1 /*
2 **
3 ** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
4 **
5 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 **
9 ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 **
11 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 ** limitations under the License.
16 */
18 // This source file is automatically generated
20 #include "jni.h"
21 #include "JNIHelp.h"
22 #include <android_runtime/AndroidRuntime.h>
23 #include <utils/misc.h>
25 #include <assert.h>
26 #include <GLES/gl.h>
27 #include <GLES/glext.h>
29 static int initialized = 0;
31 static jclass nioAccessClass;
32 static jclass bufferClass;
33 static jmethodID getBasePointerID;
34 static jmethodID getBaseArrayID;
35 static jmethodID getBaseArrayOffsetID;
36 static jfieldID positionID;
37 static jfieldID limitID;
38 static jfieldID elementSizeShiftID;
40 /* Cache method IDs each time the class is loaded. */
42 static void
nativeClassInit(JNIEnv * _env,jclass glImplClass)43 nativeClassInit(JNIEnv *_env, jclass glImplClass)
44 {
45 jclass nioAccessClassLocal = _env->FindClass("java/nio/NIOAccess");
46 nioAccessClass = (jclass) _env->NewGlobalRef(nioAccessClassLocal);
48 jclass bufferClassLocal = _env->FindClass("java/nio/Buffer");
49 bufferClass = (jclass) _env->NewGlobalRef(bufferClassLocal);
51 getBasePointerID = _env->GetStaticMethodID(nioAccessClass,
52 "getBasePointer", "(Ljava/nio/Buffer;)J");
53 getBaseArrayID = _env->GetStaticMethodID(nioAccessClass,
54 "getBaseArray", "(Ljava/nio/Buffer;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
55 getBaseArrayOffsetID = _env->GetStaticMethodID(nioAccessClass,
56 "getBaseArrayOffset", "(Ljava/nio/Buffer;)I");
58 positionID = _env->GetFieldID(bufferClass, "position", "I");
59 limitID = _env->GetFieldID(bufferClass, "limit", "I");
60 elementSizeShiftID =
61 _env->GetFieldID(bufferClass, "_elementSizeShift", "I");
62 }
65 static void *
getPointer(JNIEnv * _env,jobject buffer,jarray * array,jint * remaining,jint * offset)66 getPointer(JNIEnv *_env, jobject buffer, jarray *array, jint *remaining, jint *offset)
67 {
68 jint position;
69 jint limit;
70 jint elementSizeShift;
71 jlong pointer;
73 position = _env->GetIntField(buffer, positionID);
74 limit = _env->GetIntField(buffer, limitID);
75 elementSizeShift = _env->GetIntField(buffer, elementSizeShiftID);
76 *remaining = (limit - position) << elementSizeShift;
77 pointer = _env->CallStaticLongMethod(nioAccessClass,
78 getBasePointerID, buffer);
79 if (pointer != 0L) {
80 *array = NULL;
81 return (void *) (jint) pointer;
82 }
84 *array = (jarray) _env->CallStaticObjectMethod(nioAccessClass,
85 getBaseArrayID, buffer);
86 *offset = _env->CallStaticIntMethod(nioAccessClass,
87 getBaseArrayOffsetID, buffer);
89 return NULL;
90 }
93 static void
releasePointer(JNIEnv * _env,jarray array,void * data,jboolean commit)94 releasePointer(JNIEnv *_env, jarray array, void *data, jboolean commit)
95 {
96 _env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(array, data,
97 commit ? 0 : JNI_ABORT);
98 }
100 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 /* GLbitfield glQueryMatrixxOES ( GLfixed *mantissa, GLint *exponent ) */
102 static jint
android_glQueryMatrixxOES___3II_3II(JNIEnv * _env,jobject _this,jintArray mantissa_ref,jint mantissaOffset,jintArray exponent_ref,jint exponentOffset)103 android_glQueryMatrixxOES___3II_3II
104 (JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jintArray mantissa_ref, jint mantissaOffset, jintArray exponent_ref, jint exponentOffset) {
105 jint _exception = 0;
106 const char * _exceptionType;
107 const char * _exceptionMessage;
108 GLbitfield _returnValue = -1;
109 GLfixed *mantissa_base = (GLfixed *) 0;
110 jint _mantissaRemaining;
111 GLfixed *mantissa = (GLfixed *) 0;
112 GLint *exponent_base = (GLint *) 0;
113 jint _exponentRemaining;
114 GLint *exponent = (GLint *) 0;
116 if (!mantissa_ref) {
117 _exception = 1;
118 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
119 _exceptionMessage = "mantissa == null";
120 goto exit;
121 }
122 if (mantissaOffset < 0) {
123 _exception = 1;
124 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
125 _exceptionMessage = "mantissaOffset < 0";
126 goto exit;
127 }
128 _mantissaRemaining = _env->GetArrayLength(mantissa_ref) - mantissaOffset;
129 if (_mantissaRemaining < 16) {
130 _exception = 1;
131 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
132 _exceptionMessage = "length - mantissaOffset < 16 < needed";
133 goto exit;
134 }
135 mantissa_base = (GLfixed *)
136 _env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(mantissa_ref, (jboolean *)0);
137 mantissa = mantissa_base + mantissaOffset;
139 if (!exponent_ref) {
140 _exception = 1;
141 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
142 _exceptionMessage = "exponent == null";
143 goto exit;
144 }
145 if (exponentOffset < 0) {
146 _exception = 1;
147 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
148 _exceptionMessage = "exponentOffset < 0";
149 goto exit;
150 }
151 _exponentRemaining = _env->GetArrayLength(exponent_ref) - exponentOffset;
152 if (_exponentRemaining < 16) {
153 _exception = 1;
154 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
155 _exceptionMessage = "length - exponentOffset < 16 < needed";
156 goto exit;
157 }
158 exponent_base = (GLint *)
159 _env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(exponent_ref, (jboolean *)0);
160 exponent = exponent_base + exponentOffset;
162 _returnValue = glQueryMatrixxOES(
163 (GLfixed *)mantissa,
164 (GLint *)exponent
165 );
167 exit:
168 if (exponent_base) {
169 _env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(exponent_ref, exponent_base,
170 _exception ? JNI_ABORT: 0);
171 }
172 if (mantissa_base) {
173 _env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(mantissa_ref, mantissa_base,
174 _exception ? JNI_ABORT: 0);
175 }
176 if (_exception) {
177 jniThrowException(_env, _exceptionType, _exceptionMessage);
178 }
179 return _returnValue;
180 }
182 /* GLbitfield glQueryMatrixxOES ( GLfixed *mantissa, GLint *exponent ) */
183 static jint
android_glQueryMatrixxOES__Ljava_nio_IntBuffer_2Ljava_nio_IntBuffer_2(JNIEnv * _env,jobject _this,jobject mantissa_buf,jobject exponent_buf)184 android_glQueryMatrixxOES__Ljava_nio_IntBuffer_2Ljava_nio_IntBuffer_2
185 (JNIEnv *_env, jobject _this, jobject mantissa_buf, jobject exponent_buf) {
186 jint _exception = 0;
187 const char * _exceptionType;
188 const char * _exceptionMessage;
189 jarray _mantissaArray = (jarray) 0;
190 jint _mantissaBufferOffset = (jint) 0;
191 jarray _exponentArray = (jarray) 0;
192 jint _exponentBufferOffset = (jint) 0;
193 GLbitfield _returnValue = -1;
194 jint _mantissaRemaining;
195 GLfixed *mantissa = (GLfixed *) 0;
196 jint _exponentRemaining;
197 GLint *exponent = (GLint *) 0;
199 mantissa = (GLfixed *)getPointer(_env, mantissa_buf, &_mantissaArray, &_mantissaRemaining, &_mantissaBufferOffset);
200 if (_mantissaRemaining < 16) {
201 _exception = 1;
202 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
203 _exceptionMessage = "remaining() < 16 < needed";
204 goto exit;
205 }
206 exponent = (GLint *)getPointer(_env, exponent_buf, &_exponentArray, &_exponentRemaining, &_exponentBufferOffset);
207 if (_exponentRemaining < 16) {
208 _exception = 1;
209 _exceptionType = "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException";
210 _exceptionMessage = "remaining() < 16 < needed";
211 goto exit;
212 }
213 if (mantissa == NULL) {
214 char * _mantissaBase = (char *)_env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(_mantissaArray, (jboolean *) 0);
215 mantissa = (GLfixed *) (_mantissaBase + _mantissaBufferOffset);
216 }
217 if (exponent == NULL) {
218 char * _exponentBase = (char *)_env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(_exponentArray, (jboolean *) 0);
219 exponent = (GLint *) (_exponentBase + _exponentBufferOffset);
220 }
221 _returnValue = glQueryMatrixxOES(
222 (GLfixed *)mantissa,
223 (GLint *)exponent
224 );
226 exit:
227 if (_exponentArray) {
228 releasePointer(_env, _exponentArray, exponent, _exception ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE);
229 }
230 if (_mantissaArray) {
231 releasePointer(_env, _mantissaArray, mantissa, _exception ? JNI_FALSE : JNI_TRUE);
232 }
233 if (_exception) {
234 jniThrowException(_env, _exceptionType, _exceptionMessage);
235 }
236 return _returnValue;
237 }
239 static const char *classPathName = "android/opengl/GLES10Ext";
241 static JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
242 {"_nativeClassInit", "()V", (void*)nativeClassInit },
243 {"glQueryMatrixxOES", "([II[II)I", (void *) android_glQueryMatrixxOES___3II_3II },
244 {"glQueryMatrixxOES", "(Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;)I", (void *) android_glQueryMatrixxOES__Ljava_nio_IntBuffer_2Ljava_nio_IntBuffer_2 },
245 };
register_android_opengl_jni_GLES10Ext(JNIEnv * _env)247 int register_android_opengl_jni_GLES10Ext(JNIEnv *_env)
248 {
249 int err;
250 err = android::AndroidRuntime::registerNativeMethods(_env, classPathName, methods, NELEM(methods));
251 return err;
252 }