1# Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer 2# Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 3# http://code.google.com/p/ceres-solver/ 4# 5# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 6# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 7# 8# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, 9# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 10# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, 11# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation 12# and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 13# * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be 14# used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without 15# specific prior written permission. 16# 17# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" 18# AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 19# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE 20# ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE 21# LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 22# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 23# SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS 24# INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN 25# CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 26# ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 27# POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 28# 29# Author: keir@google.com (Keir Mierle) 30 31CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8.0) 32 33IF (COMMAND cmake_policy) 34 CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0003 NEW) 35ENDIF (COMMAND cmake_policy) 36 37PROJECT(CERES C CXX) 38 39# Set up the git hook to make Gerrit Change-Id: lines in commit messages. 40SET (LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY) 41IF (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) 42 # .git directory can be found on Unix based system, or on Windows with 43 # Git Bash (shipped with msysgit) 44 SET (LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) 45ELSE (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) 46 # TODO(keir) Add proper windows support 47ENDIF (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) 48 49IF (EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}) 50 IF (NOT EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}/hooks/commit-msg) 51 # Download the hook only if it is not already present 52 FILE(DOWNLOAD https://ceres-solver-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg 53 ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/commit-msg) 54 55 # Make the downloaded file executable, since it is not by default. 56 FILE(COPY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/commit-msg 57 DESTINATION ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}/hooks/ 58 FILE_PERMISSIONS 59 OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE 60 GROUP_READ GROUP_WRITE GROUP_EXECUTE 61 WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE) 62 ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}/hooks/commit-msg) 63ENDIF (EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}) 64 65SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) 66SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) 67SET(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) 68 69# Important: Always bump the second number (e.g. 1.3.x to 1.4.0) for any 70# release that changes the ABI. The ABI changes for almost any modification to 71# include/ceres (e.g. the public API). If you are unsure about whether 72# something is an ABI change, please ask on the list. 73# 74# For versions without ABI changes, bump the smallest number in CERES_VERSION, 75# but leave the CERES_ABI_VERSION unchanged. 76SET(CERES_VERSION 1.4.0) 77SET(CERES_ABI_VERSION 1.4.0) 78 79ENABLE_TESTING() 80 81OPTION(BUILD_TESTING 82 "Enable tests" 83 ON) 84 85OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID 86 "Build for Android. Use build_android.sh instead of setting this." 87 OFF) 88 89# To get a more static build, try the following line on Mac and Linux: 90# SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .a ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) 91 92# Default locations to search for on various platforms. 93LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /usr/lib) 94LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /usr/local/lib) 95LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /usr/local/homebrew/lib) # Mac OS X 96LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /opt/local/lib) 97 98LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include) 99LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/include) 100LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/homebrew/include) # Mac OS X 101LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /opt/local/include) 102 103# Locations to search for Eigen 104SET(EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) 105LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include/eigen3) # Ubuntu 10.04's default location. 106LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/include/eigen3) 107LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/homebrew/include/eigen3) # Mac OS X 108LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /opt/local/var/macports/software/eigen3/opt/local/include/eigen3) # Mac OS X 109 110# Locations to search for SuiteSparse 111SET(SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) 112LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS /usr/lib/suitesparse) # Ubuntu 113LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS /usr/local/lib/suitesparse) 114LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS /opt/local/lib/ufsparse) # Mac OS X 115 116SET(SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) 117LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include/suitesparse) # Ubuntu 118LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/include/suitesparse) 119LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /opt/local/include/ufsparse) # Mac OS X 120 121SET(CXSPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) 122SET(CXSPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) 123LIST(APPEND CXSPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include/suitesparse) # Ubuntu 124 125# Check for SuiteSparse dependencies 126MESSAGE("-- Check for AMD") 127SET(AMD_FOUND TRUE) 128 129FIND_LIBRARY(AMD_LIB NAMES amd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 130IF (EXISTS ${AMD_LIB}) 131 MESSAGE("-- Found AMD library: ${AMD_LIB}") 132ELSE (EXISTS ${AMD_LIB}) 133 MESSAGE("-- Did not find AMD library") 134 SET(AMD_FOUND FALSE) 135ENDIF (EXISTS ${AMD_LIB}) 136 137FIND_PATH(AMD_INCLUDE NAMES amd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 138IF (EXISTS ${AMD_INCLUDE}) 139 MESSAGE("-- Found AMD header in: ${AMD_INCLUDE}") 140ELSE (EXISTS ${AMD_INCLUDE}) 141 MESSAGE("-- Did not find AMD header") 142 SET(AMD_FOUND FALSE) 143ENDIF (EXISTS ${AMD_INCLUDE}) 144 145MESSAGE("-- Check for CAMD") 146SET(CAMD_FOUND TRUE) 147 148FIND_LIBRARY(CAMD_LIB NAMES camd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 149IF (EXISTS ${CAMD_LIB}) 150 MESSAGE("-- Found CAMD library: ${CAMD_LIB}") 151ELSE (EXISTS ${CAMD_LIB}) 152 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CAMD library") 153 SET(CAMD_FOUND FALSE) 154ENDIF (EXISTS ${CAMD_LIB}) 155 156FIND_PATH(CAMD_INCLUDE NAMES camd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 157IF (EXISTS ${CAMD_INCLUDE}) 158 MESSAGE("-- Found CAMD header in: ${CAMD_INCLUDE}") 159ELSE (EXISTS ${CAMD_INCLUDE}) 160 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CAMD header") 161 SET(CAMD_FOUND FALSE) 162ENDIF (EXISTS ${CAMD_INCLUDE}) 163 164MESSAGE("-- Check for COLAMD") 165SET(COLAMD_FOUND TRUE) 166 167FIND_LIBRARY(COLAMD_LIB NAMES colamd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 168IF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_LIB}) 169 MESSAGE("-- Found COLAMD library: ${COLAMD_LIB}") 170ELSE (EXISTS ${COLAMD_LIB}) 171 MESSAGE("-- Did not find COLAMD library") 172 SET(COLAMD_FOUND FALSE) 173ENDIF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_LIB}) 174 175FIND_PATH(COLAMD_INCLUDE NAMES colamd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 176IF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) 177 MESSAGE("-- Found COLAMD header in: ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}") 178ELSE (EXISTS ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) 179 MESSAGE("-- Did not find COLAMD header") 180 SET(COLAMD_FOUND FALSE) 181ENDIF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) 182 183MESSAGE("-- Check for CCOLAMD") 184SET(CCOLAMD_FOUND TRUE) 185 186FIND_LIBRARY(CCOLAMD_LIB NAMES ccolamd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 187IF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_LIB}) 188 MESSAGE("-- Found CCOLAMD library: ${CCOLAMD_LIB}") 189ELSE (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_LIB}) 190 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CCOLAMD library") 191 SET(CCOLAMD_FOUND FALSE) 192ENDIF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_LIB}) 193 194FIND_PATH(CCOLAMD_INCLUDE NAMES ccolamd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 195IF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) 196 MESSAGE("-- Found CCOLAMD header in: ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}") 197ELSE (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) 198 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CCOLAMD header") 199 SET(CCOLAMD_FOUND FALSE) 200ENDIF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) 201 202MESSAGE("-- Check for CHOLMOD") 203SET(CHOLMOD_FOUND TRUE) 204 205FIND_LIBRARY(CHOLMOD_LIB NAMES cholmod PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 206IF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_LIB}) 207 MESSAGE("-- Found CHOLMOD library: ${CHOLMOD_LIB}") 208ELSE (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_LIB}) 209 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CHOLMOD library") 210 SET(CHOLMOD_FOUND FALSE) 211ENDIF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_LIB}) 212 213FIND_PATH(CHOLMOD_INCLUDE NAMES cholmod.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 214IF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) 215 MESSAGE("-- Found CHOLMOD header in: ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}") 216ELSE (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) 217 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CHOLMOD header") 218 SET(CHOLMOD_FOUND FALSE) 219ENDIF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) 220 221# If SuiteSparse version is >= 4 then SuiteSparse_config is required. 222# For SuiteSparse 3, UFconfig.h is required. 223MESSAGE("-- Check for SuiteSparse_config (SuiteSparse v4)") 224SET(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND TRUE) 225 226FIND_LIBRARY(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB 227 NAMES suitesparseconfig 228 PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 229IF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}) 230 MESSAGE("-- Found SuiteSparse_config library: ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}") 231ELSE (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}) 232 MESSAGE("-- Did not find SuiteSparse_config library") 233ENDIF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}) 234 235FIND_PATH(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE 236 NAMES SuiteSparse_config.h 237 PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 238IF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) 239 MESSAGE("-- Found SuiteSparse_config header in: ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}") 240ELSE (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) 241 MESSAGE("-- Did not find SuiteSparse_config header") 242ENDIF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) 243 244IF (NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB} OR NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) 245 SET(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND FALSE) 246ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB} OR NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) 247 248MESSAGE("-- Check for UFconfig (SuiteSparse v3)") 249SET(UFCONFIG_FOUND TRUE) 250 251FIND_PATH(UFCONFIG_INCLUDE 252 NAMES UFconfig.h 253 PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 254IF (EXISTS ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) 255 MESSAGE("-- Found UFconfig header in: ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}") 256ELSE (EXISTS ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) 257 MESSAGE("-- Did not find UFconfig header") 258 SET(UFCONFIG_FOUND FALSE) 259ENDIF (EXISTS ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) 260 261MESSAGE("-- Check for METIS (optional)") 262FIND_LIBRARY(METIS_LIB NAMES metis PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 263 264IF (EXISTS ${METIS_LIB}) 265 MESSAGE("-- Found METIS library: ${METIS_LIB}") 266ELSE (EXISTS ${METIS_LIB}) 267 MESSAGE("-- Did not find METIS library") 268ENDIF (EXISTS ${METIS_LIB}) 269 270SET(BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND TRUE) 271IF (${APPLE}) 272 # Mac OS X has LAPACK/BLAS bundled in a framework called 273 # "vecLib". Search for that instead of for the normal "lapack" 274 # library. 275 FIND_LIBRARY(LAPACK_LIB NAMES vecLib) 276ELSE (${APPLE}) 277 FIND_LIBRARY(BLAS_LIB NAMES blas) 278 IF (EXISTS ${BLAS_LIB}) 279 MESSAGE("-- Found BLAS library: ${BLAS_LIB}") 280 ELSE (EXISTS ${BLAS_LIB}) 281 MESSAGE("-- Did not find BLAS library") 282 SET(BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND FALSE) 283 ENDIF (EXISTS ${BLAS_LIB}) 284 FIND_LIBRARY(LAPACK_LIB NAMES lapack) 285ENDIF (${APPLE}) 286 287IF (EXISTS ${LAPACK_LIB}) 288 MESSAGE("-- Found LAPACK library: ${LAPACK_LIB}") 289ELSE (EXISTS ${LAPACK_LIB}) 290 SET(BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND FALSE) 291 MESSAGE("-- Did not find LAPACK library") 292ENDIF (EXISTS ${LAPACK_LIB}) 293 294SET(SUITESPARSE_FOUND 295 ${AMD_FOUND} AND 296 ${CAMD_FOUND} AND 297 ${COLAMD_FOUND} AND 298 ${CCOLAMD_FOUND} AND 299 ${CHOLMOD_FOUND} AND 300 (${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND} OR ${UFCONFIG_FOUND}) AND 301 ${BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND}) 302 303# By default, if all of SuiteSparse's dependencies are found, Ceres is 304# built with SuiteSparse support. -DSUITESPARSE=ON/OFF can be used to 305# enable/disable SuiteSparse explicitly. 306IF (DEFINED SUITESPARSE) 307 IF (${SUITESPARSE}) 308 IF (NOT ${SUITESPARSE_FOUND}) 309 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "One or more of SuiteSparse's dependencies was not found") 310 ENDIF (NOT ${SUITESPARSE_FOUND}) 311 ELSE (${SUITESPARSE}) 312 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) 313 ENDIF (${SUITESPARSE}) 314ELSE (DEFINED SUITESPARSE) 315 IF (${SUITESPARSE_FOUND}) 316 MESSAGE("-- Found all SuiteSparse dependencies. Building with SuiteSparse") 317 SET(SUITESPARSE ON) 318 ELSE (${SUITESPARSE_FOUND}) 319 MESSAGE("-- Did not find all SuiteSparse dependencies. Building without SuiteSparse") 320 SET(SUITESPARSE OFF) 321 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) 322 ENDIF (${SUITESPARSE_FOUND}) 323ENDIF (DEFINED SUITESPARSE) 324 325# By default, if all of CXSparse's dependencies are found, Ceres is 326# built with CXSparse support. -DCXSPARSE=ON/OFF can be used to 327# enable/disable CXSparse explicitly. 328MESSAGE("-- Check for CXSparse") 329SET(CXSPARSE_FOUND ON) 330 331FIND_LIBRARY(CXSPARSE_LIB NAMES cxsparse PATHS ${CXSPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) 332IF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_LIB}) 333 MESSAGE("-- Found CXSparse library in: ${CXSPARSE_LIB}") 334ELSE (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_LIB}) 335 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CXSparse header") 336 SET(CXSPARSE_FOUND FALSE) 337ENDIF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_LIB}) 338 339FIND_PATH(CXSPARSE_INCLUDE NAMES cs.h PATHS ${CXSPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 340IF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) 341 MESSAGE("-- Found CXSparse header in: ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}") 342ELSE (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) 343 MESSAGE("-- Did not find CXSparse header") 344 SET(CXSPARSE_FOUND FALSE) 345ENDIF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) 346 347IF (DEFINED CXSPARSE) 348 IF (${CXSPARSE}) 349 IF (NOT ${CXSPARSE_FOUND}) 350 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "-- CXSparse not found.") 351 ENDIF (NOT ${CXSPARSE_FOUND}) 352 ELSE (${CXSPARSE}) 353 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_CXSPARSE) 354 ENDIF (${CXSPARSE}) 355ELSE (DEFINED CXSPARSE) 356 IF (${CXSPARSE_FOUND}) 357 MESSAGE("-- Building with CXSparse support.") 358 SET(CXSPARSE ON) 359 ELSE (${CXSPARSE_FOUND}) 360 MESSAGE("-- Building without CXSparse.") 361 SET(CXSPARSE OFF) 362 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_CXSPARSE) 363 ENDIF (${CXSPARSE_FOUND}) 364ENDIF (DEFINED CXSPARSE) 365 366# Google Flags 367OPTION(GFLAGS 368 "Enable Google Flags." 369 ON) 370 371IF (${GFLAGS}) 372 MESSAGE("-- Check for Google Flags") 373 FIND_LIBRARY(GFLAGS_LIB NAMES gflags PATHS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) 374 IF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_LIB}) 375 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR 376 "Can't find Google Flags. Please specify: " 377 "-DGFLAGS_LIB=...") 378 ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_LIB}) 379 MESSAGE("-- Found Google Flags library: ${GFLAGS_LIB}") 380 FIND_PATH(GFLAGS_INCLUDE NAMES gflags/gflags.h PATHS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) 381 IF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) 382 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR 383 "Can't find Google Flags. Please specify: " 384 "-DGFLAGS_INCLUDE=...") 385 ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) 386 MESSAGE("-- Found Google Flags header in: ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}") 387ELSE (${GFLAGS}) 388 MESSAGE("-- Google Flags disabled; no tests or tools will be built!") 389 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_GFLAGS) 390ENDIF (${GFLAGS}) 391 392# Google Logging 393IF (NOT ${BUILD_ANDROID}) 394 MESSAGE("-- Check for Google Log") 395 FIND_LIBRARY(GLOG_LIB NAMES glog PATHS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) 396 IF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_LIB}) 397 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR 398 "Can't find Google Log. Please specify: " 399 "-DGLOG_LIB=...") 400 ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_LIB}) 401 MESSAGE("-- Found Google Log library: ${GLOG_LIB}") 402 403 FIND_PATH(GLOG_INCLUDE NAMES glog/logging.h PATHS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) 404 IF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_INCLUDE}) 405 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR 406 "Can't find Google Log. Please specify: " 407 "-DGLOG_INCLUDE=...") 408 ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_INCLUDE}) 409 MESSAGE("-- Found Google Log header in: ${GLOG_INCLUDE}") 410ELSE (NOT ${BUILD_ANDROID}) 411 SET(GLOG_LIB miniglog) 412 MESSAGE("-- Using minimal Glog substitute for Android (library): ${GLOG_LIB}") 413 SET(GLOG_INCLUDE internal/ceres/miniglog) 414 MESSAGE("-- Using minimal Glog substitute for Android (include): ${GLOG_INCLUDE}") 415ENDIF (NOT ${BUILD_ANDROID}) 416 417# Eigen 418MESSAGE("-- Check for Eigen 3.0") 419FIND_PATH(EIGEN_INCLUDE NAMES Eigen/Core PATHS ${EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS}) 420IF (NOT EXISTS ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}) 421 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Eigen. Try passing -DEIGEN_INCLUDE=...") 422ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}) 423MESSAGE("-- Found Eigen 3.0: ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}") 424 425# Template specializations for the Schur complement based solvers. If 426# compile time, binary size or compiler performance is an issue, you 427# may consider disabling this. 428OPTION(SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS 429 "Enable fixed-size schur specializations." 430 ON) 431 432IF (NOT ${SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS}) 433 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_RESTRICT_SCHUR_SPECIALIZATION) 434 MESSAGE("-- Disabling Schur specializations (faster compiles)") 435ENDIF (NOT ${SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS}) 436 437# Multithreading using OpenMP 438OPTION(OPENMP 439 "Enable threaded solving in Ceres (requires OpenMP)" 440 ON) 441 442IF (${OPENMP}) 443 FIND_PACKAGE(OpenMP) 444 IF(${OPENMP_FOUND}) 445 MESSAGE("-- Found OpenMP.") 446 SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}") 447 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_USE_OPENMP) 448 ELSE(${OPENMP_FOUND}) 449 MESSAGE("-- Can't find OpenMP. Continuing without it.") 450 ENDIF(${OPENMP_FOUND}) 451ENDIF (${OPENMP}) 452 453# Protocol buffers 454OPTION(PROTOBUF 455 "Enable protocol buffers support." 456 ON) 457 458IF (${PROTOBUF}) 459 FIND_PACKAGE(Protobuf) 460 IF (${PROTOBUF_FOUND}) 461 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIRS}) 462 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/internal) 463 ELSE (${PROTOBUF_FOUND}) 464 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_PROTOCOL_BUFFERS) 465 ENDIF (${PROTOBUF_FOUND}) 466ELSE (${PROTOBUF}) 467 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_PROTOCOL_BUFFERS) 468ENDIF (${PROTOBUF}) 469 470 471# Use threads but not on Android, where there is no support for OpenMP yet. 472IF ("${UNIX}" AND NOT ${BUILD_ANDROID}) 473 # At least on Linux, we need pthreads to be enabled for mutex to compile. 474 # This may not work on windows or android. 475 FIND_PACKAGE(Threads REQUIRED) 476 SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}") 477 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_HAVE_PTHREAD) 478 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_HAVE_RWLOCK) 479ENDIF ("${UNIX}" AND NOT ${BUILD_ANDROID}) 480 481# Disable threads in mutex.h. Someday, after there is OpenMP support in 482# Android, this can get removed. Also turn on a workaround for an NDK bug. 483IF (${BUILD_ANDROID}) 484 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_THREADS) 485 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_WORK_AROUND_ANDROID_NDK_COMPILER_BUG) 486ENDIF (${BUILD_ANDROID}) 487 488OPTION(DISABLE_TR1 489 "Don't use TR1. This replaces some hash tables with sets. Slower." 490 OFF) 491 492IF (${DISABLE_TR1}) 493 MESSAGE("-- Replacing unordered_map/set with map/set (warning: slower!)") 494 ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_TR1) 495ELSE (${DISABLE_TR1}) 496 MESSAGE("-- Using normal TR1 unordered_map/set") 497 # Use the std namespace for the hash<> and related templates. This may vary by 498 # system. 499 IF (MSVC) 500 # This is known to work with Visual Studio 2010 Express. 501 ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_START=namespace std {\"") 502 ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_END=}\"") 503 ELSE (MSVC) 504 # This is known to work with recent versions of Linux and Mac OS X. 505 ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_START=namespace std { namespace tr1 {\"") 506 ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_END=}}\"") 507 ENDIF (MSVC) 508ENDIF (${DISABLE_TR1}) 509 510INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( 511 include 512 internal 513 internal/ceres 514 ${GLOG_INCLUDE} 515 ${EIGEN_INCLUDE} 516 ) 517 518FILE(GLOB CERES_HDRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ceres/*.h) 519INSTALL(FILES ${CERES_HDRS} DESTINATION include/ceres) 520 521FILE(GLOB CERES_PUBLIC_INTERNAL_HDRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ceres/internal/*.h) 522INSTALL(FILES ${CERES_PUBLIC_INTERNAL_HDRS} DESTINATION include/ceres/internal) 523 524IF (${SUITESPARSE}) 525 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${AMD_INCLUDE}) 526 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CAMD_INCLUDE}) 527 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) 528 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) 529 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) 530 IF (${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND}) 531 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) 532 ENDIF (${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND}) 533 IF (${UFCONFIG_FOUND}) 534 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) 535 ENDIF (${UFCONFIG_FOUND}) 536ENDIF(${SUITESPARSE}) 537 538IF (${CXSPARSE}) 539 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) 540ENDIF(${CXSPARSE}) 541 542IF (${GFLAGS}) 543 INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) 544ENDIF (${GFLAGS}) 545 546# Change the default build type from Debug to Release, while still 547# supporting overriding the build type. 548# 549# The CACHE STRING logic here and elsewhere is needed to force CMake 550# to pay attention to the value of these variables. 551IF (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) 552 MESSAGE("-- No build type specified; defaulting to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.") 553 SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING 554 "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." 555 FORCE) 556ELSE (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) 557 IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") 558 MESSAGE("\n=================================================================================") 559 MESSAGE("\n-- Build type: Debug. Performance will be terrible!") 560 MESSAGE("-- Add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to the CMake command line to get an optimized build.") 561 MESSAGE("\n=================================================================================") 562 ENDIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") 563ENDIF (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) 564 565# Set the default Ceres flags to an empty string. 566SET (CERES_CXX_FLAGS) 567 568IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") 569 IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) 570 IF (${BUILD_ANDROID}) 571 # TODO(keir): Figure out what flags should go here to make an optimized 572 # native ARM binary for Android. 573 ELSE (${BUILD_ANDROID}) 574 # Linux 575 IF (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") 576 SET (CERES_CXX_FLAGS "${CERES_CXX_FLAGS} -march=native -mtune=native") 577 ENDIF (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") 578 # Mac OS X 579 IF (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") 580 SET (CERES_CXX_FLAGS "${CERES_CXX_FLAGS} -fast -msse3") 581 ENDIF (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") 582 ENDIF (${BUILD_ANDROID}) 583 ENDIF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) 584 SET (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} ${CERES_CXX_FLAGS}" 585 CACHE STRING "Release mode flags to the C++ Compiler" FORCE) 586ENDIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") 587 588# After the tweaks for the compile settings, disable some warnings on MSVC. 589IF (MSVC) 590 # Disable signed/unsigned int conversion warnings. 591 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4018") 592 # Disable warning about using struct/class for the same symobl. 593 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4099") 594 # Disable warning about the insecurity of using "std::copy". 595 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4996") 596 # Disable performance warning about int-to-bool conversion. 597 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4800") 598 # Disable performance warning about fopen insecurity. 599 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4996") 600 # Disable warning about int64 to int32 conversion. Disabling 601 # this warning may not be correct; needs investigation. 602 # TODO(keir): Investigate these warnings in more detail. 603 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4244") 604 # It's not possible to use STL types in DLL interfaces in a portable and 605 # reliable way. However, that's what happens with Google Log and Google Flags 606 # on Windows. MSVC gets upset about this and throws warnings that we can't do 607 # much about. The real solution is to link static versions of Google Log and 608 # Google Test, but that seems tricky on Windows. So, disable the warning. 609 ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4251") 610 611 # Google Flags doesn't have their DLL import/export stuff set up correctly, 612 # which results in linker warnings. This is irrelevant for Ceres, so ignore 613 # the warnings. 614 SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /ignore:4049") 615ENDIF (MSVC) 616 617# GCC is not strict enough by default, so enable most of the warnings. 618IF ("${UNIX}") 619 SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS 620 "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter") 621ENDIF ("${UNIX}") 622 623ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(internal/ceres) 624 625OPTION(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION 626 "Build User's Guide (pdf)" 627 OFF) 628 629IF (${BUILD_DOCUMENTATION}) 630 MESSAGE("-- Documentation building is enabled") 631 632 # Generate the User's Guide (pdf). 633 # The corresponding target is UserGuide, but is included in ALL. 634 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(docs) 635ENDIF (${BUILD_DOCUMENTATION}) 636 637OPTION(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples" ON) 638 639IF (${BUILD_EXAMPLES}) 640 MESSAGE("-- Build the examples.") 641 ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(examples) 642ELSE (${BUILD_EXAMPLES}) 643 MESSAGE("-- Do not build any example.") 644ENDIF (${BUILD_EXAMPLES}) 645 646# Add an uninstall target to remove all installed files. 647CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake.in" 648 "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake" 649 IMMEDIATE @ONLY) 650 651ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall 652 COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake) 653