 # Collect supported features list 533 setPathForRunningWebKitApp(\%ENV); 534 my $supportedFeaturesCommand = "\"$dumpTool\" --print-supported-features 2>&1"; 535 $supportedFeaturesResult = `$supportedFeaturesCommand 2>&1`; 536 } 537 538 my $hasAcceleratedCompositing = 0; 539 my $has3DRendering = 0; 540 541 if (isCygwin()) { 542 $hasAcceleratedCompositing = $supportedFeaturesResult =~ /AcceleratedCompositing/; 543 $has3DRendering = $supportedFeaturesResult =~ /3DRendering/; 544 } else { 545 $hasAcceleratedCompositing = checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("Accelerated Compositing", 0); 546 $has3DRendering = checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("3D Rendering", 0); 547 } 548 549 if (!$hasAcceleratedCompositing) { 550 $ignoredDirectories{'compositing'} = 1; 551 552 # This test has slightly different floating-point rounding when accelerated 553 # compositing is enabled. 554 $ignoredFiles{'svg/custom/use-on-symbol-inside-pattern.svg'} = 1; 555 556 # This test has an iframe that is put in a layer only in compositing mode. 557 $ignoredFiles{'media/media-document-audio-repaint.html'} = 1; 558 559 if (isAppleWebKit()) { 560 # In Apple's ports, the default controls for <video> contain a "full 561 # screen" button only if accelerated compositing is enabled. 562 $ignoredFiles{'media/controls-after-reload.html'} = 1; 563 $ignoredFiles{'media/controls-drag-timebar.html'} = 1; 564 $ignoredFiles{'media/controls-strict.html'} = 1; 565 $ignoredFiles{'media/controls-styling.html'} = 1; 566 $ignoredFiles{'media/controls-without-preload.html'} = 1; 567 $ignoredFiles{'media/video-controls-rendering.html'} = 1; 568 $ignoredFiles{'media/video-display-toggle.html'} = 1; 569 $ignoredFiles{'media/video-no-audio.html'} = 1; 570 } 571 572 # Here we're using !$hasAcceleratedCompositing as a proxy for "is a headless XP machine" (like 573 # our test slaves). Headless XP machines can neither support accelerated compositing nor pass 574 # this test, so skipping the test here is expedient, if a little sloppy. See 575 # <http://webkit.org/b/48333>. 576 $ignoredFiles{'platform/win/plugins/npn-invalidate-rect-invalidates-window.html'} = 1 if isAppleWinWebKit(); 577 } 578 579 if (!$has3DRendering) { 580 $ignoredDirectories{'animations/3d'} = 1; 581 $ignoredDirectories{'transforms/3d'} = 1; 582 583 # These tests use the -webkit-transform-3d media query. 584 $ignoredFiles{'fast/media/mq-transform-02.html'} = 1; 585 $ignoredFiles{'fast/media/mq-transform-03.html'} = 1; 586 } 587 588 if (!checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("3D Canvas", 0)) { 589 $ignoredDirectories{'fast/canvas/webgl'} = 1; 590 $ignoredDirectories{'compositing/webgl'} = 1; 591 $ignoredDirectories{'http/tests/canvas/webgl'} = 1; 592 } 593 594 if (checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("WML", 0)) { 595 $supportedFileExtensions{'wml'} = 1; 596 } else { 597 $ignoredDirectories{'http/tests/wml'} = 1; 598 $ignoredDirectories{'fast/wml'} = 1; 599 $ignoredDirectories{'wml'} = 1; 600 } 601 602 if (!checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("WCSS", 0)) { 603 $ignoredDirectories{'fast/wcss'} = 1; 604 } 605 606 if (!checkWebCoreFeatureSupport("XHTMLMP", 0)) { 607 $ignoredDirectories{'fast/xhtmlmp'} = 1; 608 } 609 610 if (isAppleMacWebKit() && $platform ne "mac-wk2" && osXVersion()->{minor} >= 6 && architecture() =~ /x86_64/) { 611 # This test relies on executing JavaScript during NPP_Destroy, which isn't supported with 612 # out-of-process plugins in WebKit1. See <http://webkit.org/b/58077>. 613 $ignoredFiles{'plugins/npp-set-window-called-during-destruction.html'} = 1; 614 } 615 616 processIgnoreTests(join(',', @ignoreTests), "ignore-tests") if @ignoreTests; 617 if (!$ignoreSkipped) { 618 if (!$skippedOnly || @ARGV == 0) { 619 readSkippedFiles(""); 620 } else { 621 # Since readSkippedFiles() appends to @ARGV, we must use a foreach 622 # loop so that we only iterate over the original argument list. 623 foreach my $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) { 624 readSkippedFiles(shift @ARGV); 625 } 626 } 627 } 628 629 my @tests = findTestsToRun(); 630 631 die "no tests to run\n" if !@tests; 632 633 my %counts; 634 my %tests; 635 my %imagesPresent; 636 my %imageDifferences; 637 my %durations; 638 my $count = 0; 639 my $leaksOutputFileNumber = 1; 640 my $totalLeaks = 0; 641 642 my @toolArgs = (); 643 push @toolArgs, "--pixel-tests" if $pixelTests; 644 push @toolArgs, "--threaded" if $threaded; 645 push @toolArgs, "--complex-text" if $complexText; 646 push @toolArgs, "-"; 647 648 my @diffToolArgs = (); 649 push @diffToolArgs, "--tolerance", $tolerance; 650 651 $| = 1; 652 653 my $dumpToolPID; 654 my $isDumpToolOpen = 0; 655 my $dumpToolCrashed = 0; 656 my $imageDiffToolPID; 657 my $isDiffToolOpen = 0; 658 659 my $atLineStart = 1; 660 my $lastDirectory = ""; 661 662 my $isHttpdOpen = 0; 663 my $isWebSocketServerOpen = 0; 664 my $webSocketServerPidFile = 0; 665 my $failedToStartWebSocketServer = 0; 666 # wss is disabled until all platforms support pyOpenSSL. 667 # my $webSocketSecureServerPID = 0; 668 669 sub catch_pipe { $dumpToolCrashed = 1; } 670 $SIG{"PIPE"} = "catch_pipe"; 671 672 print "Testing ", scalar @tests, " test cases"; 673 print " $iterations times" if ($iterations > 1); 674 print ", repeating each test $repeatEach times" if ($repeatEach > 1); 675 print ".\n"; 676 677 my $overallStartTime = time; 678 679 my %expectedResultPaths; 680 681 my @originalTests = @tests; 682 # Add individual test repetitions 683 if ($repeatEach > 1) { 684 @tests = (); 685 foreach my $test (@originalTests) { 686 for (my $i = 0; $i < $repeatEach; $i++) { 687 push(@tests, $test); 688 } 689 } 690 } 691 # Add test set repetitions 692 for (my $i = 1; $i < $iterations; $i++) { 693 push(@tests, @originalTests); 694 } 695 696 my $absTestResultsDirectory = resolveAndMakeTestResultsDirectory(); 697 open my $tests_run_fh, '>', "$absTestResultsDirectory/tests_run.txt" or die $!; 698 699 for my $test (@tests) { 700 my $newDumpTool = not $isDumpToolOpen; 701 openDumpTool(); 702 703 my $base = stripExtension($test); 704 my $expectedExtension = ".txt"; 705 706 my $dir = $base; 707 $dir =~ s|/[^/]+$||; 708 709 if ($newDumpTool || $dir ne $lastDirectory) { 710 foreach my $logue (epiloguesAndPrologues($newDumpTool ? "" : $lastDirectory, $dir)) { 711 if (isCygwin()) { 712 $logue = toWindowsPath($logue); 713 } else { 714 $logue = canonpath($logue); 715 } 716 if ($verbose) { 717 print "running epilogue or prologue $logue\n"; 718 } 719 print OUT "$logue\n"; 720 # Throw away output from DumpRenderTree. 721 # Once for the test output and once for pixel results (empty) 722 while (<IN>) { 723 last if /#EOF/; 724 } 725 while (<IN>) { 726 last if /#EOF/; 727 } 728 } 729 } 730 731 if ($verbose) { 732 print "running $test -> "; 733 $atLineStart = 0; 734 } elsif (!$quiet) { 735 if ($dir ne $lastDirectory) { 736 print "\n" unless $atLineStart; 737 print "$dir "; 738 } 739 print "."; 740 $atLineStart = 0; 741 } 742 743 $lastDirectory = $dir; 744 745 my $result; 746 747 my $startTime = time if $report10Slowest; 748 749 print $tests_run_fh "$testDirectory/$test\n"; 750 751 # Try to read expected hash file for pixel tests 752 my $suffixExpectedHash = ""; 753 if ($pixelTests && !$resetResults) { 754 my $expectedPixelDir = expectedDirectoryForTest($base, 0, "png"); 755 if (open EXPECTEDHASH, File::Spec->catfile($expectedPixelDir, "$base-$expectedTag.checksum")) { 756 my $expectedHash = <EXPECTEDHASH>; 757 chomp($expectedHash); 758 close EXPECTEDHASH; 759 760 # Format expected hash into a suffix string that is appended to the path / URL passed to DRT 761 $suffixExpectedHash = "'$expectedHash"; 762 } elsif (my $expectedHash = readChecksumFromPng(File::Spec->catfile($expectedPixelDir, "$base-$expectedTag.png"))) { 763 $suffixExpectedHash = "'$expectedHash"; 764 } 765 } 766 767 if ($test =~ /^http\//) { 768 configureAndOpenHTTPDIfNeeded(); 769 if ($test =~ /^http\/tests\/websocket\//) { 770 if ($test =~ /^websocket\/tests\/local\//) { 771 my $testPath = "$testDirectory/$test"; 772 if (isCygwin()) { 773 $testPath = toWindowsPath($testPath); 774 } else { 775 $testPath = canonpath($testPath); 776 } 777 print OUT "$testPath\n"; 778 } else { 779 if (openWebSocketServerIfNeeded()) { 780 my $path = canonpath($test); 781 if ($test =~ /^http\/tests\/websocket\/tests\/ssl\//) { 782 # wss is disabled until all platforms support pyOpenSSL. 783 print STDERR "Error: wss is disabled until all platforms support pyOpenSSL."; 784 } else { 785 $path =~ s/^http\/tests\///; 786 print OUT "$httpdPort/$path\n"; 787 } 788 } else { 789 # We failed to launch the WebSocket server. Display a useful error message rather than attempting 790 # to run tests that expect the server to be available. 791 my $errorMessagePath = "$testDirectory/http/tests/websocket/resources/server-failed-to-start.html"; 792 $errorMessagePath = isCygwin() ? toWindowsPath($errorMessagePath) : canonpath($errorMessagePath); 793 print OUT "$errorMessagePath\n"; 794 } 795 } 796 } elsif ($test !~ /^http\/tests\/local\// && $test !~ /^http\/tests\/ssl\// && $test !~ /^http\/tests\/wml\//) { 797 my $path = canonpath($test); 798 $path =~ s/^http\/tests\///; 799 print OUT "$httpdPort/$path$suffixExpectedHash\n"; 800 } elsif ($test =~ /^http\/tests\/ssl\//) { 801 my $path = canonpath($test); 802 $path =~ s/^http\/tests\///; 803 print OUT "$httpdSSLPort/$path$suffixExpectedHash\n"; 804 } else { 805 my $testPath = "$testDirectory/$test"; 806 if (isCygwin()) { 807 $testPath = toWindowsPath($testPath); 808 } else { 809 $testPath = canonpath($testPath); 810 } 811 print OUT "$testPath$suffixExpectedHash\n"; 812 } 813 } else { 814 my $testPath = "$testDirectory/$test"; 815 if (isCygwin()) { 816 $testPath = toWindowsPath($testPath); 817 } else { 818 $testPath = canonpath($testPath); 819 } 820 print OUT "$testPath$suffixExpectedHash\n" if defined $testPath; 821 } 822 823 # DumpRenderTree is expected to dump two "blocks" to stdout for each test. 824 # Each block is terminated by a #EOF on a line by itself. 825 # The first block is the output of the test (in text, RenderTree or other formats). 826 # The second block is for optional pixel data in PNG format, and may be empty if 827 # pixel tests are not being run, or the test does not dump pixels (e.g. text tests). 828 my $readResults = readFromDumpToolWithTimer(IN, ERROR); 829 830 my $actual = $readResults->{output}; 831 my $error = $readResults->{error}; 832 833 $expectedExtension = $readResults->{extension}; 834 my $expectedFileName = "$base-$expectedTag.$expectedExtension"; 835 836 my $isText = isTextOnlyTest($actual); 837 838 my $expectedDir = expectedDirectoryForTest($base, $isText, $expectedExtension); 839 $expectedResultPaths{$base} = File::Spec->catfile($expectedDir, $expectedFileName); 840 841 unless ($readResults->{status} eq "success") { 842 my $crashed = $readResults->{status} eq "crashed"; 843 my $webProcessCrashed = $readResults->{status} eq "webProcessCrashed"; 844 testCrashedOrTimedOut($test, $base, $crashed, $webProcessCrashed, $actual, $error); 845 countFinishedTest($test, $base, $webProcessCrashed ? "webProcessCrash" : $crashed ? "crash" : "timedout", 0); 846 last if stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded(); 847 next; 848 } 849 850 $durations{$test} = time - $startTime if $report10Slowest; 851 852 my $expected; 853 854 if (!$resetResults && open EXPECTED, "<", $expectedResultPaths{$base}) { 855 $expected = ""; 856 while (<EXPECTED>) { 857 next if $stripEditingCallbacks && $_ =~ /^EDITING DELEGATE:/; 858 $expected .= $_; 859 } 860 close EXPECTED; 861 } 862 863 if ($ignoreMetrics && !$isText && defined $expected) { 864 ($actual, $expected) = stripMetrics($actual, $expected); 865 } 866 867 if ($shouldCheckLeaks && $testsPerDumpTool == 1) { 868 print " $test -> "; 869 } 870 871 my $actualPNG = ""; 872 my $diffPNG = ""; 873 my $diffPercentage = 0; 874 my $diffResult = "passed"; 875 876 my $actualHash = ""; 877 my $expectedHash = ""; 878 my $actualPNGSize = 0; 879 880 while (<IN>) { 881 last if /#EOF/; 882 if (/ActualHash: ([a-f0-9]{32})/) { 883 $actualHash = $1; 884 } elsif (/ExpectedHash: ([a-f0-9]{32})/) { 885 $expectedHash = $1; 886 } elsif (/Content-Length: (\d+)\s*/) { 887 $actualPNGSize = $1; 888 read(IN, $actualPNG, $actualPNGSize); 889 } 890 } 891 892 if ($verbose && $pixelTests && !$resetResults && $actualPNGSize) { 893 if ($actualHash eq "" && $expectedHash eq "") { 894 printFailureMessageForTest($test, "WARNING: actual & expected pixel hashes are missing!"); 895 } elsif ($actualHash eq "") { 896 printFailureMessageForTest($test, "WARNING: actual pixel hash is missing!"); 897 } elsif ($expectedHash eq "") { 898 printFailureMessageForTest($test, "WARNING: expected pixel hash is missing!"); 899 } 900 } 901 902 if ($actualPNGSize > 0) { 903 my $expectedPixelDir = expectedDirectoryForTest($base, 0, "png"); 904 my $expectedPNGPath = File::Spec->catfile($expectedPixelDir, "$base-$expectedTag.png"); 905 906 if (!$resetResults && ($expectedHash ne $actualHash || ($actualHash eq "" && $expectedHash eq ""))) { 907 if (-f $expectedPNGPath) { 908 my $expectedPNGSize = -s $expectedPNGPath; 909 my $expectedPNG = ""; 910 open EXPECTEDPNG, $expectedPNGPath; 911 read(EXPECTEDPNG, $expectedPNG, $expectedPNGSize); 912 913 openDiffTool(); 914 print DIFFOUT "Content-Length: $actualPNGSize\n"; 915 print DIFFOUT $actualPNG; 916 917 print DIFFOUT "Content-Length: $expectedPNGSize\n"; 918 print DIFFOUT $expectedPNG; 919 920 while (<DIFFIN>) { 921 last if /^error/ || /^diff:/; 922 if (/Content-Length: (\d+)\s*/) { 923 read(DIFFIN, $diffPNG, $1); 924 } 925 } 926 927 if (/^diff: (.+)% (passed|failed)/) { 928 $diffPercentage = $1 + 0; 929 $imageDifferences{$base} = $diffPercentage; 930 $diffResult = $2; 931 } 932 933 if (!$diffPercentage) { 934 printFailureMessageForTest($test, "pixel hash failed (but pixel test still passes)"); 935 } 936 } elsif ($verbose) { 937 printFailureMessageForTest($test, "WARNING: expected image is missing!"); 938 } 939 } 940 941 if ($resetResults || !-f $expectedPNGPath) { 942 mkpath catfile($expectedPixelDir, dirname($base)) if $testDirectory ne $expectedPixelDir; 943 writeToFile($expectedPNGPath, $actualPNG); 944 } 945 946 my $expectedChecksumPath = File::Spec->catfile($expectedPixelDir, "$base-$expectedTag.checksum"); 947 if ($actualHash ne "" && ($resetResults || !-f $expectedChecksumPath)) { 948 writeToFile($expectedChecksumPath, $actualHash); 949 } 950 } 951 952 if (dumpToolDidCrash()) { 953 $result = "crash"; 954 testCrashedOrTimedOut($test, $base, 1, 0, $actual, $error); 955 } elsif (!defined $expected) { 956 if ($verbose) { 957 print "new " . ($resetResults ? "result" : "test"); 958 } 959 $result = "new"; 960 961 if ($generateNewResults || $resetResults) { 962 mkpath catfile($expectedDir, dirname($base)) if $testDirectory ne $expectedDir; 963 writeToFile("$expectedDir/$expectedFileName", $actual); 964 } 965 deleteExpectedAndActualResults($base); 966 recordActualResultsAndDiff($base, $actual); 967 if (!$resetResults) { 968 # Always print the file name for new tests, as they will probably need some manual inspection. 969 # in verbose mode we already printed the test case, so no need to do it again. 970 unless ($verbose) { 971 print "\n" unless $atLineStart; 972 print "$test -> "; 973 } 974 my $resultsDir = catdir($expectedDir, dirname($base)); 975 if (!$verbose) { 976 print "new"; 977 } 978 if ($generateNewResults) { 979 print " (results generated in $resultsDir)"; 980 } 981 print "\n" unless $atLineStart; 982 $atLineStart = 1; 983 } 984 } elsif ($actual eq $expected && $diffResult eq "passed") { 985 if ($verbose) { 986 print "succeeded\n"; 987 $atLineStart = 1; 988 } 989 $result = "match"; 990 deleteExpectedAndActualResults($base); 991 } else { 992 $result = "mismatch"; 993 994 my $pixelTestFailed = $pixelTests && $diffPNG && $diffPNG ne ""; 995 my $testFailed = $actual ne $expected; 996 997 my $message = !$testFailed ? "pixel test failed" : "failed"; 998 999 if (($testFailed || $pixelTestFailed) && $addPlatformExceptions) { 1000 my $testBase = catfile($testDirectory, $base); 1001 my $expectedBase = catfile($expectedDir, $base); 1002 my $testIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific = $testBase =~ m|^\Q$platformTestDirectory\E/|; 1003 my $expectedResultIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific = $expectedBase =~ m|^\Q$platformTestDirectory\E/|; 1004 if (!$testIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific && !$expectedResultIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific) { 1005 mkpath catfile($platformTestDirectory, dirname($base)); 1006 if ($testFailed) { 1007 my $expectedFile = catfile($platformTestDirectory, "$expectedFileName"); 1008 writeToFile("$expectedFile", $actual); 1009 } 1010 if ($pixelTestFailed) { 1011 my $expectedFile = catfile($platformTestDirectory, "$base-$expectedTag.checksum"); 1012 writeToFile("$expectedFile", $actualHash); 1013 1014 $expectedFile = catfile($platformTestDirectory, "$base-$expectedTag.png"); 1015 writeToFile("$expectedFile", $actualPNG); 1016 } 1017 $message .= " (results generated in $platformTestDirectory)"; 1018 } 1019 } 1020 1021 printFailureMessageForTest($test, $message); 1022 1023 my $dir = "$testResultsDirectory/$base"; 1024 $dir =~ s|/([^/]+)$|| or die "Failed to find test name from base\n"; 1025 my $testName = $1; 1026 mkpath $dir; 1027 1028 deleteExpectedAndActualResults($base); 1029 recordActualResultsAndDiff($base, $actual); 1030 1031 if ($pixelTestFailed) { 1032 $imagesPresent{$base} = 1; 1033 1034 writeToFile("$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.png", $actualPNG); 1035 writeToFile("$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.png", $diffPNG); 1036 1037 my $expectedPixelDir = expectedDirectoryForTest($base, 0, "png"); 1038 copy("$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.png", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$expectedTag.png"); 1039 1040 open DIFFHTML, ">$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.html" or die; 1041 print DIFFHTML "<html>\n"; 1042 print DIFFHTML "<head>\n"; 1043 print DIFFHTML "<title>$base Image Compare</title>\n"; 1044 print DIFFHTML "<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; 1045 print DIFFHTML "var currentImage = 0;\n"; 1046 print DIFFHTML "var imageNames = new Array(\"Actual\", \"Expected\");\n"; 1047 print DIFFHTML "var imagePaths = new Array(\"$testName-$actualTag.png\", \"$testName-$expectedTag.png\");\n"; 1048 if (-f "$testDirectory/$base-w3c.png") { 1049 copy("$testDirectory/$base-w3c.png", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-w3c.png"); 1050 print DIFFHTML "imageNames.push(\"W3C\");\n"; 1051 print DIFFHTML "imagePaths.push(\"$testName-w3c.png\");\n"; 1052 } 1053 print DIFFHTML "function animateImage() {\n"; 1054 print DIFFHTML " var image = document.getElementById(\"animatedImage\");\n"; 1055 print DIFFHTML " var imageText = document.getElementById(\"imageText\");\n"; 1056 print DIFFHTML " image.src = imagePaths[currentImage];\n"; 1057 print DIFFHTML " imageText.innerHTML = imageNames[currentImage] + \" Image\";\n"; 1058 print DIFFHTML " currentImage = (currentImage + 1) % imageNames.length;\n"; 1059 print DIFFHTML " setTimeout('animateImage()',2000);\n"; 1060 print DIFFHTML "}\n"; 1061 print DIFFHTML "</script>\n"; 1062 print DIFFHTML "</head>\n"; 1063 print DIFFHTML "<body onLoad=\"animateImage();\">\n"; 1064 print DIFFHTML "<table>\n"; 1065 if ($diffPercentage) { 1066 print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n"; 1067 print DIFFHTML "<td>Difference between images: <a href=\"$testName-$diffsTag.png\">$diffPercentage%</a></td>\n"; 1068 print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n"; 1069 } 1070 print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n"; 1071 print DIFFHTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">test file</a></td>\n"; 1072 print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n"; 1073 print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n"; 1074 print DIFFHTML "<td id=\"imageText\" style=\"text-weight: bold;\">Actual Image</td>\n"; 1075 print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n"; 1076 print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n"; 1077 print DIFFHTML "<td><img src=\"$testName-$actualTag.png\" id=\"animatedImage\"></td>\n"; 1078 print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n"; 1079 print DIFFHTML "</table>\n"; 1080 print DIFFHTML "</body>\n"; 1081 print DIFFHTML "</html>\n"; 1082 } 1083 } 1084 1085 if ($error) { 1086 my $dir = dirname(File::Spec->catdir($testResultsDirectory, $base)); 1087 mkpath $dir; 1088 1089 writeToFile(File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$errorTag.txt"), $error); 1090 1091 $counts{error}++; 1092 push @{$tests{error}}, $test; 1093 } 1094 1095 countFinishedTest($test, $base, $result, $isText); 1096 last if stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded(); 1097 } 1098 1099 close($tests_run_fh); 1100 1101 my $totalTestingTime = time - $overallStartTime; 1102 my $waitTime = getWaitTime(); 1103 if ($waitTime > 0.1) { 1104 my $normalizedTestingTime = $totalTestingTime - $waitTime; 1105 printf "\n%0.2fs HTTPD waiting time\n", $waitTime . ""; 1106 printf "%0.2fs normalized testing time", $normalizedTestingTime . ""; 1107 } 1108 printf "\n%0.2fs total testing time\n", $totalTestingTime . ""; 1109 1110 !$isDumpToolOpen || die "Failed to close $dumpToolName.\n"; 1111 1112 $isHttpdOpen = !closeHTTPD(); 1113 closeWebSocketServer(); 1114 1115 # Because multiple instances of this script are running concurrently we cannot 1116 # safely delete this symlink. 1117 # system "rm /tmp/LayoutTests"; 1118 1119 # FIXME: Do we really want to check the image-comparison tool for leaks every time? 1120 if ($isDiffToolOpen && $shouldCheckLeaks) { 1121 $totalLeaks += countAndPrintLeaks("ImageDiff", $imageDiffToolPID, "$testResultsDirectory/ImageDiff-leaks.txt"); 1122 } 1123 1124 if ($totalLeaks) { 1125 if ($mergeDepth) { 1126 parseLeaksandPrintUniqueLeaks(); 1127 } else { 1128 print "\nWARNING: $totalLeaks total leaks found!\n"; 1129 print "See above for individual leaks results.\n" if ($leaksOutputFileNumber > 2); 1130 } 1131 } 1132 1133 close IN; 1134 close OUT; 1135 close ERROR; 1136 1137 if ($report10Slowest) { 1138 print "\n\nThe 10 slowest tests:\n\n"; 1139 my $count = 0; 1140 for my $test (sort slowestcmp keys %durations) { 1141 printf "%0.2f secs: %s\n", $durations{$test}, $test; 1142 last if ++$count == 10; 1143 } 1144 } 1145 1146 print "\n"; 1147 1148 if ($skippedOnly && $counts{"match"}) { 1149 print "The following tests are in the Skipped file (" . File::Spec->abs2rel("$platformTestDirectory/Skipped", $testDirectory) . "), but succeeded:\n"; 1150 foreach my $test (@{$tests{"match"}}) { 1151 print " $test\n"; 1152 } 1153 } 1154 1155 if ($resetResults || ($counts{match} && $counts{match} == $count)) { 1156 print "all $count test cases succeeded\n"; 1157 unlink $testResults; 1158 exit; 1159 } 1160 1161 printResults(); 1162 1163 mkpath $testResultsDirectory; 1164 1165 open HTML, ">", $testResults or die "Failed to open $testResults. $!"; 1166 print HTML "<html>\n"; 1167 print HTML "<head>\n"; 1168 print HTML "<title>Layout Test Results</title>\n"; 1169 print HTML "</head>\n"; 1170 print HTML "<body>\n"; 1171 1172 if ($ignoreMetrics) { 1173 print HTML "<h4>Tested with metrics ignored.</h4>"; 1174 } 1175 1176 print HTML htmlForResultsSection(@{$tests{mismatch}}, "Tests where results did not match expected results", \&linksForMismatchTest); 1177 print HTML htmlForResultsSection(@{$tests{timedout}}, "Tests that timed out", \&linksForErrorTest); 1178 print HTML htmlForResultsSection(@{$tests{crash}}, "Tests that caused the DumpRenderTree tool to crash", \&linksForErrorTest); 1179 print HTML htmlForResultsSection(@{$tests{webProcessCrash}}, "Tests that caused the Web process to crash", \&linksForErrorTest); 1180 print HTML htmlForResultsSection(@{$tests{error}}, "Tests that had stderr output", \&linksForErrorTest); 1181 print HTML htmlForResultsSection(@{$tests{new}}, "Tests that had no expected results (probably new)", \&linksForNewTest); 1182 1183 print HTML "<p>httpd access log: <a href=\"access_log.txt\">access_log.txt</a></p>\n"; 1184 print HTML "<p>httpd error log: <a href=\"error_log.txt\">error_log.txt</a></p>\n"; 1185 1186 print HTML "</body>\n"; 1187 print HTML "</html>\n"; 1188 close HTML; 1189 1190 my @configurationArgs = argumentsForConfiguration(); 1191 1192 if (isGtk()) { 1193 system "Tools/Scripts/run-launcher", @configurationArgs, "file://".$testResults if $launchSafari; 1194 } elsif (isQt()) { 1195 unshift @configurationArgs, qw(-graphicssystem raster -style windows); 1196 if (isCygwin()) { 1197 $testResults = "/" . toWindowsPath($testResults); 1198 $testResults =~ s/\\/\//g; 1199 } 1200 push(@configurationArgs, '-2') if $useWebKitTestRunner; 1201 system "Tools/Scripts/run-launcher", @configurationArgs, "file://".$testResults if $launchSafari; 1202 } elsif (isCygwin()) { 1203 system "cygstart", $testResults if $launchSafari; 1204 } elsif (isWindows()) { 1205 system "start", $testResults if $launchSafari; 1206 } else { 1207 system "Tools/Scripts/run-safari", @configurationArgs, "-NSOpen", $testResults if $launchSafari; 1208 } 1209 1210 closeCygpaths() if isCygwin(); 1211 1212 exit 1; 1213 1214 sub countAndPrintLeaks($$$) 1215 { 1216 my ($dumpToolName, $dumpToolPID, $leaksFilePath) = @_; 1217 1218 print "\n" unless $atLineStart; 1219 $atLineStart = 1; 1220 1221 # We are excluding the following reported leaks so they don't get in our way when looking for WebKit leaks: 1222 # This allows us ignore known leaks and only be alerted when new leaks occur. Some leaks are in the old 1223 # versions of the system frameworks that are being used by the leaks bots. Even though a leak has been 1224 # fixed, it will be listed here until the bot has been updated with the newer frameworks. 1225 1226 my @typesToExclude = ( 1227 ); 1228 1229 my @callStacksToExclude = ( 1230 "Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity" # leaks in Flash plug-in code, rdar://problem/4449747 1231 ); 1232 1233 if (isTiger()) { 1234 # Leak list for the version of Tiger used on the build bot. 1235 push @callStacksToExclude, ( 1236 "CFRunLoopRunSpecific \\| malloc_zone_malloc", "CFRunLoopRunSpecific \\| CFAllocatorAllocate ", # leak in CFRunLoopRunSpecific, rdar://problem/4670839 1237 "CGImageSourceGetPropertiesAtIndex", # leak in ImageIO, rdar://problem/4628809 1238 "FOGetCoveredUnicodeChars", # leak in ATS, rdar://problem/3943604 1239 "GetLineDirectionPreference", "InitUnicodeUtilities", # leaks tool falsely reporting leak in CFNotificationCenterAddObserver, rdar://problem/4964790 1240 "ICCFPrefWrapper::GetPrefDictionary", # leaks in Internet Config. code, rdar://problem/4449794 1241 "NSHTTPURLProtocol setResponseHeader:", # leak in multipart/mixed-replace handling in Foundation, no Radar, but fixed in Leopard 1242 "NSURLCache cachedResponseForRequest", # leak in CFURL cache, rdar://problem/4768430 1243 "PCFragPrepareClosureFromFile", # leak in Code Fragment Manager, rdar://problem/3426998 1244 "WebCore::Selection::toRange", # bug in 'leaks', rdar://problem/4967949 1245 "WebCore::SubresourceLoader::create", # bug in 'leaks', rdar://problem/4985806 1246 "_CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary", # leak in CFPreferences, rdar://problem/4220786 1247 "_objc_msgForward", # leak in NSSpellChecker, rdar://problem/4965278 1248 "gldGetString", # leak in OpenGL, rdar://problem/5013699 1249 "_setDefaultUserInfoFromURL", # leak in NSHTTPAuthenticator, rdar://problem/5546453 1250 "SSLHandshake", # leak in SSL, rdar://problem/5546440 1251 "SecCertificateCreateFromData", # leak in SSL code, rdar://problem/4464397 1252 ); 1253 push @typesToExclude, ( 1254 "THRD", # bug in 'leaks', rdar://problem/3387783 1255 "DRHT", # ditto (endian little hate i) 1256 ); 1257 } 1258 1259 if (isLeopard()) { 1260 # Leak list for the version of Leopard used on the build bot. 1261 push @callStacksToExclude, ( 1262 "CFHTTPMessageAppendBytes", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5435912 1263 "sendDidReceiveDataCallback", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5441619 1264 "_CFHTTPReadStreamReadMark", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5441468 1265 "httpProtocolStart", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5468837 1266 "_CFURLConnectionSendCallbacks", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5441600 1267 "DispatchQTMsg", # leak in QuickTime, PPC only, rdar://problem/5667132 1268 "QTMovieContentView createVisualContext", # leak in QuickTime, PPC only, rdar://problem/5667132 1269 "_CopyArchitecturesForJVMVersion", # leak in Java, rdar://problem/5910823 1270 ); 1271 } 1272 1273 if (isSnowLeopard()) { 1274 push @callStacksToExclude, ( 1275 "readMakerNoteProps", # <rdar://problem/7156432> leak in ImageIO 1276 "QTKitMovieControllerView completeUISetup", # <rdar://problem/7155156> leak in QTKit 1277 "getVMInitArgs", # <rdar://problem/7714444> leak in Java 1278 "Java_java_lang_System_initProperties", # <rdar://problem/7714465> leak in Java 1279 "glrCompExecuteKernel", # <rdar://problem/7815391> leak in graphics driver while using OpenGL 1280 "NSNumberFormatter getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:", # <rdar://problem/7149350> Leak in NSNumberFormatter 1281 ); 1282 } 1283 1284 my $leaksTool = sourceDir() . "/Tools/Scripts/run-leaks"; 1285 my $excludeString = "--exclude-callstack '" . (join "' --exclude-callstack '", @callStacksToExclude) . "'"; 1286 $excludeString .= " --exclude-type '" . (join "' --exclude-type '", @typesToExclude) . "'" if @typesToExclude; 1287 1288 print " ? checking for leaks in $dumpToolName\n"; 1289 my $leaksOutput = `$leaksTool $excludeString $dumpToolPID`; 1290 my ($count, $bytes) = $leaksOutput =~ /Process $dumpToolPID: (\d+) leaks? for (\d+) total/; 1291 my ($excluded) = $leaksOutput =~ /(\d+) leaks? excluded/; 1292 1293 my $adjustedCount = $count; 1294 $adjustedCount -= $excluded if $excluded; 1295 1296 if (!$adjustedCount) { 1297 print " - no leaks found\n"; 1298 unlink $leaksFilePath; 1299 return 0; 1300 } else { 1301 my $dir = $leaksFilePath; 1302 $dir =~ s|/[^/]+$|| or die; 1303 mkpath $dir; 1304 1305 if ($excluded) { 1306 print " + $adjustedCount leaks ($bytes bytes including $excluded excluded leaks) were found, details in $leaksFilePath\n"; 1307 } else { 1308 print " + $count leaks ($bytes bytes) were found, details in $leaksFilePath\n"; 1309 } 1310 1311 writeToFile($leaksFilePath, $leaksOutput); 1312 1313 push @leaksFilenames, $leaksFilePath; 1314 } 1315 1316 return $adjustedCount; 1317 } 1318 1319 sub writeToFile($$) 1320 { 1321 my ($filePath, $contents) = @_; 1322 open NEWFILE, ">", "$filePath" or die "Could not create $filePath. $!\n"; 1323 print NEWFILE $contents; 1324 close NEWFILE; 1325 } 1326 1327 # Break up a path into the directory (with slash) and base name. 1328 sub splitpath($) 1329 { 1330 my ($path) = @_; 1331 1332 my $pathSeparator = "/"; 1333 my $dirname = dirname($path) . $pathSeparator; 1334 $dirname = "" if $dirname eq "." . $pathSeparator; 1335 1336 return ($dirname, basename($path)); 1337 } 1338 1339 # Sort first by directory, then by file, so all paths in one directory are grouped 1340 # rather than being interspersed with items from subdirectories. 1341 # Use numericcmp to sort directory and filenames to make order logical. 1342 sub pathcmp($$) 1343 { 1344 my ($patha, $pathb) = @_; 1345 1346 my ($dira, $namea) = splitpath($patha); 1347 my ($dirb, $nameb) = splitpath($pathb); 1348 1349 return numericcmp($dira, $dirb) if $dira ne $dirb; 1350 return numericcmp($namea, $nameb); 1351 } 1352 1353 # Sort numeric parts of strings as numbers, other parts as strings. 1354 # Makes 1.33 come after 1.3, which is cool. 1355 sub numericcmp($$) 1356 { 1357 my ($aa, $bb) = @_; 1358 1359 my @a = split /(\d+)/, $aa; 1360 my @b = split /(\d+)/, $bb; 1361 1362 # Compare one chunk at a time. 1363 # Each chunk is either all numeric digits, or all not numeric digits. 1364 while (@a && @b) { 1365 my $a = shift @a; 1366 my $b = shift @b; 1367 1368 # Use numeric comparison if chunks are non-equal numbers. 1369 return $a <=> $b if $a =~ /^\d/ && $b =~ /^\d/ && $a != $b; 1370 1371 # Use string comparison if chunks are any other kind of non-equal string. 1372 return $a cmp $b if $a ne $b; 1373 } 1374 1375 # One of the two is now empty; compare lengths for result in this case. 1376 return @a <=> @b; 1377 } 1378 1379 # Sort slowest tests first. 1380 sub slowestcmp($$) 1381 { 1382 my ($testa, $testb) = @_; 1383 1384 my $dura = $durations{$testa}; 1385 my $durb = $durations{$testb}; 1386 return $durb <=> $dura if $dura != $durb; 1387 return pathcmp($testa, $testb); 1388 } 1389 1390 sub launchWithEnv(\@\%) 1391 { 1392 my ($args, $env) = @_; 1393 1394 # Dump the current environment as perl code and then put it in quotes so it is one parameter. 1395 my $environmentDumper = Data::Dumper->new([\%{$env}], [qw(*ENV)]); 1396 $environmentDumper->Indent(0); 1397 $environmentDumper->Purity(1); 1398 my $allEnvVars = $environmentDumper->Dump(); 1399 unshift @{$args}, "\"$allEnvVars\""; 1400 1401 my $execScript = File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), qw(Tools Scripts execAppWithEnv)); 1402 unshift @{$args}, $perlInterpreter, $execScript; 1403 return @{$args}; 1404 } 1405 1406 sub resolveAndMakeTestResultsDirectory() 1407 { 1408 my $absTestResultsDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs(glob $testResultsDirectory); 1409 mkpath $absTestResultsDirectory; 1410 return $absTestResultsDirectory; 1411 } 1412 1413 sub openDiffTool() 1414 { 1415 return if $isDiffToolOpen; 1416 return if !$pixelTests; 1417 1418 my %CLEAN_ENV; 1419 $CLEAN_ENV{MallocStackLogging} = 1 if $shouldCheckLeaks; 1420 $imageDiffToolPID = open2(\*DIFFIN, \*DIFFOUT, $imageDiffTool, launchWithEnv(@diffToolArgs, %CLEAN_ENV)) or die "unable to open $imageDiffTool\n"; 1421 $isDiffToolOpen = 1; 1422 } 1423 1424 sub buildDumpTool($) 1425 { 1426 my ($dumpToolName) = @_; 1427 1428 my $dumpToolBuildScript = "build-" . lc($dumpToolName); 1429 print STDERR "Running $dumpToolBuildScript\n"; 1430 1431 local *DEVNULL; 1432 my ($childIn, $childOut, $childErr); 1433 if ($quiet) { 1434 open(DEVNULL, ">", File::Spec->devnull()) or die "Failed to open /dev/null"; 1435 $childOut = ">&DEVNULL"; 1436 $childErr = ">&DEVNULL"; 1437 } else { 1438 # When not quiet, let the child use our stdout/stderr. 1439 $childOut = ">&STDOUT"; 1440 $childErr = ">&STDERR"; 1441 } 1442 1443 my @args = argumentsForConfiguration(); 1444 my $buildProcess = open3($childIn, $childOut, $childErr, $perlInterpreter, File::Spec->catfile(qw(Tools Scripts), $dumpToolBuildScript), @args) or die "Failed to run build-dumprendertree"; 1445 close($childIn); 1446 waitpid $buildProcess, 0; 1447 my $buildResult = $?; 1448 close($childOut); 1449 close($childErr); 1450 1451 close DEVNULL if ($quiet); 1452 1453 if ($buildResult) { 1454 print STDERR "Compiling $dumpToolName failed!\n"; 1455 exit exitStatus($buildResult); 1456 } 1457 } 1458 1459 sub openDumpTool() 1460 { 1461 return if $isDumpToolOpen; 1462 1463 if ($verbose && $testsPerDumpTool != 1) { 1464 print "| Opening DumpTool |\n"; 1465 } 1466 1467 my %CLEAN_ENV; 1468 1469 # Generic environment variables 1470 if (defined $ENV{'WEBKIT_TESTFONTS'}) { 1471 $CLEAN_ENV{WEBKIT_TESTFONTS} = $ENV{'WEBKIT_TESTFONTS'}; 1472 } 1473 1474 # unique temporary directory for each DumpRendertree - needed for running more DumpRenderTree in parallel 1475 $CLEAN_ENV{DUMPRENDERTREE_TEMP} = File::Temp::tempdir('DumpRenderTree-XXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1); 1476 $CLEAN_ENV{XML_CATALOG_FILES} = ""; # work around missing /etc/catalog <rdar://problem/4292995> 1477 1478 # Platform spesifics 1479 if (isLinux()) { 1480 if (defined $ENV{'DISPLAY'}) { 1481 $CLEAN_ENV{DISPLAY} = $ENV{'DISPLAY'}; 1482 } else { 1483 $CLEAN_ENV{DISPLAY} = ":1"; 1484 } 1485 if (defined $ENV{'XAUTHORITY'}) { 1486 $CLEAN_ENV{XAUTHORITY} = $ENV{'XAUTHORITY'}; 1487 } 1488 1489 $CLEAN_ENV{HOME} = $ENV{'HOME'}; 1490 $CLEAN_ENV{LANG} = $ENV{'LANG'}; 1491 1492 if (defined $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) { 1493 $CLEAN_ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}; 1494 } 1495 if (defined $ENV{'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'}) { 1496 $CLEAN_ENV{DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS} = $ENV{'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'}; 1497 } 1498 } elsif (isDarwin()) { 1499 if (defined $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) { 1500 $CLEAN_ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}; 1501 } 1502 if (defined $ENV{'HOME'}) { 1503 $CLEAN_ENV{HOME} = $ENV{'HOME'}; 1504 } 1505 1506 $CLEAN_ENV{DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH} = $productDir; 1507 $CLEAN_ENV{DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES} = "/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib" if $guardMalloc; 1508 } elsif (isCygwin()) { 1509 $CLEAN_ENV{HOMEDRIVE} = $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'}; 1510 $CLEAN_ENV{HOMEPATH} = $ENV{'HOMEPATH'}; 1511 $CLEAN_ENV{_NT_SYMBOL_PATH} = $ENV{_NT_SYMBOL_PATH}; 1512 1513 setPathForRunningWebKitApp(\%CLEAN_ENV); 1514 } 1515 1516 # Port specifics 1517 if (isGtk()) { 1518 $CLEAN_ENV{GTK_MODULES} = "gail"; 1519 $CLEAN_ENV{WEBKIT_INSPECTOR_PATH} = "$productDir/resources/inspector"; 1520 } 1521 1522 if (isQt()) { 1523 $CLEAN_ENV{QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH} = productDir() . "/lib/plugins"; 1524 $CLEAN_ENV{QT_DRT_WEBVIEW_MODE} = $ENV{"QT_DRT_WEBVIEW_MODE"}; 1525 } 1526 1527 my @args = ($dumpTool, @toolArgs); 1528 if (isAppleMacWebKit() and !isTiger()) { 1529 unshift @args, "arch", "-" . architecture(); 1530 } 1531 1532 if ($useValgrind) { 1533 unshift @args, "valgrind", "--suppressions=$platformBaseDirectory/qt/SuppressedValgrindErrors"; 1534 } 1535 1536 if ($useWebKitTestRunner) { 1537 # Make WebKitTestRunner use a similar timeout. We don't use the exact same timeout to avoid 1538 # race conditions. 1539 push @args, "--timeout", $timeoutSeconds - 5; 1540 } 1541 1542 $CLEAN_ENV{MallocStackLogging} = 1 if $shouldCheckLeaks; 1543 1544 $dumpToolPID = open3(\*OUT, \*IN, \*ERROR, launchWithEnv(@args, %CLEAN_ENV)) or die "Failed to start tool: $dumpTool\n"; 1545 $isDumpToolOpen = 1; 1546 $dumpToolCrashed = 0; 1547 } 1548 1549 sub closeDumpTool() 1550 { 1551 return if !$isDumpToolOpen; 1552 1553 if ($verbose && $testsPerDumpTool != 1) { 1554 print "| Closing DumpTool |\n"; 1555 } 1556 1557 close IN; 1558 close OUT; 1559 waitpid $dumpToolPID, 0; 1560 1561 # check for WebCore counter leaks. 1562 if ($shouldCheckLeaks) { 1563 while (<ERROR>) { 1564 print; 1565 } 1566 } 1567 close ERROR; 1568 $isDumpToolOpen = 0; 1569 } 1570 1571 sub dumpToolDidCrash() 1572 { 1573 return 1 if $dumpToolCrashed; 1574 return 0 unless $isDumpToolOpen; 1575 my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG); 1576 return 1 if ($pid == $dumpToolPID); 1577 1578 # On Mac OS X, crashing may be significantly delayed by crash reporter. 1579 return 0 unless isAppleMacWebKit(); 1580 1581 return DumpRenderTreeSupport::processIsCrashing($dumpToolPID); 1582 } 1583 1584 sub configureAndOpenHTTPDIfNeeded() 1585 { 1586 return if $isHttpdOpen; 1587 my $absTestResultsDirectory = resolveAndMakeTestResultsDirectory(); 1588 my $listen = "$httpdPort"; 1589 my @args = ( 1590 "-c", "CustomLog \"$absTestResultsDirectory/access_log.txt\" common", 1591 "-c", "ErrorLog \"$absTestResultsDirectory/error_log.txt\"", 1592 "-C", "Listen $listen" 1593 ); 1594 1595 my @defaultArgs = getDefaultConfigForTestDirectory($testDirectory); 1596 @args = (@defaultArgs, @args); 1597 1598 waitForHTTPDLock() if $shouldWaitForHTTPD; 1599 $isHttpdOpen = openHTTPD(@args); 1600 } 1601 1602 sub checkPythonVersion() 1603 { 1604 # we have not chdir to sourceDir yet. 1605 system $perlInterpreter, File::Spec->catfile(sourceDir(), qw(Tools Scripts ensure-valid-python)), "--check-only"; 1606 return exitStatus($?) == 0; 1607 } 1608 1609 sub openWebSocketServerIfNeeded() 1610 { 1611 return 1 if $isWebSocketServerOpen; 1612 return 0 if $failedToStartWebSocketServer; 1613 1614 my $webSocketHandlerDir = "$testDirectory"; 1615 my $absTestResultsDirectory = resolveAndMakeTestResultsDirectory(); 1616 $webSocketServerPidFile = "$absTestResultsDirectory/websocket.pid"; 1617 1618 my @args = ( 1619 "Tools/Scripts/new-run-webkit-websocketserver", 1620 "--server", "start", 1621 "--port", "$webSocketPort", 1622 "--root", "$webSocketHandlerDir", 1623 "--output-dir", "$absTestResultsDirectory", 1624 "--pidfile", "$webSocketServerPidFile" 1625 ); 1626 system "/usr/bin/python", @args; 1627 1628 $isWebSocketServerOpen = 1; 1629 return 1; 1630 } 1631 1632 sub closeWebSocketServer() 1633 { 1634 return if !$isWebSocketServerOpen; 1635 1636 my @args = ( 1637 "Tools/Scripts/new-run-webkit-websocketserver", 1638 "--server", "stop", 1639 "--pidfile", "$webSocketServerPidFile" 1640 ); 1641 system "/usr/bin/python", @args; 1642 unlink "$webSocketServerPidFile"; 1643 1644 # wss is disabled until all platforms support pyOpenSSL. 1645 $isWebSocketServerOpen = 0; 1646 } 1647 1648 sub fileNameWithNumber($$) 1649 { 1650 my ($base, $number) = @_; 1651 return "$base$number" if ($number > 1); 1652 return $base; 1653 } 1654 1655 sub processIgnoreTests($$) 1656 { 1657 my @ignoreList = split(/\s*,\s*/, shift); 1658 my $listName = shift; 1659 1660 my $disabledSuffix = "-disabled"; 1661 1662 my $addIgnoredDirectories = sub { 1663 return () if exists $ignoredLocalDirectories{basename($File::Find::dir)}; 1664 $ignoredDirectories{File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir, $testDirectory)} = 1; 1665 return @_; 1666 }; 1667 foreach my $item (@ignoreList) { 1668 my $path = catfile($testDirectory, $item); 1669 if (-d $path) { 1670 $ignoredDirectories{$item} = 1; 1671 find({ preprocess => $addIgnoredDirectories, wanted => sub {} }, $path); 1672 } 1673 elsif (-f $path) { 1674 $ignoredFiles{$item} = 1; 1675 } elsif (-f $path . $disabledSuffix) { 1676 # The test is disabled, so do nothing. 1677 } else { 1678 print "$listName list contained '$item', but no file of that name could be found\n"; 1679 } 1680 } 1681 } 1682 1683 sub stripExtension($) 1684 { 1685 my ($test) = @_; 1686 1687 $test =~ s/\.[a-zA-Z]+$//; 1688 return $test; 1689 } 1690 1691 sub isTextOnlyTest($) 1692 { 1693 my ($actual) = @_; 1694 my $isText; 1695 if ($actual =~ /^layer at/ms) { 1696 $isText = 0; 1697 } else { 1698 $isText = 1; 1699 } 1700 return $isText; 1701 } 1702 1703 sub expectedDirectoryForTest($;$;$) 1704 { 1705 my ($base, $isText, $expectedExtension) = @_; 1706 1707 my @directories = @platformResultHierarchy; 1708 1709 my @extraPlatforms = (); 1710 if (isAppleWinWebKit()) { 1711 push @extraPlatforms, "mac-wk2" if $platform eq "win-wk2"; 1712 push @extraPlatforms, qw(mac-snowleopard mac); 1713 } 1714 1715 push @directories, map { catdir($platformBaseDirectory, $_) } @extraPlatforms; 1716 push @directories, $expectedDirectory; 1717 1718 # If we already have expected results, just return their location. 1719 foreach my $directory (@directories) { 1720 return $directory if -f File::Spec->catfile($directory, "$base-$expectedTag.$expectedExtension"); 1721 } 1722 1723 # For cross-platform tests, text-only results should go in the cross-platform directory, 1724 # while render tree dumps should go in the least-specific platform directory. 1725 return $isText ? $expectedDirectory : $platformResultHierarchy[$#platformResultHierarchy]; 1726 } 1727 1728 sub countFinishedTest($$$$) 1729 { 1730 my ($test, $base, $result, $isText) = @_; 1731 1732 if (($count + 1) % $testsPerDumpTool == 0 || $count == $#tests) { 1733 if ($shouldCheckLeaks) { 1734 my $fileName; 1735 if ($testsPerDumpTool == 1) { 1736 $fileName = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-leaks.txt"); 1737 } else { 1738 $fileName = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, fileNameWithNumber($dumpToolName, $leaksOutputFileNumber) . "-leaks.txt"); 1739 } 1740 my $leakCount = countAndPrintLeaks($dumpToolName, $dumpToolPID, $fileName); 1741 $totalLeaks += $leakCount; 1742 $leaksOutputFileNumber++ if ($leakCount); 1743 } 1744 1745 closeDumpTool(); 1746 } 1747 1748 $count++; 1749 $counts{$result}++; 1750 push @{$tests{$result}}, $test; 1751 } 1752 1753 sub testCrashedOrTimedOut($$$$$$) 1754 { 1755 my ($test, $base, $didCrash, $webProcessCrashed, $actual, $error) = @_; 1756 1757 printFailureMessageForTest($test, $webProcessCrashed ? "Web process crashed" : $didCrash ? "crashed" : "timed out"); 1758 1759 sampleDumpTool() unless $didCrash || $webProcessCrashed; 1760 1761 my $dir = dirname(File::Spec->catdir($testResultsDirectory, $base)); 1762 mkpath $dir; 1763 1764 deleteExpectedAndActualResults($base); 1765 1766 if (defined($error) && length($error)) { 1767 writeToFile(File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$errorTag.txt"), $error); 1768 } 1769 1770 recordActualResultsAndDiff($base, $actual); 1771 1772 # There's no point in killing the dump tool when it's crashed. And it will kill itself when the 1773 # web process crashes. 1774 kill 9, $dumpToolPID unless $didCrash || $webProcessCrashed; 1775 1776 closeDumpTool(); 1777 1778 captureSavedCrashLog($base, $webProcessCrashed) if $didCrash || $webProcessCrashed; 1779 1780 return unless isCygwin() && !$didCrash && $base =~ /^http/; 1781 # On Cygwin, http tests timing out can be a symptom of a non-responsive httpd. 1782 # If we timed out running an http test, try restarting httpd. 1783 $isHttpdOpen = !closeHTTPD(); 1784 configureAndOpenHTTPDIfNeeded(); 1785 } 1786 1787 sub captureSavedCrashLog($$) 1788 { 1789 my ($base, $webProcessCrashed) = @_; 1790 1791 my $crashLog; 1792 1793 my $glob; 1794 if (isCygwin()) { 1795 $glob = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix . "*.txt"); 1796 } elsif (isAppleMacWebKit()) { 1797 my $crashLogDirectoryName; 1798 if (isTiger() || isLeopard()) { 1799 $crashLogDirectoryName = "CrashReporter"; 1800 } else { 1801 $crashLogDirectoryName = "DiagnosticReports"; 1802 } 1803 1804 $glob = File::Spec->catfile("~", "Library", "Logs", $crashLogDirectoryName, ($webProcessCrashed ? "WebProcess" : $dumpToolName) . "_*.crash"); 1805 1806 # Even though the dump tool has exited, CrashReporter might still be running. We need to 1807 # wait for it to exit to ensure it has saved its crash log to disk. For simplicitly, we'll 1808 # assume that the ReportCrash process with the highest PID is the one we want. 1809 if (my @reportCrashPIDs = sort map { /^\s*(\d+)/; $1 } grep { /ReportCrash/ } `/bin/ps x`) { 1810 my $reportCrashPID = $reportCrashPIDs[$#reportCrashPIDs]; 1811 # We use kill instead of waitpid because ReportCrash is not one of our child processes. 1812 usleep(250000) while kill(0, $reportCrashPID) > 0; 1813 } 1814 } 1815 1816 return unless $glob; 1817 1818 # We assume that the newest crash log in matching the glob is the one that corresponds to the crash that just occurred. 1819 if (my $newestCrashLog = findNewestFileMatchingGlob($glob)) { 1820 # The crash log must have been created after this script started running. 1821 $crashLog = $newestCrashLog if -M $newestCrashLog < 0; 1822 } 1823 1824 return unless $crashLog; 1825 1826 move($crashLog, File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$crashLogTag.txt")); 1827 } 1828 1829 sub findNewestFileMatchingGlob($) 1830 { 1831 my ($glob) = @_; 1832 1833 my @paths = glob $glob; 1834 return unless scalar(@paths); 1835 1836 my @pathsAndTimes = map { [$_, -M $_] } @paths; 1837 @pathsAndTimes = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @pathsAndTimes; 1838 return $pathsAndTimes[$#pathsAndTimes]->[0]; 1839 } 1840 1841 sub printFailureMessageForTest($$) 1842 { 1843 my ($test, $description) = @_; 1844 1845 unless ($verbose) { 1846 print "\n" unless $atLineStart; 1847 print "$test -> "; 1848 } 1849 print "$description\n"; 1850 $atLineStart = 1; 1851 } 1852 1853 my %cygpaths = (); 1854 1855 sub openCygpathIfNeeded($) 1856 { 1857 my ($options) = @_; 1858 1859 return unless isCygwin(); 1860 return $cygpaths{$options} if $cygpaths{$options} && $cygpaths{$options}->{"open"}; 1861 1862 local (*CYGPATHIN, *CYGPATHOUT); 1863 my $pid = open2(\*CYGPATHIN, \*CYGPATHOUT, "cygpath -f - $options"); 1864 my $cygpath = { 1865 "pid" => $pid, 1866 "in" => *CYGPATHIN, 1867 "out" => *CYGPATHOUT, 1868 "open" => 1 1869 }; 1870 1871 $cygpaths{$options} = $cygpath; 1872 1873 return $cygpath; 1874 } 1875 1876 sub closeCygpaths() 1877 { 1878 return unless isCygwin(); 1879 1880 foreach my $cygpath (values(%cygpaths)) { 1881 close $cygpath->{"in"}; 1882 close $cygpath->{"out"}; 1883 waitpid($cygpath->{"pid"}, 0); 1884 $cygpath->{"open"} = 0; 1885 1886 } 1887 } 1888 1889 sub convertPathUsingCygpath($$) 1890 { 1891 my ($path, $options) = @_; 1892 1893 # cygpath -f (at least in Cygwin 1.7) converts spaces into newlines. We remove spaces here and 1894 # add them back in after conversion to work around this. 1895 my $spaceSubstitute = "__NOTASPACE__"; 1896 $path =~ s/ /\Q$spaceSubstitute\E/g; 1897 1898 my $cygpath = openCygpathIfNeeded($options); 1899 local *inFH = $cygpath->{"in"}; 1900 local *outFH = $cygpath->{"out"}; 1901 print outFH $path . "\n"; 1902 my $convertedPath = <inFH>; 1903 chomp($convertedPath) if defined $convertedPath; 1904 1905 $convertedPath =~ s/\Q$spaceSubstitute\E/ /g; 1906 return $convertedPath; 1907 } 1908 1909 sub toCygwinPath($) 1910 { 1911 my ($path) = @_; 1912 return unless isCygwin(); 1913 1914 return convertPathUsingCygpath($path, "-u"); 1915 } 1916 1917 sub toWindowsPath($) 1918 { 1919 my ($path) = @_; 1920 return unless isCygwin(); 1921 1922 return convertPathUsingCygpath($path, "-w"); 1923 } 1924 1925 sub toURL($) 1926 { 1927 my ($path) = @_; 1928 1929 if ($useRemoteLinksToTests) { 1930 my $relativePath = File::Spec->abs2rel($path, $testDirectory); 1931 1932 # If the file is below the test directory then convert it into a link to the file in SVN 1933 if ($relativePath !~ /^\.\.\//) { 1934 my $revision = svnRevisionForDirectory($testDirectory); 1935 my $svnPath = pathRelativeToSVNRepositoryRootForPath($path); 1936 return "http://trac.webkit.org/export/$revision/$svnPath"; 1937 } 1938 } 1939 1940 return $path unless isCygwin(); 1941 1942 return "file:///" . convertPathUsingCygpath($path, "-m"); 1943 } 1944 1945 sub validateSkippedArg($$;$) 1946 { 1947 my ($option, $value, $value2) = @_; 1948 my %validSkippedValues = map { $_ => 1 } qw(default ignore only); 1949 $value = lc($value); 1950 die "Invalid argument '" . $value . "' for option $option" unless $validSkippedValues{$value}; 1951 $treatSkipped = $value; 1952 } 1953 1954 sub htmlForResultsSection(\@$&) 1955 { 1956 my ($tests, $description, $linkGetter) = @_; 1957 1958 my @html = (); 1959 return join("\n", @html) unless @{$tests}; 1960 1961 push @html, "<p>$description:</p>"; 1962 push @html, "<table>"; 1963 foreach my $test (@{$tests}) { 1964 push @html, "<tr>"; 1965 push @html, "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">$test</a></td>"; 1966 foreach my $link (@{&{$linkGetter}($test)}) { 1967 push @html, "<td>"; 1968 push @html, "<a href=\"$link->{href}\">$link->{text}</a>" if -f File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, $link->{href}); 1969 push @html, "</td>"; 1970 } 1971 push @html, "</tr>"; 1972 } 1973 push @html, "</table>"; 1974 1975 return join("\n", @html); 1976 } 1977 1978 sub linksForExpectedAndActualResults($) 1979 { 1980 my ($base) = @_; 1981 1982 my @links = (); 1983 1984 return \@links unless -s "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.txt"; 1985 1986 my $expectedResultPath = $expectedResultPaths{$base}; 1987 my ($expectedResultFileName, $expectedResultsDirectory, $expectedResultExtension) = fileparse($expectedResultPath, qr{\.[^.]+$}); 1988 1989 push @links, { href => "$base-$expectedTag$expectedResultExtension", text => "expected" }; 1990 push @links, { href => "$base-$actualTag$expectedResultExtension", text => "actual" }; 1991 push @links, { href => "$base-$diffsTag.txt", text => "diff" }; 1992 push @links, { href => "$base-$prettyDiffTag.html", text => "pretty diff" }; 1993 1994 return \@links; 1995 } 1996 1997 sub linksForMismatchTest 1998 { 1999 my ($test) = @_; 2000 2001 my @links = (); 2002 2003 my $base = stripExtension($test); 2004 2005 push @links, @{linksForExpectedAndActualResults($base)}; 2006 return \@links unless $pixelTests && $imagesPresent{$base}; 2007 2008 push @links, { href => "$base-$expectedTag.png", text => "expected image" }; 2009 push @links, { href => "$base-$diffsTag.html", text => "image diffs" }; 2010 push @links, { href => "$base-$diffsTag.png", text => "$imageDifferences{$base}%" }; 2011 2012 return \@links; 2013 } 2014 2015 sub crashLocation($) 2016 { 2017 my ($base) = @_; 2018 2019 my $crashLogFile = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$crashLogTag.txt"); 2020 2021 if (isCygwin()) { 2022 # We're looking for the following text: 2023 # 2024 # FOLLOWUP_IP: 2025 # module!function+offset [file:line] 2026 # 2027 # The second contains the function that crashed (or the function that ended up jumping to a bad 2028 # address, as in the case of a null function pointer). 2029 2030 open LOG, "<", $crashLogFile or return; 2031 while (my $line = <LOG>) { 2032 last if $line =~ /^FOLLOWUP_IP:/; 2033 } 2034 my $desiredLine = <LOG>; 2035 close LOG; 2036 2037 return unless $desiredLine; 2038 2039 # Just take everything up to the first space (which is where the file/line information should 2040 # start). 2041 $desiredLine =~ /^(\S+)/; 2042 return $1; 2043 } 2044 2045 if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { 2046 # We're looking for the following text: 2047 # 2048 # Thread M Crashed: 2049 # N module address function + offset (file:line) 2050 # 2051 # Some lines might have a module of "???" if we've jumped to a bad address. We should skip 2052 # past those. 2053 2054 open LOG, "<", $crashLogFile or return; 2055 while (my $line = <LOG>) { 2056 last if $line =~ /^Thread \d+ Crashed:/; 2057 } 2058 my $location; 2059 while (my $line = <LOG>) { 2060 $line =~ /^\d+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+ (.* \+ \d+)/ or next; 2061 my $module = $1; 2062 my $functionAndOffset = $2; 2063 next if $module eq "???"; 2064 $location = "$module: $functionAndOffset"; 2065 last; 2066 } 2067 close LOG; 2068 return $location; 2069 } 2070 } 2071 2072 sub linksForErrorTest 2073 { 2074 my ($test) = @_; 2075 2076 my @links = (); 2077 2078 my $base = stripExtension($test); 2079 2080 my $crashLogText = "crash log"; 2081 if (my $crashLocation = crashLocation($base)) { 2082 $crashLogText .= " (<code>" . CGI::escapeHTML($crashLocation) . "</code>)"; 2083 } 2084 2085 push @links, @{linksForExpectedAndActualResults($base)}; 2086 push @links, { href => "$base-$errorTag.txt", text => "stderr" }; 2087 push @links, { href => "$base-$crashLogTag.txt", text => $crashLogText }; 2088 2089 return \@links; 2090 } 2091 2092 sub linksForNewTest 2093 { 2094 my ($test) = @_; 2095 2096 my @links = (); 2097 2098 my $base = stripExtension($test); 2099 2100 my $expectedResultPath = $expectedResultPaths{$base}; 2101 my ($expectedResultFileName, $expectedResultsDirectory, $expectedResultExtension) = fileparse($expectedResultPath, qr{\.[^.]+$}); 2102 2103 push @links, { href => "$base-$actualTag$expectedResultExtension", text => "result" }; 2104 if ($pixelTests && $imagesPresent{$base}) { 2105 push @links, { href => "$base-$expectedTag.png", text => "image" }; 2106 } 2107 2108 return \@links; 2109 } 2110 2111 sub deleteExpectedAndActualResults($) 2112 { 2113 my ($base) = @_; 2114 2115 unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.txt"; 2116 unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.txt"; 2117 unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$errorTag.txt"; 2118 unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$crashLogTag.txt"; 2119 } 2120 2121 sub recordActualResultsAndDiff($$) 2122 { 2123 my ($base, $actualResults) = @_; 2124 2125 return unless defined($actualResults) && length($actualResults); 2126 2127 my $expectedResultPath = $expectedResultPaths{$base}; 2128 my ($expectedResultFileNameMinusExtension, $expectedResultDirectoryPath, $expectedResultExtension) = fileparse($expectedResultPath, qr{\.[^.]+$}); 2129 my $actualResultsPath = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$actualTag$expectedResultExtension"); 2130 my $copiedExpectedResultsPath = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$expectedTag$expectedResultExtension"); 2131 2132 mkpath(dirname($actualResultsPath)); 2133 writeToFile("$actualResultsPath", $actualResults); 2134 2135 # We don't need diff and pretty diff for tests without expected file. 2136 if ( !-f $expectedResultPath) { 2137 return; 2138 } 2139 2140 copy("$expectedResultPath", "$copiedExpectedResultsPath"); 2141 2142 my $diffOuputBasePath = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, $base); 2143 my $diffOutputPath = "$diffOuputBasePath-$diffsTag.txt"; 2144 system "diff -u \"$copiedExpectedResultsPath\" \"$actualResultsPath\" > \"$diffOutputPath\""; 2145 2146 my $prettyDiffOutputPath = "$diffOuputBasePath-$prettyDiffTag.html"; 2147 my $prettyPatchPath = "Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/"; 2148 my $prettifyPath = "$prettyPatchPath/prettify.rb"; 2149 system "ruby -I \"$prettyPatchPath\" \"$prettifyPath\" \"$diffOutputPath\" > \"$prettyDiffOutputPath\""; 2150 } 2151 2152 sub buildPlatformResultHierarchy() 2153 { 2154 mkpath($platformTestDirectory) if ($platform eq "undefined" && !-d "$platformTestDirectory"); 2155 2156 my @platforms; 2157 2158 my $isMac = $platform =~ /^mac/; 2159 my $isWin = $platform =~ /^win/; 2160 if ($isMac || $isWin) { 2161 my $effectivePlatform = $platform; 2162 if ($platform eq "mac-wk2" || $platform eq "win-wk2") { 2163 push @platforms, $platform; 2164 $effectivePlatform = $realPlatform; 2165 } 2166 2167 my @platformList = $isMac ? @macPlatforms : @winPlatforms; 2168 my $i; 2169 for ($i = 0; $i < @platformList; $i++) { 2170 last if $platformList[$i] eq $effectivePlatform; 2171 } 2172 for (; $i < @platformList; $i++) { 2173 push @platforms, $platformList[$i]; 2174 } 2175 } elsif ($platform =~ /^qt-/) { 2176 push @platforms, $platform; 2177 push @platforms, "qt"; 2178 } else { 2179 @platforms = $platform; 2180 } 2181 2182 my @hierarchy; 2183 for (my $i = 0; $i < @platforms; $i++) { 2184 my $scoped = catdir($platformBaseDirectory, $platforms[$i]); 2185 push(@hierarchy, $scoped) if (-d $scoped); 2186 } 2187 2188 unshift @hierarchy, grep { -d $_ } @additionalPlatformDirectories; 2189 2190 return @hierarchy; 2191 } 2192 2193 sub buildPlatformTestHierarchy(@) 2194 { 2195 my (@platformHierarchy) = @_; 2196 return @platformHierarchy if (@platformHierarchy < 2); 2197 if ($platformHierarchy[0] =~ /mac-wk2/) { 2198 return ($platformHierarchy[0], $platformHierarchy[1], $platformHierarchy[$#platformHierarchy]); 2199 } 2200 return ($platformHierarchy[0], $platformHierarchy[$#platformHierarchy]); 2201 } 2202 2203 sub epiloguesAndPrologues($$) 2204 { 2205 my ($lastDirectory, $directory) = @_; 2206 my @lastComponents = split('/', $lastDirectory); 2207 my @components = split('/', $directory); 2208 2209 while (@lastComponents) { 2210 if (!defined($components[0]) || $lastComponents[0] ne $components[0]) { 2211 last; 2212 } 2213 shift @components; 2214 shift @lastComponents; 2215 } 2216 2217 my @result; 2218 my $leaving = $lastDirectory; 2219 foreach (@lastComponents) { 2220 my $epilogue = $leaving . "/resources/run-webkit-tests-epilogue.html"; 2221 foreach (@platformResultHierarchy) { 2222 push @result, catdir($_, $epilogue) if (stat(catdir($_, $epilogue))); 2223 } 2224 push @result, catdir($testDirectory, $epilogue) if (stat(catdir($testDirectory, $epilogue))); 2225 $leaving =~ s|(^\|/)[^/]+$||; 2226 } 2227 2228 my $entering = $leaving; 2229 foreach (@components) { 2230 $entering .= '/' . $_; 2231 my $prologue = $entering . "/resources/run-webkit-tests-prologue.html"; 2232 push @result, catdir($testDirectory, $prologue) if (stat(catdir($testDirectory, $prologue))); 2233 foreach (reverse @platformResultHierarchy) { 2234 push @result, catdir($_, $prologue) if (stat(catdir($_, $prologue))); 2235 } 2236 } 2237 return @result; 2238 } 2239 2240 sub parseLeaksandPrintUniqueLeaks() 2241 { 2242 return unless @leaksFilenames; 2243 2244 my $mergedFilenames = join " ", @leaksFilenames; 2245 my $parseMallocHistoryTool = sourceDir() . "/Tools/Scripts/parse-malloc-history"; 2246 2247 open MERGED_LEAKS, "cat $mergedFilenames | $parseMallocHistoryTool --merge-depth $mergeDepth - |" ; 2248 my @leakLines = <MERGED_LEAKS>; 2249 close MERGED_LEAKS; 2250 2251 my $uniqueLeakCount = 0; 2252 my $totalBytes; 2253 foreach my $line (@leakLines) { 2254 ++$uniqueLeakCount if ($line =~ /^(\d*)\scalls/); 2255 $totalBytes = $1 if $line =~ /^total\:\s(.*)\s\(/; 2256 } 2257 2258 print "\nWARNING: $totalLeaks total leaks found for a total of $totalBytes!\n"; 2259 print "WARNING: $uniqueLeakCount unique leaks found!\n"; 2260 print "See above for individual leaks results.\n" if ($leaksOutputFileNumber > 2); 2261 2262 } 2263 2264 sub extensionForMimeType($) 2265 { 2266 my ($mimeType) = @_; 2267 2268 if ($mimeType eq "application/x-webarchive") { 2269 return "webarchive"; 2270 } elsif ($mimeType eq "application/pdf") { 2271 return "pdf"; 2272 } 2273 return "txt"; 2274 } 2275 2276 # Read up to the first #EOF (the content block of the test), or until detecting crashes or timeouts. 2277 sub readFromDumpToolWithTimer(**) 2278 { 2279 my ($fhIn, $fhError) = @_; 2280 2281 setFileHandleNonBlocking($fhIn, 1); 2282 setFileHandleNonBlocking($fhError, 1); 2283 2284 my $maximumSecondsWithoutOutput = $timeoutSeconds; 2285 my $microsecondsToWaitBeforeReadingAgain = 1000; 2286 2287 my $timeOfLastSuccessfulRead = time; 2288 2289 my @output = (); 2290 my @error = (); 2291 my $status = "success"; 2292 my $mimeType = "text/plain"; 2293 # We don't have a very good way to know when the "headers" stop 2294 # and the content starts, so we use this as a hack: 2295 my $haveSeenContentType = 0; 2296 my $haveSeenEofIn = 0; 2297 my $haveSeenEofError = 0; 2298 2299 while (1) { 2300 if (time - $timeOfLastSuccessfulRead > $maximumSecondsWithoutOutput) { 2301 $status = dumpToolDidCrash() ? "crashed" : "timedOut"; 2302 last; 2303 } 2304 2305 # Once we've seen the EOF, we must not read anymore. 2306 my $lineIn = readline($fhIn) unless $haveSeenEofIn; 2307 my $lineError = readline($fhError) unless $haveSeenEofError; 2308 if (!defined($lineIn) && !defined($lineError)) { 2309 last if ($haveSeenEofIn && $haveSeenEofError); 2310 2311 if ($! != EAGAIN) { 2312 $status = "crashed"; 2313 last; 2314 } 2315 2316 # No data ready 2317 usleep($microsecondsToWaitBeforeReadingAgain); 2318 next; 2319 } 2320 2321 $timeOfLastSuccessfulRead = time; 2322 2323 if (defined($lineIn)) { 2324 if (!$haveSeenContentType && $lineIn =~ /^Content-Type: (\S+)$/) { 2325 $mimeType = $1; 2326 $haveSeenContentType = 1; 2327 } elsif ($lineIn =~ /#EOF/) { 2328 $haveSeenEofIn = 1; 2329 } else { 2330 push @output, $lineIn; 2331 } 2332 } 2333 if (defined($lineError)) { 2334 if ($lineError =~ /#CRASHED - WebProcess/) { 2335 $status = "webProcessCrashed"; 2336 last; 2337 } 2338 if ($lineError =~ /#CRASHED/) { 2339 $status = "crashed"; 2340 last; 2341 } 2342 if ($lineError =~ /#EOF/) { 2343 $haveSeenEofError = 1; 2344 } else { 2345 push @error, $lineError; 2346 } 2347 } 2348 } 2349 2350 setFileHandleNonBlocking($fhIn, 0); 2351 setFileHandleNonBlocking($fhError, 0); 2352 return { 2353 output => join("", @output), 2354 error => join("", @error), 2355 status => $status, 2356 mimeType => $mimeType, 2357 extension => extensionForMimeType($mimeType) 2358 }; 2359 } 2360 2361 sub setFileHandleNonBlocking(*$) 2362 { 2363 my ($fh, $nonBlocking) = @_; 2364 2365 my $flags = fcntl($fh, F_GETFL, 0) or die "Couldn't get filehandle flags"; 2366 2367 if ($nonBlocking) { 2368 $flags |= O_NONBLOCK; 2369 } else { 2370 $flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; 2371 } 2372 2373 fcntl($fh, F_SETFL, $flags) or die "Couldn't set filehandle flags"; 2374 2375 return 1; 2376 } 2377 2378 sub sampleDumpTool() 2379 { 2380 return unless isAppleMacWebKit(); 2381 return unless $runSample; 2382 2383 my $outputDirectory = "$ENV{HOME}/Library/Logs/DumpRenderTree"; 2384 -d $outputDirectory or mkdir $outputDirectory; 2385 2386 my $outputFile = "$outputDirectory/HangReport.txt"; 2387 system "/usr/bin/sample", $dumpToolPID, qw(10 10 -file), $outputFile; 2388 } 2389 2390 sub stripMetrics($$) 2391 { 2392 my ($actual, $expected) = @_; 2393 2394 foreach my $result ($actual, $expected) { 2395 $result =~ s/at \(-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+\) *//g; 2396 $result =~ s/size -?[0-9]+x-?[0-9]+ *//g; 2397 $result =~ s/text run width -?[0-9]+: //g; 2398 $result =~ s/text run width -?[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z ]+: //g; 2399 $result =~ s/RenderButton {BUTTON} .*/RenderButton {BUTTON}/g; 2400 $result =~ s/RenderImage {INPUT} .*/RenderImage {INPUT}/g; 2401 $result =~ s/RenderBlock {INPUT} .*/RenderBlock {INPUT}/g; 2402 $result =~ s/RenderTextControl {INPUT} .*/RenderTextControl {INPUT}/g; 2403 $result =~ s/\([0-9]+px/px/g; 2404 $result =~ s/ *" *\n +" */ /g; 2405 $result =~ s/" +$/"/g; 2406 2407 $result =~ s/- /-/g; 2408 $result =~ s/\n( *)"\s+/\n$1"/g; 2409 $result =~ s/\s+"\n/"\n/g; 2410 $result =~ s/scrollWidth [0-9]+/scrollWidth/g; 2411 $result =~ s/scrollHeight [0-9]+/scrollHeight/g; 2412 } 2413 2414 return ($actual, $expected); 2415 } 2416 2417 sub fileShouldBeIgnored 2418 { 2419 my ($filePath) = @_; 2420 foreach my $ignoredDir (keys %ignoredDirectories) { 2421 if ($filePath =~ m/^$ignoredDir/) { 2422 return 1; 2423 } 2424 } 2425 return 0; 2426 } 2427 2428 sub readSkippedFiles($) 2429 { 2430 my ($constraintPath) = @_; 2431 2432 my @skippedFileDirectories = @platformTestHierarchy; 2433 2434 # Because nearly all of the skipped tests for WebKit 2 on Mac are due to 2435 # cross-platform issues, Windows will use both the Mac and Windows skipped 2436 # lists to avoid maintaining separate lists. 2437 push(@skippedFileDirectories, catdir($platformBaseDirectory, "mac-wk2")) if $platform eq "win-wk2"; 2438 2439 foreach my $level (@skippedFileDirectories) { 2440 if (open SKIPPED, "<", "$level/Skipped") { 2441 if ($verbose) { 2442 my ($dir, $name) = splitpath($level); 2443 print "Skipped tests in $name:\n"; 2444 } 2445 2446 while (<SKIPPED>) { 2447 my $skipped = $_; 2448 chomp $skipped; 2449 $skipped =~ s/^[ \n\r]+//; 2450 $skipped =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//; 2451 if ($skipped && $skipped !~ /^#/) { 2452 if ($skippedOnly) { 2453 if (!fileShouldBeIgnored($skipped)) { 2454 if (!$constraintPath) { 2455 # Always add $skipped since no constraint path was specified on the command line. 2456 push(@ARGV, $skipped); 2457 } elsif ($skipped =~ /^($constraintPath)/) { 2458 # Add $skipped only if it matches the current path constraint, e.g., 2459 # "--skipped=only dir1" with "dir1/file1.html" on the skipped list. 2460 push(@ARGV, $skipped); 2461 } elsif ($constraintPath =~ /^($skipped)/) { 2462 # Add current path constraint if it is more specific than the skip list entry, 2463 # e.g., "--skipped=only dir1/dir2/dir3" with "dir1" on the skipped list. 2464 push(@ARGV, $constraintPath); 2465 } 2466 } elsif ($verbose) { 2467 print " $skipped\n"; 2468 } 2469 } else { 2470 if ($verbose) { 2471 print " $skipped\n"; 2472 } 2473 processIgnoreTests($skipped, "Skipped"); 2474 } 2475 } 2476 } 2477 close SKIPPED; 2478 } 2479 } 2480 } 2481 2482 sub readChecksumFromPng($) 2483 { 2484 my ($path) = @_; 2485 my $data; 2486 if (open(PNGFILE, $path) && read(PNGFILE, $data, 2048) && $data =~ /tEXtchecksum\0([a-fA-F0-9]{32})/) { 2487 return $1; 2488 } 2489 } 2490 2491 my @testsFound; 2492 2493 sub isUsedInReftest 2494 { 2495 my $filename = $_; 2496 if ($filename =~ /-$expectedTag(-$mismatchTag)?\.html$/) { 2497 return 1; 2498 } 2499 my $base = stripExtension($filename); 2500 return (-f "$base-$expectedTag.html" || -f "$base-$expectedTag-$mismatchTag.html"); 2501 } 2502 2503 sub directoryFilter 2504 { 2505 return () if exists $ignoredLocalDirectories{basename($File::Find::dir)}; 2506 return () if exists $ignoredDirectories{File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir, $testDirectory)}; 2507 return @_; 2508 } 2509 2510 sub fileFilter 2511 { 2512 my $filename = $_; 2513 if ($filename =~ /\.([^.]+)$/) { 2514 my $extension = $1; 2515 if (exists $supportedFileExtensions{$extension} && !isUsedInReftest($filename)) { 2516 my $path = File::Spec->abs2rel(catfile($File::Find::dir, $filename), $testDirectory); 2517 push @testsFound, $path if !exists $ignoredFiles{$path}; 2518 } 2519 } 2520 } 2521 2522 sub findTestsToRun 2523 { 2524 my @testsToRun = (); 2525 2526 for my $test (@ARGV) { 2527 $test =~ s/^(\Q$layoutTestsName\E|\Q$testDirectory\E)\///; 2528 my $fullPath = catfile($testDirectory, $test); 2529 if (file_name_is_absolute($test)) { 2530 print "can't run test $test outside $testDirectory\n"; 2531 } elsif (-f $fullPath) { 2532 my ($filename, $pathname, $fileExtension) = fileparse($test, qr{\.[^.]+$}); 2533 if (!exists $supportedFileExtensions{substr($fileExtension, 1)}) { 2534 print "test $test does not have a supported extension\n"; 2535 } elsif ($testHTTP || $pathname !~ /^http\//) { 2536 push @testsToRun, $test; 2537 } 2538 } elsif (-d $fullPath) { 2539 @testsFound = (); 2540 find({ preprocess => \&directoryFilter, wanted => \&fileFilter }, $fullPath); 2541 for my $level (@platformTestHierarchy) { 2542 my $platformPath = catfile($level, $test); 2543 find({ preprocess => \&directoryFilter, wanted => \&fileFilter }, $platformPath) if (-d $platformPath); 2544 } 2545 push @testsToRun, sort pathcmp @testsFound; 2546 @testsFound = (); 2547 } else { 2548 print "test $test not found\n"; 2549 } 2550 } 2551 2552 if (!scalar @ARGV) { 2553 @testsFound = (); 2554 find({ preprocess => \&directoryFilter, wanted => \&fileFilter }, $testDirectory); 2555 for my $level (@platformTestHierarchy) { 2556 find({ preprocess => \&directoryFilter, wanted => \&fileFilter }, $level); 2557 } 2558 push @testsToRun, sort pathcmp @testsFound; 2559 @testsFound = (); 2560 2561 # We need to minimize the time when Apache and WebSocketServer is locked by tests 2562 # so run them last if no explicit order was specified in the argument list. 2563 my @httpTests; 2564 my @websocketTests; 2565 my @otherTests; 2566 foreach my $test (@testsToRun) { 2567 if ($test =~ /^http\//) { 2568 push(@httpTests, $test); 2569 } elsif ($test =~ /^websocket\//) { 2570 push(@websocketTests, $test); 2571 } else { 2572 push(@otherTests, $test); 2573 } 2574 } 2575 @testsToRun = (@otherTests, @httpTests, @websocketTests); 2576 } 2577 2578 # Reverse the tests 2579 @testsToRun = reverse @testsToRun if $reverseTests; 2580 2581 # Shuffle the array 2582 @testsToRun = shuffle(@testsToRun) if $randomizeTests; 2583 2584 return @testsToRun; 2585 } 2586 2587 sub printResults 2588 { 2589 my %text = ( 2590 match => "succeeded", 2591 mismatch => "had incorrect layout", 2592 new => "were new", 2593 timedout => "timed out", 2594 crash => "crashed", 2595 webProcessCrash => "Web process crashed", 2596 error => "had stderr output" 2597 ); 2598 2599 for my $type ("match", "mismatch", "new", "timedout", "crash", "webProcessCrash", "error") { 2600 my $typeCount = $counts{$type}; 2601 next unless $typeCount; 2602 my $typeText = $text{$type}; 2603 my $message; 2604 if ($typeCount == 1) { 2605 $typeText =~ s/were/was/; 2606 $message = sprintf "1 test case (%d%%) %s\n", 1 * 100 / $count, $typeText; 2607 } else { 2608 $message = sprintf "%d test cases (%d%%) %s\n", $typeCount, $typeCount * 100 / $count, $typeText; 2609 } 2610 $message =~ s-\(0%\)-(<1%)-; 2611 print $message; 2612 } 2613 } 2614 2615 sub stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded() 2616 { 2617 # --reset-results does not check pass vs. fail, so exitAfterNFailures makes no sense with --reset-results. 2618 return 0 if $resetResults; 2619 2620 my $passCount = $counts{match} || 0; # $counts{match} will be undefined if we've not yet passed a test (e.g. the first test fails). 2621 my $newCount = $counts{new} || 0; 2622 my $failureCount = $count - $passCount - $newCount; # "Failure" here includes timeouts, crashes, etc. 2623 if ($exitAfterNFailures && $failureCount >= $exitAfterNFailures) { 2624 print "\nExiting early after $failureCount failures. $count tests run."; 2625 closeDumpTool(); 2626 return 1; 2627 } 2628 2629 my $crashCount = $counts{crash} || 0; 2630 my $webProcessCrashCount = $counts{webProcessCrash} || 0; 2631 my $timeoutCount = $counts{timedout} || 0; 2632 if ($exitAfterNCrashesOrTimeouts && $crashCount + $webProcessCrashCount + $timeoutCount >= $exitAfterNCrashesOrTimeouts) { 2633 print "\nExiting early after $crashCount crashes, $webProcessCrashCount web process crashes, and $timeoutCount timeouts. $count tests run."; 2634 closeDumpTool(); 2635 return 1; 2636 } 2637 2638 return 0; 2639 } 2640 2641 # Store this at global scope so it won't be GCed (and thus unlinked) until the program exits. 2642 my $debuggerTempDirectory; 2643 2644 sub createDebuggerCommandFile() 2645 { 2646 return unless isCygwin(); 2647 2648 my @commands = ( 2649 '.logopen /t "' . toWindowsPath($testResultsDirectory) . "\\" . $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix . '.txt"', 2650 '.srcpath "' . toWindowsPath(sourceDir()) . '"', 2651 '!analyze -vv', 2652 '~*kpn', 2653 'q', 2654 ); 2655 2656 $debuggerTempDirectory = File::Temp->newdir; 2657 2658 my $commandFile = File::Spec->catfile($debuggerTempDirectory, "debugger-commands.txt"); 2659 unless (open COMMANDS, '>', $commandFile) { 2660 print "Failed to open $commandFile. Crash logs will not be saved.\n"; 2661 return; 2662 } 2663 print COMMANDS join("\n", @commands), "\n"; 2664 unless (close COMMANDS) { 2665 print "Failed to write to $commandFile. Crash logs will not be saved.\n"; 2666 return; 2667 } 2668 2669 return $commandFile; 2670 } 2671 2672 sub readRegistryString($) 2673 { 2674 my ($valueName) = @_; 2675 chomp(my $string = `regtool --wow32 get "$valueName"`); 2676 return $string; 2677 } 2678 2679 sub writeRegistryString($$) 2680 { 2681 my ($valueName, $string) = @_; 2682 2683 my $error = system "regtool", "--wow32", "set", "-s", $valueName, $string; 2684 2685 # On Windows Vista/7 with UAC enabled, regtool will fail to modify the registry, but will still 2686 # return a successful exit code. So we double-check here that the value we tried to write to the 2687 # registry was really written. 2688 return !$error && readRegistryString($valueName) eq $string; 2689 } 2690 2691 sub setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving() 2692 { 2693 return unless isCygwin(); 2694 2695 unless (defined $ENV{_NT_SYMBOL_PATH}) { 2696 print "The _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable is not set. Crash logs will not be saved.\nSee <http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingOnWindows#GettingCrashLogs>.\n"; 2697 return; 2698 } 2699 2700 my $ntsdPath = File::Spec->catfile(toCygwinPath($ENV{PROGRAMFILES}), "Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)", "ntsd.exe"); 2701 unless (-f $ntsdPath) { 2702 $ntsdPath = File::Spec->catfile(toCygwinPath($ENV{ProgramW6432}), "Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)", "ntsd.exe"); 2703 unless (-f $ntsdPath) { 2704 $ntsdPath = File::Spec->catfile(toCygwinPath($ENV{SYSTEMROOT}), "system32", "ntsd.exe"); 2705 unless (-f $ntsdPath) { 2706 print STDERR "Can't find ntsd.exe. Crash logs will not be saved.\nSee <http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingOnWindows#GettingCrashLogs>.\n"; 2707 return; 2708 } 2709 } 2710 } 2711 2712 # If we used -c (instead of -cf) we could pass the commands directly on the command line. But 2713 # when the commands include multiple quoted paths (e.g., for .logopen and .srcpath), Windows 2714 # fails to invoke the post-mortem debugger at all (perhaps due to a bug in Windows's command 2715 # line parsing). So we save the commands to a file instead and tell the debugger to execute them 2716 # using -cf. 2717 my $commandFile = createDebuggerCommandFile() or return; 2718 2719 my @options = ( 2720 '-p %ld', 2721 '-e %ld', 2722 '-g', 2723 '-lines', 2724 '-cf "' . toWindowsPath($commandFile) . '"', 2725 ); 2726 2727 my %values = ( 2728 Debugger => '"' . toWindowsPath($ntsdPath) . '" ' . join(' ', @options), 2729 Auto => 1 2730 ); 2731 2732 foreach my $value (keys %values) { 2733 $previousWindowsPostMortemDebuggerValues{$value} = readRegistryString("$windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey/$value"); 2734 next if writeRegistryString("$windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey/$value", $values{$value}); 2735 2736 print "Failed to set \"$windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey/$value\". Crash logs will not be saved.\nSee <http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingOnWindows#GettingCrashLogs>.\n"; 2737 return; 2738 } 2739 2740 print "Crash logs will be saved to $testResultsDirectory.\n"; 2741 } 2742 2743 END { 2744 return unless isCygwin(); 2745 2746 foreach my $value (keys %previousWindowsPostMortemDebuggerValues) { 2747 next if writeRegistryString("$windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey/$value", $previousWindowsPostMortemDebuggerValues{$value}); 2748 print "Failed to restore \"$windowsPostMortemDebuggerKey/$value\" to its previous value \"$previousWindowsPostMortemDebuggerValues{$value}\"\n."; 2749 } 2750 } 2751