1Tests that the window.DeviceMotionEvent and window.ondevicemotion properties are present. 2 3On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". 4 5 6PASS typeof window.DeviceMotionEvent == 'object' is true 7PASS typeof window.DeviceMotionEvent == 'function' is false 8PASS hasDeviceMotionEventProperty() is true 9PASS 'DeviceMotionEvent' in window is true 10PASS window.hasOwnProperty('DeviceMotionEvent') is true 11PASS typeof window.ondevicemotion == 'object' is true 12PASS hasOnDeviceMotionProperty() is true 13PASS 'ondevicemotion' in window is true 14PASS window.hasOwnProperty('ondevicemotion') is true 15PASS successfullyParsed is true 16 17TEST COMPLETE 18 19