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4page.metaDescription=The official site for Android developers. Provides the Android SDK and documentation for app developers and designers.
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54                    <h1 style="white-space:nowrap;line-height:1em;">Developer Story: Smule</h1>
55                    <p>The creators of AutoRap, Magic Piano, and Songify talk about launching on
56                       Android and the explosive global growth they’ve seen on Google Play.</p>
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61                        <a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/jelly-bean.html"><img src="{@docRoot}images/home/android-jellybean.png" ></a>
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64                    <h1>Android 4.2 Jelly Bean!</h1>
65                    <p>The latest version of Jelly Bean is here, with performance optimizations, a refreshed UI, and great new features for developers. </p>
66                    <p>Android 4.2 includes APIs for developing lock sceen widgets and Daydream screensavers, using external displays, creating RTL layouts, building flexible UI with nested Fragments, and much more.</p>
67                    <p><a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/jelly-bean.html" class="button">Learn More</a></p>
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75                    <h1>Make your Android apps<br>look great</h1>
76                    <p>New templates in the design guide make it easier than ever to design apps
77that are beautiful and easy to use.</p>
78                    <p><a href="{@docRoot}design/index.html" class="button">Learn More</a></p>
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86                        <h1>Android videos<br/> from Google I/O!</h1>
87                        <p>If you couldn't make it to Google I/O this year or want to review some of the material,
88                          all of the Android sessions are now available for viewing online.</p>
89                        <p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4C6BCDE45E05F49E&feature=plcp"
90class="button">Watch the Android sessions</a></p>
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99                        <h1>Publish your apps<br>in Google Play</h1>
100                        <p>The most visited store in the world for Android apps. Cloud-connected and always synced, it's never been easier for users to find and download your apps.</p>
102                        <p><a href="{@docRoot}distribute/index.html" class="button">Learn More</a></p>
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